I mag august online

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High octane, high energy… “HIGH SEASON BALI”

(PT MITRA MANDIRI SEMPURNA) TRAFFIC@WWMEDIA.ASIA REG. NO. 65/HK.HM/IV/BITD/2008 ENQUIRIES P +62 857 9295 3502 TRAFFIC@WWMEDIA.ASIA Views Expressed Are Not Necessarily Those Of The Editorís And Publisherís. All Material Copyright ©2008 Pt . Mitra Mandiri Sempurna. The Publisher Will Not Be Held Responsible For Copyright Infringements On Images Supplied By Advertisers And, Or Contributors.

Luckily high season Bali only comes around once a year, otherwise the never-ending parties, late night dining, and hangover days would surely take it’s toll on our health and wellbeing. It doesn’t matter how many Kalapa Muduh’s (young coconuts) you drink and all-green salads you eat, August is the month of enduring long days that finish in the early hours of the morning. And a balanced lifestyle, well, that can be balanced out at a later date. Cause for now it’s time for over indulgence of the most delectable tropical beverages with some of the most beautiful people on the planet. Trouble is, there is so much going on, it’s easy to get wound up in the wrong place at the right time. That’s why we have provided you with a few helpful hints on key parties you really don’t want to miss. Kudeta, W Hotel, and Love In Tents, plus more all have events not to be missed. As are La Plancha beach parties and the newly opened La Favela in Oberoi.

Some may say we are shallow, non-spiritual bunch of hedonistic, tribal misfits. But, hey, life is always a compromise and the trade off to drinking and trashing yourself is the fact that it is a whole bunch of ridiculous fun! And, ‘fun’ is king. So, go out enjoy yourselves, behave decently, wear a motorbike helmet, don’t ride fast when you are drunk, wear a condom, don’t leave your drink at the bar when you go to the toilet, lock your house before you leave, tell the banjar in advance if you are going to party late and loud at your villa (they appreciate this), and remember if you are a foreigner, you are exactly that - just a foreigner! Take Care and Enjoy



























Cover : model : Olya Nechiporenko from Fauve Agency styling :Georgina Amanda Solomon for LASSKAA STYLING & DESIGN photographer : Repo





DESERT STORM Photography by Repo Model: Olya Nechiporenko from Fauve Agency Styling by Georgina Amanda Solomon for LASSKAA STYLING & DESIGN Makeup & Hair by ANASTASIA

Top by EGR, Swimwear by ELLE PARIS – vintage, Socks & Slides by ADIDAS, Rings by JUST FOR THE MONEY 4

Sunglasses by PARED , Jacket & Shorts by NATASHA GAN, Meow Top by THIS IS A LOVE SONG, Rings by JUST FOR THE MONEY, Shoes STYLISTS OWN



Jumpsuit & Necklace by EGR


Jumpsuit & Necklace by EGR

Sunglasses by PARED, Necklace by JUST FOR THE MONEY, Swimwear by Shakuhachi, Jacket & Shoes by EGR, Socks by ADIDAS

Top by BUG, Underwear MODELS own


BALI 2013 24th - 31st August RSVP TO BE INVITED NOW! www.thefashionfestival.com


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I-Feature, social

Michael Pohorly Besides being a film man, Michael is also a cohort of mine, being a journalist as well, so when the call came to me an Extra in his film, I was delighted to do so and watching Michael work I have to say I was trully impressed. Words by Salvador Bali

S.B. Quiet on the set, action. M.P. Michael Pohorly, born in Niagara, Canada, lives in Bali part of each year. S.B. Single? M.P. I’ll need to check my Facebook status and get back to you on that (Laughter). M.P. Lets get some of your background leading up to this film project. M.P. Film School at University in Montréal, Canada, where I had been recruited to play College Ice Hockey, then played some hockey in Europe before I moved to California where I first took a job in high tech industry and then left it to work in film. I had made my first small movie with a bunch of my friends, a thirty minute piece, when I was fifteen years old, and then kept shooting so I did have somewhat of a portfolio together when the time came to for film school applications. S.B. A lifelong ambition, but from a hockey player to director, that’s one extreme to the other. How does that work? M.P. Yeah, you’re going from one of the roughest games in the world trying to find the subtle nuances within a scene. It’s funny, when I played we were constantly on buses for five six hours or on planes and all the guys would be playing poker, and I would be reading books. Our coaches used to make fun of me in practice anytime I missed a play and yell out mockingly, “Hey Spielberg!” I was on the team but really wanted a real education, most of the guys were hockey players first. I loved hockey, but I had other ideas S.B. The love of hockey is very competitive and dangerous. M.P. There’s also some poetry in the game, it’s hard to see when you’re just watching for the first time. With team sports, you always


have to be sensing where your teammates are and where they’re gonna be - which is a bit like the timing on a film set where I need to know that the focus puller has the marks, the crane move is set, the cast has been mic’d, the lights been shaped, etc. Also it’s about being with a group of people pretty much 24-7, so hockey teams, film crews, any circus-type existence, where people move around together have their similarities. S.B. O.K, So off to Hollywood and the stars, what brought you to Bali? M.P.Working on Hollywood movies such as The A-Team, The Grey, This Means War and working an average of ninety hours a week, fifteen to eighteen hour days, the industry is structured where you get chunks of time off between projects. In my off-time, I started living in different cities, Buenos Aires, Rio, New York, then one day sitting at a café a friend of mine suggested we go to Bali, as a friend of ours had opened up a restaurant, bar there. We were on the plane that night, stayed a week. I returned to finish a horror movie and then came right back after to try to learn to surf. That was in 2008. I’ve since come back four to six months a year. In 2011 I also started doing commercials around Asia. S.B. How did you get into the market here? M.P. Every job in Asia that I’ve had so far was through contacts I made in Bali. At restaurants or parties, I met production managers in Malaysia through a party at Ku De Ta, I got work in Taipei through execs I met at a café in Ubud, and also all the people who ended up helping me in a big way towards my own Movie project came through friends, the soft networking that happens in Bali every weekend. S.B. Interesting, the force is with you, meant to be. M.P. That’s what I love about Bali, people who live here are more open to meeting people, and not enclosed in their cliques like the

S.B. I gather you have been at this for about fifteen years now, you must have many friends in the biz? M.P. Yes, in the film industry its only one thing that matters, who you know, contacts and when you spend eighteen hours a day with these people for months and months, you want to work with people you gel with. For me and the guys I hire to work with me, the question is first, do I get along with this guy? Am I going to have fun with this guy? Is he going to make me laugh? So when I’m hiring a trainee as long as I know he is honest with integrity, the rest he can be taught. S.B. Sounds like you’re telling me it’s a family affair? M.P. It is, it’s a very small community. When you think about this Hollywood “shark” mentality that would do things like stealing scripts, it doesn’t really happen. If there are guys like that, they may get away with it once, but as soon as people know, they’re flushed out really quick. S.B. What’s your philosophy behind all of this? M.P. I think in life, the only thing that matters is connections between human beings. It should be the number one priority in the world. I think if people use spirituality as a way to connect to God or Spirit first before they connect to humans, they have missed the point of any of the teachings. Spirituality for me is first a connection with those who are right in front of you. If you can’t truly express, open up and connect to the person a few feet away, how are you really going to do that to some other entity that you really know nothing about? S.B. To your future fans? M.P. I feel so fortunate that I was able to have Mike Lewis to play the lead as he was exactly who myself and Richard Halstead had in mind when we wrote this, and also to have Slamet Rahardjo, who is referred to as the Robert De Niro of Indonesia with countless movies as an actor and director, be part of this, it was an honour to work with him. For these guys to come to Bali and spend time on our short film, along with our Director of Photography, Patrick Tashadian, and all the others who worked or volunteered from Bali and Jakarta, it’s touching and special to me. S.B. Well Mike, wishing you all the best, most dreams come true by perseverance and for sure you’ve been doing that.

I-Feature, social

west coast in North America is famous for. There are a lot of gems in Bali who you are not going to meet in other places. Bali has all types, adventurous, exploring type of people, this is what I love. The feeling to me is this way is little bit like New York where people are never intimidated by strangers. S.B.Now there has been many major films as an assistant director under your belt, now your working on your own fifteen minute short movie, Made in Bali, what is this about? M.P.When you come out of film school everyone wants to be a director, but when you think about film directors in Hollywood we can name about fifteen or twenty if you’re a film lover, and outside of that, well? I became part of the Director’s Guild with the idea of becoming a director and made some short films which really didn’t go anywhere, but after coming to Bali I was captivated to express this island somehow and started writing a script about a son who has never met his father, who comes to meet his father for the first time. As it happens I later met a local here, Ezra Mitchell, and there are a few elements in the script that actually happened in his real life. S.B. And the concept of the movie? M.P. A young man (actor Mike Lewis) comes to Bali to meet his father (actor Slamet Rahardjo) who is a tour guide. He hires his father without telling him who he is. S.B. This film is for what purpose? P.M.For international film festivals for creative events around the world, showcasing ones work. S.B. So this is a spring board for future projects? M.P. I hope so. And at the same time I wanted to work on a story that has a lot of meaning to me in my life, as far as playing within connecting and separating to family and heritage. Having an idea and going for it is big part of the Indie film world, we get play with certain ideas that maybe aren’t developed in the way that a Hollywood commercial idea would be. So you could take these ideas and have a chance to do something a little bit different. My personal motivation is also as any artist or story teller is to want to be heard, to do something in a way that touches people. And if it works out nicely, this helps in moving from being an assistant director to getting work as a director, which has been my dream forever.

I - F e a t u r e , ART

Jogjakarta Art Show This collection of art was recently exhibited in Indonesia’s art capital of Jogjakarta showcasing that Indonesia’s art talent is well and truly worldclass. Words by Andrew ART|JOG is an unique contemporary art fair. In contrast to other art fairs, ART|JOG directly exhibiting Indonesian contemporary art works, starting from the work of talented young artists to Indonesian’s top artists. Held in Yogyakarta, one of the heritage cities in Indonesia with a distinctive character: a combination of the atmosphere is thick Javanese cultural traditions and contemporary life movement is dynamic and open. Yogyakarta is also known as kitchen production of contemporary art in Southeast Asia. As an art fair held annually, ART|JOG well as a sort of artistic outlet to see the trend of recent works of contemporary art in Indonesia ART|JOG|13 featured a theme of ‘MARITIME CULTURE’, a continuation of the previous theme of ART|JOG|12 ‘LOOKING EAST – A Gaze upon Indonesian Contemporary Art’. The theme ‘MARITIME CULTURE’ was chosen as an attempt to demonstrate how maritime culture is one of the specific characteristics of the island nation of Indonesia. With the sea as the base as well as a gateway, there is this common awareness of marine civilization because nations that utilize the sea are bound to mutual tolerance and respect while honoring borders and jurisdictions. A maritime nation exists upon recognizing the existence of others. I exist because you exist, and vice versa. On the other hand is the mainland (continental) civilization that always tends to extend one nation, hence the arising conflicts are always of territory and power. Pertaining to the maritime culture, Indonesia has an important position in the current development of the world today in terms of political, economic, social, and cultural. In the field of visual arts, Indonesia also has a huge potential as it is supported by a significant number of progressive artists and a very flourishing art atmosphere with its almost weekly exhibitions, a phenomenon that is related to the diverse artistic traditions of Indonesia.


23 I - F e a t u r e , ART


August 2nd THE MISSHAPES at Hu’u Bar www.themisshapes.com August 24th Love in Tents X Mantra Summer Sessions with GGMAGREE (YeahPussy) at Mantra www.soundcloud.com/ggmagree August 28th Speed Dance with GGMAGREE (YeahPussy) at Eikon Bali. www.soundcloud.com/ggmagree August 30th SNEAKY SOUND SYSTEM at Hu’u Bar www.sneakysoundsystem.com



state of georgia



Wine Tasting App

Lovers rejoice! After 9 years of continued success within the Australian and Japanese markets, this directional Australian label will launch their first online store this August, 2013. Simultaneously, Hall will be open a State Of Georgia flagship store in Seminyak Bali come August, where she has made her home and operates her own factory. It is her hope that both ventures will allow her to reach a worldwide market and to present her collections to a loyal customer base who love her fresh mix of eclectic prints, intricate cuts and girlish vintage details.

During the month of August Rejuvie Aesthetic & Anti-Aging offers 25% off on all AFT (IPL) laser treatments. The AFT laser helps to reduce sun damage, age spots and other pigmentation problems. AFT laser can be used all over the body, but typical areas are in the face, on the neck, the chest and hands. You will see dramatic results after only one treatment, but sessions of 3-4 is recommended for optimal results. The offer is valid for all bookings made during the month of August - even if your appointment is later in the year.

As Instagram has shown, people are drawn to vintagestyle photography for its romantic and nostalgic effect on their otherwise basic images; the Lomography Petzval Portrait Lens takes it to the next level. Inspired by camera technology from the 1840s, this lens brings an instant vintage quality to photos without needing to digitally manipulate or enhance them. More than that, it fits onto both Nikon and Canon models for more professional results. The Lomography Petzval Portrait Lens brings back a bit of soul to the industry. Its brass exterior makes it appear as though it were actually from the 19th century.

This wine tasting app by Floris Books is designed to advise the best time for you to drink a bottle of wine. The ‘When Wine Tastes Best’ app brings the concept of biodynamic wine to life. Thun’s research specifies which days are “fruit and flower days” versus “root and leaf days,” which will yield better flavors based on the lunar calendar. Using Thun’s research, this app advises the best time for wine drinkers to uncork a bottle and what days are best to host a wine tasting. The app can be set to different time zones based on the user’s location. Simply, the app will tell you if it is a good day for wine with a ‘yes’ or a ‘no.’ Hopefully, the moon will be in your favor more often than not.

website: www.rejuvieclinic.com. Bookings can be done through Kayu Jati No.8X Basangkasa our website or by email to: - Seminyak info@rejuvieclinic.com. W: www.stateofgeorgia.com.au +62 361 760 084



itunes.apple.com when-wine-tastes-best

DARK HEAT Photography by Lukas Vrtilek / www.luvr.cz




Eat Street : sex and dining Truth or Dare– Where to take whom and when on the island of Bali. While I-Mag makes no guarantees we can assure you when find yourself in great places having a great time that will always be attractive to the opposite sex. Words by Kayti Allen

Bali the Island of the Gods, regardless of the extraordinary pressures on the geographical face of the island, the difficulties of administering even handed policies in regards to development and maintaining the overall wellbeing of all it’s people Bali still remains for many a romantic destination. Be it for hook ups, pick ups, budding relationships, honeymoons and long term love the major attraction of many to Bali is the opportunity to create or celebrate the human urge to be seen as desirable to another.

For lovers living on different parts of the planet, Bali can be a perfect middle ground for the jet set. Enjoy your favorites together; a joyous reunion over steak tartar and champagne at Cafe Bali. A feast to indulge in at Kaizan with Korean BBQ, when you’ve have been together long enough to be allowed to unbutton the top of your pants. And finally, tried and true, Warung Kopi, dine in or out, but it’ll be quick and you can go back to lounging around together in private.

So know where to go and be seen with your favorite other, or others and what this means for your relationship by following I-Mag’s guide to the best (and worst) of Bali’s dating destinations.

The Morning After the Night Before… showing up to show off , you have been successful and things actually look pretty good on awakening so you suggest brunch, either that or you need a brunch time to politely explain you are not interested in long term relationships, no matter how well the night went there will be no one else’s toothbrush in the bathroom. If it is the happy healthy option, and you want people to know about it, freshen up and head to Watercress on Jalan Batu Belig, it is the weekend brunch of choice for all those into healthy, fresh and coffee..the table sharing or the intimate tables for two give you an excellent choice of physical proximity.

Finding a Date… Let’s assume nothing and say you start the game sans significant other, so you need to go places to find one. A café or bar that will allow you to maximize the chances of meeting the type of person you are looking for.. Bali being a small island allows for much elbow rubbing of cliques, but basically if you dream date likes waves get over to DUES EX MACHINA for any of their famed nights out, the Taco, Tattoo Tuesdays are fun and the Sunday Sunset Sessions are a good place to strike up conversation. The great thing about Dues is their live music events, you can loose yourself in the crowd or get deep and meaningful at the tables depending how everything is going.

However if you want to be clear about you intentions and need that time for conversation take an inside table at Pettitenget, at the Pura Pettitenget, the service is discreet, the food is fabulous and there is no reason why your relationship phobia cannot be healed over a plate of their incredible Green Eggs and Ham..However if it’s short and sweet you want scoot down to Drop, Jalan Petitenget, for a brisk brunch and browse through the second hand Sunday stalls that happen every month, you may even get to barter your way to a better proposition.

Mantra is the place to transit your tastes, on any given Friday you can find surf, fashion, music types jostling for space at the bar.. position yourself well and begin the introductions with a offer of a drink. La Favella attracts a wild crowd that mix matches the leather and feather brigade with the studs and lace crowd, it’s the sort of place you can fall into the right crowd with on any given night, especially if you know how to treat the barmen. Oazia Spa Vodka Lounge is also a great space for mingle meeting, and when they have their fashion openings there is not a better place in Bali to meet the well dressed and well behaved.

You’re in Bali to rev up the romance with your true love, sunsets and beach walks, spas and space to be yourselves, so where to go to reseal the love..Out of swinging Seminyak for sure and up into the hills of Ubud to the most romantic restaurant in the world Bridges Bali, on the Tjchampuan Bridge, over looking the river and under canopy of trees the food is superb, the service exquisite and the intimacy level extreme. Although PDA is not encouraged in Bali the diners at ‘bridges’ Bali seem prone to a little public passion and get carried away by the candlelight and the stars.


Romance Revival

New Age dating- the seitan meat substitute You know it is not really dating when you agree to have organic vegan food after yoga , don’t you? When the object of your attraction spends more time working out what they can and can not eat from the menu at Clear, Jalan Hannoman, than on admiring your yoga toned limbs and seductive curves… Ladies beware, beware, for he on honey dew has fed and drunk the milk of paradise, it is dairy free and certified organic, it’s non committal and self indulgent, it asks about your rising sign without any sign of rising to pay, it wants you to delve into its chakras and its dreams without giving you a clue that its function is to divest you of your hand woven artisanal bamboo silk .. but take it at face value and have fun, tantric tantra can be your mantra.. It’s illicit but not illegal Maybe you haven’t quite worked out the details on your previous commitments, so you need to be discreet but not seedily so, somewhere that should you be seen doesn’t scream scandal.. Café Bali has the right sort of vibe, friends can dine, conversations can be held and spaces can be created that allow for intimate comfort without the need for dark corners. Breakfast, lunch or dinner the culturally diverse cuisine gives all the choices you need for a romantic connection through conversation and food.

Quick Couplings The Vampire and the Vixen Late night dining from the degustation seven course fine dining menu at the Mozaic Beach Club , Pantai Baut Belig The Playboy and the Ingenue Wear diaphanous linen, get him in an open necked shirt, preferably to the waist and step out to Sardine, Jalan Batu Belig The Pirate and the Gypsy Lacalaca..spirited and spicey, jalepenos margeritas and fiesty flavors, great music and a rebellious crowd make this Mexican Cantina a favorite of the flamboyant. The Designer and the Developer The match made in Bali heaven, this one requires a weekend, meet for a late brunch at La Lucciola, head off to Alila Soori on Bali’s west coast and spend the weekend indulging in the best of Bali’s natural environment while relaxing at this exquisitely designed property..come back for Sunday night at Mama San.



This is a love song

Bamboo Blonde

State Of Georgia

K&I Goddess Of Babylon

I - F e a t u r e , fASHIO N



WOMENS FASHION Words by Charlotte

B E S T O F – Bali has become a shopping destination of its own with the sidewalks of Seminyak a stylish haven of designer brands and boutiques from door to door. Here’s our guide to our favourite fashion stops and labels for the laaaaadies on the island right about now. Religion The Original. Established in the early 90s; lyrical quotes, musical muses and British heritage have heavily influenced each collection of Religion. Drawing inspiration from London’s east end and International street culture, Religion has got its signature look down. An expansion of fragrances, accessories and footwear have been added to their collections – making our love for Religion that little bit more. This is a Love Song Both a label and a concept store. This is a Love Song is home to pretty much all things cool that rule. In a league of its own; this high street label has fast become a fashion favourite amongst music makers, festival goers and trendsetters round the globe and with the collections that keep dropping from the clever duo Steph and Nina it’s no real wonder why. Their latest collection ‘Tiger Blood’ is just so right; the perfect mix of sports luxe, black and white ensembles and prints in killer cuts and styles. Stocking a bunch of other brands under their roof too, This is a Love Song continues to sing all our style praises. K&I You know K&I when you see it. Their beautiful boutiques and window displays are almost unmissable with their bright colours and heavily adorned sequined and sparkle pieces in every colour imaginable. An obvious ethnic influence to their designs, we love this label for special occasions and adding some statement to an otherwise less interesting outfit. Their ethnic inspiration and stylish sequin adorning spreads out to an accessories range of wonderful jewelry pieces and bags. Every girl needs a piece from K&I in the wardrobe, or three. Bamboo Blonde The go to for current on trend fashion collections. Bamboo Blonde


is an Indonesian owned and produced brand created by talented International designers. Both a label and a store; Bamboo Blonde also has a selection of other favourite International brands like Mink Pink, Motel and Faithfull, Someday and All About Eve under their roof too. For creative, girly and playful up to the minute designs and fashion that doesn’t break the bank balance we love stopping in for a fast fix of clothing, accessories and must have basics. Shakuhachi Sahakuhachi is a little bit 90s and maybe that’s why we love it so much. The Australian label has two boutiques in the heart of the Seminyak shopping scene and on most visits you will find this popular brand with full changing rooms and girls queuing to get in. This high end label that has establish a global cult love and following does plenty of perfect Island pieces with midriff baring cuts, acid brights, little chic leather numbers, lightweight silks, platform sandals and bikinis that are less beach and a bit more vogue. Of course Shakuhachi made it on our list. Goddess of Babylon Goddess of Babylon is the epitome of bohemian luxury meets alluring chic creating its signature look of relaxed glamour. Each collection consists of unique styles in diverse textures like leathers and suede, hand stitched cottons and jerseys that are embellished with intricate detailing. It is through designer Chantel’s divided living between Bali and Byron Bay that the Goddess of Babylon story comes to life between her collaboration of worlds. Both subcultures influenced by seaside living, Goddess of Babylon gives us boho with just the right amount of glamour. State of Georgia State of Georgia by Australian designer Georgia Hall is the perfect mix of tender girlish charm mixed with boho and a bit of rock and roll edge. Recognized for her modern fashion element on vintage inspired and art style prints, it is our go to for something unique we can wear anytime and anywhere. The latest AW 13 collection features some bold colour, chic black and white staple pieces, signature maxi length dresses, bodycons, dreamy printed pieces and feminine draping. Georgia Hall you have done it again.



La Favela - Grand Opening pics: lifewithoutandy.com


“SPECIAL ROOM RATES PROMO” Plan to have your holiday next month or end of the year? Or even preparing a long getaway for next year? Save now and book your stay with us. Kampung Cenik, a boutique guesthouse that offers a simple yet unique accommodation with traditional touch is giving you a special discount. Special Room Rates Promo – Book our most popular rooms and take pleasure in a very special room rate, up to 50% off regular rate. Booking period of “Special Room Rates” promo is from August 5 – September 5, 2013 for stay at any time of any year, with minimum of 2 nights stay. This promo is only applicable for direct booking to Kampung Cenik. Jl. Dewi Sri 1 No.3, Legian 80361, Bali. T:+62 361 8947243 W: www.kampungcenik.com

White Party - White Knight Saturday August 17th 4 Course Dinner from 7pm Funkagenda, Kaiserdisco, Darren Emerson



Every Saturday 5-7PM ICE BAR SUNSET ON ICE Sip on ultra cold Beluga Vodka, Mixology at one price for two,

this high season Bali

and indulge on our complimentary chilled



‘Bikini Party” - TRIBAL 2pm and 11pm on Saturday August 10th Pablo Ceballos, Federico Scavo, Marco Lys and Jim Breese


new weekend breakfast! The place that brought you the face slapping lacalaca margarita is now open for weekend breakfast. If you’ve been out painting the town red the night before or waking up fresh as a daisy, there are fresh new delights awaiting you. With contemporary and mexican classics, it’s a welcomed addition to the morning meals on offer in Seminyak. Try the tropical fruit salad with dragon fruit yogurt and mint or indulge in the timeless huevos rancheros with frijoles charros and an apple, cucumber and mint ague fresca (pictured). And if you need a kickstart, the Bloody Marys are killer! 1 Jalan Drupadi, Seminyak info@lacalacabali.com www.lacalacabali.com


Every Thursday 10PM-12AM WOOBAR REVEAL Free cocktail for ladies in the bar area


SUNSET AFFAIRS Aug-Sept at 4pm and 11pm, with Satin Jackets, Kraak & Smaak, Julius Papp, Drop Out Orchestra, Isaac Tichauer, Tornado Wallace, Knight One, Disclosure Project and Aaron Tseng.

+62 361 736733

photo by: zac steinic

I-Feature, food

WATERCRESS Words by Charlotte Photos by Almazova for Watercress The doors have only been open a couple of months shy of a year yet Watercress is already a firm favourite amongst the Island’s healthy café scene and once you have been you sure know why. Pablo, the familiar face and part owner of Watercress with his long time best friend Jordy first visited Bali in 1982 via his hometown Byron Bay on a family trip to Europe; three years after and the magical island became home to him and his family. “Bali is a part of me more than anywhere else; the sights, the sounds, the language. Everything”. With an upbringing strongly rooted within food and the celebration of cooking and eating together it seems Watercress was only a natural progression bound in Pablo’s universal path and as he says an “extension of my childhood”. “Everyone in my family is involved with food, it’s a part of my blood, growing up we always had an open door policy to friends and family with food and eating”. Watercress is a delight to the senses; a real food oasis. Set within rice paddies along Batu Belig the café is a light, industrial and vintage space renovated by Pablo himself; he has creatively incorporated various materials from around the island to give it its unique rustic feel from the volcanic red brick on the walls to the tropical hardwoods. It’s a combined feeling of urban and intimate with low slung lights, potted plants along the window sill, a book shelf stacked with recipe books, travel hardbacks, magazines, a selection of board game classics and wall of framed quotes and prints. The food philosophy of Watercress is inspired by real international café flair; with dishes from all corners of the world. The lunchtime showcase, nasi campur style is what got everyone talking to start with; a smorgasbord of an abundant of fresh colourful salads, lasangas, quiches, fish and mainly anything that’s yummy and full of goodness is there to pick from. Produce is dependent on what’s seasonal and they keep things simple with limited handling;


serving food in its most natural form with everything delivered fresh daily. Coffee obsessed, they have their own special house blend of 100% Arabica from around Indoensia. The rustic, mouth watering breakfast menu is served all day long and their al carte menu makes choosing difficult with a little bit of everything you feel like on offer. The sweet side of the menu comes from Monsieuer Spoon where everyone knows that’s where the best croissants and pastries come from this side of Paris and their friends at Habitual. There is a constant lively hum of real café culture going on; from the sounds of the kitchen; juices being blended and food being prepared to the lunchtime chatter of friends and business meetings, neighbouring roosters, traffic buzzing past, and the consistently good mix of music playing. The staff are dressed in trendy denim aprons and matched with friendly smiles. With plans of opening for dinner on the Watercress horizon very soon, cocktails being served in tea pots and weekend high teas; Watercress has got us excited again, just when we thought it couldn’t get much better.

Eating at just one restaurant is no longer enough in Bali. Words by Stingray Steve

The moment you feel comfortable, that’s when it’s time to leave. The appetizer plate is empty. Black scorpions and deep fried maggots from that new Thai street food restaurant, TukTuk Takeaway, scuttling round in our bellies.We’re feeling warm and ready to order dinner. So it must be time to leave. Time to crawl. Onward and foodward.Check, please. Everybody’s plastic goes into a hat. This is how we pay. Credit card roulette at every stop. The waitress draws a card and the losercheers. You want to lose first. Once you’ve paid, you’re out of the drawing. And appetizers are cheap. A food crawl is best with three couples. Three restaurants. One dinner, sprawling itself across Bali like a grazing cow. This is how we eat. Wandering from one restaurant to the next. It’s our only choice. Dozens of new restaurants open every week in Bali every month, and there’s no way to try them all. No way but this. And so we crawl. We abandon our table, grab a Circle K road-soda and hail a cab. Now we’re off to that new all hot dogs restaurant,Hot Dogs Hot Dogs Hot Dogs. All they serve is hot dogs here, which doesn’t surprise me. Restaurants have to stand out these days. Wow us or perish. You need a theme. Like that Nachos 360 restaurant in Ubud, where in the cocktails have melted cheese on them. Or the Bird Food cage-restaurant, where they tie your hands behind your back with your napkin.And the new Argentinian joint, HorseFaceHorseMouth?Well, when tequila is the only drink on your menu, people will talk about you. Here at Hot Dogs Hot Dogs Hot Dogs, the tables are shaped like hotdogs. And the menus.And the food.We order the hotdog taco platter and relish martinis. Next door there’s a line outside the new Ten-Story Pizza skyscraper and you can hear the roars of excitement coming from Cockfight Ayam just up the street, where they have live cockfights right on your table. Move over, Benny Hanna, Bali is the new world-food rock star.

It’s not just organic warungs and taco wars anymore. This is a full-on culinarysuper nova. The Bali Tourism Board reported an average of 50 new restaurants opening a week on this island, with no sign of slowing. One downtown Kutahotel recently converted all its guest rooms into restaurants. Others are being built on offshore flotillas. And still more burrowing underground. And why not? Opening your own restaurant is the perfect ex-pat vocation. Quite your shitty bus-boy job back in Kazakstan and become a world famous chef in Bali. Even if you’ve never cooked before, maybe you were actually born for this. You love to eat, right? Well, there you go. Open a restaurant. Twenty-grand and a Balinese“partner” will get you started. We’re getting cozy now, making jokes about the phallic nature of our all-hotdog menu – hot dogs & papaya, hot dogs & fish lips – yes, it must be time to go again. No one wants to leave, but Food Crawls are hard. A forced march.A labor of love.If you want to be able to gossip about the latest eateries, you must sample at least three a night for the rest of your life. So, slam your drink. Flag down the bill. And get back into the cab. It’s the only way to eat anymore. Next up is that new river food spot, Gutter Fish. Here they serve those tiny fish caught by local children in the roadside drainage. So quaint. It’s fine dining and charitable work all under one roof. What will they think of next? Ah yes, arak martinis, of course, garnished with tiny psychedelic mushrooms. This will be our final destination. We order extra appetizers because there’s only one card left for the hat. One bullet left in the chamber. That guy is doomed. But such is life& death on the Food Crawl. Already there’s talk of where we should crawl for breakfast. Has anyone tried that new Waffle Saloon in Sanur? Or the Bloody Mary’s Steakhouse at the dysfunctional roundabout? And what will we eat between now and then? A late night crawl is surely the call. Circle K’s and 24-hour Padang stands are not immune to Bali’s expansion. We will eat until we explode. Bring me a bucket, I’ve only just begun to crawl.


I-Feature, Food


I - F e a t u r e , TRA V EL

Still Alive The Global Issues Networking Conference – Meeting Skateistan in Phnom Penh Words by Katie Allen Photos by SKATEISTAN

The GIN Conference Ambition

“The girls now singing “I’m Still Alive” with Robi Navicula were all survivors of the sex trade..never more had the words sounded more profound”

Skateistan is an organization that promotes skateboarding in areas that are affected by war, their first locale was Kabul and now in Phnom Penh the organization works with young people to create spaces and places to boost confidence, learn and practice new skills, get active and also encourages education and vocational training. Because the theme of the Bali GIN Youth Conference is motivation, and one of the proposed key note speakers is Rob Dyer it made perfect sense that the conference, with support of Volcom and Motion Skatepark should approach Skateistan with a plan to get them involvedtoo..After all global understanding and service learning is a big part of being an internationally aware student. Also in Phnom Penh is Rustic Pathways an international service learning organization that creates opportunities for schools, and individual students, to step into community assistance programs to learn about and to work at assisting sustainable projects aimed to alleviate many of the problems that affect those in disenfranchised communities. A perfect combination of the conference goals: To inspire and motivate. Cambodia - a complex country Cambodia is not that far away from Bali, its people are Buddhist, its historical culture is Hindu and its suffering over decades is well documented. From the early colonial powers to the carpet bombing during the Vietnam War, from the internal mass genocide at the hands Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge to the current day poverty that leaves communities and individuals vulnerable to human trafficking and the child sex trade Cambodia has a history written in blood. A history so grotesque yet used quite freely to promote tourism. Possibly the strangest advertisement ever seen in a taxi from the airport encourages both the visiting of the genocide museum and the shooting range. Everyone has a story in Cambodia and the sense is very much that everyone alive there today is a miracle of the human capacity to


survive atrocity.A grown man tells how his father, a teacher, was saved from the Killing Fields by the quick actions of a former pupil who had joined the Khmer Rouge, a young waitress explains she was adopted by an American couple along with fifteen other orphaned children after the liberation of Phnom Penh. These are the histories of the country, the threads of stories woven by the people and they make up a tapestry that is confusingly both joyous and tragic. It can only be imagined but the possibility that grief shared is an easier burden may account for the dichotomy faced by visitors when encountering Cambodia for the first time. Bringing Skateistan to Bali for the Global Youth Conference will also bringthis knowledge, these stories, and learning about Cambodia and will,it is hoped, inspire many of the participants to find out more and possibly motivate them to visit. The visit to Phnom Penh Two of the Global Issues Network Youth Conference partners Volcom and Motion Skatepark supported this vision 100% , Rob Dyer the proposed keynote speaker was excited having always wanted an opportunity to get involved in Skateistanand we were encouraged by the possibility that added the exposure of the conference intentions would be made possible through all this support. Supplied with generous donations from the two partners,two of us, myself as conference coordinator and representing Volcom, Robi of Navicula, undertook the journey to Cambodia to make the connections that would seal the intentions and hopefully further encourage sponsors to support the vision that regional understandings of this kind and community cooperation are a vital part of the success of any global networking. If we want to think and act globally and seek solutions for the problems that affect our world we have to know and understand much about the region in which we live. Phnom Penh was teeming with activity thanks to the upcoming elections and after touching down following a turbulent flight through monsoon storms and being confronted by the previously described tourism suggestions we found ourselves on the streets of Phnom

Skateistan We arrived to the Skatepark to meet Benjamin who told us something of the incredible Skateistan journey, the almost avalanche like success of the programs, and the weirdly contrary difficulties this presents that are hard to understand for anyone in business and horribly familiar to those in the NGO world. The better the programs are, the more successful they are in delivering their goals, this being for Skateistan providing space equipment and training that gets students engaged, motivated, off the streets, the more assistance you need in keeping the programs running, the further you have to reach out for assistance and funding and the harder you have to fight to keep your programs going.. (This will be another point of discussion at the GIN conference I am sure, how to get support to organizations who are doing the good works with funds from businesses that are creating profit for corporate gain..) We met Tin, the female instructor, it is Tin we hope to invite to Bali, and with her smiling and happy demeanor and great ‘go for it’ spirit we know she will be an instant hit with the students of the conference. She is an inspiring role model for many girls who see skateboarding as an activity dominated by males and she brings a

special talent to her skating through her determination to succeed. This was something very noticeable as she worked with the group in attendance. Girls in their mid to late teens were getting to grips with the ramps and the early stages of independent skating. They slid and tumbled joyfully, filling the skate park with laughter and the shouts of success as moves were mastered and improvements were made. This is the essence of the Skateistan programs, selfconfidence, discovery of ability, the joy of movement and working with the physical in the realm of motion. This is skateboarding and it transforms lives. As the skate session drew to a close Miles, Robi and I made a short presentation about our visit and our hopes to bring Skateistan, through Tin, to Bali. Then Robi picked up his guitar and sat with the girls to play. Opening with his version of Kate Wolf’s Give Yourself to Love, he moved on to a Navicula original in Indonesian, and then, bursting into Pearl Jam’s I’m Still Alivehad the entire skate park singingalong. The “Transistions” program coordinator standing beside me, tears flowing, told me that the girls we had been watching skate, the girls now singing, smiling, with their arms around one another were all survivors of the sex trafficking that is conducted throughout Cambodia. Kidnapped from or sold by their families they are forced to work in sexual slavery under conditions impossible to comprehend. Their chances to experience love, to live a ‘normal’ life and to understand the value of simply being alive are stolen from them and the damage inflicted on them can be very hard to repair, some, she explained, even preferred to return to the life they knew in preference to the hardships of learning to live again. As the girl’s voices joined with Robi’s for the final chorus the simple truth of that statement never sounded more profound. Thank you to ...Skatesitan Phnom Penh, Rustic Pathways, Rob Dyer, Volcom Indonesia, Motion Skatepark, RobiNavicula for their support of the G.I.N. youth conference and to Air Asia for their generosity with the luggage allowances .. Anyone interested in supporting the work of Skateistan, or becoming a part of the Global Issues Networking Youth Conference in Bali this October is welcome to get in touch by emailing the youth conference organization at infoginbali@gmail,com or by visiting the Skateistan website at kh.skateistan.org/


I - F e a t u r e , TRA V EL

Penh somewhat disoriented by the confusion of left hand drive traffic, fast moving overloaded bikes with rampant standard bearers declaring support for one of the political parties and the muddle of tourists that pooled onto the pavement cafes to be accosted at thirty second intervals by young kids, cripples, lepers and the blind for charity. We found shelter at a market stall and sampled our first taste of Cambodia street food, something beyond delicious. However risky that may sound it was a lot more approachable than the Deep Fried Tarantulas we ate the following day with Miles and Pannha of Rustic Pathways. They took us to lunch at Romdeng, a famous Phnom Penh restaurant that trains street kids to find work in the hospitality industry. Admittedly, the tarantulas were tasty, as was the rest of the food. Over lunch we discussed our goals for the conference and got very excited about the possibilities that could develop with regional exchange and cooperation. Then it was off in a tuk-tuk to the skate park of Skateistan. By this time I had become quite attached to the Motion skateboard decks I had been carrying from Bali deluding myself that I was achieving some equal standing alongside Robi and his guitar case but I was happy they were nearing the end of their journey.




A Healthy Holiday? Just as Balinese traffic is most successfully negotiated with an attitude best described as “who dares wins”, so too does maintaining a moderate level of fitness whilst on holiday present challenges outside those which may be considered normal. Words by Nathan Aidan

I-Feature, travel

There are lots of Australians bending elbows at numerous bars throughout Kuta and Legian. After joining them for a while I had myself convinced that one of the most important parts of a healthy routine is the soothing invigoration of massage. Pounding the pavement in uncustomary and cushion-free Havaianas leave one’s feet in need of some sweet bipedal patronage. With this in mind, I was drawn towards the smallnurturing hands of a sweet and petite Balinese therapist….who, as it turns out, was also a sadist. Like an Italian chef who’d spoilt pizza-perfection with the addition of anchovies, she dosed me with enough pleasure so as to highlight the excruciating pain. Upon exit I felt betrayed and violated. I did what any right-minded antipodean would do and sought solace back at the bar. I knew that another Bintang would help me plan my attack on vacational verdure.

Avoid swallowing the water in the shower and you are still left with Bintang, nasi goreng and a few other alien terms you never imagined could feel so familiar in such a short period of time.

Balinese people greet with prayer hands and a smiling nod of the head. I took this as humble reverence until I had known the instructor at my hotel’s gym for longer than five minutes. I then realised it was a false sense of security he was attempting to instill in me. He, an Indian bloke whose name escapes me and yours truly, sweated and fumbled our way through a confusing and multi-lingual hour of somatic displeasure until I had learnt at least fifteen Hindi swear-words. The cardio component was brutal, the weights session merciless, and the stretching grand finale left me with an extra gluteal; gluteus torturous. I had knees in my back andmy arms almost pulled from their sockets. My body was folded and pretzeliseduntil I figured the only way out was if I had been more interested in WWF wrestling as a youngster. When I finally resurfaced from the river of limbs I felt to be drowning in, my retreat saw me find comfort in the pool accompanied by my new mate, Mr. Bintang. Between us we decided to find the strength not to give up the quest for sabbatical salubrity. The next morning, at an ungodly hour which most would not callmorning at all, my alarm clock screamed at me intrusively, demanding my attention. I looked at the face sleeping peacefully next to me, jealous that I too had not committed myself elsewhere. Before I knew it I was in a northbound car dodging stray dogs on uncharacteristically quiet roads, with a driver who was a little more spritely than I. We travelled for two hours through the darkness until I was introduced to a shy, tattooed man named Made. We walked in silence along a path in to the bush as my driver reclined his seat and began to sleep. Again I was jealous of someone whose eyes were afforded the opportunity to close for an extended period of time. Not long after setting off for the top of Mt. Batur, one of two active volcanoes in Bali, we stopped to pray at a small monument. Whilst a layman may watch on and wonder why as his guide makes an offering of incense, leaves and curiously enough Mentos, it was

humbling to see a man so committed to a belief. Maybe it was this type of conviction that would save a non-believer from holiday ill health. Armed with good luck derived from prayer and a frangipani leaf behind his ear, Made led me onwards and upwards over loose volcanic rock, sometimes passing others who were a little slower. I took this as a good sign that I may be getting my fitness mojo back. We reached the top with plenty of time for breakfast before sunrise. As others began to show up I discovered two things. It seems that whilst there are many Australians in Kuta and Legian, not many are prepared to climb a volcano at sparrow’s fart on a Thursday morning. Apart from one Melbourne couple, most of the twenty or so tourists were European. The second thing I learnt was that Balinese trekking guides are chain-smokers. Early-rising locals may be forgiven for thinking Mt. Batur was about to erupt again given the smoke rising from it. Despite this, as we began talking more and more, the subject of fitness came up and Made was eager to show me his impressive six-pack. This was the third time that morning I had become jealous and the sun had not yet been raised. He told me that to achieve this he never has meat but eats a lot of eggs and bananas. I was then given a delicious breakfast of boiled eggs and banana sandwiches. Between draws of their cigarettes, a few guides asked me questions about Australia. I showed them pictures of snowcovered Tasmanian mountains until I had the chance to use my camerain the way for which it was made. The sun poked a curious glance over the horizon as if to see what we were all waiting for. Black sky gave way to glorious pink, orange and blue as Made took proud puffs of his cigarette. We made our way back down the mountain during which time we again passed by some other weary early morning trekkers. Reinvigorated and satisfied that I had managed to work up a sweat, I realised that a holiday was indeed a time to relax a little and one need not necessarily maintain the same level of discipline as in the normal routine of life. Back at the hotel I joined Mr. Bintang once more to thank him for his time and to let him know that I may not see him again as I was heading back home. A home with a pantry soon to be packed with bananas and eggs.

SNOWFLAKE GAMELAN Kiwi ethnomusicologist Vaughan Hatch is resurrecting extinct Balineseorchestra music because, as we all know, chicks dig gamelan Words by Stingray Steve

I-Feature, travel

“Most people assume I moved to Bali because of my wife,” says Vaughan Hatch, wearing eye-make up and a sarong. Yes, his wife is hot. Balinese bombshell. Sultry jazz singer.Worth leaving your homeland for.Especially if you’re a skinny, pale and music nerd, like Vaughan Hatch here.But that’s not his point. “The real reason I moved here,” he says,“is for gamelan music.” You’ve heard gamelan music, of course. Even when you’ve tried not to. You don’t love it. You try not to hate it. But it’s not why you moved to Bali. Not like Vaughan here. However you feel about it, if you’re living in Bali, gamelan is part of your life. It’s a complicated sound, pouring over the walls of your villa at 3 am. A sound your western ears may never quite understand or feel part of. Like the very fabric of Balinese life. Inescapable. Enigmatic. Beautiful. A communal cacophony of gongs, xylophones, bells, shakers, clangers and more goingclangity-clang bang-bang-bong all at once.Like 35 Jimi Hendrixes with xylophones instead of guitars.It’s chaos. Not really. They practice so much, surely it’s not just percussive chaos. But what the hell is it? Trance music? Orchestra music?Or just a bunch of ethnic bangity bing-bong clangity clang-clang? Vaughan Hatch, ethnomusicologist and founder of MekarBhuana gamelan heritage foundation, hesitates before answering the question. No easy answer to this. Gamelan is complicated. “I guess it’s almost its own category of music,” he says. It’s percussive, symphony music…but it’s also just its own thing. It’s south-east Asian music. Very old. No one ever knows where it comes from, in fact.” I met Vaughan at the Bali Arts Festival, after his group performed a piece of music that hasn’t been heard in more than 100 years. He’d assembled an orchestra, resuscitated the music and played alongside some three-dozen Balinese musicians. Rewriting Indonesian history. “How did you end up here?” I ask. Most ex-pats have no contact with gamelan music outside of an airport or hotel lobby. “When I was at university in New Zealand,” he explains, “I didn’t know many people, so I started signing up for all these random activities. One of them happened to be a gamelan group.”

Ham radio. Knitting club. War Hammer. Gamelan. Within every rock star, beats the heart of a nerd. Music is math. Ethnic music is math, language and cultural studies all twisted together. Very complicated. With his stellar scores in ethnonerdology, Vaughan received a scholarship to teach and study in Bali. He moved here to hunt down the gamelan recordings he’d been rocking back in his Kiwi-town dorm room, only to find that type of music didn’t even exist any more. The meditative grooves of gamelan “palace music” had gone extinct. Vaughan set out to revive it. He founded MekarBhuana Conservatory, which means “flower of the world” in hope of preserving and spreading the joys of gamelan to not just Indonesia, but to bhuana. Imagine if they could play loud enough, long enough, late enough that the entire world could say they are not entirely unfamiliar with multiple simultaneous xylophone solo-ing. Great success. Vaughan explains that the word gamelan derives from “magambel,” which means to hammer, or bang on things. Like gongs. Some xylophones. Your earlobes.The very notion of “music” itself. A gamelon is actually a unique collection of instruments. Tuned to itself and itself only. One musicologist studying gamelan sets noted: “Deviations in these scales are so large that one might reason there are as many scales as there are gamelans.” Take that, music theory! The idea of these unique sets of instruments seems to me a fitting metaphor for the Balinese village life. Unique. Enigmatic. At once warm and welcoming, and stand-off-ish and insular. And to all the expats who cannot fathom gamelan… they live in Bali, they love Bali, but they are not truly part of Bali. And then I see Vaughan, seated amidst his gamelan orchestra, banging away on axylophone tuned uniquely to the rest of the Balinese musicians around him. An unmelting snowflake on a sea of brown sound. Golden percussion. Ethnic cacophony. He’s found his place. Nothing is impossible. Vaughan Hatch came to Bali for the music. He found a hot wife, a rocking ethno-band and a life-purpose he never expected. All because of gamelan. So what are you listening to? [Visit www.balimusicanddance.com for upcoming projects by MekarBhuana Conservatory. They’re very good.]

False Hope Words by Dave P

I - F e a t u r e , SOCIAL

When all the world around you is going to the dogs a little bit of false hope can go along way, like a lotto ticket for instance, I mean what are the odds of you actually winning lotto?20,000,000 to 1 even if the prize is $20,000,000 your ticket will probably cost you the equivalent of $10 but it’s a small price to pay for a slight glimmer of hope that you may actually have your problems solved or at least purchase some happiness…. Purchasing to be happy is definitely a symptom of depression so once you’ve won lotto the sane thing to do would be to buy your dream car and dream house a decent wardrobe of nice clothes and furnish your house and self out in a style that you can now afford right?But to continually go back to the car show room and continually buy cars or fashion that are not required is showing definite signs of inadequacy … so what is the sane thing to do with your $20,000,000 of new found wealth, well there’s airports in every country and if your fit and healthy a good cure for the blues is a first class air ticket for you and someone you enjoy being with and point it in the direction that you feel the most inclined sounds greatright, south of France here we come…. But…. Lets say you haven’t won lotto you still need to work life still has its challenges for you every day but you have your health and you are already in paradise, Bali for instance, where the weather is a balmy 30 degrees every day and the beer is cold living costs are relatively cheap and you have a nice lifestyle. Well how much false hope do you need Right ? I mean a tourist visiting looking in to a locals lifestyle would be envious of the fact that they don’t need to drive or wash their car, they don’t have to wash their own laundry, clean their house, make their bed, tend to the garden cook food or anything really, I mean in comparison to the developed world where staff are too expensive to afford all of this work is what makes you so exhausted in the first place, coupled with the expense of living in developed world economy and the crushing super mortgages of $500,000 plus for every house you start to see why people are buying lotto tickets in the first place, they need false hope ….. So why are we in such a hurry to develop in any case, what’s the real benefit in having a bigger TVscreen?Abiggerhouse?A newer motorbike or car?? And if you do pull the lucky ticket do you then climb to the top of the heap and buy more cars to announce to the rest of your community that youve made it?It’s starting to sound like hunger games, Soylent Green or some other exadurated version of this short story. So why bother, I mean we are all smart enough to understand this, even Monty python gave us the classic skit of excess with the French restaurant patron over consuming to the point of explosion, Just one more wafer thin mint…. That’s what the markets are saying to you and this is the basis of all evil. GREED So you’ve got the latest smart phone and the coolest t shirt and the best fit jeans with designer fade, your primed and ready to go with whatever fashion it is that makes you feel like you are ready to face the world in, but wait there’s more you need cash to go out with your piers, you need to have the designer drugs or the right drinks or perhaps your meeting at a cool restaurant, so all


this effort, sounds fine right, potentially modest and in reasonable form however there’s every other day, having the trimmings in your life the bike the car the TV the lap top the , the the the the the it just keeps going on and when you add up what your spending just to keep up with the jones you will be amazed, then you will be more aware of the reason why financial difficulties exist and finally you will understand why people become depressed and ultimately require False Hope…. To keep them moving forward the proverbial donkey and carrot on a stick routine, back on the chain gang… well it doesn’t have to be that way, if you realize the problem you can fix it. Being Content How would you feel if you woke up every morning feeling fresh alive and full of enthusiasm, ready to go on an unwritten un scripted adventure? To just wake wash and roll out of your place of residence without any stress in the world? Do you have to win lotto to do this??? NO you don’t, you just need to get your arse in to a job you love, do something that makes you feel good, generally helping others does the trick, and above all spend less than 70% of what you earn, if you can do this and work 3- 4 days a week you have either a very low living cost or a very high salary, most people cant do this due to the way the world has been structured as the volume of work required to live the clichéd life is greater than the amount of time available to sit back and smell the coffee, so the easiest way of getting out of this trap is simple. Take Stock Get a bit of paper and write down all of the things you need to spend money on the left hand side then draw a line through the guts of the paper and on the other side write down all of the things you do to make money. You can do the same with people you like being with and people you are stressed to be with, the energy thieves, once you have done this highlight all of the things you don’t need or like… now make 2 new lists and write being content on one page and on the other write False Hope put all of the good shit on the being content page now put all of the spending you don’t need , the work you don’t enjoy and the people you don’t like to spend time with on the False Hope page . Brand New Day Your ready to wake up and smell the coffee, you’ve just created time, extra money, less work, a list of people to put your extra time and energy in to and above all a list of the people whom drain your energy and resources, no need for a lotto ticket for you, you don’t need to climb on top of any pile to prove who you are anymore, you’re your own man or woman either way you can sleep well and cruise through each day in the knowledge that your are content…. Some call it enlightened, ultimately it’s the first step of enlightenment, and if you make it this far your ahead of most of the developed world.


70 I-Stockist list

I-Feature, social

DEUS EX MACHINA Jl. Batu Mejan No. 8 Canggu T: +62 361 3683395

ADUNG Jl.Tangkuban Perahu No. 20CX, Kerobokan T: +62 361 7427694 E: boeat-handa@yahoo.com

BALI BOAT SHED Corner of Jl. Kayu Aya & Jl. petitenget T: +62 813 2187 1978 W: www.baliboatshed.com

K&I Jl. Laksmana No.8 - Kuta T: +62 361 736477

POTATO HEAD Jl. Petitenget Seminyak T: +62 361 737979

DRIFTER Jl. Oberoi No. 50 Seminyak T: +62 361 703477 KAMPUNG CENIK Jl. Dewi Sri 1 No.3 Kuta T: +62 361 8947243

ESIBE Jl. Raya Petitenget Lio sq kerobokan T: +62 361 8700888 ELEVEN Potato Head Beach Club Jl. Petitenget, Seminyak T: +62 361 3610589 W: www.no-11.com GAP Beachwalk Bali T: Pantei Kuta Kuta

PALMA Jl. Kayu Aya No. 150A Seminyak T: +62 361 7809140

PRISONERS OF ST. PETERSBURG Jl. Laksmana 942 Seminyak T: +62 361 736653 PRESS BAN CAFE Jl. Laksmana 20XX Oberoi T: +62 361 730486

KU DE TA Jl. Kayu Aya No. 9 Seminyak T: +62 361 736969 L HOTEL Jl. Raya Petitenget No. 8L Seminyak T: +62 361 8947898 W: www.thelhotels.com

PSYLO Jl. Petitenget 12B Seminyak T: +62 361 8474108

BAMBOOO BLONDE Jl. Laksmana no. 61 Oberoi 0361 731864

GODDESS OF BABYLON Jl. Kayu Aya (Oberoi) No.4 Seminyak BENSON Jl. Raya Seminyak No. 65B Seminyak W: www.bensonshorts.com BETTY BU Jl. Laksmana No. 13 Oberoi T: 0361-730070

BLUE GLUE BIKINIS Jl. Raya Kerobokan Kerobokan T: +62 361 734820 CAFE MOKA Jl. Raya Seminyak Seminyak T: +62 361 731424 CHANDI RESTAURANT Jl. Laksmana No. 72 Seminyak T: +62 361 731060 COCOON BEACH CLUB Jl. Double Six No. 66 Seminyak

LACALACA Jl. Drupadi No. 1 Seminyak T: +62 361 736733

HOME STORE Jl. Kayu Aya No.3 Seminyak

MAGALI PASCAL Jl. petitenget No.900 Seminyak T: +62 361 8200663

HU’U BAR Jl. Petitenget, Kerobokan Kuta T: +62 361 736576

MAMASAN Jl. Raya Kerobokan No. 135 Seminyak T: +62 361 730436 MANTRA Jl. Petitenget Raya No. 77X Seminyak T: +62 361 4737681

PLAGA WINE Jl. Sunset Road 166 Kuta T: +62 361 756781 INSIGHT Jl. Mertasari No.7 Kerobokan T: +62 361 738888 JP’S WARUNG Jl. Dhyana Pura no.6 Seminyak T: +62 361 731622 KENDRA GALLERY Jl. Drupadi No. 88B Seminyak

MILK & ROSES Jl.Laksmana No.176 A T: +62 361 730503

VESTAL (from Drifter Shop) Jl. Oberoi No. 50 Seminyak T: +62 361 703477

SHIVALOKA Jl.Hanoman 49-1, Ubud W: www.omshivaloka.com

STATE OF GEORGIA Kayu Jati No.8X Basangkasa Seminyak www.stateofgeorgia.com.au THE ART OF BODY/YOGA FIT STUDIO Jl. Mertanadi Kerobokan

RED CARPET Jl. Oberoi 42C Seminyak T: +62 361 737889

THE DIPAN Jl. Petitenget, Gang Gagak No.1, Seminyak - Bali Seminyak T: +62 361 302 8888 W. www.thedipan.com

REJUVIE Jl. Dewi Sri Pertokoan Kuta Plaza 18 Blok B-4 T: +62 361 760084

THIS IS A LOVE SONG Jl. Kayu Aya No.3 Seminyak

SOMEWHERE Jl. Raya Seminyak 29A, Kuta T: +62 361 731097

OKTARENT Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai No.361B Sanur T: +62 361 288316 E: info@oktarent.com PATRIOT Jl. Patih Jelantik No. 1A/B Kuta T: +62 361 761718

SHAKUHACHI Jl. Laksmana no.11 Seminyak T: +62 361 737190

SEA CIRCUS Jl. Kayu Aya 22 Seminyak T: +62 361 738677

W RETREAT & SPA BALI Jl. Petitenget Seminyak T: +62 361 4738106 WHY NOT SHOP Jl. Raya Seminyak no. 63 Seminyak T: +62 361 8475790 WORD OF MOUTH Jl. Kunti, Kunti Arcade 10, Seminyak T: +62 361 8475797


I-Stockist list

69 SLAM Jl. Raya Seminyak no. 24A Kuta,Badung - Bali 0361 9604172 Jl. Laksmana no.30 Kuta, Badung - Bali



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