Fitness Essays

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The purpose of this research essay is to evaluate my own personal fitness level through a variety of exercises and compare my results to my peers in the class and to the Canadian norms. The controlled assessment of my fitness started with resting measures that included blood pressure and heart beat, then moved onto a body composition assessment that consisted of Body Mass Index (BMI), height, weight, and waist circumference. The assessment evaluation of my fitness was composed of cardiovascular endurance which was measured by a VO2 max, grip strength, push–ups, vertical jump and back extension. Flexibility and balance were assessed as well by using trunk flexion to measure flexibility and balance were measured by standing on one foot having first your eyes open, and then closed.

Introduction/Review of Literature

There are various factors involved in a person's physical fitness, all of which are showed in a basic fitness assessment. With this being said, there is more to successful fitness than just activity. Both physiologically and psychologically, a person must illustrate work ethic and passion over a period of time to be physically fit. The basic fitness assessment conducted upon me started off with an individual assessment and then moved onto a series of physical activity tests. The whole fitness assessment went in the following order: resting measures, body composition, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and balance. With all these Get

My Own Personal Fitness Level Essay
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My Passion For Fitness Essay

Necessity for fitness became passion How fitness became my passion, come along with me to my journey. I've always been passionate about fitness. sooner I realized that there is a super strong relationship between both of us of love or hate. At times, when one has to develop a passion for fitness, one has to become forced relationships at times. Other times, it becomes easy for you to trick your body into believing that this your passion that you ever anticipated for. It's just like a phenomenon similar to when you smile forcefully when you have an option to smile genuinely and hell happy about it while you're faking your way out. At times, I truly believe myself when I say that 'I'm passionate about fitness'. The reality is, on how more content...

The organisation comprises of a dedicated team of expert from dieticians to trainers. Some of the services include Personal Training, Yoga, Corporate Fitness training, and group exercise. We also specialize in wedding crash course and post–natal instant fat loss. We understand time is money, that's why our team of experts have designed such easy and effective exercise sessions which will aid to manage your time to achieve a maximum outcome.

Being a Founder & Director at InstaFitness, I Saurabh also working at the venture as a senior fitness consultant and personal trainer; specialisation in Life Style Modification, Weight management, Pre/Post Pregnancy weight management, Marathon Preparation, Body transformation, Strength Training, Functional Training, Agility Training, HIIT Training, TRX training, Resistance Tubing Exercise, Kick boxing training, Core training. A passion for power and Get more content

The Fitness Center And Gym Essay

The terms fitness center and gym are used interchangeable, with the former sounding slightly more female–friendly and offering patrons more options. But the name on the door means nothing, it 's what 's on the other side of the door that counts. Use these tips to help you choose a facility that is best suited to meet your health and well–being needs. Location Just like real estate, it 's location, location, location. If the fitness center is near your home or workplace, then you will be more apt to stick with your workout routine. If the facility is inconveniently located you will find excuses not to go and soon loose interest. Hours of Operation After a convenient location comes hours of operation which must fall within a time frame that you can go to the fitness center. Visit the facility during the time you plan to go to discover how crowded the place is. If you plan to workout during your lunch hour, but the machines are full and the wait time is usually 30–45 minutes, the place is not going to work for you. Quality Visit the gyms in your area and look at the quality of each facility. The interior and exterior should be clean and well maintained, so should the equipment. Try out some of the equipment while on the visits to make sure it is in good working order. Check out the locker rooms and bathrooms to gauge the cleanliness and safety of the gym. Equipment Some people only use a couple pieces of equipment for their workouts while others want a wide variety of

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Personal Exercise Plan I am going to organise my plan and then perform a personal exercise program, the overall aims of my personal training programme are to: – 1. Improve specific and current fitness levels required for my sporting activity football e.g. Cardio vascular endurance but mainly speed. 2. To improve fitness levels so I can concentrate more on my techniques and skills without having to worry about whether I can endure a full practice session. 3. To improve the level of the standard of my performance and become more successful with my chosen sport 'football'. I will organise a set number of sessions over a period of time using the FITT principle (frequency, time, more content... Power will enable me to compete with greater success when trying to win the ball in a tackle and in the air. В· Power is the amount of work done per unit of time, so when we consider human movement is the product of strength and speed. В· The same work (strength) can be done in a shorter period of time (speed). Anaerobic and Aerobic Sessions When we reach our anaerobic threshold, it means that we are working so hard that we cannot get enough oxygen to our muscles quickly enough. Our muscles will have to get energy from the anaerobic energy system instead. Lactic acid will immediately start to build up. This causes pain, makes us tired and we will not be able to continue at the same intensity for very long. We will build up an oxygen debt and we will also use up our limited supplies of oxygen. Although aerobic fitness will not be the main aim of my fitness program, I will be improving it as my general fitness improves and should in turn help better my speed and activities like swimming will help my cardio–vascular fitness and has other advantages as it will improve my muscular endurance, flexibility and speed and improve circulation. Having a high anaerobic fitness level will help in my football because it means I will be able to keep going for longer when I have very little

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Personal Exercise Plan Essay

My Fitness Journey : My Fitness Journey

My Fitness Journey

Before the Journey

"Ms. Batista! Congratulations!" I stared at her with a look of confusion wondering what she could possibly be congratulating me for. "Cynthia told me you were expecting". "Ohhh," I said with a smile on my face, "I'm not pregnant. Your daughter just stresses me so I eat and drink my stress away and now I've gained weight" is what I wish I said. But instead, I answered with an awkward smile and told her I wasn't pregnant. For the length of time that people asked me if I was pregnant, I could've had a baby that was already on its way to crawling. One time I was in the club letting loose after a long day at work when a young lady approached me and asked, "Is you pregnant?" Wanting to make sure I heard the question correctly, I asked her to repeat it and again she asked, "Is you pregnant?". Already used to this question, I simply answered no. She proceeded to apologize and scidaddled with her life like an Atlanta waterbug in the night. The real mystery was why she felt compelled to ask me that question. Was it the drink in my hand? Was she concerned my nonexistent fetus would suffer from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? Would she have slapped my drink out my hand if I said yes? To this day, I wonder what her reaction would have been had I said yes. Even with the frequent pregnancy questions and random people sending the baby and me well wishes, I still had no interest or desire to go the gym. Of course, I was self–conscious about my stomach, but I

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The Benefits Of Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is to the human body a general state of health and well–being, and more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations.

Being fit doesn't mean being a champion in a particular discipline, or having muscles that pop out from clothes... being fit means living healthy and accordingly being a happy person. Physical fitness is generally achieved through a correct nutrition and a regular training activity. The benefits for being fit are countless, not only the training and the healthy diet will help you to achieve a good body, but it will also clean your mind and make you more happy and relaxed.

Physical fitness, the ability to carry out tasks without undue fatigue, achieved by a correct nutrition and more content...

You obtain this energy from nutrients in the food that you eat– mostly, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Minerals and vitamins are other nutrients that are also important in your diet to help your body stay healthy. It is important to find the right balance between these different nutrients to achieve maximum health benefits. A balanced diet generally contains food from each of the following food groups: starchy foods (such as: bread, rice, potatoes, pasta...), fruit and vegetables, milk and dairy foods, protein foods; these include meat, fish, eggs and other non–dairy sources of protein (including nuts, tofu, beans, pulses, etc.).

Fatty and sugary foods are the fifth food group that you eat. However, only a small amount of what you eat should be made up from fatty and sugary foods. In addition to the above, having plenty of fiber and water in your diet is also important for your health. The reasons that bring a person to be physically fit are numerous, from the benefits that offer to the physical body till the ones that reach the brain and improve the general status of a person's mind at the psychological level. Fitness may help prevent certain serious diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. It may

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Prior to this course, fitness to me meant all about your weight. I now know that it is more to it than just that. Fitness includes exercising, healthy eating, and getting enough rest just to name a few. There are many ways to measure fitness, such as assessments, time periods of exercise, and the use of Body Mass Index (BMI). An important component that I have learned during the duration of this course is that to achieve the appropriate fitness level, it is necessary to mentally discipline yourself. You must motivate yourself to keep thriving; it takes perseverance. Many of us expect results overnight, but that is never the case. Consistent self motivation is a must to achieving fitness goals. At the beginning of this course, my fitness level was what considered to be low. I rarely exercised and when I did, it was only for short periods of time. Whenever I would go to the gym, I only did the bare minimum, so of course, I did not get any results. The only time I was really active was when I was walking around campus to go to my classes. Now, I am much more active. I acquired a gym membership and try toexercise at least 3 times a week. Along with the membership, my internship has kept me active as well. I am usually running back and forth between buildings and chasing little kids all day, things of which I never thought of doing before. I know have habits of going for 30 minutes jogs around the neighborhood and stretching every morning before I start my day. Prior to the Get more content

A Personal Reflection On Fitness And Fitness

Health and fitness has always been a big part of my life even without knowing it, but the transition changed from sport and athletics to the gym and trying to achieve what I thought was expected of me socially. After a year of lagging progress and nearly giving up I decided to give it one more shot I just needed to go after it a different way. I needed to educate myself on the process I was going to undergo to achieve my goals. So I turned to the internet, more specifically Youtube, it became my saving grace, unbeknownst to me at the time there was a large fitness community waiting for me behind my Youtube search bar, ready to provide anyone who looks with large amounts of information on Fitness and training, healthy eating and dieting and a major source of positive motivation to help get anyone started.

We know most of the facts and usually say that we will take the leap into being healthy in the new year, new year new me right? But don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today, because when it comes down to it you're only missing out on some of life's better outcomes. Training has proven to help with weight issues, combats health conditions and fight diseases, improve mood, increase energy and it also promotes better sleep so with all these positives why not trade in a little time to gain all of these benefits?

The biggest problem that I've found is that many people are getting better at finding excuses not to go, than to go which is increasing the sedentary Get

Personal Statement On Health And Fitness
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I believe that the Fashion Institute of Technology is a school that can change my life and career. I truly believe that I am the perfect candidate for FIT because I am committed and passionate about my academics and future goals. Putting aside a completely different major from fashion and learning something new can be challenging, however, I am very desperate and motivated to take on that task. I have confidence in myself, that I am in a perfect position where I will be able to adapt to any learning environment. Furthermore, I want to study graphic design in depth and be able to communicate through my artwork. I believe that FIT is the perfect school that can provide me the perfect path to the life where I can make a living doing what I truly love and enjoy doing. I genuinely love and appreciate art and the fact that you can express anything through it. When people feel emotional through my art, I feel alive and energetic. Ever since I was young, I always attempted to create something and because of that, I developed a great habit of expressing anything through art. The ability to create an artwork using colors, lights, lines, forms, and shapes, is a unique feeling. I was always an artistic kid where I was always interested in language, more content...

My parents would always force me to study, so therefore, I would always study hard and try to finish my daily chores as soon as possible so I can find time to squeeze in art. My parents always expected me to receive high grades, so as they wished, I gradually stopped doing art and focused more on studying throughout my school years. However, my passion for art never decreased, but had to be hidden deep inside my heart. I always had to convince myself that art was something I could do as a hobby and there was something more important that I needed to focus on for a brighter future, however, I was

FIT Personal Statement
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An Discourse Community Of Fitness

Living a healthy lifestyle is a goal many individuals have and that could either be eating vigorous nutritious meals or being active outside in the world, going to the gym for instance. The condition of being physically fit and healthy is what fitness is. Not many people realize the importance of it until they can't fit in their own jeans. Many individuals argue that there isn't enough time for the gym or that there is no point in going because it can cause injury, but in reality, it's all worth it after you realize the outcomes of working out andeating healthy. There is always time to make your life fit and healthier. In order to join this discourse community, a person must learn the typical ways people in that community interact and argue. I will demonstrate that I have entered this discourse community of fitness by obtaining necessary knowledge, establishing strong credibility, and learning to influence other members of the community to strive for more.

As the famous bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, "Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body." During my 3 years of training, I learned much about what it takes to make an out of shape person to a healthy and fit person with just the right decisions and knowledge. For instance, I learned the importance of consistency, in which in order to be actively fit and healthy, there must be consistency. As a young fitness fanatic, I

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My Passion For Fitness And Fitness

As someone who has been an exercise "enthusiast" for over 20 years, I take much pride in helping students learn to love and value exercise and good nutrition. At a young age, I have always strived to embody a healthy lifestyle and help others achieve the same (or greater) level of fitness and athletic success that I have experienced in my life. As a result of my passion for fitness, the driving motivation for a Becoming Youth Athlete trainer is to help fitness novices, youths, and experienced athletes reach their full potentials. My life experiences reveal that fitness is not a temporary means of achieving good health, weight loss, or sports championships, but rather it is a way of life. My main goal is to transform people's lives so they can have an optimal life. In order to Become Fit, I want to provide my clients with good techniques and practices for fitness and nutrition. This introduction is not a summary of my fitness "career", but more of a commitment of the "stick–to–it–iveness" I have to demonstrate that fitness and wellness start early and continues on through life – it's not a phase or a gimmick ..... It's THE lifestyle that should be at the forefront of what you do, how you think, who you are – you get 1 life ... live it well! With prior experience with group training (Hi/Low Impact, Hip–hop classes, Conditioning), and as an entrepreneur that has provided fitness sessions for adults, conditioning classes for youth sports teams, and organizing camps and clinics, Get more content

"He, who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything"

Thomas Carlyle. Beat the Heat with Sandra Phillips and indulge yourself in some physical fitness to rejuvenate your body, mind and soul. Rejuvenate your life by keeping yourself fit and physically active. Today people from all walks of life have become aware and conscious about their health and know the importance of physical fitness. It doesn't matter how old you are, the sooner you take action, the better it is. Work out does not always means long strenuous activity. Today we have so many options to go with like yoga, aerobics or even hitting the gym. Yet if you want to add a little fun to your workout, you can also participate in various sports activities or dance a more content... Involve different activities and change the pattern regularly. Self monitoring will help you to reach your goals faster. Increase the time and exercises gradually to suit your requirement. Reward yourself when you achieve your goals, this will encourage you to achieve more. It is very important that one should have a long term vision. Going on crash diet or hitting the gym for a month and working out vigorously will not have any benefit. It will drain you out and also your body. It also has many adverse effects on your health. It is always better if youexercise with someone as it will always motivate you to do better and also gives you support to do it every day.

Balancing your life is very important for a healthy body and mind. A good lifestyle involves a healthy diet which involves more of green vegetables and organic food; which means less of junk food. Eating the right food is very important. Too much oily food can cause cholesterol and heart problems. Having too much of sweets is also not healthy and in addition to adding those extra kilos it also leads to diabetes. Anything excess or deficient is always harmful; therefore everything should be taken in

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Persuasive Speech On Physical Fitness

Importance of Physical Fitness

importance of physical fitness,

To address the subject on the importance of physical fitness let's look at a summarized list of the immediate and long–term benefits of being fit.

We can divide the list of benefits into several categories:

cardio vascular benefits anti–ageing benefits

wellbeing benefits

aesthetic benefits

sex life benefits

If you would like to read a quick summary about the main components of physical fitness click on the link.

However, before you continue reading about the importance of fitness you can also find out what the most commonly agreed upon and general–purpose definition of physical fitness is.

Importance of Physical Fitness – Cardio Benefits

fitness workouts, Physical more content...

When you look better you also feel better! Importance of physical fitness is most definitely relevant here in this category!

Importance of Physical Fitness – Sex Life Benefits

Why did we include this here? Here is why. If we say that we live in a world where outside appearance does not matter– we would be a bit naГЇve and utopian in making such a statement. We are sure certain activists would disagree, but we also believe the many people would agree with the generalization stated above.

Does this mean we all need to look like supermodels, –of course not. However, being physically active and doing some fitness training or bodybuilding training is something that will just add another item into your plus column.

Sexually, it will help you perform better, especially if you are a guy. Visually, your partner will most definitely be more turned on by you if you have a nice flat stomach and if you're a guy – sexy abs! What woman wouldn't like to see a man that is fit and has nice arms or shoulders or a sexy stomach – we think they all do. Similarly, have you ever heard a man say, oh she is "too fit"? Of course not, is a bit of an

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Planning Personal Fitness Program


My personal fitness program is designed to enhance my speed, agility and cardio–vascular fitness, as well as to improve my skill level in the main parts of tennis. To improve these aspects of my performance I will be doing a six–week course involving, in particular, a circuit–training course, as well as numerous endurance runs and fitness techniques, some of which will be included in my circuit. A circuit involves a series of around 6–10 activities or exercises which each take place at a 'station'. I have 8 stations in my circuit, each focusing on improving separate aspects of tennis and fitness. The stations are done with very little rest more content...

For much of my programme I will be working with a partner, which will increase my safety as they can call for or give help as necessary. I will be training at the Weald Tennis Club in Hassocks, who will provide me with tennis balls as well as courts and nets that are an appropriate size for my circuit, or at the school tennis courts where I will need my own balls; I will use my own tennis racket. The main risk of injury is from overusing my right arm and shoulder, which could cause overuse injuries such as 'tennis elbow'. To prevent these as best as possible I will be carrying out thorough warm ups before each session in my programme, and a thorough warm down at the end of each session.

The stations in my circuit will vary in length to accommodate my different levels of ability for each of the different stations exercises. The stations in the circuit are all designed in accordance with my weaknesses and other areas of my game that I want to improve on. They are all very different exercises, which helps to relieve tedium, as well as giving resting time from the more tiring activities whilst giving rest from the less arduous ones. Because I am fairly fit from playing tennis throughout the summer, and from games at school, I will not need to concentrate as hard on the fitness improving stations in my circuit, though I will be Get more content

Program Essay

Physical fitness plays an important role in one's life, with the growing needs of people, tension, anxiety and stress have become one of the most common problems in modern life. Many people suffer from potentially debilitating symptoms of stress and stress related health issues at some point in their lives and surprisingly people are often unaware that they are suffering from stress related health issues. Studies have shown that people who are stressed are more likely to eat unhealthy food and hence land in complications such as diabetes, obesity and other joint related problems such as arthritis. High levels of stress in pregnant women may also trigger dangerous changes in their children, which include behavioral and developmental issues. Effectively coping with stress, managing it and finding ways to reduce unnecessary, unhealthy levels of stress are important skills of life. When you look at a range of ideas you can do to relieve stress and feel happy, one that more content...

There are different venues and strategies you can use to make walking an enjoyable and social part of your lifestyle. Introduce your body to fitness walking that is gradual in nature. How much walking you need to do depends on your age and fitness level, if you've been inactive for a while, have an existing medical condition or are pregnant, then talk to your doctor or Physical therapist before beginning any walking or exercise program.

To begin walking, Start with slow 10–minute walks on a plane surface with proper shoes on, then gradually increase the distance of your walks. Professionals suggest increasing the length of your walk by 10– to 20% every few weeks and working up to a goal of 20– to 40–minute walks per day shows improvement in your fitness levels. Once you're comfortable with the length of your walk, then you can try increasing your speed and resistance by walking

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Speech On Physical Fitness

The social world I have chosen to put under scrutiny and further analyze through sociological views is the world of fitness centres and gyms. Gyms have many different stigmas surrounding them along with the people that attend them but ultimately, everyone who is a member or decides to go has one goal in mind; these members wish to be a better version of themselves than they were before. Every gym forms its own kind of little community because those who attend create certain groups. The citizens or members within the society are there to achieve the same objective and can relate to one another based on how they share similar goals, aspirations, and mentalities. There are many different aspects that create the gym/fitness centre more content...

Although one of the things that makes the gym community its own type of a social world is the common connection that all members are there with the same ambition, to better themselves. It is not easy to become comfortable in the gym atmosphere quickly if it is something you have never been previously exposed to. A very large contribution to this is due to the fact that individuals do not automatically attain proper knowledge regarding the norms in the fitness social world upon walking through the doors of a gym. Norms are unwritten, unspoken rules that individuals of a certain society follow in order to fit in properly with other individuals who are apart of the same social world. Norms also allow for social worlds to run smoothly and efficiently in a way that creates the greatest kind of society for all of its members to thrive in (Little, 2014, p.90). In the fitness realm, there are an abundance of social norms that must be followed in order for the social world to run smoothly and in order for individuals to be accepted and feel part of the community. Some examples of social norms at the gym include: not taking other people's machines or equipment while they are using them, wiping down equipment and machines after you have used them, waiting politely for people to finish using things, respect others personal space and use machines in a

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Fitness And Fitness Essay

Crossfit: Forging Elite Fitness

Elite athletes to grandmothers can use the Crossfit method of fitness to achieve their fitness goals. It is the best and most well rounded fitness program there is in achieving general fitness. Whatever your fitness level and goals, Crossfit has something to offer everyone. Since its inception it has grown in popularity and has helped many reach maximum levels of fitness. This is why Crossfit is the best fitness program there is.


The Crossfit Fitness Organization was founded in 1996 by Coach Greg Glassman. He created the fitness program for one reason, for athletes to be as well rounded as possible in all areas of fitness. In fact, Crossfit is designed around athletes GPP which is more content... These are quantitative measurements that can be tracked and looked back on. These recorded times of these workouts will give the athlete a better understanding of how much their work capacity and strength has increased from one workout to the other. Knowing and analyzing these numbers will give the athlete a better idea of what their strongest and weakest areas of fitness are. This is one concrete way that participants can insure that these workouts are giving them maximum fitness gains. This was shown in a study by the U.S. Army which documented their fitness gains by using Crossfit over a period of time (Army, 2010).

One can clearly see that Crossfit is an effective fitness program by the increase in the number of people that have joined the program and the number of Crossfit gyms (affiliates) that have opened over the years. The numbers do not lie, Crossfit affiliates are in all fifty states and all seven continents with the exception of Antarctica (Crossfit Community: Forging Elite Community, 2012). Crossfit was founded in 2006 and is still going strong. It continues to promote overall physical fitness and long term well being. More and more people everyday take part in Crossfit workouts all over the globe at many different Crossfit affiliates. Crossfit is the

Crossfit: Forging Elite Fitness Essay example
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Diet and Fitness Plan The following project will contain a discussion based on diet and exercise. It will cover a two–day period of time and feature an overall assessment of physical fitness. Physical fitness is defined "as a state of physiologic well–being that is achieved through a combination of good diet, regular physical exercise, and other practices that promote good health" (The Free, 2016) using the facts found in the two–day analysis, a plan designed to increase health and current state of physical well–being. The end state is to use the project as an avenue to increase personal fitness and increase the current state of overall health. The first topic for discussion is the results of the day one analysis. October 17, 2016 was the date selected for the tracking of nutrients. The food consumed was, a Special K protein shake, boneless skinless chicken breast with brown rice, white cream sauce casserole, and, cup of green beans, and 16 ounces of unsweet iced tea. On day one, a goal of 1,800 total calories was set as the target, however, on this day, only 907 calories were consumed. While this may seem like a positive thing, due to being under the calorie goal, however, it is important to take a closer look nutrients as detailed in the report (Supertracker, 2016). The first nutrient in the report is protein, the target for protein consumption was 46 grams. The diet provided some protein rich foods, such as, the protein shake and the boneless Get

The Diet And Fitness Plan Essay
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Personal Statement For A Fitness Trainer

The topic of the Unit 4 Assignment is Outlining your Profession. My desired profession is to be a fitness trainer. I strive to motivate and inspire others to live a healthy lifestyle. Although a degree is not required to complete this goal, I feel that a Bachelor of Science in Health and Wellness from Kaplan will give me a better understanding of the human body and broaden my career path. I will gain knowledge from Kaplan to exceed in the fitness world. Fitness trainers help individual's reach fitness and nutrition goals by motivating and inspiring individuals or groups. Fitness trainers demonstrate different exercises, work out personal nutrition plans, and evaluate the clients level of fitness. There are many aspects to fitness trainer's methods i.e.; weight lifting, cardiovascular, dance, yoga, stretching and strength training. Fitness trainer's work with all ages, sizes, and fitness levels. Fitness trainers will modify exercise to fit a person's physical needs and get a better understanding of a person's weaknesses. "Fitness trainers and instructors work in facilities such as health clubs, fitness or recreation centers, gyms, and yoga and Pilates studios." (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2015) With the upraise of technology and the lack of time working individuals have I feel that online fitness professionals is what is needed. I will strive to be an elite fitness professional in the online world. The requirements for becoming a personal trainer include a high

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Argumentative Essay On Physical Exercise

Engaging in physical exercise has many advantages and it benefits, not only to the physical health but as well as the mental health. Exercising regularly helps to maintain a good health balance in the body, reducing stress and overcoming anxiety and depression in a person. It also activate the chemicals in a person's brain to develop a better mood. This argumentative essay will demonstrate about how exercising helps and improve not only a person's physical health but also mental health such as depression, anxiety and stress.

"Exercise" is a well known word among people all over the world. In fact it is popular among teenagers and adults that are trying to stay fit and healthy. The use of the word "Exercise" is highly overrated because people tend to think that exercising keep them in shape and to lose weights. However, what they do not realised is that exercising also improve one's mental health including depression,anxiety and stress that most people are facing these days. Exercising promote better mood control. Research shows that exercise put long–term depression at ease (Weir, 2011). Based on the evidences of an experiment, studies shows that James Blumenthal, PhD, a clinical psychologist has investigated, together with his colleagues upon some adults with major depressive disorders (Weir, 2011). According to Weir (2011) Blumenthal conducted a mood–exercise connection experiments and found out that "Exercise seems not only important for treating depression, but also in preventing relapse". The release of chemicals such as endorphins and serotonin from exercising increases the mood (Health Direct Australia, 2016). In the year 2006, Otto and his colleagues analysed 11 studies examining the effects of exercise on mental health. It was determined that exercising could be a strong influence for clinical depression (Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 2006, as cited in Weir, 2011). From this, it is concluded that clinicians should think carefully about adding exercise to the treatment plans for their depressed patients (Weir, 2011).

Smits (Co–director) and Otto (Co–writer) of Anxiety and Research and Treatment Program have reasoned that regular exercise help people who are exposed to anxiety

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