1 minute readi&E BIO Edition 2023from i&E BIO Edition 2023by Shannon CarrNext ArticleOKLAHOMA IS FERTILE GROUND FOR BIOSCIENCE GROWTH, TALENT AND PREMIER FACILITIESMore articles from this publication:OKLAHOMA IS FERTILE GROUND FOR BIOSCIENCE GROWTH, TALENT AND PREMIER FACILITIES2minpage 19The Key to Your Microbial Success?1minpage 18Build Back Better Grant provides boost to Oklahoma City biotech cluster5minpages 16-17Advancing Research INNOVATION1minpage 15University of Oklahoma Elevates the State’s Bioscience Industry4minpages 14-15Pure Protein, L.L.C. and Pure MHC1minpage 13ATTACKING CANCER METASTASIS2minpage 12Bringing Oklahoma Innovation to the World2minpage 11OMRF ADVANCES:3minpage 10Show moreThis article is from:i&E BIO Edition 2023