Certificates in Professional Development in Social Entrepreneurship

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Postgraduate Accredited Certificates in Professional Development in Social Entrepreneurship


Social and Community Enterprise

Ethics for Social/ Community Enterprise

This course is designed to provide a focus for on the importance and position of social/community enterprise and its political and legal context. The course takes an applied approach looking at the

Course Code: CPSM001

This course is designed to provide a focus for on the importance and position of business ethics in the management of social/ community enterprises. The course takes an applied approach looking

Course Code: CPSM002

application of social/community enterprise theories in a changing external

at the application of ethical theories and concepts to social/community

environment for social/community enterprise. The course will look at forms of

enterprise. The course will look at the challenges of managing business

social enterprise, legal frameworks, the changing political environment including

ethics in social/community enterprise when aiming to balance both social and

the Big Society and public sector transition to social enterprise. The course will

commercial objectives. The course will also analyse the ethical motivations of social

assist students in gaining the knowledge required to ensure their organisations

entrepreneurs within the social/community enterprise sector. The course will assist

understand the external environment for social/community enterprise.

students in gaining the knowledge required to ensure their organisations understand

Course Aims

the importance of having a clear approach to managing business ethics.

to provide students with:

Course Aims

1  The ability to demonstrate the knowledge and critical understanding of the definitions, different forms and legal structures of social/community enterprise and the role of social

to provide students with:

1  The ability to understand the philosophical underpinnings of ethical decision making in



2  The ability to critically assess both the position of social enterprise in the economy and the

2  The ability to assess the impact of ethics on Social/community Enterprise organisations.

impact of the external political and social environment on social/community enterprise.

3  An understanding how to appraise an Ethical Policy for a Social Enterprise.

3  The ability to apply social/enterprise models and concepts such as value systems, stakeholder

4  The ability to understand the role of business ethics in establishing a competitive position for

management models and measuring impact tools to social/community organisations.

social/community enterprise.

4  The ability to enable students to critically evaluate their own social/community organisations and

Learning Outcomes:

identify key strategic areas for the future organisation. 5  The ability to highlight current trends in the sector and best practice.

1  Evaluate the philosophical underpinnings of ethical reasoning. 2  Critically appraise the different ethical perspectives of a number of theorists.

Learning Outcomes:

3  Critically analyse the cultural, social, political, and personal dimensions of ethics within a Social/ 1  Evaluate Social/Community enterprise and social entrepreneurship in a changing external environment.

community enterprise environment.

2  Critically evaluate the impact of Social/community organisations Critically appraise the value systems of

4  Critically analyse a Social/community Enterprise, and show an academic underpinning to an ethical

Social enterprise.


3  Critically evaluate the impact of legal and political factors on the sector including the Big Society and public

5  Evaluate the importance of the ethical dimensions in the management of Social Enterprise and its role in

sector transition.


sustainable development.

4  Evaluate the role and responsibility of social enterprise Assess and map stakeholders for their contribution to


6  Produce an ethical policy for a Social/Community Enterprise.

social enterprise.

7  Demonstrate research skills and the ability to analyse the requirements for an ethical policy and present this.

Summary of Material:

•  Origins of social/community enterprise. •  Review of social and political context investigating the role of National, Regional and European Government

Summary of Material:

including the impact of the New Coalition government’s Big Society initiative.

•  Ethical theories and the different philosophical positions for social/community enterprise. •  Sustainable Development in Social/Community Enterprise.

•  Transition of public services to social enterprises.

•  Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics.

•  Defining social and community enterprise, different organisational forms and legal frameworks.

•  Managing Business ethics for competitive advantage.

•  Six characteristics of social enterprise.

•  Different approaches to Managing Business ethics in organisations.

•  The role of social entrepreneurs.

1  Developing ethical policies and codes of conduct.

•  Values in the social economy.

•  Ethical Governance.

•  Measuring impact of social economic organisations. •  Financing social enterprises and social capital.


Assessment: Assessment Type

Sample Question

Weighting (%)

2,500 word individual critical

2,500 word individual critical analysis of the social political



and legal context of the students social/community

Assessment Type

Sample Question

Weighting (%)

500 word assessment

First 500 word assessment to analyse and summarise the


key arguments in a seminal research paper on business ethics. Qualifying

enterprise. Qualifying

Duration - word length equiv.

Learning Outcomes Assessed


Duration - word length equiv.

Learning Outcomes Assessed







No Assessment Type

Sample Question

Weighting (%) 75

Assessment Type

Sample Question

Weighting (%)

2,500 word individual ethical

2,500 word individual ethical analysis and formulation of

500 word analysis of seminal journal

500 word critical analysis of social enterprise and social



ethical policy for a social/community enterprise of your

article about social enterprise context

entreprenuership context of seminal article

choice. Qualifying


Duration - word length equiv.

Learning Outcomes Assessed


Duration - word length equiv.

Learning Outcomes Assessed








Marketing for Social/ Community Enterprise

Strategic Management for Social/Community Enterprise

This course is designed to provide a focus for on the importance and position of strategic management within social/community enterprises. The course takes an applied approach looking at the

Course Code: CPSM003

application of strategic management theories and concepts to social/ community enterprise. The course will look at the challenges of strategic

This course is designed to provide a focus for on the importance and position of strategic management within social/community enterprises. The course takes an applied approach looking at the application of strategic management theories and concepts to social/ community enterprise. The course will look at the challenges of strategic

Course Code: CPSM004

management in social/community enterprise when aiming to balance both

management in social/community enterprise when aiming to balance both

social and commercial objectives. The course will also analyse the concept of

social and commercial objectives. The course will also analyse the concept of

social entrepreneurship within the social/community enterprise sector. The course

social entrepreneurship within the social/community enterprise sector. The course

will assist students in gaining the knowledge required to ensure their organisations

will assist students in gaining the knowledge required to ensure their organisations

understand the importance of having a clear mission and a balanced strategy to achieve

understand the importance of having a clear mission and a balanced strategy to achieve

the strategic goals of the enterprise.

the strategic goals of the enterprise.

Course Aims

Course Aims

to provide students with:

to provide students with:

The ability to investigate strategy development models and to evaluate their applicability to

1  An understanding of the marketing concept.

the social enterprise/community organisation.

2  The ability to develop a marketing concept which is applicable to social/community

1  An understanding of the special hybridity of social/community enterprise and the concept of


social entrepreneurship.

3  An understanding of the concept of market orientation and social branding.

2  The ability to grasp the strategic role of functional departments and other types of business

4  The ability to demonstrate the importance of environmental analysis and marketing planning for

units in the building and maintenance of competitive advantage.

social /community enterprises.

3  The ability to master a range of analytical tools with which to conduct the analysis required to

5  The ability to demonstrate the importance of segmentation, targeting and positioning for social

build value creating strategies based on internal capabilities and market opportunities for social/


community enterprise.

Learning Outcomes:

6  An introduction to the concept of the marketing mix and develop a mix that is suitable and relevant to social/community enterprises.

1  Critically evaluate the usefulness of a range of strategic decision making models in different contexts with special reference to social/community enterprise organisations.

Learning Outcomes:

2  Undertake a critical analysis of the different strategic issues at the corporate, business unit and 1  Critically appraise the importance of marketing to the social/community enterprise.

operational level with special reference to social entrepreneurs and their stakeholders.

2  Critically evaluate the specific challenges inherent in marketing within social/community enterprises.

3  Explain the nature and sources of competitive advantage with special reference to social/community

3  Critically assess the importance of a marketing orientation, branding and ethical, social and relationship





4  Define and critically evaluate the intra- and inter-organisational relationships that must be managed for

4  Undertake internal and external environmental analyses.

effective strategy development and implementation.

5  Develop a strategic marketing plan.

5  Apply a range of analytical models and techniques to determine an organisations strategic options.

6  Segment and target markets and develop positioning strategies within target markets.

6  Develop clear plans for the implementation of an organisations strategy that show a thorough grasp of the

7  Synthesize and present the unique competitive advantage of a social enterprise of your own choice.

cultural, structural and behavioural issues involved in implementing change in organisations. 7  To be able to use stakeholder mapping techniques and apply strategic models to analyse case studies in

Summary of Material:

classroom situation.

Summary of Material:

•  The Changing Definition of Marketing. •  The Dominant Social Paradigm of Marketing. •  The marketing context for social/community enterprise.

management. •  Measuring performance in social/community

•  Marketing orientation in a social/community enterprise context.

•  Developing a social mission and vision.

•  Social Marketing for social/community enterprise.

•  The Role of Social Entrepreneurship.

•  Relationship marketing and social/community enterprise.

•  Determining the current strategic position of the

•  Branding for social/community enterprise.


•  Definitions of strategic management. •  The Strategy development process.


•  Ethical consumption and ethical marketing.

•  Developing strategies and plans. •  Implementation of Strategy and change

Assessment Type

Sample Question

Weighting (%)

500 word analysis of seminal article in this subject area


Duration - word length equiv.

Learning Outcomes Assessed




delivering competitive advantage. •  Value creation and sustainable business models v

•  Marketing planning in a social/community enterprise context

500 word analysis

enterprise context. •  Roles of market position and resource capabilities in

service demands. •  Competitor and market analysis.

Assessment Type

Sample Question

500 word analysis

500 word analysis of seminal paper in strategic management of social enterprise



Duration - word length equiv.

Learning Outcomes Assessed







Weighting (%) 25

Assessment Type

Sample Question

Weighting (%)

Assessment Type

Sample Question

Weighting (%)

2,500 word indvidual marketing

2,500 word individual marketing analysis and plan for a


2,500 word indvidual marketing

2,500 word individual strategic analysis for a social



social enterprise of your choice.


enterprise of your choice.



Duration - word length equiv.

Learning Outcomes Assessed


Duration - word length equiv.

Learning Outcomes Assessed









Marketing for Social/ Community Enterprise -

The key text will be: Doherty, B., Foster, G., Mason, C., Meehan, J., Meehan, K., Rotheroe, N.

Social and Community Enterprise -

and Royce, M. (2009), Management for Social Enterprise, SAGE Publishers (particularly Chapter 6) The key text will be: Other supplementary texts include:

Doherty, B., Foster, G., Mason, C., Meehan, J., Meehan, K., Rotheroe, N. and Royce, M. (2009), Management for Social Enterprise, SAGE Publishers

Sargeant, A., (2005) Marketing Management for Non-profit Organizations, Second Edition, Oxford University Press

Other supplementary texts include:

Westall, A. (2001), Value led Market Driven, Social Enterprise Solutions to Public Policy

Amin, A, Cameron, A and Hudson (2002) Placing the Social Economy, Routledge, London and

Goals, The Institute of Public Policy Research, London.

New York. Journal Readings

Defourney, J. and Borgaza, C., (2001), The Emergence of Social Enterprise, University of Trento, Italy, University of Liege, Belgium.

You will gain from reading a good selection of material, from newspapers to specialist refereed

Department of Trade and Industry (2002), ‘‘Social Enterprise – A Strategy for Success’, London.

journals. You should keep abreast of topical issues, and be prepared to use examples to illustrate

Nicholls, A. (2006b), Social Entrepreneurship: New models of Sustainable Social Change, Oxford

general arguments.

University Press, Oxford.

Good sources both in the library and on electronic sources are Emerald, Dialogue Newsline,

Westall, A. (2001), Value led Market Driven, Social Enterprise Solutions to Public Policy Goals, The

Business Source premier (EBSCO), Ingenta, Wiley Interscience. Some sample articles include:

Institute of Public Policy Research, London. Key Journal is: Journal Readings:

Social Enterprise Journal (Emerald publishers)

You will gain from reading a good selection of material, from newspapers to specialist refereed journals.

Journal of Strategic Marketing

You should keep abreast of topical issues, and be prepared to use examples to illustrate general

European Journal of Marketing



Good sources both in the library and on electronic sources are Emerald, Dialogue Newsline, Business


Source premier (EBSCO), Ingenta, Wiley Interscience. Some sample articles include: Websites Key Journal is:


Social Enterprise Journal (Emerald publishers)

There are also some very useful websites.



Doherty, B. and Thompson, J.L (2006), The diverse world of social enterprise: a collection of eight social


enterprise stories. International Journal of Social Economics, Volume 33 Number 5/6. Websites There are also some very useful websites. http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/newsroom/news_releases/2010/100719-bigsociety.aspx

Strategic Management for Social/Community Enterprise

The key text will be: Doherty, B., Foster, G., Mason, C., Meehan, J., Meehan, K., Rotheroe, N. and Royce, M. (2009), Management for Social Enterprise, SAGE Publishers (particularly Chapter 3) Other supplementary texts include:


Westall, A. (2001), Value led Market Driven, Social Enterprise Solutions to Public Policy Goals, The Institute of Public Policy Research, London.

Ethics for Social/ Community Enterprise - The key text will be: Doherty, B., Foster, G., Mason, C., Meehan, J., Meehan, K., Rotheroe, N. and Royce, M. (2009), Management for Social Enterprise, SAGE Publishers (particularly Chapters 7-8)

Hussey, D. (2003), How to Manage a Voluntary Organization: The Complete Guide for the Not-for-profit Sector, Kogan Page. Journal Readings You will gain from reading a good selection of material, from newspapers to specialist refereed journals. You should keep abreast of topical issues, and be prepared to use examples to illustrate general arguments.

Other supplementary texts include:

Good sources both in the library and on electronic sources are Emerald, Dialogue Newsline, Business Source premier

Crane. A. and Matten, D. (2007), Business Ethics, Oxford University, Oxford.

(EBSCO), Ingenta, Wiley Interscience. Some sample articles include:

Journal Readings

Key Journal is:

You will gain from reading a good selection of material, from newspapers to specialist refereed journals. You should

Social Enterprise Journal (Emerald publishers)

keep abreast of topical issues, and be prepared to use examples to illustrate general arguments.


Good sources both in the library and on electronic sources are Emerald, Dialogue Newsline, Business Source premier


(EBSCO), Ingenta, Wiley Interscience. Some sample articles include:

Doherty, B. and Thompson, J.L (2006), The diverse world of social enterprise: a collection of eight social enterprise stories. International Journal of Social Economics, Volume 33 Number 5/6

Key Journal is: Social Enterprise Journal (Emerald publishers)


Journal of Business Ethics

There are also some very useful websites.

Business Ethics- European Review

http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/newsroom/news_releases/2010/100719-bigsociety.aspx www.cicregulator.gov.uk

For each Course



Course Leader

Sponsoring Pathway / Programme

Bob Doherty

Cert in Professional Development (SCI & SOC SCI)




Faculty of Science and Social Sciences




Faculty of Science and Social Sciences

Pathway type Short Course Pathway name

Cert in Professional Development (SCI & SOC SCI) Compulsory / Optional Compulsory

Learning and Teaching Methods:

The programme will be delivered by a series of three-hour lectures/seminars, which will include the introduction, and discussion of theoretical concepts followed by the application of the concepts to selected


case study examples. This will enable a more in depth discussion of the issues. Key readings will also be provided along with interactive discussions and exercises via the e-learning environment moodle. Students will also be expected to watch DVDs and videos which will be placed on moodle for students to watch between the lectures. Lectures The course will consist of a combination of lecturers/seminars over 6* three-hour periods. Readings Prior to the commencement of the programme the students will be provided with a number of key readings to be covered prior to day one. Between the lectures the students will be given further reading and analysis to carry out. Further self-study materials will be placed on moodle including short films, DVD’s which students will need to utilise between lectures. The mode of delivery will be on Saturdays from 10-5pm or during vacation periods during weekdays.

For more info and for course bookings contact: Jane Davies

Elizabeth Underhill

Faculty Director of Continuing

Continuing Professional

Liverpool Hope University

Professional Development

Development Officer,

Hope Park

T: +44(0) 151 291 3843

Sciences and Social Sciences

Liverpool, L16 9JD

M: +44(0) 771 863 2297

E: underhl@hope.ac.uk

E: daviesj@hope.ac.uk

Price: 500.00 GBP per module

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