i7 Summit 2011 Summary

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CONTENT Note from the organizers

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Key Figures

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Zoom on a few speakers

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Presenting companies

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Success Stories

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Articles and documentation

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Partners & sponsors

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THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS NOTE FROM THE ORGANIZERS The second edition of the i7 Summit closed its doors nearly a month ago and I am happy, on behalf of all the team to share with you this summary book. I7 Summit has proven to be an impactful event, both for business and thinking and I am sure that this second edition will lead the way to impactful initiatives lead privately or publically.


Avisé Partners was initially created with the vision and passion to help both emerging growth companies be successful in Europe and in the US, and also help European and American enterprises gain valuable access to those companies. It is now at the crossroads of innovation and globalization ecosystems, putting the entrepreneur at the center of a new business development model where partnerships, financing and networking begin all success stories. We’ve developed extensive networks of contacts over the years. Those networks, combined with our operational experience, allow us to deliver great value to companies willing to go global. The i7 summit is the reflection of a market place where the main players are innovators, mentors, financers, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders. Thank you to all participants to have brought experience, knowledge and new ideas to the table, and it is our hope that the I7 Summit has brought to each and every one of you the opportunity to make business.

We look to working with you in the future. Cheers, For the Avisé team Jean-Bernard Guerrée Managing Director, Avisé Partners Founder, i7 Summit 555, California Street, #300 San Francisco, CA 94104 Email: jbguerree@avisepartners.com Phone: +1 (415) 227-2000 Web: www.avisepartners.com


INTRODUCTION The i-7 Summit brings together a select group of entrepreneurs, innovators, technology gurus, large companies, start-ups, investment firms, Government and NG institutions, academics, influencers and thinkers who are active in supporting the technology, innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems. The participants engage in intensive discussions, moderated workshops and taskforces. The gathering near Paris has a unique edge – poised on the dawn of open innovation and in the aftermath of the deepest economic rethink since the Great Depression. The message of i7 is that as we stand facing today’s challenges, our capacity to innovate, share value and exceed expectations is vital. The i-7 Summit is about seven goals and values our community pursues together:       

Impact: having a real positive impact on Society (social entrepreneurs and disruptive business models); Innovative: ICT, new technologies and models and their leading role in fostering economic, environmental and social sustainability; Invest: i-7 showcases the best in entrepreneurship-led value creation from start-up to Fortune 500; Interactivity: Tailored one-on-one matchmaking, networking opportunities but also group discussions on issues generated by the community of i-7 participants and speakers; Influence: the key influencers are coming to i-7, raising the awareness about innovation policy and practice in securing competitive economies and durable prosperity; Integrate: Funds, VC partners, name brands and major players seeking breakthrough thinking and breakthrough projects in horizontal synergies across sectors; Inclusion: International participants from around the world: philanthropists, SMB/Es, start-ups, microfinanciers, NGOs, investors, large enterprises, research labs, top educational institutions, leaders etc…

“It is essential that entrepreneurs, venture capital partners and consultants meet to develop new initiatives and gain experience. i7 does this in a very good way.” Birger Rasmussen Management Consultant, Generator consulting

“Thank you for a wonderful event. The panels and content were really wonderful as were the people there.” Dipti Pratt Marketing Director, Entrepreneurs Foundation

“It is a wonderful place to find out contacts and opportunities. It is a very good observatory for looking at the newest tendencies of entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley and Europe.” Víctor Gonzalez Marroquín Senior Advisor, Summus Render SL


KEY FIGURES I7 Summit in short    

2 days in “Les Fontaines” Château in France 3 keynote speakers 12 workshops 3 panel discussion

Participants 

250 selected people attended i7 Summit in 2011, r epresenting 20 countries

46 % of participants are entrepreneurs

“I received lots of great feedback after my presentation, and made several valuable connections.” Lorin David Kalisky CEO, Zenlist



23% of participants are innovation experts and advisors

“Great format and people. Lots of fun!” Sven Otto Littorin Former Minister of Sweden & Founding Partner, Gibran Associates

“i7 summit is an amazing place to share views and experiences about entrepreneurship. It helps understand how to manage the growth potential of your own project” Philippe Kassenbeck Executive, Digital Vox

11% of participants are investor s originating from more than 7 countries

“Thanks again for the invitation to attend this quality event. And thank you for the interesting discussion.” Karsten Langer President, European Venture Capitalist Association

“The conference was a success.” Soo Boon Koh Managing Partner, iGlobe Partners

More than 10 international large companies were represented

“I very much enjoyed the great discussions” Wolfgang Schuster Investment Manager, Vodafone Ventures

35 start ups came from all continents

“Thank you for the great opportunity” Luiz Tangari CTO, Aorta


KEY FIGURES  100% of participants would recommend i7 summit to their business contacts

“Congrats to the entire team for a very successful event. Looking forward to the next i7 already!” Jean-Marc Frangos Head of Innovation, British Telecom

 94 % of participants found the quality of the event outstanding or above average compared to the same kind of events they have already attended in the past. “It was a great few days” Tero Ojanpera Former CTO, Nokia & Managing Partner, Vision +

 100 % of participants believe in the importance of attending such an event to develop business opportunities and 89% of people have found new ideas at i7 Summit 2011 which will inspire future developments

“It was a very much needed go-out-and-see-what-other-people-are-doing event. Invigorating and challenging at the same time. But all in a very nice and supportive atmosphere. A great event.” Greg Golebiewski CEO, Znak it!

 “Les Fontaines”, an incredible location for 98% of participants in i7 Summit 2011

“The quality of the participants and the venue were terrific.” Kyung H. Yoon CEO, TalentAge Associates


AGENDA Empowering SMEs and Entrepreneurs Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) play a pivotal role in their respective countries and economies. On average, they represent over 2/3 of the jobs around the world and 50% of the GDP. The major advantage of the sector is its employment potential at low capital cost which represents a true engine for growth and a crucial source of innovation. It is generally accepted that it is easier for Entrepreneurs with ideas to start their company, raise funds and trade across borders with more flexibility and speed. This session will assess the current situation, analyze the challenges and opportunities and provide actionable recommendations to empower SMEs and entrepreneurs. Workshops - Empowering SMEs and Entrepreneurs A - Efficient collaboration between large corporations and disruptive innovative companies B - Models of financing innovation and entrepreneurship around the globe C - Going global for SME’s and Entrepreneurs

Technology driving society innovation Throughout the history of society, technology has repeatedly created huge waves of innovation and dramatically transformed society as with the printing press in the 1400’s and the Internet in the late 1900’s. In the 21st century, even more technologies are emerging creating major changes in the way we work and live. People are spending hours on social networks with more than 10% of the world’s population on Facebook alone. Social commerce is a huge area for new revenue streams for companies to consider. Sophisticated business analytics is providing bigger insights for better decision making. And pervasive consumer analytics is allowing for more accurate ways to reach consumers and even manipulate them. In these sessions, we will explore what some of the exciting new technology and services are, and also some of the issues that have arisen along with the benefits like possible threats to our privacy and free will. Workshops - Technology driving society innovation A - Social media and social commerce B - Disruptive technologies changing how we work and live C - The world is wide open – what about our data? What is happening to all that value?



Sharing values to create value and sustainability Societal, political, economic and environmental forces are changing the way we created jobs, manufacture and deliver goods/services, and expand into new markets. This requires the creation of a sustainable framework for comprehensive and global industrial policy, new business models but perhaps a new definition of ROI. Meanwhile, the current crisis is not just an economic crisis but also a societal crisis that calls into question the degree to which our current systems and institutions embody those values that we hold most dear. Poverty, employment creation, and education inequality are challenges faced in all parts of the world. What does social responsibility mean for corporations and what opportunities exist with new technologies and innovations? During these sessions, we will explore and share ideas for the implementation of best practices for a sustainable and responsible society across the globe at multiple levels – industry, government, academia, and more Workshops - Sharing values to create value and sustainability around the world A - New business models, new business tools, new types of conversation with customer and citizens B - Sustainability, Cleantech and value creation C - Shaping talents for tomorrow’s innovation


AGENDA Special Group Workshop: Radical Openness Openness is the quality of being open. It sometimes refers to a very general philosophical position from which some individuals and organizations operate, often highlighted by a decision-making process recognizing communal management by distributed stakeholders rather than a centralized authority. Openness and unrestricted information sharing amongst scientists have been identified as institutional norms that are critical to scientific progress. What does Openness mean in the corporate world today? How critical is it to technology, innovation and entrepreneurship?

Quick Pitches

Networking & Individual ONE-ON-ONE Meetings



JP RANGASWAMI Chief Scientist| Salesforce As Chief Scientist at salesforce.com, Rangaswami will focus on helping salesforce.com’s European customers think about innovative ways to use the real-time, mobile and social capabilities. Rangaswami has 30 years of technology experience, including as Chief Scientist of the BT Group or as global chief information officer at investment bank Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein. Rangaswami has also held a variety of leadership and technology positions at Burroughs Corp., Data General and Hoskyns Group. Rangaswami is chairman of School of Everything, an educational start-up that teaches a broad range of socially focused topics via the web. He is also a venture partner at Anthemis Group. He contributed a guest chapter to The Cluetrain Manifesto. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Statistics from St. Xavier’s College, University of Calcutta.

DEBORAH MAGID Director of Software Strategy| IBM / Venture Capital Group Deborah Magid represents IBM’s $22B software business in the company’s 10-year old Venture Capital Group. Deborah is responsible for sharing insights about emerging markets, technologies, and business models with venture firms and entrepreneurs around the world. Deborah is responsible for fueling the ecosystem pipeline related to building a “smarter planet”. She is on the board of SDForum, the Silicon Valley emerging technology network; the advisory board of White Bull and on the Steering Committee of the California Sustainability Alliance. Previously, Deborah held positions in product management, marketing, and user-centered design at Taligent, GE Information Services and AT&T. Deborah holds degrees in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Connecticut.

TERO OJANPERA Managing Partner | Vision + Former CTO/CSO | Nokia Tero has a strong and versatile 20+ year long experience in mobile industry. At Nokia Tero served in various executive roles including Executive Vice President, Services, responsible for the company’s portfolio of location, media, and entertainment based services. Prior to that role he served as Chief Strategy and Technology Officer. Tero was a member of the Group Executive Board of Nokia for seven years and of NAVTEQ Corporation. Tero is a member of Young Global Leaders. He has been recognized as 7th Most Creative People In Business 2009 by Fast Company. Tero has a master’s degree from the University of Oulu, Finland, and a Ph.D. from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

MICHIEL BOREEL Chief Technology Officer | Sogeti Michiel is the CTO of Sogeti, a 20.000 people IT Services provider in 15 countries. One of the responsibilities is running a think tank like research group, publishing on the impact of technology on business innovation.


ZOOM ON A FEW SPEAKERS SOO BOON KOH Managing Partner | iGlobe Partners Pte Ltd Koh Soo Boon, founder/managing partner has many years of global experience in banking, private equity and venture capital investing. In 1999, She founded iGlobe Partners, a leading Asia Pacific fund management company. In July 2010, iGlobe Platinum fund an Asian Technology Growth Fund targeting to invest in high growth companies in the cleantech, mobile/ wireless digital media industries in Asia Pacific. Prioir to iGlobe, Soo Boon was Senior Vice President of Vertex Management Pte Ltd (1987-1999). She managed three funds during her tenure, with Vertex Management Inc., (Vertex). Soo Boon graduated from King’s College, University of London, UK with a BS degree in Mathematics.

ROXANNE VARZA Manager | Startupbootcamp Originally from Silicon Valley, Roxanne moved to Europe after working for the Invest in France Agency (AFII) with hi-tech startups to pursue a joint master's degree at Sciences Po Paris and the London School of Economics in political economy. During her degree, she became the Editor of TechCrunch France. She also co-founded Girls in Tech Paris and is a co-organizer of LeBridge and Failcon Europe. She recently joined Startupbootcamp, a startup accelerator program in Europe and will soon be making her way to a startup. She writes about entrepreneurship in France/Europe on her personal blog: Techbaguette.com

KAI KOELMEL Vice President Renewables, CEO Hydro & Ocean Power| Siemens AG 91-97 Siemens South Africa including: Corporate Controlling, Head of Strategy, Automation & Drives Sales. 1997-1999 Siemens Germany: PM & Sales - Cement Industry. 1999-2002 France, CFO of Courbon S.A. in St Etienne. 02-05 Siemens Germany, GM - Infrastructure Projects. 05-08 Siemens Germany, VP Corporate Development Strategy - Energy. Since 08 Siemens Germany, VP Renewable Energy, since 09 CEO Hydro & Ocean Power at Renewable Energy

KYUNG H. YOON Chief Executive Officer | Talent Age Associates Kyung H. Yoon is Founder and CEO of Talent Age Associates, a Palo Alto-based executive search firm with offices in Asia. Kyung currently serves as a board of director of the Silicon Valley Bank as a Trustee, Former Chairman and President of the Asia America MultiTechnology Association (AAMA) on the Advisory Board of Stanford University's Project on Regions of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. For 14 years she was with Heidrick & Struggles, Inc. rising to become vice chairman, leading the firm’s expansion in Asia. Her many awards include “Women of the Year - Guiding Light Award for Leadership” from the Society of Asian Women Leaders in 2008, and the “2004 Asia Pacific Leadership Award” from the University of San Francisco Center for the Pacific.

JEAN-DAVID CHAMBOREDON Chief Executive Officer | ISAI Gestion Since January 2010 Jean-David is the CEO of ISAI, the French internet entrepreneurs' fund. ISAI has 35+m€ under management. He has more than 25 years of experience in the IT industry. Jean-David started his career at Cap Gemini, where he worked for 14 years on system integration and Internet related business. He then joined the venture capital industry in 2000, first as CTO of Europatweb and then as a partner at Viventures. Key deals include Okyz (acquired by Adobe), Screentonic (acquired by Microsoft), Highdeal (acquired by SAP), Priceminister.com (acquired by Rakuten) and Seloger.com (listed on Euronext). He currently serves on the board of Covoiturage.fr, Instantluxe.com, CommerceGuys & Boticca.com. He attended Ecole Polytechnique.


ZOOM ON A FEW SPEAKERS KARSTEN LANGER Chairman | EVCA (European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association) Partner | Riverside Europe Partners Mr. Langer is currently Chairman of the EVCA. Since 2006, Mr. Langer has been Partner at global private equity firm, The Riverside Company, leading the firm’s investment and portfolio management operations in the Benelux countries and France. Prior to Riverside, Mr. Langer was Managing Partner of an independent corporate finance firm in Brussels. He also spent five years with GE Capital Europe and started his career with Danske Bank in Copenhagen. He holds a BSc (econ) from the Copenhagen Business School and a Masters in Management from EAP – European School of Management (now ESCP Europe), and speaks English, French, Danish, German, Portuguese and basic Dutch.

ISABELLE JUPPE Corporate Social Responsibility Director | Lagardère Group Former journalist and writer Isabelle has been working in the Lagardère Group for eleven years. First in charge of a Think tanK on the sociological impact of digital issues, and synergies about youth program (books, magazines, TV channels…) she was appointed head of sustainability development department in 2008. Lagardère is a world class media group, operating in nearly 40 countries.

ED LAMBERT SVP | Bridge Bank Technology Division Ed is a Senior Vice-President with Bridge Bank-focusing on creating and expanding relationships with Emerging Growth to Public High-Tech, Green and Life Science Companies. He began his 30 years of banking/lending experience with Bank of America and has achieved significant success. At Bridge, his focus is to provide a combination of “virtual” and human support to clients that will allow them to grow domestically and internationally. Ed holds an MBA from Santa Clara University and a BA in history from the University of California at Santa Cruz. Ed has sat on several Director and Advisory boards, including the executive committee of Tech America, the Silicon Valley Assoc. of Software Entreprenuers (SVASE), SDForum, AlwaysOn and the CleanTech Open.

SVEN OTTO LITTORIN Founding partner| Gibran Associates Ltd Former Minister for Employment | Sweden Sven Otto Littorin is an independent advisor in business intelligence, strategic communications and political affairs, based in London, UK. In the spring of 2011, he was a visiting scholar at the Center for Innovation and Communication at Stanford University, interested in developing the link between innovation and jobs and the interaction between creation of policy and public discussion, crossing the traditional verticals of government. Between 2006 and 2010, Mr. Littorin was Sweden’s Minister for Employment, in charge of USD 15bn of the government budget, covering areas such as the unemployment insurance system, active labor market programs and nine government agencies.

REX NORTHEN Executive Director| Cleantech Open Rex is Executive Director of the Cleantech Open, the world’s largest clean technology accelerator with regional operations based in Silicon Valley, Seattle, Denver, Minneapolis, Boston, Austin, and Washington, DC. As founder and CEO of technology companies in both Europe and the United States, Rex is an entrepreneur with a long history of building and managing technology companies and successful teams, ranging from startups to global corporations. He has also directed the establishment of the Global Cleantech Open which in 2010 had participants from 20 countries. Northen holds an M.A. from the University of Oxford.



WOLFGANG SCHUSTER Investment Manager | Vodafone Ventures As an Investment Manager at Vodafone Ventures, Vodafone’s corporate venture capital entity, Wolfgang leads the Venture Capital activities in German-speaking Europe. His main objective is to identify and evaluate investment opportunities for Vodafone Ventures. He also helps to capture innovation by directing a lens onto the global Venture Capital ecosystem and bringing it into sharp focus for Vodafone.

STEPHEN J. SEUNTJENS Founding Partner | Graft Ventures Former Head | Philips Ventures Mr. Seuntjens (American & Belgian) has global experience including both executive positions with multinationals as well as entrepreneurial endeavors. Companies he has supported include the likes of Mind CTI, Shapeways, allowing 3D printing, Directlife, part of Royal Philips Electronics. Prior to leading Graft Ventures, Mr. Seuntjens was the Chief Executive Officer of Philips Lifestyle Incubator. The Lifestyle Incubator, headquartered in The Netherlands, invests in both service and product concepts within the wellbeing/consumer health domain. Mr. Seuntjens holds a Masters in International Management and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.



Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education is Essential

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Educating entrepreneurship in primary and secondary education is an essential investment for better future. Promoting entrepreneurship very early at school, early career at age 18, apprenticeship, are the main ways of promoting essential values as risk taking, self-reliance, adaptability and business skills. Introduce ‘mentorship’ early: set up a civic duty for all and engage seniors in mentorship programs Help educators to have more business logic and awareness on the use of technology and invite entrepreneurs & innovators into the schools

Innovation & Technology

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Governments should have a more strategic focus on the role of innovation, as a main driver of growth. Foster activism, disruptive models and invent incentives to compete and excel Foster public/private partnerships around innovation and better co-ordination of efforts in between countries. Create incentives for collaboration in between innovation networks and stakeholders. Give better protection for intellectual property and patents for SME’s, at lower costs. Have an investment strategy in intangible assets. Create incentives to improve collaboration in between large companies and the business sector with innovative start-ups Recognize the role of Universities and knowledge networks Work on scaling up significant good practices Base policies on medium-long term objectives to provide stability for companies investing in research Involve entrepreneurs and innovators in policy development Unleash and make transparent the public information to allow innovative commercial and non-commercial use

Empower SMEs & Entrepreneurs, Create Jobs

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Create a G20 visa for entrepreneurs favoring entrepreneurs’ mobility Incentives for hiring and drop employer’s tax for first 2 years of start-up Investment: o Incentives for investing o Help and promote business angels (mostly successful entrepreneurs investing their own resources) o Need for banks dedicated to entrepreneurs Customize social packages, no one-fits-all Flexible regulation for new business Create positive image for entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs Compensation tied to social & economic results of the enterprise with corresponding fiscal incentives Don’t penalize business failure Favor incentives to work versus unemployment benefits

Sustainable Development

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Release data from governments to promote new business opportunities with positive impact on society and on the environment Stop picking and promoting so-called ‘winners’ (i.e. ethanol), remove harmful subsidies Review metrics used to measure success and define policy priorities Encourage social entrepreneurship through specific incentives Set targets for business school associations



• ASOCS • E-Senza • Zimory

• Agendize • AmphiMedia • BabelWay • DaCast • Manumatix • MVine • MyID.is Certified • MySeat • RubicPro • TouchCommerce • Tribeka • Vidyo • WISeKey • Znak it!



•BlueEnergy •WaterWalla

• Solar Euromed • SymbioFCell

• BrainBox • Concept Footwear Solutions • Cochlear • WikiSensor

Social Entrepreneur



• Aorta • Bibop • BuyPacker • Decizium • Doodle • EasySearch • Fluid Interaction • GENius • I-Dispo • Layers • OneFeat • Zenlist

Consumer Internet


PRESENTING COMPANIES AGENDIZE SaaS Provider of easy-to-install conversion tools, helping small to large sized organizations convert online traffic into real business. Over 20 million calls, appointments and visits generated to 30 enterprise customers in 20 countries.


ENTEC Studi o is a software developme nt compa ny that uses 3D ga mes e ngine technol ogy to provide uniquely effective, cutting edge online s hopping sol utions for clothing retailers

Amphi Media helps communities of users communicate and collaborate around shared user-generated video content. Trainers, recruiters, organizations and associations develop their own online platforms through Amphi Media, to manage the submission and sharing of videos, securely and constructively.

AORTA Custom made mobile apps for brands and big media

ASOCS ASOCS develops and markets MultiComm processors that provide mobile users with seamless connectivity over diverse ÂŽ wireless networks. Our MultiComms processor ;ModemX , represents a revolutionary approach to communications and runs multiple communication standards concurrently on a single chip, all in software .

BABELWAY Babelway is a unique SaaS solution to automate electronic exchanges of orders, invoices, delivery notes and other documents between business partners. Babelway radically decreases the costs and efforts involved in building and operating electronically integrated supply and procurement chains.

BIBOP S.P.A Bibop S.p.a leading Social TV Company specialized in digital media projects; cross media platforms, TV, Web, mobile integrated and participative formats; editorial publishing and management; moderation and buzz marketing; content libraries and rights managements

BLUEENERGY blueEnergy is an international consortium with three members, based in the US, Nicaragua and France, which improves lives in marginalized communities using a holistic approach to sustainable energy and related fundamental services.

BRAINBOX & COMPANY Brainbox created ODIMO, the first game console created for the visually impaired and blind, offering interactive entertainment applications.


PRESENTING COMPANIES BUYPACKER Founded by 5 students, BuyPacker is the first collective buying company targeting students in France. We work together with the student associations and offer special deals on bars, concerts, clubs etc.

COCHLEAR As the global leader (We are WW leaders with 70 % MS and 55% MS in France ) in implantable hearing solutions, Cochlear is dedicated to bringing the gift of sound to people all over the world. Along with the industry’s largest investment in R&D, we continue to partner with leading international researchers and hearing professionals, to respect our commitment: “Hear now. And always “.

CONCEPT FOOTWEAR SOLUTIONS Concept Footwear Solutions has created a revolutionary multi-height shoe to reconcile comfort with glamour, so that women will never have to sacrifice one for the other.

DACAST LLC The first Online Video Platform with a complete SaaS approach providing all the services for streaming video and immediate monetization.

DECIZIUM SA Provider of a “travel 3.0” web based application that automatically generates customized trips, taking into account the budget and the preferences of the tourist.

DOODLE Doodle eliminates the chaos of scheduling and saves you a lot of time and energy when you’re trying to find a time to bring a number of people together. The service is used for business and personal scheduling by more than 8 million people per month.

EASYSEARCH EasySearch is an innovative publishing service growing out of Africa. It is starting off with a classified listing service that allows users to add and search for products like jobs, real estate, cars, home appliances etc via SMS on their phones, and also on the web. It is based on industry leading Natural Language Processing technology that allows users to write the SMS in their own words, in free style.

E-SENZA TECHNOLOGIES GMBH E-Senza is a leading provider of energy efficiency solutions that enables buildings and factories gain transparency, cut energy costs, do condition monitoring and that helps them go Smart & Green. Solutions are based on a (patented) ultra low power wireless communication technology framework SenzaNET.


PRESENTING COMPANIES FLUID INTERACTION Fluid Interaction is an award winning UX specialist company from Finland. Our mission is to reduce information overload in people’s lives. Starting with the biggest source of noise in human history; social media.

GENIUS Innovative social exchange platform for objects. Mobile B2C application that guesses what objects user should want to sell and which objects they should be interested in. The app learn from user behavior and builds the most comprehensive DB of users’ needs and object, to build the world largest marketplace for used & new objects

I-DISPO I-DISPO let online customers schedule an appointment with any offline local business from any website, search engine or application.

LAYERS Layers is a personalized social media center that runs on your browser, tablet or smartphone where all your content and social streams from Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and others are as easy to consume as surfing through TV channels.

MANUMATIX INC. Manumatix has developed a disruptive marketing technology which reduces the costs of advertising by a factor of ten. Bamboo, our Social Rewards Platform, provides our clients with a super efficient, cost effective alternative to traditional advertising channels.

MVINE LTD Mvine is a leading social business software vendor. Its platform gives people all the tools they need to work in partnership across corporate boundaries, productively and securely. It incorporates the best of both worlds: secure, structured communication flows, plus rich content and user-friendly collaboration tools.

MYID.IS CERTIFIED MyID.is Certified is the first “digital ID-card” that enables users to prove their real identity online for the first time to the same level of authority as an ID card or passport would do offline.

ONEFEAT Onefeat turns your whole life into a game. Onefeat users create missions by uploading pictures to earn points. Connects people through real-life missions.


PRESENTING COMPANIES RUBICPRO Web-Notifier - Instant delivery of any type messages (text, graphics, video, sound) to the telecom operator subscribers, to achieve awareness, Ad delivery, implementation of effective feedback and new service creation.

SOLAR EUROMED Technology provider of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) solutions with proprietary solar fields and thermal storage equipments delivering strong energy conversion performances, and driving down the cost of the solar energy production to compete with fossil fuels.

SYMBIOFCELL Design, development, industrialization et commercialization of energetic systems to replace gasoline.

TOUCHCOMMERCE, INC. TouchCommerce uses real time behavioral targeting, to help ecommerce sites personalize their online visitors' shopping experience to convert more of their site traffic to sales. Using technologies such as live chat, targeted offers, TouchCommerce has produced an average site-wide revenue lift of 19.2% for our clients.

TRIBEKA LTD Creator and developer of a unique and disruptive technology for the in-store and online manufacture of software and entertainment product already approved and endorsed by most major software publishers, movie and music studios. Working with major retailers worldwide.

VIDYO Vidyo, Inc. pioneered Personal Telepresence enabling natural, HD multi-point videoconferences on tablets and smart phones, PCs and Macs, room systems, gateways that interoperate with H.323 and SIP endpoints, telepresence solutions and affordable cloud-based broadcast solutions.

WATERWALLA Clean water for urban slums.

WIKISENSOR WikiSensor is a scientific platform for environmental quality measurement to be used on multiple electronic devices (cell-phones, tablets, cameras‌) and to be shared by a large community of users. Its purpose is to democratize the measurement of environmental quality.


PRESENTING COMPANIES WISEKEY WISeKey is a unique global player in personal data protection and digital identification of people and objects to secure communications and transactions, without compromising trust and privacy thanks to its unique Trust model and leading edge IP technology. Endorsed by the ITU and the WEF as one of the Global Growth Companies.

ZENLIST Zenlist: Classifieds for Every Website. Zenlist is like Google AdSense for Classifieds. It lets any website or blog easily display relevant classifieds listings and generate revenue.

ZIMORY Zimory designs, develops and maintains an independent and elastic cloud software suite. It enables enterprise companies to transform their virtualized data centers into Cloud Services infrastructures and cloud service provider to setup and offer Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) in high quality.

ZNAK IT! Znak it! is award-wining SaaS developed to monetize premium online content of all formats and scale (also in the long tail). For the Web users, Znak it! offers a truly frictionless & secure way to access paid content, as-you-go, by using our platform-agnostic e-wallet, reloadable with pre-paid virtual tokens.



View the interview of Ted Lambert, Bridge Bank, USA

Acting as a discovery market place, i7 summit gives its participants the opportunity to work together on two main strategies.

New models for new entrepreneurs 1. Which are the New frontiers for the new entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurship is rapidly evolving to new frontiers with no geographic limit but with burning desire to undertake new and daring ventures: ďƒź Accomplished European entrepreneurs exporting their entrepreneurship to Silicon Valley: The case of two Italian companies: Bibop, GENius, leaving Europe and reinventing themselves to realize their full potential in a super-charged entrepreneurial environment, hinting at the persistent brain drain from Europe. ďƒź Young entrepreneurs looking at emerging countries to address societal or development opportunities: From the US to India: WaterWalla. Ivy-league educated entrepreneur looking back at his country of birth India and applying his skills to solve pressing water sanitation problems in city slumps. “In October 2010 I attended the first i7 Summit. I am a Marketeer and I specialize in opening new markets and innovation. I thought the networking and social enterprise subjects would be interesting. I was wrong. I witnessed a pitch by a company called Water Walla that was to change my view on life and my own life. This went beyond interesting to obsession. Every few seconds a baby dies because of contaminated water somewhere in the world. Most of these children live in urban slums. WaterWalla over the year since I heard the story has found technologies to clean the water, gained trust in the slums, created a distribution channel that is self-funding and opened a shop that for the first time puts filtering


technology within reach of the average family living within the slum. The shop has 40 women acting as sales agents to spread the word and educate the community. The shop is running at a profit. People are buying the products that will clean their water. One shop serves 20,000 people that means 50,000 children saved. (…) (…)The interest and follow up are going on as I write. The event is a must for anyone looking for a new way to do business, for anyone wanting to work in innovation and for anyone who has a heart.” Colin Scaife From Europe to Africa: EasySearch, Sele Odigi, INSEAD-educated entrepreneur looking back at his country of birth Nigeria as a beachhead to conquer the African market by applying his skills to take advantage of this rapidly growing emergent market by adapting and re-purposing technology and business model to suit market environment. “I7 was a great opportunity for me to learn to be an entrepreneur and also a good place to develop new business opportunities. By learning to be an entrepreneur, I was exposed to multiple investors, as well as other entrepreneurs in my sector. This gave me an opportunity to observe and learn how my "colleagues" approached the investors and essentially marketed their projects. These are things you can only learn on the field, in the real world. And i7 provides that opportunity to observe and learn from peers. Perhaps more importantly, i7 provides a platform for business development. There are multiple opportunities to announce your project and to listen to the announcements of others - either in the official pitch sessions or workshops panels etc. Thus you can readily identify opportunities to collaborate. I found someone willing to license my IP for a completely different domain/application from my main market segment. In summary, it is a very good opportunity for personal growth and for business growth. I highly recommend it. » Sele Odigi Within their own country: Brazil Luiz Tangari Peirera, Aorta, taking advantage of the rapid growth of his country and deep knowledge of technology to realize his entrepreneurial objectives within his own country with no desire to emigrate. “Thank you for the great opportunity” Luiz Tangari Peirera 2. Which are the New models for the new entrepreneurs: Technology going consumer leveraging social interaction, new technologies and new business models to drill down in niche markets  New Time management & Scheduling: I-Dispo, doodle  New model for consuming information: Layers, Genius, OneFeat “Participation: We presented Onefeat during the quick pitches in front of VC’s, business angels and other startuppers at i7 Summit -> We had great feedback on the project, the team and our vision


The results were: -Meeting with Vivendi for a future partnership -Meeting with Lagardère -Meeting T-Mobile, and go between with other VC’s -2 Business Angels interested in our project We were also able to strengthen our relationship with certain people from the « tech » environment, and with academics. “ Soulheil Medaghri  New model of securing relationships: My ID is certified  New model of scalability : WaterWalla 3. Which are the New models for the new society: Innovation and technology are still at the heart of consumer wellbeing, and it is through consumer innovation that niche markets are still largely developed: ex: Tanya Heath “I found the i7 summit to be entirely worth the time. Concept Footwear Solutions is a life-style company and we were presenting in a field with mostly more traditional tech start-ups. Against all expectations we did meet some investors who may be interested in our company. Beyond that however we met several people who were at least genuinely supportive, and in some cases have really gone the extra mile to introduce us to people who can help grow the company. I'd like to add that it was nice to meet entrepreneurs and other professionals from so many different companies and I found the workgroups were informative and helpful. Thanks for a good experience. “ Tanya Heath


To review the best moments of i7 Summit 2011 Photos & Interviews o http://www.i7summit.org/gallery Plenary sessions o http://www.i7summit.org/speakers Presenting companies o http://www.i7summit.org/presenters

They are talking about us :  http://www.forbes.com/sites/robertobonzio/2011/10/17/waterwalla-humanitarianbusiness-with-clean-water-for-india/  http://www.italianidifrontiera.com/2011/10/22/i7-summit-a-parigi-un-videodiario-idfsu-idee-per-innovazione-tecnologia-societa-e-felicita/  http://www.les-fontaines.com/en/i7-summit-2011-a-global-conference-on-technologyinnovation-entrepreneurship-and-society.html  http://designmind.frogdesign.com/blog/connecting-entrepreneurs-and-vcs-at-the-i7summit-paris.html  http://www.riversidecompany.com/News_and_Media/Multimedia/i7_Summit_2011_ Panel_Discussion.aspx  http://www.ebn.be/NewsDetail.aspx?id=263  http://www.ezebis.com/venture/i7-summit-in-paris-france/  http://www.yasmolive.com/media/?p=90  http://www.amphi-media.com/amphi-media-presenting-at-i7-summit-in-france/  http://efbayarea.com/blog/2011/09/529/  http://blog.explolab.com/2011/10/29/librer-vos-intrapreneurs-intervention-de-danieljasmin-li7summit/  http://www.dimis.org/?p=237  http://www.oezratty.net/wordpress/2011/innovation-globale-au-i7-summit/

Sources :  http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/3/14/45302349.pdf



JEAN-BERNARD GUERREE Managing Director | Avisé Partners jbguerree@avisepartners.com

PATRICK CONSORTI EVP Market Expansion | Avisé Partners pconsorti@avisepartners.com

GIGI WANG Strategic Partner | Avisé Partners gwang@avisepartners.com


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