Radney Herd Sales Catalogue

Page 1

l-r: Radney QUR Odetta, EX93 aka “The Queen”, Radney MWL Odetta 3 VG89 (full sister to yry) & Radney Raphael Odetta ET VG87 (full sister to Radney Steve)

The Proven ProTein Sale Approximately 54 animals on offer, including 8 in Milk, 20 in calf Heifers, 20 calves & 6 Bulls

T h u r S d ay 2 7 T h J u n e 2 0 19 in aSSociaTion wiTh The ihfa naTional oPen day

radney holSTeinS,

Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville, Co. Cork, P56 FC61

A selection of the Radney herd in their working clothes

“ The Radney Proven Protein Sale” with 55 High Index, High Production, High Solids, High Type Animals on offer (Tested for Immediate Export)

55 Head of High Index, High Production, Show Ready stock, ranging from Calves to YoungCows 50 Females and 5 Bulls on offer

This is your opportunity to acquire foundation animals for your herd, from proven top cow families including the ODETTA, GERRARD, DEBORAH & BELLA families renowned for longevity, production/protein and type, and with multiple proven sires in AI, including YRY, YRD and Radney Mill at Eurogene AI, Radney Steve in Dovea AI and Radney Rock in ABS on behalf of the Henry O’ Keeffe & Family Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville, Co. Cork P56FC61

Thursday the 27th June 2019 @ 4.30pm sharp in conjunction with the IHFA Open Day & National Awards and Stockjudging Competition

enis The Property Solution &

arrett uction Marketing Group

Denis A. Barrett Auctions & Pedigree Sales +353 (0) 21 4278455 / +353 (0) 86 4109848 info@denisbarrett.com www.denisbarrett.com

GENERAL NOTES & INFORMATION Health Status The Radney Herd is a closed Herd. All Animals are 30 day TB tested and are available for immediate export.

Viewings & Inspections

All Animals are available for inspection on the day of the sale, however if you wish to view any of the stock prior to sale day, then please contact Henry O’ Keeffe +353 (0) 87 9583263 or Liam O’ Keeffe +353 (0) 89 4012727

Settlement & Terms

All accounts to be settled in full and is due immediately at the close of the sale and should be made at the auctioneers office on site.

Security of Title

If Payment for any animal or item purchased is offered by cheque, the title or ownership of said items shall remain with the vendor and shall not pass to the purchaser until such cheque has been cleared and paid by their bank.

Internet Bidding -

There is Internet bidding available for this auction, through our online partner – Live Simulcast Bidding Dabbid.com, click on DenisBarrett.com, go to upcoming auction calendar, click on the Radney Sale and Register. If you wish to bid-online, you MUST register with Dabbid.com for pre-approval.

Bidding Number Registration:

We will be operating a “Bidding Number” system for this sale to facilitate the timely running of the Sale, In order to obtain a “Bidding Number” please fill the form on the back page of the catalogue and hand in at the Auctioneers Office on Site to receive your bidding number.

Please Note: It is not a requirement to have a bidding number, only a request in order to conduct the auction in a timely efficient manner. Thank you for your cooperation.

Key Contacts For Further information: Henry O’ Keeffe: Liam O’ Keeffe: Paul Murphy:

Radney Holsteins Radney Holsteins Animal Preparation

+353 (0) 87 9583263 +353 (0) 89 4012727 +353 (0) 87 6295404

Contact Numbers on Day of Sale: Denis Barrett James Hegarty Auction Phone:

Auctioneer Main Clerk Site Office

+353 (0) 87 8560672 +353 (0) 86 4109848 +353 (0) 86 4109848


Please use Eircode P56FC61 – for directions.

Programme of Events:


Day & Trade Stands Open 11.00 National Stock Judging Classes Commence 12.00 Official Opening 13.30 National Herds Competition Results Announced 15.45 The Radney Proven Protein Herd Sale 16.00


Charleville Park Hotel , Limerick Rd, Charleville, Co. Cork The Devon Inn Hotel, Templeglantan East, Limerick Springfort Hall, Twopothouse, Mallow, Co. Cork Hibernian Hotel, Main St, Mallow, Co. Cork

hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs

+ 353 (0) 63 33700 + 353 (0) 69 84122 + 353 (0) 22 21278 + 353 (0) 22 58200

Key Contacts For Further information: Henry O’ Keeffe: Liam O’ Keeffe: Paul Murphy:

Radney Holsteins Radney Holsteins Animal Preparation

+353 (0) 87 9583263 +353 (0) 89 4012727 +353 (0) 87 6295404

Contact Numbers on Day of Sale: Denis Barrett James Hegarty Auction Phone:

Auctioneer Main Clerk Site Office

+353 (0) 87 8560672 +353 (0) 86 4109848 +353 (0) 86 4109848

Sale Managed by Denis A. Barrett Auctions & Pedigree Sales: +353 (0) 21 4278455 / +353 (0) 86 4109848 info@denisbarrett.com www.denisbarrett.com PSRA No: 001346

AUCTIONEERS FOREWORD I would like to welcome everyone here today, for “The Radney Proven Protein Sale. It is an honour and a privilege for me to officiate as auctioneers on this special day for the O’Keeffe Family, especially with such tremendous stock available to suit every dairy person’s requirement. I am very humbled to be asked to conduct this sale, particularly in light of the animals on offer. I know from my experience selling Radney Bulls, over the years, it is the consistency in Milk and Solids, Type and Longevity of their animals, that keeps buyers coming back year after year to buy from the herd. Now you have a chance to acquire the foundation animals for your herd, from proven top cow families including the ODETTA, GERRARD, DEBORAH & BELLA families renowned for longevity, production/protein and type, and with multiple proven sires in AI, including YRY, YRD and Radney Mill at Eurogene Ai, Radney Steve in Dovea Ai and Radney Rock in ABS.” the cream of them are on offer today. With a catalogue as good as this it’s hard to pick out something special, but The Choice of Lot 5 & 6, daughters directly from “The Queen” herself is something special. There is an exceptional 2YO heifer from the Deborah family at lot 10. There is a special Deborah at Lot 15, a full sister to Radney Mill. Also, there are two daughters from the full sister of YRY, who is the mother of Radney Steve at lot’s 32 & lot 40. There is a sweet heifer from the Gearrad’s (same family YRD) at lot 47. There is a super selection of bulls also on offer, ideal Herd sires in the making. This coupled with the fact that the in-calf heifers have been served to Sexed Semen on the 1st services with most holding, and thereafter conventional semen, again all from proven bulls, which is also really exciting. I would like to thank Paul Murphy for his input and support, with this sale and compliment him and his team on making sure these super animals are looking their best for the event. I wish to acknowledge the IHFA staff for being so helpful as always, with special mention to Céline & Edel who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure everything is done with such attention to detail. Again thank you for coming, I hope you enjoy your day and are fortunate enough to end up purchasing one of these superb animals and if you do we wish you the very best of luck with your purchase. Thank you, Denis Barrett

Good Luck to The O'Keeffe Family on their Specialising in Animal Feed For: IHFA National Open Day 2019 Dairy, Beef, Calf, Sheep, Horses, Poultry & Pigs. Manufactured in coarse or cubed form from the highest quality ingredients and delivered in bags or bulk at the most competitive prices. Deloitte

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RADNEY PEDIGREE HERD 697kgs milk solids per cow in 2018 | 76% of the herd classified VG/EX This impressive herd, established in 1987, is characterised by a strong focus on soil management,-

fertility, top performing grazing strategies and influential cow families which help drive impressive annual output and performance.

Located near the village of Freemount, which is nestled close to the North Cork market towns of

Charleville and Kanturk, the Radney herd is copper fastening a formidable reputation for breeding

prowess. Recognition in the market place for Radney breeding stock is such that numerous top prices have been achieved at prominent sales again and again. The quality of the herd, in terms of output, performance and conformation standards, is back-boned by influential cow families.

Numerous prizes and awards have been attained. Last year the herd was presented with the distinguished RDS Champion of Champions Award in recognition to the national success of the Odetta

family. The herd won first place Spring Calving Section in the Cork Club Herds Competition 2017 and

2018. Performance and recognition for the herd was embellished further in achieving second place in the IHFA National Herds Joint-Highest EBI Herd 2018.

The Beginning and Evolution of the Radney Herd “My father had built up a good herd which, unfortunately, was undone following depopulation. In

hindsight it proved to be a major turning point as we decided to establish a pedigree registered herd upon re-stocking.

“I was fortunate to purchase select cow families from the Ardrahan Herd of the Burns family, Kan-

turk. In particular the Odetta, Gerard, Ostrich and Deborah families have been a tremendous success.

These families have delivered generation after generation for milk solids, protein % and functionality. This has opened up a market outlet for the sale of breeding bulls. Five Radney bred bulls have been purchased for AI. At the IHFA Premier Bull Sale 2017 three Radney bulls sold for a combined total of

€8,250 while an individual sale price of €5,500 was also previously achieved. In the 2018 sale a Radney bull achieved a price of €5,200.

It’s all about managing the best performance from the herd of cows with regard to the value of milk sales, sale of surplus stock, herd seasonal pattern and maximizing the utilization of grazed grass.” Herd breeding policy is to select for good functional conformation, total milk solids, protein % and

also milk volume. Fertility is a very important consideration. Classification is a helpful tool to identify functionality and using the information to its best effect. Cows that are long lasting means there is surplus breeding stock available for sale.

Radney Rachael Odetta ET VG87, Radney WUH Odetta 4 EX91 5E, Radney QUR Odetta EX93 8E The Odetta Family, is the spin of the herd, with Radney Seal Odetta EX90 3E was the foundation dam

in the herd. She produced 16 progeny and was the first cow to achieve 4% protein. Her daughter Radney Merci Odetta 4 EX93 8E has a lifetime production of 3,874kgs fat, 3,504kgs protein and 3.56% protein. She calved regularly every year, completing 15 lactations in total.

Radney QUR Odetta EX93 8E is a grand-daughter of the Rock Seal cow is affectionately known as The Queen. More than most she has propelled the family into the limelight. She is currently in her

10th lactation and has bred 11 daughters so far. Her success and fruitful influence was enhanced via

success with flushing and embryo transfer. Both her son Radney Levi 5 (YRY) and grand son Radney Steve ET (FR4098) have been selected to enter AI. Radney MWL Odetta 3 VG87 is the dam of Rad-

ney Steve and she is full sister to Radney Levi 5. In her second lactation she recorded 9,775kgs milk, 4.20% fat, 3.66% protein and 769kgs milk solids (305 d).

Radney MIW Odetta 2 EX92 6E in her 6th lactation recorded 10,328kgs milk, 784kgs milk solids and 3.63% protein (303 days). Of note, she calved in as a heifer on January 26 and calved again in the month of January every successive year with her 9th calving this year occurring in February.

Radney DUT Odetta EX91 3E with a 3rd lactation yield of 10,490kgs milk, 885kgs solids, 3.80% protein.

Radney DUT Odetta 6 VG87with a 4th lactation yield of 10,380kgs milk, 619 kgs solids, 4.19% protein. Radney RXO Odetta VG89 with a 2nd lactation yield of 9,549kgs milk, 722kgs solids, 3.72% protein.

The Deborah family also excels for

duction, conformation and longevity
with 16 natural-born members of the

currently in the herd. Radney OOK

rah EX90 2E in her 4th lactation
recorded 8,628kgs milk, 4.36% fat, 4.14%

734kgs milk solids. Radney BYJ

EX90 in her third lactation gave
8,755kg at 4.59% fat and 4.15% protein.
She has two full sisters from Radney Mill
in the herd,

while her daughter Radney
YRY Deborah

EX90 (3rd calver) and gave 9,055kg,
4.37% fat, 4.03% protein in her second

tion and Radney YRY Dehorah 1425 VG85

Radney GIO Gerard EX90

recorded 777kg solids, 4.72% fat and 3.80% protein in her first lactation.

The Gerrard family is also firmly estab-

lished, exemplified by Radney QUR Gerrard 2 EX92 4E now in her 7th lactation. In her

4th lactation she produced 9,515kgs milk,

4.47% fat, 3.95% protein 801kgs milk solids. Radney BWV Triempress EX90 is a recent

recipient of Diamond Award status. Her to-

tal lifetime production to date is 86,302kgs milk, 3,358kgs fat, 3,252kgs protein, 3.89% fat, 3.77% protein. Fertility performance

is excellent, having calved ten times since

Radney YRY Deborah EX90

2010, calving twice in 2017. Calved since

the start of February she is now in her 10th lactation. She has three daughters in the

herd who are all performing very well, with

high consistant yields and volumes of milk solids;

Radney YRY Triempress VG87 in 2 lactations has averaged 7,529kgs milk, 3.76% protein

Radney NFT Triempress VG87 in her 3rd

lactation recorded 7,770kgs milk, 4.22% fat, 4.23% protein, 656kgs milk solids.

Radney LLK Triempress recorded 7,971kgs

milk, 4.42% fat, 3.73% protein, 649kgs milk solids in her 2nd lactation.

Radney MCL Deborah 2 EX91

Fact File

Established in 1987.

Managed by Henry and Marie O’Keeffe and their youngest son, Liam.

Milking herd of 90 pedigree registered cows in 2018 with close to 95% spring calving.

Milk recorded average - 8,874kgs milk, 4.12% fat, 3.74% protein, 697kgs milk solids. SCC 65.

82 cows scored VG or EX following most recent IHFA classification inspection.

Cow families include Odetta, Ostrich, Gerrard, Deborah, Triempress and Bella.

“We breed for functional cows with good production and longevity, cows with strong udders and feet & legs, that develop into excellent cows and provide a calf every year. Good fertility is very important” comments Henry.

Mature cows of fourth lactation or older make up 43% of the herd, an example of good longevity, fertility and durability.

Seven Radney cows have been awarded Gold or Diamond award for achieving 3,000kgs lifetime protein production.

Numerous Radney bred bulls have been purchased for AI in recent years. In total about 25 breeding bulls are sold every year, commanding top prices at the prominent auctions.

Farming a total of 200 acres with a milking block of 105 acres.

Strategic use of zero-grazing helps boost efficient performance of grass in the diet and utilisation of available acres.

LOT 1 Radney Lwr Odetta 1813 EBI €173 Overall Indexes





Milk Traits

Milk Kg 149

Fat Kg 7.83

Prot Kg 9.72

Fat % 0.04


372216166331813 (1813)






Charity Lot: going to€73Marymount Hospice Care €173All Proceeds 37% €60 €43 -€8 €7Palliative -€2 €0

LOT 1 CI Survival Radney Lwr Odetta 1813 EBI €173 -4.5(days) 1.3(%) LOT 1 LOTTraits 1Indexes Overall Type Feet/Legs Udder Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk Radney Lwr Odetta 1813 EBI €173 -1.47 -1.12 -1.57 €173 37% €60

Fertility Traits

Prot %


HO (81%),FR (19%) Female

10-Mar-2019 - FULL PEDIGREE

372216166331813 HO (81%),FR (19%) (1813) Female Maint



Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint 7.83 9.72 0.04 0.09 Breeder Henry 149 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork €173 37% €60 €73 €43 -€8 €7 Sire Fertility Traits CI Survival Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % (Ig) Longview Reliable (LWR) €224 by (Ig) Castleblagh Odie (ABO) -4.5(days) 1.3(%) 149 7.83 9.72 0.04 0.09






Calv Beef 10-Mar-2019 €43 -€8


372216166331813 (1813) €7 -€2 €0

Dam Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Fertility Traits CI Survival -1.47 -1.12 -1.57 -4.5(days) 1.3(%) Radney Yry Odetta 2 GP 83 IE151289151343 (1343) by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) €121 Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Breeder Henry -1.47 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, -1.12 -1.57 Charleville Co Cork Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Sire 8015 3.66 3.61 293 289 97 305 1 07-01-17 (Ig) Longview Reliable (LWR) €224 285 by (Ig) Castleblagh Odie (ABO) 8111 3.56 3.51 289 61 Charleville 254 20-04-18 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Co2Cork Dam Sire G Dam (Ig) Longview Reliable (LWR) €224 Radney Odetta 2 GP 83 90 IE151289151343 (1343) Radney Yry Belero Odetta 2 EX 2E IE151289170553 €121 Dam Milk Kgs






by (Ig) Castleblagh Odie (ABO) by 5 (YRY) by Radney Radney Levi Belero (IE151289110424) Days


Calving Date

6126 239 223 85 288 1 18-02-07 Radney Odetta PR% 23.63 GP 83BfKgs IE151289151343 (1343) by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) Milk KgsYry3.90 BF% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7378 4.09 3.67 302 271 65 23-01-08 8015 3.66 3.61 293 289 97 305 12 07-01-17 €121 8321 4.33 3.84 360 319 82 299 06-02-09 8111 3.56 3.51 289 285 61 254 23 20-04-18 Milk Kgs 4.38 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8468 3.62 BfKgs 371 306 44 301 4 03-02-10 8015 3.66 3.61 293 289 97 305 1 07-01-17 G Dam 8600 3.71 3.63 319 312 83 281 5 23-02-11 8111 3.56 3.51 289 285 61 254 26 20-04-18 8867 4.08 3.74 362 332 46 305 09-01-12 Radney Belero Odetta 2 EX 90 2E IE151289170553 by Radney Belero (IE151289110424) 7826 3.83 3.75 299 294 575 272 7 19-03-13 GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7185 3.40 3.80 245 273 76 275 81 13-02-14 6126 3.90 3.63 239 223 85 288 18-02-07 Radney Belero Odetta 2 EX 90 2E IE151289170553 by Radney Belero (IE151289110424) 8394 3.67 3.86 308 324 213 296 9 26-01-15 7378 4.09 3.67 302 271 65 305 2 23-01-08 7057 3.81 261 269 181 281 10 25-01-16 Milk Kgs 3.69 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8321 4.33 3.84 BfKgs 360 319 82 299 3 06-02-09 6126 3.90 3.63 239 223 85 288 1 18-02-07 3.62 371 306 44 301 4 03-02-10 3rd8468 Dam 4.38 7378 4.09 3.67 302 271 65 305 25 23-01-08 8600 3.71 3.63 319 312 83 281 23-02-11 8321 4.33 3.84 360 319 82 299 3 06-02-09 Radney Odetta EX 0107796265 by Barold Seal (BRL) 8867 Seal4.08 3.7490 3E362 332 (R006) 46 305 6 Rock 09-01-12 8468 4.38 3.62 371 306 44 301 4 03-02-10 7826 3.83 3.75 299 294 575 272 7 19-03-13 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8600 3.71 3.63 319 312 83 281 23-02-11 31-01-94 7524 4.69 3.71 353 279 108 287 458 7185 3.40 3.80 245 273 76 275 13-02-14 8867 4.08 3.74 362 332 46 305 09-01-12 15-01-95 7778 4.12 3.55 320 276 83 303 569 8394 3.67 3.86 308 324 213 296 26-01-15 7826 3.83 3.75 299 294 575 272 7 19-03-13 16-02-96 6630 4.16 3.63 276 241 73 295 610 7057 3.69 3.81 261 269 181 281 25-01-16 7185 3.40 3.80 245 273 76 275 8 13-02-14 05-02-97 5930 4.28 3.70 254 219 87 259 7 3.67 3.86 308 324 213 296 9 26-01-15 3rd8394 Dam 02-02-98 7290 4.36 3.65 318 266 147 292 8 7057 3.69 3.81 261 269 181 281 10 25-01-16 23-02-99 7344 Seal3.91 3.8490 3E287 282 (R006) 324 289 9 Rock Radney Odetta EX 0107796265 by Barold Seal (BRL) 20-01-00 6785 3.78 3.85 256 262 229 286 10 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 25-03-01 4893 3.81 3.57 187 175 310 206 11 31-01-94 7524 4.69 3.71 353 279 108 287 4 Radney Seal3.92 Odetta EX 90 3E257 0107796265 (R006) by Barold Rock Seal (BRL) 13-02-02 6553 3.91 256 365 280 12 15-01-95 7778 4.12 3.55 320 276 83 303 5 14-03-03 5561 4.16 4.05 232 225 699 255 13 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 16-02-96 6630 4.16 3.63 276 241 73 295 6 31-01-94 14-02-04 7524 4.69 3.71 353 279 108 287 4 5007 4.31 4.06 216 203 366 285 14 05-02-97 5930 4.28 3.70 254 219 87 259 7 15-01-95 23-04-05 7778 4.12 3.55 320 276 83 303 5 2873 3.75 3.86 108 111 2015 184 15 02-02-98 7290 4.36 3.65 318 266 147 292 8 16-02-96 01-12-06 6630 4.16 3.63 276 241 73 295 69 7375 4.31 3.94 318 291 1479 305 16 23-02-99 7344 3.91 3.84 287 282 324 289 05-02-97 5930 4.28 3.70 254 219 87 259 7 20-01-00 3.85 256 262 229 286 10 4th6785 Dam 3.78 02-02-98 7290 4.36 3.65 318 266 147 292 8 25-03-01 4893 3.81 3.57 187 175 310 206 11 Based on 289 Mar Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding ICBF Ardrahan Odetta 483.84 VG Federation 85 0107172578 (B204) by 2019 Cappavilla Quaker 2 (0100465929) 23-02-99 7344 3.91 287 282 324 9 13-02-02 6553 3.92 3.91 257 256 365 280 12 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 20-01-00 6785 3.85 256 262 286 10 Milk Kgs 3.78 BF% PR% BfKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 14-03-03 5561 4.05 completeness 232 of thisPrKgs 225 ICBF shall229 699 made or given by ICBF as to 4.16 the accuracy, reliability, Report. not be liable255 for any losses 13 (whether direct or indirect), 4893 3.57 175 damages, costs or expenses 3.81 whatsoever, incurred or arising187 from any use of or reliance on 310 this Report or 206 the information 11 contained in 25-03-01 it21-02-88 by any person. 5161 3.84 3.43 198 177 0 291 1 14-02-04 5007 4.31 4.06 216 203 366 285 14 13-02-02 6553 3.92 3.91 257 256 365 280 12 6780 3.74 3.26 254 221 0 305 2 27-01-89 23-04-05 2873 3.75 3.86 108 111 2015 184 15 14-03-03 5561 4.16 4.05 232 225 699 255 13 5720 3.93 3.18 225 182 0 259 3 07-02-90 01-12-06 7375 4.31 3.94 318 291 1479 305 16 14-02-04 5007 4.31 4.06 216 203 366 285 14 9176 3.59 3.27 329 300 110 305 7 08-01-94 23-04-05 2873 3.75 3.86 108 111 2015 184 15 9408 3.55 3.20 334 301 155 305 8 12-01-95 01-12-06 7375 4.31 3.94 318 291 1479 305 16 9066 3.60 3.23 327 292 58 9 12-01-96


Overall Indexes Milk Traits



















Milk Kg 223

Fat Kg 5.43

Prot Kg 3.53

Fat % -0.05

Prot %

8,800 Kilos Milk VG 2nd Calver

LOT 55Traits Fertility CI Survival Radney Zol Odetta 1458 (VG -1.6(days) .8(%)85) EBI €80 LOT 2 LOTTraits 55 Type Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk 1.07 0.47 85) EBI 1.14€80 Radney Zol Odetta €80 1458 (VG 35% €12


HO (100%) Female

27-Jan-2016 - FULL PEDIGREE

IE151289141458 HO (100%) Female(1458)



Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel MilkKg Fert% Calv % Breeder Henry 223 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville 5.43 3.53 -0.05 -0.07 €80 35% €12 €30 Co Cork €35 Yield Data Fertility Traits CI Milk Traits Milk Kg Survival Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Milk Kgs

.8(%) 223 5.43 PrKgs 3.53SCC BF% -1.6(days) PR% BfKgs

Type Traits 7660 3.94 Fertility Traits 9175 3.78

Overall Feet/Legs 302 262 Udder 31 CI3.43 Survival 1.07 0.47 1.14 3.43 347 61 -1.6(days) .8(%) 315


27-Jan-2016-€7 €35





IE151289141458 (1458) -€2 €2 €10









-0.05 Lact -0.07 Days Calving Date 305 305

1 2

01-01-18 28-01-19 (proj)

Sire Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Co Cork Numero Uno Tv Tl Ty (S1233) by Amighetti Mr Numero Uno St-Louis-Et (ZOL) 1.07 0.47 €137 1.14 Charleville Yield Dam Data Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Co Milk KgsWuh BF% BfKgs PrKgs SCCCharleville Days LactCorkCalving Date Radney OdettaPR% 4 EX 91 5E IE151289150907 by Markwell Durham Rhyme-Et (WUH) Yield Data (907) €70 3.94 7660 3.43 302 262 31 305 1 01-01-18 9175 3.43 BfKgs 347 315 61 305 2 28-01-19 (proj) Milk Kgs 3.78 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Milk Kgs






Sire 6965 3.83 3.47 267 242 72 7660 3.94 3.43 302 262 31 Mr8031 Numero3.74 Uno St-Louis-Et (ZOL) €137 3.51 300 281 84 9175 3.78 3.43 347 315 61 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 Dam Sire 9019 3.44 3.58 310 323 50 Mr Numero Uno St-Louis-Et (ZOL) €137 Radney Odetta 4 EX 91304 5E IE151289150907 8857 Wuh 3.44 3.62 320 188 (907) €70 3.69 Dam 10776 3.37 397 363 31 9727 3.89 3.40 379 331 28 Radney OdettaPR% 4 EX 91 5E IE151289150907 Milk KgsWuh BF% BfKgs PrKgs SCC (907) €70 3.83 6965 3.47 267 242 72 G Dam 8031 3.74 3.51 300 281 84 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Radney Dut3.59 Odetta EX IE151289160775 (775) 9740 3.5791 4E 350 347 83 6965 3.83 3.47 267 242 72 Milk Kgs 3.44 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 9019 3.58 BfKgs 310 323 50 8031 3.74 3.51 300 281 84 6958 5.32 3.60 370 251 43 8857 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 8518 3.74 379 318 40 10776 4.45 3.69 3.37 397 363 31 9019 3.44 3.58 310 323 50 10409 4.70 3.80 489 396 55 9727 3.89 3.40 379 331 28 8857 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 10776 3.89 3.69 3.37 397 363 31 G Dam 10917 3.81 425 416 60 9727 3.89 3.40 379 331 28 11237Dut4.17 3.7191 4E469 417 50 Radney Odetta EX IE151289160775 (775) 10109 4.49 3.76 454 380 50 GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 6958 5.32 3.60 370 251 43 Radney Dut Odetta EX 91 4E IE151289160775 (775) 3rd8518 Dam 4.45 3.74 379 318 40



Calving Date

290 1 15-01-13 305 01-01-18 by Amighetti Numero (proj) Uno Tv Tl Ty (S1233) 305 03-01-14 305 2 28-01-19 305 3 08-02-15 305 4 27-01-16 by Markwell Amighetti Durham Numero Uno Tv Tl Ty (S1233) by 305 5 10-01-17 Rhyme-Et (WUH) 305 6 07-01-18 305 7 09-01-19 (proj) by Markwell Durham Rhyme-Et (WUH) Days Lact Calving Date 290 1 15-01-13 305 2 03-01-14 Days Lact Calving Date by Desmunt (DUT) 305 3 08-02-15 290 1 15-01-13 Days Lact Calving Date 305 4 27-01-16 305 2 03-01-14 305 10-01-11 305 51 10-01-17 305 3 08-02-15 305 19-01-12 305 62 07-01-18 305 4 27-01-16 305 08-01-13 305 73 09-01-19 (proj) 305 5 10-01-17 305 4 25-01-14 305 07-01-18 305 56 27-03-15 305 7 09-01-19 (proj) 305 6 15-09-16 by Desmunt (DUT) 305 7 19-12-17 Days Lact Calving Date 305 8 05-01-19 (proj) 305 1 10-01-11 by Desmunt (DUT) 305 2 19-01-12 Milk Kgs 4.70 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 10409 3.80 489 396 55 305 3 Radney Odetta EX IE151289150592 (592) 305 by Qg 1Europe08-01-13 ET (QUR) 6958 Qur5.32 3.6093 8E370 251 43 10-01-11 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 4 25-01-14 Milk Kgs 4.45 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 8518 3.74 BfKgs 379 318 40 305 Lact 2 19-01-12 10917 3.89 3.81 425 416 60 305 5 27-03-15 07-02-08 6528 3.90 275 255 57 282 13 10409 4.22 4.70 3.80 489 396 55 305 08-01-13 11237 4.17 3.71 469 417 50 305 15-09-16 19-01-09 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 305 264 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 25-01-14 10109 4.49 3.76 454 380 50 305 7 19-12-17 24-01-10 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 305 3 10917 3.89 3.81 425 416 60 305 5 27-03-15 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 305 05-01-19 (proj) 24-01-11 10616 3.94 428 419 46 305 486 11237 4.03 4.17 3.71 469 417 50 305 15-09-16 14-02-12 10011 3.77 441 377 48 289 57 10109 4.40 4.49 3.76 454 380 50 305 19-12-17 19-01-13 11577 3.75 449 434 53 305 68 10105 3.88 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 305 05-01-19 (proj) 28-02-14 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 274 7 Based Mar 20198Evaluation 06-02-15 10954 4.51 Breeding 3.88 Federation 494 ICBF 425 116 on 305 Copyright, Irish Cattle This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis it. No representation or implied is 10036 4.05 3.83 407of information 384provided to 58 305 or warranty 9 expressed19-08-16 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 10-01-18 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 10 damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person.


4th Dam Radney Mars Odetta 2 GP 82 IE151289120350 (350) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs 6235 4.55 3.64 284 227 Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF

6427 6774

4.29 3.99

3.72 3.77

276 270

239 255

by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU)

SCC Days Lact Calving Date 72 305 1 12-01-04 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation

118 498

273 282

2 3

02-03-05 11-02-06

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person.


LOT 50 Radney Yry Ostrich 1544 (GP 82) EBI €149 Overall Indexes

EBI €149

Milk Kg -2

Milk Traits




372216166371544 (1544)








Fat Kg 15.16

Prot Kg 5.6

Fat % 0.25

LOT LOT 350 CI Survival Radney Yry Ostrich 1544 (GP 82) EBI €149 -1.9(days) 1.3(%) Radney Yry Ostrich 1544 (GP 82) EBI €149

Prot %


HO (94%),FR (6%) Female HO (94%),FR (6%) Female

11-Jan-2017 11-Jan-2017 Calv Beef Calv Beef €44 -€11

372216166371544 (1544) 372216166371544 (1544)

Overall Indexes Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk Fert Type Traits Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel Milk Fert AI 17.04.19 to Mountfield JBR Mozaic ET FR4120 €149 36% €65 €40 -0.14 0.01 -0.15 36%




Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % -2 15.16 5.6 0.25 0.10 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork -2 15.16 5.6 0.25 0.10 Yield Data Fertility Traits CI Survival Fertility Traits CI -1.9(days) Survival 1.3(%) Milk Kgs


Milk Kgs Milk Kgs 5606



36% €65 €44 -€11 8,000 Kilos Milk€40@ 3.57% Protein

Fertility LOT 50Traits



PR% BfKgs PrKgs -1.9(days) 1.3(%)





Maint Maint €6 €6

Mgmt Mgmt €3 €3

Health Health €2 €2

Calving Date

Type Traits 4.31 Overall Feet/Legs 7975 3.57 344 285 Udder 46 305 1 05-01-19 (proj) Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder -0.14 0.01 -0.15 Sire -0.14 0.01 -0.15 Radney Levi 5 (YRY) €147 by Morningview Levi (MWL) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Dam Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Yield Data Yield Data Radney Bwz Ostrich 2 EX 90 IE151289131127 (1127) by Bagworth Zander Keet (BWZ) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date €178 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7975 4.31 3.57 344 285 46 305 1 05-01-19 (proj) 7975 3.57 BfKgs 344 285 46 305 1 05-01-19 (proj) Milk Kgs 4.31 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Sire 6077 4.60 3.97 279 241 107 280 1 28-03-15 Sire Radney 5 (YRY) €147 317 by Morningview Levi (MWL) 7237 Levi 4.38 3.89 281 46 292 2 22-02-16 Radney Levi 5 (YRY) €147 by Morningview Levi (MWL) 8836 4.61 3.85 407 340 43 305 3 11-01-17 Dam Dam 9431 4.45 3.81 419 359 46 305 4 27-02-18 Radney Bwz Ostrich 2 EX 90 IE151289131127 (1127) by Bagworth Zander Keet (BWZ) Radney €178 G Dam Bwz Ostrich 2 EX 90 IE151289131127 (1127) by Bagworth Zander Keet (BWZ) €178 Radney WuhBF% OstrichPR% 6 VG 87 IE151289160916 (916) Days by Markwell Durham Rhyme-Et (WUH) Milk Kgs BfKgs PrKgs SCC Lact Calving Date Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6077 3.97 BfKgs 279 241 107 280 Lact 1 28-03-15 Milk Kgs 4.60 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 6077 4.60 3.97 279 241 107 280 28-03-15 7237 4.38 3.89 317 281 46 292 22-02-16 5606 4.66 3.59 261 201 48 305 112 25-01-13 7237 4.38 3.89 317 281 46 292 22-02-16 8836 4.61 3.85 407 340 43 305 11-01-17 6882 4.40 3.55 303 244 55 282 223 05-03-14 8836 4.61 3.85 407 340 43 305 3 11-01-17 9431 4.45 3.81 419 359 46 305 4 27-02-18 6843 4.34 3.57 297 244 93 263 3 23-02-15 9431 4.45 3.81 419 359 46 305 4 27-02-18 8613 4.29 3.51 369 303 79 295 4 04-02-16 G Dam G Dam 3rd Dam Radney Wuh Ostrich 6 VG 87 IE151289160916 (916) by Markwell Durham Rhyme-Et (WUH) Radney Ruu WuhOstrich Ostrich46 IE151289140765 VG 87 IE151289160916 by Ruud Markwell Durham Rhyme-Et (WUH) Radney (765) (916) by 22 (RUU) PR%




BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 4.66 3.59 BfKgs 261 201 48 4th5606 Dam 4.66 3.59 261 201 48 6882 4.40 3.55 303 244 55 6882 4.40 3.55 303 244 55 6843 Rsm4.34 297 244 93 Radney Ostrich3.57 VG 87 IE151289150568 (568) 6843 4.34 3.57 297 244 93 8613 4.29 3.51 369 303 79 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 8613 4.29 3.51 369 303 79 6933 3.83 3.52 265 244 143 3rd Dam 3.51 302 268 37 3rd7637 Dam 3.96 Radney Ostrich3.51 4 IE151289140765 9339 Ruu 3.96 369 328(765) 74 Radney Ostrich3.51 4 IE151289140765 8902 Ruu 3.46 308 312(765) 133 4th Dam 5th Dam 4th Radney Rsm Ostrich VG 87 IE151289150568 (568) Mfx Ostrich GP (301)(568) Radney Rsm VG 80 87 RI10165042 IE151289150568 Milk Kgs BF% Milk Kgs 3.83 BF% 6933

PR% PR% 3.52

BfKgs BfKgs 265

PrKgs PrKgs 244


Days Days 305

Lact Lact 1

Calving Date Calving Date 25-01-13

305 25-01-13 282 21 05-03-14 282 2 263 3 Sem05-03-14 23-02-15 by Reary 5 ET (RSM) 263 34 23-02-15 295 04-02-16 Days Lact Calving Date 295 4 04-02-16 287 1 02-02-08 305 2 15-01-09 by Ruud 305 3 22 (RUU) 26-01-10 by Ruud 22 (RUU) 294 4 28-01-11 by Reary Sem 5 ET (RSM) Mars Ferro by Reary Sem 5(MFX) ET (RSM)

Days Days 287

Lact Lact 1

Calving Date Calving Date 02-02-08

7262 4.00 3.74 290 272 48 305 17-01-03 6933 3.83 3.52 265 244 143 287 02-02-08 7637 3.96 3.51 302 268 37 305 21 15-01-09 7825 4.11 3.86 322 302 48 277 25-02-04 7637 3.96 3.51 302 268 37 305 23 15-01-09 9339 3.96 3.51 369 328 74 305 26-01-10 7695 4.11 3.81 317 293 99 293 01-03-05 9339 3.96 3.51 369 328 74 305 3 26-01-10 8902 3.46 3.51 308 312 133 294 4 28-01-11 8331 4.06 3.95 338 329 105 305 20-01-06 8902 3.46 3.51 308 312 133 294 4 28-01-11 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 8971 4.10 3.79 368 340 100 305 5 20-01-07 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 8559 3.96 3.75 339 321 44 289 6 24-02-08 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),

damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person.

6th Dam Radney Southwind Ostrich GP 80 RI09262073 (9708) Milk Kgs





6896 3.86 Breeding 3.41 Federation 266 ICBF 235 Copyright, Irish Cattle


by Southwind Bell Of Bar-Lee (SBO) Days


Calving Date

168 on 302 02-02-99 Based Mar 20191Evaluation


Radney Lwr Gerrard 1355 (GP 83) EBI €144 Overall Indexes Milk Traits


372216166311539 (1539)



















Milk Kg 92




7,700 Kilos MilkFat@%3.56% Protein Fat Kg Prot Kg Prot %

LOT LOT 451Traits CI Fertility Survival LOT 51 Radney Lwr Gerrard 13551.5(%) (GP 83) EBI €144 -1.6(days) Radney Lwr Gerrard 1355 (GP 83) EBI €144

Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel Milk Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel Milk AI 10.04.19 to FR2314 Gortcreen Sebastain -0.53 -0.44 -0.35 €144 35% €62 €144






HO (84%),FR (16%) Female HO (84%),FR (16%) Female

10-Jan-2017 10-Jan-2017 Calv Beef Calv Beef €54 €0

372216166311539 (1539) 372216166311539 (1539)

Fert Fert €38 €38



Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Milk Traits Henry92 Milk Kg Knockilla, Fat Kg Freemount, Prot KgCharleville Fat % Co Cork Prot % Breeder O'Keeffe. 11.7 7.83 0.15 0.09 92 11.7 7.83 0.15 0.09 Yield Data Fertility Traits CI Survival Fertility CIPR% BfKgs Survival 1.5(%) Milk KgsTraits BF% -1.6(days) PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date

Maint Maint -€12 -€12

Type Traits 4.07 Overall Feet/Legs 7721 3.56 314 275 Udder 128 305 1 21-01-19 (proj) Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs -0.35 Udder -0.53 -0.44 Sire -0.53 -0.44 -0.35 (Ig) Longview Reliable (LWR) €224 by (Ig) Castleblagh Odie (ABO) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Dam Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Yield Data Radney Yry Gerrard 2 VG 85 IE151289191355 (1355) by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) Yield Data Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date €146 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7721 4.07 3.56 314 275 128 305 1 21-01-19 (proj) Milk Kgs 4.07 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 305 Days Lact Calving 7721 3.56 BfKgs 314 275 128 1 21-01-19Date (proj) Sire6569 4.71 3.81 309 251 43 305 1 10-01-17 Sire 7941 4.80 3.91 382 41 305 29-01-18 (Ig) Longview Reliable (LWR) €224 311 by (Ig)2Castleblagh Odie (ABO) (Ig) Longview (LWR) €224 327 by (Ig)3 Castleblagh Odie (ABO) 8504 4.46Reliable 3.84 379 86 305 05-04-19 (proj) Dam Dam G Dam Yry Gerrard 2 VG 85 IE151289191355 (1355) by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) Radney Radney (1355) by 5 (YRY) €146 Radney Yry Ruu Gerrard Gerrard 22 VG EX 85 92 IE151289191355 3E IE151289180686 by Radney Ruud 22Levi (RUU) €146 Milk Kgs Kgs BF% BF% Milk 7079 4.24 Milk Kgs BF% 6569 4.71

PR% PR% 3.45 PR% 3.81

BfKgs BfKgs 300 BfKgs 309

PrKgs PrKgs 244 PrKgs 251

SCC SCC 211 SCC 43

Days Days 301 Days 305

Lact Lact Lact 11

Calving Date Date Calving 21-01-10 Calving Date 10-01-17

Mgmt Mgmt €0 €0

Health Health €2 €2

Dam of Radney Rock @ ABS

8214 4.17 3.59 343 295 108 14-01-11 6569 4.71 3.81 309 251 43 305 10-01-17 7941 4.80 3.91 382 311 41 305 212 29-01-18 8741 4.32 3.54 377 310 48 305 3 18-01-12 (proj) 7941 4.80 3.91 382 311 41 29-01-18 8504 4.46 3.84 379 327 86 305 32 05-04-19 9750 4.00 3.60 390 351 48 17-01-13 (proj) 8504 4.46 3.84 379 327 86 305 34 05-04-19 G Dam 8817 4.19 3.61 370 318 56 294 5 25-01-14 G Dam 9643 4.24 3.56 409 343 139 288 6 03-02-15 Radney Ruu Gerrard 2 EX 92 3E IE151289180686 by Ruud 22 (RUU) 9166 3.82 3.59 350 329 66 305 7 14-01-16 Radney Ruu Gerrard 2 EX 92 3E IE151289180686 by Ruud 22 (RUU) Milk Kgs 4.13 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 9416 3.72 BfKgs 389 350 635 305 Lact 8 21-03-17 Milk Kgs 4.24 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7079 3.45 BfKgs 300 244 211 301 1 21-01-10 7079 4.24 3.45 300 244 211 301 1 21-01-10 8214 4.17 3.59 343 295 108 305 2 14-01-11 3rd Dam 8214 4.17 3.59 343 295 108 305 14-01-11 8741 4.32 3.54 377 310 48 305 32 18-01-12 Radney Mars Gerrard VG 88377 IE151289140443 (443) 305 by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) 8741 4.32 3.54 310 48 3 18-01-12 9750 4.00 3.60 390 351 48 305 4 17-01-13 9750 4.00 3.60 390 351 48 305 4 17-01-13 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8817 4.19 3.61 370 318 56 294 5 25-01-14 08-01-06 6561 4.02 3.72 264 244 73 305 1 8817 4.19 3.61 370 318 56 294 25-01-14 9643 4.24 3.56 409 343 139 288 65 03-02-15 12-02-07 7592 4.25 3.77 323 286 97 294 9643 4.24 3.56 409 343 139 288 03-02-15 9166 3.82 3.59 350 329 66 305 726 14-01-16 14-01-08 7704 4.41 3.85 340 296 62 305 3 9166 3.82 3.59 350 329 66 7 14-01-16 9416 4.13 3.72 389 350 635 305 8 21-03-17 20-01-09 7472 4.59 3.94 343 294 339 305 48 9416 4.13 3.72 389 350 635 21-03-17 3rd8242 Dam 4.51 09-02-10 3.77 371 311 125 295 5 3rd8422 Dam 4.16 01-02-11 3.94 350 332 130 303 6 Radney Mars Gerrard VG 88 IE151289140443 (443) by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) 21-01-12 8449 Mars 4.10 3.84 324 57 7 Mars Radney Gerrard VG 88347 IE151289140443 (443) 305 by Galtee Usnes (MAU) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 11-01-13 9682 4.12 3.89 399 377 84 305 8 Milk Kgs 4.02 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 08-01-06 6561 3.72 BfKgs 264 244 73 305 1 02-05-14 5399 3.67 3.65 198 197 583 199 91 08-01-06 6561 4.02 3.72 264 244 73 305 12-02-07 3.77 323 286 97 294 2 4th7592 Dam 4.25 12-02-07 7592 4.25 3.77 323 286 97 294 14-01-08 7704 4.41 3.85 340 296 62 305 32 14-01-08 7704 4.41 3.85 340 296 62 305 3 Ardrahan Gerarda 62 VG 88343 RI09296446 by Ardrahan Triemp Boy (RI00573552) 20-01-09 7472 4.59 3.94 294 (142) 339 305 4 20-01-09 7472 4.59 3.94 343 294 339 305 4 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation 09-02-10 8242 4.51 3.77 371 311 125 295 5 Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 09-02-10 8242 4.51 3.77 371 311 125 295 6431 3.90 3.44 251of information 221provided to130 43No representation 305 or warranty 01-01-00 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the 350 basis it. or implied is 8422 4.16 3.94 332 303 651 expressed01-02-11 made or given by ICBF as to 4.16 the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable303 for any losses 6 (whether direct or indirect), 01-02-11 8422 3.94 350 332 130 6619 4.08 3.53or arising347 270 234 26 305 2 22-04-01 21-01-12 8449 3.84 damages, costs or expenses4.10 whatsoever, incurred from any use 324 of or reliance on57 this Report or305 the information7contained in it by any person. 21-01-12 8449 4.10 3.84 347 324 57 305 5964 3.94 3.51 235 209 44 245 20-03-02 11-01-13 9682 4.12 3.89 399 377 84 305 873 11-01-13 9682 4.12 3.89 399 377 84 305 8 7770 4.01 3.46 312 269 54 302 26-01-03 02-05-14 5399 3.67 3.65 198 197 583 199 94 02-05-14 5399 3.67 3.65 198 197 583 199 95 7088 3.73 3.55 264 252 68 305 10-01-04 6735 3.16 3.51 213 237 89 283 6 14-01-05 7772 3.23 3.55 251 276 347 298 7 26-01-06 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 4745 3.74Breeding 3.49Federation 177 ICBF 166 115 163 8 15-05-07


Overall Indexes Milk Traits



















Milk Kg

Fat Kg

Prot Kg

Fat %

Prot %

GENOTYPED - FULL PEDIGREEwith HO (94%),FR Direct to the Lot 6)(6%) Female 37 Daughter 5.92 2.15 Queen 0.07 (Selling 0.02 Choice

LOT 54 CI Survival Radney Zol Odetta 1509 ET (GP 83) EBI €138 GENOTYPED -3.3(days) 3.2(%) LOT 5 LOTTraits 54 Overall Indexes Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk Fert Type Feet/Legs Udder €138 1509 ET 62% -0.49 -0.86(GP 83)€22 -0.05 Radney Zol Odetta EBI €138€81 Fertility Traits

23-Dec-2016 - FULL PEDIGREE

Milk Kgs

-3.3(days) 3.2(%)PrKgs 2.15SCC 5.92 BF% 37 PR% BfKgs

Type Traits 7350 4.08 Fertility Traits

Overall Feet/Legs 3.65 300 268 Udder 46 CI Survival -0.49 -0.86 -0.05 -3.3(days) 3.2(%)

0.07 Days 305












Calv Beef €30 -€9 23-Dec-2016

Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel Milk Fert Calv % 5.92 2.15 0.07 Co Cork 0.02 Breeder Henry 37 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville €138 62% €22 €81 €30 Yield Data Fertility Traits CI Survival Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot %

IE151289151509 HO (94%),FR (6%) (1509) Female €5 €4 €5 IE151289151509 (1509)

Lact 0.02 Calving Date


17-01-19 (proj)

Sire Type Traits Uno St-Louis-Et Overall Feet/Legs Mr Numero (ZOL) €137 Udder by Amighetti Numero Uno Tv Tl Ty (S1233) Breeder Henry -0.49 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, -0.86 -0.05 Charleville Co Cork Dam Yield Data Radney Qur Odetta EX 93 8E IE151289150592 (592) by Qg Europe ET (QUR) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCCCharleville Days Co LactCorkCalving Date Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, €140 Yield Data 4.08 7350 3.65 300 268 46 305 1 17-01-19 (proj) Milk Kgs Milk Kgs Sire 6528

BF% BF% 4.22

PR% PR% 3.90

BfKgs BfKgs 275

PrKgs PrKgs 255


Mr7350 Numero4.08 Uno St-Louis-Et (ZOL) €137 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 3.65 300 268 46 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 Dam Sire 10616 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 Mr Numero Uno St-Louis-Et (ZOL) €137 Radney Odetta EX IE151289150592 (592) 10011Qur4.40 3.7793 8E441 377 48 €140 Dam 11577 3.88 3.75 449 434 53 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 Milk KgsQurBF% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Radney Odetta PR% EX 93 8E IE151289150592 (592) 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 €140 10036 4.47 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 8341 3.81 373 318 48 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 Milk Kgs 4.25 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 9711 3.84 BfKgs 413 373 33 6528 3.90 275 255 57 10616 4.22 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 G Dam 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 10011 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 9711 4.25 373 33 Radney Odetta3.84 2 GP 82413 IE151289120350 (350) 11577Mars 3.88 3.75 449 434 53 10616 3.94 428 419 46 9256 4.02 3.87 BfKgs 372 358 64 Milk Kgs 4.03 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 10011 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 6235 3.64 284 227 72 10954 4.55 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 11577 3.88 3.75 449 434 53 6427 3.72 276 239 118 10036 4.29 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 6774 3.99 3.77 270 255 498 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 3rd Dam G Dam 10036 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 Radney Seal Odetta 3.64 EX 90 3E 0107796265 9540 Mars 4.23 347 (R006) 293 Radney Odetta 2 GP 82404 IE151289120350 (350)

Days Days 282

Dam of Radney Levi 5 Amighetti Numero Uno Tv Tl Ty (S1233) 19-01-09(proj) 12 17-01-19 (YRY) 3 24-01-10 Lact Lact 1

Calving Date Calving Date 07-02-08

by 305 305 305 305 4 24-01-11 by Numero Uno Tv Tl Ty (S1233) by Amighetti Qg5Europe14-02-12 ET (QUR) 289 305 6 19-01-13 274 7 28-02-14 Days Lact Calving Date by Qg Europe ET (QUR) 305 8 06-02-15 282 1 07-02-08 305 19-08-16 305 29 19-01-09 305 10 10-01-18 Days Lact Calving Date 305 3 24-01-10 282 1 07-02-08 305 4 24-01-11 305 25 19-01-09 289 14-02-12 305 36 Mars 24-01-10 by Galtee Usnes (MAU) 305 19-01-13 305 47 24-01-11 274 28-02-14 Days Lact Calving Date 289 581 14-02-12 12-01-04 305 06-02-15 305 692 19-01-13 273 02-03-05 305 19-08-16 274 7 28-02-14 282 3 11-02-06 305 10 10-01-18 305 8 06-02-15 305 9 19-08-16 by Barold Rock Seal (BRL) 305 10 Mars 10-01-18 by Galtee Usnes (MAU)

Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 31-01-94 7524 4.69 3.71 353 279 108 287 4 6235 4.55 3.64 284 227 72 305 1 12-01-04 15-01-95 7778 4.12 3.55 320 276 83 303 5 Radney Odetta3.72 2 GP 82276 IE151289120350 (350) 273 by Galtee Usnes (MAU) 6427 Mars 4.29 239 118 2 Mars 02-03-05 16-02-96 6630 4.16 3.63 276 241 73 295 6 Milk Kgs 3.99 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6774 3.77 BfKgs 270 255 498 282 3 11-02-06 05-02-97 5930 4.28 3.70 254 219 87 259 6235 4.55 3.64 284 227 72 305 17 12-01-04 02-02-98 7290 4.36 3.65 318 266 147 292 6427 4.29 3.72 276 239 118 273 28 02-03-05 23-02-99 7344 3.91 3.84 287 282 324 289 9 6774 3.99 3.77 270 255 498 282 3 11-02-06 20-01-00 6785 3.78 3.85 256 262 229 286 10 25-03-01 4893 3.81 3.57 187 175 310 206 11 13-02-02 6553 3.92 3.91 257 256 365 280 12 14-03-03 5561 4.16 4.05 232 225 699 255 13 Based Mar 201914 Evaluation 14-02-04 Copyright, Irish Cattle 5007 4.31 Breeding 4.06 Federation 216 ICBF 203 366 on 285 23-04-05 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 2873 3.75 3.86 108 111 2015 184 15 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 7375 4.31 incurred 3.94or arising 318 1479 305 16 in it01-12-06 damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, from any use of291 or reliance on this Report or the information contained by any person.


4th Dam Ardrahan Odetta 48 VG 85 0107172578 (B204) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs 5161 3.84 Breeding 3.43 Federation 198 ICBF 177 Copyright, Irish Cattle

6780 5720

3.74 3.93

3.26 3.18

254 225

221 182

by Cappavilla Quaker 2 (0100465929)

SCC Days Lact Calving Date Based on 291 Mar 20191Evaluation 0 21-02-88

0 0

305 259

2 3

27-01-89 07-02-90

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person.


Radney Zol Odetta - Lot 5

Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes Milk Traits

11-Apr-2019 - FR4608






Expected Calving Date:

Fert €56




€38 -€22 - FULL PEDIGREE







Direct Daughter to Prot theKgQueen (Selling Choice with Lot 5)(13%) Female HO (88%),FR Milk Kg Fat Kg Fat % Prot %

LOT 36 67 7.19 5.42 GENOTYPED Radney Sew Odetta 1664 EBI €136 LOT 6 Traits CI Fertility Survival LOT 36 Last Recorded Service: -3.3(days) 1.2(%) - FR4608 11-Apr-2019 Radney Sew Odetta 1664 EBI €136 Udder Type Traits Feet/Legs Overall Indexes Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk Last Recorded Service: -0.81 €136

11-Apr-2019 - FR4608 -0.21 -0.75 59% €41



- FULL PEDIGREE 10-Jan-2018

Expected Calving Date:


10-Jan-2018 Calv Beef

HO (88%),FR (13%) (1664) Female 372216166331664


372216166331664 (1664)


Expected Calving Date: €56 €38 -€22 18-Jan-2020 €18

Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot €136 59% €41 €56 €38 -€22 €18 67 7.19 5.42 0.07 0.06 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Survival Searoad Aws Pamela 1 (SEW)7.19 €188 by Derrinsallow 67 5.42 0.07 0.06 Aine 75 Ed (AWS) -3.3(days) 1.2(%)


Health €4 €1 Sexed Mgmt Health €4


Dam Traits Fertility Traits Type

CI Survival Overall Feet/Legs Udder -3.3(days) 1.2(%) -0.81 -0.75 (592) Radney Qur Odetta EX 93 8E -0.21 IE151289150592

by Qg Europe ET (QUR) Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder €140 Traits -0.21 -0.75 Charleville Co Cork Breeder Henry -0.81 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Sire 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 1 07-02-08 Searoad Pamela 1 (SEW) €188 318 by Derrinsallow Aine 75 Ed (AWS) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Co2Cork 19-01-09 8341 Aws 4.47 3.81 373 48 Charleville 305 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 305 3 24-01-10 Sire Dam 10616 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 305 4 24-01-11 Searoad Aws Pamela 1 (SEW) €188 by Derrinsallow Aine 75 Ed (AWS) Radney Odetta EX IE151289150592 (592) 289 by Qg5Europe14-02-12 ET (QUR) 10011Qur4.40 3.7793 8E441 377 48 Dam €140 11577 3.88 3.75 449 434 53 305 6 19-01-13 9256 Qur4.02 3.8793 8E372 358 64 274 7Europe28-02-14 Radney Odetta EX IE151289150592 (592) by Qg ET (QUR) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 305 8 06-02-15 €140 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 1 07-02-08 10036 4.47 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 305 19-08-16 8341 3.81 373 318 48 305 29 19-01-09 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 10 10-01-18 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 305 24-01-10 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 13 07-02-08 10616 4.47 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 305 24-01-11 G Dam 8341 3.81 373 318 48 305 24 19-01-09 10011 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 5 14-02-12 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 305 3 24-01-10 Radney Mars Odetta3.75 2 GP 82449 IE151289120350 (350) 305 by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) 11577 3.88 434 53 6 19-01-13 10616 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 305 4 24-01-11 9256 4.02 3.87 BfKgs 372 358 64 274 28-02-14 Milk Kgs 4.40 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 10011 3.77 441 377 48 289 57 14-02-12 6235 4.55 3.64 284 227 72 305 1 12-01-04 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 8 06-02-15 11577 3.88 3.75 449 434 53 305 6 19-01-13 6427 3.72 276 239 118 273 2 02-03-05 10036 4.29 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 305 19-08-16 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 274 79 28-02-14 6774 3.99 3.77 270 255 498 282 3 11-02-06 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 10 10-01-18 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 305 8 06-02-15 10036 3.83 407 384 58 305 9 19-08-16 3rd Dam 4.05 G Dam 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 10 10-01-18 Radney Seal 90 3E 0107796265 (R006) by Barold Rock Usnes Seal (BRL) MarsOdetta OdettaEX 2 GP 82 IE151289120350 (350) Galtee Mars (MAU) GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 31-01-94 7524 4.69 3.71 353 279 108 287 4 6235 4.55 3.64 284 227 72 305 1 12-01-04 Radney Mars Odetta 2 GP 82 IE151289120350 (350) by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) 15-01-95 7778 4.12 3.55 320 276 83 303 52 6427 4.29 3.72 276 239 118 273 02-03-05 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 16-02-96 6630 4.16 3.63 276 241 73 295 63 6774 3.99 3.77 270 255 498 282 11-02-06 6235 4.55 3.64 284 227 72 305 1 12-01-04 05-02-97 5930 4.28 3.70 254 219 87 259 7 6427 4.29 3.72 276 239 118 273 2 02-03-05 3rd7290 Dam 4.36 02-02-98 3.65 318 266 147 292 8 6774 3.99 3.77 270 255 498 282 3 11-02-06 23-02-99 7344 Seal3.91 3.8490 3E287 282 (R006) 324 289 9 Rock Radney Odetta EX 0107796265 by Barold Seal (BRL) 20-01-00 6785 3.85 256 262 229 286 10 3rd Dam 3.78 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 25-03-01 4893 3.57 175 310 206 11 31-01-94 7524 Seal3.81 4.69 3.7190 3E187 353 279 (R006) 108 287 4 Rock Radney Odetta EX 0107796265 by Barold Seal (BRL) 13-02-02 6553 3.92 3.91 257 256 365 280 12 15-01-95 7778 4.12 3.55 320 276 83 303 5 Milk Kgs 4.16 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 14-03-03 5561 4.05 232 225 699 255 13 16-02-96 6630 4.16 3.63 276 241 73 295 64 31-01-94 7524 4.69 3.71 353 279 108 287 14-02-04 5007 4.31 4.06 216 203 366 285 14 05-02-97 5930 4.28 3.70 254 219 87 259 75 15-01-95 7778 4.12 3.55 320 276 83 303 23-04-05 2873 3.75 3.86 108 111 2015 184 15 02-02-98 7290 4.36 3.65 318 266 147 292 8 16-02-96 6630 4.16 3.63 276 241 73 295 6 01-12-06 7375 4.31 3.94 318 291 1479 305 16 23-02-99 7344 3.91 3.84 287 282 324 289 9 Based Mar 20197 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 05-02-97 5930 4.28 Breeding 3.70 Federation 254 ICBF 219 87 on 259 4th Dam 20-01-00 6785 3.78 3.85 256 262 229 286 10 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 02-02-98 7290 4.36 3.65 318 266 147 292 8 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 25-03-01 4893 3.81 3.57 187 175 310 206 11 7344 3.91 3.84 287 282 9contained in 23-02-99 damages,Ardrahan costs or expensesOdetta whatsoever,48 incurred from any use of or reliance on 324 this Report or 289 theby information it by any person. 2 (0100465929) VGor arising 85 0107172578 (B204) Cappavilla Quaker 13-02-02 6553 3.92 3.91 257 256 365 280 12 20-01-00 6785 3.78 3.85 256 262 229 286 10 Milk Kgs 4.16 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 14-03-03 5561 4.05 232 225 699 255 13 25-03-01 4893 3.81 3.57 187 175 310 206 11 5161 3.84 3.43 198 177 0 291 1 21-02-88 14-02-04 5007 4.31 4.06 216 203 366 285 14 13-02-02 6553 3.92 3.91 257 256 365 280 12 6780 3.74 3.26 254 221 0 305 2 27-01-89 23-04-05 2873 3.75 3.86 108 111 2015 184 15 14-03-03 5561 4.16 4.05 232 225 699 255 13 5720 3.93 3.18 225 182 0 259 3 07-02-90 01-12-06 7375 4.31 3.94 318 291 1479 305 16 14-02-04 5007 4.31 4.06 216 203 366 Based Mar 201914 9176 3.59 Breeding 3.27 Federation 329 ICBF 300 110 on 285 305 7Evaluation 08-01-94 Copyright, Irish Cattle 2873 3.75 3.86 108 111 2015 184 15 9408 3.20 334of information 301provided to it.155 305 or warranty 8 expressed23-04-05 12-01-95 This report has been prepared3.55 by ICBF in good faith on the basis No representation or implied is made or given by ICBF as to 4.31 the accuracy, reliability, not be liable305 for any losses 16 (whether direct or indirect), 01-12-06 7375 3.94 completeness 318 of this Report. 291 ICBF shall1479

Dam of Radney Levi 5 (YRY)



Radney Sew Odetta 1664 - Lot 6

Radney QUR Odetta EX93 “The Queen” - Dam of Lot 6

LOT 49 Radney Alex Odetta (GP 83) EBI €177 Overall Indexes





Milk Traits

Milk Kg 379

Fat Kg 17.47

Prot Kg 13.92

Fat % 0.05


372216166371569 (1569)






€177 Milk33% €45 - Grand-daughter €37 -€16 €6of the €6Queen €14 8,000 Kilos @ 3.55€84 % Protein

LOT LOT 749 Fertility CI Survival LOT 49Traits Radney Alex Odetta (GP 83) EBI €177 -1(days) 2.6(%) Radney Alex Odetta (GP 83) EBI €177 Overall Indexes Type Traits

EBI Overall

EBI Rel Milk Feet/Legs Udder



Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel ETMilk AI 25.04.19 to Goldenfield Raphael FR2028 €177 33% €84 1.30 0.63 1.17 €84

Prot %


HO (97%),FR (3%) Female HO (97%),FR (3%) Female

22-Jan-2017 22-Jan-2017 Calv Beef Calv Beef €37 -€16

372216166371569 (1569) 372216166371569 (1569)

Fert Fert €45



Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot 379 17.47 13.92 0.05 0.02 % Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 379 17.47 13.92 0.05 0.02 Fertility Traits CI Survival Yield Data Fertility Traits CI Survival -1(days) 2.6(%) Milk Kgs

BF% -1(days) PR% BfKgs 2.6(%) PrKgs

Milk Kgs








Maint Maint €6


Mgmt Mgmt €6


Health Health €14


Calving Date

Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder 8015 3.55 323 285 Udder 82 305 1 22-03-19 (proj) Type Traits 4.03 Overall Feet/Legs 1.30 0.63 1.17 1.30 0.63 1.17 Sire Cogent Peak Alex (FR2330) €224 by Bomaz Altabettman-Et (DQV000071074447) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Breeder Dam Data Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Yield Yield Data Odetta EX 90 IE151289181065 (1065) Radney by Ramos Milk KgsRxoBF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact (RXO) Calving Date €126 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8015 4.03 3.55 323 285 82 305 1 22-03-19 (proj) 8015 3.55 BfKgs 323 285 82 1 22-03-19 (proj) Milk Kgs 4.03 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 305 Days Lact Calving Date Sire 7564 3.69 3.53 279 267 40 296 1 23-01-14 Sire Cogent Alex (FR2330) €224 by Bomaz (DQV000071074447) 9549 Peak3.83 3.72 366 356 58 305 2 Altabettman-Et 21-01-15 Cogent Peak Alex (FR2330) €224 by Bomaz Altabettman-Et (DQV000071074447) 9675 3.32 3.64 321 352 36 305 3 24-01-16 Dam Dam 10723 3.37 3.52 361 377 37 305 4 22-01-17 Radney Rxo Odetta EX 90 IE151289181065 (1065) by Ramos (RXO) 10563 3.58 3.58 378 378 44 305 5 15-02-18 Radney by Ramos (RXO) €126 Rxo Odetta EX 90 IE151289181065 (1065) 10978 3.68 3.50 404 384 52 305 6 11-03-19 (proj) €126 PR%




Calving Date

GMilk Dam Kgs 3.69 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7564 3.53 BfKgs 279 267 40 296 1 23-01-14 7564 3.69 3.53 279 267 40 296 1 23-01-14 9549 Qur3.83 356 58 Radney Odetta 3.72 EX 93 8E366 IE151289150592 (592) 305 by Qg2Europe21-01-15 ET (QUR) 9549 3.83 3.72 366 356 58 305 23 21-01-15 9675 3.32 3.64 321 352 36 305 24-01-16 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9675 3.32 3.64 321 352 36 305 341 24-01-16 10723 3.37 3.52 361 377 37 305 22-01-17 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 07-02-08 10723 3.37 3.52 361 377 37 305 4 22-01-17 10563 3.58 3.58 378 378 44 305 52 15-02-18 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 305 19-01-09 10563 3.58 3.58 378 378 44 305 563 15-02-18 10978 3.68 3.50 404 384 52 305 11-03-19 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 305 24-01-10 (proj) 10978 3.68 3.50 404 384 52 305 6 11-03-19 10616 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 305 4 24-01-11 (proj) G Dam 10011 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 5 14-02-12 G Dam Radney Odetta EX IE151289150592 (592) 305 by Qg 6Europe19-01-13 ET (QUR) 11577Qur3.88 3.7593 8E449 434 53 Radney Qur Odetta EX 93 8E IE151289150592 (592) by Qg Europe ET (QUR) 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 274 7 28-02-14 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 10954 4.51 3.88 BfKgs 494 425 116 305 Lact 06-02-15 Milk Kgs 4.22 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 6528 3.90 275 255 57 282 18 07-02-08 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 1 07-02-08 10036 4.47 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 19-08-16 8341 3.81 373 318 48 305 29 19-01-09 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 305 2310 19-01-09 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 10-01-18 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 305 24-01-10 9711 3.84 413 373 33 305 34 24-01-10 10616 4.25 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 305 24-01-11 3rd10616 Dam 3.94 428 419 46 305 45 24-01-11 10011 4.03 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 14-02-12 10011 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 5 14-02-12 11577 Mars 3.88 434 53 6 Mars 19-01-13 Radney Odetta3.75 2 GP 82449 IE151289120350 (350) 305 by Galtee Usnes (MAU) 11577 3.88 3.75 449 434 53 305 67 19-01-13 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 274 28-02-14 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 274 718 28-02-14 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 305 06-02-15 12-01-04 6235 4.55 3.64 284 227 72 305 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 305 8 06-02-15 10036 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 305 9 19-08-16 02-03-05 6427 4.29 3.72 276 239 118 273 2 10036 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 305 9 19-08-16 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 10-01-18 11-02-06 6774 3.99 3.77 270 255 498 282 310 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 10 10-01-18 4th 3rd Dam Dam 3rd Dam Radney 90 3E 0107796265 (R006) by Rock Usnes Seal (BRL) Radney Seal MarsOdetta OdettaEX 2 GP 82 IE151289120350 (350) by Barold Galtee Mars (MAU) Radney Mars Odetta 2 GP 82 IE151289120350 (350) by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs Based SCC onDays Lact Calving Date Mar 2019 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 7524 3.71 353 279 108 287 41 31-01-94 Milk Kgs 4.69 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 12-01-04 6235 4.55 3.64 BfKgs 284 227 72 305 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 12-01-04 7778 4.12 3.55 320 276 83 303 5 15-01-95 6235 4.55 3.64 284 227 72 305 1 02-03-05 6427 3.72 completeness 276 of this Report. 239 ICBF shall118 made or given by ICBF as to 4.29 the accuracy, reliability, not be liable273 for any losses2 (whether direct or indirect), damages, costs or expenses4.29 whatsoever, incurred from any use 239 of or reliance on118 this Report or273 the information2 it by any person. 6630 4.16 3.63 241 73 295 63contained in 02-03-05 16-02-96 6427 3.72 11-02-06 6774 3.99 3.77or arising276 270 255 498 282 11-02-06 5930 4.28 3.70 254 219 87 259 05-02-97 6774 3.99 3.77 270 255 498 282 37 7290 4.36 3.65 318 266 147 292 8 02-02-98 7344 3.91 3.84 287 282 324 289 9 23-02-99 6785 3.78 3.85 256 262 229 286 10 20-01-00 Based Mar 201911Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 4893 3.81 Breeding 3.57 Federation 187 ICBF 175 310 on 206 25-03-01


LOT 53 Radney Yry Gerrard 1427 (GP 83) EBI €157 Overall Indexes Milk Traits







Milk Kg 125

Fat Kg 12.61

Prot Kg 8.57

02-Jan-2017 Fert


3.75% Protein €46

Fat % 0.13

LOT LOT 853Traits CI Fertility LOT 53Yry Gerrard 1427Survival Radney (GP 83) EBI €157 -2.4(days) 1.2(%) Radney Yry Gerrard 1427 (GP 83) EBI €157 Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel Milk Fert Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder AI 08.04.19 to Moorabby Leister FR4019 Overall Indexes €157 EBI EBI Rel Milk Fert 36% €65 €46






Milk Kgs














Prot %


HO (94%),FR (6%) Female HO (94%),FR (6%) Female

02-Jan-2017 02-Jan-2017 Calv Beef Calv Beef €51 -€7

372216166321515 (1515) 372216166321515 (1515)

-0.27 -0.01 -0.28 €157 Kg 36%Kg €65 Kg €46% €51 % Milk Traits Milk Fat Prot Fat Prot Milk Traits Henry125 Milk Kg Knockilla, Fat Kg Freemount, Prot KgCharleville Fat %Co Cork Prot % 12.61 8.57 0.13 0.07 Breeder O'Keeffe. 125 12.61 8.57 0.13 0.07 Fertility Traits CI Survival Yield Data Fertility Traits CI Survival -2.4(days) 1.2(%) Milk Kgs

372216166321515 (1515)






Maint Maint -€2

Mgmt Mgmt €1

Health Health €3




Calving Date

-2.4(days) Feet/Legs 1.2(%) Type Traits Overall Udder 7357 4.19 3.79 308 279 143 305 1 03-01-19 (proj) Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs -0.28 Udder -0.27 -0.01 Sire -0.27 -0.01 -0.28 Radney Levi 5 (YRY) €147 by Morningview Levi (MWL) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Dam Breeder Yield Data Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Yield Data GerrardPR% Radney VG 87BfKgs IE151289191000 (1000) by O-Bee Justice Et Tv Tl (OJI) Milk KgsOjiBF% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Manfred Calving Date €171 Milk BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7357Kgs 4.19 3.79 BfKgs 308 279 143 305 1 03-01-19 (proj) 7357 3.79 BfKgs 308 279 143 305 1 03-01-19 (proj) Milk Kgs 4.19 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Sire 5718 3.96 3.62 226 207 71 236 1 10-03-14 Sire Radney Levi 5 (YRY) €147 by Morningview Levi (MWL) 9424 3.96 3.76 373 354 67 305 2 12-03-15 Radney 5 (YRY) €147 397 by Morningview Levi (MWL) Dam 10439 Levi 3.81 3.66 382 42 305 3 02-01-17 9305 4.20 3.81 391 354 47 305 4 07-01-18 Dam Radney Oji Gerrard VG 87 IE151289191000 (1000) by O-Bee Manfred Justice Et Tv Tl (OJI) 9707 4.05 3.70 393 360 44 305 5 03-02-19 (proj) €171 Radney Oji Gerrard VG 87 IE151289191000 (1000) by O-Bee Manfred Justice Et Tv Tl (OJI) €171 G Dam SCC

Calving Date

5718Kgs 3.96 3.62 226 207 71 236 1EuropeCalving 10-03-14 Radney Qur Gerrard 2 EX 92 4E IE151289190877 by Qg ET (QUR) Milk BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Date 9424 3.96 3.76 373 354 67 305 2 12-03-15 5718 3.96 3.62 226 207 71 236 1 10-03-14 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 10439 3.81 3.66 397 382 42 305 312 02-01-17 9424 3.96 3.76 373 354 67 305 12-03-15 6402 4.47 3.76 286 241 40 295 11-01-12 9305 3.81 391 354 47 305 423 07-01-18 10439 4.20 3.81 3.66 397 382 42 305 02-01-17 9104 4.10 3.84 373 350 31 302 17-02-13 9707 4.05 3.70 393 360 44 305 5 03-02-19 9305 4.20 3.81 391 354 47 305 4 07-01-18 (proj) 7678 4.03 3.84 310 295 57 267 3 07-03-14 9707 4.05 3.70 393 360 44 305 5 03-02-19 (proj) 9515 4.47 3.95 425 376 85 305 4 17-01-15 G Dam 8298 4.00 3.95 332 328 57 304 5 15-02-16 G Dam Radney Gerrard3.93 2 EX 92372 4E IE151289190877 by Qg 6Europe17-01-17 ET (QUR) 9352 Qur3.98 367 75 305 Radney Qur Gerrard 2 EX 92 4E IE151289190877 by Qg Europe ET (QUR) 9084 4.11 3.80 374 345 86 305 7 27-12-17 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6402Kgs 4.47 3.76 286 241 40 295 1 11-01-12 Milk BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 3rd9104 Dam 4.10 3.84 373 350 31 302 21 17-02-13 6402 4.47 3.76 286 241 40 295 11-01-12 7678 4.03 3.84 295 57 32 Mars 07-03-14 9104 Mars 4.10 3.84 373 350 31 302 17-02-13 Radney Gerrard VG 88310 IE151289140443 (443) 267 by Galtee Usnes (MAU) 9515 4.47 3.95 425 376 85 305 4 17-01-15 7678 3.84 BfKgs 310 295 57 267 Lact 3 07-03-14 Milk Kgs 4.03 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 8298 4.00 3.95 332 328 57 304 514 15-02-16 9515 4.47 3.95 425 376 85 305 17-01-15 08-01-06 6561 4.02 3.72 264 244 73 305 9352 3.98 3.93 372 367 75 305 625 17-01-17 8298 4.00 3.95 332 328 57 304 15-02-16 12-02-07 7592 4.25 3.77 323 286 97 294 9084 4.11 3.80 374 345 86 305 7 27-12-17 9352 3.98 3.93 372 367 75 305 6 17-01-17 14-01-08 7704 4.41 3.85 340 296 62 305 3 9084 4.11 3.80 374 345 86 305 7 27-12-17 20-01-09 3.94 343 294 339 305 4 3rd7472 Dam 4.59 09-02-10 8242 4.51 3.77 371 311 125 295 5 3rd Dam Radney Gerrard VG 88350 IE151289140443 (443) 303 by Galtee Usnes (MAU) 01-02-11 8422 Mars 4.16 3.94 332 130 6 Mars 21-01-12 Radney Mars Gerrard VG 88 IE151289140443 (443) by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) 8449 3.84 BfKgs 347 324 57 305 Lact 7 Milk Kgs 4.10 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 11-01-13 08-01-06 9682 4.12 3.89 BfKgs 399 377 84 6561 3.72 264 244 73 305 18 Milk Kgs 4.02 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 02-05-14 12-02-07 5399 3.67 3.65 198 197 583 199 08-01-06 7592 4.25 3.77 323 286 97 294 291 6561 4.02 3.72 264 244 73 305 14-01-08 12-02-07 7704 4.41 3.85 340 296 62 305 32 7592 4.25 3.77 323 286 97 294 4th7472 Dam 4.59 20-01-09 14-01-08 3.94 343 294 339 305 4 7704 4.41 3.85 340 296 62 305 3 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 09-02-10 20-01-09 8242 4.51 3.77 311 295 54 7472 4.59 3.94 343 294 (142)125 339 305 Ardrahan Gerarda 62 VG 88371 RI09296446 by Ardrahan Triemp Boy (RI00573552) This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 01-02-11 09-02-10 8422 3.94 350 130 8242 4.51 3.77 371 311 125 295 5 made or given by ICBF as to4.16 the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this 332 Report. ICBF shall not be liable303 for any losses6 (whether direct or indirect), Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in 21-01-12 it by any person. 01-02-11 8449 4.10 3.84 347 324 57 305 7 8422 4.16 3.94 350 332 130 303 6 6431 3.90 3.44 251 221 43 305 1 01-01-00 11-01-13 21-01-12 9682 4.12 3.89 399 377 84 305 872 8449 4.10 3.84 347 324 57 305 6619 4.08 3.53 270 234 26 305 22-04-01 02-05-14 11-01-13 5399 3.67 3.65 198 197 583 199 9 9682 4.12 3.89 399 377 84 305 83 5964 3.94 3.51 235 209 44 245 20-03-02 02-05-14 5399 3.67 3.65 198 197 583 199 94 7770 4.01 3.46 312 269 54 302 26-01-03 7088 3.73 3.55 264 252 68 305 5 10-01-04 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 6735 3.16 3.51 213 237 89 283 6 14-01-05


Overall Indexes Milk Traits

LOT 52Traits Fertility



















Milk Kg 224

Fat Kg 11.17

Prot Kg

Fat %

Prot %



3.78 Protein-Projected 1st PEDIGREE Laction - FULL 9.78 0.05 0.04

Radney Odetta (GP 82) EBI €126 .9(%) LOT 9 Sparky-1.9(days) LOTTraits 52 Type Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk Radney Sparky0.75 Odetta (GP 82) EBI €126 -0.05 1.12 €126 32% €61

- FULL PEDIGREE 03-Jan-2017


Calv Beef 03-Jan-2017 €33 -€6


Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Breeder Henry 224 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork €126 32% €61 €35 €33 -€6 11.17 9.78 0.05 0.04 Yield Data Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Survival 224 11.17 9.78 0.05 .9(%) PrKgs Milk Kgs BF% -1.9(days) PR% BfKgs SCC Days Lact 0.04 Calving Date Fertility Traits Type Traits 7515 4.33

CI Survival Overall Feet/Legs 3.78 326 284 Udder 39 -1.9(days) .9(%) 0.75 -0.05 1.12



HO (97%),FR (3%) Female HO (97%),FR (3%) Female 372216166341517 (1517) Maint



372216166341517 (1517) -€2 €1 €3 Maint






17-03-19 (proj)

Sire Type Traits SparkyOverall Feet/Legs Udder Vh Suarez (FR2229) €204 by Vh Anderstrup Super Suarez (BEN000000254430) -0.05 1.12 Breeder Henry 0.75 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Dam Yield Data Radney Nft Odetta VG 85 IE151289151319 (1319) €45 by Coolnasoon Fairgalt 2 (NFT) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCCCharleville Days Co LactCorkCalving Date Yield Milk Data Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7515 4.33 3.78 326 284 39 305 1 17-03-19 (proj) 8306 3.59 3.68 298 306 63 305 1 03-01-17 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Sire 8658 3.68 3.68 319 319 31 305 2 01-03-18 4.33 (FR2229) 3.78 326 284 39 305 17-03-19 (proj) Vh7515 Suarez Sparky €204 by Vh1Anderstrup Super Suarez (BEN000000254430) G Dam Sire Dam Radney Miw Odetta 2 EX 92€204 6E IE151289120730 by Addis W 1 (MIW) Vh Suarez Sparky (FR2229) by Mil Vh Anderstrup Super Suarez (BEN000000254430) Radney Nft Odetta VG 85 IE151289151319 (1319) €45 by Coolnasoon Fairgalt 2 (NFT) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Dam 7147 3.52 BfKgs 305 251 173 296 1 26-01-10 Milk Kgs 4.27 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8489 3.92 3.54 333 300 185 305 2 24-01-11 Radney Nft Odetta VG 85 IE151289151319 (1319) €45 by Coolnasoon Fairgalt 2 (NFT) 8306 3.59 3.68 298 306 63 305 1 03-01-17 9260 4.07 3.41 377 316 27 305 27-01-12 8658 3.68 3.68 319 319 31 305 23 01-03-18 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 11393 4.22 3.55 481 404 90 305 4 29-01-13 8306 3.59 3.68 298 306 63 305 1 03-01-17 G Dam 9589 3.80 3.57 365 342 37 296 5 28-01-14 8658 3.68 3.68 319 319 31 305 26 01-03-18 10328 3.96 3.63 409 375 52 303 19-01-15 Radney Miw Odetta 2 EX 92 6E IE151289120730 by Mil Addis W 1 (MIW) 9960 3.99 3.52 398 350 75 304 7 16-01-16 GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9126 3.65 3.58 333 327 47 293 8 24-02-17 7147 4.27 3.52 305 251 173 296 1 26-01-10 Radney Miw Odetta 2 EX 92 6E IE151289120730 by Mil Addis W 1 (MIW) 8871 4.04 3.56 359 315 68 286 9 13-02-18 8489 3.92 3.54 333 300 185 305 2 24-01-11 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 3.41 377 316 27 305 31 27-01-12 3rd9260 Dam 4.07 7147 4.27 3.52 305 251 173 296 26-01-10 11393 4.22 3.55 481 404 90 305 42 29-01-13 8489 3.92 3.54 333 300 185 305 Radney Qur3.80 Odetta EX 93 8E365 IE151289150592 (592) 296 by Qg 5Europe24-01-11 ET (QUR) 9589 3.57 342 37 28-01-14 9260 4.07 3.41 377 316 27 305 3 27-01-12 Milk Kgs 3.96 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 10328 3.63 409 375 52 303 6 19-01-15 11393 4.22 3.55 481 404 90 305 29-01-13 07-02-08 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 147 9960 3.99 3.52 398 350 75 304 16-01-16 9589 3.80 3.57 365 342 37 296 28-01-14 19-01-09 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 305 258 9126 3.65 3.58 333 327 47 293 24-02-17 10328 3.96 3.63 409 375 52 303 6 19-01-15 24-01-10 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 305 3 8871 4.04 3.56 359 315 68 286 97 13-02-18 9960 3.99 3.52 398 350 75 304 16-01-16 24-01-11 10616 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 305 4 9126 3.65 3.58 333 327 47 293 8 24-02-17 3rd10011 Dam 4.40 14-02-12 3.77 441 377 48 289 5 8871 4.04 3.56 359 315 68 286 9 13-02-18 19-01-13 11577Qur3.88 3.7593 8E449 434 53 Radney Odetta EX IE151289150592 (592) 305 by Qg6Europe ET (QUR) 28-02-14 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 274 7 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 06-02-15 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 305 8 6528 Qur4.22 3.9093 8E275 255 57 282 1Europe07-02-08 Radney Odetta EX IE151289150592 (592) by Qg ET (QUR) 19-08-16 10036 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 305 9 19-01-09 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 305 2 10-01-18 Milk Kgs 4.23 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9540 3.64 BfKgs 404 347 293 305 10 24-01-10 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 305 3 07-02-08 3.90 275 255 57 282 1 4th6528 Dam 4.22 24-01-11 10616 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 305 42 19-01-09 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 305 14-02-12 Radney Mars Odetta3.77 2 GP 82441 IE151289120350 (350) 289 by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) 10011 4.40 377 48 5 24-01-10 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 305 3 19-01-13 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation 11577 3.88 3.75 449 434 53 305 64 Copyright, Irish Milk Kgs Cattle BF%Breeding PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 24-01-11 10616 4.03 3.94 Federation 428 ICBF 419 46 305 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 274 7 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to 64 it. No representation or warranty expressed28-02-14 or implied is 6235 4.55 3.64 284 227 72 305 1 12-01-04 14-02-12 10011 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 5 103(110) made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 10954 4.51 3.88 425 116 305 82contained in 06-02-15 6427 4.29 3.72or arising494 276 239 118 273 damages, costs or expenses 3.88 whatsoever, incurred from any use of or reliance on 53 this Report or 305 the information 6 it02-03-05 by any person. 19-01-13 11577 3.75 449 434 19-08-16 10036 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 305 973 6774 3.99 3.77 270 255 498 282 11-02-06 28-02-14 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 274 10-01-18 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 10 06-02-15 3.88 494 425 116 305 8 5th10954 Dam 4.51 19-08-16 10036 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 305 9 Radney Odetta 3.64 EX 90 3E 0107796265 by Barold Seal (BRL) 10-01-18 9540 Seal4.23 404 347 (R006) 293 305 10 Rock Milk Irish Kgs Cattle BF%Breeding PR%Federation BfKgs ICBF PrKgs Copyright,

SCC onDays Lact Calving Date Based Mar 2019 Evaluation

7524 3.71 353of information 279provided to 108 287 or warranty 4 expressed31-01-94 This report has been prepared4.69 by ICBF in good faith on the basis it. No representation or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses or indirect), 7778 4.12 3.55 320 276 83 303 5(whether direct15-01-95


Radney Alex Deborah (GP 83) EBI €151 Overall Indexes Milk Traits

LOT 48Traits LOT 10 Fertility







Milk Kg 233

Fat Kg 16.21





372216166321597 (1597)










€23 €34 Cracking Heifer Prot Kg Fat % Prot %

CI Survival LOT 48Alex Deborah Radney 83) EBI €151 -.4(days) (GP 1.4(%) Radney Alex Deborah (GP 83) EBI €151 Type Traits Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk AI 22.04.19 to Radney FR4048 Overall Indexes EBI Steve28% EBI Rel Milk 2.04 1.67 1.52 €151 €75 €151






HO (88%),FR (13%) Female HO (88%),FR (13%) Female


13-Feb-2017 13-Feb-2017 Calv Beef Calv Beef €34 -€8

372216166321597 (1597) 372216166321597 (1597)

Fert €23 €23



Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Milk Traits Henry 233 Milk Kg Knockilla, Fat Kg Freemount, Prot KgCharleville Fat %Co Cork Prot % 16.21 10.5 0.12 0.05 Breeder O'Keeffe. 233 16.21 10.5 0.12 0.05 Yield Data Fertility Traits CI Survival Fertility CI Survival 1.4(%) Milk KgsTraits BF% -.4(days) PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date


Maint €7 €7


Mgmt €6 €6


Health €15 €15

Type Traits 4.01 Overall Feet/Legs 7687 3.55 309 273 Udder 55 305 1 06-01-19 (proj) Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder 2.04 1.67 1.52 Sire 2.04 1.67 1.52 Cogent Peak Alex (FR2330) €224 by Bomaz Altabettman-Et (DQV000071074447) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Dam Breeder Yield Data Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Radney Mcl Deborah 2 EX 91 3E IE151289111042 by Mascol ET (MCL) Yield Data Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date (1042) €146 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7687 4.01 3.55 309 273 55 305 1 06-01-19 (proj) Milk Kgs 4.01 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7687 3.55 BfKgs 309 273 55 305 1 06-01-19 (proj) Sire 5477 3.76 3.64 206 199 45 238 1 08-03-14 Sire Cogent Alex (FR2330) €224 by Bomaz (DQV000071074447) 8977 Peak 4.08 3.75 367 337 56 305 2 Altabettman-Et 09-02-15 Cogent Peak Alex (FR2330) €224 by Bomaz Altabettman-Et (DQV000071074447) 8262 3.65 3.78 302 312 46 284 3 06-03-16 Dam 9852 3.97 3.76 391 370 56 304 4 13-02-17 Dam Radney Deborah3.70 2 EX 91393 3E IE151289111042 by Mascol ET24-01-18 (MCL) 9491 Mcl4.15 351 31 305 5 Radney Mcl Deborah 2 EX 91 3E IE151289111042 by Mascol ET (MCL) (proj) (1042) €146 9619 4.09 3.62 394 348 48 305 6 30-01-19 (1042) €146 Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date GMilk Dam Milk Kgs 3.76 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 5477 3.64 206 199 45 238 1 08-03-14 Radney Afs Deborah EX 90 3E IE151289190836 (836) by Arenberg Frans 233 5477 3.76 3.64 206 199 45 238 1 08-03-14 8977 4.08 3.75 367 337 56 305 2 09-02-15 (AFS) 8977 4.08 3.75 BfKgs 367 337 56 305 Lact 09-02-15 Milk Kgs 3.65 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 8262 3.78 302 312 46 284 32 06-03-16 6321 4.44 3.71 280 234 37 279 27-01-12 8262 3.65 3.78 302 312 46 284 06-03-16 9852 3.97 3.76 391 370 56 304 413 13-02-17 8836 3.95 3.87 349 342 40 16-01-13 9852 3.97 3.76 391 370 56 304 13-02-17 9491 4.15 3.70 393 351 31 305 524 24-01-18 8356 4.23 3.81 354 319 66 299 3 20-01-14 9491 4.15 3.70 393 351 31 305 5 24-01-18 (proj) 9619 4.09 3.62 394 348 48 305 6 30-01-19 10016 4.26 3.86 427 387 71 305 46 04-01-15 9619 4.09 3.62 394 348 48 30-01-19 (proj) G Dam 9086 3.37 3.78 306 344 58 305 5 04-01-16 G 9334 Dam 4.06 3.79 379 354 55 289 6 15-02-17 Radney Afs Deborah EX 90 3E IE151289190836 (836) by Arenberg Frans 233 (AFS) 9659 Afs4.03 3.70 389IE151289190836 358 54(836) 305 7 08-01-18 Radney Deborah EX 90 3E by Arenberg Frans Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving 233 Date(AFS) Milk Kgs 4.44 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6321 3.71 280 234 37 279 1 27-01-12 3rd Dam 6321 4.44 3.71 280 234 37 279 1 27-01-12 8836 3.95 3.87 349 342 40 305 2 16-01-13 Radney Deborah VG 88 354 IE151289130558 (558) by Ruud 8836 Ruu4.23 3.95 3.87 349 342 40 305 16-01-13 8356 3.81 319 66 299 32 22 (RUU) 20-01-14 8356 4.23 3.81 BfKgs 354 319 66 299 Lact 20-01-14 Milk Kgs 4.26 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 10016 3.86 427 387 71 305 43 04-01-15 30-01-09 7359 4.68 3.89 344 286 78 305 154 10016 3.37 4.26 3.86 427 387 71 305 04-01-15 9086 3.78 306 344 58 04-01-16 10-01-10 8941 4.32 3.83 386 342 115 305 265 9086 3.37 3.78 306 344 58 305 04-01-16 9334 4.06 3.79 379 354 55 289 15-02-17 23-02-11 8554 3.76 3.91 321 334 66 259 3 9334 4.06 3.79 379 354 55 289 6 15-02-17 9659 4.03 3.70 389 358 54 305 7 08-01-18 9659 4.03 3.70 389 358 54 305 7 08-01-18 4th Dam 3rd Dam 3rd Dam Radney Ruu MerciDeborah DeborahVG 3 GP 84 IE151289190423 by Ruud Galtee22 Merci ET (GMI) 88 IE151289130558 (558) (RUU) Radney Deborah VG 88 IE151289130558 (558) Days by Ruud Milk KgsRuuBF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Lact 22 (RUU) Calving Date 6640 3.62 3.60 240 239 72 305 1 20-01-05 30-01-09 Milk Kgs 4.68 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7359 3.89 344 286 78 30-01-09 8335 3.46 3.64 289 303 252 305 2 11-01-06 7359 4.68 3.89 344 286 78 305 1 10-01-10 8941 4.32 3.83 386 342 115 10-01-10 8966 3.39 3.55 304 318 398 305 29-01-07 8941 4.32 Breeding 3.83 Federation 386 ICBF 342 115 on 259 305 23-02-11 3.76 3.91 321 334 66 Based Mar 201932Evaluation 5th8554 Dam Copyright, Irish Cattle 23-02-11 8554 3.76 3.91 321 334 66 259 3 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 95(110) Dam Radney VGcompleteness 87 RI09923597 (11)shall not be liable forby Veldstar Ingold (VRI) made or 4th given by ICBF Star as to theDeborah accuracy, reliability, of this Report. ICBF any losses (whether direct or indirect), damages,4th costsDam or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person. Milk Kgs BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Merci Calving Date Radney Merci Deborah 3 GPBfKgs 84 IE151289190423 by Galtee ET (GMI) 6651 3.71 3.54 247 235 23 289 1 04-02-02 Radney Deborah 84 IE151289190423 by Galtee ET Date (GMI) Milk KgsMerci BF% PR%3 GP BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Merci Calving 7786 3.58 3.60 279 280 59 277 2 20-02-03 Milk Kgs 3.62 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6640 3.60 240 239 72 305 1 20-01-05 7831 3.63 3.52 284 276 210 282 3 20-02-04 6640 3.62 3.60 240 239 72 305 20-01-05 8335 3.46 3.64 289 303 252 305 21 11-01-06 7462 3.77 3.67 281 274 126 305 4 23-01-05 8335 3.46 3.64 289 303 252 305 11-01-06 8966 3.39 3.55 304 318 398 305 29-01-07 Based Mar 2019352Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 8463 3.60 Breeding 3.60 Federation 305 ICBF 305 130 on 305 18-01-06

Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes

13-Apr-2019 - FR4416




















Milk Kg

Milk Traits

Expected Calving Date:

- FULLProtein PEDIGREE 16KgLactations Fat Prot Kg over Fat % 3.6% Prot %

LOT 46 71 6.85 7.61 Radney Steve Gerrard EBI €154 Fertility CI Survival LOT 11 Traits LOT 46 Last Recorded Service: -3.1(days) 1.9(%) - FR4416 13-Apr-2019 Radney Steve Gerrard EBI Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes EBI EBI€154 Rel Milk -0.52 Last Recorded Service: €154

-0.83 -0.22 30% €53 13-Apr-2019 - FR4416



- FULL PEDIGREE 27-Dec-2017

Expected Calving Date:

HO (94%),FR (6%) Female

372216166371619 (1619) HO (94%),FR (6%) Female


372216166371619 (1619) Maint Mgmt Health Expected Calving Date: €63 €41 -€1 20-Jan-2020 -€8 €0 €6 Sexed 27-Dec-2017 Calv Beef


Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Mgmt 6.85 7.61 0.07 Co Cork 0.10 €154 30% €53 €63 €41 -€1 -€8 €0 Breeder Henry 71 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Survival Radney Steve ET (FR4098) €190 by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) 71 7.61 0.07 0.10 -3.1(days) 6.85 1.9(%)

Health €6

Dam Traits Type Fertility Traits

Overall Feet/Legs Udder CI Survival -0.52 -0.83 -0.22 -3.1(days) Radney Qur Gerrard 2 EX 92 1.9(%) 4E IE151289190877

by Qg Europe ET (QUR) (877)Traits €118 Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder -0.83 -0.22 Charleville Co Cork Breeder Henry -0.52 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Sire 6402 4.47 3.76 286 241 40 295 1 11-01-12 Radney ET (FR4098) by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) 9104 Steve 4.10 3.84 €190 373 350 31 Charleville 302 17-02-13 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Co2Cork 7678 4.03 3.84 310 295 57 267 3 07-03-14 Sire Dam 9515 4.47 3.95 425 376 85 305 4 17-01-15 Radney Steve ET (FR4098) €190 by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) Radney Gerrard3.95 2 EX 92332 4E IE151289190877 by Qg5Europe15-02-16 ET (QUR) 8298 Qur4.00 328 57 304 Dam (877) €118 3.98 9352 3.93 372 367 75 305 6 17-01-17 9084 4.11 3.80 374 345 86 305 7 27-12-17 Radney Gerrard 2 EX 92 4E IE151289190877 by Qg Europe ET (QUR) Milk KgsQurBF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date (877) €118 6402 4.47 3.76 286 241 40 295 1 11-01-12 G Dam 9104 4.10 3.84 373 350 31 302 2 17-02-13 Milk KgsMars BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Lact Mars Calving Date Radney Gerrard VG 88 IE151289140443 (443) Days by Galtee Usnes (MAU) 7678 4.03 3.84 310 295 57 267 3 07-03-14 6402 4.47 3.76 286 241 40 295 1 11-01-12 9515 3.95 BfKgs 425 376 85 305 4 17-01-15 Milk Kgs 4.47 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9104 4.10 3.84 373 350 31 302 2 17-02-13 6561 4.02 3.72 264 244 73 305 1 08-01-06 8298 4.00 3.95 332 328 57 304 5 15-02-16 7678 4.03 3.84 310 295 57 267 3 07-03-14 7592 4.25 3.77 323 286 97 294 12-02-07 9352 3.98 3.93 372 367 75 305 62 17-01-17 9515 4.47 3.95 425 376 85 305 4 17-01-15 7704 4.41 3.85 340 296 62 14-01-08 9084 4.11 3.80 374 345 86 305 73 27-12-17 8298 4.00 3.95 332 328 57 304 5 15-02-16 7472 4.59 3.94 343 294 339 305 4 20-01-09 9352 3.98 3.93 372 367 75 305 6 17-01-17 G Dam 8242 4.51 3.77 371 311 125 295 5 09-02-10 9084 4.11 3.80 374 345 86 305 7 27-12-17 8422 4.16 3.94 350 332 130 303 6 01-02-11 Radney Mars Gerrard VG 88 IE151289140443 (443) by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) 8449 4.10 3.84 347 324 57 305 7 21-01-12 GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9682 4.12 3.89 399 377 84 305 81 11-01-13 6561 4.02 3.72 264 244 73 305 08-01-06 Radney Mars Gerrard VG 88198 IE151289140443 (443) 199 by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) 5399 3.67 3.65 197 583 9 02-05-14 7592 4.25 3.77 323 286 97 294 2 12-02-07 Milk Kgs








Calving Date

3.85 340 296 62 305 3 14-01-08 3rd7704 Dam 4.41 6561 4.02 3.72 264 244 73 305 1 08-01-06 7472 4.59 3.94 343 294 339 305 4 20-01-09 7592 4.25 3.77 323 286 97 294 2 12-02-07Boy (RI00573552) Ardrahan Gerarda 62 VG 88 RI09296446 (142) by Ardrahan Triemp 8242 4.51 3.77 371 311 125 295 5 09-02-10 7704 4.41 3.85 340 296 62 305 3 14-01-08 8422 3.94 BfKgs 350 332 130 303 6 01-02-11 Milk Kgs 4.16 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7472 4.59 3.94 343 294 339 305 4 20-01-09 01-01-00 6431 3.90 3.44 251 221 43 305 17 8449 4.10 3.84 347 324 57 21-01-12 8242 4.51 3.77 371 311 125 295 5 09-02-10 22-04-01 6619 4.08 3.53 270 234 26 305 28 9682 4.12 3.89 399 377 84 11-01-13 8422 4.16 3.94 350 332 130 303 6 01-02-11 20-03-02 5964 3.94 3.51 235 209 44 245 39 5399 3.67 3.65 198 197 583 199 02-05-14 8449 4.10 3.84 347 324 57 305 7 21-01-12 26-01-03 7770 4.01 3.46 312 269 54 302 4 9682 4.12 3.89 399 377 84 305 8 11-01-13 3rd7088 Dam 3.73 10-01-04 3.55 264 252 68 305 5 5399 3.67 3.65 198 197 583 199 9 02-05-14 14-01-05 6735 Gerarda 3.16 3.51 237 (142)89 283 6 Ardrahan 62 VG 88213 RI09296446 by Ardrahan Triemp Boy (RI00573552) 26-01-06 7772 3.23 3.55 251 276 347 298 7 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 15-05-07 4745 3.74 3.49 177 166 115 163 8 01-01-00 3.90 3.44 221 (142)43 305 1 4th6431 Dam Gerarda Ardrahan 62 VG 88251 RI09296446 by Ardrahan Triemp Boy (RI00573552) 22-04-01 6619 4.08 3.53 270 234 26 305 2 Milk Kgs Gerarda BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date8 (0100545870) Ardrahan 58 0108759176 by Goldenfield Cascade 20-03-02 5964 3.94 Breeding 3.51 Federation 235 ICBF 209 44 on 245 Based Mar 20193 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 01-01-00 6431 3.90 3.44 251 221 43 305 1 Milk Kgs 4.01 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Date 26-01-03 7770 3.46 312of information 269provided to 54 302 or warranty 4 expressedCalving This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis it. No representation or implied is 22-04-01 6619 4.08 3.53 270 234 26 305 2 3836 4.13 3.33 158 128 319 296 1 01-03-96 made or given by ICBF as to 3.73 the accuracy, reliability, for any losses 5 (whether direct or indirect), 10-01-04 7088 3.55 completeness 264 of this Report. 252 ICBF shall68not be liable305 damages, costs or expenses 3.94 whatsoever, incurred from any use of or reliance on 44 this Report or 245 the information 3 contained in 20-03-02 it by any person. 5964 3.51 209 4433 4.03 3.05or arising235 178 135 213 233 26-04-97 14-01-05 6735 3.16 3.51 213 237 89 283 62 26-01-03 7770 4.01 3.46 312 269 54 302 43 6344 3.58 3.15 227 200 167 305 22-03-99 26-01-06 7772 3.23 3.55 251 276 347 298 7 10-01-04 7088 3.73 3.55 264 252 68 305 5 15-05-07 3.49 177 166 115 163 8 5th4745 Dam 3.74 14-01-05 6735 3.16 3.51 213 237 89 283 6 26-01-06 7772 3.23 3.55 251 276 347 298 7 Ardrahan Gerarda 24 0106902176 by Gornal Benefit (GOB) 15-05-07 4745 3.74 Breeding 3.49 Federation 177 ICBF 166 115 on 163 Based Mar 20198 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 6th This report has Dam been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),



Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes









Milk Kg

Milk Traits

Expected Calving Date:

06-Apr-2019 - FR4368

Fat Kg


€55 -€7 - FULL PEDIGREE Prot %

4% Protein Fat %

Prot Kg

LOT 47 34 17.25 7.67 RadneyTraits EBI Survival €167 Fertility CI LOT 12 Fjm Odetta -2.1(days) .8(%) LOT 47 Last Recorded Service: 06-Apr-2019 - FR4368 Radney Fjm Odetta €167Rel Udder Type Traits Overall Overall Indexes EBI EBI Feet/Legs EBI Milk -0.57 €167 Last Recorded Service:



-0.83 0.02 32% €78 06-Apr-2019 - FR4368


0.12 27-Dec-2017 - FULL PEDIGREE

Expected Calving Date:






HO (97%),FR (3%) Female

372216166321622 (1622) HO (97%),FR (3%) Female


27-Dec-2017 Calv Beef



372216166321622 (1622) Maint Mgmt Health

€36 €55 -€7 13-Jan-2020 €5 Expected Calving Date:

Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Breeder Henry 34 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 17.25 7.67 0.27 0.12 €167 32% €78 €36 €55 -€7 €5 Sire Fertility Traits CI Survival Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Doonmanagh Hmy34 Mossy (FJM) €225 by Highmount -2.1(days) .8(%) 17.25 7.67 0.27 0.12 Kenny (HMY)


€1 Sexed





Dam Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Fertility Traits CI Survival -0.57 -0.83 0.02 -2.1(days) .8(%) Radney Yry Odetta 1408 IE151289131408 (1408) by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) €107 Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Breeder Henry -0.57 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork -0.83 0.02 G Dam Sire Doonmanagh HmyO'Keeffe. Mossy €225 Freemount, by Galtee Highmount (HMY) Radney GmiHenry Odetta VG 85(FJM) IE151289111216 (1216) MerciKenny ET (GMI) Breeder Knockilla, Charleville Co Cork Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Dam Sire 6922 3.93 3.47 272 240 58 Doonmanagh Hmy Mossy (FJM) €225 Radney Yry Odetta 1408 IE151289131408 (1408) 9438 3.82 3.62 360 342 43 €107 Dam 3rd Dam Radney Yry Odetta 1408 IE151289131408 (1408) G Dam Cxt Odetta 2 GP 80 IE151289160973 (973) Radney €107 Radney OdettaPR% VG 85 IE151289111216 Milk KgsGmiBF% BfKgs PrKgs (1216) SCC 5840 3.96 BfKgs 283 231 62 GMilk Dam Kgs 4.84 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 6750 4.85 4.03 328 272 39 6922 3.93 3.47 272 240 58 Radney Odetta 4.20 VG 85 IE151289111216 (1216) 8368 Gmi 5.05 423 352 145 9438 3.82 3.62 360 342 43 Milk Kgs






4th6922 Dam 3.47 272 240 58 3rd Dam 3.93 9438 3.82 3.62 360 342 43 Radney Cxt Nhs Odetta Odetta 23 GP VG80 86IE151289160973 IE151289180736(973) (736) Milk Kgs PR% PrKgs SCC 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% BF% PR% BfKgs BfKgs PrKgs SCC 5457 4.24 3.50 231 191 44 5840 4.84 3.96 283 231 62 Radney Cxt4.38 Odetta 23.73 GP 80 IE151289160973 (973) 7740 339 289 27 6750 4.85 4.03 328 272 39 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 8215 4.59 3.85 377 316 46 8368 5.05 4.20 423 352 145 5840 4.84 3.96 283 231 62 9499 4.32 3.79 410 360 60 4.85 4.03 328 272 39 4th6750 Dam 7148 4.06 3.63 291 260 54 8368 5.05 4.20 423 352 145 8717 4.78 3.74 417 326 61 Radney Nhs Odetta 3 VG 86 IE151289180736 (736)



Calving Date

297 1 09-01-16 by Highmount Kenny (HMY) by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) 305 2 18-01-17

by by by Days 266 Days 280 297 by 305 Days

Radney Levi 5 (YRY) Carracoush Extasy 4 (CXT) Galtee ET Date (GMI) Lact Merci Calving 08-02-13 1 Lact Calving Date 19-01-14 21 09-01-16 Galtee ET (GMI) 12-01-15 32 Merci 18-01-17 Lact

Calving Date

Lact Lact

Calving Calving Date Date

297 1 09-01-16 305 2 by Carracoush Newhouse 18-01-17 Sjoerd (NHS) Extasy 4 (CXT)

Days Days

232 1 31-03-10 08-02-13 266 by Carracoush Extasy 4 (CXT) 277 2 27-02-11 19-01-14 280 Days Lact Calving Date 305 3 20-01-12 12-01-15 08-02-13 266 14 301 02-02-13 19-01-14 280 25 214 15-04-14 12-01-15 305 3 305 6 by Newhouse 05-03-15 Sjoerd (NHS)

5th Dam 4th Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 5457 4.24 3.50 231 191 44 232 1 31-03-10 Radney Nhs MarsOdetta Odetta3 3VG EX8691IE151289180736 4E IE151289180471 by Newhouse Galtee Mars Usnes(NHS) (MAU) Radney (736) by Sjoerd 7740 4.38 3.73 339 289 27 277 2 27-02-11 Milk Kgs Kgs BF% BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Days Lact Lact Calving Date Date Milk PR% PrKgs SCC Calving 8215 4.59 3.85 BfKgs 377 316 46 305 3 20-01-12 6339 3.97 3.54 252 225 58 285 1 08-02-06 5457 4.24 3.50 231 191 44 232 1 31-03-10 9499 4.32 3.79 410 360 60 301 4 02-02-13 8290 3.82 3.57 317 296 84 304 2 02-02-07 7740 4.38 3.73 339 289 27 277 2 27-02-11 7148 4.06 3.63 291 260 54 214 5 15-04-14 8511 4.08 3.61 348 307 36 296 3 18-02-08 8215 4.59 3.85 377 316 46 305 36 20-01-12 8717 4.78 3.74 417 326 61 305 05-03-15 7744 3.97 3.54 307 274 28 273 4 04-03-09 9499 4.32 3.79 410 360 60 301 4 02-02-13 8291 3.84 3.59 319 298 65 290 14-02-10 7148 4.06 3.63 291 260 54 214 55 15-04-14 8503 3.80 3.50 323 297 131 269 07-03-11 8717 4.78 3.74 417 326 61 305 66 05-03-15 6765 3.87 3.51 262 237 124 229 7 25-04-12 9338 4.15 3.46 387 323 367 305 8 10-09-13 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation

Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF

6th Dam

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person.

Radney Merci Odetta GP 82 RI09728706 (9911) Milk Kgs







by Galtee Merci ET (GMI)



Calving Date

4937 3.99 3.41 197 168 34 267 1 14-03-01 7355 3.91 3.45 288 254 34 305 2 18-01-02 8555 3.81 3.35 326 287 46 304 3 24-01-03 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 7942 3.98 Breeding 3.54 Federation 316 ICBF 281 35 296 4 06-02-04 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 7755 3.97 3.38 308 262 100 305 5 16-01-05 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),

damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person.


Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes Milk Traits

11-Apr-2019 - FR4416

Expected Calving Date:









Milk Kg 140

Fat Kg 3.71




€46 -€7 - FULL PEDIGREE Prot %





- FULL PEDIGREE 28-Dec-2017

372216166361626 HO (88%),FR (13%) (1626) Female

G Dam 4Prot lactations Kg Fat %@ 4% Protein

LOT 45 8.41 Radney Steve Ostrich EBI €149 Fertility CI Survival LOT 13Traits LOT 45 -2.3(days) 1.8(%) - FR4416 Last Recorded Service: 11-Apr-2019 Radney Steve Ostrich EBI €149 Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel Milk 0.34 €149 Last Recorded Service:



0.19 0.09 32% €45 11-Apr-2019 - FR4416


HO (88%),FR (13%) Female


Expected Calving Date:

28-Dec-2017 Calv Beef



372216166361626 (1626) Maint Mgmt Health

€50 €46 -€7 18-Jan-2020 -€2 Expected Calving Date:


€11 Sexed Mgmt Health

Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel Milk Fert Calv % Beef Maint Breeder Henry 140 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville 3.71 8.41 -0.03 Co Cork 0.07 €149 32% €45 €50 €46 -€7 -€2 €7 Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Survival Radney Steve ET (FR4098) by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) 140 3.71 8.41 -0.03 0.07 -2.3(days) €190 1.8(%)

Dam Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Fertility Traits CI Survival 0.34 0.19 0.09 -2.3(days) 1.8(%) Radney Gzg Ostrich VG 88 IE151289191256 (1256) €93 Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder


by Guarini (GZG)

0.19 PrKgs 0.09 SCCCharleville Breeder Henry 0.34 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Cork Calving Date Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs Days Co Lact Sire 6958 3.68 3.60 256 250 38 305 1 13-01-16 9601 3.58 3.66 344 352 44 305 2 Radney Steve ET (FR4098) €190 by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 19-01-17 9412 3.57 3.60 336 339 54 305 3 28-12-17 Sire Dam 9346 3.82 3.64 357 341 27 305 4 18-01-19 (proj) Radney Steve ET (FR4098) €190 by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) Radney Gzg Ostrich VG 88 IE151289191256 (1256) by Guarini (GZG) G Dam Dam €93 Radney Gzg Gmi Ostrich Ostrich VG 3 VG IE151289140757 (757) by Guarini Galtee Merci ET (GMI) Radney 8887 IE151289191256 (1256) by (GZG) Milk Kgs








Calving Date

Milk Kgs 3.68 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date €93 6958 3.60 BfKgs 256 250 38 305 1 13-01-16 6295 3.91 4.02 246 253 423 303 1 16-01-11 9601 3.58 3.66 344 352 44 305 2 19-01-17 Milk Kgs 4.04 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7487 4.19 303 314 155 305 21-01-12 9412 3.57 3.60 BfKgs 336 339 54 305 32 28-12-17 6958 3.68 3.60 256 250 38 305 1 13-01-16 8251 3.40 4.20 280 346 201 305 28-01-13 (proj) 9346 3.82 3.64 357 341 27 305 43 18-01-19 9601 3.58 3.66 344 352 44 305 24 19-01-17 6193 3.59 4.10 222 254 272 256 12-02-14 9412 3.57 3.60 336 339 54 305 3 28-12-17 G Dam 3rd9346 Dam 3.82 3.64 357 341 27 305 4 18-01-19 (proj) Radney Gmi Ostrich 3 VG 87 IE151289140757 (757) by Galtee Merci ET (GMI) Radney Bwv Ostrich 3 G 75 IE151289190415 (415) by Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV) GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Milk Kgs 3.91 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6295 4.02 246 253 423 303 1 16-01-11 Radney Gmi Ostrich3.59 3 VG 87252 IE151289140757 (757) 305 by Galtee Merci ET (GMI) 26-01-05 6686 3.77 240 70 1 7487 4.04 4.19 303 314 155 305 2 21-01-12 Milk Kgs 3.82 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 20-02-06 6831 3.66 BfKgs 261 250 56 287 23 8251 3.40 4.20 280 346 201 305 28-01-13 6295 3.91 4.02 246 253 423 303 1 16-01-11 17-01-07 9256 3.75 3.57 348 330 75 305 3 6193 3.59 4.10 222 254 272 256 4 12-02-14 7487 4.04 4.19 303 314 155 305 21-01-12 09-09-08 7235 3.89 3.33 282 241 84 305 42 3.40 4.20 280 346 201 305 3 28-01-13 3rd8251 Dam 02-05-10 5465 4.51 3.47 246 189 123 257 5 6193 3.59 4.10 222 254 272 256 4 12-02-14 Radney by Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV) 4th Dam Bwv Ostrich 3 G 75 IE151289190415 (415) 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Radney Image Ostrich VG 85252 0108626013 (9405) by Maunsell Image ET (MLA) 26-01-05 6686 3.77 3.59 240 70 305 1 Radney Bwv Ostrich 3 G 75 IE151289190415 (415) by Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV) Milk Kgs 3.82 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 20-02-06 6831 3.66 BfKgs 261 250 56 287 2 Milk Kgs 3.85 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6623 3.22 BfKgs 255 213 35 305 22-01-97 17-01-07 9256 3.75 3.57 348 330 75 305 32 26-01-05 6686 3.77 3.59 252 240 70 305 1 6974 3.61 3.46 252 241 51 290 04-02-98 09-09-08 7235 3.89 3.33 282 241 84 305 43 20-02-06 6831 3.82 3.66 261 250 56 287 24 8689 3.52 3.45 306 300 97 305 01-02-99 02-05-10 5465 4.51 3.47 246 189 123 257 5 17-01-07 9256 3.75 3.57 348 330 75 305 35 7331 3.43 3.47 251 255 53 266 02-03-00 09-09-08 3.33 282 241 84 305 46 4th7235 Dam 3.89 8276 3.64 3.33 301 276 32 284 02-02-01 02-05-10 5465 4.51 3.47 246 189 123 257 5 8289 Image 3.71Ostrich 3.44 285 (9405) 224 289 7 04-02-02 Radney VG 85307 0108626013 by Maunsell Image ET (MLA) 8468 3.98 3.33 337 282 87 298 9 22-01-04 4th Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 5th6623 Dam 3.85 3.22 255 213 35 305 2 22-01-97 Radney Image Ostrich VG 85 0108626013 (9405) by 2019 Maunsell Image ET (MLA) Mar Copyright, IrishBaronet Cattle 6974 3.61 Breeding 3.46 Federation 252 ICBF 241 51 on 290 3 Evaluation 04-02-98 Radney Ostrich 0108245491 (G013) Based by Whitsbury Baronet ET (WYT) Kgs PR% BfKgs PrKgs Daysor warranty Lactexpressed Calving This reportMilk has been preparedBF% by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information it. No representation or implied Date is 8689 3.52 3.45 306 300provided toSCC 97 305 4 01-02-99 made or given by ICBF as to 3.85 the accuracy, reliability, Report. not be liableDays for any losses or indirect), Milk Kgs BF% PR%completeness BfKgs SCC Lact Calving Date 6623 3.22 255 of this PrKgs 213 ICBF shall35 305 2(whether direct 22-01-97 damages, costs or expenses 3.43 whatsoever, incurred or arising251 from any use of or reliance on 53 this Report or 266 the information 5 contained in it02-03-00 by any person. 7331 3.47 255 5664 3.26 3.21 185 182 188 275 1 22-02-94 6974 3.61 3.46 252 241 51 290 3 04-02-98 8276 3.64 3.33 301 276 32 284 6 02-02-01 5309 3.07 3.18 163 169 57 202 07-03-95 8689 3.52 3.45 306 300 97 305 42 01-02-99 8289 3.71 3.44 307 285 224 289 7 04-02-02 3.47 251 255 53 266 5 02-03-00 6th7331 Dam 3.43 8468 3.98 3.33 337 282 87 298 9 22-01-04 8276 3.64 3.33 301 276 32 284 6 02-02-01 Ardrahan Ostrich 523.44 0107192496 by Cappavilla Quaker 2 (0100465929) 8289 3.71 307 285 224 289 7 04-02-02 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 8468Kgs 3.98 3.33 337 282 87 298 9 22-01-04 Milk BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 4927 3.46 3.43 171 169 0 300 1 12-02-88 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),



Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes Milk Traits

09-Apr-2019 - FR4608







Milk Kg

Fat Kg

Expected Calving Date:





€47 €46 -€11 4% Protein - FULL PEDIGREE Prot Kg Fat % Prot %

LOT 44 -44 11.22 4.12 Radney 1627 EBI €142 LOT 14 Yry Deborah Fertility CI Survival LOT 44Traits Last Recorded Service: -2.3(days) 1.4(%) - FR4608 09-Apr-2019 Radney Yry Deborah 1627 EBI €142


0.10 29-Dec-2017


Expected Calving Date:

29-Dec-2017 Calv Beef







HO (81%),FR (19%) Female HO (81%),FR (19%)(1627) Female 372216166371627


372216166371627 (1627)

Overall Feet/Legs Udder EBI EBI Rel Milk Fert Maint Last Recorded Service: Expected Calving Date: 09-Apr-2019 - FR4608 -0.07 0.23 -0.19 €142 32% €52 €47 €46 -€11 16-Jan-2020 €1 Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot €142 32% €52 €47 €46 -€11 €1 11.22 Freemount, 4.12 0.22 Co Cork 0.10 Breeder Henry -44 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Charleville Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Sire Fertility Traits CI Survival -44 €147 1.4(%) 11.22 4.12 0.22 0.10 Radney Levi 5 (YRY) by Morningview Levi (MWL) -2.3(days)

Type Traits Overall Indexes



Health Sexed €7





CI Survival Udder Overall Feet/Legs -2.3(days) 0.23 1.4(%) -0.07 -0.19 Radney Raphael Deborah IE151289161468 (1468) by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder €136 0.23 -0.19 Charleville Co Cork Breeder Henry -0.07 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount,

Fertility Traits Dam Type Traits

G Dam Sire Breeder Levi O'Keeffe. Freemount, Co Cork Radney 5 (YRY) €14788Knockilla, Morningview LeviET (MWL) Rip Henry Deborah VG IE151289170917 (917)Charleville by Reary Mc Carthy (RIP) Sire Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Dam Radney 5 (YRY) €147 275 by Morningview Levi (MWL) 6058 Levi 4.53 3.92 237 105 293 1 12-01-13 Radney Raphael Deborah IE151289161468 (1468) by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) 6996 3.98 3.74 279 261 45 296 2 23-01-14 Dam €136 8320 4.70 4.05 391 337 64 305 3 20-01-15 Radney by (Ig)4Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) 7376 Raphael 3.84 Deborah 4.06 IE151289161468 283 300 (1468) 52 305 08-02-16 G Dam €136 8142 4.31 3.99 351 325 36 305 5 09-01-17 8364 4.38 3.92 366 328 33 305 6 01-01-18ET (RIP) Radney Rip Deborah VG 88 IE151289170917 (917) by Reary Mc Carthy G Dam 8732 4.31 3.82 377 333 26 305 7 09-01-19 (proj) Milk Kgs






6058 275 237 105 Radney Deborah3.92 VG 88 IE151289170917 (917) 3rd DamRip4.53 6996 3.98 3.74 279 261 45 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Radney Lsr Deborah VG 88 IE151289150584 (584) 8320 4.70 4.05 391 337 64 6058 4.53 3.92 275 237 105 7376 3.84 4.06 283 300 52 Milk Kgs 3.98 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 6996 3.74 BfKgs 279 261 45 7225 4.64 3.77 335 272 63 8142 4.31 3.99 351 325 36 8320 4.70 4.05 391 337 64 7907 4.91 3.89 389 308 26 8364 4.38 3.92 366 328 33 7376 3.84 4.06 283 300 52 8338 4.36 4.08 364 340 46 8732 4.31 3.82 377 333 26 8142 3.99 351 325 36 8137 4.46 3.97 363 323 88 8364 4.38 3.92 366 328 33 3rd8522 Dam 3.99 3.92 340 334 93 8732 4.31 3.82 377 333 26 8221 Lsr4.23 348 318 144 Radney Deborah3.87 VG 88 IE151289150584 (584) 3rd8921 Dam 4.26 3.98 380 355 94 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 9540 3.97 3.91 378 373 54 7225 Lsr4.64 335 272 63 Radney Deborah3.77 VG 88 IE151289150584 (584) 8951 4.46 3.78 399 338 45 7907 4.91 3.89 389 308 26


293 by 296 Days by 305 293 305 Days 296 305 305 292 305 305 305 289 305 272 305 282 by 305 Days 305 305 by 305 292


Calving Date

1 Mc Carthy 12-01-13ET (RIP) Reary 2 23-01-14 Lact Calving Date Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 31 20-01-15 12-01-13 42 08-02-16 Lact Calving Date 23-01-14 18-01-09 153 09-01-17 20-01-15 12-02-10 264 01-01-18 08-02-16 15-01-11 375 09-01-19 09-01-17 (proj) 25-02-12 46 01-01-18 19-03-13 57 09-01-19 (proj) 06-02-14 6 Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 01-04-15 7 Lact Calving Date 30-08-16 81 18-01-09 Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 14-02-18 92 12-02-10 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 15-01-11 4.08 364 340 46 305 31 4th8338 Dam 4.36 18-01-09 7225 4.64 3.77 335 272 63 25-02-12 8137 4.46 3.97 363 323 88 289 42 12-02-10 7907 4.91 3.89 389 308 26 292 Radney Merci Deborah EX 90 5E RI10136188 (275) by Galtee Merci ET (GMI) 19-03-13 8522 3.99 3.92 340 334 93 272 53 15-01-11 8338 4.36 4.08 364 340 46 305 Milk Kgs 4.23 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 06-02-14 8221 3.87 348 318 144 282 64 25-02-12 8137 4.46 3.97 BfKgs 363 323 88 289 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 1 19-01-03 01-04-15 8921 4.26 3.98 380 355 94 305 75 19-03-13 8522 3.99 3.92 340 334 93 272 8149 3.78 3.70 308 301 52 297 2 05-02-04 30-08-16 9540 3.97 3.91 378 373 54 305 8 06-02-14 8221 4.23 3.87 348 318 144 282 6 8284 3.66 3.68 303 305 73 295 08-02-05 14-02-18 8951 4.46 3.78 399 338 45 305 973 01-04-15 8921 4.26 3.98 380 355 94 9045 3.50 3.70 316 335 78 305 4 29-01-06 30-08-16 9540 3.97 3.91 378 373 54 305 8 9152 3.46 3.67 316 336 102 305 5 01-02-07 14-02-18 8951 4.46 3.78 399 338 45 305 9 8009 3.31 3.62 265 290 76 283 6 02-03-08 7727 4.31 3.85 333 297 183 292 7 13-02-09 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 7734 3.88 3.80 300 294 183 275 8 01-03-10 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 7123 3.87 3.88 276 276 284 261 9 15-03-11 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, from any use of289 or reliance on this Report or the information 10 contained in it03-03-12 by any person. 7519 4.59 incurred 3.84or arising 345 280 282


5th Dam Radney Amos Deborah GP 82 RI09046913 (964) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs Copyright, Irish Cattle 5254 3.87 Breeding 3.56 Federation 203 ICBF 187






by Carousel Amos (CAU)

SCC Days Lact Calving Date Based Mar 20191Evaluation 174 on 262 07-02-98





This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),


Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes

31-Mar-2019 - FR4368












€38 -€11 - FULL PEDIGREE







4.15 Protein. Full Fat sister toProt Radney MillHO (97%),FR (3%) Female Fat Kg Prot Kg % %

Milk Kg 49

Milk Traits

Expected Calving Date:

LOT 27 17.68 8.51 Radney Yry Deborah 1700 EBI €142 Fertility Survival LOT 15Traits CI LOT 27 Last Recorded Service: -1.3(days) .4(%) 31-Mar-2019 - FR4368 Radney Yry Deborah EBI Type Traits Overall 1700 Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel €142 Milk



25-Feb-2018 - FULL PEDIGREE

Expected Calving Date:

372216166361700 (1700) HO (97%),FR (3%) Female


372216166361700 (1700) Maint Mgmt Health -0.21 31-Mar-2019 -0.06 -0.18 €142 37% €82 €21 €38 -€11 07-Jan-2020 €6 €1 €5 Last Recorded Service: Expected Calving Date: Sexed - FR4368 Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel Milk Fert Calv % Beef Maint Mgmt Health 49 17.68 8.51 0.26 0.11 Breeder Henry€142 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 37% €82 €21 €38 -€11 €6 €1 €5 Sire Traits Fertility Traits CI Survival Milk Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Radney Levi 5 (YRY) €147 by Morningview Levi (MWL) -1.3(days) .4(%) 49 17.68 8.51 0.26 0.11 25-Feb-2018 Calv Beef


Dam Traits Type Fertility Traits

Overall Feet/Legs Udder CI Survival -0.21 -0.06 -0.18 (940) by Ballydehob Justice (BYJ) -1.3(days) .4(%) Radney Byj Deborah EX 90 2E IE151289160940 €161 Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Breeder Henry -0.21 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, -0.06 -0.18 Charleville Co Cork Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Sire6556 4.30 3.65 282 239 51 288 1 17-01-13 Radney Levi 5 (YRY) €147 by Morningview Levi (MWL) 6868 4.22 3.81 290 262 39 274 2 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 14-02-14 8755 4.59 4.15 402 363 60 303 3 24-01-15 Dam Sire 8670 4.26 3.98 369 345 48 305 4 14-01-16 Radney Levi 5 (YRY)EX €147 by Morningview Levi (MWL) Radney Byj Deborah 90 2E IE151289160940 (940) by Ballydehob Justice (BYJ) 9570 4.47 3.94 428 377 38 305 5 03-02-17 €161 Dam 9382 4.90 3.98 459 373 26 305 6 25-02-18 9572 4.46 3.83 427 367 50 305 7 (proj) Radney Byj Deborah EX 90 2E IE151289160940 (940) by Ballydehob22-03-19 Justice (BYJ) Milk Kgs






4.30 3.65 282 239 51 €161 G 6556 Dam 6868 4.22 3.81 290 262 39 Milk KgsGjo4.59 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs Radney Deborah IE151289110795 8755 4.15 402 363(795) SCC 60 6556 4.30 3.65 282 239 51 8670 4.26 3.98 369 345 48 3rd6868 Dam 4.22 3.81 290 262 39 9570 4.47 3.94 428 377 38 8755 4.59 4.15 363 60 Radney Deborah VG 88402 IE151289130558 (558) 9382 Ruu 4.90 3.98 459 373 26 8670 4.26 3.98 369 345 48 9572 3.83 427 367 50 Milk Kgs 4.46 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 9570 4.47 3.94 BfKgs 428 377 38 7359 4.68 3.89 344 286 78 9382 4.90 3.98 459 373 26 G Dam 8941 4.32 3.83 386 342 115 9572 4.46 3.83 427 367 50 8554 3.76 3.91 321 334 Radney Gjo Deborah IE151289110795 (795) 66 G Dam 4th Dam 3rd Radney Gjo Deborah IE151289110795 (795) Merci Deborah 3 GP 84 IE151289190423 Radney Ruu Deborah VG 88 IE151289130558 (558) 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 6640 3.62 3.60 240 239 72 7359 4.68 3.89 344 286 78 Radney Ruu Deborah VG 88 IE151289130558 (558) 8335 3.46 3.64 289 303 252 8941 4.32 3.83 386 342 115 Milk Kgs 3.76 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 8966 3.39 3.55 BfKgs 304 318 398 8554 3.91 321 334 66 7359 4.68 3.89 344 286 78 5th Dam 3.83 386 342 115 4th8941 Dam 4.32 Radney Deborah VG 87 321 RI09923597 8554 Star3.76 3.91 334 (11) 66 Radney Merci Deborah 3 GP 84 IE151289190423 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 4th Dam Milk BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 6651Kgs 3.71 3.54 BfKgs 247 235 23 6640 3.62 3.60 240 239 72 7786 Merci 3.58Deborah 3.603 GP279 280 59 Radney 84 IE151289190423 8335 3.46 3.64 289 303 252 7831Kgs 3.63 3.52 BfKgs 284 276 210 Milk BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 8966 3.39 3.55 304 318 398 7462 3.77 3.67 281 274 126 6640 3.62 3.60 240 239 72 8463 3.60 3.60 305 305 130 8335 3.46 3.64 289 303 252 9255 3.55 3.76 329 348 156 8966 3.39 3.55 304 318 398

Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF

6th Dam



Calving Date

288 1 17-01-13 274 2 14-02-14 Days Lact Calving Date by Geremjo (GJO) 303 3 24-01-15 288 1 17-01-13 305 4 14-01-16 274 25 14-02-14 305 03-02-17 303 36 22 (RUU) 24-01-15 by Ruud 305 25-02-18 305 4 14-01-16 305 7 22-03-19 (proj) Days Lact Calving Date 305 5 03-02-17 30-01-09 305 1 305 6 25-02-18 10-01-10 305 2 305 7 22-03-19 (proj) 23-02-11 259 3 by Geremjo (GJO) by Geremjo (GJO) Galtee22 Merci ET (GMI) by Ruud (RUU) Days Days

Lact Lact

Calving Date Date Calving

Days Days 289

Lact Lact 1

Calving Date Calving Date 04-02-02

30-01-09 305 1 20-01-05 by Ruud 22 (RUU) 10-01-10 11-01-06 305 2 Days Calving Date 23-02-11 305 Lact 29-01-07 259 3 30-01-09 305 1 10-01-10 305 2 23-02-11 by Veldstar Ingold (VRI) 259 3 by Galtee Merci ET (GMI) 305 20-01-05 277 21 Merci 20-02-03 by Galtee ET (GMI) 305 2 11-01-06 282 3 20-02-04 Days Lact Calving Date 305 29-01-07 305 413 23-01-05 305 20-01-05 305 52 18-01-06 305 11-01-06 305 6 10-03-07 305 3 29-01-07

Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person.

Radney Amos Deborah GP 82 RI09046913 (964) Milk Kgs





Dam of Radney Mill (Eurogene)


by Carousel Amos (CAU)




Calving Date

5254 3.87 3.56 203 187 174 262 1 07-02-98 8607 3.53 3.43 304 295 44 305 2 20-01-99 8220 3.52 3.54 289 291 52 305 3 04-01-00 Based Mar 20194 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 8958 3.63 Breeding 3.42 Federation 325 ICBF 307 37 on 299 18-01-01 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 8259 3.64 3.55 301 294 26 285 5 08-02-02 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), damages, costs or expenses 3.52 whatsoever, incurred from any use of or reliance on 60 this Report or 269 the information6 contained in 28-02-03 it by any person. 7439 3.67or arising262 273


Radney Yry Deborah 1700 - Lot 15

Radney YRY Deborah EX90 - from the same family as Lot 15

Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes Milk Traits

29-Apr-2019 - FR2028

Expected Calving Date:









Milk Kg 33

Fat Kg 9.7

Prot Kg 6.23




€36 -€16 - FULL PEDIGREE

3.79Fat Protein % Prot %

LOT 42 Radney Art Ostrich EBI €190 LOT 16Traits Fertility CI Survival LOT 42 Last Recorded Service: 29-Apr-2019 -5.4(days) 2.6(%) - FR2028 Radney Art Ostrich EBI €190



- FULL PEDIGREE 01-Jan-2018

Expected Calving Date:

01-Jan-2018 Calv Beef







HO (69%),FR (31%) Female HO (69%),FR (31%) (1631) Female 372216166331631


372216166331631 (1631)

EBI EBI Rel Milk Fert Maint Overall Feet/Legs Udder Last Recorded Service: Expected Calving Date: 29-Apr-2019 FR2028 05-Feb-2020 €190 31% €54 €99 €36 -€16 €11 -0.99 -1.14 -0.81 Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot €190 31% €54 €99 €36 -€16 €11 33 9.7 6.23 0.14 0.10 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Sire Fertility Traits CI Survival 33 6.23 0.14 0.10 Arthur (AGH) Coolnasoon Art (FR2249) €2739.7 by Aghawadda -5.4(days) 2.6(%) Overall Indexes Type Traits









CI Survival Overall Feet/Legs Udder -5.4(days) 2.6(%) -0.99 -1.14 -0.81 Radney Yry Ostrich 2 VG 85 IE151289161352 (1352) by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder €110 Traits -1.14 -0.81 Charleville Co Cork Breeder Henry -0.99 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount,

Fertility Traits Type Dam Traits

Milk Kgs







4.33 3.79 392 344 39 3.97 3.55 BfKgs 339 303 35 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 9357 4.09 3.64 383 341 43 9500 3.58 3.57 340 339 38 6668 4.50 3.61 300 241 43 8415 3.82 3.48 321 293 50 9072 4.33 3.79 392 344 39 G Dam 9301 3.92 3.60 365 334 55 9357 4.09 3.64 383 341 43 9045 3.89 3.53 352 320 43 Radney Lsr Ostrich 2 VG 86 IE151289110804 (804) G Dam 10032 3.45 BfKgs 377 346 44 Milk Kgs 3.76 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 6810 3.87 3.23 263 220 484 7229 Lsr4.01 253 40 Radney Ostrich 23.50 VG 86 290 IE151289110804 (804)

305 305 Days


Calving Date

Sire6668 4.50 3.61 300 241 43 281 1 12-02-17 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Co2Cork 01-01-18 Coolnasoon Art (FR2249) by Aghawadda Arthur (AGH) 9072 4.33 3.79 €273 392 344 39 Charleville 305 Sire 9357 4.09 3.64 383 341 43 305 3 06-01-19 (proj) Dam Coolnasoon Art (FR2249) €273 by Aghawadda Arthur (AGH) G Dam Yry Ostrich 2 VG 85 IE151289161352 (1352) by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) Radney Dam €110 Radney Lsr Ostrich 2 VG 86 IE151289110804 (804) by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) Radney YryBF% OstrichPR% 2 VG 85BfKgs IE151289161352 (1352) by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) Milk PrKgs SCC Calving Milk Kgs Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Days Lact Lact Calving Date Date €110 6668 4.50 3.61 300 241 43 281 11 12-02-17 7229 4.01 3.50 290 253 40 294 25-01-11 9072 8537 Milk Kgs

22 01-01-18 15-01-12 Lact Calving Date 305 3 06-01-19 305 3 12-01-13 (proj) 281 1 12-02-17 277 11-02-14 305 24 01-01-18 305 5 30-01-15 (proj) 305 3 06-01-19 305 6 by Lavenham 08-02-16 Soldier ET (LSR) 305 7 16-01-17 Days Lact Calving Date 202 15-03-18 294 18 25-01-11 by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 305 2 15-01-12 Days Lact Calving Date 305 31 12-01-13 294 25-01-11 by Eastland Cash (ELC) 277 4 11-02-14 305 2 15-01-12 305 30-01-15 Days Lact Calving Date 305 35 12-01-13 29-01-07 305 6 08-02-16 1 277 4 11-02-14 18-02-08 305 752 16-01-17 296 305 30-01-15 09-02-09 202 8 15-03-18 296 3 305 6 08-02-16 06-12-10 305 4 305 7 16-01-17 14-03-12 233 202 85 15-03-18 12-05-14 203 7 by Eastland Cash (ELC)

8537 3.55 BfKgs 339 303 35 3rd Dam Milk Kgs 3.97 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 9500 3.58 3.57 340 339 38 7229 4.01 3.50 290 253 40 Radney Elc Ostrich VG 85 IE151289160511 (511) 8415 3.82 3.48 321 293 50 8537 3.97 3.55 339 303 35 9301 3.60 365 334 55 Milk Kgs 3.92 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 9500 3.58 3.57 BfKgs 340 339 38 9045 3.89 3.53 352 320 43 7329 3.91 3.33 286 244 78 8415 3.82 3.48 321 293 50 10032 3.76 3.45 377 346 44 8091 3.78 3.66 306 296 27 9301 3.92 3.60 365 334 55 6810 3.87 3.23 263 220 484 8590 3.45 3.56 297 305 47 9045 3.89 3.53 352 320 43 9217 4.02 3.43 370 316 158 3.76 3.45 377 346 44 3rd10032 Dam 7259 2.77 3.15 201 229 84 6810 3.87 3.23 263 220 484 6166 Elc 2.95 3.1185 IE151289160511 182 192 (511) 106 Radney Ostrich VG 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 4th Dam 29-01-07 7329 Elc3.91 3.3385 IE151289160511 286 244 (511) 78 305 1 Radney Ostrich VG by Eastland Cash (ELC) Radney Bwv Ostrich3.66 3 G 75 IE151289190415 (415) by Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV) 18-02-08 8091 3.78 306 296 27 296 2 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 09-02-09 8590 3.56 297 305 47 296 31 Milk Kgs 3.45 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 29-01-07 7329 3.91 3.33 BfKgs 286 244 78 305 06-12-10 9217 4.02 3.43 370 316 158 305 4 6686 3.77 3.59 252 240 70 1 26-01-05 18-02-08 8091 3.78 3.66 306 296 27 296 2 14-03-12 7259 2.77 3.15 201 229 84 233 532 6831 3.82 3.66 261 250 56 287 20-02-06 09-02-09 8590 3.45 3.56 297 305 47 296 12-05-14 6166 2.95 3.11 182 192 106 203 7 9256 3.75 3.57 348 330 75 305 3 17-01-07 06-12-10 9217 4.02 3.43 370 316 158 305 4 7235 3.89 3.33 282 241 84 305 4 09-09-08 14-03-12 3.15 201 229 84 233 5 4th7259 Dam 2.77 5465 4.51 3.47 246 189 123 257 5 02-05-10 12-05-14 5th Dam Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation 6166 2.95 3.11 182 192 106 203 7 Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Radney Bwv byOstrich G on75theIE151289190415 by or Barrowvale This report has been prepared ICBF in good3faith basis of information provided (415) to it. No representation warranty expressed orTorello implied is 20 (BWV) Radney Image Ostrich VG 85 0108626013 (9405) Maunsell Image ET (MLA) made or4th given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable forby any losses (whether direct or indirect), Dam


Radney Bwv Ostrich 3 G 75 IE151289190415 (415) by Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV) 6623 3.85 3.22 255 213 35 305 2 22-01-97 6831 3.82 3.66 261 250 56 287 2 20-02-06 Milk Kgs BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 6974 3.61 3.46 BfKgs 252 241 51 290 Lact 3 04-02-98 9256 3.75 3.57 348 330 75 305 3 17-01-07 6686 3.77 3.59 252 240 70 305 1 26-01-05 8689 3.52 3.45 306 300 97 305 4 01-02-99 7235 3.89 3.33 282 241 84 305 09-09-08 6831 3.82 3.66 261 250 56 287 245 20-02-06 7331 3.43 3.47 251 255 53 266 02-03-00 5465 4.51 Breeding 3.47 Federation 246 ICBF 189 123 on 305 257 5 Evaluation 02-05-10 Based Mar 2019 9256 3.75 3.57 348 330 75 3 17-01-07 Copyright, Irish Cattle 8276 3.64 3.33 301 276 32 284 6 02-02-01 7235 3.89 3.33 282 241 305 47 expressed09-09-08 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to 84 it. No representation or warranty or implied is 8289 3.71 3.44 307 285 224 289 04-02-02 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),


Milk Kgs BF% Milk BF% 6686Kgs 3.77

PR% PR% 3.59

BfKgs BfKgs 252

PrKgs PrKgs 240


Days Days 305

Lact Lact 1

Calving Date Calving Date 26-01-05

damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person.

Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes

11-Apr-2019 - FR4663




















Milk Kg

Milk Traits

Expected Calving Date:

Protein - FULL PEDIGREE Fat46 Kg Lactions Prot Kg over Fat %3.4% Prot %

LOT 43 130 12.58 6.39 Radney Fjm Odetta EBI €154 Fertility CI 1630 Survival LOT 17Traits LOT 43 -2.8(days) 1.2(%) - FR4663 Last Recorded Service: 11-Apr-2019 Radney 1630 Feet/Legs EBI €154Udder Type TraitsFjm Odetta Overall EBI Last Recorded Service: -0.03 €154

Overall Indexes

EBI Rel Milk -0.57 0.56 11-Apr-2019 FR4663 32% €52



- 01-Jan-2018 FULL PEDIGREE

Expected Calving Date:

01-Jan-2018 Calv Beef


HO (97%),FR (3%) Female HO (97%),FR (3%) (1630) Female 372216166321630


Expected €47 Calving Date: €50 -€6

372216166321630 (1630)



18-Jan-2020 €2 €2

Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel MilkKg Fert% Calv% Beef Maint Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot €154 32% €52 €50 Co Cork €47 -€6 €2 Breeder Henry130 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville 12.58 6.39 0.12 0.03 Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Survival Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Doonmanagh Hmy-2.8(days) Mossy (FJM) €225 by Highmount 130 12.58 6.39 0.12 0.03 Kenny (HMY) 1.2(%)

Health Sexed €6





Dam Fertility Traits Type Traits

CI Survival Udder Overall Feet/Legs -2.8(days) 1.2(%) -0.03 -0.57 0.56 Radney Zol Odetta 1458 VG 85 IE151289141458 by Mr Numero Uno St-Louis-Et (ZOL) Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder (1458) €80 -0.03 -0.57 Freemount, 0.56 Charleville Co Cork Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Lact

Calving Date

Lot 2 in this catalogue

Milk Kgs







Milk Kgs






Days Lact Calving Date by Mr Uno Date St-Louis-Et (ZOL) 290 1Numero 15-01-13 Days Lact Calving

Sire7660 3.94 3.43 302 262 31 305 1 01-01-18 Doonmanagh Hmy Mossy (FJM) €225 by Highmount Kenny (HMY) 9175 3.78 3.43 347 315 61 Charleville 305 Co2Cork 28-01-19 (proj) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Sire Dam G Dam Doonmanagh Hmy Mossy (FJM) €225 by Highmount Kenny (HMY) Radney Odetta 1458 VG by Numero Uno St-Louis-Et Radney Zol Wuh Odetta 4 EX 9185 5EIE151289141458 IE151289150907 by Mr Markwell Durham Rhyme-Et(ZOL) (WUH) Dam €80 (1458) Radney Odetta 1458 85 IE151289141458 6965 3.47 VGBfKgs 267 242 72 Milk KgsZol3.83 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC (1458) €80 8031 3.74 3.51 300 281 84 7660 3.94 3.43 302 262 31 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 9175 3.78 3.43 347 315 61 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 9019 3.44 3.58 310 323 50 7660 3.94 3.43 302 262 31 G Dam 8857 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 9175 3.78 3.43 347 315 61 10776Wuh 3.69 363 31 Radney Odetta3.37 4 EX 91397 5E IE151289150907 3.89 3.40 379 331 28 G 9727 Dam Milk Kgs






305 03-01-14 305 12 01-01-18 305 3 08-02-15 (proj) 305 2 28-01-19 Days Lact Calving Date 305 4 27-01-16 305 1 01-01-18 305 5 10-01-17 305 2 28-01-19 (proj) 305 6 07-01-18Rhyme-Et (WUH) by Markwell Durham 305 7 09-01-19 (proj)



Calving Date

6965 3.83 242 72 290 1 15-01-13 3rd Dam Wuh Radney Odetta3.47 4 EX 91267 5E IE151289150907 by Markwell Durham Rhyme-Et (WUH) 8031 3.74 3.51 300 281 84 305 2 03-01-14 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Lact Calving Date Radney Dut3.59 Odetta EX 91 4E IE151289160775 (775) Days by Desmunt (DUT) 9740 3.57 350 347 83 305 31 08-02-15 6965 3.83 3.47 267 242 72 290 15-01-13 Milk Kgs 3.44 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9019 3.58 310 323 50 305 4 27-01-16 8031 3.74 3.51 300 281 84 305 2 03-01-14 10-01-11 6958 5.32 3.60 370 251 43 305 1 8857 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 305 5 10-01-17 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 305 3 08-02-15 19-01-12 8518 4.45 3.74 379 318 40 305 10776 3.69 3.37 397 363 31 305 624 07-01-18 9019 3.44 3.58 310 323 50 305 27-01-16 08-01-13 10409 3.89 4.70 3.80 489 396 55 305 3 9727 3.40 379 331 28 305 7 09-01-19 8857 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 305 5 10-01-17 (proj) 25-01-14 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 4 10776 3.69 3.37 397 363 31 305 6 07-01-18 3rd10917 Dam 3.89 27-03-15 3.81 425 416 60 305 5 9727 3.89 3.40 379 331 28 305 7 09-01-19 (proj) 15-09-16 11237Dut4.17 3.7191 4E469 417 50 6 Radney Odetta EX IE151289160775 (775) 305 by Desmunt (DUT) 19-12-17 3.76 454 380 50 305 7 3rd10109 Dam 4.49 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 05-01-19 (proj) 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 305 8 10-01-11 6958 Dut5.32 251 43 1 Radney Odetta 3.60 EX 91 4E370 IE151289160775 (775) 305 by Desmunt (DUT) 4th Dam 4.45 19-01-12 8518 3.74 379 318 40 305 2 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 08-01-13 10409 4.70 3.80 489 396 55 305 3 6958 Qur 5.32 370 251 43(592) 305 Radney Odetta3.60 EX 93 8E IE151289150592 by Qg1Europe10-01-11 ET (QUR) 25-01-14 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 4 19-01-12 8518 4.45 3.74 379 318 40 305 2 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 27-03-15 10917 3.89 3.81 425 416 60 305 53 08-01-13 10409 4.70 3.80 489 396 55 305 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 1 07-02-08 15-09-16 11237 4.17 3.71 469 417 50 305 6 25-01-14 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 42 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 305 19-01-09 19-12-17 10109 4.49 3.76 454 380 50 305 75 27-03-15 10917 3.89 3.81 425 416 60 305 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 305 3 24-01-10(proj) 05-01-19 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 305 86 15-09-16 11237 4.17 3.71 469 417 50 305 10616 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 305 4 24-01-11 19-12-17 10109 3.76 454 380 50 305 75 10011 4.49 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 14-02-12 Based on 305 Mar 20198Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 05-01-19 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 11577 3.88Breeding 3.75Federation 449 ICBF 434 53 305 6 19-01-13(proj) This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person.

9256 10954 10036 9540

4.02 4.51 4.05 4.23

3.87 3.88 3.83 3.64

372 494 407 404

358 425 384 347

64 116 58 293

274 305 305 305

7 8 9 10

28-02-14 06-02-15 19-08-16 10-01-18


5th Dam Based on Mar Evaluation Copyright, IrishMars CattleOdetta Breeding Federation ICBF Radney 2 GP 82 IE151289120350 (350) by2019 Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),

Milk Kgs








Calving Date


Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes Milk Traits

17-Apr-2019 - FR4187







Milk Kg

Fat Kg

Expected Calving Date:





€67 €46 €0 4% Protein - FULL PEDIGREE Prot Kg Fat % Prot %

LOT 40 257 5.79 10.11 Radney Bella EBISurvival €148 LOT 18 HagleyCI Fertility LOT 40Traits Last Recorded Service: -3.5(days) 1.9(%) - FR4187 17-Apr-2019 Radney Hagley Bella EBI €148


0.02 02-Jan-2018


Expected Calving Date:

02-Jan-2018 Calv Beef







HO (94%),FR (6%) Female HO (94%),FR (6%) Female 372216166391637 (1637)


372216166391637 (1637)

Overall Feet/Legs Udder EBI EBI Rel Milk Fert Maint Mgmt Health Last Recorded Service: Expected Calving Date: 17-Apr-2019 - FR4187 Sexed 1.20 0.30 1.41 €148 26% €48 €67 €46 €0 24-Jan-2020 -€23 €1 €8 Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Mgmt Health Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot €148 26% €48 €67 €46 €0 -€23 €1 €8 5.79 10.11 Charleville -0.08 Co Cork 0.02 Breeder Henry 257 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Sire Fertility Traits CI Survival 257 5.79 10.11 -0.08 0.02 Petron Halogen (S1659) De-Su Hagley 12144-Et (FR2267) €206 by Cookiecutter -3.5(days) 1.9(%)

Type Traits Overall Indexes

CI Survival Overall Feet/Legs Udder -3.5(days) 1.9(%) 1.20GP 84 IE151289181494 0.30 1.41(1494) Radney Massey Bella by Co-Op Bosside Massey-Et (S1383) Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder €88 0.30 1.41 Breeder Henry 1.20 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork

Fertility Traits Dam Traits Type

Milk Kgs







3.31 3.91 251 296 83 3.72 3.54 BfKgs 317 301 34 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 8965 3.72 4.13 334 370 75 7364 4.03 3.56 297 262 42 G Dam 5803 3.95 4.35 229 253 59 8506 3.72 3.54 317 301 34 Radney Dut Bella 2 EX 90 IE151289150832 (832) 3rd Dam G Dam

233 305 Days

Radney Bella22EX VG90 88IE151289150832 IE151289130418 (418) 7097 Bwv 4.11 289 292 (832) 65 Radney Dut4.07 Bella 10048 3.66 4.06 367 408 108 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 6617 3.60 3.71 238 246 90 7572 3.31 3.91 251 296 83 7097 4.07 4.11 289 292 65 8051 3.41 3.90 275 314 105 8965 3.72 4.13 334 370 75 10048 3.66 4.06 367 408 108 8857 3.37 3.80 299 336 122 5803 3.95 4.35 229 253 59 7572 3.31 3.91 251 296 83 7814 3.79 3.73 296 291 51 8965 3.72 4.13 334 370 75 3rd Dam 5803 3.95 4.35 229 253 59 4th Dam Radney Bwv Bella 2 VG 88 IE151289130418 (418) 3rd Dam Radney BellaPR% VG 86 RI09475939 (988) SCC Milk KgsJostar BF% BfKgs PrKgs 6617 3.60 3.71 238 246 90 Radney Bella 2 PR% VG 88 IE151289130418 (418) Milk KgsBwv BF% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 5627 3.31 3.70 186 208 204 8051 3.41 3.90 275 314 105 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 5834 3.66 3.54 213 207 61 8857 3.37 3.80 299 336 122 6617 3.60 3.71 238 246 90 7047 3.48 3.55 245 250 64 7814 3.79 3.73 296 291 51 8051 3.41 3.90 275 314 105 8805 3.40 3.71 300 327 72 8857 3.37 3.80 299 336 122 4th8306 Dam 3.38 3.65 280 303 70 7814 3.79 3.73 296 291 51 6948 Jostar 3.28Bella 3.58 228 249(988) 100 Radney VG 86 RI09475939 4th7768 Dam 3.32 3.54 258 275 122 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 8091 3.28 3.66 265 296 121 5627 Jostar 3.31Bella 3.70 186 208(988) 204 Radney VG 86 RI09475939

by 305 by 305 Days Days 305 233 305 305 299 305 305 268 233 255 299 268 by by Days 305 by Days 305 Days 224 305 240 255 305 289 305 277 255 265 by 274 Days 305 305 by


Calving Date

Sire 7364 4.03 3.56 297 262 42 305 1 02-01-18 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Co2Cork 05-01-19 De-Su 12144-Et by Cookiecutter Petron(proj) Halogen (S1659) 8506Hagley 3.72 3.54(FR2267) 317 €206301 34 Charleville 305 Sire Dam G DamHagley 12144-Et (FR2267) €206 De-Su by Cookiecutter Petron Halogen (S1659) Radney Massey Bella GP 84 IE151289181494 (1494) by Bosside Radney Dut Bella 2 EX 90 IE151289150832 (832) by Co-Op Desmunt (DUT)Massey-Et (S1383) Dam €88 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Radney Massey Bella4.11 GP 84 IE151289181494 (1494) by Co-Op Bosside Massey-Et (S1383) 7097 4.07 289 292 65 305 1 20-01-12 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date €8810048 3.66 4.06 367 408 108 01-02-13 7364 4.03 3.56 297 262 42 305 12 02-01-18 7572 8506 Milk Kgs

Milk Kgs






10-04-14 23 05-01-19 (proj) Lact Calving Date 299 4 10-04-15 305 1 02-01-18 268 22-03-16 (proj) 305 25 05-01-19 by Desmunt (DUT)



Calving Date

Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV) 1 20-01-12 Desmunt (DUT) 2 01-02-13 Lact Calving Date Lact Calving Date 21-01-05 131 10-04-14 20-01-12 27-01-06 242 10-04-15 01-02-13 31-01-07 353 22-03-16 10-04-14 30-03-08 44 10-04-15 5 22-03-16 Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV) Jostar Lact (JOS) Calving Date 21-01-05 1 Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV) Lact Calving Date 27-01-06 1 17-01-00 2 Lact Calving Date 31-01-07 25-04-01 312 21-01-05 30-03-08 25-03-02 423 27-01-06 4 08-02-03 31-01-07 3 5 25-02-04 30-03-08 4 6 (JOS) 29-03-05 Jostar 7 05-03-06 Lact Calving Date 8 22-02-07 1 (JOS) 17-01-00 Jostar

5834 3.54 BfKgs 213 207 61 224 2 25-04-01 5th Dam Milk Kgs 3.66 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7047 3.48 3.55 245 250 64 240 25-03-02 5627 3.31 3.70 186 208 204 305 13 17-01-00 Radney Bella 2 Federation 0108089806 (G006) Based by 2019 Brynhyfryd Cascade (BFC) Mar Copyright, IrishCascade Cattle 8805 3.40 Breeding 3.71 300 ICBF 327 72 on 224 289 08-02-03 5834 3.66 3.54 213 207 61 24 Evaluation 25-04-01 Milk Kgs BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Daysor warranty Lact This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on theBfKgs basis it. No representation or implied isDate 8306 3.38 3.65 280of information 303provided to 64 70 277 25-02-04 7047 3.48 3.55 245 250 240 35 expressedCalving 25-03-02 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 6941 3.44 3.23 239 224 105 295 1 02-02-94 6948 3.28 3.58 228 249 100 265 6 29-03-05 8805 3.71or arising300 327 damages, costs or expenses 3.40 whatsoever, incurred from any use of or reliance on 72 this Report or 289 the information 4 contained in it08-02-03 by any person. 6733 3.36 3.26 226 219 170 246 13-03-95 7768 3.32 3.54 258 275 122 274 05-03-06 8306 3.38 3.65 280 303 70 277 572 25-02-04 8727 3.39 3.25 295 283 54 305 22-01-96 8091 3.66 265 296 121 305 22-02-07 6948 3.28 3.58 228 249 100 265 683 29-03-05 8195 3.22 3.26 264 267 81 299 4 05-02-97 7768 3.32 3.54 258 275 122 274 7 05-03-06 8177 3.28 3.23 268 264 144 305 5 11-02-98 8091 3.28 3.66 265 296 121 305 8 22-02-07 Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 6th Dam

Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),

Radney Seal Bella 0107786506


by Barold Rock Seal (BRL)


Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes Milk Traits

08-Apr-2019 - FR4663





Milk Kg

Fat Kg

Expected Calving Date:
















- FULL PEDIGREE Protein Protein Protein Prot Kg Fat % Prot %

HO (88%),FR (13%) Female

LOT 38 307 9.67 11.48 Radney Lwr Odetta 1646 EBI €145 LOT 19 Traits CI Fertility Survival LOTRecorded 38 Last Service: 08-Apr-2019 -2.6(days) 1.1(%) - FR4663 Radney Lwr Odetta 1646 EBI €145Milk Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder


Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Survival Fat Kg Fertility Traits CI (Ig) Longview Reliable €224 307 (LWR)1.1(%) 9.67 -2.6(days)

Fat % Prot % by (Ig) Castleblagh Odie (ABO) -0.04 0.02



- FULL PEDIGREE 07-Jan-2018

Expected Calving Date:

372216166311646 HO (88%),FR (13%)(1646) Female


372216166311646 (1646) Maint Mgmt Health €145 37% €60 €47 €42 -€6 -€2 €0 €3 -0.41 08-Apr-2019 -0.54 -0.31 Last Recorded Service: Expected Calving Date: - FR4663 15-Jan-2020 Sexed Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel MilkKg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Mgmt Health 9.67 11.48 -0.04 0.02 €145 37% €60 €47 Co Cork €42 -€6 -€2 €0 €3 Breeder Henry307 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Prot Kg 11.48

07-Jan-2018Beef Calv

Dam Traits Type Fertility Traits

Overall Feet/Legs CI Survival Udder -0.41 -0.54 -0.31 -2.6(days) 1.1(%) Radney Wuh Odetta 4 EX 91 5E IE151289150907

by Markwell Durham Rhyme-Et (WUH) (907)Traits €70 Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder -0.54 Freemount, -0.31 Charleville Co Cork Breeder Henry -0.41 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Sire6965 3.83 3.47 267 242 72 290 1 15-01-13 (Ig) Longview Reliable (LWR) €224 by (Ig) Castleblagh Odie (ABO) 8031 3.74 3.51 300 281 84 Charleville 305 Co2Cork 03-01-14 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 305 3 08-02-15 Sire Dam 9019 3.44 3.58 310 323 50 305 4 27-01-16 (Ig) Longview Reliable (LWR) €224 by (Ig) Castleblagh Odie (ABO) Radney Odetta3.62 4 EX 91304 5E IE151289150907 by Markwell Durham 8857 Wuh 3.44 320 188 305 5 10-01-17Rhyme-Et (WUH) Dam (907) €70 3.69 10776 3.37 397 363 31 305 6 07-01-18 9727 3.89 3.40 379 331 28 305 7 09-01-19 Rhyme-Et (proj) Radney OdettaPR% 4 EX 91 5E IE151289150907 by Markwell Durham (WUH) Milk KgsWuh BF% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date (907) €70 3.83 3.47 267 242 72 290 1 15-01-13 G 6965 Dam 8031 3.74 3.51 300 281 84 305 2 03-01-14 Milk KgsDutBF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Lact Calving Date Radney Odetta EX IE151289160775 (775) Days by Desmunt (DUT) 9740 3.59 3.5791 4E350 347 83 305 3 08-02-15 6965 3.83 3.47 267 242 72 290 1 15-01-13 9019 3.58 BfKgs 310 323 50 305 4 27-01-16 Milk Kgs 3.44 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8031 3.74 3.51 300 281 84 305 2 03-01-14 6958 5.32 3.60 370 251 43 305 10-01-11 8857 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 305 51 10-01-17 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 305 3 08-02-15 8518 4.45 3.74 379 318 40 305 19-01-12 10776 3.69 3.37 397 363 31 305 62 07-01-18 9019 3.44 3.58 310 323 50 305 4 27-01-16 10409 3.89 4.70 3.80 489 396 55 305 08-01-13 (proj) 9727 3.40 379 331 28 305 73 09-01-19 8857 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 305 5 10-01-17 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 4 25-01-14 10776 3.69 3.37 397 363 31 305 6 07-01-18 G Dam 10917 3.89 3.81 425 416 60 305 5 27-03-15 9727 3.89 3.40 379 331 28 305 7 09-01-19 (proj) 11237Dut4.17 3.7191 4E469 417 50 6 15-09-16 Radney Odetta EX IE151289160775 (775) 305 by Desmunt (DUT) 10109 4.49 3.76 454 380 50 305 7 19-12-17 GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 305 8 05-01-19 (proj) 6958 Dut5.32 3.6091 4E370 251 43 1 10-01-11 Radney Odetta EX IE151289160775 (775) 305 by Desmunt (DUT) 8518 4.45 3.74 379 318 40 305 2 19-01-12 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 10409 4.70 3.80 489 396 55 305 3 08-01-13 6958 Qur5.32 3.6093 8E370 251 43 305 1Europe10-01-11 Radney Odetta EX IE151289150592 (592) by Qg ET (QUR) 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 4 25-01-14 8518 4.45 3.74 379 318 40 305 2 19-01-12 10917 3.81 BfKgs 425 416 60 305 5 27-03-15 Milk Kgs 3.89 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 10409 4.70 3.80 489 396 55 305 3 08-01-13 07-02-08 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 11237 4.17 3.71 469 417 50 305 61 15-09-16 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 4 25-01-14 19-01-09 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 10109 4.49 3.76 454 380 50 305 72 19-12-17 10917 3.89 3.81 425 416 60 305 5 27-03-15 24-01-10 9711 4.25 3.84 413 33 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 305 83 05-01-19 (proj) 11237 4.17 3.71 469 417 50 305 6 15-09-16 24-01-11 10616 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 305 4 10109 4.49 3.76 454 380 50 305 7 19-12-17 3rd10011 Dam 4.40 14-02-12 3.77 441 377 48 289 5 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 305 8 05-01-19 (proj) 11577Qur3.88 3.7593 8E449 434 53 Radney Odetta EX IE151289150592 (592) 305 by Qg 6Europe19-01-13 ET (QUR) 28-02-14 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 274 7 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 06-02-15 10954 4.22 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 305 8 07-02-08 6528 3.90 275 255 57 282 1 Radney Qur Odetta EX 93 8E IE151289150592 (592) by Qg Europe ET (QUR) 19-08-16 10036 4.47 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 305 19-01-09 8341 3.81 373 318 48 305 29 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 10-01-18 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 24-01-10 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 305 310 07-02-08 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 1 24-01-11 4th10616 Dam 4.03 Breeding 3.94 Federation 428 419 46 on305 Based Mar 201942 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 19-01-09 8341 4.47 3.81 373 ICBF 318 48 305 14-02-12 10011 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 5 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed24-01-10 or implied is 9711 4.25 373 33 3(whetherMars Radney Mars Odetta3.84 2 GP 82413 IE151289120350 (350) 305 by Galtee Usnes (MAU) made or given by ICBF as to3.88 the accuracy, reliability, Report. ICBF shall for any losses6 direct or indirect), 19-01-13 11577 3.75 completeness 449 of this 434 53not be liable305 damages, costs or expenses 4.03 whatsoever, incurred or arising428 from any use of or reliance on 46 this Report or 305 the information 4 contained in 24-01-11 it by any person. 10616 3.94 419 Milk BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 28-02-14 9256Kgs 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 274 7 14-02-12 10011 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 51 6235 4.55 3.64 284 227 72 305 12-01-04 06-02-15 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 305 8 19-01-13 11577 3.88 3.75 449 434 53 305 6 6427 4.29 3.72 276 239 118 273 02-03-05 19-08-16 10036 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 305 92 28-02-14 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 274 73 6774 3.99 3.77 270 255 498 282 11-02-06 10-01-18 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 10 06-02-15 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 305 8 5th10036 Dam 19-08-16 4.05 Breeding 3.83 Federation 407 ICBF 384 58 on 305 Based Mar 20199Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 10-01-18 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 10 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied Radney Seal Odetta EX 90 3E 0107796265 (R006) by Barold Rock Sealis (BRL) made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),



Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes

09-Apr-2019 - FR4608




















Milk Kg

Milk Traits

Expected Calving Date:

- FULL PEDIGREE 4.62% 3.83% Protein Fat Kg ProtFat Kg @Fat % Prot %

LOT 31 -76 7.8 1.22 Radney Fintan CI Odetta 1681 EBI €136 Fertility Survival LOT 20Traits LOT 31 Last Recorded Service: 09-Apr-2019 -3.3(days) 2.1(%) - FR4608 Radney Fintan Overall Odetta 1681 Overall Indexes EBI EBIEBI Rel €136 Milk Type Traits Feet/Legs Udder €136 0.43 Last Recorded Service:

32% €30 0.80 -0.02 09-Apr-2019 - FR4608



- FULL PEDIGREE 24-Jan-2018

Expected Calving Date:

24-Jan-2018 Calv Beef


HO (69%),FR (31%) Female

372216166341681 HO (69%),FR (31%) (1681) Female


372216166341681 (1681) Maint Mgmt Health

€68 €25 -€7 16-Jan-2020 €2 Expected Calving Date:

Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel Milk Fert Calv % Beef 7.8 1.22 0.19 Co Cork 0.07 Breeder Henry -76 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville €136 32% €30 €68 €25 -€7 Sire Fertility Traits CI Survival Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Mylawn Fintan (FR2420) €170 by Delta Trading (ZTG) -3.3(days) 7.8 2.1(%) -76 1.22 0.19 0.07



€13 Sexed Mgmt Health




Dam Traits Type Fertility Traits

Overall Feet/Legs Udder CI Survival 0.43 0.80 -0.02 2.1(%) Radney Lsr Odetta-3.3(days) VG 85 IE151289140971 (971) €97

by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Breeder Henry 0.43 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, 0.80 -0.02 Charleville Co Cork 5917 4.52 3.65 267 216 60 277 1 28-01-13 Sire 6974 4.22 3.46 294 241 50 305 2 12-01-14 Mylawn Fintan (FR2420) €170 by Delta Trading (ZTG) 7717 4.77 3.87 368 298 52 305 3 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 18-02-15 7578 4.60 3.71 348 281 45 292 4 22-02-16 Dam Sire 8984 4.49 3.77 404 339 40 298 5 06-02-17 Mylawn Fintan (FR2420) €170 by Trading (ZTG) Radney Odetta VG by Delta Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 7949 Lsr4.62 3.8385 IE151289140971 368 305 (971) 35 €97 294 6 24-01-18 Dam 7630 4.36 3.84 333 293 32 305 7 01-01-19 (proj) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date

Radney Odetta VG by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 5917 Lsr4.52 3.6585 IE151289140971 267 216 (971) 60 €97 277 1 28-01-13 G Dam 6974 4.22 3.46 294 241 50 305 2 12-01-14 Milk KgsBelero BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Radney Odetta 2 EXBfKgs 90 by Radney Belero (IE151289110424) 7717 4.77 3.87 3682E IE151289170553 298 52 305 3 18-02-15 5917 4.52 3.65 267 216 60 277 1 28-01-13 7578 3.71 BfKgs 348 281 45 292 4 22-02-16 Milk Kgs 4.60 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6974 4.22 3.46 294 241 50 305 2 12-01-14 6126 3.90 3.63 239 223 85 288 18-02-07 8984 4.49 3.77 404 339 40 298 51 06-02-17 7717 4.77 3.87 368 298 52 305 3 18-02-15 7378 4.09 3.67 302 271 65 305 23-01-08 7949 4.62 3.83 368 305 35 294 62 24-01-18 7578 4.60 3.71 348 281 45 292 4 22-02-16 8321 4.33 3.84 360 319 82 299 3 06-02-09 (proj) 7630 4.36 333 293 32 305 7 01-01-19 8984 4.49 3.77 404 339 40 298 5 06-02-17 8468 4.38 3.62 371 306 44 301 4 03-02-10 7949 4.62 3.83 368 305 35 294 6 24-01-18 G Dam 8600 3.71 3.63 319 312 83 281 5 23-02-11 7630 4.36 3.84 333 293 32 305 7 01-01-19 (proj) 8867 4.08 3.74 362 332 46 305 6 09-01-12 Radney Belero Odetta 2 EX 90 2E IE151289170553 by Radney Belero (IE151289110424) 7826 3.83 3.75 299 294 575 272 7 19-03-13 GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7185 3.40 3.80 245 273 76 275 81 13-02-14 6126 3.90 3.63 239 223 85 288 18-02-07 Radney Belero Odetta 2 EX 90 2E IE151289170553 by Radney Belero (IE151289110424) 8394 3.67 3.86 308 324 213 296 92 26-01-15 7378 4.09 3.67 302 271 65 305 23-01-08 Milk Kgs 3.69 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7057 3.81 261 269 181 281 10 25-01-16 8321 4.33 3.84 BfKgs 360 319 82 299 3 06-02-09 6126 3.90 3.63 239 223 85 288 1 18-02-07 3rd Dam 4.38 8468 3.62 371 306 44 301 4 03-02-10 7378 4.09 3.67 302 271 65 305 2 23-01-08 8600 3.71 3.63 319 312 83 281 5 23-02-11 Radney Odetta3.84 EX 90 3E by Barold Rock Seal (BRL) 8321 Seal 4.33 3600107796265 319 (R006) 82 299 3 06-02-09 8867 4.08 3.74 362 332 46 305 6 09-01-12 8468 4.38 3.62 371 306 44 301 4 03-02-10 Milk BF% 3.75 PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 272 Days Lact Calving 7826Kgs 3.83 299 294 575 7 19-03-13Date 8600 3.71 3.63 319 312 83 281 54 23-02-11 31-01-94 7524 4.69 3.71 353 279 108 287 7185 3.40 3.80 245 273 76 275 8 13-02-14 8867 3.74 332 46 305 65 09-01-12 15-01-95 7778 4.08 4.12 3.55 362 320 276 83 303 8394 3.67 3.86 308 324 213 296 9 26-01-15 7826 3.83 3.75 299 294 575 272 76 19-03-13 16-02-96 6630 4.16 3.63 276 241 73 295 7057 3.69 3.81 261 269 181 281 10 25-01-16 7185 3.80 273 76 275 87 13-02-14 05-02-97 5930 3.40 4.28 3.70 245 254 219 87 259 8394 3.86 324 213 296 98 26-01-15 02-02-98 7290 3.67 4.36 3.65 308 318 266 147 292 7057 3.69 3.81 261 269 181 281 10 25-01-16 23-02-99 7344 3.91 3.84 287 282 324 289 9 20-01-00 6785 3.78 3.85 256 262 229 286 10 25-03-01 4893 3.81 3.57 187 175 310 206 11 13-02-02 6553 3.92 3.91 257 256 365 280 12 14-03-03 5561 4.16 4.05 232 225 699 255 13 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation 14-02-04 Copyright, Irish Cattle 5007 4.31Breeding 4.06Federation 216 ICBF 203 366 285 14 This report has2873 been prepared3.75 by ICBF in good3.86 faith on the basis provided to it.2015 No representation or implied is 108of information 111 184or warranty15expressed 23-04-05 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 01-12-06 7375 4.31 3.94 318 291 1479 305 16 damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person.


4th Dam Ardrahan Odetta 48 VG 85 0107172578 (B204)

by Cappavilla Quaker 2 (0100465929)

Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Based 5161 3.84Breeding 3.43Federation 198 ICBF 177 0 on Mar 291 2019 1Evaluation 21-02-88 Copyright, Irish Cattle

6780 5720

3.74 3.93

3.26 3.18

254 225

221 182

0 0

305 259

2 3

27-01-89 07-02-90

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),


Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes Milk Traits

10-Apr-2019 - FJM

Expected Calving Date:




















Milk Kg 111

Fat Kg 7.03

- FULL PEDIGREE Potential Prot 5th Kg Generation Fat % Prot Odetta %

4.39 LOT 35 Radney Steve Odetta 1666Survival EBI €144 Fertility CI LOT 21Traits LOT 35 -2.5(days) 2.5(%) - FJM Last Recorded Service: 10-Apr-2019 Radney Steve Odetta EBI Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes EBI 1666 EBI Rel€144 Milk 0.28 Last Recorded Service: €144

-0.18 0.44 10-Apr-2019 - FJM 32% €30



- FULL PEDIGREE 12-Jan-2018 Expected Calving Date:


HO (97%),FR (3%) Female

12-Jan-2018 Calv Beef

HO (97%),FR (3%) Female 372216166351666 (1666)


372216166351666 (1666) Mgmt Health


Expected Calving Date: €63 €49 -€6 17-Jan-2020 -€7

€12 Sexed Mgmt Health


Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Breeder Henry 111 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville €144 32% €30 €63 €49 -€6 -€7 €2 7.03 4.39 0.05 Co Cork 0.02 Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Survival Radney Steve ET (FR4098) €190 by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) 111 7.03 4.39 0.05 0.02 -2.5(days)



Dam Fertility Traits CI Survival Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder -2.5(days) 2.5(%) 0.28 -0.18 0.44(1191) by Ruud 22 (RUU) Radney Ruu Odetta 4 VG 87 IE151289121191 €101 Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder -0.18 PrKgs 0.44SCCCharleville Breeder Henry 0.28 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Cork Calving Date Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs Days Co Lact 6475 3.99 3.47 258 225 82 305 1 09-01-16 Sire 8995 3.99 3.40 359 306 75 305 2 Radney Steve ET (FR4098) €190 by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 01-01-17 9244 3.87 3.46 358 320 44 305 3 12-01-18 Sire Dam 9278 3.83 3.50 355 324 26 305 4 05-01-19 (proj) Radney Steve ET (FR4098) €190 by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) Radney Ruu Odetta 4 VG 87 IE151289121191 (1191) by Ruud 22 (RUU) G Dam Dam €101

Radney Wuh Odetta Odetta 44 VG EX 91 IE151289121191 5E IE151289150907 by Durham Rhyme-Et (WUH) Radney (1191) by Markwell Ruud 4th Dam Milk KgsRuuBF% PR% 87BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact 22 (RUU) Calving Date Milk Kgs 3.99 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Lact Calving Date €101 6475 3.47 258 225 82(592) Days 305 09-01-16 Radney Qur Odetta 3.47 EX 93 8E IE151289150592 by Qg11Europe15-01-13 ET (QUR) 6965 3.83 267 242 72 290 8995 3.99 3.40 359 306 75 305 2 01-01-17 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Lact Calving Date Milk Kgs 3.74 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Days Lact Calving Date 8031 3.51 300 281 84 305 23 03-01-14 9244 3.87 3.46 358 320 44 305 12-01-18 6475 3.99 3.47 258 225 82 305 1 09-01-16 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 07-02-08 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 305 34 08-02-15 9278 3.83 3.50 355 324 26 305 05-01-19 (proj) 8995 3.99 3.40 359 306 75 305 01-01-17 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 19-01-09 9019 3.44 3.58 310 323 50 305 42 27-01-16 9244 3.87 3.46 358 320 44 305 3 12-01-18 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 24-01-10 G 8857 Dam 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 305 5 10-01-17 9278 3.83 3.50 355 324 26 305 05-01-19 10616 3.69 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 24-01-11 (proj) 10776 3.37 397 363 31 305 64 07-01-18 Radney Wuh Odetta 4 EX 91 5E IE151289150907 by Markwell Durham (WUH) 10011 3.89 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 14-02-12Rhyme-Et 9727 3.40 379 331 28 305 75 09-01-19 (proj) GMilk Dam Kgs 3.88 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 11577 3.75 BfKgs 449 434 53 305 Lact 6 19-01-13 6965 3.83 242 72 290 17 15-01-13 3rd Dam Wuh Radney Odetta3.47 4 EX 91267 5E IE151289150907 by Markwell Durham 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 274 28-02-14Rhyme-Et (WUH) 8031 3.74 3.51 300 281 84 305 28 03-01-14 10954 3.8891 4E 494 425 116 305 06-02-15 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Lact Calving Date Radney Dut4.51 Odetta EX IE151289160775 (775) Days by Desmunt (DUT) 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 305 3 08-02-15 10036 3.83 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 305 9 19-08-16 6965 3.47 267 242 72 290 1 15-01-13 Milk Kgs 3.44 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9019 3.58 310 323 50 305 4210 27-01-16 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 10-01-18 8031 3.74 3.51 300 281 84 305 03-01-14 10-01-11 6958 5.32 3.60 370 251 43 305 1 8857 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 305 53 10-01-17 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 305 08-02-15 19-01-12 4.45 3.74 379 318 40 305 2 5th8518 Dam 10776 3.69 3.37 397 363 31 305 64 07-01-18 9019 3.44 3.58 310 323 50 305 27-01-16 08-01-13 10409 4.70 3.80 489 396 55 305 37 9727 3.89 3.40 379 331 28 305 09-01-19 (proj) 8857 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 305 5 10-01-17 Radney Mars Odetta 2 GP 82 IE151289120350 (350) by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) 25-01-14 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 4 10776 3.69 3.37 BfKgs 397 363 31 305 07-01-18 27-03-15 Milk Kgs 3.89 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 3rd Dam 10917 3.81 425 416 60 305 56 9727 3.89 3.40 379 331 28 305 7 09-01-19 6235 4.55 3.64 284 227 72 12-01-04 (proj) 15-09-16 11237 4.17 3.71 469 417 50 305 61 Radney Dut4.29 Odetta EX IE151289160775 (775) 273 by Desmunt (DUT) 6427 3.7291 4E454 276 239 118 02-03-05 19-12-17 10109 4.49 3.76 380 50 305 72 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6774 3.99 3.77 270 255 498 282 3 11-02-06 05-01-19 (proj) 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 305 8 10-01-11 6958 Dut5.32 3.6091 4E370 251 43 1 Radney Odetta EX IE151289160775 (775) 305 by Desmunt (DUT) 6th8518 Dam 4.45 19-01-12 3.74 379 318 40 305 2 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 08-01-13 10409 4.70 3.80 489 396 55 305 3 10-01-11 6958 Seal5.32 370 251 (R006) 43 305 1 Radney Odetta 3.60 EX 90 3E 0107796265 by Barold Rock Seal (BRL) 25-01-14 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 4 19-01-12 8518 3.74 BfKgs 379 318 40 305 2 Milk Kgs 4.45 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 27-03-15 10917 3.89 3.81 425 416 60 305 53 08-01-13 10409 4.70 3.80 489 396 55 305 7524 4.69 3.71 353 279 108 287 4 31-01-94 15-09-16 11237 4.17 3.71 469 417 50 305 64 25-01-14 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 7778 4.12 3.55 320 276 83 303 5 15-01-95 19-12-17 10109 4.49 3.76 454 380 50 305 75 27-03-15 10917 3.89 3.81 425 416 60 305 6630 4.16 3.63 276 241 73 on 295 16-02-96 (proj) Based Mar 201986Evaluation 05-01-19 Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 305 15-09-16 11237 4.17 3.71 469 417 50 305 67 5930 4.28 3.70 254 219 87 259 05-02-97 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 19-12-17 4.49 3.76 454 380 made or given10109 by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, not be liable305 for any losses 7 (whether direct or indirect), 7290 4.36 3.65 completeness 318 of this Report. 266 ICBF shall50 147 292 8 02-02-98 damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it05-01-19 by any person.(proj) 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 305 89 7344 3.91 3.84 287 282 324 289 23-02-99 6785 3.78 3.85 256 262 229 286 10 20-01-00 4893 3.81 3.57 187 175 310 206 11 25-03-01 6553 3.92 3.91 257 256 365 280 12 13-02-02 5561 4.16 4.05 232 225 699 255 13 14-03-03 Based Mar 201914 Evaluation 5007 4.31 Breeding 4.06 Federation 216 ICBF 203 366 on 285 14-02-04 Copyright, Irish Cattle 2873 3.75 3.86 108 111 2015 184 15 23-04-05 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 7375 4.31 3.94 318 291 1479 305 16 01-12-06



Radney Steve Bella EBI €145 Overall Indexes Milk Traits


372216166331672 (1672)



















Milk Kg 215





HO (91%),FR (9%) Female HO (91%),FR (9%) Female


20-Jan-2018 20-Jan-2018 Calv Beef

372216166331672 (1672) 372216166331672 (1672)

580 & Protein Fat Kg kilos Protcombined Kg Fat % FatProt %

LOT 33Traits Fertility CI Survival LOT 22 LOT 1 Steve Bella Radney EBI €145 -2.5(days) 2.3(%) Radney Steve Bella EBI €142 Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel Milk -0.46 Last Recorded Service: €145

-0.85 -0.12 02-Apr-2019 - FJM 32% €46




Expected €45 Calving Date: €60 -€5 09-Jan-2020 -€7 €3

Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel MilkKg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Mgmt Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Breeder Henry215 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville €142 33% €44 €57 Co Cork €45 -€3 -€5 €2 7.4 8.43 -0.01 0.03 Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Survival Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Radney Steve ET -2.5(days) (FR4098) €190 by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) 254 7.65 8.73 -0.04 0.01 2.3(%)

Health Sexed €3 Health €2

Dam Traits Fertility Traits Type

CI Survival Udder Overall Feet/Legs -2.4(days) 2.1(%) -0.46 -0.85 -0.12 Radney Ryk Bella 2 VG 87 IE151289181263 (1263) by Radney Rock (RYK) €89 Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder -0.87 Freemount, -0.15 Charleville Co Cork Breeder Henry -0.52 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Milk Kgs








Calving Date

Sire Owner Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, 7529 3.67 3.52 276 265 100Charleville 305 Co1Cork 08-02-16 Radney Steve ET (FR4098) €190 by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) 9363 3.51 3.59 329 336 402 305 29-01-17 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co2Cork 10370 3.63 3.45 377 357 31 305 3 20-01-18 Sire Dam 9908 3.66 3.43 362 340 67 305 4 22-01-19 (proj) ET (FR2028) Radney Steve ET (FR4098) €191 by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael Radney Ryk Bella 2 VG 87 IE151289181263 (1263) by Radney Rock (RYK) G Dam Dam €89 Gjo Bella IE151289170801 (801) GeremjoRock (GJO) Radney Bella 22 PR% VG 87 IE151289181263 by Radney (RYK) Milk KgsRykBF% BfKgs PrKgs (1263) SCC Days Lact Calving Date €84 Milk Kgs 3.67 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7529 3.52 BfKgs 276 265 100 305 1 08-02-16 5725 3.73 3.59 214 205 165 248 1 12-03-11 9363 3.51 3.59 329 336 402 305 2 29-01-17 Milk Kgs 3.85 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7917 3.66 BfKgs 305 289 290 305 2 27-01-12 10370 3.63 3.45 377 357 31 305 3 20-01-18 7529 3.67 3.52 276 265 100 305 1 08-02-16 8003 3.79 3.72 304 298 782 286 05-03-13 9908 3.66 3.43 362 340 67 305 423 22-01-19 9363 3.51 3.59 329 336 402 305 29-01-17 (proj) 7760 3.48 3.60 270 280 916 264 4 24-02-14 10370 3.63 3.45 377 357 31 305 3 20-01-18 G Dam 8824 3.59 3.78 317 334 718 305 5 05-03-15 8525 4.53 3.38 386 288 63 305 4 22-01-19 (proj) 5380 3.43 3.69 184 198 761 180 6 01-05-16 Radney Gjo Bella 2 IE151289170801 (801) by Geremjo (GJO) GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 3rd Dam 5725 3.73 3.59 214 205 165 248 1 12-03-11 Radney Gjo Bella 2 IE151289170801 (801) by Geremjo (GJO) Radney Bella IE151289160619 (619) by Qg2Europe27-01-12 ET (QUR) 7917 Qur 3.85 3.66 305 289 290 305 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Milk Kgs 3.79 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8003 3.72 304 298 782 286 31 05-03-13 5725 3.73 3.59 214 205 165 248 12-03-11 06-02-09 7127 3.67 3.64 262 259 143 297 1 7760 3.48 3.60 270 280 916 264 4 24-02-14 7917 3.85 3.66 305 289 290 305 2 27-01-12 12-01-12 8910 3.64 3.56 324 317 83 305 8824 3.59 3.78 317 334 718 305 543 05-03-15 8003 3.79 3.72 304 298 782 286 05-03-13 5380 3.43 3.69 184 198 761 180 64 01-05-16 3.60 270 280 916 264 24-02-14 4th7760 Dam 3.48 8824 3.59 3.78 317 334 718 305 5 05-03-15 3rd Dam Beatrix Bella IE151289110498 (498) Radney by Ballymartin Beatrix 50 (IE151003510590) 5380 3.43 3.69 184 198 761 180 6 01-05-16 Radney QurBF% Bella IE151289160619 by Qg EuropeCalving ET (QUR) Milk Kgs PR% BfKgs (619) PrKgs SCC Days Lact Date 3rd Dam 7360 4.16 4.06 306 299 111 294 3 09-02-09 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7127 Qur 3.67 3.64 262 259 143 297 1Europe06-02-09 Radney Bella IE151289160619 (619) by Qg ET (QUR) 5th Dam 12-01-12 8910 3.64 3.56 324 317 83 305 4 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Radney Omar Bella 4 GP 81 0108839549 (9511) by Hol-Stiens06-02-09 Omar ET (OMR) 7127 3.67 3.64 262 259 143 297 1 4th Dam Milk Kgs 3.64 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 12-01-12 8910 3.56 BfKgs 324 317 83 305 4 4284 Beatrix 4.17 Bella3.64 179 156 246 1 21-03-97 Radney IE151289110498 (498) 35 by Ballymartin Beatrix 50 (IE151003510590) 4th Dam 6852 3.37 BfKgs 286 231 36 303 Lact 2 19-02-98 Milk Kgs 4.17 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 7679 4.22 3.70 324 284 30 258 5 11-03-03 7360 4.16 4.06 306 299 111 294 3 09-02-09 Radney Beatrix Bella IE151289110498 (498) by Ballymartin Beatrix 50 (IE151003510590) 6th Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 5th Dam 7360 Cascade 4.16 Bella 4.060108080275 306 (G005) 299 111 294 3 09-02-09 Radney by Brynhyfryd Cascade (BFC) Based on Mar Evaluation Copyright, Irish CattleBella Breeding ICBF (9511) Radney Omar 4 GPFederation 81 0108839549 by 2019 Hol-Stiens Omar ET (OMR) Milk Kgs PR% PrKgs Daysor warranty Lactexpressed Calving Date This report hasDam been preparedBF% by ICBF in good faith on theBfKgs basis of information provided toSCC it. No representation or implied is 5th Milk Kgsas to 3.97 BF% PR% BfKgs SCC Lact Calving Date made or given by ICBF the accuracy, reliability, Report. for any losses or indirect), 6571 3.15 completeness 261 of thisPrKgs 207 ICBF shall 48not be liableDays 305 2(whether direct 10-01-94 damages, costs or expenses4.17 whatsoever, incurred or arising179 from any use 156 of or reliance on35 this Report or246 the information1contained in 21-03-97 it by any person. 4284 3.64 Radney GP 81 0108839549 by Hol-Stiens Omar ET (OMR) 6750 Omar 3.75Bella 43.17 253 214 (9511)51 290 3 28-01-95 6852 4.17 3.37 286 231 36 303 2 19-02-98 Milk Kgs 3.61 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6588 3.21 BfKgs 238 211 40 305 4 27-01-96 7679 4.22 3.70 324 284 30 258 51 11-03-03 4284 4.17 3.64 179 156 35 246 21-03-97 5814 3.53 3.16 205 184 89 305 5 28-01-97 6852 4.17 3.37 286 231 36 303 2 19-02-98 7679 4.22 3.70 324 284 30 258 5 11-03-03

Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF

Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation


Radney Yrd Deborah EBI €127 Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes Milk Traits

372216166321655 (1655)


29-Apr-2019 - FR2028

Expected Calving Date:









Milk Kg 98

Fat Kg 9.7

Prot Kg 8.08




€31 -€10 - FULL PEDIGREE

3.86 Protein

LOT 37 Radney Yrd Deborah EBI €127 LOT 23Traits Fertility CI Survival LOT 37 Last Recorded Service: 29-Apr-2019 - FR2028 -1.7(days) .5(%) Radney Yrd Deborah EBI €127

Fat % 0.10

Prot % 0.08 - FULL PEDIGREE 08-Jan-2018

Expected Calving Date:

08-Jan-2018 Calv Beef







HO (72%),FR (28%) Female HO (72%),FR (28%) (1655) Female 372216166321655


372216166321655 (1655)

EBI EBI Rel Milk Fert Maint Overall Feet/Legs Udder Last Recorded Service: Expected Calving Date: 29-Apr-2019 FR2028 05-Feb-2020 €127 37% €59 €28 €31 -€10 €17 -0.40 0.01 -0.59 Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot €127 37% €59 €28 €31 -€10 €17 9.7 8.08 0.10 Co Cork 0.08 Breeder Henry 98 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Survival Sire 98 9.7 8.08 0.10 0.08(DUT) -1.7(days) .5(%) Radney Desmunt 14 (YRD) €103 by Desmunt

Overall Indexes Type Traits









CI Survival Overall Feet/Legs Udder -1.7(days) .5(%) -0.40 0.01 -0.59 Radney Afs Deborah EX 90 3E IE151289190836 (836) by Arenberg Frans 233 (AFS) Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder €150 0.01 -0.59 Charleville Co Cork Breeder Henry -0.40 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount,

Fertility Traits Type Dam Traits

Milk Kgs








Calving Date

Milk Kgs Kgs Milk



BfKgs BfKgs

PrKgs PrKgs


Days Days

Lact Lact

Calving Date Date Calving

Milk Milk Kgs Kgs



BfKgs BfKgs

PrKgs PrKgs


Days Days

Lact Lact

Calving Calving Date Date

Sire 6321 4.44 3.71 280 234 37 279 1 27-01-12 Breeder Desmunt Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork (DUT) Radney (YRD) €103 by Desmunt 8836 3.95 14 3.87 349 342 40 305 2 16-01-13 Sire 8356 4.23 3.81 354 319 66 299 3 20-01-14 Dam Radney (YRD) €103 by Desmunt (DUT) 10016Desmunt 4.26 14 3.86 427 387 71 305 4 04-01-15 Radney Afs Deborah EX 90 3E IE151289190836 (836) by Arenberg Frans 233 (AFS) 9086 3.37 3.78 306 344 58 305 5 04-01-16 Dam €150 9334 4.06 3.79 379 354 55 289 6 15-02-17 Radney Afs Deborah EX 90 3E IE151289190836 (836) by Arenberg Frans 233 (AFS) 9659 4.03 3.70 389 358 54 305 7 08-01-18 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date €150 6321 4.44 3.71 280 234 37 279 1 27-01-12 G Dam 8836 3.87 BfKgs 349 342 40 305 2 16-01-13 Milk Kgs 3.95 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8356 4.23 3.81 354 319 66 299 3 20-01-14 Radney Ruu Deborah VG 88 IE151289130558 (558) by Ruud 22 (RUU) 6321 4.44 3.71 280 234 37 279 1 27-01-12 10016 4.26 3.86 BfKgs 427 387 71 305 04-01-15 8836 3.87 349 342 40 305 24 16-01-13 Milk Kgs 3.95 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9086 3.37 3.78 306 344 58 305 5 04-01-16 7359 4.68 3.89 344 286 78 305 30-01-09 8356 4.23 3.81 354 319 66 299 31 20-01-14 9334 4.06 3.79 379 354 55 289 15-02-17 8941 4.32 3.83 386 342 115 10-01-10 10016 4.26 3.86 427 387 71 305 462 04-01-15 9659 4.03 3.70 389 358 54 305 08-01-18 8554 3.76 3.91 321 334 66 259 23-02-11 9086 3.37 3.78 306 344 58 305 573 04-01-16 9334 4.06 3.79 379 354 55 289 6 15-02-17 G Dam 3rd Dam 4.03 9659 3.70 389 358 54 305 7 08-01-18 Radney Merci Ruu Deborah 88 IE151289130558 (558) by Galtee Ruud 22 (RUU) Radney DeborahVG 3 GP 84 IE151289190423 by Merci ET (GMI) G Dam 7359 3.89 286 78 Radney Deborah VG 88344 IE151289130558 (558) 6640 Ruu4.68 3.62 3.60 240 239 72 8941 4.32 3.83 386 342 115 8335 3.46 3.64 289 303 252 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 8554 3.76 3.91 321 334 66 8966 3.39 3.55 304 318 398 7359 4.68 3.89 344 286 78 8941 4.32 3.83 386 342 115 3rd Dam 4th8554 Dam 3.76 3.91 321 334 66 Radney Merci Deborah 3 GP 84 IE151289190423 Radney Star Deborah VG 87 RI09923597 (11) 3rd Dam

305 30-01-09 by Ruud 20-01-05 305 11 22 (RUU) 305 2 10-01-10 11-01-06 305 2 Days Lact Calving Date 259 3 23-02-11 29-01-07 305 31 30-01-09 305 2 10-01-10 259 3 23-02-11 by Galtee Merci ET(VRI) (GMI) by Veldstar Ingold

20-01-05 6640 Merci 3.62Deborah 3.60 240 239 72 305 Radney 84 IE151289190423 by Galtee ET (GMI) 6651 3.71 3.543 GP247 235 23 289 11 Merci 04-02-02 11-01-06 8335 3.46 3.64 289 303 252 305 2 7786 3.60 BfKgs 279 280 59 277 2 20-02-03 Milk Kgs 3.58 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 29-01-07 8966 3.39 3.55 304 318 398 305 313 20-01-05 7831 3.63 3.52 284 276 210 282 20-02-04 6640 3.62 3.60 240 239 72 305 11-01-06 7462 3.77 3.67 281 274 126 23-01-05 3.64 289 303 252 305 24 4th8335 Dam 3.46 29-01-07 8463 3.60 3.60 305 305 130 305 5 18-01-06 8966 3.39 3.55 304 318 398 3 Radney Star Deborah VG 87 RI09923597 (11) by Veldstar Ingold (VRI) 9255 3.55 3.76 329 348 156 305 6 10-03-07 4th Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 5th Dam 6651 3.71 3.54 247 235 23 289 1 04-02-02 Radney Star Deborah VG 87 RI09923597 (11) by Veldstar Ingold (VRI) Radney Amos Deborah GP 82 RI09046913 (964) by Carousel Amos (CAU) 7786 3.58 3.60 279 280 59 277 2 20-02-03 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Milk Kgs 3.63 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7831 3.52 284of information 276provided to 23 210 282 or warranty 20-02-04 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis it. No representation or implied is 6651 3.71 3.54 247 235 289 13 expressed 04-02-02 5254 3.87 3.56 203 187 174 262 1 07-02-98 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 7462 3.77 3.67or arising279 281 274 126 305 4contained in it20-02-03 23-01-05 7786 3.60 280 damages, costs or expenses 3.58 whatsoever, incurred from any use of or reliance on 59 this Report or 277 the information 2 by any person. 8607 3.53 3.43 304 295 44 305 2 20-01-99 8463 3.60 3.60 305 305 130 305 5 18-01-06 7831 3.63 3.52 284 276 210 282 3 20-02-04 8220 3.52 3.54 289 291 52 305 3 04-01-00 9255 3.55 3.76 329 348 156 305 10-03-07 7462 3.77 3.67 281 274 126 305 46 23-01-05 8958 3.63 3.42 325 307 37 299 4 18-01-01 8463 3.60 3.60 305 305 130 305 5 18-01-06 8259 3.64 3.55 301 294 26 285 5 08-02-02 9255 3.55 3.76 329 348 156 305 6 10-03-07 7439 3.52 3.67 262 273 60 269 6 28-02-03 Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF

6th Dam


Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),


Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes Milk Traits

Expected Calving Date:

25-Apr-2019 - PGW









Milk Kg

Fat Kg

Prot Kg





€34 -€10 - FULL PEDIGREE Prot %




02-Jan-2018 - FULL PEDIGREE

372216166361634 HO (88%),FR (13%) (1634) Female

Look atFat the % Solids

LOT 41 63 6.86 3.26 Radney Zol Deborah 1634 EBI €129 Fertility Survival LOT 24Traits CI LOT 41 -2.7(days) 2.1(%) - PGW Last Recorded Service: 25-Apr-2019 Radney Zol Deborah EBI Type Traits Overall Overall Indexes EBI 1634Feet/Legs EBI Rel€129Udder Milk 0.43 €129 Last Recorded Service:



0.27 0.41 31% €28 25-Apr-2019 - PGW



Expected Calving Date:

02-Jan-2018 Calv Beef


HO (88%),FR (13%) Female


372216166361634 (1634) Maint Mgmt Health

€60 €34 -€10 01-Feb-2020 €2 €4 Expected Calving Date:

Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Mgmt Breeder Henry 63 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 6.86 3.26 0.07 0.02 €129 31% €28 €60 €34 -€10 €2 €4 Sire Fertility Traits CI Survival Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Mr Numero Uno St-Louis-Et (ZOL) €137 by Amighetti -2.7(days) 6.86 2.1(%) 63 3.26 0.07 0.02 Numero Uno Tv Tl Ty (S1233)


Health €11

Dam Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Fertility Traits CI Survival 0.43 0.27 0.41 -2.7(days) 2.1(%) Radney Yry Deborah 1434 IE151289151434 (1434) by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) €118 Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Breeder Henry 0.43 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 0.27 0.41 G Dam Sire Mr Numero Uno St-Louis-Et (ZOL) €137 Amighetti Uno(LSR) Tv Tl Ty (S1233) Radney Lsr Henry Deborah 3 VG 88 IE151289160809 (809) by Lavenham Soldier ET Breeder O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Numero

Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Dam Sire 6267 4.43 3.66 277 229 67 279 1 09-02-11 Uno Tv Tl Ty (S1233) Mr Numero Uno St-Louis-Et (ZOL) €137 by Amighetti Numero Radney Deborah 1434 IE151289151434 (1434) by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) 5764 Yry4.65 3.56 268 205 51 223 2 20-04-12 €118 Dam 8000 4.10 3.67 328 294 67 276 3 27-02-13 8461 4.00 3.75 338 318 158 305 4 11-01-14 Radney Yry Deborah 1434 IE151289151434 (1434) by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) G Dam 8355 4.29 3.76 359 314 75 282 5 14-02-15 €118 8078 Lsr3.62 305 58 6 18-01-16 Radney Deborah3.78 3 VG 88292 IE151289160809 (809) 302 by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 8765 4.05 3.73 355 327 60 305 7 25-01-17 GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9048 4.09 3.71 370 336 44 302 8 16-01-18 6267 4.43 3.66 277 229 67 279 1 09-02-11 Radney Deborah3.63 3 VG 88352 IE151289160809 (809) 305 by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 8772 Lsr4.01 318 26 9 07-01-19 (proj) 5764 4.65 3.56 268 205 51 223 2 20-04-12 Milk Kgs 4.10 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 3.67 BfKgs 328 294 67 276 3 27-02-13 3rd8000 Dam 4.43 6267 3.66 277 229 67 279 1 09-02-11 8461 4.00 3.75 338 318 158 305 4 11-01-14 5764 Merci 4.65Deborah 3.56EX 90 268 205 51 2 Merci 20-04-12 Radney 5E RI10136188 (275) 223 by Galtee ET (GMI) 8355 4.29 3.76 359 314 75 282 5 14-02-15 8000 4.10 3.67 328 294 67 276 3 27-02-13 Milk Kgs 3.62 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8078 3.78 BfKgs 292 305 58 302 6 18-01-16 8461 4.00 3.75 338 318 158 305 4 11-01-14 19-01-03 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 1 8765 4.05 3.73 355 327 60 305 7 25-01-17 8355 4.29 3.76 359 314 75 282 14-02-15 05-02-04 8149 3.78 3.70 308 301 52 297 258 9048 4.09 3.71 370 336 44 302 16-01-18 8078 3.62 3.78 292 305 58 302 6 18-01-16 08-02-05 8284 3.66 3.68 303 305 73 295 39 8772 4.01 3.63 352 318 26 305 07-01-19 (proj) 8765 4.05 3.73 355 327 60 305 7 25-01-17 29-01-06 9045 3.50 3.70 316 335 78 305 4 4.09 3.71 370 336 44 302 8 16-01-18 3rd9048 Dam 01-02-07 9152 3.46 3.67 316 336 102 305 5 8772 4.01 3.63 352 318 26 305 9 07-01-19 (proj) 02-03-08 8009 Merci 3.31Deborah 3.62EX 90 265 290 76 6 Merci Radney 5E RI10136188 (275) 283 by Galtee ET (GMI) 13-02-09 7727 4.31 3.85 333 297 183 292 7 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 01-03-10 7734 3.88 3.80 300 294 183 275 8 19-01-03 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 1 Radney 5E RI10136188 (275) 261 by Galtee ET (GMI) 15-03-11 7123 Merci 3.87Deborah 3.88EX 90 276 276 284 9 Merci 05-02-04 8149 3.78 3.70 308 301 52 297 2 03-03-12 7519 3.84 BfKgs 345 289 280 282 10 Milk Kgs 4.59 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 08-02-05 8284 3.66 3.68 303 305 73 295 3 19-01-03 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 1 29-01-06 4th Dam 3.50 9045 3.70 316 335 78 305 4 05-02-04 8149 3.78 3.70 308 301 52 297 2 01-02-07 9152 3.46 3.67 316 336 102 305 5 08-02-05 Radney Amos Deborah GP 82 RI09046913 (964) by Carousel Amos (CAU) 8284 3.66 3.68 303 305 73 295 3 02-03-08 8009 3.31 3.62 265 290 76 283 6 29-01-06Date 9045Kgs 3.50 3.70 316 335 78 4 Milk BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 305 Days Lact Calving 13-02-09 7727 4.31 3.85 333 297 183 292 7 01-02-07 9152 3.46 3.67 316 336 102 305 51 5254 3.87 3.56 203 187 174 262 07-02-98 01-03-10 7734 3.88 3.80 300 294 183 275 8 02-03-08 8009 3.31 3.62 265 290 76 283 6 8607 3.53 3.43 304 295 44 305 20-01-99 15-03-11 7123 3.87 3.88 276 276 284 261 92 13-02-09 7727 4.31 3.85 333 297 183 292 73 8220 3.52 3.54 289 291 52 305 04-01-00 03-03-12 7519 4.59 3.84 345 289 280 282 10 01-03-10 7734 3.88 3.80 300 294 183 275 84 8958 3.63 3.42 325 307 37 299 18-01-01 Based on 261 Mar 20199 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 15-03-11 7123 3.87 3.88 276 276 284 8259 3.64Breeding 3.55Federation 301 ICBF 294 26 285 5 08-02-02 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 03-03-12 7519 4.59 3.84 345 289 280 282 10 7439 3.52 3.67 262 273 60 269 6 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct28-02-03 or indirect),


damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person.

5th Dam

Radney King Deborah 0108627813 (9408) Milk Kgs










Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF

6th Dam

by Ballymartin King 6 (0100553334) SCC






Calving Date


Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person.


Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes Milk Traits

03-Apr-2019 - FR4368

Expected Calving Date:









Milk Kg 27

Fat Kg 12.19

Prot Kg 4.99




3.97%FatProtein % Prot %

LOT 29 RadneyTraits Ostrich EBI €162 Fertility Survival LOT 25 Fintan CI LOT 29 Last Recorded Service: 03-Apr-2019 -2.9(days) 2.6(%) - FR4368 Radney Fintan Ostrich EBI Overall Indexes Overall EBI EBI€162 Rel Milk Type Traits Feet/Legs Udder €162 0.46 Last Recorded Service:



32% €52 0.59 0.20 03-Apr-2019 - FR4368


24-Jan-2018 - FULL PEDIGREE

Expected Calving Date:





HO (88%),FR (13%) Female

372216166391678 HO (88%),FR (13%) (1678) Female


24-Jan-2018 Calv Beef


Maint €0

372216166391678 (1678) Maint Mgmt Health

€69 €38 -€9 10-Jan-2020 €0 Expected Calving Date:

Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef 27 12.19 4.99 0.19 0.08 Breeder Henry €162 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville 32% €52 €69 Co Cork €38 -€9 Sire Fertility Traits CI Survival Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Mylawn Fintan (FR2420) €170 by Delta Trading (ZTG) -2.9(days) 2.6(%) 27 12.19 4.99 0.19 0.08


€9 Sexed







Overall Feet/Legs Udder CI Survival 0.46 0.59 0.20 -2.9(days) 2.6(%) Radney Yry Ostrich GP 83 IE151289181313 (1313) by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) €154 Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Breeder Henry 0.46 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 0.59 0.20 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Sire 7273 4.60 3.83 335 279 44 301 1 03-02-17 Mylawn (FR2420) by Delta Trading (ZTG) 7814 Fintan 4.65 3.97 €170 363 311 27 Charleville 305 24-01-18 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Co2Cork Type Traits Dam Fertility Traits

Dam Sire G Dam Mylawn Fintan (FR2420) Radney Yry Ostrich GP 83€170 IE151289181313 (1313) Radney Llk Ostrich GP 84 IE151289161006 (1006) €154 Dam Milk Kgs






Radney OstrichPR% GP 83 IE151289181313 (1313) 6849 3.61 279 247 138 Milk KgsYry4.07 BF% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 7273 4.60 3.83 335 279 44 €154 8547 4.06 3.76 347 322 48 7814 4.65 3.97 363 311 27 8199 4.05 3.70 332 303 50 Milk Kgs






by Delta Trading by Radney Levi 5 (ZTG) (YRY) by (Ig) Lauragh Lance (LLK) Days Lact Calving Date by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) 295 1 10-01-14 Days Lact Calving Date

301 305 305


21 32


03-02-17 17-01-15 24-01-18 23-01-16

Calving Date

7273 3.83 335 279 44 301 1 03-02-17 G Dam 3rd Dam 4.60 7814 4.65 3.97 363 311 27 305 2 24-01-18 Llk Ostrich 2GP 8486 IE151289161006 (1006) (Ig) Lauragh LanceET (LLK) Radney Lsr VG IE151289110804 (804) by Lavenham Soldier (LSR) GMilk Dam Milk Kgs BF% BF% PR% BfKgs BfKgs PrKgs PrKgs SCC Days Days Lact Lact Calving Date Date Kgs PR% SCC Calving 25-01-11 6849 4.07 3.61 279 247 138 295 10-01-14 7229 4.01 3.50 290 253 40 294 11 Radney Llk Ostrich GP 84 IE151289161006 (1006) by (Ig) Lauragh Lance (LLK) 15-01-12 8547 4.06 3.76 347 322 48 305 17-01-15 8537 3.97 3.55 339 303 35 305 22 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 12-01-13 8199 4.05 3.70 332 303 50 305 23-01-16 9500 3.58 3.57 340 339 38 305 33 6849 4.07 3.61 279 247 138 295 1 10-01-14 11-02-14 8415 3.82 3.48 321 293 50 277 4 8547 4.06 3.76 347 322 48 305 2 17-01-15 3rd9301 Dam 3.92 30-01-15 3.60 365 334 55 305 5 8199 4.05 3.70 332 303 50 305 3 23-01-16 08-02-16 9045 Lsr3.89 320 43 305 6 Radney Ostrich 3.53 2 VG 86352 IE151289110804 (804) by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 16-01-17 10032 3.76 3.45 377 346 44 305 7 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 15-03-18 6810 3.87 3.23 263 220 484 202 81 25-01-11 7229 4.01 3.50 290 253 40 294 Radney Lsr Ostrich 2 VG 86 IE151289110804 (804) by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 15-01-12 8537 3.97 3.55 339 303 35 305 2 4th Dam Milk Kgs 3.58 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 12-01-13 9500 3.57 BfKgs 340 339 38 305 3 25-01-11 7229 4.01 3.50 290 253 40 294 1 Radney Ostrich VG by Eastland Cash (ELC) 11-02-14 8415 Elc 3.82 3.4885 IE151289160511 321 293 (511) 50 277 4 15-01-12 8537 3.97 3.55 339 303 35 305 25 30-01-15 9301 3.92 3.60 365 334 55 305 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 12-01-13 9500 3.58 3.57 340 339 38 305 3 08-02-16 9045 3.89 3.53 352 320 43 7329 3.91 3.33 286 244 78 305 16 29-01-07 11-02-14 8415 3.82 3.48 321 293 50 277 4 16-01-17 10032 3.78 3.76 3.45 377 346 44 305 8091 3.66 306 296 27 296 27 18-02-08 30-01-15 9301 3.92 3.60 365 334 55 305 5 15-03-18 6810 3.87 3.23 263 220 484 202 8590 3.45 3.56 297 305 47 296 38 09-02-09 08-02-16 9045 3.89 3.53 352 320 43 305 6 9217 4.02 3.43 370 316 158 305 4 06-12-10 16-01-17 10032 3.76 3.45 377 346 44 305 7 4th7259 Dam 2.77 3.15 201 229 84 233 5 14-03-12 15-03-18 6810 3.87 3.23 263 220 484 202 8 6166 Elc2.95 3.1185 IE151289160511 182 192 106 203 7 12-05-14 Radney Ostrich VG (511) by Eastland Cash (ELC) 4th Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 5th Dam 7329 3.91 3.33 286 244 78 305 1 29-01-07 Radney Elc Ostrich VG (511) by Eastland Cash (ELC)20 (BWV) Radney Ostrich 3 G85 75IE151289160511 IE151289190415 (415) by 2019 Barrowvale Torello Based Mar 8091 3.78 3.66 306 ICBF 296 27 on 296 2Evaluation 18-02-08 Copyright, IrishBwv Cattle Breeding Federation Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs Days Lact Calving Date Milk Kgs BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving 8590 3.56 297of information 305provided to SCC 47 296 or warranty 3 expressed 09-02-09 This report has been prepared3.45 by ICBF in good faith on theBfKgs basis it. No representation or implied isDate 3.91 3.33 286 244 78 29-01-07 made or given7329 by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable305 for any losses 1 (whether direct or indirect), 6686 3.77 3.59 252 240 70 305 26-01-05 9217 4.02 3.43 370 316 158 41 06-12-10 damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person. 8091 3.78 3.66 306 296 27 296 2 18-02-08 6831 3.82 3.66 261 250 56 287 2 20-02-06 7259 2.77 3.15 201 229 84 233 5 14-03-12 8590 3.45 3.56 297 305 47 296 3 09-02-09 9256 3.75 3.57 348 330 75 305 17-01-07 6166 2.95 3.11 182 192 106 203 73 12-05-14 9217 4.02 3.43 370 316 158 305 44 06-12-10 7235 3.89 3.33 282 241 84 305 09-09-08 7259 2.77 3.15 201 229 84 233 55 14-03-12 5465 4.51 3.47 246 189 123 257 02-05-10 6166 2.95 3.11 182 192 106 203 7 12-05-14 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 6th Dam This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person.

Radney Image Ostrich VG 85 0108626013 (9405)

by Maunsell Image ET (MLA)



Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes Milk Traits

21-Apr-2019 - PGW





Milk Kg

Fat Kg
















- FULL PEDIGREE Solids Prot Kg Solids Fat % Solids Prot %

LOT 32 -54 8.62 2.52 Radney Sew Ostrich EBISurvival €152 Fertility CI LOT 26Traits LOT 32 -3.5(days) 1.6(%) - PGW Last Recorded Service: 21-Apr-2019 Radney Sew Ostrich €152 Type Traits Overall Udder Overall Indexes EBI EBIFeet/Legs EBI Rel Milk -0.24 Last Recorded Service: €152

Expected Calving Date:

0.07 -0.36 33% €38 21-Apr-2019 - PGW



- FULL PEDIGREE 21-Jan-2018

Expected Calving Date:


21-Jan-2018 Calv Beef

HO (84%),FR (16%) Female

372216166371676 HO (84%),FR (16%) (1676) Female


372216166371676 (1676) Maint Mgmt Health

Expected Calving Date: €64 €50 -€19 28-Jan-2020 €12

Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint 8.62 2.52 0.18 Co Cork 0.08 Breeder Henry -54 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville €152 33% €38 €64 €50 -€19 €12 Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Survival Searoad Aws Pamela 1 (SEW) €188 by Derrinsallow -54 2.52 0.18 0.08 Aine 75 Ed (AWS) -3.5(days) 8.62 1.6(%)







Dam Traits Type Fertility Traits

Overall Feet/Legs Udder CI Survival -0.24 0.07 -0.36 -3.5(days) 1.6(%) Radney Yry Ostrich 1475 IE151289151475 (1475)

by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) €113 Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder 0.07 -0.36 Charleville Co Cork Breeder Henry -0.24 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, G Dam Sire Searoad AwsHenry Pamela (SEW) €188 Freemount, Derrinsallow Aine 75 Ed (AWS) Radney Gjoostrich EX1 93 4EKnockilla, IE151289170652 (652) by Geremjo Breeder O'Keeffe. Charleville Co Cork (GJO) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Sire Dam 6635 4.88 3.42 324 227 54 305 1 16-01-09 Searoad Aws Pamela 1 (SEW) €188 by Derrinsallow Aine 75 Ed (AWS) Radney Ostrich 3.59 1475 IE151289151475 by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) 8001 Yry4.57 365 287 (1475) 41 305 2 28-01-10 Dam €113 8711 4.23 3.56 369 310 58 305 3 29-01-11 8025 Yry4.12 331 291 (1475) 45 305 4 28-01-12 Radney Ostrich 3.63 1475 IE151289151475 by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) G Dam 8330 4.37 3.73 364 310 93 299 5 04-02-13 €113 8100 Gjoostrich 4.43 3.69 299 81 6 19-01-14 Radney EX 93 4E358 IE151289170652 (652) 300 by Geremjo (GJO) 8699 4.49 3.77 391 328 92 304 7 18-01-15 GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7707 4.39 3.63 339 280 90 299 81 15-02-16 6635 Gjoostrich 4.88 3.42 324 227 54 305 16-01-09 Radney EX 93 4E314 IE151289170652 (652) 294 by Geremjo (GJO) 7537 4.17 3.55 267 137 9 18-01-17 8001 4.57 3.59 365 287 41 305 2 28-01-10 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8711 4.23 3.56 369 310 58 305 3 29-01-11 3rd6635 Dam 4.88 3.42 324 227 54 305 1 16-01-09 8025 4.12 3.63 331 291 45 305 4 28-01-12 8001 4.57 3.59 365 287 41 305 2 28-01-10 Radney Ostrich3.73 2 F 73 IE151289120540 (540) by Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV) 8330 Bwv 4.37 364 310 93 299 5 04-02-13 8711 4.23 3.56 369 310 58 305 3 29-01-11 Milk Kgs 4.43 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8100 3.69 BfKgs 358 299 81 300 6 19-01-14 8025 4.12 3.63 331 291 45 305 4 28-01-12 04-03-09 7130 4.10 3.45 292 246 131 271 37 8699 4.49 3.77 391 328 92 304 18-01-15 8330 4.37 3.73 364 310 93 299 5 04-02-13 7707 4.39 3.63 339 280 90 299 8 15-02-16 3.69 358 299 81 300 6 19-01-14 4th8100 Dam 4.43 7537 4.17 3.55 314 267 137 294 9 18-01-17 8699 4.49 3.77 391 328 92 304 7 18-01-15 Radney Merci Ostrich 2 EX 90 2E RI10188366 (317) by Radney Merci (IE151289110192) 7707 4.39 3.63 339 280 90 299 8 15-02-16 3rd Dam Milk Kgs 4.17 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7537 3.55 BfKgs 314 267 137 294 9 18-01-17 Radney Ostrich3.60 2 F 73 IE151289120540 (540) by Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV) 5717 Bwv 4.17 239 206 36 280 1 25-01-03 3rd Dam 6541 3.73 BfKgs 265 244 132 266 2 07-03-04 Milk Kgs 4.05 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6980 3.90 3.78 272 264 75 275 28-02-05 04-03-09 7130 4.10 3.45 292 246 131 271 3 Radney Bwv Ostrich 2 F 73 IE151289120540 (540) by Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV) 7824 4.08 3.71 319 290 82 305 4 16-01-06 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 4th Dam 8261 4.16 3.69 344 305 197 303 5 03-02-07 04-03-09 7130 4.10 3.45 292 246 131 271 3 7874 Merci 4.38Ostrich 3.68 3452E RI10188366 290 54 6 30-01-08 Radney 2 EX 90 (317) 305 by Radney Merci (IE151289110192) 8239 4.33 3.70 357 305 65 305 7 15-01-09 4th Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7810 4.37 3.82 341 298 983 275 01-03-10 5th DamMerci 5717 4.17 3.60 239 206 36 18 25-01-03 Radney Ostrich 2 EX 90 2E RI10188366 (317) 280 by Radney Merci (IE151289110192) 6541 4.05 3.73 265 244 132 266 2 07-03-04 5th Radney OstrichBfKgs 6 RI09273941 by Skalsumer SunnyDate Boy (SSB) MilkDam KgsSunny BF%Boy PR% PrKgs (9720) SCC Days Lact Calving 6980 3.90 3.78 272 264 75 275 3 28-02-05 5717 4.17 3.60 239 206 36 280 1 25-01-03 Milk BF% PR% 6BfKgs PrKgs(9720) SCC 305 Days Lact Calving Radney Sunny Boy Ostrich RI09273941 by Skalsumer SunnyDate Boy (SSB) 7824Kgs 4.08 3.71 319 290 82 4 16-01-06 6541 4.05 3.73 265 244 132 266 21 07-03-04 5846 4.21 3.51 246 205 464 305 14-01-00 8261Kgs 4.16 3.69 344 305 197 5 03-02-07 Milk BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 303 Days Lact Calving Date 6980 3.90 3.78 272 264 75 28-02-05 0 0 0 38 on 275 181 20193612Evaluation 24-04-01 5846 4.21 3.51 246 205 464 305 14-01-00 Based Mar 7874 4.38 3.68 345 290 54 305 30-01-08 Copyright, Irish Cattle 7824 4.08 Breeding 3.71 Federation 319 ICBF 290 82 305 4 16-01-06 08239 0 of information 0 provided to 65 38 181 or warranty 24-04-01 4.33 3.70 357 305 305 72 expressed15-01-09 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis it. No representation or implied is 6th Dam 8261 4.16 3.69 344 305 197 303 5 03-02-07 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 7810 4.37 3.82 341 298 983 275 8 01-03-10 damages, costs or expenses 4.38 whatsoever, incurred or arising345 from any use of or reliance on 54 this Report or 305 the information 6 contained in it30-01-08 by any person. 7874 3.68VG 290 6th Dam Radney Amos Ostrich 85 0108842798 (9512) by Carousel Amos (CAU) 8239 4.33 3.70 357 305 65 305 7 15-01-09 Milk Kgs BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving(CAU) Date Radney VG 85BfKgs 0108842798 by Carousel Amos 7810 Amos 4.37Ostrich 3.82 341 298 (9512) 983 275 8 01-03-10 5856 3.38 3.34 198 196 100 290 1 14-02-97 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7073 3.34 3.37 236 239 254 276 14-03-98 5856 3.38 3.34 198 196 100 290 12 14-02-97 9231 3.28 3.45 302 318 222 305 3 07-02-99 7073 3.34 3.37 236 239 254 276 14-03-98 Based on Mar 20192Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 7469 3.25 3.50 242 261 475 248 4 20-03-00 9231 3.45 302of information 318 222 305 or warranty 3 expressed07-02-99 This report has been prepared3.28 by ICBF in good faith on the basis provided to it. No representation or implied is 9334 3.41 3.50 318 327 365 294 5 15-02-01 made or given7469 by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 3.25 3.50 242 261 475 248 4 20-03-00



Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes Milk Traits

Expected Calving Date:

25-Apr-2019 - PGW




















Milk Kg

Fat Kg

- FULL PEDIGREE 4.08% Protein Prot Kg Fat % Prot %

LOT 28 -30 8.62 7 Radney Ronaldo EBI €216 Fertility CIDeborahSurvival LOT 27Traits LOT 28 -5.1(days) 2.6(%) - PGW Last Recorded Service: 25-Apr-2019 Radney Ronaldo DeborahEBI EBI Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes EBI Rel€216Milk -1.70 Last Recorded Service: €216

-0.76 -1.82 25-Apr-2019 - PGW 32% €62



- FULL PEDIGREE 14-Feb-2018

Expected Calving Date:


14-Feb-2018 Calv Beef

HO (63%),FR (38%) Female HO (63%),FR (38%)(1695) Female 372216166311695


372216166311695 (1695) Mgmt Health


Expected €39 Calving Date: €97 -€5 01-Feb-2020 €6 €7

Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel MilkKg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Breeder Henry-30 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville €216 32% €97 Co Cork €39 -€5 €6 8.62 7€62 0.17 0.14 Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Survival Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI (Ig) Olcastletown Ronaldo (FR2298) €293 by Gaddagh -30 8.62 7 0.17 0.14Cuddy Reeks (GZY) -5.1(days) 2.6(%)






Dam Traits Fertility Traits Type

CI Survival Udder Overall Feet/Legs -5.1(days) 2.6(%) -1.70 -0.76 -1.82(584) Radney Lsr Deborah VG 88 IE151289150584

by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) €119 Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder -0.76 Freemount, -1.82 Charleville Co Cork Breeder Henry -1.70 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Sire7225 4.64 3.77 335 272 63 305 1 18-01-09 (Ig) Olcastletown Ronaldo (FR2298) €293 by Gaddagh Cuddy Reeks (GZY) 7907 4.91 3.89 389 308 26 292 2 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 12-02-10 8338 4.36 4.08 364 340 46 305 3 15-01-11 Sire Dam 8137 4.46 3.97 363 323 88 289 4 25-02-12 (Ig) Olcastletown Ronaldo (FR2298) €293 by Gaddagh Cuddy Reeks (GZY) Radney Deborah3.92 VG 88 IE151289150584 (584) by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 8522 Lsr3.99 340 334 93 272 5 19-03-13 Dam €119 8221 4.23 3.87 348 318 144 282 6 06-02-14 8921 4.26 3.98 380 355 94 305 7 01-04-15 Radney DeborahPR% VG 88BfKgs IE151289150584 (584) by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) Milk KgsLsrBF% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9540 3.97 3.91 378 373 54 305 8 30-08-16 €119 7225 4.64 3.77 335 272 63 305 1 18-01-09 8951 4.46 3.78 399 338 45 305 9 14-02-18 7907 4.91 3.89 389 308 26 292 2 12-02-10 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 4.36 4.08 364 340 46 305 31 15-01-11 G 8338 Dam 7225 4.64 3.77 335 272 63 305 18-01-09 8137 4.46 3.97 363 323 88 289 42 25-02-12 7907 4.91 3.89 389 308 26 292 12-02-10 Radney Merci Deborah EX 90 5E RI10136188 (275) 272 by Galtee ET (GMI) 8522 3.99 3.92 340 334 93 53 Merci 19-03-13 8338 4.36 4.08 364 340 46 305 15-01-11 Milk Kgs 4.23 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8221 3.87 348 318 144 282 64 06-02-14 8137 4.46 3.97 363 323 88 289 25-02-12 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 1 19-01-03 8921 4.26 3.98 380 355 94 305 7 01-04-15 8522 3.99 3.92 340 334 93 272 5 19-03-13 8149 3.78 3.70 308 301 52 297 2 05-02-04 9540 3.97 3.91 378 373 54 305 8 30-08-16 8221 4.23 3.87 348 318 144 282 6 06-02-14 8284 3.66 3.68 303 305 73 295 3 08-02-05 8951 4.46 3.78 399 338 45 305 97 14-02-18 8921 4.26 3.98 380 355 94 305 01-04-15 9045 3.50 3.70 316 335 78 305 4 29-01-06 9540 3.97 3.91 378 373 54 305 8 30-08-16 G Dam 9152 3.46 3.67 316 336 102 305 5 01-02-07 8951 4.46 3.78 399 338 45 305 9 14-02-18 8009 Merci 3.31Deborah 3.62EX 90265 290 76 283 6 Merci 02-03-08 Radney 5E RI10136188 (275) by Galtee ET (GMI) 7727 4.31 3.85 333 297 183 292 7 13-02-09 GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7734 3.88 3.80 300 294 183 275 8 01-03-10 7004 Merci 3.93Deborah 3.58EX 90 275 251 131 305 1 Merci 19-01-03 Radney 5E RI10136188 (275) by Galtee ET (GMI) 7123 3.87 3.88 276 276 284 261 9 15-03-11 8149 3.78 3.70 308 301 52 297 2 05-02-04 Milk Kgs 4.59 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7519 3.84 BfKgs 345 289 280 282 10 03-03-12 8284 3.66 3.68 303 305 73 295 31 08-02-05 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 19-01-03 3.70 316 335 78 305 42 29-01-06 3rd9045 Dam 3.50 8149 3.78 3.70 308 301 52 297 05-02-04 9152 3.46 3.67 316 336 102 305 5 01-02-07 8284 Amos 3.66Deborah 3.68GP 82303 305 (964) 73 295 3 08-02-05 Radney RI09046913 by Carousel Amos (CAU) 8009 3.31 3.62 265 290 76 283 64 02-03-08 9045 3.50 3.70 316 335 78 305 29-01-06 Milk Kgs 4.31 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7727 3.85 333 297 183 292 75 13-02-09 9152 3.46 3.67 316 336 102 305 01-02-07 07-02-98 5254 3.87 3.56 203 187 174 262 1 7734 3.88 3.80 300 294 183 275 8 01-03-10 8009 3.31 3.62 265 290 76 283 6 02-03-08 20-01-99 8607 3.53 3.43 304 295 44 305 7123 3.87 3.88 276 276 284 261 927 15-03-11 7727 4.31 3.85 333 297 183 292 13-02-09 04-01-00 8220 3.52 3.54 289 291 52 305 3 7519 4.59 3.84 345 289 280 282 10 03-03-12 7734 3.88 3.80 300 294 183 275 8 01-03-10 18-01-01 8958 3.63 3.42 325 307 37 299 4 7123 3.87 3.88 276 276 284 261 9 15-03-11 3rd8259 Dam 3.64 08-02-02 3.55 301 294 26 285 5 7519 4.59 3.84 345 289 280 282 10 03-03-12 28-02-03 7439 Amos 3.52 3.67GP 82262 273 (964) 60 269 6 Radney Deborah RI09046913 by Carousel Amos (CAU)

3rd Dam 4th Dam Milk Kgs Cattle BF%Breeding PR% Federation BfKgs ICBF PrKgs Copyright, Irish

SCC onDays LactEvaluation Calving Date Based Mar 2019

07-02-98 5254 3.87 3.56 203 187provided 262 1 expressed This report has been prepared byDeborah ICBF in good faith on the basis of information to174 it. No representation or King implied is6 (0100553334) Amos Deborah GP 82 RI09046913 (964) Carousel Amos (CAU) Radney King 0108627813 (9408) by or warranty Ballymartin made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 20-01-99 8607 3.53 3.43 304 295 44 305 2 damages, costs expenses whatsoever, or arising from any usePrKgs of or reliance on SCC this Report orDays the information contained inCalving it by any person. MilkorKgs BF% incurred PR% BfKgs Lact Date 04-01-00 8220 3.52 3.54 289 291 52 305 3 07-02-98 5254 3.87 3.56 203 187 174 262 4137 3.59 3.47 148 144 131 263 1 20-01-96 18-01-01 8958 3.63 3.42 325 307 37 299 42 20-01-99 8607 3.53 3.43 304 295 44 305 08-02-02 3.64 3.55 301 294 26 285 5 5th8259 Dam 04-01-00 8220 3.52 3.54 289 291 52 305 3 28-02-03 7439 3.52 3.67 262 273 60 269 6 18-01-01 8958 Vaduz 3.63Deborah 3.42 0108245493 325 307 299 4 Radney (G014) 37 by Ballysheen Vaduz (BUZ) 08-02-02 8259 3.64 Breeding 3.55 Federation 301 ICBF 294 26 on 285 5Evaluation Based Mar 2019 Copyright, Irish Cattle Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 28-02-03 7439 3.52 3.67 262of information 273provided to 50 60 269 or warranty This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis it. No representation or implied is 6195 3.85 3.24 239 201 298 16 expressed20-01-94 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),



Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes









Milk Kg -35

Milk Traits

Expected Calving Date:

02-Apr-2019 - FJM

EBI Last Recorded Service: -0.85 €156




€38 -€6 - FULL PEDIGREE Prot %





- FULL PEDIGREE 16-Jan-2018

HO (72%),FR (28%) (1669) Female 372216166381669

Look at Prot theKglongevity of the Solids Fat Kg Fat %

LOT 34 4.56 2.93 Radney Steve Deborah 1669 EBI €156 LOT 28Traits Fertility CI Survival LOT 34 -4.4(days) 1.9(%) - FJM Last Recorded Service: 02-Apr-2019 Radney Steve Deborah 1669 EBI €156 Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes



EBI Rel Milk -0.96 -0.68 02-Apr-2019 - FJM 31% €30



Expected Calving Date:

16-Jan-2018 Calv Beef


HO (72%),FR (28%) Female


372216166381669 (1669)


Expected Calving Date: €79 €38 -€6 09-Jan-2020 €1


Health Sexed €13 Mgmt Health


Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot €156 31% €30 €79 €38 -€6 €1 €3 Breeder Henry -35 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 4.56 2.93 0.10 0.08 Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Survival Radney Steve ET (FR4098) €190 by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) -35 4.56 2.93 0.10 0.08 -4.4(days) 1.9(%)


Dam Traits Fertility Traits Type

CI Survival Overall Feet/Legs Udder -4.4(days) 1.9(%) -0.85 -0.68 (809) by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) Radney Lsr Deborah 3 VG 88 -0.96 IE151289160809 Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder €119 Traits -0.96 -0.68 Charleville Co Cork Breeder Henry -0.85 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Milk Kgs








Calving Date

Sire 6267 4.43 3.66 277 229 67 279 1 09-02-11 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Co2Cork 5764 Steve 4.65 3.56 €190 268 205 51 Charleville 223 20-04-12 Radney ET (FR4098) by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) 8000 4.10 3.67 328 294 67 276 3 27-02-13 Sire Dam 8461 Steve 4.00 3.75 €190 338 318 158 305 11-01-14 Radney ET (FR4098) by (Ig)4 Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) Radney Deborah3.76 3 VG 88359 IE151289160809 (809) 282 by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 8355 Lsr4.29 314 75 5 14-02-15 Dam €119 8078 3.62 3.78 292 305 58 302 6 18-01-16 8765 Lsr4.05 327 60 7 25-01-17 Radney Deborah3.73 3 VG 88355 IE151289160809 (809) 305 by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) Milk Kgs 4.09 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9048 3.71 370 336 44 302 8 16-01-18 €119 6267 4.43 3.66 277 229 67 279 1 09-02-11 8772 4.01 3.63 352 318 26 305 9 07-01-19 (proj) 5764 3.56 BfKgs 268 205 51 223 2 20-04-12 Milk Kgs 4.65 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8000 4.10 3.67 328 294 67 276 27-02-13 G Dam 6267 4.43 3.66 277 229 67 279 13 09-02-11 8461 4.00 3.75 338 318 158 305 11-01-14 5764 4.65 3.56 268 205 51 223 24 Merci 20-04-12 Radney Merci Deborah EX 90 5E RI10136188 (275) by Galtee ET (GMI) 8355 4.29 3.76 359 314 75 282 14-02-15 8000 4.10 3.67 328 294 67 276 35 27-02-13 Milk Kgs 4.00 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8078 3.62 3.78 BfKgs 292 305 58 302 18-01-16 8461 3.75 338 318 158 305 46 11-01-14 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 1 19-01-03 8765 4.05 3.73 355 327 60 305 25-01-17 8355 4.29 3.76 359 314 75 282 57 14-02-15 8149 3.78 3.70 308 301 52 297 2 05-02-04 9048 4.09 3.71 370 336 44 302 8 16-01-18 8078 3.62 3.78 292 305 58 302 6 18-01-16 8284 3.66 3.68 303 305 73 295 3 08-02-05 (proj) 8772 4.01 3.63 352 318 26 305 07-01-19 8765 4.05 3.73 355 327 60 305 79 25-01-17 9045 3.50 3.70 316 335 78 305 4 29-01-06 9048 4.09 3.71 370 336 44 302 8 16-01-18 G Dam 9152 3.46 3.67 316 336 102 305 5 01-02-07 8772 4.01 3.63 352 318 26 305 9 07-01-19 (proj) 8009 3.31 3.62 265 290 76 283 6 02-03-08 Radney Merci Deborah EX 90 5E RI10136188 (275) by Galtee Merci ET (GMI) 7727 4.31 3.85 333 297 183 292 7 13-02-09 G Dam Milk Kgs 3.88 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7734 3.80 BfKgs 300 294 183 275 8 01-03-10 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 1 19-01-03 Radney 5E RI10136188 (275) 261 by Galtee ET (GMI) 7123 Merci 3.87Deborah 3.88EX 90 276 276 284 9 Merci 15-03-11 8149 3.78 3.70 BfKgs 308 301 52 297 2 05-02-04 Milk Kgs BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7519 4.59 3.84 345 289 280 282 10 03-03-12 8284 3.66 3.68 303 305 73 295 31 08-02-05 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 19-01-03 3.70 316 335 78 305 42 29-01-06 3rd9045 Dam 3.50 8149 3.78 3.70 308 301 52 297 05-02-04 9152 3.46 3.67 316 336 102 305 5 01-02-07 8284 3.66 3.68 303 305 73 295 3 08-02-05 Radney Amos Deborah GP 82265 RI09046913 (964) by Carousel Amos (CAU) 8009 3.31 3.62 290 76 283 6 02-03-08 9045 3.50 3.70 316 335 78 305 4 29-01-06 Milk Kgs 4.31 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7727 3.85 333 297 183 292 75 13-02-09 9152 3.46 3.67 BfKgs 316 336 102 305 01-02-07 07-02-98 5254 3.87 3.56 203 187 174 262 1 7734 3.88 3.80 300 294 183 275 86 01-03-10 8009 3.31 3.62 265 290 76 283 02-03-08 20-01-99 8607 3.53 3.43 304 295 44 305 29 7123 3.87 3.88 276 276 284 261 15-03-11 7727 4.31 3.85 333 297 183 292 7 13-02-09 04-01-00 8220 3.52 3.54 289 291 52 305 310 7519 4.59 3.84 345 289 280 282 03-03-12 7734 3.88 3.80 300 294 183 275 8 01-03-10 18-01-01 8958 3.63 3.42 325 307 37 299 4 7123 3.87 3.88 276 276 284 261 9 15-03-11 3rd8259 Dam 3.64 08-02-02 3.55 301 294 26 285 5 7519 4.59 3.84 345 289 280 282 10 03-03-12 28-02-03 7439 Amos 3.52Deborah 3.67GP 82262 273 (964) 60 269 6 Radney RI09046913 by Carousel Amos (CAU) 3rd Dam 4th Dam Mar 2019 Evaluation Milk Kgs Cattle BF%Breeding PR% Federation BfKgs ICBF PrKgs Based SCC onDays Lact Calving Date Copyright, Irish 07-02-98 5254 3.87 3.56 203 187 262 1 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to 174 it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is Radney Amos Deborah GP 82 RI09046913 (964) by Carousel Amos (CAU) Radney King Deborah 0108627813 (9408) by Ballymartin King 6 (0100553334) made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 20-01-99 8607 3.53 3.43 304 295 44 305 2 damages, costs orKgs expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any usePrKgs of or reliance on SCC this Report orDays the information contained inCalving it by any person. Milk BF% PR% BfKgs Lact Date Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 04-01-00 8220 3.52 3.54 289 291 52 305 31 07-02-98 5254 3.87 3.56 203 187 174 262 4137 3.59 3.47 148 144 131 263 1 20-01-96 18-01-01 8958 3.63 3.42 325 307 37 299 42 20-01-99 8607 3.53 3.43 304 295 44 305 08-02-02 3.55 301 294 26 285 53 5th8259 Dam 3.64 04-01-00 8220 3.52 3.54 289 291 52 305 28-02-03 7439 3.52 3.67 262 273 60 269 6 18-01-01 8958 Vaduz 3.63 Deborah 3.42 0108245493 325 307 299 4 Radney (G014) 37 by Ballysheen Vaduz (BUZ) 08-02-02 8259 3.64 3.55 301 294 26 285 5 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Date 28-02-03 7439 3.52 3.67 262of information 273provided to 60 269 or warranty 6 expressedCalving This report has been prepared3.85 by ICBF in good faith on the basis it. or implied is 6195 3.24 239 201 50No representation 298 1 20-01-94 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),



Last Recorded Service:

Overall Indexes Milk Traits

Expected Calving Date:

02-Apr-2019 - FJM









Milk Kg 83

Fat Kg 11.96

EBI Last Recorded Service: 0.36 €147




€42 -€9 - FULL PEDIGREE Prot %





- FULL PEDIGREE 24-Jan-2018

HO (84%),FR (16%)(1682) Female 372216166351682

3.78% Protein Deborah Prot Kg Fat %

LOT 30 6.99 Radney Yry Deborah 1682 EBI €147 LOT 29Traits Fertility CI Survival LOT 30 -1.7(days) 1.7(%) - FJM Last Recorded Service: 02-Apr-2019 Radney Yry Deborah 1682 EBI €147 Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes



EBI Rel Milk 02-Apr-2019 - FJM 0.89 0.04 37% €59



Expected Calving Date:

24-Jan-2018 Calv Beef


HO (84%),FR (16%) Female


372216166351682 (1682)



Health Sexed €4 Mgmt Health

Expected €42 Calving Date: €42 -€9 09-Jan-2020 €7 €1

Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel MilkKg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot €147 37% €59 €42 €42 -€9 €7 Breeder Henry 83 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Charleville 11.96 Freemount, 6.99 0.14 Co Cork 0.07 Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Survival Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Radney Levi 5 (YRY) €147 by Morningview Levi (MWL) 83 11.96 6.99 0.14 0.07 -1.7(days) 1.7(%)



CI Survival Udder Overall Feet/Legs -1.7(days) 0.89 1.7(%) 0.36 0.04 Radney Mcl Deborah 2 EX 91 3E IE151289111042 by Mascol ET (MCL) Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder (1042) €146 0.89 0.04 Charleville Co Cork Breeder Henry 0.36 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount,

Dam Fertility Traits Type Traits

Milk Kgs








Calving Date

Milk Kgs BF% Milk Kgs 3.65 BF% 8262 5477 3.76

PR% PR% 3.78 3.64

BfKgs BfKgs 302 206

PrKgs PrKgs 312 199

SCC SCC 46 45

Days Days 284 238

Lact Lact 31

Calving Date Calving Date 06-03-16 08-03-14

Milk Kgs







Calving Date

Sire 5477 3.76 3.64 206 199 45 238 1 08-03-14 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Freemount, Co2Cork 09-02-15 Radney 5 (YRY) €147 Knockilla, by Morningview Levi (MWL) 8977 Levi 4.08 3.75 367 337 56 Charleville 305 8262 3.65 3.78 302 312 46 284 3 06-03-16 Sire Dam 9852 Levi 3.97 3.76 370 56 304 4 13-02-17 Radney 5 (YRY) €147 391 by Morningview Levi (MWL) Radney Mcl Deborah 2 EX 91 3E IE151289111042 by Mascol ET (MCL) 9491 4.15 3.70 393 351 31 305 5 24-01-18 Dam (1042) 9619€1464.09 3.62 394 348 48 305 6 30-01-19 (proj) Radney Mcl Deborah 2 EX 91 3E IE151289111042 by Mascol ET (MCL) Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date GMilk Dam (1042) 5477€1463.76 3.64 206 199 45 238 1 08-03-14 Radney Deborah3.75 EX 90 3E by Arenberg Frans 233 (AFS) 8977 Afs4.08 367IE151289190836 337 56(836) 305 2 09-02-15 6321 4.44 3.71 280 234 37 9852 3.97 3.76 391 370 56 8977 4.08 3.75 367 337 56 8836 3.95 3.87 349 342 40 9491 4.15 3.70 393 351 31 8262 3.65 3.78 302 312 46 8356 4.23 3.81 354 319 66 9619 4.09 3.62 394 348 48 9852 3.97 3.76 391 370 56 10016 4.26 3.86 427 387 71 9491 4.15 3.70 393 351 31 G Dam 9086 3.37 3.78 306 344 58 9619 4.09 3.62 394 348 48 9334 Afs4.06 379IE151289190836 354 55(836) Radney Deborah3.79 EX 90 3E 4.03 3.70 389 358 54 G 9659 Dam BF%

279 27-01-12 304 412 13-02-17 305 09-02-15 2 16-01-13 305 5 24-01-18 284 3 06-03-16 299 20-01-14 (proj) 305 634 30-01-19 304 13-02-17 305 4 04-01-15 305 5 24-01-18 305 5 04-01-16 305 6 30-01-19 (proj) 289 6 15-02-17 by Arenberg Frans 233 (AFS) 305 7 08-01-18

6321 280IE151289190836 234 37(836) 279 1 27-01-12 Radney Deborah3.71 EX 90 3E by Arenberg Frans 233 (AFS) 3rd Dam Afs4.44 8836 3.95 3.87 349 342 40 305 2 16-01-13 Milk Kgs BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact 22 (RUU) Calving Date Radney Ruu4.23 Deborah VG 88BfKgs IE151289130558 (558) by Ruud 8356 3.81 354 319 66 299 31 20-01-14 6321 4.44 3.71 280 234 37 279 27-01-12 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 10016 4.26 3.86 427 387 71 305 4 04-01-15 8836 3.95 3.87 349 342 40 305 2 16-01-13 30-01-09 7359 4.68 3.89 344 286 78 305 15 9086 3.37 3.78 306 344 58 04-01-16 8356 4.23 3.81 354 319 66 299 3 20-01-14 10-01-10 8941 4.32 3.83 386 342 115 305 26 9334 3.79 379 354 55 289 15-02-17 10016 4.06 4.26 3.86 427 387 71 305 4 04-01-15 23-02-11 8554 3.76 3.91 321 334 66 259 37 9659 4.03 3.70 389 358 54 305 08-01-18 9086 3.37 3.78 306 344 58 305 5 04-01-16 9334 4.06 3.79 379 354 55 289 6 15-02-17 4th Dam 3rd Dam 9659 4.03 3.70 389 358 54 305 7 08-01-18 Radney Ruu MerciDeborah DeborahVG 3 GP 84 IE151289190423 by Ruud Galtee22 Merci ET (GMI) 88 IE151289130558 (558) (RUU) 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6640 3.62 3.60 240 239 72 305 1 20-01-05 30-01-09 7359 Ruu 4.68 3.89 286 78 Radney Deborah VG 88344 IE151289130558 (558) by Ruud 22 (RUU) 8335 3.46 3.64 289 303 252 305 2 11-01-06 10-01-10 8941 3.83 BfKgs 386 342 115 Milk Kgs 4.32 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8966 3.39 3.55 304 318 398 305 29-01-07 23-02-11 8554 3.76 3.91 321 334 66 259 31 30-01-09 7359 4.68 3.89 344 286 78 305 5th8941 Dam 4.32 10-01-10 3.83 386 342 115 305 2 4th Dam 23-02-11 8554 3.76 3.91 321 334 66 259 3 Radney Star Deborah VG 87 RI09923597 (11) by Veldstar Ingold (VRI) Based on Mar Evaluation Radney Merci GP 84 IE151289190423 by 2019 Galtee Merci ET (GMI) Copyright, Irish CattleDeborah Breeding3Federation ICBF Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 4th This report has Dam been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs Days Lact Calving Date 6651 3.71 3.54 completeness 247 of thisPrKgs 235 ICBF shallSCC 23 1 04-02-02 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, Report. not be liable 289 for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 6640 3.62 3.60 240 239 1 damages,Radney costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on 72 this Report or 305 theby information contained in it20-01-05 by any person. Merci Deborah 3 GP 84 IE151289190423 Galtee Merci ET (GMI) 7786 3.58 3.60 279 280 59 277 2 20-02-03 8335 3.46 3.64 289 303 252 305 2 11-01-06 Milk BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 7831Kgs 3.63 3.52 BfKgs 284 276 210 282 Lact 3 20-02-04 8966 3.39 3.55 304 318 398 305 3 29-01-07 6640 3.62 3.60 240 239 72 305 1 20-01-05 7462 3.77 3.67 281 274 126 4 23-01-05 8335 3.46 3.64 289 303 252 305 25 11-01-06 8463 3.60 3.60 305 305 130 18-01-06 8966 3.39 3.55 304 318 398 305 36 29-01-07 9255 3.55 3.76 329 348 156 10-03-07 Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF

6th Dam


Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),



Radney Levi Deborah Deborah EBI EBI €183 €183 Radney LOT 30 Levi

Overall Indexes Indexes Overall


Milk Traits Traits Milk Overall Indexes

Milk Kg Kg Milk EBI 293 293 €183

Radney Levi

€183 Deborah €183


24% EBI €183 24%

Sire Traits Sire Milk Milk Kg Radney Levi Levi 55 (YRY) (YRY) €154 Radney 293 €154 Dam Dam Sire

16-Sep-2018 16-Sep-2018 - FULL PEDIGREE Milk Milk

€86 €86

Fert Fert

Calv Beef Calv Beef €39 -€5 16-Sep-2018 €39 -€5 Prot % Prot % Beef Calv 0.07 0.07

€51 €51

HO (84%),FR (84%),FR (16%) (16%) Female Female HO

372216166341723 (1723)

372216166341723 HO (84%),FR (16%) (1723) Female Mgmt Maint Health Mgmt Maint Health -€6 €5 €12 372216166341723 (1723) -€6 €5 €12

Fat Kg Kg Fat EBI Rel 16.42 16.42 24%

Prot Kg Kg Prot Milk 13.33 13.33 €86

Fat % % Fat Fert 0.09 0.09 €51

Fat Kg 16.42

Prot Kg 13.33

Fat % Prot % by Morningview Morningview Levi (MWL) (MWL) by Levi 0.09 0.07

Radney 5 (YRY) €15433 GP RadneyLevi Raphael Deborah GP 83 83 IE151289131507 IE151289131507 Radney Raphael Deborah (1507) €140 €140 (1507) Dam Milk Kgs Kgs BF%Deborah PR% 3 GP BfKgs PrKgs SCC Radney Raphael 83 IE151289131507 Milk BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 7648 4.33 3.78 331 289 44 7648€140 4.33 3.78 331 289 44 (1507)









by Levi (MWL)ET by Morningview (Ig) Goldenfield Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) (FR2028) by (Ig) Raphael Days Lact Calving Date ET (FR2028) by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael Days Lact Calving Date

305 305


16-09-18 (proj) (proj) 16-09-18

G Dam G Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7648 4.33 3.78 331 289 44 305 1 (proj) Radney Lsr Lsr Deborah Deborah VG VG 88 88 IE151289150584 IE151289150584 (584) (584) by Lavenham Lavenham16-09-18 Soldier ET ET (LSR) (LSR) Radney by Soldier Milk Kgs BF% BF% PR% BfKgs BfKgs PrKgs PrKgs SCC Days Days Lact Lact Calving Date Date GMilk DamKgs PR% SCC Calving 7225 4.64 3.77 335 272 63 305 18-01-09 7225 4.64 3.77 335 272 63 305 11 18-01-09 Radney Deborah 3.89 VG 88 IE151289150584 (584) by Lavenham Soldier 7907 Lsr 4.91 4.91 389 308 26 292 12-02-10ET (LSR) 7907 3.89 389 308 26 292 22 12-02-10 Milk Kgs BF% PR% SCC Days Calving Date 8338 4.36 4.08 BfKgs 364 PrKgs 340 46 305 Lact 15-01-11 8338 4.36 4.08 364 340 46 305 33 15-01-11 7225 4.64 3.77 335 272 63 305 1 18-01-09 8137 4.46 3.97 363 323 88 289 4 25-02-12 8137 4.46 3.97 363 323 88 289 4 25-02-12 7907 3.89 308 26 292 255 12-02-10 8522 4.91 3.99 3.92 389 340 334 93 272 19-03-13 8522 3.99 3.92 340 334 93 272 19-03-13 8338 4.36 4.08 364 340 46 305 3 15-01-11 8221 4.23 3.87 348 318 144 282 06-02-14 8221 4.23 3.87 348 318 144 282 66 06-02-14 8137 4.46 3.97 363 323 88 289 4 25-02-12 8921 4.26 3.98 380 355 94 305 7 01-04-15 8921 4.26 3.98 380 355 94 305 7 01-04-15 8522 3.99 3.92 340 334 93 272 5 19-03-13 9540 3.97 3.91 378 373 54 305 8 30-08-16 9540 3.97 3.91 378 373 54 305 8 30-08-16 8221 4.23 3.87 348 318 144 282 6 06-02-14 8951 4.46 3.78 399 338 45 305 9 14-02-18 8951 4.46 3.78 399 338 45 305 9 14-02-18 8921 4.26 3.98 380 355 94 305 7 01-04-15 3rd Dam 3.97 9540 3.91 378 373 54 305 8 30-08-16 3rd Dam 8951 4.46 3.78 399 338 45 305 9 14-02-18 Radney Merci Merci Deborah Deborah EX EX 90 90 5E 5E RI10136188 RI10136188 (275) (275) by Galtee Galtee Merci Merci ET (GMI) (GMI) Radney by ET Milk Kgs BF% BF% PR% BfKgs BfKgs PrKgs PrKgs SCC Days Days Lact Lact Calving Date Date 3rd Dam Milk Kgs PR% SCC Calving 19-01-03 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 1 19-01-03 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 1 Radney Deborah EX 90308 5E RI10136188 (275) by Galtee Merci ET (GMI) 05-02-04 8149 Merci 3.78 3.70 301 52 297 05-02-04 8149 3.78 3.70 308 301 52 297 22 08-02-05 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8284 3.66 3.68 303 305 73 295 08-02-05 8284 3.66 3.68 303 305 73 295 33 19-01-03 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 1 29-01-06 9045 3.50 3.70 316 335 78 305 29-01-06 9045 3.50 3.70 316 335 78 305 44 05-02-04 8149 3.78 3.70 308 301 52 297 2 01-02-07 9152 3.46 3.67 316 336 102 305 5 01-02-07 9152 3.46 3.67 316 336 102 305 5 08-02-05 8284 3.66 3.68 303 305 73 295 3 02-03-08 8009 3.31 3.62 265 290 76 283 6 02-03-08 8009 3.31 3.62 265 290 76 283 6 29-01-06 9045 3.50 3.70 316 335 78 305 4 13-02-09 7727 4.31 3.85 333 297 183 292 7 13-02-09 7727 4.31 3.85 333 297 183 292 7 01-02-07 9152 3.46 3.67 316 336 102 305 5 01-03-10 7734 3.88 3.80 300 294 183 275 01-03-10 7734 3.88 3.80 300 294 183 275 88 4th Dam 3.31 02-03-08 8009 3.62 265 290 76 283 6 15-03-11 7123 3.87 3.88 276 276 284 261 15-03-11 7123 3.87 3.88 276 276 284 261 99 13-02-09 7727 4.31 3.85 333 297 183 292 7 03-03-12 Radney Amos Deborah GP 82 RI09046913 (964) by Carousel Amos (CAU) 7519 4.59 3.84 345 289 280 282 10 03-03-12 7519 4.59 3.84 345 289 280 282 10 01-03-10 7734 3.88 3.80 300 294 183 275 8 4th Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 4th Dam 4th Dam 15-03-11 7123 3.87 3.88 276 276 284 261 91 4th Dam 5254 3.87 3.56 203 187 174 262 07-02-98 Radney Amos Deborah GP 82 RI09046913 (964) by Carousel 03-03-12 Amos (CAU) 7519 4.59 3.84 345 289 280 282 102 Radney Amos Deborah GP82 82304 RI09046913 (964) by Carousel Carousel Amos (CAU) 8607 3.53 3.43 295 44 305 20-01-99 Radney Amos Deborah GP RI09046913 (964) by Amos (CAU) Radney Amos Deborah GP 82 RI09046913 (964) by Carousel Amos (CAU) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8220 3.52 3.54 BfKgs 289 291 52 305 Lact 3 04-01-00 Milk Kgs BF% BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Milk Kgs PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 4th Dam 5254 3.87 3.56 BfKgs 203 PrKgs 187 174 Days 262 Lact 1 07-02-98 Milk Kgs BF% PR% SCC Calving Date 5254 3.87 3.56 203 187 174 262 1 07-02-98 8958 3.63 3.42 325 307 37 299 4 18-01-01 5254 3.87 3.56 203 187 174 262 07-02-98 5254 3.56 187 174 262 112 07-02-98 8607 3.87 3.53 3.43 203 304 295 44 305 20-01-99 Radney Deborah GP 82304 RI09046913 by Carousel Amos (CAU) 8607 3.53 3.43 304 295 44 305 25 20-01-99 8259Amos 3.64 3.55 301 294 (964)44 26 285 08-02-02 8607 3.53 3.43 295 305 2 20-01-99 8607 3.43 295 44 305 23 20-01-99 8220 3.53 3.52 3.54 304 289 291 52 305 04-01-00 8220 3.52 PR% 3.54 289 291 52 305 36 04-01-00 7439 3.67 262 273 60 269 28-02-03 Milk Kgs BF% SCC Days Calving Date 8220 3.52 3.54 289 291 52 305 04-01-00 8220 3.52 3.54 289 291 52 305 334 04-01-00 8958 3.63 3.42 BfKgs 325 PrKgs 307 37 299 Lact 18-01-01 8958 3.63 3.42 325 307 37 299 4 18-01-01 5254 3.87 3.56 203 187 174 262 1 07-02-98 8958 3.63 3.42 325 307 37 299 18-01-01 8958 3.63 3.42 307 37 299 445 18-01-01 8259 3.64 3.55 325 301 294 26 285 08-02-02 5th Dam 3.53 8259 3.64 3.55 304 301 294 26 285 5 08-02-02 8607 3.43 295 44 305 2 20-01-99 8259 3.64 3.55 301 294 26 285 5 08-02-02 8259 3.55 294 26 285 56 08-02-02 7439 3.64 3.52 3.67 301 262 273 60 269 28-02-03 7439 3.52 3.67 262 273 60 269 6 28-02-03 8220 3.52 3.54 289 291 52 305 366 04-01-00 Radney Deborah (9408) by Ballymartin King 6 (0100553334) 7439 King 3.52 3.670108627813 262 273 60 269 28-02-03 7439 3.52 3.67 262 273 60 269 28-02-03 8958 3.63 3.42 325 307 37 299 4 18-01-01 5th Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 5th Dam 8259 3.64 3.55 301 294 26131 285 51 08-02-02 4137 3.59 3.47 148 144 263 20-01-96 Radney King Deborah 0108627813 (9408) by Ballymartin King 6 (0100553334) 7439 King 3.52Deborah 3.67 0108627813 262 273 60 269by Ballymartin 6 28-02-03 Radney (9408) King 6 (0100553334) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6th Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 4137 3.59Breeding 3.47Federation 148 ICBF 144 131 on 263 2019 20-01-96 Based on May May 20191Evaluation Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Cattle Based Copyright, Irish Breeding Federation ICBF 4137 3.59 3.47 148 144 131 263 1 Radney Vaduz Deborah 0108245493 (G014) by Ballysheen20-01-96 Vaduz (BUZ) This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 6th Dam made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), Milk Kgs PR%completeness BfKgsof this Report. PrKgs Calving made or given byDam ICBF as to theBF% accuracy, reliability, ICBF shallSCC not be liable Days for any lossesLact (whether direct or indirect),Date 6th

1(2) 1(2)

Overall Indexes Milk Traits



















Milk Kg 32

Fat Kg 13.87

Prot Kg

Fat %

Prot %

LOT 21 CI Radney Fjm Triempress -3.9(days) LOT 31 LOT 21 Overall Indexes Overall EBI Type Traits Radney Fjm Triempress €189 -0.98

Fertility Traits

- FULL Longevity 7.41 0.21& Protein 0.11 PEDIGREE

HO (84%),FR (16%) Female

- FULL PEDIGREE 02-Jan-2019

372216166311737 HO (84%),FR (16%) (1737) Female


EBI €189 1.3(%) EBI Rel Feet/Legs

EBI 32% -1.12

Milk Udder

€189 €70 -0.37




02-Jan-2019-€9 €50





372216166311737 (1737) €9 €1 €3

Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint 32 13.87 7.41 0.21 0.11 €189 32% €70 €66 €50 -€9 €9 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Survival Doonmanagh Hmy32 Mossy (FJM) €225 by Highmount 13.87 7.41 0.21 0.11 Kenny (HMY) -3.9(days) 1.3(%)





Overall Feet/Legs Udder CI Survival -0.98 -1.12 -0.37 -3.9(days) 1.3(%) Radney Yry Triempress 1576 372216166361576 by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder (1576) €152 -1.12 -0.37 Charleville Co Cork Breeder Henry -0.98 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount,

Dam Traits Type Fertility Traits

Milk Kgs








Calving Date

Sire 7274 3.97 3.54 289 257 55 305 1 02-01-19 (proj) Doonmanagh HmyO'Keeffe. Mossy (FJM) €225 Freemount, Charleville by Highmount Breeder Henry Knockilla, Co Cork Kenny (HMY) G Dam Sire Dam Radney Bwv Triempress 90 3E IE151289110721 Barrowvale Kenny Torello(HMY) 20 (BWV) Doonmanagh Hmy MossyEX (FJM) €225 by Highmount Radney Yry Triempress 1576 372216166361576 by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) Milk Kgs PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Dam (1576) €152 BF% 7497 3.89 3.63 292 272 45 305 1 07-01-10 Radney Triempress 372216166361576 by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) 8762 3.74 1576 322 328 38 305 2 10-01-11 Milk KgsYry3.68 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date (1576) 8899 3.62 349 322 30 292 11-02-12 (proj) 7274€1523.92 3.97 3.54 289 257 55 305 13 02-01-19 10060 3.90 3.77 392 379 31 305 4 20-01-13 Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date GMilk Dam 9237 3.80 3.84 351 355 38 305 5 10-01-14 7274 3.97 3.54 289 257 55 305 1 02-01-19 (proj) 9713 Bwv 3.95 3.83 EX 384 372 58 305 6 25-01-15 Radney Triempress 90 3E IE151289110721 by Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV) 8770 3.73 3.92 327 344 42 305 7 28-01-16 GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9562 3.95 3.78 378 361 38 299 81 25-01-17 7497 3.89 3.63 292 272 45 305 07-01-10 Radney Bwv Triempress EX 386 90 3E IE151289110721 by Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV) 9465 4.08 3.72 352 28 305 9 22-12-17 8762 3.68 3.74 322 328 38 305 2 10-01-11 Milk Kgs 3.79 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9697 3.52 368 341 34 305 10 02-01-19 8899 3.92 3.62 349 322 30 292 3 11-02-12 (proj) 7497 3.89 3.63 292 272 45 305 1 07-01-10 3.77 392 379 31 305 4 20-01-13 3rd10060 Dam 3.90 8762 3.68 3.74 322 328 38 305 2 10-01-11 9237 3.80 3.84 351 355 38 305 5 10-01-14 8899 3.92 3.62 349 322 30 292 3 Radney Triempress by Qg 6Europe11-02-12 ET (QUR) 9713 Qur3.95 3.83 EX 92 384RI10175063 372 (287) 58 305 25-01-15 10060 3.90 3.77 392 379 31 305 4 20-01-13 8770 3.73 3.92 327 344 42 305 7 28-01-16 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9237 3.80 3.84 351 355 38 305 5 10-01-14 19-01-03 7389 3.62 3.54 268 262 63 305 18 9562 3.95 3.78 378 361 38 299 25-01-17 9713 3.95 3.83 384 372 58 305 6 25-01-15 02-02-04 8554 3.37 3.65 288 312 74 300 29 9465 4.08 3.72 386 352 28 305 22-12-17 8770 3.73 3.92 327 344 42 305 7 28-01-16 29-03-05 7512 3.55 3.62 267 272 112 265 310 9697 3.79 3.52 368 341 34 305 02-01-19 (proj) 9562 3.95 3.78 378 361 38 299 8 25-01-17 06-03-06 7910 3.32 3.52 262 278 89 273 4 3.72 386 352 28 305 9 22-12-17 3rd9465 Dam 4.08 26-02-07 8560 3.29 3.58 281 307 116 280 5 9697 3.79 3.52 368 341 34 305 10 02-01-19 (proj) 8960 Qur3.57 3.56 EX 92 320RI10175063 319 (287) 70 305 Radney Triempress by Qg6Europe03-02-08 ET (QUR) 24-03-09 7435 3.85 3.44 286 256 159 253 7 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7389 3.62 3.54 268 262 63 305 1 Radney by Qg Europe19-01-03 ET (QUR) 4th Dam Qur Triempress EX 92 RI10175063 (287) 02-02-04 8554 3.37 3.65 288 312 74 300 2 Milk Kgs Triempress BF% PR% PrKgs (121) SCC Days Lact Mars Calving Date Ardrahan 107 GBfKgs 78 RI09456518 by Galtee Usnes (MAU) 29-03-05 7512 3.55 3.62 267 272 112 265 3 19-01-03 7389 3.62 3.54 268 262 63 305 1 06-03-06 7910 3.32 3.52 262 278 89 273 4 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 02-02-04 8554 3.37 3.65 288 312 74 300 2 26-02-07 4521 3.55 3.22 161 145 36 233 15 13-03-00 8560 3.29 3.58 281 307 116 280 29-03-05 7512 3.55 3.62 267 272 112 265 3 03-02-08 7371 3.59 3.29 265 242 45 299 02-02-01 8960 3.57 3.56 320 319 70 305 62 06-03-06 7910 3.32 3.52 262 278 89 273 4 24-03-09 7401 3.66 3.36 271 249 34 272 21-02-02 7435 3.85 3.44 286 256 159 253 73 26-02-07 8560 3.29 3.58 281 307 116 280 5 03-02-08 5th Dam 3.57 8960 3.56 320 319 70 305 6 4th Dam 24-03-09 Based Mar 20197 Evaluation 7435 3.85 Breeding 3.44 Federation 286 ICBF 256 159 on 253 Copyright, Irish Cattle Ardrahan Triempress 74 G 0108261786 by Galtee Mountalto (0100535912) Ardrahan Triempress 107 78 RI09456518 (121) by MarsSantaklaus Usnes (MAU) This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or 4th given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, Report. ICBF shallSCC not be liableDays for any lossesLact (whether direct or indirect),Date Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR%completeness BfKgsof thisPrKgs PrKgs Calving Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person. 3400 3.63 3.36 123 114 466 276 1 17-02-94 4521 3.55 3.22 161 145 36 233 1 13-03-00 Ardrahan Triempress 107 G 78 RI09456518 (121) by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) 3989 3.69 3.27 147 131 137 240 24-04-95 7371 3.59 3.29 265 242 45 299 22 02-02-01 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 5539 3.89 3.41 216 189 157 300 26-02-96 7401 3.66 3.36 271 249 34 272 33 21-02-02 4521 3.55 3.22 161 145 36 233 1 13-03-00 6016 3.92 3.35 236 201 118 302 4 13-02-97 7371 3.59 3.29 265 242 45 299 25 02-02-01 2908 3.86 3.48 112 101 269 191 19-01-98 Based Mar 20193 Evaluation 7401 3.66 Breeding 3.36 Federation 271 ICBF 249 34 on 272 21-02-02 Copyright, Irish Cattle Dam This report6th has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),



Overall Indexes Milk Traits



















Milk Kg 155

Fat Kg Prot Kg GENOTYPED 15.76 7.85

Fat %

Prot %

- FULL Just look at 0.16the Protein 0.05 PEDIGREE

HO (97%),FR (3%) Female

31-Dec-2018 - FULL PEDIGREE

372216166371726 (1726) HO (97%),FR (3%) Female

LOT 22Traits Fertility CI Survival GENOTYPED Radney Grey Odetta 1726 ET EBI €185 -2.5(days) 2.5(%) LOT 32 LOTTraits 22 Type Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk 1.24 2.05 1.07 Radney Grey Odetta ET EBI €185 €185 172655% €65




31-Dec-2018 €60 -€7





372216166371726 (1726) -€10 -€1 €16

Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Mgmt Health Breeder Henry 155 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville 15.76 7.85 0.16 Co Cork 0.05 €185 55% €65 €62 €60 -€7 -€10 -€1 €16 Sire Fertility Traits CI Survival Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Peak Mr. Grey (FR2226) €227 by Coyne-Farms Jetset-Et (DQV000070801849) -2.5(days) 15.76 2.5(%) 155 7.85 0.16 0.05

Dam Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Fertility Traits CI Survival 1.24 2.05 1.07 (1266) by Morningview Levi (MWL) -2.5(days) 2.5(%) Radney Mwl Odetta 3 VG 89 IE151289121266 €107 Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Co Cork 2.05 PrKgs 1.07 SCCCharleville Milk Kgs BF% 1.24 PR% BfKgs Days Lact Calving Date Sire 7721 4.05 3.79 313 293 51 305 1 04-02-16 Peak Mr. Grey (FR2226) €227 by Coyne-Farms Jetset-Et (DQV000070801849) 9775 4.20 3.66 411 358 66 305 2 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 17-01-17 10194 3.98 3.53 405 360 119 305 3 11-03-19 (proj) Dam Sire Peak Mr.Mwl Grey (FR2226) Jetset-Et (DQV000070801849) G Dam Radney Odetta 3 VG€227 89 IE151289121266 (1266) by by Coyne-Farms Morningview Levi (MWL) €107 Dam Radney Qur Odetta EX 93 8E IE151289150592 (592) by Qg Europe ET (QUR)

Full sister to YRY & dam of Radney Steve

Milk BfKgs PrKgs SCC Lact Calving Radney OdettaPR% 3 VG 89 IE151289121266 (1266) Days by Morningview LeviDate (MWL) Milk Kgs KgsMwlBF% BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 1 07-02-08 7721 4.05 3.79 313 293 51 305 04-02-16 €107 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 305 2 19-01-09 9775 4.20 3.66 411 358 66 17-01-17 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9711 3.84 413 373 33 24-01-10 10194 4.25 3.98 3.53 405 360 119 305 3 11-03-19 (proj) 7721 4.05 3.79 313 293 51 305 1 04-02-16 10616 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 305 4 24-01-11 9775 4.20 3.66 411 358 66 305 25 17-01-17 G Dam 10011 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 14-02-12 10194 3.98 3.53 405 360 119 305 3 11-03-19 (proj) 11577 3.88 3.75 449 434 53 305 6 Radney Qur Odetta EX 93 8E IE151289150592 (592) by Qg Europe19-01-13 ET (QUR) 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 274 7 28-02-14 GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 305 8 06-02-15 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 1 07-02-08 Radney Odetta EX IE151289150592 (592) 305 by Qg 9Europe19-08-16 ET (QUR) 10036Qur4.05 3.8393 8E407 384 58 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 305 2 19-01-09 9540 3.64 BfKgs 404 347 293 305 10 10-01-18 Milk Kgs 4.23 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 305 3 24-01-10 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 1 07-02-08 3.94 428 419 46 305 4 24-01-11 3rd10616 Dam 4.03 8341 3.81 373 318 48 305 25 19-01-09 10011 4.47 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 14-02-12 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 305 3 24-01-10 Radney Mars Odetta 2 GP 82 IE151289120350 (350) by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) 11577 3.88 3.75 449 434 53 305 6 19-01-13 10616 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 305 4 24-01-11 Milk Kgs 4.02 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9256 3.87 BfKgs 372 358 64 274 7 28-02-14 10011 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 14-02-12 12-01-04 6235 4.55 3.64 284 227 72 305 158 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 06-02-15 11577 3.88 3.75 449 434 53 305 19-01-13 02-03-05 6427 4.29 3.72 276 239 118 273 269 10036 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 305 19-08-16 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 274 28-02-14 11-02-06 6774 3.99 3.77 270 255 498 282 3710 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 10-01-18 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 305 8 06-02-15 4th Dam 3.83 407 384 58 305 9 19-08-16 3rd10036 Dam 4.05 Radney Odetta 3.64 EX 90 3E 0107796265 by Barold Seal (BRL) 9540 Seal 4.23 404 347 (R006) 293 305 10 Rock 10-01-18 Radney Mars Odetta 2 GP 82 IE151289120350 (350) by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 3rd Dam Milk Kgs 4.69 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 7524 3.71 BfKgs 353 279 108 287 Lact 4 31-01-94 12-01-04 6235 4.55 3.64 284 227 72 305 1 7778 Mars 4.12 276 83 5 Mars 15-01-95 Radney Odetta3.55 2 GP 82320 IE151289120350 (350) 303 by Galtee Usnes (MAU) 02-03-05 6427 4.29 3.72 276 239 118 273 26 6630 4.16 3.63 276 241 73 295 16-02-96 Milk Kgs 3.99 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 11-02-06 6774 3.77 270 255 498 282 37 5930 4.28 3.70 254 219 87 259 05-02-97 12-01-04 6235 4.55 3.64 284 227 72 305 1 7290 4.36 3.65 318 266 147 292 02-02-98 02-03-05 6427 4.29 3.72 276 239 118 273 28 7344 3.91 3.84 287 282 324 289 23-02-99 11-02-06 6774 3.99 3.77 270 255 498 282 39 6785 3.78 3.85 256 262 229 286 10 20-01-00 Based Mar 201911 Evaluation 4893 3.81 Breeding 3.57 Federation 187 ICBF 175 310 on 206 25-03-01 Copyright, Irish Cattle This report has been prepared3.92 by ICBF in good faith on the basis No representation or implied is 6553 3.91 257of information 256provided to it.365 280 or warranty 12expressed13-02-02 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 5561 4.16 incurred 4.05or arising 232 699 255 13 in it14-03-03 damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, from any use of225 or reliance on this Report or the information contained by any person. 5007 4.31 4.06 216 203 366 285 14 14-02-04 2873 3.75 3.86 108 111 2015 184 15 23-04-05 7375 4.31 3.94 318 291 1479 305 16 01-12-06

5th Dam

Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF

Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation

Ardrahan Odetta 48 VG 85 0107172578 (B204)

by Cappavilla Quaker 2 (0100465929)

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),

Milk Kgs









Calving Date


Radney Mwl Odetta 3 VG89 - Dam of Lot 32

Overall Indexes Milk Traits



















Milk Kg 49

Fat Kg 11.91

Prot Kg 6.72

Fat %

Prot %

- FULL 4.05%0.17 Protein 0.09 PEDIGREE

HO (97%),FR (3%) Female

- FULL PEDIGREE 04-Jan-2019

372216166331747 (1747) HO (97%),FR (3%) Female

LOT 17Traits Fertility CI Survival Radney Hzb Odetta 1747 EBI €177 -4.8(days) 1.5(%) LOT 33 LOT 17 Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel Milk Radney Hzb Odetta EBI €177 €60 -0.92 1747 34% -1.69 -0.45 €177




04-Jan-2019-€2 €44


Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Breeder Henry49 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Charleville 11.91 Freemount, 6.72 0.17 Co Cork 0.09 €177 34% €60 €79 €44 -€2 Sire Traits Milk Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Survival (Ig) Ballydehob Pat 1356 (HZB) €167 by Parkduv 49 11.91 6.72 0.17 0.09Mark (PKK) -4.8(days) 1.5(%)




372216166331747 (1747) -€9 €3 €2 Maint






Dam Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Fertility Traits CI Survival -0.92 -1.69 -0.45 -4.8(days) Radney Mwl Odetta 1409 GP 1.5(%) 83 IE151289141409 by Morningview Levi (MWL) (1409) €192 Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder -0.92 -1.69 PrKgs -0.45SCC Breeder Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Cork Calving Date Milk Kgs Henry BF% O'Keeffe. PR% BfKgs Days Co Lact Sire6836 4.62 3.85 316 263 32 297 1 26-02-18 8336 4.23 3.67 353 306 27 305 2 (proj) (Ig) Ballydehob Pat 1356 (HZB) €167 by Parkduv Mark (PKK) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 04-01-19 Sire Dam G Dam (Ig) Ballydehob Pat 1356 (HZB) €167 Radney IE151289141409 Radney Mwl HmyOdetta Odetta1409 5 VGGP 86 83 IE151289181230 (1230) Dam €192 (1409) Milk Kgs






by Parkduv Mark (PKK) by Levi (MWL) by Morningview Highmount Kenny (HMY) Days


Calving Date

6151 4.76 4.05 293 249 59 297 1 09-01-16 Radney OdettaPR% 1409 GP 83 IE151289141409 by Morningview LeviDate (MWL) Milk KgsMwl BF% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving 8111 4.91 4.03 398 327 63 305 2 07-01-17 (1409) 6836€1924.62 3.85 316 263 32 297 1 26-02-18 8042 5.13 3.93 413 316 43 305 07-01-18 (proj) 8336 4.23 3.67 353 306 27 305 23 04-01-19 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9442 4.35 3.78 410 357 29 305 4 14-01-19 (proj) 6836 4.62 3.85 316 263 32 297 1 26-02-18 G Dam 3rd8336 Dam 4.23 3.67 353 306 27 305 2 04-01-19 (proj) Radney Hmy Odetta 5 VG 86 IE151289181230 (1230) by Highmount Kenny (HMY) Radney by (Ig) Lauragh Lance (LLK) G Dam Lance Odetta IE151289151054 (1054) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Milk Kgs 4.76 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6151 4.05 293 249 59 297 1 Radney Hmy Odetta 5 VG 86 IE151289181230 (1230) by Highmount09-01-16 Kenny (HMY)

22-01-14 5272 4.15 3.82 219 201 81 305 8111 4.91 4.03 398 327 63 305 21 07-01-17 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8042 5.13 3.93 413 316 43 305 3 07-01-18 4th6151 Dam 4.76 4.05 293 249 59 297 1 09-01-16 9442 4.35 3.78 410 357 29 305 4 14-01-19 (proj) 8111 4.91 4.03 398 327 63 305 2 07-01-17 Radney Merci Odetta 4 EX 93 8E RI10188368 (311) by Radney Merci (IE151289110192) 8042 5.13 3.93 413 316 43 305 3 07-01-18 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9442 4.35 3.78 410 357 29 305 4 14-01-19 (proj) 5415 Lance 4.01Odetta3.52 217 191(1054) 72 287 18-01-03 Radney IE151289151054 by (Ig)1Lauragh Lance (LLK) 4931 3.50 BfKgs 195 173 139 259 Lact 2 11-03-04 3rd Dam Milk Kgs 3.96 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 5333 3.82 3.60 204 192 204 257 3 09-02-05 22-01-14 5272 4.15 3.82 219 201 81 305 1 Radney Lance Odetta IE151289151054 (1054) by (Ig) Lauragh Lance (LLK) 6873 3.77 3.50 259 240 133 285 4 08-02-06 Milk Kgs 4.25 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 4th Dam 7199 3.46 BfKgs 306 249 362 261 Lact 5 11-02-07 22-01-14 5272 4.15 3.82 219 201 81 305 1 7549 Merci 3.66Odetta3.59 271 266 290 6 24-02-08 Radney 4 EX 93277 8E RI10188368 (311) by Radney Merci (IE151289110192) 7624 4.90 3.64 374 277 108 267 7 10-03-09 4th Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7570 3.83 3.53 290 267 45 267 8 09-03-10 5415 4.01 3.52 217 191 72 287 1 18-01-03 Radney 4 EX 93257 8E RI10188368 (311) by Radney Merci (IE151289110192) 7381 Merci 3.49Odetta3.55 262 141 276 9 28-02-11 4931 3.96 3.50 195 173 139 259 2 11-03-04 7393 4.34 3.60 321 266 279 298 10 05-02-12 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 5333 3.82 3.60 204 192 204 257 3 09-02-05 5415 4.01 3.52 217 191 72 287 111 18-01-03 8018 3.39 3.53 271 283 89 299 20-02-13 6873 3.77 3.50 259 240 133 285 4 08-02-06 4931 3.96 3.50 195 173 139 259 212 11-03-04 5719 3.89 3.41 223 195 77 198 01-05-14 7199 4.25 3.46 306 249 362 261 5 11-02-07 5333 3.82 3.60 204 192 204 257 313 09-02-05 6105 3.92 3.58 239 218 279 221 11-04-15 7549 3.66 3.59 277 271 266 290 6 24-02-08 6873 3.77 3.50 259 240 133 285 414 08-02-06 5080 3.92 3.75 199 190 201 228 01-05-16 7624 4.90 3.64 374 277 108 267 7 10-03-09 7199 4.25 3.46 306 249 362 261 515 11-02-07 6313 3.84 3.65 242 230 296 241 24-03-17 7570 3.83 3.53 290 267 45 267 8 09-03-10 7549 3.66 3.59 277 271 266 290 6 24-02-08 5th7381 Dam Based Mar 20199 Evaluation 3.49 Breeding 3.55 Federation 257 262 141 on276 28-02-11 Copyright, Irish Cattle ICBF 7624 4.90 3.64 374 277 108 267 7 10-03-09 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the 321 basis of information provided to279 it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 7393 4.34 3.60 266 298 10 05-02-12 EX 90 3E 0107796265 (R006) Barold 7570 3.53 290 45not be liable267 8(whetherRock 09-03-10 made or Radney given by ICBF Seal as to3.83 theOdetta accuracy, reliability, completeness of this 267 Report. ICBF shall forby any losses direct or Seal indirect),(BRL) 8018 3.53or arising271 damages, costs or expenses3.39 whatsoever, incurred from any use 283 of or reliance on 89 this Report or299 the information11 contained in 20-02-13 it by any person. 7381 3.49 3.55 257 262 141 276 9 28-02-11 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 5719 3.89 3.41 223 195 77 198 12 01-05-14 7393 4.34 3.60 321 266 279 298 10 05-02-12 7524 4.69 3.71 353 279 108 287 4 31-01-94 6105 3.92 3.58 239 218 279 221 13 11-04-15 8018 3.39 3.53 271 283 89 299 11 20-02-13 7778 4.12 3.55 320 276 83 303 5 15-01-95 5080 3.92 3.75 199 190 201 228 14 01-05-16 5719 3.89 3.41 223 195 77 198 12 01-05-14 6630 4.16 3.63 276 241 73 295 6 16-02-96 6313 3.84 3.65 242 230 296 241 15 24-03-17 6105 3.92 3.58 239 218 279 221 13 11-04-15 5930 4.28 3.70 254 219 87 259 7 05-02-97 Based Mar 201914 5080 3.92 3.75 199 190 201 01-05-16 7290 4.36 Breeding 3.65 Federation 318 ICBF 266 147 on 228 292 8Evaluation 02-02-98 Copyright, Irish Cattle 6313 3.84 3.65 242 230 241 15 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis it. No representation or implied is 7344 3.91 3.84 287of information 282provided to 296 324 289 or warranty 9 expressed24-03-17 23-02-99 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 6785 3.78 3.85 256 262 229 286 10 20-01-00 Milk Kgs



Overall Indexes Milk Traits



















Milk Kg 237

Fat Kg 12.86

Prot Kg 11.41

Fat % 0.06

Prot %

Longevity & Solids

LOT 18Traits Fertility CI Survival Radney Deborah 2.5(%) 1746 EBI €177 LOT 34 Perseus-1.8(days) LOTTraits 18 Type Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk 1.97 1.01 1.85 Radney Perseus€177 Deborah 25% 1746 EBI€73 €177


HO (88%),FR (13%) Female

04-Jan-2019 - FULL PEDIGREE

372216166321746 HO (88%),FR (13%)(1746) Female




04-Jan-2019-€6 €42




Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel MilkKg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Mgmt Breeder Henry 237 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 12.86 11.41 0.06 0.06 €177 25% €73 €53 €42 -€6 -€6 €5 Sire Fertility Traits CI Milk Traits Milk Kg Survival Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Westcoast Perseus-1.8(days) (FR4187) €221 by Sandy-Valley-I Penmanship (FR2262) 2.5(%) 237 12.86 11.41 0.06 0.06

Dam Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Fertility Traits CI Survival Udder 1.97 1.85 -1.8(days) 2.5(%) Radney Raphael Deborah 15751.01 372216166351575 (1575) €131 Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder


372216166321746 (1746) -€6 €5 €16

Health €16

by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028)

Breeder Henry 1.97 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Cork Calving Date 1.01 PrKgs 1.85SCCCharleville Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs Days Co Lact Sire 7413 4.05 3.45 300 256 58 305 1 04-01-19 (proj) Westcoast Perseus (FR4187) €221 by Sandy-Valley-I Penmanship (FR2262) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork G Dam Dam Sire Radney Lsr Deborah 3 VG 88 IE151289160809 (809) by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) Westcoast Perseus (FR4187) €221 by (Ig) Sandy-Valley-I Radney Raphael Deborah 1575 372216166351575 by GoldenfieldPenmanship Raphael ET (FR2262) (FR2028) Milk Kgs








Calving Date

(1575) Dam 6267€1314.43 3.66 277 229 67 279 1 09-02-11 5764 4.65 3.56 268 205 51 223 2 20-04-12 Radney by (Ig) Raphael ET (FR2028) Milk KgsRaphael BF% Deborah PR% 1575 BfKgs372216166351575 PrKgs SCC Days LactGoldenfield Calving Date 8000 4.10 3.67 328 294 67 276 3 27-02-13 (proj) 7413€1314.05 3.45 300 256 58 305 1 04-01-19 (1575) 8461 4.00 3.75 338 318 158 305 4 11-01-14 GMilk Dam Kgs 4.29 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8355 3.76 BfKgs 359 314 75 282 5 14-02-15 7413 4.05 3.45 300 256 58 305 1 04-01-19 (proj) 8078 Lsr3.62 305 58 6 18-01-16 Radney Deborah3.78 3 VG 88292 IE151289160809 (809) 302 by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 8765 4.05 3.73 355 327 60 305 7 25-01-17 GMilk Dam Kgs 4.09 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9048 3.71 BfKgs 370 336 44 302 8 16-01-18 6267 4.43 3.66 277 229 67 279 1 09-02-11 Radney Deborah3.63 3 VG 88352 IE151289160809 (809) 305 by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 8772 Lsr4.01 318 26 9 07-01-19 (proj) 5764 4.65 3.56 268 205 51 223 2 20-04-12 Milk Kgs 4.10 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 3.67 BfKgs 328 294 67 276 3 27-02-13 3rd8000 Dam 6267 4.43 3.66 277 229 67 279 1 09-02-11 8461 4.00 3.75 338 318 158 305 4 11-01-14 5764 4.65 3.56 268 205 51 223 2 20-04-12 Radney 5E RI10136188 (275) by Galtee ET (GMI) 8355 Merci 4.29Deborah 3.76EX 90 359 314 75 282 5 Merci 14-02-15 8000 4.10 3.67 328 294 67 276 3 27-02-13 Milk Kgs 3.62 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8078 3.78 BfKgs 292 305 58 302 6 18-01-16 8461 4.00 3.75 338 318 158 305 4 11-01-14 19-01-03 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 1 8765 4.05 3.73 355 327 60 305 7 25-01-17 8355 4.29 3.76 359 314 75 282 14-02-15 05-02-04 8149 3.78 3.70 308 301 52 297 285 9048 4.09 3.71 370 336 44 302 16-01-18 8078 3.62 3.78 292 305 58 302 6 18-01-16 08-02-05 8284 3.66 3.68 303 305 73 295 3 8772 4.01 3.63 352 318 26 305 9 07-01-19 (proj) 8765 4.05 3.73 355 327 60 305 7 25-01-17 29-01-06 9045 3.50 3.70 316 335 78 305 4 9048 4.09 3.71 370 336 44 302 8 16-01-18 3rd9152 Dam 3.46 01-02-07 3.67 316 336 102 305 5 8772 4.01 3.63 352 318 26 305 07-01-19 (proj) 02-03-08 8009 3.31 3.62 265 290 76 69 Merci Radney Merci Deborah EX 90 5E RI10136188 (275) 283 by Galtee ET (GMI) 13-02-09 7727 4.31 3.85 333 297 183 292 7 3rd Dam Milk Kgs 3.88 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 01-03-10 7734 3.80 BfKgs 300 294 183 275 8 19-01-03 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 1 15-03-11 Radney 5E RI10136188 (275) 261 by Galtee ET (GMI) 7123 Merci 3.87Deborah 3.88EX 90 276 276 284 9 Merci 05-02-04 8149 3.78 3.70 308 301 52 297 2 03-03-12 7519 4.59 3.84 345 289 280 282 10 Milk Kgs 3.66 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 08-02-05 8284 3.68 BfKgs 303 305 73 295 3 19-01-03 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 1 4th9045 Dam 3.50 29-01-06 3.70 316 335 78 305 4 05-02-04 8149 3.78 3.70 308 301 52 297 2 01-02-07 9152 3.46 3.67 316 336 102 305 5 Radney Amos Deborah GP 82 RI09046913 (964) by Carousel Amos (CAU) 08-02-05 8284 3.66 3.68 303 305 73 295 3 02-03-08 8009Kgs 3.31 3.62 265 290 76 283 6 Milk BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 29-01-06 9045 3.50 3.70 316 335 78 305 4 13-02-09 7727 4.31 3.85 333 297 183 292 71 5254 3.87 3.56 203 187 174 262 07-02-98 01-02-07 9152 3.46 3.67 316 336 102 305 5 01-03-10 7734 3.88 3.80 300 294 183 275 82 8607 3.53 3.43 304 295 44 305 20-01-99 02-03-08 8009 3.31 3.62 265 290 76 283 6 15-03-11 7123 3.87 3.88 276 276 284 261 93 8220 3.52 3.54 289 291 52 305 04-01-00 13-02-09 7727 4.31 3.85 333 297 183 292 7 03-03-12 7519 4.59 3.84 345 289 280 Based on 282 Mar 201910 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 8958 3.63 3.42 325 307 37 299 4 18-01-01 01-03-10 7734 3.88 3.80 300 294 183 275 8 This report has been prepared3.64 by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed08-02-02 or implied is 8259 3.55 301 294 26 285 5 15-03-11 7123 3.87 3.88 276 276 284 261 9 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 7439 3.52 3.67 262 273 60 269 6 28-02-03 damages, costs or expenses 4.59 whatsoever, incurred from any use of or reliance on this Report or 282 the information 10 contained in it03-03-12 by any person. 7519 3.84or arising345 289 280


5th Dam Radney King Deborah 0108627813 (9408) Milk Kgs





4137 3.59 Breeding 3.47 Federation 148 ICBF 144 Copyright, Irish Cattle

by Ballymartin King 6 (0100553334) SCC Days Lact Calving Date 131 263 1 20-01-96 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),

6th Dam


Overall Indexes Milk Traits



















Milk Kg 150

Fat Kg 10.43

Prot Kg 11.21

Fat %

Prot %

LOT Fertility14Traits CI Survival Radney Ronaldo Odetta 1756 -6.1(days) 2.7(%)EBI €234 LOT 35 LOT 14 Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel Milk Radney Ronaldo Odetta 1756 -0.98 -0.75 EBI €234 -1.07 €234 32% €74

€234 0.07 EBI - FULL 0.11 PEDIGREE

HO (81%),FR (19%) Female

- FULL PEDIGREE 05-Jan-2019

HO (81%),FR (19%)(1756) Female 372216166341756


Calv Beef 05-Jan-2019 €38 -€8





372216166341756 (1756) €1 €6 €13

Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Breeder Henry 150 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville €234 32% €74 €110 Co Cork €38 -€8 €1 10.43 11.21 0.07 0.11 Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Survival (Ig) Olcastletown Ronaldo (FR2298) €293 by Gaddagh 150 10.43 11.21 0.07 0.11Cuddy Reeks (GZY) -6.1(days) 2.7(%)





Dam Traits Fertility Traits Type

CI Survival Udder Overall Feet/Legs -6.1(days) 2.7(%) -0.98 -0.75 -1.07 Radney Gzg Odetta VG 87 IE151289131333 (1333) by Guarini (GZG) €164 Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder -0.75 Freemount, -1.07 Charleville Co Cork Breeder Henry -0.98 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Milk Kgs








Calving Date

Sire 8078 4.19 3.79 339 307 120 305 1 14-01-17 9429 4.06 3.75 383 354 28 305 2 (Ig) Olcastletown Ronaldo (FR2298) €293 by Gaddagh Cuddy Reeks (GZY) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 12-01-18 9437 4.09 3.71 386 350 50 305 3 05-01-19 (proj) Sire Dam (Ig) Olcastletown Ronaldo (FR2298) €293 by Gaddagh Cuddy Reeks (GZY) G Dam Radney Gzg Odetta VG 87 IE151289131333 (1333) by Guarini (GZG) Dam €164 Radney Wds Odetta 2 EX 90 2E IE151289191165 by Whinlea Dan Supersonic-Et (WDS) Radney Gzg Odetta VG 87 IE151289131333 (1333) by Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact (GZG) Calving Date Date Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Guarini Lact Calving 7311 3.77 3.60 276 263 75 300 1 22-01-15 €164 8078 4.19 3.79 339 307 120 305 1 14-01-17 8966 3.48 3.49 312 313 85 305 08-01-16 9429 4.06 3.75 383 354 28 305 22 12-01-18 Milk Kgs 3.54 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9035 3.51 320 317 77 305 3 23-01-17 9437 4.09 3.71 386 350 50 305 31 05-01-19 (proj) 8078 4.19 3.79 339 307 120 305 14-01-17 8226 3.60 3.39 296 279 61 305 4 04-01-18 9429 4.06 3.75 383 354 28 305 25 12-01-18 G Dam 8778 3.86 3.39 339 298 59 305 01-01-19 (proj) 9437 4.09 3.71 386 350 50 305 3 05-01-19 (proj) Radney by Whinlea Dan Supersonic-Et (WDS) 3rd DamWds Odetta 2 EX 90 2E IE151289191165 GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Radney Odetta 4 EX 93 8E RI10188368 (311) 300 by Radney Merci (IE151289110192) 7311 Merci 3.77 263 75 1 22-01-15 Radney Wds Odetta 3.60 2 EX 90276 2E IE151289191165 by Whinlea Dan Supersonic-Et (WDS) Milk Kgs 3.48 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8966 3.49 BfKgs 312 313 85 305 2 08-01-16 Milk Kgs 4.01 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 18-01-03 5415 3.52 217 191 72 287 1 9035 3.54 3.51 320 317 77 305 31 23-01-17 7311 3.77 3.60 276 263 75 300 22-01-15 11-03-04 4931 3.96 3.50 195 173 139 259 24 8226 3.60 3.39 296 279 61 305 04-01-18 8966 3.48 3.49 312 313 85 305 2 08-01-16 09-02-05 5333 3.82 3.60 204 192 204 257 35 8778 3.86 3.39 339 298 59 305 01-01-19 9035 3.54 3.51 320 317 77 305 3 23-01-17 (proj) 08-02-06 6873 3.77 3.50 259 240 133 285 4 3.39 296 279 61 305 04-01-18 3rd8226 Dam 3.60 11-02-07 7199 4.25 3.46 306 249 362 261 54 8778 3.86 3.39 339 298 59 305 5 01-01-19 (proj) 24-02-08 7549 Merci 3.66Odetta3.59 271 266 290 6 Radney 4 EX 93277 8E RI10188368 (311) by Radney Merci (IE151289110192) 10-03-09 7624 4.90 3.64 374 277 108 267 7 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 09-03-10 7570 3.83 3.53 290 267 45 267 8 18-01-03 5415 4.01 3.52 217 191 72 287 1 Radney 4 EX 93 8E RI10188368 (311) 276 by Radney Merci (IE151289110192) 28-02-11 7381 Merci 3.49Odetta 3.55 257 262 141 9 11-03-04 4931 3.96 3.50 195 173 139 259 2 05-02-12 7393 3.60 BfKgs 321 266 279 298 10 Milk Kgs 4.34 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 09-02-05 5333 3.82 3.60 204 192 204 257 31 18-01-03 5415 4.01 3.52 217 191 72 287 20-02-13 8018 3.39 3.53 271 283 89 299 11 08-02-06 6873 3.77 3.50 259 240 133 285 42 11-03-04 4931 3.96 3.50 195 173 139 259 01-05-14 5719 3.89 3.41 223 195 77 198 12 11-02-07 7199 4.25 3.46 306 249 362 261 5 09-02-05 5333 3.82 3.60 204 192 204 257 3 11-04-15 6105 3.92 3.58 239 218 279 221 13 24-02-08 7549 3.66 3.59 277 271 266 290 64 08-02-06 6873 3.77 3.50 259 240 133 285 01-05-16 5080 3.92 3.75 199 190 201 228 14 10-03-09 7624 4.90 3.64 374 277 108 267 7 11-02-07 7199 4.25 3.46 306 249 362 261 5 24-03-17 6313 3.84 3.65 242 230 296 241 15 09-03-10 7570 3.83 3.53 290 267 45 267 8 24-02-08 7549 3.66 3.59 277 271 266 290 6 28-02-11 4th Dam 3.49 7381 3.55 257 262 141 276 97 10-03-09 7624 4.90 3.64 374 277 108 267 05-02-12 7393 4.34 3.60 321 266 279 298 10 09-03-10 7570 Seal 3.83 290 267 (R006) 45 267 8 Radney Odetta 3.53 EX 90 3E 0107796265 by Barold Rock Seal (BRL) 20-02-13 8018 3.39 3.53 271 283 89 299 11 28-02-11 7381 3.49 3.55 257 262 141 276 9 Milk Kgs 3.89 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 198 Days Lact Calving Date 01-05-14 5719 3.41 223 195 77 Based on 298 Mar 201912 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 05-02-12 7393 4.34 3.60 321 266 279 10 7524 4.69 3.71 353 279 108 287 4 31-01-94 11-04-15 6105 3.92 3.58 239 218 279 221 13 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to 89 it. No representation or warranty expressed20-02-13 or implied is 8018 3.39 3.53 271 283 299 11 7778 4.12 3.55 320 276 83 303 5 15-01-95 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 01-05-16 5080 3.92 3.75 199 190 201 228 14 5719 3.41 195 damages, costs or expenses 3.89 whatsoever, incurred or arising223 from any use of or reliance on 77 this Report or 198 the information 12 contained in 01-05-14 it16-02-96 by any person. 6630 4.16 3.63 276 241 73 295 6 24-03-17 6313 3.84 3.65 242 230 296 241 15 11-04-15 6105 3.92 3.58 239 218 279 221 13 5930 4.28 3.70 254 219 87 259 7 05-02-97 01-05-16 5080 3.92 3.75 199 190 201 228 14 7290 4.36 3.65 318 266 147 292 8 02-02-98 24-03-17 6313 3.84 3.65 242 230 296 241 15 7344 3.91 3.84 287 282 324 289 9 23-02-99 6785 3.78 3.85 256 262 229 286 10 20-01-00 4893 3.81Breeding 3.57Federation 187 ICBF 175 310 on Mar 206 201911 25-03-01 Based Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 6553 3.92 3.91 257 256 365 280 12 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed 13-02-02 or implied is made or given5561 by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, not be liable 255 for any losses (whether or indirect), 4.16 4.05completeness 232 of this Report. 225 ICBF shall699 13 direct14-03-03




Add Value To Your Herd in 3 Simple Steps Base Cow


Gran Daughter





Radney Wkp Odetta 1749 EBI €101 Overall Indexes Milk Traits


372216166351749 (1749)



















Milk Kg 110

Fat Kg 5.43

Prot5th Kg Generation Fat % ProtVG % or EX Potential - FULL PEDIGREE 4.48 0.03 0.01

HO (91%),FR (9%) Female

- FULL PEDIGREE 05-Jan-2019

HO (91%),FR (9%) Female 372216166351749 (1749)

LOT 13 CI Radney 1749Survival EBI €101 LOT 36 Wkp Odetta -1.1(days) 1.5(%) LOT 13 Overall Indexes Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk Type Traits Feet/Legs Udder Radney Wkp Odetta 1749 EBI €101 €101 41% €28

Fertility Traits


Calv Beef 05-Jan-2019 €37 -€7

€32 -0.01 -0.67 0.16 Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot €101 41% €28 €32 €37 110 5.43 4.48 0.03 0.01 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork




372216166351749 (1749) €7 €0 €4









Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Survival Sire 110 5.43 4.48 0.03 -1.1(days) 1.5(%) Bagworth Keets Pal-Et (WKP) €105 by Valden0.01 Curious Paladium (PMX9320) Fertility Traits CI Survival Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Dam Traits -1.1(days) 1.5(%) -0.01 -0.67 0.16 Radney Ruu Odetta 4 VG 87 IE151289121191 (1191) by Ruud 22 (RUU) Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder €101 Traits -0.67 0.16 Breeder Henry -0.01 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Sire 6475 3.99 3.47 258 225 82 305 1 09-01-16 Bagworth Keets Pal-Et (WKP) €105 Freemount, Charleville by Valden Curious Paladium (PMX9320) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, 8995 3.99 3.40 359 306 75 305 Co2Cork 01-01-17 Sire Dam 9244 3.87 3.46 358 320 44 305 3 12-01-18 Bagworth Keets Pal-Et (WKP) €105 by Valden Curious Paladium 9278 3.83 3.50 355 324 26 305 4 05-01-19 (proj) (PMX9320) Radney Ruu Odetta 4 VG 87 IE151289121191 (1191) by Ruud 22 (RUU) Dam €101 G Dam Radney Odetta 44VG IE151289121191 (1191) by Milk KgsRuu BF% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact 22 (RUU) Calving Date Radney Wuh OdettaPR% EX 87 91 5E IE151289150907 by Ruud Markwell Durham Rhyme-Et (WUH) €101 6475 3.99 3.47 258 225 82 305 1 09-01-16 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8995 3.99 3.40 359 306 75 305 21 01-01-17 6965 3.47 267 242 72 290 15-01-13 Milk Kgs 3.83 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9244 3.87 3.46 358 320 44 305 3 12-01-18 8031 3.74 3.51 300 281 84 03-01-14 6475 3.99 3.47 258 225 82 305 12 09-01-16 9278 3.83 3.50 355 324 26 305 05-01-19 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 08-02-15 (proj) 8995 3.99 3.40 359 306 75 305 243 01-01-17 9019 3.44 3.58 310 323 50 9244 3.87 3.46 358 320 44 G Dam 8857 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 9278 3.83 3.50 355 324 26 Radney Odetta3.37 4 EX 91397 5E IE151289150907 10776Wuh 3.69 363 31 GMilk Dam 9727 3.40 BfKgs 379 331 28 Kgs 3.89 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 6965 3.83 3.47 267 242 72 Radney Odetta 4 EX 91 5E IE151289150907 3rd DamWuh 8031 3.74 3.51 300 281 84 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 Radney Odetta EX IE151289160775 (775) 6965 Dut3.83 3.4791 4E267 242 72 9019 3.44 3.58 310 323 50 Milk Kgs 3.74 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 8031 3.51 BfKgs 300 281 84 8857 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 6958 5.32 3.60 370 251 43 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 10776 3.69 3.37 397 363 31 8518 4.45 3.74 379 318 40 9019 3.44 3.58 310 323 50 9727 3.40 379 331 28 10409 3.89 4.70 3.80 489 396 55 8857 3.44 3.62 304 320 188

27-01-16 305 34 12-01-18 305 5 10-01-17 (proj) 4 05-01-19 by Markwell Durham 305 6 07-01-18 Rhyme-Et (WUH) 305 7 09-01-19 (proj) Days Lact Calving Date 290 1 15-01-13 by Markwell Durham Rhyme-Et (WUH) 305 2 03-01-14 Days Lact Calving Date 305 3 08-02-15 by Desmunt (DUT) 290 1 15-01-13 305 4 27-01-16 Days Lact Calving Date 305 2 03-01-14 305 10-01-17 10-01-11 305 153 08-02-15 305 07-01-18 19-01-12 305 264 27-01-16 305 7 09-01-19 08-01-13 305 35 10-01-17 (proj) 25-01-14 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 46 3.37 397 363 31 07-01-18 3rd10776 Dam 3.69 27-03-15 10917 3.89 3.81 425 416 60 305 5 9727 3.40 379 331 28 7 09-01-19 (proj) Radney Odetta EX IE151289160775 (775) 305 by Desmunt (DUT) 15-09-16 11237Dut4.17 3.7191 4E469 417 50 6 3rd Dam 19-12-17 10109 3.76 BfKgs 454 380 50 305 7 Milk Kgs 4.49 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 05-01-19 (proj) 10-01-11 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 305 8 6958 5.32 3.60 370 251 43 1 Radney Dut Odetta EX 91 4E IE151289160775 (775) by Desmunt (DUT) 19-01-12 8518 4.45 3.74 379 318 40 305 2 MilkDam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 4th 08-01-13 10409 4.70 3.80 489 396 55 305 31 10-01-11 6958 5.32 3.60 370 251 43 305 25-01-14 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 4 Radney Qur Odetta EX 93 8E IE151289150592 (592) by Qg Europe ET (QUR) 19-01-12 8518 4.45 3.74 379 318 40 305 2 27-03-15 10917 3.89 3.81 425 416 60 305 5 Milk Kgs 4.70 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 305 Days Lact Calving 08-01-13Date 10409 3.80 489 396 55 3 15-09-16 11237 4.17 3.71 469 417 50 305 641 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 07-02-08 25-01-14 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 19-12-17 10109 4.49 3.76 454 380 50 305 7 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 305 19-01-09 27-03-15 10917 3.89 3.81 425 416 60 305 52 05-01-19 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 305 8 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 305 3 24-01-10(proj) 15-09-16 11237 4.17 3.71 469 417 50 305 6 10616 4.49 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 305 4 24-01-11 19-12-17 10109 3.76 454 380 50 Based on 305 Mar 20197 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 10011 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 5 14-02-12(proj) 05-01-19 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 305 8 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 3.88 3.75completeness 449 of this Report. 434 ICBF shall53 305 6 made or given11577 by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, not be liable for any losses (whether direct19-01-13 or indirect), damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, or arising from or reliance on this information contained in it 28-02-14 by any person. 9256 4.02 incurred 3.87 372any use of358 64Report or the 274 7 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 305 8 06-02-15 10036 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 305 9 19-08-16 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 10 10-01-18 5th Dam Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF


Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),

Radney Mars Odetta 2 GP 82 IE151289120350 (350)

by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU)


Overall Indexes Milk Traits



















Milk Kg 375

Fat Kg 11.85

Prot Kg 14.52

Fat %

Prot %

4.12%-0.05 Protein - FULL 0.03 PEDIGREE

HO (81%),FR (19%) Female

- FULL PEDIGREE 04-Jan-2019

372216166341748 HO (81%),FR (19%)(1748) Female

LOT 16Traits Fertility CI Survival Radney Lwr Rebecca EBI €167 -2.8(days) 1.6(%) LOT 37 LOTTraits 16 Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel Milk Radney Lwr Rebecca EBI €167 -0.29 -0.49 -0.19 €167 32% €76


Calv Beef 04-Jan-2019 €41 -€6





372216166341748 (1748) -€2 €4 -€1

Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel MilkKg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Breeder Henry375 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville 11.85 14.52 -0.05 0.03 €167 32% €76 €55 Co Cork €41 -€6 -€2 Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Survival Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI (Ig) Longview Reliable €224 by (Ig) Castleblagh Odie (ABO) 375 (LWR)1.6(%) 11.85 14.52 -0.05 0.03 -2.8(days)





Dam Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Fertility Traits CI Survival Udder -0.29 -0.49 -0.19 -2.8(days) 1.6(%) Radney Optimal Rebecca GP 83 IE151289191462 by Diepenhoek Optimal (FR2022) (1462)Traits €113 Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder -0.49 Freemount, -0.19 Charleville Co Cork Breeder Henry -0.29 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Milk Kgs








Calving Date

Milk Kgs








Calving Date


Calving Date

Lact Lact 1

Calving Date Calving Date 20-02-11

Sire8691 3.78 3.50 329 304 128 305 1 21-01-18 9172 3.71 3.49 340 320 154 305 2 (proj) (Ig) Longview Reliable (LWR) €224 by (Ig) Castleblagh Odie (ABO) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 04-01-19 Sire Dam G Dam (Ig) Longview Reliable (LWR) €224 by (Ig) Castleblagh Odie (ABO) Radney Rebecca GPIE151289181008 83 IE151289191462 by Radney Optimal Nft Rebecca VG 87 (1008) by Diepenhoek Coolnasoon Optimal Fairgalt 2(FR2022) (NFT) Dam €113 (1462) 6377 4.13 3.84 GP 263 245 332 Radney 83 IE151289191462 Milk KgsOptimal BF% Rebecca PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 8057 4.11 4.12 331 332 169 (1462) 8691€1133.78 3.50 329 304 128 8535 3.91 3.93 334 336 97 9172 3.71 3.49 340 320 154 Milk Kgs 4.08 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 9490 3.98 BfKgs 388 377 200 8691 3.78 3.50 329 304 128 G Dam 5635 4.25 3.81 239 214 875 9172 3.71 3.49 340 320 154 Radney 3rd DamNft Rebecca VG 87 IE151289181008 (1008) GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Radney Tih4.13 Rebecca3.84 VG 87 IE151289140798 (798) 6377 263 245 332 Radney Nft Rebecca VG 87 IE151289181008 (1008) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 8057 4.11 4.12 331 332 169 Milk Kgs 4.28 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 6019 3.68 258 222 1712 8535 3.91 3.93 334 336 97 6377 4.13 3.84 263 245 332 8047 4.69 3.68 377 296 53 9490 4.08 3.98 388 377 200 8057 4.11 4.12 331 332 169 8065 4.05 3.71 326 299 53 5635 4.25 3.81 239 214 875 8535 3.91 3.93 334 336 97 8555 4.13 3.73 354 319 83 3.98 388 377 200 3rd9490 Dam 4.08 4th5635 Dam 4.25 3.81 239 214 875 Radney Tih Rebecca VG 87 IE151289140798 (798) Radney 3rd DamRuu Rebecca VG 85 IE151289120557 (557) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Milk Kgs 4.28 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 6019 3.68 258 222 1712 Radney Tih Rebecca VG 87 IE151289140798 (798)

305 1 05-01-14 by Diepenhoek Optimal Days Lact Calving Date(FR2022) 299 2 28-01-15 305 1 21-01-18 305 02-02-16 (proj) 305 23 04-01-19 Days Lact Calving Date 305 4 08-02-17 305 1 21-01-18 164 5 22-04-18 305 2 04-01-19 (proj) by Coolnasoon Fairgalt 2 (NFT) Days

by 305 by Days 299 Days 268 305 305 305 305 299 257 164 305 305 305 164 by by

Days Days 268

Tittenser Hylke (TIH) 1 05-01-14 Coolnasoon Fairgalt 2 (NFT) Lact Calving Date 2 28-01-15 Lact Calving Date 20-02-11 1 3 02-02-16 1 05-01-14 15-01-12 42 08-02-17 2 28-01-15 18-03-13 3 5 22-04-18 02-02-16 20-01-14 43 4 08-02-17 5 22-04-18 Tittenser Hylke (TIH) Ruud 22 (RUU)

by Tittenser Hylke (TIH) 7194 4.35 3.56 313 256 140 284 05-02-08 15-01-12 8047 4.69 3.68 377 296 53 305 21 Milk Kgs 4.01 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8396 3.64 BfKgs 337 306 108 304 01-02-09 18-03-13 8065 4.05 3.71 326 299 53 257 32 20-02-11 6019 4.28 3.68 258 222 1712 268 1 8781 3.75 3.63 329 318 334 305 20-03-10 (proj) 20-01-14 8555 4.13 3.73 354 319 83 305 43 15-01-12 8047 4.69 3.68 377 296 53 305 2 5th Dam 4.05 18-03-13 3.71 326 299 53 257 3 4th8065 Dam 20-01-14 8555 4.13 3.73 354 319 83 305 4 Radney Mars Rebecca VG 85 IE151289170363 (363) by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) Radney Ruu Rebecca VG 85 IE151289120557 (557) by Ruud 22 (RUU) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 4th Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7748 3.61 3.53 280 273 150 305 1 17-01-04 7194 4.35 256 140 284 1 22 (RUU) 05-02-08 Radney Rebecca3.56 VG 85 313 IE151289120557 (557) by Ruud 8249 Ruu3.58 3.62 296 298 334 305 2 18-01-05 8396 4.01 3.64 337 306 108 304 2 01-02-09 9146 3.45 3.57 316 327 88 305 3 11-01-06 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8781 3.75 3.63 329 318 334 305 3 20-03-10 (proj) 7194 4.35 3.56 313 256 140 284 1 05-02-08 9491 3.82 3.67 363 349 348 305 4 14-01-07 8396 4.01 3.64 337 306 108 304 25 01-02-09 9575 3.94 3.68 377 353 244 305 10-01-08 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 8781 3.75 3.63 329 318 334 305 36 20-03-10 9433 3.90 3.72 368 351 128 17-01-09 (proj) This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person.

6th Dam

Ardrahan Rebecca 87 RI09296452 Milk Kgs





by Ardrahan Triemp Boy (RI00573552) PrKgs

5452 3.76 3.34 205 182 8165 3.53 3.28 288 268 Copyright, Irish Cattle 7513 3.57 Breeding 3.43 Federation 268 ICBF 258




Calving Date

43 289 1 08-02-00 32 305 2 02-02-01 Based Mar 20193Evaluation 54 on 259 06-03-02

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),


Overall Indexes Milk Traits



















Milk Kg 289

Fat Kg 16.87

Prot Kg 11.21

Fat %

Prot %

- FULL 3.97%0.10Protein 0.02 PEDIGREE

HO (97%),FR (3%) Female

05-Jan-2019 - FULL PEDIGREE

372216166381751 (1751) HO (97%),FR (3%) Female

LOT 12Traits Fertility CI Survival Radney Grey Ostrich EBI €188 -2.2(days) 2.4(%) LOT 38 LOTTraits 12 Type Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk Radney Grey Ostrich EBI27% €188 0.79 1.11 0.69 €188 €75




05-Jan-2019-€8 €53





372216166381751 (1751) -€3 €3 €11

Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Mgmt Health Breeder Henry 289 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville 16.87 11.21 0.10 Co Cork 0.02 €188 27% €75 €57 €53 -€8 -€3 €3 €11 Sire Fertility Traits CI Survival Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Peak Mr. Grey (FR2226) €227 by Coyne-Farms Jetset-Et (DQV000070801849) -2.2(days) 16.87 2.4(%) 289 11.21 0.10 0.02 Dam Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Fertility Traits CI Survival 0.79 1.11 0.69 -2.2(days) 2.4(%) Radney Yry Ostrich 1544 GP 82 372216166371544 by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) (1544)Traits €149 Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Co Cork 1.11 PrKgs 0.69 SCCCharleville Milk Kgs BF% 0.79 PR% BfKgs Days Lact Calving Date Sire 7975 4.31 3.57 344 285 46 305 1 05-01-19 (proj) Peak Mr. Grey (FR2226) €227 by Coyne-Farms Jetset-Et (DQV000070801849) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork G Dam Dam Sire Radney Bwz Ostrich 2 EX 90 IE151289131127 (1127) by by Bagworth Zander Keet (BWZ) Peak Mr.Yry Grey (FR2226) Radney Ostrich 1544€227 GP 82 372216166371544 by Coyne-Farms Radney Levi 5Jetset-Et (YRY) (DQV000070801849) Milk Kgs






(1544) Dam 6077€1494.60 3.97 279 241 107 7237 4.38 3.89 317 281 46 Radney OstrichPR% 1544 GP 82 372216166371544 Milk KgsYryBF% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 8836 4.61 3.85 407 340 43 (1544) 7975€1494.31 3.57 344 285 46 9431 4.45 3.81 419 359 46 GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 3rd7975 Dam 4.31 3.57 344 285 46 Radney Bwz Ostrich 2 EX 90 IE151289131127 (1127) Radney Wuh OstrichPR% 6 VG 87 IE151289160916 (916) GMilk Dam Kgs BF% BfKgs PrKgs SCC



Calving Date



Calving Date

280 1 28-03-15 292 2 22-02-16 by Radney 5 (YRY) Days Lact Levi Calving Date 305 3 11-01-17 (proj) 1 05-01-19 305 4 27-02-18 305 1 05-01-19 (proj) by Bagworth Zander Keet (BWZ) by MarkwellCalving Durham Rhyme-Et (WUH) Days Lact Date

Milk Kgs 4.60 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6077 3.97 BfKgs 279 241 107 280 1 28-03-15 Radney Bwz Ostrich 2 EX 90 IE151289131127 (1127) by Bagworth 25-01-13 Zander Keet (BWZ) 5606 4.66 3.59 261 201 48 305 12 7237 4.38 3.89 317 281 46 292 22-02-16 Milk Kgs 4.61 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 05-03-14 6882 4.40 3.55 BfKgs 303 244 55 282 23 8836 3.85 407 340 43 305 11-01-17 6077 4.60 3.97 279 241 107 280 1 28-03-15 23-02-15 6843 4.34 3.57 297 244 93 263 34 9431 4.45 3.81 419 359 46 305 27-02-18 7237 4.38 3.89 317 281 46 292 22-02-16 04-02-16 8613 4.29 3.51 369 303 79 295 42 8836 4.61 3.85 407 340 43 305 3 11-01-17 3rd Dam 4th9431 Dam 4.45 3.81 419 359 46 305 4 27-02-18 Radney Wuh Ostrich 6 VG 87 IE151289160916 (916) by Markwell Durham Rhyme-Et (WUH) Radney Ruu OstrichPR% 4 IE151289140765 (765) SCC Days by Ruud 22 (RUU) 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% BfKgs PrKgs Lact Calving Date 25-01-13 5606 4.66 3.59 261 201 48 305 1 5th Dam Wuh Ostrich 6 VG 87 IE151289160916 (916) by Markwell Durham Radney Rhyme-Et (WUH) 05-03-14 6882 4.40 3.55 303 244 55 282 2 Milk KgsRsm BF% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Radney OstrichPR% VG 87BfKgs IE151289150568 (568) by Reary 5 ET (RSM) 23-02-15 6843 4.34 3.57 297 244 93 263 3 Sem 25-01-13 5606 4.66 3.59 261 201 48 305 1 04-02-16 8613 3.51 BfKgs 369 303 79 295 4 Milk Kgs 4.29 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 05-03-14 6882 4.40 3.55 303 244 55 282 2 6933 3.83 3.52 265 244 143 287 1 02-02-08 23-02-15 6843 4.34 3.57 297 244 93 263 3 4th Dam 3.96 7637 3.51 302 268 37 305 2 15-01-09 04-02-16 8613 4.29 3.51 369 303 79 295 4 9339 3.96 3.51 369 328 74 305 3 26-01-10 Radney Ruu Ostrich 4 IE151289140765 (765) by Ruud 22 (RUU) 8902 3.51 308 312 133 294 4 28-01-11 4th Dam 3.46 5th Dam 6th DamRuu Ostrich 4 IE151289140765 (765) Radney by Ruud 22 (RUU) Radney Rsm Ostrich VG 87 IE151289150568 (568) by Reary Sem 5 ET (RSM) Radney Mfx Ostrich GP 80 RI10165042 (301) by Mars Ferro (MFX) 5th Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Milk BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6933Kgs 3.83 3.52 265 244 143 287 1 02-02-08 Radney Rsm4.00 Ostrich3.74 VG 87 IE151289150568 (568) by Reary Sem17-01-03 5 ET (RSM) 7262 290 272 48 305 1 7637 3.96 3.51 302 268 37 305 2 15-01-09 7825 4.11 3.86 BfKgs 322 302 48 277 Lact 25-02-04 Milk Kgs 3.96 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 9339 3.51 369 328 74 305 32 26-01-10 6933 3.83 3.52 265 244 143 287 1 02-02-08 7695 4.11 3.81 317 293 99 293 3 01-03-05 Based Mar 20194 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 8902 3.46 Breeding 3.51 Federation 308 ICBF 312 133 on 294 28-01-11 7637 3.96 3.51 302 268 37 305 24 15-01-09 8331 4.06 3.95 338 329 105 305 20-01-06 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 9339 3.96 3.51 369 328 74 305 3 26-01-10 8971 4.10 3.79 368 340 100 305 5 20-01-07 damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person. 8902 3.46 3.51 308 312 133 294 46 28-01-11 8559 3.96 3.75 339 321 44 289 24-02-08

Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF


Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),


Overall Indexes Milk Traits

LOT 3Traits Fertility



















Milk Kg 178

Fat Kg 7.83

Prot Kg 6.18

Fat %

Prot %



- FULL Depth 0.01 of Solids 0.00 PEDIGREE

Radney Odetta 1796 EBI €125 1.7(%) LOT 39 Fintan -2.4(days) LOT 3 Type Traits Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk Radney Fintan 1.96 Odetta 1796 1.41 1.69 €125 27%EBI €125 €37

- FULL PEDIGREE 28-Jan-2019




28-Jan-2019-€4 €32


Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Breeder Henry 178 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, €125 27% €37 €51 €32 -€4 7.83 6.18 Charleville 0.01 Co Cork 0.00 Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Survival Mylawn Fintan (FR2420) €170 by Delta Trading (ZTG) 178 6.18 0.01 0.00 -2.4(days) 7.83 1.7(%)

HO (100%) Female HO (100%) Female (1796) 372216166331796 Maint



372216166331796 (1796) -€10 €7 €14 Maint






Dam Fertility Traits Type Traits

CI Survival Overall Feet/Legs Udder -2.4(days) 1.41 1.69 Radney Zol Odetta1.96 1458 VG 851.7(%) IE151289141458 by Mr Numero Uno St-Louis-Et (ZOL) (1458) €80 Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder 1.41 1.69 Breeder Henry 1.96 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Milk Kgs








Calving Date

Sire 7660 3.94 3.43 302 262 31 305 1 01-01-18 9175 3.78 3.43 347 315 61 305 2 (proj) Mylawn Fintan (FR2420) €170 by Delta Trading (ZTG) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 28-01-19 Sire Dam G Dam Mylawn Fintan (FR2420) €170 by Delta Trading (ZTG) Radney Wuh Zol Odetta by Markwell Mr Numero Uno St-Louis-Et Radney Odetta1458 4 EXVG 91 85 5EIE151289141458 IE151289150907 by Durham Rhyme-Et (ZOL) (WUH) Dam €80 (1458) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6965 3.47 VGBfKgs 267 242 72 Radney Odetta 1458 85 IE151289141458 Milk KgsZol3.83 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 8031 3.74 3.51 300 281 84 (1458) 7660€80 3.94 3.43 302 262 31 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 9175 3.78 3.43 347 315 61 Milk Kgs 3.44 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 9019 3.58 BfKgs 310 323 50 7660 3.94 3.43 302 262 31 G 8857 Dam 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 9175 3.78 3.43 347 315 61 10776 Wuh 3.69 363 31 Radney Odetta3.37 4 EX 91397 5E IE151289150907 3.89 3.40 379 331 28 G 9727 Dam Milk Kgs






290 1Numero 15-01-13 by Mr Uno Date St-Louis-Et (ZOL) Days Lact Calving

305 21 03-01-14 305 01-01-18 305 3 08-02-15 305 2 28-01-19 (proj) Days Lact Calving Date 305 4 27-01-16 305 1 01-01-18 305 5 10-01-17 305 2 28-01-19 (proj) 305 6 07-01-18 by Markwell Durham Rhyme-Et (WUH) 305 7 09-01-19 (proj) Days


Calving Date

6965 3.83 242 72 290 1 15-01-13 Rhyme-Et (WUH) 3rd Dam Wuh Radney Odetta3.47 4 EX 91267 5E IE151289150907 by Markwell Durham 8031 3.74 3.51 300 281 84 305 2 03-01-14 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Radney Dut Odetta EX 91 4E IE151289160775 (775) by Desmunt (DUT) 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 305 31 08-02-15 6965 3.83 3.47 267 242 72 290 15-01-13 Milk Kgs 3.44 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9019 3.58 310 323 50 305 4 27-01-16 8031 3.74 3.51 300 281 84 305 2 03-01-14 10-01-11 6958 5.32 3.60 370 251 43 305 1 8857 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 305 5 10-01-17 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 305 08-02-15 19-01-12 8518 4.45 3.74 379 318 40 305 236 10776 3.69 3.37 397 363 31 305 07-01-18 9019 3.44 3.58 310 323 50 305 4 27-01-16 08-01-13 10409 4.70 3.80 489 396 55 305 37 9727 3.89 3.40 379 331 28 305 09-01-19 8857 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 305 10-01-17 (proj) 25-01-14 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 45 10776 3.69 3.37 397 363 31 305 07-01-18 3rd10917 Dam 3.89 27-03-15 3.81 425 416 60 305 56 9727 3.89 3.40 379 331 28 305 7 09-01-19 (proj) 15-09-16 11237 Dut4.17 3.7191 4E469 417 50 6 Radney Odetta EX IE151289160775 (775) 305 by Desmunt (DUT) 19-12-17 10109 4.49 3.76 454 380 50 305 7 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 05-01-19 (proj) 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 305 8 10-01-11 6958 5.32 3.60 370 251 43 305 1 Radney Dut Odetta EX 91 4E IE151289160775 (775) by Desmunt (DUT) 4th8518 Dam 4.45 19-01-12 3.74 379 318 40 305 2 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 08-01-13 10409 489 396 55 6958 Qur4.70 5.32 3.60 370 251 43 305 Radney Odetta 3.80 EX 93 8E IE151289150592 (592) 305 by Qg31Europe10-01-11 ET (QUR) 25-01-14 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 4 19-01-12 8518 4.45 3.74 379 318 40 305 2 Milk Kgs 3.89 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 27-03-15 10917 3.81 425 416 60 305 53 08-01-13 10409 4.70 3.80 489 396 55 305 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 1 07-02-08 15-09-16 11237 4.17 3.71 469 417 50 305 64 25-01-14 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 8341 4.47 373 318 48 2 19-01-09 19-12-17 10109 4.49 3.76 454 380 50 305 7 27-03-15 10917 3.89 3.81 425 416 60 305 53 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 24-01-10 (proj) 05-01-19 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 305 86 15-09-16 11237 4.17 3.71 469 417 50 305 10616 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 4 24-01-11 19-12-17 10109 3.76 454 380 50 305 75 10011 4.49 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 14-02-12 05-01-19 10105 3.69 387 373 246 305 86 11577 3.83 3.88 3.75 449 434 53 19-01-13 (proj) Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 274 7 28-02-14 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 305 8 06-02-15 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person. 10036 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 305 9 19-08-16 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 10 10-01-18


5th Dam Radney Mars Odetta 2 GP 82 IE151289120350 (350) Copyright, Milk Irish Kgs Cattle BF%Breeding PR%Federation BfKgs ICBF PrKgs

6235 6427

4.55 4.29

3.64 3.72

284 276

227 239

by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU)

Based Mar 2019 Evaluation SCC onDays Lact Calving Date

72 118

305 273

1 2

12-01-04 02-03-05

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),


Overall Indexes Milk Traits



















Milk Kg 373

Fat Kg Prot Kg GENOTYPED 16.49 14.35

Fat %

Prot %

- FULL Dam is full sister Steve 0.03to Radney 0.03 PEDIGREE

HO (97%),FR (3%) Female

03-Jan-2019 - FULL PEDIGREE

372216166391744 HO (97%),FR (3%) (1744) Female

LOT Fertility19Traits CI Survival GENOTYPED Radney Perseus Odetta 1744 ET EBI €125 .6(days) 1.3(%) LOT 40 LOTTraits 19 Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel Milk Radney Perseus€125 Odetta 1744 €125 2.30 1.58 ET EBI 2.05 49% €85



Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Mgmt Breeder Henry 373 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 16.49 14.35 0.03 0.03 €125 49% €85 €9 €31 -€12 -€3 €5 Sire Fertility Traits CI Survival Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Westcoast Perseus.6(days) (FR4187) €221 by Sandy-Valley-I Penmanship (FR2262) 1.3(%) 373 16.49 14.35 0.03 0.03


Fert €9



03-Jan-2019-€12 €31


372216166391744 (1744) -€3 €5 €10 €10

Dam Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Fertility Traits CI Survival Udder 2.30 1.58 2.05 (1266) by Morningview Levi (MWL) .6(days) 1.3(%) Radney Mwl Odetta 3 VG 89 IE151289121266 €107 Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Breeder Henry 2.30 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 1.58 PrKgs 2.05 SCC Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs Days Lact Calving Date Sire 7721 4.05 3.79 313 293 51 305 1 04-02-16 Westcoast Perseus (FR4187) €221 by Sandy-Valley-I Penmanship (FR2262) 9775 4.20 3.66 411 358 66 305 2 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 17-01-17 10194 3.98 3.53 405 360 119 305 3 11-03-19 (proj) Dam Sire Westcoast Perseus (FR4187) G Dam Mwl Radney Odetta 3 VG 89€221 IE151289121266 (1266) €107 Dam Radney Qur Odetta EX 93 8E IE151289150592 (592)

by Morningview Sandy-Valley-I Penmanship by Levi (MWL) (FR2262) by Qg Europe ET (QUR)

Radney OdettaPR% 3 VG 89 IE151289121266 (1266) Days by Morningview Levi (MWL) Milk KgsMwlBF% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Lact Calving Date 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 07-02-08 €107 7721 4.05 3.79 313 293 51 305 11 04-02-16 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 305 19-01-09 9775 4.20 3.66 411 358 66 305 22 17-01-17 Milk Kgs 3.98 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9711 4.25 3.84 BfKgs 413 373 33 305 24-01-10 10194 3.53 405 360 119 305 33 11-03-19 (proj) 7721 4.05 3.79 313 293 51 305 1 04-02-16 10616 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 305 4 24-01-11 9775 4.20 3.66 411 358 66 305 25 17-01-17 G Dam 10011 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 14-02-12 10194 3.98 3.53 405 360 119 305 3 11-03-19 (proj) 11577Qur3.88 3.7593 8E449 434 53 Radney Odetta EX IE151289150592 (592) 305 by Qg 6Europe19-01-13 ET (QUR) 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 274 7 28-02-14 GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 305 8 06-02-15 6528 Qur4.22 275 255 57 Radney Odetta 3.90 EX IE151289150592 (592) 282 by Qg19Europe07-02-08 ET (QUR) 10036 4.05 3.8393 8E407 384 58 305 19-08-16 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 305 2 19-01-09 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 10 10-01-18 Milk Kgs 4.25 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9711 3.84 BfKgs 413 373 33 305 3 24-01-10 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 1 07-02-08 3.94 428 419 46 305 4 24-01-11 3rd10616 Dam 4.03 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 305 2 19-01-09 10011 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 5 14-02-12 9711 Mars 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 305 3 Mars 24-01-10 Radney Odetta 2 GP 82 IE151289120350 (350) by Galtee Usnes (MAU) 11577 3.88 3.75 449 434 53 305 6 19-01-13 10616 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 305 4 24-01-11 Milk Kgs 4.02 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9256 3.87 BfKgs 372 358 64 274 7 28-02-14 10011 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 5 14-02-12 12-01-04 6235 4.55 3.64 284 227 72 305 1 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 8 06-02-15 11577 3.88 3.75 449 434 53 305 19-01-13 02-03-05 6427 4.29 3.72 276 239 118 273 296 10036 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 305 19-08-16 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 274 7 28-02-14 11-02-06 6774 3.99 3.77 270 255 498 282 310 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 10-01-18 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 305 8 06-02-15 4th Dam 3.83 407 384 58 305 9 19-08-16 3rd10036 Dam 4.05 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 10 10-01-18 Radney Seal Odetta EX 90 3E 0107796265 (R006) by Barold Rock Seal (BRL) Radney Mars Odetta 2 GP 82 IE151289120350 (350) by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 3rd MilkDam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7524 4.69 3.71 353 PrKgs 279 108 287 4 31-01-94 12-01-04 6235 Mars 4.55 227 72 305 1 Mars Radney Odetta3.64 2 GP 82284 IE151289120350 (350) by Galtee Usnes (MAU) 7778 4.12 3.55 320 276 83 303 5 15-01-95 02-03-05 6427 4.29 3.72 276 239 118 273 2 6630 4.16 3.63 276 PrKgs 241 73 295 Lact 6 16-02-96 Milk Kgs 3.99 BF% PR% SCC Days Calving Date 11-02-06 6774 3.77 BfKgs 270 255 498 282 3 12-01-04 5930 4.55 4.28 3.70 284 254 219 87 259 05-02-97 6235 3.64 227 72 305 17 02-03-05 7290 4.29 4.36 3.65 276 318 266 147 273 292 02-02-98 6427 3.72 239 118 28 11-02-06 7344 3.99 3.91 3.84 270 287 282 324 282 289 23-02-99 6774 3.77 255 498 39 6785 3.78 3.85 256 262 229 286 10 20-01-00 Based Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 4893 3.81Breeding 3.57Federation 187 ICBF 175 310 on Mar 206 2019 11 25-03-01 This report has6553 been prepared 3.92 by ICBF in good3.91 faith on the basis of information provided to it.365 No representation or implied is 257 256 280or warranty12expressed 13-02-02 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 5561 4.16 4.05 232 225 699 255 13 14-03-03 damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person. 5007 4.31 4.06 216 203 366 285 14 14-02-04 2873 3.75 3.86 108 111 2015 184 15 23-04-05 7375 4.31 3.94 318 291 1479 305 16 01-12-06 5th Dam

Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF

Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation

Ardrahan Odetta 48 VG 85 0107172578 (B204)

by Cappavilla Quaker 2 (0100465929)

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),

Milk Kgs









Calving Date


Radney Mwl Odetta 3 VG89 - Dam of Lot 40

Overall Indexes Milk Traits



















Milk Kg 135

Fat Kg 17.97

Prot Kg 9.87

Fat % 0.21

Prot %

3.63% Protein

LOT 10Traits Fertility CI Survival Radney Fjm Deborah 1759 EBI €186 -2.2(days) 1.5(%) LOT 41 LOT 10 Type Traits Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk 0.45 0.03 0.75 Radney Fjm Deborah 1759 EBI €186 €186 30% €83


HO (91%),FR (9%) Female

06-Jan-2019 - FULL PEDIGREE

372216166371759 (1759) HO (91%),FR (9%) Female

Calv Beef 06-Jan-2019 €44 -€7

372216166371759 (1759) €7 €4 €9

Fert €47


Milk Traits Milk Kg EBI Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Beef Overall Indexes EBI Rel Milk Fert Calv Maint Breeder Henry€186 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Charleville 135 17.97 Freemount, 9.87 0.21 Co Cork 0.10 30% €83 €47 €44 -€7 €7 Sire Fertility Traits CI Kg Survival Milk Traits Milk Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Doonmanagh Hmy135 Mossy (FJM) €225 by Highmount -2.2(days) 17.97 1.5(%) 9.87 0.21 0.10 Kenny (HMY)







Dam Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Fertility Traits CI Survival 0.45 0.03 0.75 (1597) by Cogent Peak Alex (FR2330) -2.2(days) 1.5(%) Radney Alex Deborah GP 83 372216166321597 €151 Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Breeder Henry0.45 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Co Cork 0.03 PrKgs 0.75 SCCCharleville Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs Days Lact Calving Date Sire 7687 4.01 3.55 309 273 55 305 1 06-01-19 (proj) Doonmanagh Hmy Mossy (FJM) €225 by Highmount Kenny (HMY) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork G Dam Dam Sire Radney Mcl Deborah 2 EX 91 3E IE151289111042 by Mascol ET (MCL) Doonmanagh Hmy Mossy €225 (HMY) Radney Alex Deborah GP (FJM) 83 372216166321597 (1597) by by Highmount Cogent PeakKenny Alex (FR2330) Milk Kgs








Calving Date

€151 Dam 5477 3.76 3.64 206 199 45 238 1 08-03-14 8977 4.08 3.75 367 337 56 305 2 09-02-15 Radney AlexBF% Deborah GP 83BfKgs 372216166321597 (1597) Days by Cogent AlexDate (FR2330) Milk Kgs PR% PrKgs SCC Lact Peak Calving 8262 3.65 3.78 302 312 46 284 3 06-03-16 (proj) 7687 4.01 3.55 309 273 55 305 1 06-01-19 €151 9852 3.97 3.76 391 370 56 304 4 13-02-17 GMilk Dam Kgs 4.15 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 9491 3.70 BfKgs 393 351 31 305 Lact 5 24-01-18 7687 4.01 3.55 309 273 55 305 1 06-01-19 (proj) 9619 Mcl4.09 348 48 305 6 ET30-01-19 Radney Deborah3.62 2 EX 91394 3E IE151289111042 by Mascol (MCL) (proj) G Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 3rd Dam 5477 3.76 3.64 206 199 45 238 1 08-03-14 Radney Mcl Deborah Deborah EX 2 EX 91 3E IE151289111042 by ETFrans (MCL) Radney by Mascol Arenberg 233 (AFS) 8977 Afs4.08 3.75 90 3E 367IE151289190836 337 56(836) 305 2 09-02-15 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Milk Kgs 3.65 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8262 3.78 BfKgs 302 312 46 284 3 06-03-16 5477 3.76 3.64 206 199 45 238 1 08-03-14 27-01-12 6321 4.44 3.71 280 234 37 279 14 9852 3.97 3.76 391 370 56 304 13-02-17 8977 4.08 3.75 367 337 56 305 225 09-02-15 16-01-13 8836 3.95 3.87 349 342 40 305 9491 4.15 3.70 393 351 31 305 24-01-18 8262 3.65 3.78 302 312 46 284 3 06-03-16 20-01-14 8356 4.23 3.81 354 319 66 299 3 9619 4.09 3.62 394 348 48 305 6 30-01-19 (proj) 9852 3.76 391 370 56 304 44 13-02-17 04-01-15 10016 3.97 4.26 3.86 427 387 71 305 3.70 393 351 31 305 55 24-01-18 3rd9491 Dam 4.15 04-01-16 9086 3.37 3.78 306 344 58 305 9619 4.09 3.62 394 348 48 305 6 30-01-19 (proj) 15-02-17 9334 Afs4.06 379IE151289190836 354 55(836) 289 6 Radney Deborah3.79 EX 90 3E by Arenberg Frans 233 (AFS) 08-01-18 9659 4.03 3.70 389 358 54 305 7 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 27-01-12 3.71 280 234 37 279 1 4th6321 DamAfs4.44 Radney Deborah EX 90 3E IE151289190836 (836) by Arenberg Frans 233 (AFS) 16-01-13 8836 3.95 3.87 349 342 40 305 2 Radney Ruu Deborah VG 88 IE151289130558 (558) by Ruud 22 (RUU) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 20-01-14 8356 4.23 3.81 354 319 66 299 3 27-01-12 6321 4.44 3.71 280 234 37 279 1 Milk Kgs 4.26 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 04-01-15 10016 3.86 BfKgs 427 387 71 305 4 16-01-13 8836 3.95 3.87 349 342 40 305 251 7359 4.68 3.89 344 286 78 305 30-01-09 04-01-16 9086 3.37 3.78 306 344 58 305 20-01-14 8356 4.23 3.81 354 319 66 299 362 8941 4.32 3.83 386 342 115 305 10-01-10 15-02-17 9334 4.06 3.79 379 354 55 289 04-01-15 10016 4.26 3.86 427 387 71 305 4 8554 3.76 3.91 321 334 66 259 3 23-02-11 08-01-18 9659 4.03 3.70 389 358 54 305 7 04-01-16 9086 3.37 3.78 306 344 58 305 5 5th Dam 15-02-17 3.79 379 354 55 289 6 4th9334 Dam 4.06 08-01-18 9659 Merci 4.03Deborah 3.703 GP389 358 54 305 7 Merci Radney 84 IE151289190423 by Galtee ET (GMI) Radney Ruu Deborah VG 88 IE151289130558 (558) by Ruud 22 (RUU) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 4th Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6640 3.62 3.60 240 239 72 305 1 20-01-05 7359 4.68 3.89 344 286 78 305 1 30-01-09 Radney Deborah3.64 VG 88 289 IE151289130558 (558) by Ruud 8335 Ruu3.46 303 252 305 2 22 (RUU) 11-01-06 Based Mar 20192 Evaluation 8941 4.32 Breeding 3.83 Federation 386 ICBF 342 115 on 305 10-01-10 Copyright, Irish Cattle 8966 3.39 3.55 304 318 398 305 3 29-01-07 Milk Kgs 3.76 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs Days Lact Calving Date 8554 3.91 321of information 334provided toSCC 66 259 or warranty 3 expressed 23-02-11 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis it. No representation or implied is 7359 3.89 completeness 344 of this 286 78not be liable305 30-01-09 made or given by ICBF as to4.68 the accuracy, reliability, Report. ICBF shall for any losses1 (whether direct or indirect), 6th damages, costsDam or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person. 8941 4.32 3.83 386 342 115 305 2 10-01-10 8554 3.76 3.91 321 334 66 259 3 23-02-11 Radney Star Deborah VG 87 RI09923597 (11) by Veldstar Ingold (VRI) Milk Kgs









Calving Date

6651 3.71 3.54 247 235 23 289 1 04-02-02 7786 3.58 3.60 279 280 59 277 2 20-02-03 Based Mar 20193 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 7831 3.63 Breeding 3.52 Federation 284 ICBF 276 210 on 282 20-02-04 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 7462 3.77 3.67 281 274 126 305 4 23-01-05 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),

damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person.


Overall Indexes Milk Traits

LOT 8 Traits Fertility



















Milk Kg 188

Fat Kg 8.21

Prot Kg 7.36

Fat % 0.01



Radney Hagley-4.6(days) Deborah LOT 42 LOTTraits 8Indexes Overall Type Overall EBI 0.68 Radney Hagley€170 Deborah

EBI 2(%)

Prot %

Longevity & Solids


Feet/Legs Udder EBI Rel Milk -0.18 0.91 EBI €170 €43 26%


HO (88%),FR (13%) Female

07-Jan-2019 - FULL PEDIGREE

372216166371767 HO (88%),FR (13%)(1767) Female


Calv Beef 07-Jan-2019-€5 €51





372216166371767 (1767) -€21 €2 €15

Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel MilkKg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Mgmt Breeder Henry 188 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 8.21 7.36 0.01 0.02 €170 26% €43 €83 €51 -€5 -€21 €2 Sire Fertility Traits CI Milk Traits Milk Kg Survival Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % De-Su Hagley 12144-Et (FR2267) €206 by Cookiecutter Petron Halogen (S1659) -4.6(days) 2(%) 188 8.21 7.36 0.01 0.02 Dam Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Fertility Traits CI Survival Udder 0.68 -0.18 0.91 -4.6(days) Radney Raphael Deborah 15742(%) 372216166341574 by (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028)

Health €15

(1574) €130 Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Breeder Henry 0.68 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Co Cork -0.18 PrKgs 0.91SCCCharleville Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs Days Lact Calving Date Sire 7198 4.09 3.60 295 259 37 305 1 07-01-19 (proj) De-Su Hagley 12144-Et (FR2267) €206 by Cookiecutter Petron Halogen (S1659) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork G Dam Dam Sire Radney Lsr Deborah 3 VG 88 IE151289160809 (809) by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) De-Su Hagley 12144-Et (FR2267) €206 by (Ig) Cookiecutter Petron Halogen (S1659) Radney Raphael Deborah 1574 372216166341574 by Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) Milk Kgs








Calving Date

(1574) Dam 6267€1304.43 3.66 277 229 67 279 1 09-02-11 5764 4.65 3.56 268 205 51 223 2 20-04-12 Milk KgsRaphael BF% Deborah PR% 1574 BfKgs372216166341574 PrKgs SCC Days LactGoldenfield Calving Date Radney by (Ig) Raphael ET (FR2028) 8000 4.10 3.67 328 294 67 276 3 27-02-13 (proj) 7198 4.09 3.60 295 259 37 305 1 07-01-19 (1574) €130 8461 4.00 3.75 338 318 158 305 4 11-01-14 GMilk Dam Kgs 4.29 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8355 3.76 BfKgs 359 314 75 282 5 14-02-15 7198 4.09 3.60 295 259 37 305 1 07-01-19 (proj) 8078 Lsr3.62 305 58 6 18-01-16 Radney Deborah3.78 3 VG 88292 IE151289160809 (809) 302 by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 8765 4.05 3.73 355 327 60 305 7 25-01-17 GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9048 4.09 3.71 370 336 44 302 8 16-01-18 6267 4.43 3.66 277 229 67 279 1 09-02-11 Radney Deborah3.63 3 VG 88352 IE151289160809 (809) 305 by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 8772 Lsr4.01 318 26 9 07-01-19 (proj) 5764 4.65 3.56 268 205 51 223 2 20-04-12 Milk Kgs 4.10 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 3.67 BfKgs 328 294 67 276 3 27-02-13 3rd8000 Dam 6267 4.43 3.66 277 229 67 279 1 09-02-11 8461 4.00 3.75 338 318 158 305 4 11-01-14 5764 Merci 4.65Deborah 3.56EX 90 268 205 51 223 20-04-12 Radney 5E RI10136188 (275) by Galtee ET (GMI) 8355 4.29 3.76 359 314 75 282 52 Merci 14-02-15 8000 4.10 3.67 328 294 67 276 3 27-02-13 Milk Kgs 3.62 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8078 3.78 BfKgs 292 305 58 302 6 18-01-16 8461 4.00 3.75 338 318 158 305 4 11-01-14 19-01-03 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 1 8765 4.05 3.73 355 327 60 7 25-01-17 8355 4.29 3.76 359 314 75 282 14-02-15 05-02-04 8149 3.78 3.70 308 301 52 297 285 9048 4.09 3.71 370 336 44 302 16-01-18 8078 3.62 3.78 292 58 302 6 18-01-16 (proj) 08-02-05 8284 3.66 3.68 303 305 73 295 3 8772 4.01 3.63 352 318 26 305 9 07-01-19 8765 4.05 3.73 355 327 60 305 7 25-01-17 29-01-06 9045 3.50 3.70 316 335 78 305 4 3rd9152 Dam 3.46 9048 4.09 3.71 370 336 44 302 8 16-01-18 01-02-07 3.67 316 102 305 5 8772 4.01 3.63 352 318 26 305 07-01-19 (proj) 02-03-08 8009 3.31 3.62 265 290 76 69 Merci Radney Merci Deborah EX 90 5E RI10136188 (275) 283 by Galtee ET (GMI) 13-02-09 7727 4.31 3.85 333 297 183 292 7 3rd MilkDam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 01-03-10 7734 3.88 3.80 300 294 183 275 8 19-01-03 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 1 15-03-11 Radney 5E RI10136188 (275) 261 by Galtee ET (GMI) 7123 Merci 3.87Deborah 3.88EX 90 276 276 284 9 Merci 05-02-04 8149 3.78 3.70 308 301 52 297 2 03-03-12 7519 4.59 3.84 345 289 280 282 10 Milk Kgs 3.66 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 08-02-05 8284 3.68 BfKgs 303 305 73 295 3 19-01-03 7004 3.93 3.58 275 251 131 305 1 29-01-06 9045 3.70 316 335 78 305 4 4th Dam 3.50 05-02-04 8149 3.78 3.70 308 301 52 297 01-02-07 9152 3.46 3.67 316 336 102 305 52 08-02-05 Radney RI09046913 by Carousel Amos (CAU) 8284 Amos 3.66Deborah 3.68GP 82 303 305 (964) 73 295 02-03-08 8009 3.31 3.62 265 290 76 283 63 29-01-06 9045 3.50 3.70 316 335 78 305 4 Milk BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 292 Days Lact Calving 13-02-09Date 7727Kgs 4.31 3.85 333 297 183 7 01-02-07 9152 3.46 3.67 316 336 102 305 5254 3.87 3.56 203 187 174 262 07-02-98 01-03-10 7734 3.88 3.80 300 294 183 275 851 02-03-08 8009 3.31 3.62 265 290 76 283 6 8607 3.53 3.43 304 295 44 305 2 20-01-99 15-03-11 7123 3.87 3.88 276 276 284 261 9 13-02-09 7727 4.31 3.85 333 297 183 292 7 8220 3.52 3.54 289 291 52 305 3 04-01-00 03-03-12 7519 4.59 Breeding 3.84 Federation 345 ICBF 289 280 on 282 Based Mar 201910Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 01-03-10 7734 3.88 3.80 300 294 183 275 84 8958 3.63 3.42 325 307 37 299 18-01-01 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 15-03-11 7123 3.87 3.88 276 276 284 261 9 8259 3.64 3.55 301 294 26 285 5 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct08-02-02 or indirect), damages, costs or expenses 4.59 whatsoever, incurred or arising345 from any use of or reliance on this the information 10 contained in it03-03-12 by any person. 7519 3.84 289 280 7439 3.52 3.67 262 273 60Report or 282 269 6 28-02-03


5th Dam Radney King Deborah 0108627813 (9408) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs Copyright, Irish Cattle 4137 3.59Breeding 3.47Federation 148 ICBF 144

by Ballymartin King 6 (0100553334) SCC Days Lact Calving Date Based 131 on Mar 263 20191Evaluation 20-01-96

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person.

6th Dam


Overall Indexes



















Milk Kg 187

Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Look at the Depth of this Solids -Odetta’s FULL PEDIGREE HO (88%),FR (13%) Female 9.31 9.87 0.03 0.06

Milk Traits

LOT 7 CI Survival Radney Odetta 1769 EBI €184 LOT 43 Ronaldo -3.7(days) 2.4(%) LOT 7 Overall Indexes Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk Type Traits Feet/Legs Udder Radney Ronaldo Odetta 1769 EBI €184 €184 30% €61 -0.79 -0.43 -0.78

Fertility Traits

Overall Indexes Milk Traits

EBI Milk Kg

EBI Rel Fat Kg

Milk Prot Kg

- FULL PEDIGREE 09-Jan-2019

Fert €76

Calv Beef 09-Jan-2019 €39 -€4

Fert Fat %

Calv Prot %

30% €61 €76 €39 187 9.31 9.87 Charleville 0.03 Co Cork 0.06 Henry €184 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount,

HO (88%),FR (13%) (1769) Female 372216166391769 Maint



372216166391769 (1769) €0 €3 €9









Breeder Milk Traits Milk Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Kg Survival Sire 187 9.31 9.87 0.03 0.06Cuddy Reeks (GZY) -3.7(days) 2.4(%) (Ig) Olcastletown Ronaldo (FR2298) €293 by Gaddagh Fertility Traits CI Survival Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Dam -3.7(days) 2.4(%) -0.79 -0.43 -0.78 Radney Wuh Odetta 4 EX 91 5E IE151289150907 by Markwell Durham Rhyme-Et (WUH) Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder (907)Traits €70 -0.43 -0.78 Charleville Co Cork Breeder Henry -0.79 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Sire 6965 3.83 3.47 267 242 72 290 1 15-01-13 (Ig) Olcastletown €293 by Gaddagh Reeks (GZY) Breeder HenryRonaldo O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Co2Cork Cuddy 8031 3.74 3.51 (FR2298) 300 281 84 Charleville 305 03-01-14 Sire 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 305 3 08-02-15 Dam 9019 3.44 Ronaldo 3.58 (FR2298) 310 323 50 305 4 27-01-16 (Ig) Olcastletown €293 by Gaddagh Cuddy Reeks (GZY) Radney Wuh Odetta 4 EX 91 5E IE151289150907 by Markwell Durham Rhyme-Et (WUH) 8857 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 305 5 10-01-17 Dam (907) €70 10776 3.69 3.37 397 363 31 305 6 07-01-18 Radney Wuh OdettaPR% 4 EX 91 5E IE151289150907 by Markwell Durham Rhyme-Et (WUH) 9727 3.89 3.40 379 331 28 305 7 09-01-19 (proj) Milk Kgs BF% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date (907) €70 3.83 6965 3.47 267 242 72 290 1 15-01-13 G Dam 8031 3.74 3.51 300 281 84 305 2 03-01-14 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 305 3 08-02-15 Radney Dut Odetta EX 91 4E IE151289160775 (775) by Desmunt (DUT) 6965 3.83 3.47 267 242 72 290 1 15-01-13 9019 3.44 3.58 310 323 50 305 4 27-01-16 Milk Kgs 3.74 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8031 3.51 BfKgs 300 281 84 305 2 03-01-14 8857 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 305 5 10-01-17 6958 5.32 3.60 370 251 43 305 10-01-11 9740 3.59 3.57 350 347 83 305 31 08-02-15 10776 4.45 3.69 3.37 397 363 31 305 07-01-18 8518 3.74 379 318 40 305 19-01-12 9019 3.44 3.58 310 323 50 305 462 27-01-16 9727 3.89 3.40 379 331 28 305 7 09-01-19 10409 4.70 3.80 489 396 55 305 3 08-01-13 (proj) 8857 3.44 3.62 304 320 188 305 5 10-01-17 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 4 25-01-14 10776 3.69 3.37 397 363 31 305 6 07-01-18 G Dam 10917 3.89 3.81 425 416 60 305 5 27-03-15 (proj) 9727 3.89 3.40 379 331 28 305 7 09-01-19 Radney Odetta EX IE151289160775 (775) 305 by Desmunt (DUT) 11237 Dut4.17 3.7191 4E469 417 50 6 15-09-16 GMilk Dam 10109 4.49 3.76 454 380 50 305 7 19-12-17 Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 305 8 05-01-19 6958 5.32 3.60 370 251 43 1 10-01-11 (proj) Radney Dut Odetta EX 91 4E IE151289160775 (775) by Desmunt (DUT) 8518 4.45 3.74 379 318 40 305 2 19-01-12 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 3rd Dam 10409 4.70 3.80 489 396 55 305 3 08-01-13 6958 5.32 3.60 370 251 43 305 1 10-01-11 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 4 25-01-14 Radney Qur Odetta EX 93 8E IE151289150592 (592) by Qg Europe ET (QUR) 8518 4.45 3.74 379 318 40 305 2 19-01-12 10917 3.89 3.81 425 416 60 305 5 27-03-15 Milk Kgs 4.70 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 10409 3.80 BfKgs 489 396 55 305 3 08-01-13 11237 4.17 3.71 469 417 50 305 6 15-09-16 07-02-08 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 1 9610 4.21 3.81 404 366 38 305 4 25-01-14 10109 3.89 4.49 3.76 454 380 50 305 19-12-17 19-01-09 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 305 257 10917 3.81 425 416 60 305 27-03-15 10105 3.83 3.69 387 373 246 305 8 05-01-19 (proj) 24-01-10 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 305 3 11237 4.17 3.71 469 417 50 305 6 15-09-16 24-01-11 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 305 47 4th10616 Dam 4.49 3.76 454 380 50 305 19-12-17 3rd10109 Dam 14-02-12 10011 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 5 10105 Mars 3.83 373 246 8 Mars 05-01-19 (proj) Radney Odetta3.69 2 GP 82387 IE151289120350 (350) 305 by Galtee Usnes (MAU) Radney Odetta 3.75 EX 93 8E449 IE151289150592 (592) 305 by Qg6Europe19-01-13 ET (QUR) 11577 Qur3.88 434 53 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 3rd Dam 28-02-14 9256 3.87 BfKgs 372 358 64 274 7 Milk Kgs 4.02 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6235 4.55 3.64 284 227 72 305 1 12-01-04 06-02-15 10954 3.88 425 116 6528 Qur4.51 4.22 3.9093 8E494 275 255 57 282 Radney Odetta EX IE151289150592 (592) 305 by Qg812Europe07-02-08 ET (QUR) 6427 4.29 3.72 276 239 118 273 02-03-05 19-08-16 10036 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 305 92 19-01-09 8341 4.47 3.81 373 318 48 Milk Kgs 3.99 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6774 3.77 BfKgs 270 255 498 282 3 11-02-06 10-01-18 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 10 24-01-10 9711 4.25 3.84 413 373 33 07-02-08 6528 4.22 3.90 275 255 57 282 13 24-01-11 10616 4.03 3.94 428 419 46 305 5th8341 Dam 4.47 19-01-09 3.81 373 318 48 305 24 14-02-12 10011 4.25 4.40 3.77 441 377 48 289 24-01-10 9711 3.84 413 373 33 35Evaluation Based on 305 Mar 2019 Radney Seal Odetta EX 90 3E 0107796265 (R006) by Barold Rock Seal (BRL) Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 19-01-13 11577 4.03 3.88 3.75 449 434 53 305 24-01-11 10616 3.94 428 419 46 305 46 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is Milk Kgs 4.02 BF% PR% BfKgs SCC Lact Calving Date 28-02-14 9256 3.87 completeness 372 of thisPrKgs 358 ICBF shall48 64not be liableDays 274 7(whether direct made or given by ICBF as to 4.40 the accuracy, reliability, Report. for any losses 5 or indirect), 14-02-12 10011 3.77 441 377 289 7524 4.69 3.71or arising494 353 279 108 287 4contained in it06-02-15 31-01-94 damages, costs or expenses 4.51 whatsoever, incurred from any use of or reliance on 116 this Report or 305 the information 8 by any person. 10954 3.88 425 19-01-13 11577 3.88 3.75 449 434 53 305 6 7778 4.12 3.55 320 276 83 303 5 15-01-95 19-08-16 10036 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 305 9 28-02-14 9256 4.02 3.87 372 358 64 274 7 6630 4.16 3.63 276 241 73 295 6 16-02-96 10-01-18 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 305 06-02-15 10954 4.51 3.88 494 425 116 305 810 5930 4.28 3.70 254 219 87 259 7 05-02-97 19-08-16 10036 4.05 3.83 407 384 58 305 9 7290 4.36 3.65 318 266 147 292 8 02-02-98 10-01-18 9540 4.23 3.64 404 347 293 on305 10Evaluation Based Mar 2019 Copyright, Irish Cattle 7344 3.91 Breeding 3.84 Federation 287 ICBF 282 324 289 9 23-02-99 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis it. No representation or implied is 6785 3.78 3.85 256of information 262provided to 229 286 or warranty 10expressed20-01-00 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),



Overall Indexes Milk Traits

LOT 5 Traits Fertility



















Milk Kg 27

Fat Kg 12.19

Prot Kg 4.99

Fat %

Prot %



- FULL 3.97%0.19Protein 0.08 PEDIGREE

Radney Ostrich 1784 EBI €160 2.6(%) LOT 44 Fintan -2.9(days) LOT 5 Type Traits Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk Radney Fintan 0.46 Ostrich 1784 0.59 EBI €160 0.20 €160 31% €52

- FULL PEDIGREE 20-Jan-2019




20-Jan-2019-€9 €36


Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Breeder Henry 27 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville 12.19 4.99 0.19 Co Cork 0.08 €160 31% €52 €69 €36 -€9 Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Survival Mylawn Fintan (FR2420) €170 by Delta Trading (ZTG) 27 4.99 0.19 0.08 -2.9(days) 12.19 2.6(%)

HO (88%),FR (13%) Female

372216166381784 HO (88%),FR (13%) (1784) Female Maint



372216166381784 (1784) €0 €4 €9 Maint






Dam Traits Type Fertility Traits

Overall Feet/Legs Udder CI Survival 0.46 0.59 0.20 -2.9(days) 2.6(%) Radney Yry Ostrich GP 83 IE151289181313 (1313) by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) €154 Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder 0.59 0.20 Breeder Henry 0.46 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Milk Kgs








Calving Date

Milk Kgs








Calving Date

Milk Kgs








Calving Date

Days Days

Lact Lact

Calving Date Date Calving


Calving Date

Sire 7273 4.60 3.83 335 279 44 301 1 03-02-17 Mylawn Fintan (FR2420) €170 by Delta Trading (ZTG) 7814 4.65 3.97 363 311 27 305 2 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 24-01-18 Sire Dam G Dam Mylawn Fintan (FR2420) €170 by Delta Trading (ZTG) Radney Ostrich GP GP 84 83 IE151289161006 IE151289181313 (1006) (1313) by Levi 5Lance (YRY) Radney Yry Llk Ostrich by Radney (Ig) Lauragh (LLK) Dam €154 6849 3.61 279 247 138 Radney OstrichPR% GP 83 IE151289181313 (1313) Milk KgsYry4.07 BF% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 8547 4.06 3.76 347 322 48 €154 7273 4.60 3.83 335 279 44 8199 4.05 3.70 332 303 50 7814 4.65 3.97 363 311 27 7273 3.83 335 279 44 3rd Dam 4.60 G Dam 7814 4.65 3.97 363 311 27 Radney VG IE151289110804 (804) Radney Lsr Llk Ostrich Ostrich 2GP 8486 IE151289161006 (1006) GMilk Dam Milk Kgs BF% BF% PR% BfKgs BfKgs PrKgs SCC Kgs PR% PrKgs SCC 7229 4.01 3.50 290 253 40 6849 4.07 3.61 279 247 138 Radney Llk Ostrich GP 84 IE151289161006 (1006) 8537 3.97 3.55 339 303 35 8547 4.06 3.76 347 322 48 Milk Kgs 3.58 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 9500 3.57 BfKgs 340 339 38 8199 4.05 3.70 332 303 50 6849 4.07 3.61 279 247 138 8415 3.82 3.48 321 293 50 3.76 347 322 48 3rd8547 Dam 4.06 9301 3.92 3.60 365 334 55 8199 4.05 3.70 332 303 50 9045 3.89 3.53 352 320 43 Radney Lsr Ostrich 2 VG 86 IE151289110804 (804) 10032 3.76 3.45 377 346 44 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 6810 3.87 3.23 263 220 484 7229 Lsr4.01 253 40 Radney Ostrich 23.50 VG 86 290 IE151289110804 (804) 8537 3.97 3.55 339 303 35 4th Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC 9500 3.58 3.57 340 339 38 7229 Elc4.01 3.5085 IE151289160511 290 253 (511) 40 Radney Ostrich VG 8415 3.82 3.48 321 293 50 8537 3.97 3.55 339 303 35 Milk Kgs 3.92 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC 9301 3.60 BfKgs 365 334 55 9500 3.58 3.57 340 339 38 7329 3.91 3.33 286 244 78 9045 3.89 3.53 352 320 43 8415 3.82 3.48 321 293 50 8091 3.78 3.66 306 296 27 10032 3.76 3.45 377 346 44 9301 3.92 3.60 365 334 55 8590 3.45 3.56 297 305 47 6810 3.87 3.23 263 220 484 9045 3.89 3.53 352 320 43 9217 4.02 3.43 370 316 158 3.76 3.45 377 346 44 4th10032 Dam 7259 2.77 3.15 201 229 84 6810 3.87 3.23 263 220 484 6166 2.95 3.11 182 192 106 Radney Elc Ostrich VG 85 IE151289160511 (511) 5th Dam 4th Dam Milk Kgs






295 1 10-01-14 by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) Days Lact Calving Date 305 2 17-01-15 301 1 03-02-17 305 23-01-16 305 23 24-01-18 301 1 03-02-17 305 2 24-01-18 by Soldier (LSR) by Lavenham (Ig) Lauragh LanceET (LLK)

294 295 by 305 305 Days 305 305 295 277 305 305 305 305 by 305 Days 202 294 by 305 Days 305 294 by 277 305 Days 305 305 305 305 277 296 305 305 296 202 305 305 305 233 202 203 by Days

25-01-11 1 10-01-14 (Ig)1Lauragh Lance (LLK) 15-01-12 22 17-01-15 Lact Calving Date 12-01-13 33 23-01-16 1 10-01-14 11-02-14 4 17-01-15 30-01-15 52 3 23-01-16 08-02-16 6 Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 16-01-17 7 Lact Calving Date 15-03-18 8 25-01-11 1 Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 15-01-12 2 Lact Calving Date 12-01-13 3 25-01-11 1 Eastland Cash (ELC) 11-02-14 4 15-01-12 2 Lact Calving Date 30-01-15 5 12-01-13 136 29-01-07 08-02-16 11-02-14 42 18-02-08 16-01-17 7 30-01-15 53 09-02-09 15-03-18 8 08-02-16 64 06-12-10 16-01-17 75 14-03-12 15-03-18 87 12-05-14 Eastland Cash (ELC)

Radney Bwv OstrichVG 3 G8575IE151289160511 IE151289190415 (415) by Eastland Barrowvale Torello 7329 Elc 3.91 3.33 286 244 (511) 78 305 1 29-01-07 Radney Ostrich by Cash (ELC)20 (BWV) 8091 3.78 3.66 306 296 27 296 2 18-02-08 Milk Kgs Kgs BF% BF% PR% BfKgs BfKgs PrKgs PrKgs SCC Days Days Lact Lact Calving Date Date Milk PR% SCC Calving Based on 296 Mar 201931Evaluation 8590 3.45 3.56 297 305 47 09-02-09 Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 6686 3.77 3.59 252 240 70 305 26-01-05 7329 3.91 3.33 286 244 78 305 1 29-01-07 9217 4.02 3.43 370 316 158 305 42 expressed06-12-10 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis it. or implied is 6831 3.82 3.66 261of information 250provided to 27 56No representation 287 or warranty 20-02-06 8091 3.66 306 296 18-02-08 made or given by ICBF as to 3.78 the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable296 for any losses 2 (whether direct or indirect), 7259 2.77 3.15 201 229 84 233 5contained 14-03-12 9256 3.75 incurred 3.57or arising297 348 330 75Report or 296 305 3 17-01-07 damages, costs or expenses 3.45 whatsoever, from any use of or reliance on 47 this the information 3 in it09-02-09 by any person. 8590 3.56 305 6166 2.95 3.11 182 192 106 203 7 12-05-14 7235 3.89 3.33 282 241 84 305 09-09-08 9217 4.02 3.43 370 316 158 305 44 06-12-10 5465 4.51 3.47 246 189 123 257 5 02-05-10 7259 2.77 3.15 201 229 84 233 5 14-03-12 6th6166 Dam









Radney 85 0108626013 by 2019 Maunsell Image ET (MLA) Based on Mar Evaluation Copyright, IrishImage CattleOstrich BreedingVG Federation ICBF (9405) Milk Kgs PR% PrKgs SCC Daysor warranty Lactexpressed Calving This report has been preparedBF% by ICBF in good faith on theBfKgs basis of information provided to it. No representation or implied isDate 6623










made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),


Overall Indexes Milk Traits



















Milk Kg 52

Fat Kg 9.94

Prot Kg

Fat %

Prot %

PEDIGREE 3.79% 6.77 Protein0.13 & €206- FULL of an EBI 0.09

HO (69%),FR (31%) Female

06-Jan-2019 - FULL PEDIGREE

372216166361758 HO (69%),FR (31%) (1758) Female

LOT 11 Fertility Traits CI Survival Radney Ostrich 1758 EBI €206 2.9(%) LOT 45 Ronaldo-5.4(days) LOT 11 Overall Indexes Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk Type Traits Feet/Legs Udder Radney Ronaldo Ostrich 1758 EBI €206 €206 32% €56 -1.40 -0.69 -1.44

Fert €105



06-Jan-2019-€8 €33




372216166361758 (1758) €4 €6 €10

Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint 52 9.94 6.77 0.13 0.09 €206 32% €56 €105 €33 -€8 €4 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Fertility Traits CI Survival Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % -5.4(days)(FR2298) 2.9(%) €293 6.77 (Ig) Olcastletown Ronaldo by Gaddagh 52 9.94 0.13 0.09Cuddy Reeks (GZY)





Overall Feet/Legs Udder CI Survival -1.40 -0.69 -1.44 -5.4(days) 2.9(%) Radney Yry Ostrich 2 VG 85 IE151289161352 (1352) by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder €110 Traits Breeder Henry -1.40 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, -0.69 -1.44 Charleville Co Cork Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Sire 6668 4.50 3.61 300 241 43 281 1 12-02-17 (Ig) Olcastletown €293 by Gaddagh Reeks (GZY) Breeder HenryRonaldo O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Co2Cork Cuddy 9072 4.33 3.79 (FR2298) 392 344 39 Charleville 305 01-01-18

Type Dam Traits Fertility Traits

9357 4.09 3.64 383 341 43 305 3 06-01-19 (proj) Dam Sire (Ig) Olcastletown Ronaldo (FR2298) €293 by Gaddagh Cuddy Reeks (GZY) Radney G Dam Yry Ostrich 2 VG 85 IE151289161352 (1352) by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) €110 Dam Radney Lsr Ostrich 2 VG 86 IE151289110804 (804) by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) Radney OstrichPR% 2 VG 85 IE151289161352 (1352) Days by Radney 5 (YRY) Milk KgsYryBF% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Lact Levi Calving Date €110 6668 4.50 3.61 300 241 43 281 1 12-02-17 7229 4.01 3.50 290 253 40 294 25-01-11 9072 4.33 3.79 392 344 39 305 2 01-01-18 8537 3.97 3.55 339 303 35 15-01-12 Milk Kgs 4.09 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9357 3.64 383 341 43 305 3 06-01-19 9500 3.58 3.57 340 339 38 12-01-13 (proj) 6668 4.50 3.61 300 241 43 281 1 12-02-17 8415 3.82 3.48 321 293 50 277 4 11-02-14 9072 4.33 3.79 392 344 39 305 2 01-01-18 G Dam 9301 3.92 3.60 365 334 55 305 5 30-01-15 9357 4.09 3.64 383 341 43 305 3 06-01-19 (proj) 9045 Lsr3.89 320 43 305 6 08-02-16 Radney Ostrich 23.53 VG 86 352 IE151289110804 (804) by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 10032 3.76 3.45 377 346 44 305 7 16-01-17 GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 6810 3.87 3.23 263 220 484 202 81 15-03-18 7229 4.01 3.50 290 253 40 294 25-01-11 Radney Lsr Ostrich 2 VG 86 IE151289110804 (804) by Lavenham Soldier ET (LSR) 8537 3.97 3.55 339 303 35 305 2 15-01-12 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9500 3.58 3.57 340 339 38 305 3 12-01-13 7229 4.01 3.50 290 253 40 294 1 25-01-11 Radney Ostrich VG by Eastland Cash (ELC) 8415 Elc3.82 3.4885 IE151289160511 321 293 (511) 50 277 4 11-02-14 8537 3.97 3.55 339 303 35 305 2 15-01-12 9301 3.92 3.60 365 334 55 305 5 30-01-15 Milk Kgs 3.58 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9500 3.57 BfKgs 340 339 38 305 3 12-01-13 9045 3.89 3.53 352 320 43 305 08-02-16 29-01-07 7329 3.91 3.33 286 244 78 16 8415 3.82 3.48 321 293 50 277 4 11-02-14 10032 3.76 3.45 377 346 44 305 16-01-17 18-02-08 8091 3.78 3.66 306 296 27 296 27 9301 3.92 3.60 365 334 55 305 5 30-01-15 6810 3.87 3.23 263 220 484 202 15-03-18 09-02-09 8590 3.45 3.56 297 305 47 296 38 9045 3.89 3.53 352 320 43 305 6 08-02-16 06-12-10 9217 4.02 3.43 370 316 158 305 4 3.45 377 346 44 305 7 16-01-17 3rd10032 Dam 3.76 14-03-12 7259 2.77 3.15 201 229 84 233 5 6810 3.87 3.23 263 220 484 202 8 15-03-18 12-05-14 6166 Elc2.95 3.1185 IE151289160511 182 192 (511) 106 203 7 Radney Ostrich VG by Eastland Cash (ELC) 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 4th Dam 29-01-07 7329 3.91 3.33 286 244 78 305 1 Radney Elc Ostrich VG 85 IE151289160511 (511) by Eastland Cash (ELC) 18-02-08 Radney Ostrich3.66 3 G 75 IE151289190415 (415) by Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV) 8091 Bwv 3.78 306 296 27 296 2 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 09-02-09 8590 3.45 3.56 297 305 47 296 3 Milk Kgs 3.91 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 29-01-07 7329 3.33 BfKgs 286 244 78 305 1 06-12-10 9217 4.02 3.43 370 316 158 305 41 6686 3.77 3.59 252 240 70 26-01-05 18-02-08 8091 3.78 3.66 306 296 27 296 2 14-03-12 7259 2.77 3.15 201 229 84 233 52 6831 3.82 3.66 261 250 56 287 20-02-06 09-02-09 8590 3.45 3.56 297 305 47 296 3 12-05-14 6166 2.95 3.11 182 192 106 203 7 9256 3.75 3.57 348 330 75 305 3 17-01-07 06-12-10 9217 4.02 3.43 370 316 158 305 4 7235 3.89 3.33 282 241 84 305 4 09-09-08 14-03-12 3.15 201 229 84 233 5 4th7259 Dam 2.77 5465 4.51 3.47 246 189 123 257 5 02-05-10 12-05-14 6166 2.95 3.11 182 192 106 203 7 Radney Bwv Ostrich 3 G 75 IE151289190415 (415) by Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV) Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation 5th Dam Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 4th Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is Radney Ostrich 85 bylosses Maunsell Image made or given by ICBF asImage to 3.77 the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. shall for any or indirect),ET (MLA) 6686 3.59VG 2520108626013 240 ICBF(9405) 70not be liable305 1(whether direct26-01-05 Radney Bwvwhatsoever, Ostrich 3 Gor arising 75 IE151289190415 (415) Barrowvale damages, costs or expenses incurred from any use of or reliance on this Report or theby information contained in it byTorello any person. 20 (BWV) 6831 2 20-02-06 Milk Kgs 3.82 BF% 3.66 PR% 261 BfKgs 250 PrKgs 56SCC 287 Days Lact Calving Date Milk Kgs 3.75 BF% SCC Days Calving Date 9256 3.57 348 330 7535 305 32 17-01-07 6623 3.85 PR% 3.22 BfKgs 255 PrKgs 213 305 Lact 22-01-97 6686 3.77 3.59 252 240 70 305 1 26-01-05 7235 3.89 3.33 8451 305 43 09-09-08 6974 3.61 3.46 282 252 241 241 290 04-02-98 6831 3.82 3.66 261 250 56 287 2 20-02-06 5465 4.51 3.47 123 257 54 02-05-10 8689 3.52 3.45 246 306 189 300 97 305 01-02-99 9256 3.75 3.57 348 330 75 305 3 17-01-07 7331 3.43 3.47 251 255 53 266 5 02-03-00 Based Mar 20194 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 7235 3.89 Breeding 3.33 Federation 282 ICBF 241 84 on 305 09-09-08 8276 3.64 3.33 301 276 32 284 6 02-02-01 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis it. No representation or implied is 5465 4.51 3.47 246of information 189provided to 123 257 or warranty 5 expressed02-05-10 3.44completeness 307of this Report. 285ICBF shall not 224 289 7 direct 04-02-02 made or given8289 by ICBF as to the3.71 accuracy, reliability, be liable for any losses (whether or indirect),



Overall Indexes Milk Traits



















Milk Kg 131

Fat Kg 9.99

Prot Kg 9.98

Fat %

Prot %

- FULL 3.78% 0.08Protein 0.10 PEDIGREE

HO (75%),FR (25%) Female

10-Jan-2019 - FULL PEDIGREE

372216166321770 HO (75%),FR (25%) (1770) Female

LOT 6 Fertility Traits CI Survival Radney Art Gerrard EBI €196 -4.2(days) 2.5(%) LOT 46 LOTTraits 6Indexes Overall Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk Type Feet/Legs Udder Radney Art Gerrard €196 €196 EBI30% €68 -0.79 -1.17 -0.53




10-Jan-2019-€8 €43





372216166321770 (1770) €2 €6 €0

Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot Overall Indexes EBI EBI Rel Milk Fert Calv % Beef Maint 9.99 9.98 0.08 Co Cork 0.10 Breeder Henry 131 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville €196 30% €68 €84 €43 -€8 €2 Sire Fertility Traits CI Survival Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Coolnasoon Art (FR2249) €273 by Aghawadda -4.2(days) 9.99 2.5(%) 131 9.98 0.08 0.10 Arthur (AGH)





Dam Traits Type Fertility Traits

Overall Feet/Legs Udder CI Survival -0.79 -1.17 -0.53(929) -4.2(days) 2.5(%) Radney Deu Gerrard VG 89 IE151289120929

by Doneen Marleen Hugo (DEU) €118 Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Breeder Henry -0.79 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, -1.17 -0.53 Charleville Co Cork Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Sire 6448 3.89 3.78 251 244 182 278 1 27-01-13 Coolnasoon Art (FR2249) €273 by Aghawadda Arthur (AGH) 8239 3.85 3.60 317 296 82 Charleville 305 Co2Cork 08-01-14 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, 9522 3.97 3.60 378 343 65 295 3 01-02-15 Dam Sire 9284 3.63 3.66 337 340 46 305 4 16-01-16 Coolnasoon Art (FR2249) €273 by Aghawadda Arthur (AGH) Radney Gerrard VG 89 IE151289120929 (929) by Doneen Marleen Hugo (DEU) 10475Deu3.71 3.53 388 370 38 299 5 25-01-17 €118 Dam 9692 3.95 3.61 383 350 355 305 6 02-01-18 9213 3.79 3.69 349 340 181 305 7 10-01-19 (proj) Radney GerrardPR% VG 89BfKgs IE151289120929 (929) by Doneen Milk KgsDeuBF% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Marleen Calving Hugo Date (DEU)

6448 3.89 3.78 251 244 182 278 1 27-01-13 €118 G Dam 8239 3.85 3.60 317 296 82 305 2 08-01-14 Milk KgsQur3.97 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Radney Gerrard VG 87BfKgs IE151289120664 (664) by Qg ET (QUR) 9522 3.60 378 343 65 295 3Europe 01-02-15 6448 3.89 3.78 251 244 182 278 1 27-01-13 9284 3.66 BfKgs 337 340 46 305 4 16-01-16 Milk Kgs 3.63 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8239 3.85 3.60 317 296 82 305 21 08-01-14 6804 3.76 3.33 256 227 62 295 29-01-09 10475 3.71 3.53 388 370 38 299 5 25-01-17 9522 3.97 3.60 378 343 65 295 32 01-02-15 8185 3.57 3.31 292 271 76 290 14-02-10 9692 3.95 3.61 383 350 355 305 6 02-01-18 9284 3.63 3.66 337 340 46 305 43 16-01-16 8986 3.36 3.54 302 318 69 23-01-11 (proj) 9213 3.79 3.69 349 340 181 305 7 10-01-19 10475 3.71 3.53 388 370 38 299 5 25-01-17 9692 3.61 383 350 355 305 6 02-01-18 3rd Dam 3.95 G Dam 9213 3.79 3.69 349 340 181 305 7 10-01-19 (proj) Radney Mars GerrardVG VG87 88IE151289120664 IE151289140443(664) (443) by Galtee MarsET Usnes (MAU) Qur Gerrard Qg Europe (QUR) GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 08-01-06 6561 4.02 3.72 264 244 73 305 1 6804 3.76 3.33 256 227 62 295 29-01-09 Radney Qur Gerrard VG 87 IE151289120664 (664) by Qg Europe ET (QUR) 12-02-07 7592 4.25 3.77 323 286 97 294 2 8185 3.57 3.31 292 271 76 290 14-02-10 Milk Kgs 3.36 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 14-01-08 7704 4.41 3.85 BfKgs 340 296 62 305 3 8986 3.54 302 318 69 23-01-11 6804 3.76 3.33 256 227 62 295 1 29-01-09 20-01-09 7472 4.59 3.94 343 294 339 305 4 3.57 3.31 292 271 76 290 2 14-02-10 3rd8185 Dam 09-02-10 8242 4.51 3.77 371 311 125 295 5 8986 3.36 3.54 302 318 69 305 23-01-11 01-02-11 8422 Mars 4.16 3.94 332 130 63 Mars Radney Gerrard VG 88350 IE151289140443 (443) 303 by Galtee Usnes (MAU) 21-01-12 8449 4.10 3.84 347 324 57 305 7 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 11-01-13 9682 4.12 3.89 399 377 84 305 81 08-01-06 6561 4.02 3.72 264 244 73 305 Radney Mars Gerrard VG 88198 IE151289140443 (443) 199 by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) 02-05-14 5399 3.67 3.65 197 583 9 12-02-07 7592 4.25 3.77 323 286 97 294 2 Milk Kgs 4.41 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 4th Dam 14-01-08 7704 3.85 BfKgs 340 296 62 305 3 08-01-06 6561 4.02 3.72 264 244 73 305 1 20-01-09 7472 4.59 3.94 343 294 339 305 4 Ardrahan Gerarda3.77 62 VG 323 88 RI09296446 (142) Triemp Boy (RI00573552) 12-02-07 7592 4.25 286 97 294 by 2Ardrahan 09-02-10 8242 4.51 3.77 371 311 125 295 5 14-01-08 7704 305 3 Milk Kgs 4.41 BF% 3.85 PR% 340 BfKgs 296 PrKgs 62 Calving Date 8422 4.16 3.94 350 332 130SCC 303Days 6 Lact 01-02-11 7472 4.59 3.94 343 294221 33943 305305 4 1 20-01-09 6431 3.90 3.44 251 01-01-00 21-01-12 8449 4.10 3.84 347 324 57 305 7 09-02-10 8242 4.51 3.77 371 311 125 295 5 6619 4.12 4.08 3.89 3.53 399 270 377234 84 26 305305 8 2 11-01-13 22-04-01 9682 8422 4.16 3.94 350 332209 13044 303245 6 3 01-02-11 5964 3.94 3.51 235 20-03-02 02-05-14 5399 3.67 3.65 198 197 583 199 9 8449 7770 4.10 4.01 3.84 3.46 347 312 324269 57 54 305302 7 4 21-01-12 26-01-03 Mar305 20198 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation 9682 4.12 3.89 399 377252 Based 84 68 on 305 7088 3.73 3.55 264 ICBF 5 11-01-13 10-01-04 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to 583 it. No representation or warranty expressed02-05-14 or implied is 5399 3.67 3.65 198 197 199 9 6735 3.16 3.51 213 237 89 283 6 14-01-05 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), damages, costs7772 or expenses whatsoever, or arising from any use of or 276 reliance on this Report person. 3.23 incurred3.55 251 347 or the information 298 contained 7 in it by any26-01-06 4745 3.74 3.49 177 166 115 163 8 15-05-07


5th Dam Ardrahan Gerarda 58 0108759176

by Goldenfield Cascade 8 (0100545870)

Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),











Overall Indexes Milk Traits

LOT 4 Traits Fertility



















Milk Kg 299

Fat Kg 16.33

Prot Kg 14.38

Fat %

Prot %



- FULL 3.91%0.09 Protein 0.08 PEDIGREE

Radney Gerrard 2.6(%) 1786 EBI €184 LOT 47 Perseus-1(days) LOT 4 Type Traits Feet/Legs Udder Overall Indexes Overall EBI EBI Rel Milk Radney Perseus1.83 Gerrard 25% 1786 EBI €92 €184 1.12 1.72 €184

- FULL PEDIGREE 21-Jan-2019

Fert €45



21-Jan-2019-€4 €49

HO (91%),FR (9%) Female

372216166311786 (1786) HO (91%),FR (9%) Female Maint



372216166311786 (1786) -€11 €4 €9

Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Mgmt Breeder Henry 299 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville 16.33 14.38 0.09 Co Cork 0.08 €184 25% €92 €45 €49 -€4 -€11 €4 Sire Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Fertility Traits CI Survival Westcoast Perseus299 (FR4187) €221 by Sandy-Valley-I Penmanship (FR2262) 16.33 14.38 0.09 0.08 -1(days) 2.6(%)

Health €9

Dam Traits Type Fertility Traits

Overall Feet/Legs Udder CI Survival 1.83 1.12 1.72 -1(days) Radney Lwr Gerrard 1355 GP2.6(%) 83 372216166311539

by (Ig) Longview Reliable (LWR) (1539)Traits €144 Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder 1.12 1.72 Breeder Henry 1.83 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Sire 7721 4.07 3.56 314 275 128 305 1 21-01-19 (proj) Westcoast Perseus (FR4187) €221 by Sandy-Valley-I Penmanship (FR2262) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork G Dam Sire Dam Radney Yry Gerrard 2 VG 85€221 IE151289191355 (1355) by by Sandy-Valley-I Radney Levi 5 (YRY) Westcoast Perseus (FR4187) Penmanship (FR2262) Radney Lwr Gerrard 1355 GP 83 372216166311539 by (Ig) Longview Reliable (LWR) Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date Dam €144 (1539) 6569 4.71 3.81 309 251 43 305 1 10-01-17 7941 4.80 3.91 382 311 41 305 2 29-01-18 Radney Lwr Gerrard 1355 GP 83 372216166311539 by (Ig) Longview Reliable Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date (LWR) 8504 4.46 3.84 379 327 86 305 3 05-04-19 (1539) 7721€1444.07 3.56 314 275 128 1 21-01-19 (proj) 3rd Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date GMilk Dam 7721 4.07 3.56 314 275 128 305 1 21-01-19 (proj) Radney Ruu Gerrard 22 VG EX 85 92 IE151289191355 3E IE151289180686 Ruud 22Levi (RUU) Yry Gerrard (1355) by Radney 5 (YRY) GMilk Dam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 21-01-10 7079 4.24 3.45 300 244 211 301 1 6569 Yry4.71 251 43 10-01-17 Radney Gerrard3.81 2 VG 85309 IE151289191355 (1355) 305 by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) 14-01-11 8214 4.17 3.59 343 295 108 305 2 7941 4.80 3.91 382 311 41 29-01-18 Milk Kgs 4.32 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 18-01-12 8741 3.54 BfKgs 377 310 48 305 3 8504 4.46 3.84 379 327 86 05-04-19 (proj) 6569 4.71 3.81 309 251 43 305 1 10-01-17 17-01-13 9750 4.00 3.60 390 351 48 305 4 3.91 382 311 41 305 29-01-18 3rd7941 Dam 4.80 25-01-14 8817 4.19 3.61 370 318 56 294 52 8504 4.46 3.84 379 327 86 305 3 05-04-19 (proj) 03-02-15 9643 Ruu4.24 343 139 288 6 22 (RUU) Radney Gerrard3.56 2 EX 92409 3E IE151289180686 by Ruud 14-01-16 9166 3.82 3.59 350 329 66 305 7 3rd Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 21-03-17 9416 4.13 3.72 389 350 635 305 8 21-01-10 7079 Ruu4.24 244 211 301 1 22 (RUU) Radney Gerrard3.45 2 EX 92300 3E IE151289180686 by Ruud 14-01-11 8214 4.17 3.59 343 295 108 305 2 4th Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 18-01-12 8741 4.32 3.54 377 310 48 305 3 21-01-10 7079 4.24 3.45 300 244 211 301 1 Radney Gerrard VG 88390 IE151289140443 (443) 305 by Galtee Usnes (MAU) 17-01-13 9750 Mars 4.00 3.60 351 48 4 Mars 14-01-11 8214 4.17 3.59 343 295 108 305 2 25-01-14 Milk Kgs 4.19 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8817 3.61 BfKgs 370 318 56 294 5 18-01-12 8741 4.32 3.54 377 310 48 305 6561 4.02 3.72 264 244 73 305 136 08-01-06 03-02-15 9643 4.24 3.56 409 343 139 288 17-01-13 9750 4.00 3.60 390 351 48 305 42 7592 4.25 3.77 323 286 97 294 12-02-07 14-01-16 9166 3.82 3.59 350 329 66 305 7 25-01-14 8817 4.19 3.61 370 318 56 294 53 7704 4.41 3.85 340 296 62 305 14-01-08 21-03-17 9416 4.13 3.72 389 350 635 8 03-02-15 9643 4.24 3.56 409 343 139 288 64 7472 4.59 3.94 343 294 339 305 20-01-09 14-01-16 3.82 3.59 350 329 66 305 7 4th9166 Dam 8242 4.51 3.77 371 311 125 295 5 09-02-10 21-03-17 9416 4.13 3.72 389 350 635 305 86 8422 4.16 3.94 350 332 130 303 01-02-11 Radney Mars Gerrard VG 88 IE151289140443 (443) by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) 8449 4.10 3.84 347 324 57 305 7 21-01-12 4th Dam Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 9682 4.12 3.89 399 377 84 305 8 11-01-13 6561 4.02 3.72 264 244 73 305 1 08-01-06 Radney Gerrard VG 88198 IE151289140443 (443) 199 by Galtee Usnes (MAU) 5399 Mars 3.67 3.65 197 583 9 Mars 02-05-14 7592 4.25 3.77 323 286 97 294 2 12-02-07 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 5th7704 Dam 4.41 3.85 340 296 62 305 3 14-01-08 6561 4.02 3.72 264 244 73 305 1 08-01-06 7472 4.59 Breeding 3.94 Federation 343 ICBF 294 339 on 305 20-01-09 Based Mar 20194 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Ardrahan Gerarda 62 VG 88323 RI09296446 by Ardrahan Triemp Boy (RI00573552) 7592 4.25 3.77 286 (142)97 294 2 12-02-07 8242 4.51 3.77 371of information 311provided to 125 295 or warranty 5 expressed09-02-10 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis it. No representation or implied is 7704 3.85 completeness 340 of this PrKgs 296 ICBF shall62 305 3(whether direct 14-01-08 made or given by ICBF as to 4.41 the accuracy, reliability, Report. not be liable for any losses or indirect), Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8422 4.16 3.94 350 332 130 303 6 01-02-11 damages, costs or expenses 4.59 whatsoever, incurred or arising343 from any use of or reliance on 339 this Report or 305 the information 4 contained in it20-01-09 by any person. 7472 3.94 294 6431 3.90 3.44 251 221 43 305 1 01-01-00 8449 4.10 3.84 347 324 57 305 7 21-01-12 8242 4.51 3.77 371 311 125 295 52 09-02-10 6619 4.08 3.53 270 234 26 305 22-04-01 9682 4.12 3.89 399 377 84 305 8 11-01-13 8422 4.16 3.94 350 332 130 303 63 01-02-11 5964 3.94 3.51 235 209 44 245 20-03-02 5399 3.67 3.65 198 197 583 199 9 02-05-14 8449 4.10 3.84 347 324 57 305 74 21-01-12 7770 4.01 3.46 312 269 54 302 26-01-03 9682 4.12 3.89 399 377 84 305 85 11-01-13 7088 3.73 3.55 264 252 68 10-01-04 Based Mar 201996Evaluation 5399 3.67 3.65 198 197 583 02-05-14 Copyright, Irish Cattle 6735 3.16 Breeding 3.51 Federation 213 ICBF 237 89 on 199 283 14-01-05 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is 7772 3.23 3.55 251 276 347 298 7 26-01-06 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 4745 3.74 3.49 177 166 115 163 8 15-05-07

Dam of Radney Rock at ABS Ireland



Overall Indexes Milk Traits



















Milk Kg 95

Fat Kg 10.86

Prot Kg 9.5

Fat % 0.13

Prot % - FULL 0.11 PEDIGREE

HO (81%),FR (19%) Female

02-Feb-2019 - FULL PEDIGREE

372216166381801 HO (81%),FR (19%)(1801) Female

3.88 % Protein

LOT Fertility2 Traits CI Survival Radney Triempress -4.2(days) 2.1(%) EBI €193 LOT 48 Sebastian LOTTraits 2Indexes EBI Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder Overall EBI Rel Milk -0.39Triempress -0.94 EBI €70 -0.29 Radney Sebastian €193 €193 31%




Milk Traits Fat Prot Fat Prot Overall Indexes Milk EBI Kg EBIKg Rel Milk Kg Fert% Calv % Beef Maint Breeder Henry 95 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 10.86 9.5 0.13 0.11 €193 31% €70 €79 €38 -€12 €9 Sire Fertility Traits CI Survival Milk Traits Milk Kg Fat Kg Prot Kg Fat % Prot % Gortcreen Sebastain (FR2314)2.1(%) €254 by (Ig) Coolnasoon Judge (JGC) -4.2(days) 95 10.86 9.5 0.13 0.11 Dam Traits Type Overall Feet/Legs Fertility Traits CI Survival Udder -0.39 -0.29 Radney Yry Triempress VG 87-0.94 IE151289141342 by Radney Levi 5 (YRY) -4.2(days) 2.1(%) (1342)Traits €129 Type Overall Feet/Legs Udder








02-Feb-2019 €38 -€12


372216166381801 (1801) €9 -€1 €10

Breeder Henry -0.39 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Cork Calving Date -0.94 PrKgs -0.29SCC Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs Days Co Lact Sire 6302 4.87 3.88 307 244 54 305 1 08-01-17 8757 3.97 3.66 347 320 38 305 2 Gortcreen Sebastain (FR2314) €254 by (Ig) Coolnasoon Judge (JGC) Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork 09-01-18 8901 3.94 3.69 351 329 33 305 3 02-02-19 (proj) Dam Sire Gortcreen Sebastain (FR2314) by Radney (Ig) Coolnasoon Judge (JGC) G Dam Yry Radney Triempress VG 87€254 IE151289141342 by Levi 5 (YRY) (1342) Dam Radney€129 Bwv Triempress EX 90 3E IE151289110721

by Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV)

Milk Kgs KgsYryBF% BF% PR%VGBfKgs BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Days Lact Levi Calving Date Radney Triempress 87 IE151289141342 by Radney 5 (YRY) Milk PR% PrKgs SCC Lact Calving Date 7497 3.89 3.63 292 272 45 305 1 07-01-10 6302€1294.87 3.88 307 244 54 305 1 08-01-17 (1342) 8762 3.68 3.74 322 328 38 305 10-01-11 8757 3.97 3.66 347 320 38 305 22 09-01-18 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8899 3.92 3.62 349 322 30 292 11-02-12 8901 3.94 3.69 351 329 33 305 33 02-02-19 (proj) 6302 4.87 3.88 307 244 54 305 1 08-01-17 10060 3.90 3.77 392 379 31 4 20-01-13 8757 3.97 3.66 347 320 38 305 25 09-01-18 G Dam 9237 3.80 3.84 351 355 10-01-14 8901 3.94 3.69 351 329 33 305 36 02-02-19 (proj) 9713 3.95 3.83 384 372 58 Radney Bwv Triempress EX 90 3E IE151289110721 by Barrowvale25-01-15 Torello 20 (BWV) 8770 3.73 3.92 327 344 42 305 7 28-01-16 GMilk Dam Kgs 3.95 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Calving Date 9562 3.78 BfKgs 378 361 38 299 Lact 8 25-01-17 7497 3.89 3.63 292 272 45 305 1 07-01-10 Radney Triempress 90 3E IE151289110721 by Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV) 9465 Bwv 4.08 3.72 EX 386 352 28 305 9 22-12-17 8762 3.68 3.74 322 328 38 305 2 10-01-11 9697 3.79 3.52 368 341 34 305 10 02-01-19 (proj) Milk Kgs 3.92 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8899 3.62 BfKgs 349 322 30 292 3 11-02-12 7497 3.89 3.63 292 272 45 305 1 07-01-10 3.77 392 379 31 305 4 20-01-13 3rd10060 Dam 3.90 8762 3.68 3.74 322 328 38 305 2 10-01-11 9237 3.80 3.84 351 355 38 305 5 10-01-14 8899 Qur3.92 3.62 EX 92 349RI10175063 322 (287) 30 292 3Europe11-02-12 Radney Triempress by Qg ET (QUR) 9713 3.95 3.83 384 372 58 305 6 25-01-15 10060 3.90 3.77 392 379 31 305 4 20-01-13 Milk Kgs 3.73 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 8770 3.92 BfKgs 327 344 42 305 7 28-01-16 9237 3.80 3.84 351 355 38 305 5 10-01-14 19-01-03 7389 3.62 3.54 268 262 63 1 9562 3.95 3.78 378 361 38 299 8 25-01-17 9713 3.95 3.83 384 372 58 305 25-01-15 02-02-04 8554 3.37 3.65 288 312 74 300 296 9465 4.08 3.72 386 352 28 305 22-12-17 8770 3.73 3.92 327 344 42 305 7 28-01-16 29-03-05 7512 3.55 3.62 267 272 112 265 3 9697 3.79 3.52 368 341 34 305 10 02-01-19 (proj) 9562 3.95 3.78 378 361 38 299 25-01-17 06-03-06 7910 3.32 3.52 262 278 89 273 48 4.08 3.72 386 352 28 305 9 22-12-17 3rd9465 Dam 26-02-07 8560 3.29 3.58 281 307 116 280 5 9697 3.79 3.52 368 341 34 305 10 02-01-19 (proj) 03-02-08 8960 Qur3.57 3.56 EX 92 320RI10175063 319 (287) 70 Radney Triempress by Qg 6Europe ET (QUR) 24-03-09 7435 3.85 3.44 286 256 159 253 7 3rd MilkDam Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 19-01-03 3.54 268 262 63 305 1 4th7389 Dam Qur3.62 Radney Triempress EX 92 RI10175063 (287) by Qg Europe ET (QUR) 02-02-04 8554 3.37 3.65 288 312 74 300 2 Ardrahan 107 GBfKgs 78 RI09456518 (121) by Galtee Usnes (MAU) Milk Kgs Triempress BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 29-03-05 7512 3.55 3.62 267 272 112 265 3 Mars 19-01-03 7389 3.62 3.54 268 262 63 305 1 Milk Kgs 3.32 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 06-03-06 7910 3.52 BfKgs 262 278 89 273 4 02-02-04 8554 3.37 3.65 288 312 74 300 2 4521 3.55 3.22 161 145 36 233 1 13-03-00 26-02-07 8560 3.29 3.58 281 307 116 280 5 29-03-05 7512 3.55 3.62 267 272 112 265 3 7371 3.59 3.29 265 242 45 299 02-02-01 03-02-08 8960 3.57 3.56 320 319 70 305 62 06-03-06 7910 3.32 3.52 262 278 89 273 4 7401 3.66 3.36 271 249 34 272 3 21-02-02 5th7435 Dam 3.85 24-03-09 3.44 Federation 286 256 159 on253 Based Mar 20197 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 26-02-07 8560 3.29 Breeding 3.58 281 ICBF 307 116 280 5 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith the basis of information provided to it. No representation or implied is Ardrahan Triempress 74on0108261786 byor warranty Mountalto Santaklaus (0100535912) 8960 3.57 3.56 320 319 70 305 6 expressed03-02-08 made or 4th given Dam by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), damages, costs or expenses whatsoever, incurred or arising from any use of or reliance on this Report or the information contained in it by any person. 24-03-09 Milk Kgs BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7435 3.85 3.44 286 256 159 253 7 Ardrahan Triempress 107 G 78 by Galtee Usnes (MAU) 3400 3.63 3.36 123RI09456518 114 (121) 466 276 1 Mars 17-02-94 4th Dam Milk Kgs 3.69 BF% PR% PrKgs SCC Calving Date 3989 3.27 BfKgs 147 131 137 Days 240 Lact 2 24-04-95 4521 3.55 3.22 161 145 36 233 1 13-03-00 5539 3.89 3.41 216RI09456518 189 (121) 157 300 3 Mars 26-02-96 Ardrahan Triempress 107 G 78 by Galtee Usnes (MAU) 7371 3.59 3.29 265 242 45 299 24 02-02-01 6016 3.92 3.35 236 201 118 302 13-02-97 Milk Kgs 3.66 BF% PR% BfKgs PrKgs SCC Days Lact Calving Date 7401 3.36 271 249 34 3 21-02-02 2908 3.86 Breeding 3.48 Federation 112 ICBF 101 269 on 272 191 19-01-98 Based Mar 201915Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 4521 3.55 3.22 161 145 36 233 13-03-00

6th7371 Dam 7401

3.59 3.66

3.29 3.36

265 271

242 249

45 34

299 272

2 3

02-02-01 21-02-02

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),






Radney Cashman EBI €143


HO (94%),FR (6%) Male

372216166341673 (1673)



















Milk Traits

Milk Kg 186

Fat Kg 12.29

Prot Kg 11.15

Fat % 0.08

Prot % 0.08

Fertility Traits





Overall 0.29

Feet/Legs -0.75

Overall Indexes

Type Traits

Udder 0.22

Sire Mylawn Fintan (FR2420) €198

by Delta Trading (ZTG)

Dam Radney Yrd Lizzie VG 89 IE151289141160 (1160) €91 by Radney Desmunt 14 (YRD) Milk Kgs

8685 9250 11631 10623


3.87 3.63 3.69 3.69


3.79 3.87 3.55 3.70


336 336 429 392


329 358 413 393


79 107 62 44


305 305 305 305


1 2 3 4

Calving Date

29-03-15 17-08-16 20-01-18 23-02-19 (proj)

G Dam Radney 667 Lizzie VG 88 IE151289180827 (827) Milk Kgs

6588 8300 8765 8722


4.44 4.30 3.96 4.24


3.93 3.89 3.93 3.97


293 357 347 370


259 322 344 346


74 100 41 62

by Radney Moun (IE151289150667) Days

305 305 286 299


1 2 3 4

Calving Date

12-01-11 25-01-12 17-02-13 20-01-14

3rd Dam Radney Ferro Lizzie EX 92 2E IE151289140360 (360) Milk Kgs

7591 8051 9234 9504 7360 9337 8254


4.11 3.97 4.00 4.92 4.39 4.75 4.30


3.74 3.83 3.91 3.93 4.00 4.11 4.10


312 320 370 468 323 444 355


284 308 361 374 294 384 339


52 124 95 153 48 234 206

by Mars Ferro (MFX) Days

305 304 305 305 259 305 295


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Calving Date

25-01-04 30-01-05 19-01-06 06-02-07 27-05-08 15-04-09 10-06-10

4th Dam Radney Sunny Lizzie G 75 RI09046915 (965) Milk Kgs

4843 6077 6955 7770 7640


4.15 3.74 3.51 3.55 3.84


3.46 3.42 3.31 3.36 3.46


201 227 244 276 293


167 208 230 261 264

by Radney Sunny Dick (0100565161) SCC

58 57 48 39 30


284 270 282 289 263


1 2 3 4 5

Calving Date

10-02-98 06-02-99 24-01-00 20-01-01 02-03-02

5th Dam DTK366825 Milk Kgs




by Athol Famous Prefect (AFP) PR%












Calving Date




LOT 24 Radney LOT 50 Bil EBI €111

HO (91%),FR (9%) Male

- FULL PEDIGREE 14-Oct-2018

372216166351724 (1724) HO (91%),FR (9%) Male Maint

















Calv Beef 14-Oct-2018 €47 -€7

Fat Kg EBI Rel 4.61 60%

Prot Kg Milk 7.17 €36

Fat % Fert -0.04 €56

Prot % Calv 0.03 €47

Milk Traits Fertility Traits

Milk Fat Kg CI Kg Survival 206 4.04 -3.7(days) .4(%)

Prot Kg 7.76

Fat % -0.07

Prot % 0.02

Type Traits Fertility Traits

Overall CI -0.26 -4(days)

Udder -0.27

Overall Indexes




Radney Bil EBI€111 €118 Milk Traits Overall Indexes

Milk Kg EBI 173 €118

Feet/Legs Survival -0.40 .5(%)

372216166351724 (1724) €7 -€5 -€18

Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder -0.40 -0.30 Charleville Co Cork Breeder Henry-0.31 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Sire Sire Mountbeech Blackstar Blackstar ET ET (MBH) (MBH) €48 €48 by To-Mar To-Mar Blackstar-Et Blackstar-Et (TMB) (TMB) Mountbeech by Dam Dam Radney Lwr Lwr Lizzie Lizzie GP GP 82 81 IE151289111505 IE151289111505 (1505) (1505) GP83 Radney €146 €147 Milk Kgs Kgs Milk

9317 9317


3.25 3.25


3.51 3.51

BfKgs BfKgs

303 303

PrKgs PrKgs

327 327


29 29

by (Ig) (Ig) Longview Longview Reliable Reliable (LWR) (LWR) by Days Days

305 305

Lact Lact


Calving Date Date Calving

14-10-18 (proj) (proj) 14-10-18

G Dam Dam G Radney Yrd Yrd Lizzie Lizzie VG VG 89 89 IE151289141160 IE151289141160 (1160) (1160) Radney Milk Kgs Kgs Milk

8685 8685 9250 9250 11631 11631 10623 10623


3.87 3.87 3.63 3.63 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69


3.79 3.79 3.87 3.87 3.55 3.55 3.70 3.70

BfKgs BfKgs

336 336 336 336 429 429 392 392

PrKgs PrKgs

329 329 358 358 413 413 393 393


79 79 107 107 62 62 44 44

by Radney Radney Desmunt Desmunt 14 14 (YRD) (YRD) by Days Days

305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305

Lact Lact

11 22 33 44

Calving Date Date Calving

29-03-15 29-03-15 17-08-16 17-08-16 20-01-18 20-01-18 23-02-19 (proj) (proj) 23-02-19

3rd Dam Dam 3rd Radney 667 667 Lizzie Lizzie VG VG 88 88 IE151289180827 IE151289180827 (827) (827) Radney Milk Kgs Kgs Milk

6588 6588 8300 8300 8765 8765 8722 8722


4.44 4.44 4.30 4.30 3.96 3.96 4.24 4.24


3.93 3.93 3.89 3.89 3.93 3.93 3.97 3.97

BfKgs BfKgs

293 293 357 357 347 347 370 370

PrKgs PrKgs

259 259 322 322 344 344 346 346


74 74 100 100 41 41 62 62

by Radney Radney Moun Moun (IE151289150667) (IE151289150667) by Days Days

305 305 305 305 286 286 299 299

Lact Lact

11 22 33 44

Calving Date Date Calving

12-01-11 12-01-11 25-01-12 25-01-12 17-02-13 17-02-13 20-01-14 20-01-14

4th Dam Dam 4th Radney Ferro Ferro Lizzie Lizzie EX EX 92 92 2E 2E IE151289140360 IE151289140360 (360) (360) Radney Milk Kgs Kgs Milk

7591 7591 8051 8051 9234 9234 9504 9504 7360 7360 9337 9337 8254 8254


4.11 4.11 3.97 3.97 4.00 4.00 4.92 4.92 4.39 4.39 4.75 4.75 4.30 4.30


3.74 3.74 3.83 3.83 3.91 3.91 3.93 3.93 4.00 4.00 4.11 4.11 4.10 4.10

BfKgs BfKgs

312 312 320 320 370 370 468 468 323 323 444 444 355 355

PrKgs PrKgs

284 284 308 308 361 361 374 374 294 294 384 384 339 339


52 52 124 124 95 95 153 153 48 48 234 234 206 206

by Mars Mars Ferro Ferro (MFX) (MFX) by Days Days

305 305 304 304 305 305 305 305 259 259 305 305 295 295

Lact Lact

11 22 33 44 55 66 77

Calving Date Date Calving

25-01-04 25-01-04 30-01-05 30-01-05 19-01-06 19-01-06 06-02-07 06-02-07 27-05-08 27-05-08 15-04-09 15-04-09 10-06-10 10-06-10

5th Dam Radney Sunny Lizzie G 75 RI09046915 (965) Milk Kgs





by Radney Sunny Dick (0100565161) SCC



Calving Date

4843 4.15 3.46 201 167 58 284 1 10-02-98 6077 3.74 3.42 227 208 57 270 2 06-02-99 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation 6955Irish Cattle 3.51 Breeding 3.31 Federation 244 230 48 282 3 24-01-00 Copyright, ICBF This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the 276 basis of information it. No representation or implied is 7770 3.55 3.36 261provided to39 289 or warranty 4 expressed20-01-01 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),




LOT 23 Radney LOT 51 Eddie EBI €235 Overall Indexes


Fertility Traits Milk Traits Type Traits Fertility Traits

HO (84%),FR (16%) Male

- 25-Oct-2018 FULL PEDIGREE

372216166361725 HO (84%),FR (16%)(1725) Male



Radney Eddie €235 EBI €207 51%

Milk Traits Overall Indexes






372216166361725 (1725) €5 €4 €11









Milk EBI Kg 194 €207

Fat EBIKg Rel 17.77 55%

Prot MilkKg 14.54 €93

Fat Fert% 0.17 €57

Prot Calv% 0.14 €49

CI Milk Kg -3.4(days) 217 Overall CI -0.20 -2.9(days)

Survival Fat Kg 2.2(%) 14.95 Feet/Legs Survival -0.80 1.7(%)

Prot Kg 13.85 Udder 0.35

Fat % 0.10

Prot % 0.11



Calv Beef 25-Oct-2018 €48 -€8


Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, -0.23 -0.77 Freemount, 0.22 Charleville Co Cork Sire Sire (Ig) by (Ig) Olcastletown Olcastletown Ronaldo Ronaldo (FR2298) (FR2298) €293 €259 by Gaddagh Gaddagh Cuddy Cuddy Reeks Reeks (GZY) (GZY) Dam Dam Radney Radney Ook Ook Odetta Odetta 22 EX EX 90 90 IE151289121092 IE151289121092 (1092) (1092) €95 €96 Milk Milk Kgs Kgs

7887 7887 8688 8688 10153 10153


4.03 4.03 3.95 3.95 3.82 3.82


3.54 3.54 3.71 3.71 3.64 3.64

BfKgs BfKgs

318 318 343 343 388 388

PrKgs PrKgs

280 280 322 322 369 369


118 118 40 40 89 89

G G Dam Dam Radney Radney Cxt Cxt Odetta Odetta VG VG 87 87 IE151289170958 IE151289170958 (958) (958) Milk Milk Kgs Kgs

7278 7278 9093 9093 9646 9646 9024 9024 9420 9420 8968 8968


3.99 3.99 3.87 3.87 3.63 3.63 3.89 3.89 3.94 3.94 4.21 4.21


3.40 3.40 3.37 3.37 3.55 3.55 3.50 3.50 3.55 3.55 3.76 3.76

BfKgs BfKgs

290 290 352 352 350 350 351 351 372 372 378 378

PrKgs PrKgs

247 247 306 306 343 343 316 316 334 334 338 338


105 105 46 46 65 65 39 39 51 51 362 362

3rd 3rd Dam Dam Radney Radney Rdu Rdu Odetta Odetta VG VG 88 88 IE151289180694 IE151289180694 (694) (694) Milk Milk Kgs Kgs

6998 6998 8867 8867 8960 8960 10413 10413 9226 9226 9365 9365 7058 7058 9536 9536 9371 9371 4th Dam


3.79 3.79 3.60 3.60 3.79 3.79 3.63 3.63 3.66 3.66 3.74 3.74 3.91 3.91 3.73 3.73 3.59 3.59


3.47 3.47 3.48 3.48 3.52 3.52 3.44 3.44 3.54 3.54 3.45 3.45 4.03 4.03 3.46 3.46 3.46 3.46

BfKgs BfKgs

265 265 319 319 339 339 378 378 338 338 350 350 276 276 355 355 336 336

PrKgs PrKgs

243 243 309 309 316 316 358 358 327 327 323 323 284 284 330 330 325 325


150 150 28 28 33 33 33 33 37 37 75 75 46 46 38 38 25 25

Radney Capan Odetta EX 90 2E IE151289190381 Milk Kgs






by by Huddlestone Huddlestone Spooky Spooky P1 P1 (OOK) (OOK) Days Days

299 299 305 305 305 305

Lact Lact

11 22 33

Calving Calving Date Date

23-01-15 23-01-15 26-01-16 26-01-16 27-01-17 27-01-17

by by Carracoush Carracoush Extasy Extasy 44 (CXT) (CXT)

Days Days

305 305 275 275 305 305 258 258 277 277 305 305

Lact Lact

11 22 33 44 55 66

2017 Overall Champion Cow in the CHFBC Herd Competition (Spring Section)

Calving Calving Date Date

09-01-13 09-01-13 06-02-14 06-02-14 27-01-15 27-01-15 26-03-16 26-03-16 15-02-17 15-02-17 10-02-18 10-02-18

by by Ruud Ruud 96 96 (RDU) (RDU)

Days Days

286 286 297 297 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 284 284 305 305 305 305

Lact Lact

11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99

Calving Calving Date Date

05-02-10 05-02-10 07-02-11 07-02-11 19-01-12 19-01-12 27-01-13 27-01-13 05-01-14 05-01-14 04-04-15 04-04-15 06-03-16 06-03-16 04-02-17 04-02-17 05-04-18 05-04-18 (proj) (proj)

by Dovea Capan 76 (CPA) Days


Calving Date

6273 3.83 3.41 240 214 98 305 1 20-01-05 7928 3.44 3.53 272 280 67 305 2 22-01-06 6505 3.71 3.73 241 243 187 293 3 10-01-07 7644 3.98 3.53 304 270 45 305 4 21-01-08 7669 3.63 3.58 279 275 51 305 5 26-01-09 7722 3.84 Breeding 3.63 Federation 296 ICBF 280 43 on 305 07-01-10 Based Mar 20196Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 7141 3.59 265of information 256provided to it.79No representation 305 or warranty 7 expressed30-01-11 This report has been prepared3.71 by ICBF in good faith on the basis or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect), 7464 3.73 3.47 279 259 67 305 8 22-01-12




LOT 15 Radney LOT 52 Crissy EBI €175 Overall Indexes




Radney Crissy €175 EBI €155 51%


HO (88%),FR (13%) Male

- FULL PEDIGREE 05-Jan-2019

372216166321754 HO (88%),FR (13%)(1754) Male





05-Jan-2019-€7 €36

372216166321754 (1754) €2 €4 €7









Milk EBI Kg 24 €155

Fat EBIKg Rel 9.01 55%

Prot Milk Kg 8.95 €64

Fat Fert% 0.13 €51

Prot Calv % 0.14 €38

Fertility Traits Milk Traits

CI Milk Kg -3.2(days) 74

Survival Fat Kg 2(%) 8.23

Prot Kg 9.17

Fat % 0.09

Prot % 0.12

Type Traits Fertility Traits

Overall CI -1.39 -2.5(days)

Feet/Legs Survival 0.07 1.6(%)

Udder -1.60

Milk Traits Overall Indexes



Milk €69


Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder Breeder Henry -1.47 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, -0.14 Freemount, -1.62 Charleville Co Cork Sire Sire (Ig) by (Ig) Olcastletown Olcastletown Ronaldo Ronaldo (FR2298) (FR2298) €293 €259 by Gaddagh Gaddagh Cuddy Cuddy Reeks Reeks (GZY) (GZY) Dam Dam Radney Radney Dut Dut Odetta Odetta EX EX 91 91 4E 4E IE151289160775 IE151289160775 (775) (775) €134 €128 Milk Milk Kgs Kgs

6958 6958 8518 8518 10409 10409 9610 9610 10917 10917 11237 11237 10109 10109 10105 10105


5.32 5.32 4.45 4.45 4.70 4.70 4.21 4.21 3.89 3.89 4.17 4.17 4.49 4.49 3.83 3.83


3.60 3.60 3.74 3.74 3.80 3.80 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.71 3.71 3.76 3.76 3.69 3.69

BfKgs BfKgs

370 370 379 379 489 489 404 404 425 425 469 469 454 454 387 387

PrKgs PrKgs

251 251 318 318 396 396 366 366 416 416 417 417 380 380 373 373


43 43 40 40 55 55 38 38 60 60 50 50 50 50 246 246

by by Desmunt Desmunt (DUT) (DUT) Days Days

305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305

Lact Lact

11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88

Calving Calving Date Date

10-01-11 10-01-11 19-01-12 19-01-12 08-01-13 08-01-13 25-01-14 25-01-14 27-03-15 27-03-15 15-09-16 15-09-16 19-12-17 19-12-17 05-01-19 05-01-19 (proj) (proj)

G G Dam Dam Radney Radney Qur Qur Odetta Odetta EX EX 93 93 8E 8E IE151289150592 IE151289150592 (592) (592) Milk Milk Kgs Kgs

6528 6528 8341 8341 9711 9711 10616 10616 10011 10011 11577 11577 9256 9256 10954 10954 10036 10036 9540 9540


4.22 4.22 4.47 4.47 4.25 4.25 4.03 4.03 4.40 4.40 3.88 3.88 4.02 4.02 4.51 4.51 4.05 4.05 4.23 4.23


3.90 3.90 3.81 3.81 3.84 3.84 3.94 3.94 3.77 3.77 3.75 3.75 3.87 3.87 3.88 3.88 3.83 3.83 3.64 3.64

BfKgs BfKgs

275 275 373 373 413 413 428 428 441 441 449 449 372 372 494 494 407 407 404 404

PrKgs PrKgs

255 255 318 318 373 373 419 419 377 377 434 434 358 358 425 425 384 384 347 347


57 57 48 48 33 33 46 46 48 48 53 53 64 64 116 116 58 58 293 293

by by Qg Qg Europe Europe ET ET (QUR) (QUR)

Days Days

282 282 305 305 305 305 305 305 289 289 305 305 274 274 305 305 305 305 305 305

Lact Lact

11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 10 10

Calving Calving Date Date

07-02-08 07-02-08 19-01-09 19-01-09 24-01-10 24-01-10 24-01-11 24-01-11 14-02-12 14-02-12 19-01-13 19-01-13 28-02-14 28-02-14 06-02-15 06-02-15 19-08-16 19-08-16 10-01-18 10-01-18

3rd 3rd Dam Dam Radney Radney Mars Mars Odetta Odetta 22 GP GP 82 82 IE151289120350 IE151289120350 (350) (350) Milk Milk Kgs Kgs

6235 6235 6427 6427 6774 6774 4th Dam


4.55 4.55 4.29 4.29 3.99 3.99


3.64 3.64 3.72 3.72 3.77 3.77

BfKgs BfKgs

284 284 276 276 270 270

PrKgs PrKgs

227 227 239 239 255 255


72 72 118 118 498 498

Radney Seal Odetta EX 90 3E 0107796265 (R006) Milk Kgs






by by Galtee Galtee Mars Mars Usnes Usnes (MAU) (MAU)

Days Days

305 305 273 273 282 282

Lact Lact

11 22 33

Calving Calving Date Date

12-01-04 12-01-04 02-03-05 02-03-05 11-02-06 11-02-06

by Barold Rock Seal (BRL) Days


Calving Date

7524 4.69 3.71 353 279 108 287 4 31-01-94 7778 4.12 3.55 320 276 83 303 5 15-01-95 Based Mar 20196Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle 6630 4.16 Breeding 3.63 Federation 276 ICBF 241 73 on 295 16-02-96 This report has been prepared4.28 by ICBF in good faith on the basis or implied is 5930 3.70 254of information 219provided to it.87No representation 259 or warranty 7 expressed05-02-97 made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),




LOT 20 Radney LOT 53 Haley EBI €194 Overall Indexes


Radney Haley EBI €194 €168 Overall Indexes Milk Traits

EBI Milk Kg €168 -42



HO (72%),FR (28%) Male

- FULL PEDIGREE 02-Jan-2019

HO (72%),FR (28%) (1735) Male 372216166381735

372216166381735 (1735) -€6 €5 €9


















Calv Beef 02-Jan-2019 €56 €1

EBI Rel Fat Kg 56% 11.86

Milk Prot Kg €80 5.94

Fert Fat % €29 0.23

Calv Prot % €56 0.13

Fat % 0.40

Prot % 0.18

Milk Traits Fertility Traits

Milk Fat Kg CI Kg Survival -132 17.46 -3.6(days) 1.6(%)

Prot Kg 5.4

Fertility Traits Type Traits

CI Overall -2.4(days) 0.25

Udder 0.36

Survival Feet/Legs -.1(%) -0.19

Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder 0.52 -0.23 1.01 Breeder Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Sire Sire Ballygown Sok Sok Miley Miley (YBG) (YBG) €215 €215 by (Ig) (Ig) Sunnybank Sunnybank Oman Oman (SOK) (SOK) Ballygown by Dam Dam Radney Rhattigan Rhattigan Ostrich Ostrich GP GP 84 84 IE151289151401 IE151289151401 Radney (1401) €170 (1401) €169 Milk Kgs Kgs Milk

6947 6947 8417 8417


4.23 4.23 3.89 3.89


3.70 3.70 3.69 3.69

BfKgs BfKgs

294 294 327 327

PrKgs PrKgs

257 257 310 310


25 25 26 26

by (Ig) (Ig) Monamore Monamore Rhattigan Rhattigan ET ET (FR2001) (FR2001) by Days Days

289 289 305 305

Lact Lact

11 22

Calving Date Date Calving

29-01-18 29-01-18 02-01-19 (proj) (proj) 02-01-19

G Dam Dam G Radney Tsk Tsk Ostrich Ostrich VG VG 85 85 IE151289191099 IE151289191099 (1099) (1099) Radney Milk Kgs Kgs Milk

6317 6317 7725 7725 7889 7889 8083 8083 8535 8535


5.15 5.15 4.34 4.34 4.99 4.99 4.79 4.79 4.23 4.23


4.02 4.02 3.91 3.91 4.10 4.10 3.88 3.88 3.84 3.84

BfKgs BfKgs

325 325 335 335 394 394 387 387 361 361

PrKgs PrKgs

254 254 302 302 323 323 314 314 328 328


55 55 38 38 48 48 113 113 37 37

by (Ig) (Ig) Knockcais Knockcais Tossy Tossy (TSK) (TSK) by Days Days

304 304 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305

Lact Lact

11 22 33 44 55

Calving Date Date Calving

04-01-15 04-01-15 05-01-16 05-01-16 10-01-17 10-01-17 08-01-18 08-01-18 01-01-19 (proj) (proj) 01-01-19

3rd Dam Dam 3rd Radney Axa Axa Ostrich Ostrich GP GP 84 84 IE151289160569 IE151289160569 (569) (569) Radney Milk Kgs Kgs Milk

5727 5727 7618 7618 6978 6978 8790 8790 8442 8442 9146 9146 8233 8233 8552 8552


4.77 4.77 4.42 4.42 4.55 4.55 4.38 4.38 4.47 4.47 4.33 4.33 4.10 4.10 4.36 4.36


3.88 3.88 3.82 3.82 3.92 3.92 3.94 3.94 3.90 3.90 3.99 3.99 3.90 3.90 4.11 4.11

BfKgs BfKgs

273 273 337 337 318 318 385 385 377 377 396 396 338 338 373 373

PrKgs PrKgs

222 222 291 291 274 274 346 346 329 329 365 365 321 321 351 351


30 30 39 39 125 125 36 36 154 154 58 58 156 156 48 48

by Galtee Galtee Alex Alex 129 129 (AXA) (AXA) by Days Days

287 287 305 305 266 266 305 305 293 293 305 305 305 305 301 301

Lact Lact

11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88

Calving Date Date Calving

02-02-08 02-02-08 22-01-09 22-01-09 10-03-10 10-03-10 23-01-11 23-01-11 10-02-12 10-02-12 11-01-13 11-01-13 07-01-14 07-01-14 21-01-15 21-01-15

4th Dam Dam 4th Radney Mars Mars Ostrich Ostrich VG VG 89 89 RI09500284 RI09500284 (981) (981) Radney Milk Kgs Kgs Milk

6164 6164 8666 8666 9099 9099 10314 10314 9405 9405 7832 7832 8289 8289 5th Dam 6347 6347


4.02 4.02 3.90 3.90 3.83 3.83 3.84 3.84 4.17 4.17 4.05 4.05 3.70 3.70 3.63 3.63


3.41 3.41 3.52 3.52 3.65 3.65 3.63 3.63 3.73 3.73 3.55 3.55 3.68 3.68 3.43 3.43

BfKgs BfKgs

248 248 338 338 348 348 396 396 392 392 317 317 307 307 230 230

PrKgs PrKgs

210 210 305 305 332 332 374 374 351 351 278 278 305 305 217 217

Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF


by Galtee Galtee Mars Mars Usnes Usnes (MAU) (MAU) by Days Days

Lact Lact

Calving Date Date Calving

140 305 30-12-99 140 305 11 30-12-99 24 305 18-01-01 24 305 22 18-01-01 32 286 3 07-02-02 32 286 3 07-02-02 35 305 14-01-03 35 305 44 14-01-03 42 305 11-01-04 42 305 55 11-01-04 90 280 14-03-05 90 280 66 14-03-05 315 305 20-01-06 315 305 77 20-01-06 91 212 30-01-07 91 88 Evaluation 30-01-07 Based on212 Mar 2019

Radney Johnstar Ostrich GP 80 0108842799 (9504)

by Lemrac John Starbuck ET (LJK)

This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given by ICBF as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness of this Report. ICBF shall not be liable for any losses (whether direct or indirect),




LOT 9 GENOTYPED Radney LOT 54 Murray ET EBI €142 Overall Indexes



Radney Murray€142 ET EBI 54% €115 Overall Indexes Milk Traits

EBI Milk Kg

EBI Rel Fat Kg





Milk Prot Kg


HO (97%),FR (3%) Male

- FULL PEDIGREE 07-Jan-2019

HO (97%),FR (3%) Male 372216166351765 (1765)

Calv Beef 07-Jan-2019 €37 -€9

Fert Fat %

Calv Prot %

€115 216

55% 16.16

€79 12.16

€7 0.13

€33 0.08

Milk Traits Fertility Traits

Milk CI Kg 255 0(days)

Fat Kg Survival 14.94 1.6(%)

Prot Kg 12.04

Fat % 0.08

Prot % 0.06

Fertility Traits Type Traits

CI Overall .8(days) 2.18

Survival Feet/Legs 1.3(%) 1.39

Udder 1.96




372216166351765 (1765) €0 €2 €8









Type Traits Overall Feet/Legs Udder 1.34 1.96 Breeder Henry2.17 O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Sire €221 Westcoast Perseus (FR4187) €226 by Sandy-Valley-I Penmanship (FR2262) Dam Radney Mwl Odetta 3 VG 89 IE151289121266 (1266) €107 €87 Milk Kgs

7721 9775 10194


4.05 4.20 3.98


3.79 3.66 3.53


313 411 405


293 358 360


51 66 119

by Morningview Levi (MWL) Days

305 305 305


1 2 3

Calving Date

04-02-16 17-01-17 11-03-19 (proj)

G Dam Radney Qur Odetta EX 93 8E IE151289150592 (592) Milk Kgs

6528 8341 9711 10616 10011 11577 9256 10954 10036 9540


4.22 4.47 4.25 4.03 4.40 3.88 4.02 4.51 4.05 4.23


3.90 3.81 3.84 3.94 3.77 3.75 3.87 3.88 3.83 3.64


275 373 413 428 441 449 372 494 407 404


255 318 373 419 377 434 358 425 384 347


57 48 33 46 48 53 64 116 58 293

Dam of Radney Steve & brother to YRY & Radney Levi 5

by Qg Europe ET (QUR) Days

282 305 305 305 289 305 274 305 305 305


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Calving Date

07-02-08 19-01-09 24-01-10 24-01-11 14-02-12 19-01-13 28-02-14 06-02-15 19-08-16 10-01-18

3rd Dam Radney Mars Odetta 2 GP 82 IE151289120350 (350) Milk Kgs

6235 6427 6774


4.55 4.29 3.99


3.64 3.72 3.77


284 276 270


227 239 255


72 118 498

by Galtee Mars Usnes (MAU) Days

305 273 282


1 2 3

Calving Date

12-01-04 02-03-05 11-02-06

4th Dam Radney Seal Odetta EX 90 3E 0107796265 (R006) Milk Kgs






by Barold Rock Seal (BRL) Days


Calving Date

7524 4.69 3.71 353 279 108 287 4 31-01-94 7778 4.12 3.55 320 276 83 303 5 15-01-95 6630 4.16 3.63 276 241 73 295 6 16-02-96 5930 4.28 3.70 254 219 87 259 7 05-02-97 7290 4.36 3.65 318 266 147 292 8 02-02-98 7344 3.91 3.84 287 282 324 289 9 23-02-99 6785 3.78 3.85 256 262 229 286 10 20-01-00 Based on Mar 2019 Evaluation Copyright, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation ICBF 4893 3.81 3.57 187 175 310 206 11 25-03-01 This report has been prepared by ICBF in good faith on the basis of information provided to it. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made or given6553 by ICBF as to 3.92 the accuracy, reliability, not be liable280 for any losses 12 (whether direct or indirect), 3.91 completeness 257 of this Report. 256 ICBF shall365 13-02-02



Design & layout by IHFA, Clonakilty, Co. Cork. Tel.: 023 8833443, email: enquiries@ihfa.ie Data source: ICBF - Latest Data as supplied at date of printing


1. The stock will be sold in euro guineas i.e. each bid is €1.05 and VAT at livestock rate will be charged on the .05.

8. The purchaser to give his name and dwelling place, and to remove the stock immediately after the sale.

2. Bidding will be regulated by the Auctioneers.

9. All statements in the catalogue or any made by the Auctioneers at the time of sale, also the identification of the animals, are the entire

3. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute shall arise, the lot in dispute to be put up again and resold, or the auctioneers may declare the purchaser at their discretion and their decision shall be final. 4. The Auctioneers reserve the right to refuse the bid of any person without being called upon to give a reason for such action. 5. All lots to be paid for at the close of the sale. a) No lot or lots shall be removed from the sale premises until paid for and a pass- out slip obtained from the Auctioneer’s clerk, but each and every lot shall immediately at the fall of the hammer be considered as delivered, and be and remain in every respect at the absolute risk of the respective purchaser or purchasers thereof, and shall be removed from the Sale premises at the purchaser’s expense. b) Loading shall be the duty and responsibility of the purchaser. 6. Auctioneers for any error appearing therein or in regard to the qualification of the animals and all purchasers must be on this distinct understanding. 7. Responsibility of the Vendors. The Auctioneers take no personal responsibility for the correctness of such statements or identities.

10. Every care has been taken in the compilation of this catalogue but no responsibility is taken by the 11. The Auctioneers act as Agents for the Vendors and any action taken by a purchaser must be against the Vendor and not against the Auctioneers, and “vice versa”. 12. Neither the Auctioneers nor the Vendors will be responsible for any accident through fire or any other cause whatsoever; nor for any damage done by animals prior to, during or after the sale. 13. If any of these conditions are unfulfilled, the Vendors or the Auctioneers shall have power to re-sell the lot or lots concerned, retaining any surplus and charging any deficiency to the defaulter.

TERMS – Cash, Debit Card or Credit Transfer to AIB Bank, South Mall, Cork SECURITY OF TITLE - If payment for any animal or items purchased is offered by cheque, the title or ownership of said items shall remain with the vendor and shall not pass to the purchaser until such cheque has been cleared and paid by their bank.

Sale Managed by Denis A. Barrett Auctions & Pedigree Sales

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Denis A. Barrett Auctions & Pedigree Sales +353 (0) 21 4278455 / +353 (0) 86 4109848 Email: info@denisbarrett.com www.denisbarrett.com



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