Doha-Darfur Agreement of Goodwill

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Agreement of Good Will and Confidence Building for the Settlement of the Problem in Darfur

Under the patronage of the State of Qatar and the UN joint mediator and African Union a meeting has been held in Doha from February 10 to 17 2009 between the delegation of the Sudanese National Unity Government and the Justice and equality movement (JEM) in order to achieve a politic conciliation for Darfur conflict. Both parties: First: Highly evaluate the role of the State of Qatar, the host country and they have agreed that Doha is the lieu of their talks. Second: Appreciate H.H the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani’s generous sponsorship and the mediation lead by the Qatar government and the UN / AU Mediator for Darfur Jibril Basole. Third: Recognize the constructive support for the Peace process by neighboring countries and the international community. Fourth: Declare their intention to join forces in order to end the conflict as follows: 1- Accord a strategic priority to the peace process over any other issues, in order to settle Darfur conflict. 2- Agree to adopt a comprehensive approach which address the roots of the problem and establish a durable peace in the country. 3- Accept to take all necessary measures in order to create a favrouable environment to help attain a lasting settlement. The measures include: A- Halt of all forms of harassments against displaced persons; B- Guarantee of the free follow of humanitarian relief aid for the needy without any restraint; C- Commit to the swap of the Prisoners of War (POW) and those sentenced to prison terms and culpable and arrested due to the conflict, in order to build confidence and accelerate the peace process. The State of Qatar and the UN / AU Mediator for Darfur will maintain contacts with the two parties in order to set a time schedule for setting free the aforementioned detainees. 4- The two parties will work for concluding a framework agreement that would result in an agreement for the halt of hostilities and set bases for talks on the detailed issues.

5- The two parties committed themselves to continue serious discussions after the framework agreement signature in order end the conflict within a maximum period of three months. 6- They will also commit themselves to continue the peace process and leave behind their representatives in Doha in order to prepare a framework agreement for the final talks. (ST)

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