I-Magazine Vol 3 #1

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Claudia by Andrew Campbell















EDITORS NOTE 2012... please don’t be disillusioned

The I-Mag team starts 2012 with a fresh new start, bigger magazine format, and sleek and streamlined graphic design, along with the thematic scale Des Illusions. We felt what better way than to delve into the world and what it means to be a human entrapped with the full spectrum of illusions and or enlightening moments. We explore an individuals conversational transmission with the universe, the deep and meaningful reality of being multi-dimensional, the illusion of relationships and how they either grow or fall apart, the delusions of grandeur that tend to fuck everyone up at some point in there life, and the quintessential question, what is the meaning of truth, hope, love, desire and of course illusion. When we come into this world as an individuals we give up conscious unity and dive head first into the obsession of duality. The one becomes the many in a cosmic charade of hide and seek itself. The One is what’s true and real. The illusion is that were separate from the One. This blindfold creates the illusion of me and mine, yours and theirs, which than creates unconscious behaviors stopping us from unification. Is that not what we all seek? We seek to be one in a relationship, one with love, one with ourselves, and eventually one with everything. Why is this also terrifying? This ignorance comes to individual consciousness through the mind: that is why meditation, yoga, and art is the practical device to stop the modifications of mind. The goal aim is to arrest mind, to stop the inner babbling dialogue, to go beyond the mind, to realize one’s true nature, beyond the illusion of me and mine, and to share this journey, open our minds, and cleanse the doors of perception. The choice is a gift, and so we tip our hats, and say: choose wisely!









STUFF... Intenational super-model is rumored to be in love with well known Bali expat…Love In Tents continues to rock the island with the best events… Hot Taco launches this month, watch out for Tex Mex Indo style in the streets…Jake from Drifter continues to spear the biggest tunas off the coastlines of Indonesia… Made J has been howling like usual and is smashing it up at venues in Bali before heading back to Europe… Yasmin flew in from Berlin as I-Mag guest editor this month, thanks babe... Single Fin continues to be the only successful destination bar on the Bukit… Still too many motor bike accidents this month, please ride safely people… Thanks So Wanted Agency... Congrats to Cisco our cover girl for becoming the face of Garnier in the USA… Way too many plastic bags on the beach, will there ever be a source point solution?... We got lost parking at the airport, aduh… Ozlem has a new haircut, wooah… Vodka Spa? Yes, it’s a reality and it’s happening in Canggu… Ashiya is the most amazing freak responsible for the new layout of I-Magazine… Bianca and Jul are incredible, thanks… Tai is headin’ up Oneil in Indonesia… Chandi has an entirely new Cocktail selection, super yummy… And shit, Alex’s house got struck bylightning. 12






I L L U S I O N Trent by Andrew Dj



DEAR ILLUSION by Yasmin Martinelli



Oh ever-misshapen ball of wax, tediously hard to come by nutshell crack, and intellectual deceiver of that which we endeavor to unfurl with tact. You encapsulate all that makes this world serendipitous, multi-faceted, and forever enthralling. From a distance and up close, sometimes to our knowledge and other times not, you continuously play a heavy hand in each of our lives. “To be shaken out of the ruts of ordinary perception, to be shown for a few timeless hours the outer and inner world, not as they appear to an animal obsessed with survival or to a human being obsessed with words and notions, but as they are apprehended, directly and unconditionally, by Mind at Large — this is an experience of inestimable value to everyone and especially to the intellectual,” remarks Aldous Huxley. And so philosophically does he point toward the many realms of perception and the paths they lead us down and up, sideways and further into. How does one enter a world of true reality? One that is free from preconceived notions, the boundaries of language, and eerily engrained biases? One that is de-mysified and Illusionless? For this, as we most probably know the answer to, is impossible. So, if we accept that you, Illusion, are manifesting in various forms on a constant basis, we can attempt to control you with our own two hands. As individuals, we can build you up to the umpteenth degree time and again... but what is required from the other side is will, action, reaction. Without that, you stay prominent, so-called reality ever more distant, and the great unknown even mightier. To be caught in the throes of your witchy ways is a dizzying spell where true substance sometimes never feels nearer. These days, you are all I think about. You are all I talk, write, and dream about. I must admit, I’m in your web; but the more I try to expound upon, dissect, and figure out, the more I am baffled. The Big Lebowski is right, this is a very complicated case. You know, a lotta ins, a lotta outs, a lotta whathave-yous. And, uh, a lotta strands to keep in my head, man. Lotta strands in old Duder’s head. Fortunately, I’m adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber. It appears as though you are playing quite the trick on me, with me, against me, whatever have you. And that’s just how you roll, isn’t it? Now I’ve used my best lines, told my funniest jokes, put up a pretty stellar show. Still I cannot seem to penetrate the core. I try to read between the lines and look for all kinds of signs. I’ve asked my Lucky Cat for answers. My Happy Buddha too. That Big Eye in the sky, to boot. Their responses are half-muttered, contradicting... foggy at best. I’m starting to suspect this is all a bit like Waiting for Godot. I come open-handed, open-hearted, closed eyes. I come as I am. I come how I think you want me to be. I play your game anytime of the day. Am I too wrapped up in you? Are you too wrapped up in me? What are these looks that we share, the back and forth flirtation cast in each other’s direction, the myriad illusory information? Where are the facts, the truths, the news in this process that endures? What’s really happening as the two of us unravel, surrender, and lay bare? All this, Illusion, that which I see... that which is everything... defines you, me. Fantasy, wistful wishes, dreams are no more real or imagined as you or I or the great big sea. Forever yours and endlessly deep in your pool of wakesleep. All that “I am saying is that reality - as you see it, and as most peple see it - is nothing more than an illusion. There is another reality, beyond what we see with our eyes. You have to feel your way into that reality with your heart... there is no other way.” Shantaram, Gregory David Roberts



Photography By Ashiya Styling By Ashiya & Alex V Make-up & Hair By Julhenry Models:So Wanted Agency - Victoria / Alyona



Victoria wears Bamboo Blonde jewelry & Yaz anklets 19

Alyona wears jeweled jacket by Religion, skull necklaces from Bamboo Blonde, Shirt from Shakahachi, shorts by Religion


Right: Victoria wears top from Maiden Love and high waisted silk pants from Palma, Alyona wears silk top and pants from Palma 22




Victora wears head scarf from Skin and floral print top by Shakahuchi




DIS-ILLUSION Interview by Tah Riq

Recently in my life, I was fortunate enough to stumble on the Universe and discover all the ways she knowingly and unknowingly works with me to change my world. She then most graciously agreed to give me an interview, the purpose of which is to offer sound counsel to those who choose to have it. Thank you for reading.




like, or if you have a castle at all! TR: Hold on a minute. Sooo many people get so much of what they don’t want while others are given everything it seems. How is this fair or just? UV: Anyone can grow beyond their paradigm once they believe they can. I make no judgement. I don’t decide what is good or bad for them or what you want and don’t want. That’s all you. You have free will. I simply give you that which you give your most intense thought and energy to. That is why it’s so important you let your mind dwell only on what makes you feel good and serves to bring you closer to your calling or purpose. Your life situation is nothing more than the germinating and growing of all your focused seeds of thought. TR: I used to hope and wish for so many things but only recently have they begun to happen. UV: That is because only recently have you stopped hoping and wishing. TR: Ok (laughs) you’ve lost me again. UV: You used to hope and wish, as millions of people do when they want something. So many prayers fill the air all the time. For example I hear many prayers of people wishing they had more money. TR: So why can’t you just answer their wish for more money? UV: Sadly, they’re devotion is fixed upon the feelings and thoughts of not having it that’s why. They’re thoughts are ‘I wish I had more money’ and ‘I wish I wasn’t in this situation’. Those prayers as you call them send out strong vibrations of lack and worry so I am forced to draw towards them their thoughts’ physical counterpart or replica into their lives which in this case are the manifestations of lack and worry. TR: I think I’m beginning to see what you mean. Can you explain how this works in a little more depth? UV: It would be my pleasure. In the simplest terms, you know every particle of matter which makes up your world is made up of energy. TR: Yes. UV: Great! Herein is the key. There are no real solids, only denser clusters of particles with stronger binding forces. This is scientific, proven fact. Under a strong enough microscope, everything in between the nucleus and electrons of any atom is empty space. TR: That’s very interesting, though what does that have to do with hoping and wishing? UV: (Smiling) I’m glad you asked. Energy holds everything in place from the planets in their orbits down to you and your cells. This is why you experience yourself having a finite body. You don’t fuse with the bed you sleep in at night any more than you walk through walls. The charge that holds these things together doesn’t

TR: Ok deep breaths. I can’t believe you’re here! First off, thank you so much on behalf of all of us, for taking the time out from your busy schedule for this interview. It’s going to do so many people so much good. UV: You’re most welcome, though it’s no problem. I have all the time in the world. TR: Where to begin... Are there any other names you go by? UV: Sure! You’ve invented a few wonderful ones for me over the years. Some of my favourite are God, Infinite Intelligence, Infinite Consciousness, the Collective Mind. You really are a flattering bunch sometimes. I’m simply the collective energy beyond your own perceived energy that shifts everything into being. TR: How would you like me to address you? UV: Anyway that works for you works for me. It’s not the label you find for me that matters, only the love you find for me. Does that make sense? TR: Yes, actually, strangely enough that does. Well as I mentioned before this interview, this issue is about the theme of Illusion. Can you share some of your wisdom on the illusions we face in our collective lives today? UV: One of your greatest illusions is your illusion of limits and limitations and yet it is also entirely true. You are not wrong to hold this belief. TR: Forgive me, I’m a little confused by that. How can the illusions we face be illusions and yet be true at the same time? UV: The illusions become true because you believe in them. More powerful than any illusion is the belief which you hold. What you believe is real perpetuates your reality. Governing this though, the deeper truth, is there are no limits, only limiting beliefs. TR: I feel like I’ve just been privy to one of life’s secrets. Thank you. What would you say to the many people who don’t believe such things exist? UV: You don’t have to see me working to see evidence of my work. Imagine you are walking down a beach and you see a sand castle. You don’t have to see the child with a pail and spade to understand that a castle has been built out of sand. TR: So when we wish for a castle you help us build it? UV: Think of me more like the wind that blows enough sand at your feet to build the castle with and the fortuitous circumstance that brings into your life the pail and spade and people to help when you begin to seek them. It’s always you who builds the castle. Your castle is the manifestation of how you’ve shaped the sandbox of your life. You ultimately decide what your castle looks



permit it. TR: Ok I’m with you so far. UV: Your thoughts and your emotions give off powerful electro-magnetic energy. You humans have been blessed with some of the most powerful conductors of this energy around and most don’t even know it. The word to appreciate here is ‘magnetic’ energy. TR: Ok, so what you’re saying If I’ve understood you correctly is we are whether we know it, believe in it or not, giant magnets constantly drawing our thoughts’ counterparts into our lives? UV: Exactly! Isn’t that exciting news? Your magnet is so strong that it shifts people, circumstances, events and objects around you effortlessly to bring you those things which you devote your most focused energy to. This is why you describe charismatic people as ‘attractive’. You say things like, ‘I was just drawn to them.’ This is also why Superstars of the stage were often also as kids the same people who would sing in their bedrooms and imagine themselves performing in front of huge audiences. They imagine so intently they make it a reality. TR: Even if it’s all nowhere in sight? UV: They focus on how being up there would feel, look and sound, rather than on being a child in a room pretending, so they begin to make it happen. Do you see the difference? TR: Yes. That’s pretty fascinating stuff. They still have to practice and work at it themselves right? UV: Of course. You still need positive action. That shows me you’re serious. When you decide what you want and focus your energy towards it, I transcend time and space to bring you these things. I have after all, the entire universe at my disposal and I begin the chain reactions. Sometimes it takes years, sometimes it takes minutes. You experience these things as coincidence, chance, luck, fate and say things like ‘right place at the right time’ but none of it is by accident. TR: Just how powerful are these magnets? UV: With enough focus, limitlessly powerful. Electromagnetically your heart’s charge is about 5000 times as powerful your mind’s. Your thoughts create feelings. These feelings create vibrations that reverberate outwards from your heart and change the entire world around you to fit your vibrations. This is why some people make you feel good just by being around them or you can walk into a room and say, ‘I don’t like the vibe here’. You are designed to respond to energy. If only people knew all they need to do to be happy is to create and connect. TR: Create and connect. I like that! So if one shouldn’t hope and wish for things, what should they do?

UV: Believe and choose. TR: Hmm. UV: Try it. Instead of saying ‘I wish I was successful’, say ‘I believe I will be successful. I choose to be successful’. Do you see how it instantly feels different? Words are powerful because words create thoughts. Thoughts then create feelings which then create actions which create realities. TR: Yeah I can understand that. UV: You’ve already begun to do this in fact. I’ve watched your belief and conviction grow and so things have begun to happen much faster for you have they not? You see the signs now clearer than ever. TR: Well yes they have. I mean being here in Bali has helped that along greatly. I’m so grateful for that. Thank you. UV: How did you get here though? As I remember you voluntarily turned your part-time job selling computers into a fulltime job as soon as you graduated. Remember those days at PC World? You had very different prayers back then. TR: Umm, yeah. Must we talk about this now? UV: If you want your readers to fully understand how the changes happened then yes. It’s not your life anymore and never will be again. Let go of the emotions attached to it. Speak of it as a time you learned from and grew out of. There’s no shame in that. TR: Ok. Yes I, I graduated with a good degree but with no money and began selling computers 39 hours a week. UV: How long after that did you continue to sell computers for? TR: (Sighs) One year and a half. UV: Hey, remember to smile. Those days are behind you. Don’t you see how many people are in a similar situation to the one you were in? I’m encouraging you to talk about this to help them. You hated wearing that uniform. Your thoughts of yourself every morning as you buttoned your purple shirt in front of the mirror were hard on you. TR: I remember. I began to feel so drained. UV: Your illusion was the same as everyone else’s. Your illusion was that your situation was fixed. Your illusion was that you had to be there, that your circumstances were difficult to change. Your illusion became your reality for a full year and a half. TR: So what changed? UV: You began seeking a way. You believed there was one and so you stumbled on me, even if you had little belief that you could do much to change things at the time, you began to seek. One day you realised that your prayers were ‘I wish I wasn’t working here’ and how



detrimental that was to your cause and then you did something about it. TR: It was a long time ago. What did I do? UV: You changed your login password at work to ‘imleavingsoon’ or ‘I’m leaving soon’ to use proper English. What a simple idea! All of a sudden you were writing ‘I’m leaving soon’ just under your name, several times a day for two months straight. You began to believe it. You began to feel better. You focused your energy on how good it would feel to be leaving soon and then guess what? You found the resolve to quit soon after. TR: Haha, oh my God! You’re right. I totally forgot I did that. I couldn’t have done it without you though. UV: I also couldn’t have made it so without you. For you and your readers though, know you didn’t quit through reasoning with your head. Your work-world was in your mind. You left it, however, with your heart. Your heart took its rightful place in steering your decisions. You made a shift, or at least the beginnings of a shift, from surviving to thriving. All that happened, was you reconnected with what your heart wanted for you and then I showed you a way and now look where you are! TR: Thank you so much! UV: That’s the secret, it’s thanks. If more people knew the truth they would spend more time being grateful for what they do have and generous with the things they have been given, whether it is time, a skill, a service they can offer or a material possession. More important than your carbon footprint, is your conscious footprint. Concentrate on leaving a big one! Concentrate on feeling abundance, or how good things would be when abundance begins to fill your life. An affirmation works best when it’s true. TR: How do you mean? UV: Even if you have no money, you can still hold the feeling of, ‘Wouldn’t it feel great to open my wallet and see all the money I need’. Even if it’s not the case now, such a positive thought can create a real smile. You can picture it. That sends out powerful vibrations of contentment which draws contentment back to you. You’ve heard the saying, ‘fake it until you make it’? TR: Yes I have. UV: Well one I prefer was coined by Rafael De La Cruz, ‘know it until you show it’. It carries a different vibration don’t you think? TR: Yes I like that one better too. What about those people who think they are only human; they are just one person etc.? UV: Being only human is a remarkable gift. Remember it only takes one teacher to control a classroom or one dictator to rule a country. Your sphere of influence far exceeds your ‘only human’ form. The people who are in

power today know this. They keep you distracted with entertainment and often incorrect or limited information in an attempt to sell you the illusion as your reality. They encourage you to drift from one day to the next without a ‘definiteness of purpose’ as Napoleon Hill put it. Pay attention to the words they use, even if they are under the guise of positivity. Ask yourself, ‘Does reading or hearing or seeing this make me feel good or move me closer to my purpose?’ Question things and think for yourself. It is the one thing you have full control over. Once you believe that’s how something is, then it is exactly that for you until you begin to believe something else. TR: This is all starting to make a lot more sense. Is there anything else I should know? UV: Do you claim to already know everything you ever need to? TR: Ummm, uh no I mean, well I meant... UV: I’m only jesting. Laughter is very important you know. Yes more than believing is allowing. TR: I’ll remember that! So Allowing? UV: It’s the final piece of the puzzle. Many people begin to believe in their dreams but then stop too early on before things have taken shape. You need to allow the space and time into your life. Make note of the little things that indicate the process has begun to happen and more signs will be given. TR: How can I inspire others follow their dreams? UV: Simply, by realising your own. By doing that you grant others you come into contact with licence to do the same. TR: Well I have faith in you. UV: That is why you have nothing to worry about. TR: Just on a side note, I’m really thankful everyday for all you have done for me. UV: That is precisely why I will keep giving you things to be thankful for. TR: Then thank you again.




by Alex V


I’ve always been a person that surrounds myself with spiritual guidance and healers. From an early age actually, my grandmother in the Dominican Republic was renowned for her healing and psychic work. Those tools were than handed down to my mother, which at times for her became more of a curse than a blessing. In those days it must have been even harder to assimilate energy work into your life, therefore more often than not it was put aside for its believed impractical use in a place like New York and then of all places Orange County. To my disbelief, rather quickly large shifts of energy would ebb and flow throughout my childhood, from witch wars, to protection spells, the grit of malicious psychics to the calm serene impenetrable truth that good guides are all around filled with light and here to assist us in evolution on all levels. When times are trying it can be difficult to let go of illusion and patterns that hold onto our subconscious. How can you fix what you don’t see? Where is the shadow self and its many faces? What can I let go to be free? What is freedom? 2009 through 2012 has been gracious to me as a Capricorn, spiritual guides have been showing up in full strength ready and able to assist in personal healing and integration. Being a Capricorn has its benefits in that we are patient hard workers, creative, loyal, altruistic, good lovers, and yet the down side is the other side of the coin which can be negative, cynical, uncontrolled attachments, self pity, and delusions. As far as I can remember I’ve always been interested in the Illumination of the soul and the vast nebulous chart in which it spreads. It seems the more you know thyself and dive deeper, life gets simpler and more crystalline so that when challenges arise which they will, your able to not react and become absorbed by your experiences as calculated points in time but instead seen with a more holistic point of view. Rebecca Parr has helped me with just that, a holistic integration-relationship with my mind, body and soul. Not only is she a dear friend that’s helped me deal with hardships over the past year but also she happens to be an awesome energy worker! To me energy work is psychic surgery. Two sessions into it and Rebecca was able to see the landscape from my Ayahuasca experience that I never spoke of to anyone, the dense innards of my imagination, and of course blocks from previous relationships, or rather the accumulation of cords from every ex girlfriend I’ve been with. Haha really? Ok but let’s rewind. The first session was in the comfort of my own home. Serene ambient music is playing in my room as I lay on my back on my bed, breathing relaxed, and sending the intent to clear any blocks from shitting on my freedom. I wont get into her technique because its special and unique to everyone, but I will say that her hands are Reiki flood gates and will gravitate to the parts of your body that not only help assist in the process of healing, but also need help to connect properly making you stronger. At some point the conversation with my organs seemed louder than my thoughts, and why the hell am I thinking anyway? By breathing deeper it helps you



relax and shut off the babbler. Yes the babbler, that mental egoic construct which says ‘this isn’t working you dumb ass’ or its all a hoax’ or ‘resist and stay skeptic its healthy’ Mmmmm drool on ego, because your about to be dismantled. After the babbler shuts off what begins to surface are streamlined visuals from the unconscious. What began to show up for me were skyline views over pyramids and ancient sites, waves of tribal peeps jumping in and out of trance, along with mythological symbology washing over my womb covered eyelids. What I realized is that these permutated mind made clouds are ebbing and flowing all the time I just don’t close my eyes to see them as often. We have an unconscious stream of beauty ever flowing through our energetic bodies flowering to the infinite and yet we choose to look away and brace ourselves for normalcy. What the fuck is wrong with our conditioning? Why are we so afraid to see how beautiful we truly are? At this point still laying quietly while Rebecca continues the work, a circle of eight beings entered the room and the first most recognizable was my grandma. I saw her face smile brightly and than get straight to work. These eight beings began a dissection and purging of what wasn’t working in my body anymore. Rebecca seemed already comfortable with what my aura field was communicating, clearing out blockages and handing them over to the others. Transparent shadow like figures delved into my body to take out dark matter and place the sludge onto a platter that sizzled off rainbow like holographic fissures of light till it would completely dissipate. I mean what the hell is going on? Extracting black bulbs, which are than placed on a hot sizzling plate resembling a fried egg? What the fuck is going on? Yet I’m calm and subdued so what needs to burn out will flow readily and really needs to go. The surgery continued till I fell asleep and my whole body went numb. It took a minute or two to feel my body from my toes up through my spine but the feeling most defiantly was one of renewal. Both sessions were similar but had their unique feelings and energy shifts. What truly is amazing is after your sessions you get a chance to talk with Rebecca for her overview of what she sees going on in your life and ways to stay healthy. It almost brought tears to my eyes and hers the first time she described what she could see emanating from my field. The details of my imagination and how I think about dreams and storytelling are very specific. Rebecca pretty much flew through my imagination and began to explain the on going characters that were coming to life and making themselves known no matter how fantasy oriented they are. The truths are still hitting me hard to the point where if I don’t make a decision, my guides are paving the way and making them for me. My heart has opened up so strongly from this experience. And its not just the hour after or the next day, it’s the rest of the week that becomes amazing. I cant begin to continue in words of how important energy work is because you have to experience it for yourself and have your own personal growth and understanding of what it is to be a multi dimensional being. What I take away from many experiences in my life but especially my experience with Rebecca is that we are not solid; it’s just our illusory perception that makes us think this way. So think whatever you want that down is up, yin or yang, spirituality versus an atheist cult football team running head first into war, whatever you believe in whether you like it or not there is a simple fact, that vibrations and the laws of attraction ring supreme within the soul and the mystery is never ending.




AND THE GODS MADE LOVE Interview with Mia by Alex V


Deus Ex Machina’s Temple of Enthusiasm opened the New Year with a collection of paintings by Mia Taninaka, titled, And The Gods Made Love. Mia’s work takes us through her mythos of Gods and warriors along with her animal magic. We had a sit down with the petite powerhouse.

Banhart. Lately Carla Bruni (loving the French/Bali contrast), Felice Brothers, DeerTick, The Dead Weather and Pink Floyd have been making a few appearances. Q: Your work has elements of native Indian totems, birds, and mixed with a cosmic tribal theme. Can you give us a bit more insight into your minds eye and elaborate on where your ideas come from? A: We live on this big beautiful planet, filled with amazing creatures, but I feel like a lot of people have completely lost touch with nature and the living environment that surrounds them. The world is a much more magical place than the social trends of the western world portrays it to be. I’d like to inspire people to see the magic that exists all around them. I’ve always loved birds and their ability to see the world form a completely different perspective to the rest of us land folk. A couple of years ago, I was introduced to Vedic Meditation, which I think

Q: How’s it feel to have your first pieces at your Deus show purchased from the bassist of Little Dragon while he was holidaying here in Bali? A: The first sale is always special, whether it’s an average Joe or a member of a platinum selling band. But it’s defiantly exciting knowing that my work will be hanging on the wall of someone who’s music I enjoy. Q: What music is inspiring you at the moment? A: I’ve got a few never-fail musicians that are consistently on my playlist like Bob Dylan, Neil Young, The Greenhornes, Black Keys, Dan Auerbach and Devendra 35




has greatly changed my general outlook and has introduced me to other deeper forms of inspiration. Q: Where did you grow up and how did this help shape you as an artist? A: I grew up on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, but spent a lot of my youth travelling through Asia with my family. I think this definitely opened up my eyes and interests to a whole other way of thinking, eating and living. Q: How do you begin a piece and know when it’s truly finished? A: I sometimes have sketches to work off and sometimes I’ll just draw directly onto the panel. As for finishing, I’m not too sure. Am I being too vague if I say that I have no idea… I kinda just know? Haha! Q: What’s your favorite medium; acrylics, watercolor, ink, pencil, and do your ever consider digital details? A: I’ve been working with acrylics and ink for a while now, so have a pretty good relationship with them and have just started using watercolors which has been a pretty fun experience. I also freelance as a graphic designer in my spare time so the possibility for digital work is definitely there, but I don’t like to work on the computer if I can help it…maybe in the future. Q: Who would you love to collaborate with? A: I’ve always loved the work of Marc Chagall and Gustav Klimt but those guys are long gone. Kelsey Brookes never ceases to amaze me with his beautiful patterns and colours. Devendra Banhart is a super interesting character with beautiful illustrations work. I’ve also just come across Ricardo Cavolo, and his work is so amazing! Q: What’s your take on Des Illusions? A: I’m down for anything that warps people’s perception of reality. I think most of us get stuck in our own little bubbles, it’s good to question what you think is real every now and again. There’s a good chance Illusion is the filter that colours your world. So until you break free of illusion, you’ll never see the true colours. Not to say there aren’t some lovely filters. Q: What are your aspirations and dreams for 2012? A: I have a good feeling about this year. I want to travel, explore, paint, sew, stitch, photograph, film, sculpt, work with other artists, expand my universe, and have a really good time.



A nursery rhyme for hustlers


This is the rhythm of a rhyme about broken angels drinking wine Zby the river why now today? this is a gentle reminder To take the time to dance each day. To play like a child to dream like a king to never give in and never give way.


Soon enough he will arrive the dealer in unused dreams collecting perfect moments as they fall the sound of memories being dragged from our beds making sleep the most impossible dream of all. It’s less inspiring now I suppose Walking down these lonely roads Stepping over broken souls and witnessing the angels folly. The drinks still tastes as good but not worth the burn in the belly yet still we walk in well-worn shoes Down every road forbidden. remembered routes from before our time in the shadows of our fathers bidding.


Now as a master -less wandering monk of the never ending chemical night, The search for battles gives way to a search for wrong or right. There in this absence of disciplines and disciples A new form of servitude ignites. A slavery so fine and foul it’s poetry echo’s like grim laughter through the nights.

How deep is this cup of life we drink from? Why is it always half full? That this were the juncture of buoyancy and despair that fork in the road of life is a function of death and disrepair. So laugh and roil and rumble like thunder Take every step in stride Fall and fumble and break what is whole be first to surrender pride Becomes fearless, fruitful, famous rally all your tears but take note of the sorrow and weakness that burn between your ears gather it all in a bundle then throw it in the fire Let them burn and boil and flare like suns To light our funeral pyres.


Go ahead! Make me a martyr, a jester, a fool Whatever takes away the sting Of judging and driving and having your way Even lost when you know not a thing. I am the monk, the midnight master The fool who does battle with night I am the singer, the dancer The spun out musician the drunk who loses the fight I pick futures like fortunes from magician hats never getting them right I sing at the moon and scream at the sky I dance with the devil and always get by. (pause here and slow the tempo) You are the wise one , a mold made only once You are sin proof and lies light like fireflies In front of your all seeing eyes. You will walk the whole way to hell in a perpetual shroud of black all roads turn to gold behind you so long as you never look back. Be the best and the bold and the beautiful ones Be never afraid of the dark. When the worst and last and the terrible things Take tolls beyond measure on each little pleasure. garner solace in this one thing Be they harlot or jester or midnight kings The best of the best can always be certain That beyond fame and behind the silk curtain the monk , the fool, the jester , the drunks will stand for your folly and claim blame for your madness and misery your perpetual reworking of history. This rhyme was not overly reasoned and nor is it overtly seasoned and the rhythm is all it’s own. So pick and plunder and take away what you will because life is for learning then letting go not to be sucked like a bitter pill. Thanks again world for pissing me off enough to keep writing.





Yoni by Andrew Campbell

Claudia by Andrew Campbell

Andrea by Andrew Campbell

Toto by Andrew Dj

Char by Bianka

Andrew by Tarah

Sanya by Bianka

Trent by Andrew Dj

Amira by Bianka



Photography & Graphics By Bianka Art Direction, Styling, Make-up & Hair By Julhenry All Garments By Ali Charisma Model: Cisco for So Wanted Cisco is from Germany and she is damn yummy. A Cosmopolitan Paris cover girl and recently chosen as the new face for Garnier hair products in the USA, Cisco is blowing up all over the world right now and simply loves Bali… “I am very excited to be the next Garnier girl, it’s a great gig to get. Bali is my third home next to Germany and Australia. It is wonderful balance between all the different places, it feels like time stops. I love the food, the waves and the beautifully spirited people. I wake up and I have a smile on my face. My husband and I got married in bali so it is a sacred place for us with beautiful memories. Also its funny my parents had their honeymoon 30 years ago in Bali.” … Looks like B-Town has another uber-resident! 40











Housed in the spectacularly constructed Crystal Pavilion and floating atop the waters of Marina Bay amidst panoramic views of the skyline, this entertainoramaplex packs a visual affair of state-of-the-art full colour lasers, 3D mapping, and high fashion interiors. Spreading across 2 levels and 17,000 square feet, Avalon has the ability to morph into an elite concert venue, special events hotspot, or clubbers paradise, hosting an array of world-class names in nightlife. It’s a spectacular view like no other in Singapore with a soundsystem, crowd, and ultra sextastic vibe to boot.

Founded by spacecadet fashionistas Jasmine Tuan and Quincy Teofisto, Blackmarket emerges from the underground while simultaneously maintaining its subliminal presence on the street. Being acknowledged across the region in the fashion community for its unique approach in the retail market, Blackmarket is fast becoming the biggest multi-label shop that stocks burgeoning designers in Asia. Blackmarket offers bold and inspiring labels such as AntiAnti, Better Off Dead, Clock & Dagger, Früfrü & Tigerlily, Super Earth Goods, and Ksubi. The shop is praised for its one-of-a-kind avant-garde persuasions in brand selection as well as its interior design which emphasizes raw materials and houses a shack-like structure in the middle of the unit for exhibition and installation purpose and pop-up shop. Blackmarket is one precious gem in a sea of other unworthies right in the heart of Singapore’s shop-til-you drop-center. A ‘do not miss’ on any fashion renegade’s list.

10 Bayfront Ave., Marina Bay Sands

#02-10 Orchard Central



BURGASIM Best Burgasim Juicy beetroot fritter and a dollop of Gorgonzola cheese wrapped in lettuce and a tight little bun… Yes, we are announcing the greatest mini burger in Bali-Town. And you get two at once. My only advice, make a big one please! Other than that, you will find the i-Mag crew most lunch breaks going nuts over these little winners. We can’t get enough of them. Word of Mouth Jl Kunti I, Seminyak, Bali


BUZZ ME UP Forget going to globalized coffee outlets like Starbucks… Why bother when the coffee is better at a couple of our favorite little haunts in Bali Town… We are giving the best coffee in town award to Sea Circus in Petitenget. They claim their ridiculously expensive espresso machine and the annoyingly cool kids from Five Senses roasters Melbourne/ Perth are behind the super Kintamani arabica custom roast. It’s ground by the cup and tastes too good to be in Bali… Second in line is the newest and most unlikely coffee stop in Oberoi. You might ask what the hell does coffee and surfing have in common? Well Drifter surf shop holds the answer, serving up a mean brew of Sumatran Mandailing coffee. Once thought to be lost forever after WWII, the secret Arabica plantations in the highlands of Mandailing were rediscovered some ten years and now can be experienced at Drifter. www.seacircus.com www.driftersurf.com.

KIN LOVELESS When we called the guys at Electric to find out more about the concept of the Loveless collection our call got forwarded to a recorded message that sounded like it was playing from somewhere out of space… “We are the chosen fleet of destroyers sent to smash the routine, to carve a new path and allow the unfamiliar to revel in the brilliance of uncontaminated design. We are unconcerned with what THEY say, what THEY expect, and how THEY live. We see the wretched and we crush their standards. We are not like them. We are the madmen and our path is clear. Our life is the road. Our life is the sound. Our life is LOVELESS.” The Detroit Loveless edition comes in 7 eclectic framecolors and to call one of them your own will cost you Rp1.499.000. Jalan Camplung Tanduk, Ruko No. 8, Seminyak. Bali www.menikmatidistribution.com.


KIN is a project that draws sustenance and inspiration from its historic surroundings, its community and culture, and in turn provides new perceptions and thinking in design and lifestyle. It was realized to reject the notion that design and culture has become all too familiar and generic now. The solution was to use the space as a platform to merge various cultural influences in hope of creating a thought-provoking concept. Its in-house contemporary mens ready-to-wear clothing line, sifr, is comprised of quality material, construction, dedication and compassion and is about engineering a product, garment, thought, idea to fit into a slightly more discerning way of life. KIN is located within the historic neighborhood of Kampong Glam; the store caters to anyone who appreciates art, design, music and culture for what it is, rather than what it is made out to be. KIN encourages people to come into the store without any preconceived notions of the products available and to just open their minds to the disorganised organisation on offer. 51 Haji Lane



SMILE As cheesy as a small is, its still one of the last things on the planet people don’t get charged money for. Mind you, if it was possible for someway to sting people for smiling, trust me, someone would do it… Insted We Smile (My spell check keeps changing the spelling to “Instead”) is the new line of tees designed by Bali based professional surfer, Luke Stedman. It’s good to see someone fearless enough to bring back the smile into action. And, I guess in a way he is charging us. Cheeky, but smart! It’s a solid little range of light colours and darn good prints and is available in Drifter surf shop..

Residential recording studios are ideal for songwriters and artists who need focus and are looking for the inspiration that only a getaway experience can ignite. At the Voyager, a fantasy escape has been created for even the most jaded of travelers. Conceived as the ‘Baby Grand’ of Bali’s designer hotels, the Voyager Boutique Creative Retreat, is an authentic establishment where guests can literally be; a recording artist or songwriter, an artist in residence, a fly on the wall, an adventurer, or a cultural mover-and- shaker in full swing. Drawing on the romantic tradition of ‘grand hotels’ from Raffles in Singapore to the Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles, to quirky confections such as the Madonna Inn in California, the Voyager exudes charm, highly personal service, attention to detail, and most of all, provides an ambience of sophistication and discretion for its creative clientele. www.voyager-retreats.com Canggu, Bali


CUT CHEMIST One of the most proficient solo turntablists on the globe, Lucas Macfadden aka Cut Chemist will perform in Bali to raise money for Robin Lym’s Bumi Sehat Foundation. If you didn’t know already Lym recently received the CNN Hero of The Year Award for her birthing work/clinic for the under privileged. Cut Chemist adds to a growing list of international music artists supporting Lym’s cause, including the annual NYE charity raising events by Michael Frenti in Ubud. All the ticket sales and a percentage of food and beverages will be going directly into the Foundation. Cut Chemist Charity for Bumi Sehat Foundation Waterbom Park 7pm onwards Dress Code: Smart Casual Tickets from Rp250.000 per person www.waterbom-bali.com



One Love is doing it again… Their preloved garage sale is on, bigger and better than the last. One Love, the first multi fashion designer clearance store in Bali is offering the opportunity to anyone wishing to clear out the closet and get bit of cash back while doing so. Bring whatever ya wanna get rid of, they will take care of the rest. And because they are nice people down at One Love, they will donate proceeds of sale to a charity here in Bali. It opens up on 27th February and it only operates for one week. If you want to put your rags there email them at onelovetrading@ymail.com...

When we first discovered Salvita, she was at the beginning of her modeling career, a direction that’s seeing her leave Bali for Hong Kong very soon. What we didn’t know, was the hidden talent which wasn’t as obvious as her natural beauty. Art runs in her veins. And if you need convincing, see it for yourself at Salim Gallery. She is exhibiting with her close friend Naomi and both explore their inner dialogue through the expression of self-portraiture paintings. Salvita says, “I started using the studio space (behind Salim Gallery) when my dad passed away. Naomi and I started out painting together at the studio for fun but once we got going we realized that we work well together and decided to exhibit our paintings. I love the studio space, just because I’ve grown up seeing my dad paint there. I think the hardest part of moving out is leaving behind the wall my dad used to paint against , it has splatters of paint layered from about 12 years ago.” The gallery is closing end of march and “Why Not Shop” is taking over, they are naming it “Why Not Salim”.

Jl Petitenget No 115, Kerobokan +62 361 8868676 www.oneloveltd.com

Salim Gallery Jl. Kayu Aya no.29, Oberoi www.salimgallerybali.comis.



BAMBOO BLONDE If you haven’t already noticed the pink and white candy-striped Bamboo Blonde stores, now is the time to open up your eyes! Having quickly earnt a reputation as the best shopping destination in Bali, Bamboo Blonde carries a diverse selection of fashion-forward clothing labels, along with a variety of accessories, all at affordable prices. Bamboo Blonde also has a celebrity following, most recently being Paris Hilton and Tyra Banks, who were spotted shopping in Bamboo Blonde Flagship Store only last month. There are already five stores located in Bali, as well as stock available in various department stores on the island. Latest word is they also launch a new store Jakarta at the end of this month.




delightful and whimsical art. Definitely transports you to another time period along with your taste buds.

La Fringale The beautiful Ryan Starr ex American Idol and Alex Valenzuela had a go at Tapping shoes set Menu 1-La Fringale a six course meal of delicacy. First up was a Sauterne wine and mango flavored Foie Gras served with yummy soft bread. Than came a Canadian lobster salad with Taboule, capsicum mousee, a soothing Gaspacho sauce & a balsamic reduction. Next up is the St Jacques au glaçage de Comté, which are Scallops with comté cheese flavor, beetroot and crustacean sauce. One of the favs! Poisson du Jour, Catch of the day was a delicious piece of choice fish. The Le Canard- Roasted Barbarie Duck Breast was amazing with Cinnamon & star anis flavor jus served with celeriac mousse. It’s amusing and strange that with the decorative petite portions served by the time you get to dessert your already pretty full but may just have enough room for more. Finishing off the menu Tapping Shoes present a vintage tray of special sweet delicacies that are mouth watering and well you’ll just have to go and try them out for yourself. The décor of the restaurant is reminiscent of French aristocracy mixed with a homey grandma vibe that happens to have a collection of

STARFISH BLOO This aquamarine gem of a restaurant resides within the vast expanse of the W Hotel headquarters. Beautifully situated in the northeast part of the premises with an impressive view of the sea, Starfish Bloo provides 5 star dining in a peaceful, airy environment. With gigantic cocoon-like bamboo structures as tables and seats and calming seafoam green interiors, Starfish Bloo stands out among the hotel’s three restaurants - offering an appetizing variety of top-notch Asian delights from Korean steamed buns to Kabocha tempura, Thai spiced chicken salad to a savoury selection of meat dishes and a menu of sashimi and nigiri. Tasty beverages are in no short supply either. The restaurant boasts probiotic smoothies, fresh tropical juices, and tempting colourful cocktails in wholly unique combinations of fresh ingredients. Seaside dining made perfect.




auctor. Mauris consequat metus vitae arcu sodales vel iaculis ante pulvinar.

Reminiscent of a lavish uptown NYC eatery, Mamasan is fast becoming a can’t miss hit on the Seminyak restaurant radar. Its slick and industrial, yet bright and welcoming interior begs for after sunset drinks segueing into delicious dining bliss. Unlike its competitive counterparts, Mamasan’s crowd is young and cool, sparking an exciting flair of invitation. The lights stay dimmed, the music upbeat, and the delicious dishes keep coming. Appetizers like the lamb and pumpkin pot stickers with chili oil & black vinegar and kachooris with yellow dahl, coriander & mustard seeds served with mint chutney & tamarind chutney get things started and mains like the tandoori fish with curry leaves garam masala black salt mustard & saffron and kasoori korma with chicken tomato bay leaf cinnamon cashew nut yoghurt & coriander fill happy bellies with bursting flavours and sensations. The bustling kitchen has an open layout with double doors that swing back and forth as each new Mamasan creation pours out. When mealtime desires have been comfortably satiated, staircases from both ends of the restaurant lead to the upstairs lounge to continue the night’s indulgences on to die for drinks and company. Mamasan has arrived - so should you.cidunt. Aliquam adipiscing consequat pharetra. Morbi lobortis tellus est. Quisque sit amet libero neque, quis convallis leo. Morbi ut sollicitudin ante. Proin id enim lectus. Donec iaculis est at quam consectetur vel aliquam nisl 53

This is what to expect at Mamasan... Quality.


This Page Macarons -Bali catering company White Swan-Cafe Moka Chocolate and cream cake - Cafe Moka Cup cakes - Casa Gourmet Tiramisu - Cafe Moka Opposite Page Macarons -Bali catering company Fruit Tartelette - Bali Bakery Lemon Tartelette - Bali catering company Banana Bread - Bali bakery Cup cakes - Casa Gourmet Strawberry Tart - Bali Catering company Vanilla Cup Cakes bottom right - Cafe Moka 54





This page Brown and white vest – Somewhere Stripped board shorts – This is a love song Blue and white vest - I-Magazine Burgundy stripped vest – Somewhere Blue, red and white stripped vest – Somewhere Stripped shorts – Somewhere Blue and white stripped shirt – This is a love song Opposite page White tribal vest – Drifter Patterned pocket vest – I-Magazine Pattern shorts - Somewhere Checked shorts – Somewhere Green tribal top – I-Magazine Busy pattern shirt – Drifter



58 64

This page Leopard shorts – Market Tiger trousers – Bamboo Blonde Pattern leggings – Bamboo Blonde Shirt – Palma Shoes – Prisoner of st. perersberg Sunglasses - Prisoner of st. perersberg Opposite page Poofy dress – Somewhere Swimming suite – Somewhere Red and white dress – Bamboo blonde Glasses – Bamboo blonde Red top – Somewhere Long orange dress – Somewhere Black leotard – Palma Purple bikini – Somewhere Crop top – Bamboo blonde Glasses – Bamboo blonde Blue heals - Prisoner of st. perersberg Stripe leotard – This is a love song Red leotard – Bamboo blonde White dress – Palma Glasses - Prisoner of st. perersberg

59 65



our sights are on big festivals, touring Asia and playing for massive audiences the world over. Long live the fairytale!

Newly formed duo have recently begun dropping the jaws of Bali residents… Q: What is Paramitsha? A: Paramitsha is Romani for ‘Gypsy Fairytales’. It’s a rich tapestry of gypsy infused compositions; melodic, passionate music woven principally out of fiery flamenco guitar by Tah Riq and hauntingly intoxicating vocals by Lizzie O’Keefe. Q: How did you guys meet? A: A mutual friend, knowing our mutual love for music introduced us one evening. We decided to meet and have a jam and within a few minutes we realised that the universe was definitely at play. It was pure alchemy. Q: Bali or the world? What’s the future? A: The World! Bali is a wonderful, nurturing base, however








Tale of Us http://soundcloud.com/r_co/tale-of-us-flybermuda-podcast

El Guincho - Bombay

James Blake - The Wilhelm Scream

Pleasure Game - Le Dormeur

Lee Curtiss - Freak On

Mano le Tough http://soundcloud.com/manoletough/mano-letough-dj-mix-for-www

DJ Shadow feat. Little Dragon - Scale it Back

Danny Daze feat. Louisahhh - Your Everything

Holy Other - We Over (

Mike Dunn Presents Mr. 69 - Phreaky Mf

Lee Foss http://soundcloud.com/r_co/lee-foss-modernamusement

Lykke Li - I Follow Rivers

Jamie Xx - Far Nearer

Maceo Plexhttp://soundcloud.com/maceoplex/ maceo-plex-guest-mix-on-carl Ben Klock http://soundcloud.com/d2techno/ben-klock-clrpodcast-121-2011



Photos by D Hump




“Turn right here,” a voice shouted out from the jungles dark canopy, “you’ll save some time and find what you seek faster”, 8hrs later, a dark adventurous, disaster. Though brush and narrow passage not built for cars, they navigated the density using only the stars. Finally, with morning’s glowing eyes, they were greeted by a south wind, an unwelcome surprise. It was no time to be burnt, not even a yawn, for they have come so far, to witness this dawn. On the road, almost there, the men travelled along mountain walls that turned into shear cliffs, landing on to crystal watered southern blown side barrels, beckoning the journeymen with there weapons of self production.

These men were freed; they had hand shaped their single fin trackers for this day’s moment, not wanting to push or preach their boards on those they meet, they wanted their boards to push and teach to them, under their feet. The very soul the journeymen carry within themselves is the very soul their boards possess. With their feet in welcomed sand, their trackers under arms, they paddled out. There born from a different era, long but not forgotten. If only for any other reason, they make sense on this journey, in their minds eye. No leashes on their spirits to inhibit their feelings, nor on their boards to drag on their ceilings. Wicked drops with knee jerking stalls, dragging their hands along crystal walls. They rode all night, to ride all day. Tired eyes turned to tired arms. This will pass with rest, but the visions of this day will forever be ingrained in their souls. The journeymen’s heads lay that night if only for a minute, for tomorrow was hot on their trail.

Fueled by coffees and a thirst, only a north-facing cove can quench, one by one they saddled up and kick started the morning. Unlike a night just passed, their destiny awaited right down the road not yet driven, as they rounded the bend, they were greeted by a sight only Mother-Nature and Poseidon could deliver; lush island surroundings, exotic soundings and a right hand peek just waiting for there arrival, they pulled up, pulled in and became one with their gifts, the only way journeymen of their ilk could. The days and nights grew together and the journeymen continued onwards not wanting to find anything more that the next perfect spot to call their home, if not for only a day or so. All good stories, along with good times must come to an end. The journeymen gathered their thoughts, packed up their bikes and scarred boards. They saddled up for one last push in the nights falling curtain, they were heading home, alone with their thoughts, travelling on a road less traveled…










Driving through the Vietnam Highlands on a Cold War era Honda together, hair blowing in the wind, packs on the back, weaving through old-fashioned Indochine bicycles and villagers is not as romantic as it sounds. The mystery and romance that had once brought us together could have fit in the gap between our pelvises. “Yeah but when your tone is fucking hostile, it doesn’t matter what you say. I’m going to disagree.” We were driving along the Cambodian border on a bike bought from a Vietnamese man in a sports jacket for 500 bucks, aimed at Laos with plans to hit up an obscure hot spring on the way. Emerging from the jungle onto the plateau, a vast vista laid before us, one that was not only beautiful but guaranteed that we’d make it to the next city and wouldn’t have to spend a night with the Cambodian opium smugglers. Ned accidentally bought diced snake in a plastic bag, only realizing when he spat out the pieces of vertebrae. It was like five bucks too. He was gutted, the tight ass, and spent the next two hours complaining. Rolling up to the hot springs just before sunset, we were greeted by an old lady straight out of Nat Geo, complete with red beetlenut ooze dribbling out the side of her mouth. As soon as we reached down to pet her fluffy puppy she beat it away yelping with a reed. Yeah, that thing was definitely going to end up as food someday soon. Mountains rose dramatically all around us. We were momentarily distracted in awe. But no! What looked like a Taiwanese boy band rolled up on motorbikes, descending upon us, foul smelling youths wearing horrible beige pleather jackets with Michael Jackson detailing and long yellow fingernails. Ned tried to appease them with his iPod and phone and it worked, but then didn’t when they made off with 600 bucks of mine as soon as the sun set and they could rifle through my purse ten feet away from where we were soaking. We were forced to stay in Dak To for the night and file a police report in the morning. The next morning, naked and entwined, we get a threeknock from narcs with AKs and then for the sixth time in 12 hours we recounted exactly what had happened. We showed them the same photos and videos of the boys they both knew. I had lost $600, and Ned said he had lost $2,500, a last ditch attempt to make some money. Third world police = insurance hustle. ‘We cannot give you report until police investigation is finish. You stay in Dak To two weeks.’ ‘No. We’re traveling. We only have one month here, then we have to go back to our country to work. We are not going to spend our entire holiday in Dak To.’ ‘Yes, you stay here until finish.’ “No, you don’t understand. I have trav-el-ers insurance. I already pay $300 to get the insurance, so if this happens, I can give police report and they give me money.

That’s the only way we get our money back. If you give us report, we get insurance. If not, we’re never going to see the fucking money again.” A lot of money was riding on this little piece of paper. About 3,000 USD, not exactly pocket change for a few backpackers. That’s a lot of noodle soup, 3,000 bowls to be exact. ‘Just give us the papers.’ ‘Cannot.’ ‘OK. Yeah you know what? Police investigation is now finished. I’m taking these.’ I stood up, leaned over the table, shuffled together the stack of classified papers and grabbed it. ‘No. No. No. Cannot.’ ‘ Oh yeah? These are MINE. My words, I wrote this. This is the only way I’m getting my money back.’ He tugged on the papers. We locked eyes. I couldn’t believe I was doing this. The commie cop couldn’t believe I was doing this. I yanked back, and the stack of papers ripped and came free from his grasp. I sidled out of the door and down the steps to where Ned was waiting on the motorcycle. The cop stood at the railing. ‘Please come back. Now!’ I hopped on the back of the bike. I prayed Ned wouldn’t stall it like he’d done every other time in the past two weeks he’d tried to start the bike without my help. The next second we were driving through town. I folded the stack of papers covered in Vietnamese writing and stuffed in into my bag. And we sped towards the Laos border I kept looking behind me. In my mind I didn’t doubt a greenbacked police officer would love to discharge that AK 47, a hunk of metal forever hanging off his back. ‘Are they behind us?’ he barked. ‘Eh I don’t think so.’ ‘WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T THINK SO???’ ‘They’re not fucking behind us, ok? Just keep driving!’ II. Southeast Asia, land of the vaginal ping pong show, fried rice, and the Pol Pot communist experiment. Land of the gentle smile, home of the relentless scammerhawker. I had paid for my ticket and I was going to drive the motorcycle, the relationship, and any vestiges of my naiveté into the ground. The most basic desire in a relationship, once you reach a level of self-respect, is to have someone in your corner. We had been in the metaphorical ring for several months, and it was apparent that it wasn’t me and you versus the world. It was just me versus you. Of course, when it’s hard being in your own corner, it’s hard to ask anyone else to. But that’s why I buy mascara and skip meals- so I can have some fucking options on the way from point Alone to point Old, Boring, and Broke (and probably still alone). A woman’s life is love, a man’s love is life so goes the noted rapper Lil Brother. I was too afraid to love anyway, too many walls, too many hang-ups. I’m a leaver, if not one hand then one eye on the eject button at all times. Rare in a wom-



an, so the trait is not always immediately recognizable. And so traveling feels natural, leaving one place for another every other day. And as much as I love to project, my problems are mine all mine. I love to pick a fight and play the victim. Who the fuck doesn’t. At least know thyself. III. ‘$50 for some day trek we can do ourselves? No fucking way.’ So we picked the highest mountain we could see from our hotel room and drove to the base. Like assholes we complained our way across backyard garden plots. We trod through cassava plantations built by communists, now harvested by hand, carried down the mountain by humans, and made into animal feed. A woman smiled and laughed when she saw us, and waved. We waved back. Younger men with their faces completely covered by bandanas silently glared at us. We checked the view from a highland cow pasture. The ocean stretched to the west, Laos to the east, Kon Tum City in the valley below us. It was a typical magnificent mountain vista. The top loomed mockingly just beyond us. I of course, took that very personally. ‘C’mon lets go.’ We stumbled onward, two cynics both dressed in all black with white sneakers. We eventually came upon a sort of gate with wooden slats. ‘I don’t know, it’s probably blocked off for a reason.’ ‘Don’t be retarded.’ I removed the top slat and we straddled over it. We shuffled along the side of the mountain. We emerged onto a farming nook. The small hut hadn’t seen any love in a long time. The cassava plants were obviously neglected, growing tall and straggly. It was slightly eerie, and I kept peering around to see if I could find a poppy plot nearby. Then CLINK! I looked down. I had kicked a bear trap. In its vices where the few scraps of drying palm leaf that had covered it. Ned came over and tried to pry the teeth of the bear trap apart. He gave up and dropped it. ‘That’s fucking sketchy. Your foot would have been gone.’ ‘Whatever, it’s fine. The top is RIGHT THERE. You’re such a pussy. I’ll even go first.’ IV. I had promised myself I would not drink anything out of a plastic bucket while in Vang Vieng. Laos whiskey specials were about three dollars for six servings. So when we ordered the opium tea and it came in the bucket I was appalled and secretly pleased I would be forced to break my oath not of my own accord, retaining my quiet personal dignity and style while able to clink petrol products with the rest of the plebs. As for the opium tea, I felt yes, numbed, and of course as when you ingest any sort of narcotic through your stomach, like I might puke and shit myself at the same time. We talked to some random party hippies that lived in the town six months out of the year. I was pleased to make known I was on drugs and mumble a few things, my only social contribution being that I was fucked up, and that was more than ok in a place like Vang Vieng. The town was set against a backdrop of limestone cliffs that rose vertically out of the plains with no warning. Vang Vieng had it all, natural wonders, promisingly primitive villages, and a raging party scene that was just hard enough to reach so that everyone wasn’t an idiot. We were chatting with this British hippy chick, one of those semi-permanent visitors, and when she concluded a story that had started with her downing shots for breakfast, we asked, ‘So how many people have died this year?’ ‘Uh, about twenty,’ she looked at our faces. ‘Well, actually that’s not that many. There’s like… thousands of people that come here every year.’ She pushed on. ‘I mean, usually they get drunk and think they can go down the river without a tube, and drown. And some overdoses.’ V. What is the point of traveling? You either go to the ‘real’ Nam and can’t understand a fucking thing or you go to some blown out traveler’s spot that looks and feels and smells and tastes like every other backpacker spot in Southeast Asia. And if there is one thing I know it’s blown-out tropical backpacker’s spots. Here, you meet other crazy cool travelers and discover for the umpteenth time you happen to like doing nothing but relaxing, meeting people from other countries that think pretty much the same way you do, swimming in tropical water and eating cheap tasty food. You realize you hate Babylon. You love sunsets. And you never want to go home, until you get bored of doing nothing.





ALLURING Looking for the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life? Then take some time out at Bali’s Arsana Estate. Cascading down the terraced hillside of a beautiful two-hectare estate in Tabanan, this four-bedroom estate fuses sleek modern living with lush tropical surroundings to create the ultimate private retreat. With lavish swimming pool, fully stocked bars, massage beds, a games room and dedicated home theatre the hardest decision is deciding where to chill out. Ask your very own butler to mix you a margarita, the chef to fix you a mouth watering meal or the villa manager to arrange a spa treatment, you need not lift a finger - just focus on unwinding and relaxing. If you do decide to explore further afield then a driver and car is conveniently at your disposal, however a walk through the local village and neighbouring rice fields is simply a must. Be warned there’s no crazy traffic or flashing neon 74


ARSANA ESTATE lights here – just farmers tending to their rice fields and children playing in the street offering a unique insight into the island’s traditional way of life. Should you wish to celebrate a special occasion then the stunning sunsets over the jungle provide a magnificent backdrop. Whether it’s a wedding, cocktail reception or intimate dinner party, Arsana Estate is the ideal choice for a once-in-a-lifetime experience guests will never forget. www.arsanavillaestate.com Words Jo Hocking Photography Christopher Leggett


“Hot Taco” is the first mobile popup cafe concept from the bali based gourmet fast food brand “Hot”. Launching on Valentines Day this month at an undisclosed location, this little power packed Tortilla scooter operation is about to blow taste buds across the universe… well, ok, to start with just in Kuta and Seminyak. Utilizing Bali’s most used mode of transportation, the scooter, Hot Taco is the first to create a mobile popup cafe with tables, chairs, umbrellas, sound system and a full kitchen all on 2 self contained scooters. And these aren’t just any scooters. Wanted to recall the beauty and art of the woody cars from the 50’s California surf culture they sourced the retro look of Honda’s new Scoopy and added wood accents and surfboards in tow. But this little business is not about the cool platform it rides in on, It’s about the food. Never able to settle on just “good enough” the HT team are constantly obsessing over the food to make their customer experience rewarding and have them returning to try their next newest dish. Food is all it’s about and that’s how they will capture you, leave you full and loving your body as they use no artificial ingredients, preservatives, or MSG. The team consists of current DJ and model Ezra Mitchell and Master Chef Indonesia contestant Tata

Arsani who meet last year in Bali and through fate created the “Hot” concept. Spending his adult life in Texas Ezra moved to Bali and soon discovered no one was capable of creating a Texas Tortilla. Thick, Fluffy and the perfect partner to scrambled eggs, salsa and all the ingredients that work in harmony for this hearty regional breakfast. Tata Arsani, who used to own the Beefaholic food cart in Bintaro, Jakarta, takes the TexMex a step further by fusing local Indonesian and Balinese Ingredients to create something very special yet simple and healthy. Both Ezra and Tata believe in Indonesia, Bali, and the power of people working together to further their country. It does so by only using biodegradable togo containers, contributing to beach cleanup programs, and doing children’s education within local schools. Hot Taco will be popping up all over Seminyak and Kuta, including Surf Competitions, Festivals, and Music Concerts. They are also available for private events, weddings and killer villa parties. Follow them on Twitter and Facebook to see what place they’ll be launching on come Valentines Day. HOT TACO BALI +62 361 782 0328 twitter@ilovehottaco www.facebook.com/HotTacoBali www.ilovehottaco.tumblr.com 77

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