25=05=2014=mobile apps for events

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Why every event needs an app

1.1 The App Event Ecosystem

1.2 Features and benefits

1.3 The Impact on ROI

2. Implement a success strategy for your event

2.1 Need Analysis

2.2 Timeline guide

2.3 App promotion

2.4 Keep your app alive after the event

3. Case studies

3.1 TechCrunch

3.2 Giffoni Film Festival

4. Conclusions

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1. WHY EVERY EVENT NEEDS AN APP 1.1 THE APP EVENT ECOSYSTEM The rise of mobile technologies such as smartphones and tablets has affected every industry and sector on a global scale, as well as our daily routine.

With mobile penetration rates hitting 101% in North America and an amazing 129% in Western Europe, the decision of investing in a mobile-first strategy plays a crucial role in many businesses’ budget plans.

From retailers to hospitality businesses, we’ve registered a massive increase in the number of businesses integrating mobile in their marketing strategy to secure a better positioning, and the event business makes no exception!

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With millions of events taking place every year, the event business has become a strategic marketing and branding tool available to companies of all sectors. From product launches to press conferences, companies create promotional events to communicate more effectively with existing clients, to engage with them by increasing commitment, to reward customer loyalty and target potential new customers.

However, although the benefits for a company of implementing mobile technologies into event marketing are clear, too many still don’t know how to effectively integrate it into their business operations.

This is due to what Greg Stuart – CEO of the Mobile Marketing Association – defines as “the knowing versus doing gap”:

“They know they need an app for their event, but they don’t know how to set the ball rolling.” Greg Stuart

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Far too many businesses approach apps for events in a naĂŻve way, without carrying out a proper need analysis nor building a dedicated team to monitor operations before, during and after the event. This lack of strategy obviously results into meagre ROI and a poor experience for attendees.

On the other hand, if properly implemented into business operations, mobile apps can work as a catalyst for return on investment and can dramatically improve audience engagement, generating additional value for the business also in the months following the event.

This e-book will discuss how mobile apps can boost events’ success, while creating an innovative channel to engage with attendees in year-round conversations.

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1.2 FEATURES AND BENEFITS Choosing the features to implement in your event app is the first key step to take in your mobile strategy.

When selecting your app features do not simply copy the same features that determined the success of one of your competitors’ event apps. While it is important to be aware of market needs and competitors’ positioning, analyse carefully your event’s needs and objectives and select only those features that can truly help you achieve the desired results.

It might be a good idea to select app features in order of priority and feasibility, making a clear distinction between “must have features” and “nice to have features”, that might be implemented at a later stage if time and budget permit.

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The table below provides a list of the most popular features that can be found in most event apps, with connected benefits, to guide you in your decision-making process so that your app will be a success.



1) Provide attendees with all the

Provide speakers’ bios, photos, contact

relevant information (date, location

details and social profiles to facilitate

and topic) about each event session.


2) Easily manage a wealth of data by filtering information by date, location, etc.



Feature exhibitor profiles to help

Allow attendees to create their own

attendees choose in advance which

profile and check out other attendees’

booths to visit.

profiles to maximize networking opportunities.

VENUE MAP Help attendees move around the venue and easily locate exhibitors’ booths.

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1) Collect attendees’/exhibitors’/

1) Deliver relevant information or

sponsors’ contact details to maximize

last-minute changes to attendees via

networking opportunities.

push notifications.

2) Give attendees more reasons to

2) Communicate with participants in

use the app even after the end of the

real time even when they’re not using


the app.



Update attendees on the latest event

1) Integrate social communities into

news via RSS feeds.

the app. 2) Generate a lively social buzz around. the event.

IN-APP INSTANT MESSAGING SYSTEM Encourage attendees to interact in real time via wall chat and reach out to organizers for technical issues.



Enable registrants to purchase tickets

Enable attendees to register for the

for the event or single sessions via app.

event or for single sessions via app.

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Foster audience engagement through

Provide attendees with a wealth

photos and videos of the event as well

of resources (PDFs, spreadsheets,

as bonus content to reward app users.

infographics, white papers) to check during and after the event.

ADDITIONAL TOURIST INFORMATION Offer useful tourist information to help attendees find restaurants and accommodations in the surroundings.



1) Create a dedicated offer for app

1) Reward loyal attendees with special

users, such as discounts on tickets,

badges that can be collected upon

exclusive access to VIP halls, etc.

performing certain tasks/actions.

2) Give attendees more reasons to

2) Boost customer loyalty.

check in to the app over time.



1) Encourage attendees to share their

Remind attendees of their sessions

opinion about the event.

with automated messages when the

2) Easily identify event’s weaknesses

event is about to start.

and services that need to be improved.

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Enable attendees to access the

Protect valuable content by limiting

app even when there is no Internet

access to certain users via username

connection thanks to native

and password.

technology. ADVANCED ANALYTICS 1) Monitor app performance and filter data by type of device, location and time. 2) Get a deeper understanding of event audience

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1.3 THE IMPACT ON ROI Events are not just a fun day out. They are an amazing business opportunity that can boost revenues, client acquisition and brand awareness if wisely implemented into the business strategy.

Event organizers are constantly looking for new ways to increase their events’ ROI, while keeping the standards high for attendees, and mobile apps are an amazing tool to achieve these goals.

What’s the actual impact on ROI of going mobile for event organizers?

SAVE COSTS Whether it’s a health conference or a tech trade fair, one of the major expenses to face when planning an event is the cost of printed materials – leaflets, event guides, handouts, etc.

In this regard, mobile apps determine an immediate return on investment by cutting down printing cost. Although the idea of going 100% paperless is probably unrealistic, still you can make significant savings by incorporating event information in your app and thus printing lighter guides.

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Besides, the actual cost saving is not only limited to printing costs, but it extends much further. Apps can be updated on the fly and, thanks to modern DIY platforms for app development, they can be easily created and managed by non-technical staff.

Promotional and engagement tools often rely on digital in-built features that come with the app, which results into further savings on distribution and shipping costs.

GAIN REVENUES FROM SPONSORS Mobile apps are a great revenue generator for event sponsors as they offer the chance to target ads to a segmented audience and deliver marketing messages when users are more likely to pay attention to them.

Apart from being targeted and scheduled, ads within the app can include a tracking URL to monitor the performance of the campaign or test different messages.

Modern DIY platforms for app development give event organizers the chance to join adv networks (AdMob, Adsense, InMobi) and generate extra revenues by simply displaying sponsors’ banners inside their event app.

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GET TO KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE BETTER Getting real-time feedback on events becomes extremely easy with mobile apps: live messaging, user reports and app surveys are an effective way of monitoring your event’s performance and understand how to further improve it.

Analytics can be integrated into your event app to gain insights about attendee preferences and behaviours, allowing businesses to be efficient and thorough at the same time. Given the fact that mobile is measurable, exhibitors can also track how attendees access business information, look at specific contents, and interact with their brand.

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ESTABLISH YOUR BRAND AS AN INNOVATION LEADER Creating an app for your event will bring along many intangible benefits that will impact your ROI in the long term. One of these benefits is represented by the perception of your brand as an innovation leader in your industry.

Unlike most of your competitors who still rely on old-school marketing strategies and printed resources, you will be able to establish your brand as an early adopter of the most innovative technologies in your sector.

BETTER NETWORKING Event Apps are incredibly effective because they’re meaningful. Giving users easy-to-use tools makes them a part of your team: they bring more value to your event by generating content for you across the platforms people use every day, such as social networks.

Thanks to in-app networking, your event becomes more interactive, engaging, and memorable. By leveraging the buzz generated by your attendees, you will able to connect with those who did not come this time, but surely will the next.

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IMPROVE EXPERIENCE FOR ATTENDEES Mobile apps are an unparalleled tool to grant your event attendees an engaging experience.

Event apps dramatically improve the learning experience for attendees, as they simplify access to handouts and event information; foster interaction with speakers and organizers; improve customer service and networking opportunities.

Apart from educational benefits, event apps also offer impressive social benefits. Have you ever noticed that during breaks, meals and sessions, attendees are constantly using their phones to interact with the world outside of the event?

Event apps allow attendees to stay focused on the event while still using their beloved mobile devices. By sharing photos, leaving comments and joining conversations they can give their contribution to the event and feel more engaged.

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CREATE AN ECO-FRIENDLY BRAND As people all over the world are getting more and more aware of environmental issues, going paperless for your event becomes an extraordinary opportunity not only to save costs but also to reduce your carbon footprint.

By cutting down your carbon footprint for the event, you will establish yourself as an eco-friendly company, with a positive impact on your brand. To calculate your carbon footprint and find out more on how to reduce it, you can try the WWF Footprint Calculator.

INCREASE REGISTRATIONS FOR NEXT YEAR Because of all these benefits for sponsors and attendees, an event app does not impact only your current savings but it can significantly increase your ROI for the following year. Thanks to the enhanced event experience offered to your attendees, along with improved networking opportunities and facilitated access to resources, attendees will be more motivated to spread the word about your event and pre-register for upcoming ones.

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2. IMPLEMENT A SUCCESS STRATEGY FOR YOUR EVENT 2.1 NEED ANALYSIS The decision of adopting a mobile-first approach to events should not depend on current trends or peer pressure, but it should arise form a thorough analysis of company needs and desired goals.

The lack of methodology when approaching the decision to create an event app may result into a poorly implemented product, inadequate promotion and ultimately money loss.

To help you assess your event needs and select which “must have� features your app should have, we have compiled the following Need Analysis Template.

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Type of event: Start/End date: Project Manager: Target audience:


What is your budget for this project?


Do you have dedicated staff to work on project development?


If yes, which are their technical skills? How much time do you have to organize the project?


How large is the expected audience? What are their technical skills?


I want my app to work offline.


I need to publish my app on the app stores. I need to broadcast news updates. I want to enable in-app registrations. I want to enable users to purchase tickets via app. I need to send out instant messages/updates to my attendees (push notifications). I want to create dedicated sections for speakers/exhibitors/ attendees profiles. I need to upload rich media files (photos, videos, podcasts‌).

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I need to limit access to the app via username and password. I would like to allow attendees to interact in real time via wall chat. I want to include a venue map. I would like to offer coupons and special offers to app users. I would like to integrate social profiles in my app. I want a white label app.


Does the event have any sponsors? How many? Would you like to sell adv banners inside your app to your sponsors?


How is your event venue organized (halls, pavilions, etc.)? Is your venue provided with WiFi connection?


Which are your communications goals (1) before, (2) during and (3) after?


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2.2 TIMELINE GUIDE Thanks to modern all-in-one mobile marketing platforms like AppsBuilder, actual app development can be carried out very quickly and without any coding or design skills, so that an app can be fully developed in as little as a couple of hours.

What takes most of the time is creating engaging contents for you app that can truly add value to your final product, turning these contents into a well-structured framework and waiting for Apple App Store’s approval.

In order to create a content rich application, get it published on the stores and still have enough time to fulfil a comprehensive marketing strategy, we recommend planning a timeframe of 8-10 weeks, as suggested in the timeline below.

1ST WEEK Need Analysis + Open Developer Account

3RD-4TH WEEKS Store Submission + Approval Time



Start Development

App promotion + Further Development

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The above timeline applies to native app projects, which includes submission to the Apple App Store. However, if you do not need to develop a native application for your event, a 6-week timeframe will be enough.

When opting for a native app for your event, you should also consider that, unlike web apps, this type of application requires certain key elements for store submission. These include the typical branded components – app title, app icon and splash image – that cannot be updated in real time once the app has been published.

That is why we recommend that you should start working on these fundamental elements as soon as you start developing the app, whereas you can keep customizing design and updating your contents while waiting for Apple approval.

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Also note that in order to be able to submit your app to the stores, you will be asked to activate a paid developer account and hold by each store’s review times, as illustrated in the following table:





Up to 15 days

$25/one time fee

24-48 hours

BlackBerry World


10 days

Windows 8 Store

$49/year (for individuals)

10 days

$99/year (for companies)

10 days


10 days

$5/one time fee

30 minutes

Apple App Store Google Play

Windows Phone Store Chrome Web Store

Data updated to April 2014

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NATIVE APP OR WEB APP? In deciding whether to opt for a native app or an HTML5 Web App for your event a careful analysis of the audience, the timing and the budget seems to be the norm.

Native apps are developed for specific OS (iOS, Android, Windows, etc.) and they offer several benefits in terms of branding and communications. Unlike Web Apps (mobile sites) that can be viewed via mobile web browser, native apps need to be downloaded from the appropriate store to be used.

Although native apps tend to be the ultimate choice for events, the tech friendliness of your target audience should be taken into account before making a decision. While a more tech-savvy audience would prefer a native app, a less expert audience might feel more comfortable with a web app, which is easier to use and doesn’t need to be installed. Moreover, unless you consider implementing dedicated marketing operations to keep profiting from the app after the event, a web app could be a more appropriate and cost-effective solution.

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2.3 APP PROMOTION Mobile apps can truly take your event to the next level, creating more personalized interaction among participants and offering a new social networking channel for connecting and sharing contents.

However, for companies to capitalize on event apps it is crucial to implement a comprehensive promotion strategy that can turn the app into a permanent fixture on attendees’ devices.

Here is a list of promotional activities to effectively promote your event app:

PREPARE FOR THE LAUNCH BEFOREHAND To make sure your app doesn’t disappear among hundreds of apps that are launched every day, start creating the buzz around it long before the event date.

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If you already have a website for your event, you can announce the launch of the app and provide your prospective users with some short description of the app that will raise interest. Remember that a persuasive description will be concise, make use of a simple language and focus on the app’s benefits rather that listing its features. Use your target audience’s language and try to answer these questions: What can I do with this app? Which problem does it solve?

Don’t miss out on this opportunity: raising interest in advance will pay off with more downloads at the time of the launch.

INVITE ATTENDEES TO JOIN YOUR MAILING LIST Creating a mailing list is the most cost-effective way to start creating some buzz around your app prior to the event.

Advertise your coming-soon app on your website or on social networks and invite potential attendees to subscribe to your mailing list to be the first to be notified as soon as the app gets released.

This will also bring another long-term benefit. You will enrich your database with fresh leads to nurture after the event, through newsletters and updates on future events, promotions and the latest news about your services.

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CREATE A VIDEO The trickiest part for app users is that they can only discover an app’s true features after downloading it. Shooting a video could be an excellent idea to allow users to see your app in action.

It doesn’t have to be a professional video, it can just be a 1 or 2 minute preview with an upbeat music on the background, highlighting the main features and benefits of the app as well as its attractive design.

Give a «tour» of your app features and give concrete examples of how it would maximize the event experience for the attendees.

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CREATE A DEDICATED LANDING PAGE Building a promotional landing page dedicated to your event app allows you to have a stand-alone advertisement pointing directly to the marketplace where users can download your app.

A landing page represents a unique promotional tool as it gives you all the space you need to structure your app’s presentation and cover thoroughly all its benefits and features. You can use all the benefits offered by the web, integrating video, social profiles, reviews and awards achieved by your application.

Moreover, you could also create a contact form to allow your app users to get in touch with you. This is an exceptional opportunity for all event planners to get precious feedback on their app, spot the features that need to be improved and offer users an alternative channel to report bugs rather than posting a comment on the stores.

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REDIRECT TO MOBILE SITE AND APP One of the most effective ways to encourage app downloads and visits to your mobile site is to simply redirect your website visitors to the app by using Redirect to Mobile function provided by AppsBuilder.

When customers visit your website from a smartphone, a pop-up message will invite them to switch to the mobile-optimised website or to download the app from the appropriate store. This way you will be able to drive more traffic to your mobile site and app and offer your users a more satisfying mobile experience at the same time.

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USE QR CODES IN YOUR MARKETING MATERIAL Another way of providing instant access to your app is through QR codes. QR codes can complement other marketing materials that you use, such as leaflets, posters, magazines, stickers, etc. All users have to do is point their device at the QR code, scan it and they will be instantly redirected to the target webpage you wish to promote.

GET SOCIAL Social media is a must in promotion, as you have to be present where your clients spend most of their time.

To reach prospective attendees in only a few clicks you can create a separate account for your app on Twitter, an official fan page on Facebook and promote your app in groups on LinkedIn to achieve the highest number of visits/downloads.

When enjoying the benefits of social networks, don’t forget that at the heart of them lies community interaction. In other words, update regularly your profiles not only with news regarding your event but also pointing out other news that might interest your fans/followers to stimulate interaction.

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GET PRESS COVERAGE ON TRADE MAGAZINES To give more media exposure to your app, you might consider posting an ad on event magazines or launching a press release across the major publications in your industry. Remember to focus on the most newsworthy aspects of your app and to highlight how the app could add value to the event experience for attendees.

To amplify the reach of your press release, you can rely on the professional services provided by digital PR agencies such as prMac or PRWeb to reach more media contacts.

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2.4 KEEP YOUR APP ALIVE AFTER THE EVENT Mobile event apps were originally developed to replace paper guides and provide a more interactive alternative to traditional event materials. However, if you don’t want to see your app end up in a trash bin just like the majority of old-school event guides and leaflets, you should be ready to execute a strategic plan to keep your app alive after the event and give your attendees valid reasons to continue to use it.

Here are 5 doable ideas to get more life out of your app when your event is over.

1. REFRESH CONTENTS One of the reasons why your attendees decided to download your app in the first place was because of the wealth of information if offered about the event and its speakers.

However, now that the event is over, your app can continue to be a point of reference for your audience in terms of statistics, insights and other valuable resources about the theme of your event. Don’t underestimate this piece of information about your audience: you know which topics they are interested in, so you can leverage this precious data to offer them even more contents regarding that subject.

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You can start creating new resources for your app by looking back at the event. Collect the most brilliant quotes and insights from speakers’ presentations and sum them up in an e-book that can be downloaded via app; turn statistics about the event into appealing infographics or release a special video about the most crucial moments of the events.

2. CREATE EXPECTATIONS ABOUT NEXT EDITION Your app can be a powerful tool to create hopes and expectations about your upcoming events throughout the year.

As those people have already registered for one of your events, it is very likely they might be interested in knowing about your event’s next edition or upcoming fixtures related to it. Your app offers you an exclusive means of communication with your target audience, while push notifications allow you to deliver relevant updates right onto their devices.

Arouse your app users’ curiosity by releasing breaking news about next edition’s speakers or announcing some of the novelties that will be introduced next year (new venue, exhibitors contest, simplified registration system, etc.). You could also turn this into a kind of game, by releasing a hint a week via app and encouraging users to guess which novelty will be introduced in the event.

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3. LAUNCH AN EARLY-BIRD PROMOTION Mobile apps are a fantastic tool to build customer loyalty and lock in your existing clients. By keeping user experience simple, versatile and friendly, apps succeed in blending emotional and value elements into one.

Reward your attendees’ loyalty by launching an early-bird offer dedicated to app users only, such as an immediate discount on the purchase of next edition’s tickets, 2-for-1 vouchers or maybe a coupon to redeem on other services of yours (e.g.: magazine subscription).

4. CREATE DISCUSSION GROUPS Your event app caters to a large group of individuals who share the same interest in your event’s theme.

In other words, they constitute a community and as such you can leverage communities’ natural inclination to connectivity and social sharing to create discussion groups in your app.

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The wall chat feature provided by most event apps can be exploited in the months following the event to stimulate discussions on topics related to your event’s core theme. For example, if your event was on social media marketing, it might be a good move to launch a discussion among your app users about Facebook’s latest advertising campaigns and their impact on brands.

This way you will be able to engage with your audience in real time and build a stronger relationship with them, while establishing your brand as an opinion leader in your sector.

5. INCREASE NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES One of the major benefits offered by events are the unparalleled opportunities for networking with experts and professionals of specific areas. Attendees expect your app to amplify this benefit, by making it faster and easier to connect with people and eventually lay the foundations of profitable business partnerships.

Create a dedicated contact section in your app, with bios, photos and social profiles and keep adding contacts even after the event to maximize networking opportunities. As users expand their network and build new partnerships, the app becomes an essential tool they will regularly use to stay connected.

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TechCrunch Italy is the acclaimed 2-day tech event that gathers some of the most recognised leaders and innovators of the technology and media industry in Italy, Europe and the US. Co-organized with Populis, one of Europe’s leading digital media groups, the event brings together some of the best experts to discuss the most disruptive trends in the world of digital media. Participating as technical sponsor in 2013 edition, AppsBuilder developed the official app of the event currently available on the Apple App Store and Google Play as well as its mobile site.

“Geolocalization features allow attendees to receive relevant notices at the right time while social integration generates a

Since developing their first mobile app, TechCrunch Italy has been able

lively buzz around the event.”

to offer its attendees continuous updates on sessions, schedules and speakers right on their device, and to communicate with them in real time through push notifications. Maps and geolocalization features allow attendees to receive relevant notices at the right time and easily move around the venue to reach the different stages; while social integration contributes to generating a lively buzz around the event.

TechCrunch Italy Rome, Italy www.techcrunch-italy.com












“The event was a success and the app had a tremendous impact on it! The app has received an amazing response and it helped us create a lively buzz around our event. Thanks to its advanced features it was easy for attendees to organize their visit and schedule the sessions to attend, while easily interacting with organizers and other attendees via social integration. We couldn’t be happier!”

Amanda Lorenzani TechCrunch Italy Organizer

TechCrunch Italy Rome, Italy www.techcrunch-italy.com

CASE STUDY: GIFFONI FILM FESTIVAL WHO IS GIFFONI FILM FESTIVAL? Giffoni Film Festival was founded in 1971 by Claudio Gubitosi to promote and develop cinema among children. Defined by Francois Truffaut in 1982 as “the most necessary” of all film festivals, the format of GFF revolves around the jury being entirely made up of children. Over the past ten years GFF has succeeded in creating a network of global festivals under the Giffoni World Alliance, using the same format to promote films for children around the world.

THE BENEFITS OF GOING MOBILE For the 2013 edition, AppsBuilder developed the official app of the event currently available in Italian and English on the Apple App Store and Google Play, as well as its mobile site.


Since developing their first mobile app, GFF has been able to offer its attendees continuous updates on film screenings, schedules and film makers right on their devices.

Event program Film listing Film previews News updates Film makers’ bios

THE IMPACT ON BUSINESS By creating an exclusive content section dedicated to film previews, GFF organizers have been able to add additional value to the app, engage with their audience more effectively and offer them more reasons to check in to it.

Push notifications Social network integration

Push notifications and geolocalization features allow attendees to

Venue map

receive relevant notices at the right time and easily move around

Photo gallery

the venue to reach the different theatres; while social integration contributes to generating a lively buzz around the event.

“We turned to AppsBuilder to create the official app of the 43rd edition of Giffoni Film Festival and the whole process was so fast and easy, thanks to their amazing support and excellent team work! The platform is extremely intuitive and user-friendly and I strongly recommend it to anyone who needs to create awesome apps for international events.” Luca Tesauro Communication & Innovation Manager at GFF

Giffoni Film Festival Salerno, Italy www.giffonifilmfestival.it




increase in the attendance to film screenings


increase in new registrations



increase in social media interactions


increase in the number of fans


Giffoni Film Festival Salerno, Italy www.giffonifilmfestival.it

4. CONCLUSIONS Mobile event apps are changing the way fairs and conferences are planned and operated. However, for companies to truly capitalize on event apps it is crucial to implement a 360° marketing strategy, which entails multichannel promotion prior to the event and robust content creation after the event to keep attendees using the app. In order to analyse the performance of your marketing campaigns and understand where to allocate your budget, you should regularly keep track of you app’s performance.

This means monitoring your app downloads, filtering data by device type and OS and analysing your audience’s demographics (age, sex, location, etc.), all things that can easily be done with AppsBuilder’s analytics panel. A thorough understanding of these parameters will help you assess your marketing efforts and maximize your ROI.

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