IAA 2023 Plan of Governance

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University of Maryland

College Park, MD

Page 2 of 44 Contents PLAN OFGOVERNANCE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 INSTITUTE OF APPLIED AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK APPROVED APRIL 12, 2019 ...................................................................... 3 I. PURPOSE 3 II. MISSION 3 III. ADMINISTRATION 3 IV. FACULTY ORGANIZATION 5 V. COMMITTEES AND REPRESENTATION .................................................................................................................................................... 8 VI. MERIT PAY 11 VII. STRATEGIC PLANNING ...................................................................................................................................................................... 14 VIII. RATIFICATION AND AMENDMENTS 14 APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 APPENDIX A: PROGRAMS, COURSES, AND CURRICULA (PCC) COMMITTEE 16 APPENDIX B: SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE 19 APPENDIX C: MARKETING, OUTREACH, RECRUITMENT, AND ENGAGEMENT (M.O.R.E.) COMMITTEE ......................................................... 21 APPENDIX D: ACADEMIC ADVISING GUIDELINES 23 APPENDIX E: FACULTY PEER EVALUATION FORM .......................................................................................................................................... 26 APPENDIX F: FACULTY EXPECTATIONS 27 APPENDIX G: POLICY ON APPOINTMENT, EVALUATION, AND PROMOTION OF PROFESSIONAL TRACK FACULTY 29 APPENDIX H: IAA AWARDS COMMITTEE ........................................................................................................................................................ 41 APPENDIX I: THE DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION, AND RESPECT COMMITTEE 43


Institute of Applied Agriculture

University of Maryland, College Park

Updated and approved August 25, 2022


The faculty and Director of the Institute of Applied Agriculture (IAA) have established this Plan of Governance to enable the IAA faculty to work together productively and professionally. The Plan of Governance provides a structure of responsibilities so the IAA may meet its obligations


The mission of the Institute of Applied Agriculture is to provide a quality education for future leaders and entrepreneurs in agriculture, turfgrass, horticulture, and natural resource enterprises.


A. Responsibilities of Director

The Director is responsible to the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and is responsible for the overall performance and administration of the Institute of Applied Agriculture.

The Director aggressively develops, coordinates, and promotes relevant academic and outreach programs and expands IAA student enrollment. The Director builds and fosters communication links with industry, the College and the University. Each year the Director should teach one course for the IAA in their area of expertise.

The Director provides leadership for faculty and staff and conducts all administrative duties, including budgeting, strategic planning, hiring, dismissals (with appropriate approvals), coordinating programs, managing physical resources, encouraging professional growth of faculty, and evaluating faculty and staff.

The Director also has the ultimate responsibility regarding student affairs, including discipline, academics, dismissals and reinstatements.

The Director shall present an annual report to the faculty. The report reviews the IAA in the following areas: enrollment, retention and graduation rates; improvements and achievements; recruitment activities; budget; and areas of improvement. The report also

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sets forth expectations for the upcoming academic year and outlines short and long term goals for the IAA.

B. Evaluation of Director

The Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources evaluates the Director annually based on performance in meeting the requirements as outlined above. The Dean conducts the performance according to the UMCP administrative Performance Review and Development (PRD) policies and procedures. The results of the review will be shared with the Director in a timely manner. Approximately every five years, the Director will be reviewed using procedures outlined in the campus Policy on the Review of Department Chairs and Directors of Academic Units.

C. Term of Director

The Director of the IAA serves a five- year contractual term (or a term as negotiated with the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources) which may be renewed at the discretion of the Dean of the College. The appointment of Director carries no tenure.

D. Administrative Support

Business Services Specialist: The Business Services Specialist has administrative, student-related and budget responsibilities. Their administrative responsibilities include handling inquiries and correspondence, maintaining financial databases, supervising student employees, monitoring department maintenance, processing textbook orders, handling personnel paperwork, providing administrative support for the Director, and serving as liaison to college and campus offices. The Business Services Specialist oversees IAA billing and accounts, and works with faculty to schedule IAA courses. The Business Services Specialist is responsible to the IAA Director.

Administrative Assistant(s): The Administrative Assistants handle daily clerical duties, student records and course evaluations. They work with the faculty and Director in fundraising, marketing, alumni relations, special events, and other tasks as assigned. The Administrative Assistant is responsible to the IAA Director.

Student Services Coordinator: The Student Services Coordinator recruits students into the IAA program and serves as an admissions counselor, processing transfer credits and working with new students during Orientation. The Student Services Coordinator assists students with registration and financial aid, maintains student records and student and alumni databases, and assists with graduation clearances. They work with Academic Advisors to update and ensure accuracy in curriculum guides, student handbook, and promotional materials. The Student Services Coordinator is responsible for communicating with IAA students through various channels, including Institute Items,

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INAG News, IAA Student Handbook, IAA Catalog and IAA brochures. They maintain web pages, displays, and social media and serve on the MORE Committee. The Student Services Coordinator is responsible to the IAA Director.

Technology Services Coordinator: assists students, faculty and staff with technologyrelated issues. The Technology Services Coordinator also makes recommendations relative to the purchase and standardization of software, hardware and laboratory equipment. They implement online technologies, manage information systems, and coordinate with University teaching and learning technology staff.

E. Staff Performance and Development

The IAA Director will adhere to the University policy governing the Performance Review and Development Process (PRD) of non-faculty employees to provide an effective and fair system to monitor, evaluate, and improve performance.


A. Faculty

The Faculty shall be the deliberative body for matters which precedent, or University rules and guidelines, deem within the purview of the Faculty. These matters include, but are not limited to, recommendations for the establishment and modification of certificate requirements, programs, and course descriptions; election of representatives; and recommendations of policy and action to appropriate University authorities. All faculty will have access to the Director to discuss issues involving policy, implementing policy, administrative services, and issues related to the IAA programs.

The Faculty is composed of two groups:

1. Professional Track Faculty

Professional Track Faculty members are those who (a) have salaried appointments of 50% Full Time Equivalent (FTE) or greater in the Institute of Applied Agriculture, and (b) are neither tenured nor eligible for tenure. Full time means teaching 16.5 credits of technical agriculture courses or 30 credits of INAG110 Oral Communication each academic year. All Professional Track Faculty have full voting privileges in all faculty meetings. The Director votes only in the event of a tie.

2. Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct Faculty are those who (a) are hired contractually to teach one or more courses on a semester by semester basis or have salaried instructional appointments of less than 50% FTE in the Institute of Applied Agriculture, and (b) are neither tenured nor eligible for tenure. These faculty members have no voting privileges.

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B. Professional Track Faculty Ranks and Appointment/Promotion

The IAA uses three instructional ranks for Professional Track Faculty as listed below. See Appendix G for The Policy on Appointment, Evaluation, and Promotion of Professional Track Faculty.

1. Lecturer

The rank of Lecturer is used to designate the appointments of faculty members: (a) when they first join the IAA, or (b) when they have salaried appointments greater than or equal to 50% FTE, but less than 100% FTE. The typical qualification is a Master’s degree in the field of instruction (or a related field), or equivalent professional experience in the field of instruction. Appointments to this rank are typically made for one to three years and are renewable.

2. Senior Lecturer

In addition to having the qualifications required of a Lecturer, appointment or promotion to the rank of Senior Lecturer requires an exemplary teaching record over the course of at least five (5) years of full-time instruction (or its equivalent) as a Lecturer (or a similar instructional rank), including at least one (1) year at the IAA or another unit in the University of Maryland, College Park, as well as promise in developing additional skills in the areas of mentoring/advising, scholarship/creative excellence, and service/outreach. Appointments to this rank are typically made for one to five years and are renewable.

3. Principal Lecturer

In addition to the qualifications required of a Senior Lecturer, appointment or promotion to the rank of Principal Lecturer requires an exemplary teaching record over the course of at least five (5) years of full-time instruction (or its equivalent) as a Senior Lecturer (or a similar instructional rank), including at least three (3) years at the IAA or another unit in the University of Maryland, College Park, as well as evidence of excellence in mentoring/advising, scholarship/creative excellence, and service/outreach. Appointments to this rank are typically made for five- year contracts. Renewal appointments for additional five-year contracts can be made as early as the third year of the current five-year contract.

C. Adjunct Faculty Ranks and Appointment/Promotion

The IAA uses two instructional ranks for Adjunct Faculty: (a) Adjunct Faculty I and (b) Adjunct Faculty II. Definitions of the ranks and procedures for appointment and promotion are included in II-1.07(A) University of Maryland Policy on the Employment

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of Adjunct Faculty.

D. Faculty Responsibilities

In addition to teaching, IAA faculty members are expected to take on additional responsibilities within their area of expertise that may include advising, recruitment, and program development. Faculty members will report their activities to the faculty at faculty meetings and will provide the Director with a summary of their annual activities at the end of the academic year. Faculty ensure that course descriptions, curriculum guides, and promotional materials for their major are accurate and current. They engage in personal professional development and support student activities. See Faculty Expectations in Appendix F.

E. Academic Advisors

Academic Advisors assume responsibility for the program. (See Appendix D for Academic Advising Guidelines.) They recruit students, advise students in the major, network within the industry and oversee the instructional program. Advisors oversee student internships, clear students for graduation, track employment and location of graduates, and review and report on admissions, retention and graduation rates for their majors.

F. Faculty Evaluation

The Director will conduct an annual review of Professional Track and Adjunct faculty. The Director will meet individually with each member and review the faculty member’s progress and accomplishments for the year, and set expectations for the upcoming year.

G. Faculty Mentoring

IAA Professional Track Faculty at the Senior Lecturer and Principal Lecturer ranks shall mentor those at the Lecturer rank. Mentors shall encourage, support, and assist these faculty members and be available for consultation on matters of professional development.

H. Faculty Meetings

Faculty meetings are chaired by the Director and held each month during the fall and spring semesters and at other times as called by the Director. Notes taken at the faculty meetings will summarize the activities at the meeting, record any votes taken and other pertinent items. These notes will be typed and distributed to all faculty members. A copy of these notes will be kept for future reference by the Administrative Assistant. Items may be placed on the agenda by any faculty member in the Institute by submitting the

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agenda item to the Director three days prior to the meeting.

Adjunct faculty and staff may be invited to attend faculty meetings. Faculty meetings will normally operate by consensus, and will adhere to Roberts Rules of Order where necessary.

I. Voting Procedures

For the purposes of transacting business at faculty meetings, a quorum will be a simple majority of the regular faculty including proxies. Absent faculty members may vote by proxy on well-defined issues by clearly indicating preferences in a written statement that is dated and signed. Only regular faculty members may cast proxy votes.


A. IAA PCC Committee

The IAA Programs, Curricula and Courses (PCC) Committee will be comprised of a faculty representative from each IAA concentration area. The IAA Director will appoint one of the faculty PCC members to serve as the Chair for a three- year term that may be renewed. The IAA PCC committee reviews proposals on new or modified programs, courses and curricula and makes recommendations to the Director. Once the proposal receives the Director’s approval, the proposal is forwarded to the AGNR PCC committee for review and continues through the university’s approval process known as the “VPAC” process.

See Appendix A.

B. IAA Scholarship Committee

The Director will appoint three regular faculty or staff members to serve on the IAA Scholarship Committee. One member will be appointed to serve as Chair. The Chair and members will be appointed for three- year, renewable terms. The committee meets as needed to evaluate scholarship applications and award available scholarships appropriately.

The three faculty members serving on this committee should represent different majors at the IAA and should have 12-month appointments since most of the applications are evaluated during the summer. See Appendix B.

C. M.O.R.E. Committee

The Director will appoint three faculty, the Student Services Coordinator, and two IAA students to serve on the IAA Marketing Outreach Recruitment and Engagement (MORE)

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Committee. One faculty or staff member will be appointed to serve as Chair. The faculty

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will be appointed for a three-year term and may be reappointed. The IAA MORE Committee will work to promote IAA within the University and beyond. See Appendix C.

D. Appointment, Evaluation, and Promotion Committee

The IAA Appointment, Evaluation, and Promotion (AEP) Committee is the body that evaluates appointment and promotion applications. It is governed by the following principles:

1) Term: An IAA AEP Committee is convened as an Ad Hoc Committee and serves only for the duration of evaluation and consideration of faculty who seek appointment or promotion. Depending on the level of appointment or promotion, there may be more than one AEP Committee.

2) Membership: Each AEP Committee is comprised of three IAA Professional Track Faculty (PTK) members at the same or higher instructional rank than the rank to which the candidate seeks appointment or promotion. The IAA Director will appoint an AEP committee to convene as described in the IAA’s Plan of Governance. If the appropriate number of IAA faculty at a specific rank are unavailable, the IAA Director in consultation with the IAA’s senior-most faculty will solicit PTK faculty from other units. Priority will be given to PTK faculty with teaching appointments within AGNR’s academic units.

3) Eligibility: All IAA Professional Track Faculty members may advance their candidacy to serve on the AEP Committee. IAA faculty members who might apply for promotion during the academic year should not advance their candidacy to serve on the AEP Committee, as that would constitute a conflict of interest.

4) Chair: One of the three members of the AEP Committee is appointed by the committee as Chair, and is responsible for all communication between the committee and the IAA

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E. Faculty Senate Representative

The IAA faculty will nominate and elect a Professional Track Faculty (PTK) member to serve a three- year term as its Faculty Senate Representative. Self-nominations will be accepted. Only regular faculty members with voting privileges will be allowed to vote. Elections will be held by anonymous ballot. The person receiving the majority of votes will be the senate representative. A new election will be held every third year in March or as needed should the representative leave or wish to relinquish service.


Awards Committee

The Director will appoint three to five faculty to serve on the IAA Awards Committee. One member will be voted by the committee to serve as chair. The Awards Committee promotes the IAA and advances the careers of IAA faculty and staff by nominating faculty and staff for appropriate awards both on campus and off campus. See Appendix


G. The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect (DEIR) Committee

The Director will appoint three to six faculty and staff to serve a three- year term on the DEIR Committee. The Director will also solicit 1-2 students to serve each year on the IAA DEIR Committee. One faculty member or staff member will be voted by the committee to serve as Chair for a three- year term. The faculty/staff will be appointed for a three- year term and may be reappointed. The DEIR Committee works to enhance the understanding and competency of the IAA faculty, staff, and students in cultivating a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and respectful culture within the IAA, its contingencies, and communities.


This policy was revised and approved by a majority of the faculty of the Institute of Applied Agriculture (IAA) on April 8, 2022. The IAA has no tenured or tenure track faculty. Merit Pay is awarded to recognize and retain high-performing faculty who make significant contributions to the mission and goals of the IAA in the areas of teaching, advising, service and professional duties.

A. Eligibility

PTK faculty who are currently employed and have been employed for a minimum of one full semester are eligible to be considered for merit unless the university deems otherwise. These faculty members will be reviewed and considered for merit pay regardless of their faculty title, and regardless of whether they are full-time or part-time status. Adjunct faculty are not considered in the merit pool.

B. Timetable

Faculty members will be reviewed and considered for merit pay based on their performance over the past year. If no merit pay was available the previous year(s), then performance evaluations from the immediate past year or years (up to three years) should be considered with the current year’s performance. Annual summary forms are due March 1 of each year. The IAA Director will

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conduct faculty reviews between March and May.

C. Merit Pay Procedures

Faculty members’ meritorious performance each year will be based on teaching excellence, contributions to the IAA program, and service to the IAA, university and community.

All faculty members will participate in the review process by completing evaluations of their colleagues. All peer evaluations will be submitted to the IAA Director.

When merit pay is available, the Director and the Appointment, Evaluation and Promotion (AEP) Committee will rank the faculty based on the following weights and evaluation areas:

60% - Annual Faculty Summary review conducted by AEP Committee

40% - Annual Performance Review, Student Course Experience Survey, and Peer Evaluations assessed by Director

This ranking will be used for distribution of merit money in the following manner:

1 Top

50% of merit, even distribution

2 Next 25% 30% of merit, even distribution

3 Next 25% 20% of merit, even distribution

4 Bottom 25% -no merit pay-

The number of faculty ranked in each of the top three tiers will be calculated by multiplying the total number of faculty members by 0.25. If the result is not a whole number, that result shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. (For example, 13 faculty x 0.25 = 3.25 faculty. 3.25 rounds up to 4 faculty.)

The IAA Director will assume the duties of a department chair. Faculty members will receive a letter from the IAA Director containing their new salary and salary increase. The letter will include a summary of the Committee’s evaluation and how the evaluation was used to assign the merit increase. The letter will inform the faculty member that she/he/they may request a meeting with the chair to receive an explanation of merit pay decisions.

The IAA Director may also evaluate the salary structure of the department and consult with the appropriate administrators to address salary inequities.

All new PTK hires will receive a copy of the IAA Merit Pay policy during IAA orientation and all IAA faculty will have access to the Plan of Governance which includes the merit pay policy.

D. Committee Membership

The AEP Committee necessarily includes members with a minimum rank of Senior Lecturer due to requirements for evaluating promotion applications. To ensure rank-inclusive representation, the AEP Committee shall include at least one member with the rank of Lecturer. Members of this rank will participate only in merit pay considerations – not promotions.

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E. Criteria for Review

Each faculty member’s review will be based on the following.

1. Peer Evaluation: Faculty members will be reviewed by their colleagues in areas such as initiative, leadership, communication, management, and professionalism. Review can be based on observations (including classroom observations), personal experience, and vitae. Each faculty member with a 50% or higher appointment in the IAA will complete a peer evaluation for all other faculty with 50% or higher IAA appointment. See Appendix E for the peer evaluation form.

2. Teaching Performance: Teaching performance will be evaluated, in part, by students. At the end of each course, students will be asked to complete UMD’s Student Feedback on Course Experiences survey. The survey will ask students to score instructors on organization, preparation, knowledge, etc. in the Instructor Related Items section. Data from this section in surveys from all classes taught during spring and fall semesters will be used.

3. Committee’s Evaluation: The AEP Committee will review each faculty member’s Annual Evaluation Form. Committee members may use as supplemental information a faculty’s curriculum vita that’s on file with the IAA.

Each committee member will use this data to fill out the Merit Pay Annual Evaluation Rubric. The rubric consists of three evaluation categories: teaching, program development/service, and advising. Generally, committee members will consider meritorious performance as going beyond the expectations outlined in Appendix F.

To prevent a conflict of interest, any given committee member is prohibited from reviewing herself/himself/themselves for merit pay.

F. Appeals

Any appeal must be in writing to the IAA Director no later than one month after notification of salary adjustment and will be factored into the Merit Pay process in the next evaluation period.

G. Extenuating Circumstances

In the event of extenuating circumstances, the IAA Director may forego the AEP Committee’s formal evaluation process and instead receive a general recommendation from the Committee. This will give the Director the flexibility to distribute merit pay in a way the Director deems equitable during years affected by extenuating circumstances (e.g., a pandemic). In such circumstances the Director would decide how many faculty receive merit pay as well as the distribution of merit pay among those faculty. The Director also may request additional merit pay funds from the Dean.

A need for faculty retention may also constitute an extenuating circumstance, per the Director’s discretion. If, for example, a faculty member were offered higher pay at another institution, the Director may make available to that faculty member merit pay beyond the normal distribution.

H. Policy Review

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IAA faculty members and the Director shall review this Merit Pay Policy and revise it as they deem appropriate during the academic year that immediately follows the next merit pay cycle that follows this policy’s adoption.


In addition to regularly scheduled faculty meetings, the IAA will conduct periodic planning sessions to provide more time for detailed discussions of Institute goals and planning issues. The Director will conduct such sessions at least once a year.

The Director and/or faculty may establish Industry Advisory Councils to be convened as needed.


A. Ratification

This Faculty Plan of Governance shall go into effect when approved by two-thirds vote of the regular faculty of the Institute of Applied Agriculture.

B. Amendments

Individual amendments to this Plan may be suggested by any regular faculty member at any faculty meeting, and will be considered by the faculty in a timely manner but in not less than two weeks. Written copies of proposed changes must be dated and provided to all faculty at least one week prior to the meeting to discuss the changes and vote on them.

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Institute of Applied Agriculture Programs, Curricula and Courses Committee

Description and Procedures

Approved September 16, 2016


The IAA Programs, Curricula and Courses (PCC) Committee is comprised of a faculty representative from each IAA concentration area. The IAA Director will appoint one of the faculty PCC members to serve as the Chair for a three- year term that may be renewed.


The committee continually reviews and formulates policies on the establishment, reorganization, or elimination of IAA programs, majors, certificates, curricula, courses, or academic policy.


The committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Director in at least the following areas:

(1) all proposals for new programs, majors and curricula, and their relation to all courses old or new;

(2) all proposals for the creation or the elimination of programs, majors curricula, or courses;

(3) all proposals for changes of names of majors, certificates, programs, curricula, or courses;

(4) all proposals for changes to course credits, hours, pre or co-requisites;

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(5) all proposals to reassign existing majors or programs to other units or programs, or create joint programs with other units or institutions; and

(6) all proposals to change, establish or eliminate academic policies.


The committee is especially concerned with the thoroughness and soundness of all proposals, and will evaluate each according to the mission of the Institute of Applied Agriculture, need for the proposal, availability of resources and conformity with existing policies.


The committee reviews all curriculum guides annually, approves elective recommendations, and make sure the guides are correct and current.


The committee Chair shall schedule meetings as needed, meeting at least once a semester.

New Course Proposals

Course proposals may be submitted for INAG departmental approved courses or as University wide courses or cross listed courses.

Courses submitted for the University wide population follow the process established by the Vice President's Advisory Committee (VPAC) and are processed on line through the paperless Testudo Curriculum Management website. The approval route for ordinary curriculum updates or for the addition or subtraction of courses:

• Faculty member submits a new course proposal or modifies an existing course

• Department Curriculum Manager routes proposal to IAA PCC Committee

• IAA PCC Committee deliberates to approve the proposal

• Proposal is forwarded to Department Chair

• Proposal is forwarded to PCC

• Proposal is forwarded to Dean (or representative)

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• Proposal is forwarded to Academic Planning & Programs initial review

• Proposal is forwarded to Senate Committee on Programs, Curricula & Courses (Senate PCC)

• Proposal is forwarded to Provost (or designee- Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Programs) final approval

Training sessions are offered for the online component of Testudo Curriculum Management by the Senior Coordinator for Academic Programs.

A Guide to Preparing Academic Program Proposals is available online at http://www.provost.umd.edu/PCC_DOCUMENTS/2013PCCManual.pdf

INAG Departmental Course: All proposals for IAA PCC review should be submitted to the IAA/PCC Chair using the appropriate IAA PCC forms or through Testudo Curriculum Management depending on the course and proposal. Each proposal must include information that allows the committee to make an informed judgment when considering its approval. The proposal format includes questions about the curriculum, resource needs, and how the proposed program/course fits with the strategic directions of the IAA.

Once the proposal is submitted, each committee member receives a copy of the proposal or will be able to access the proposal through curriculum management. Each member evaluates the proposal; then, the committee meets to discuss the proposal. The committee focuses its review on the need for new resources, if any, the fit of the proposed program/course with existing or already proposed programs, academic quality, and its consistency with the strategic objectives of the IAA. Other issues may figure into the discussion as well.

Upon committee approval, the proposal will follow the flow chart outlined in the curriculum management system. If paper copies are being submitted, the IAA PCC Chair signs the forms and forwards the recommendation to the IAA Director. If the Director agrees with the recommendation, the Director signs the form and forwards it to the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Associate Dean of Academic Programs for approval. If the Associate Dean approves it, the Associate Dean signs and dates the form and returns it to the IAA’s main office where the original is filed. A copy is sent to the IAA PCC Chair. Once all the signatures are in place the proposal may be implemented. Copies of course syllabi must be forwarded to the Director’s office to be filed.

If the committee does not approve a proposal, the originator of the proposal will be notified and given an explanation. The proposal may be revised to address the committee’s concerns and resubmitted.

If the IAA PCC committee and the Director disagree on approving a proposal, the Associate Dean will arbitrate and make the final decision if necessary.

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Institute of Applied Agriculture

Scholarship Committee Description and Procedures

Approved May 15, 2002; updated September 17, 2021


The Director will appoint three regular faculty members and one staff member to serve on the IAA Scholarship Committee. One member will be appointed to serve as Chair. The Chair and members will be appointed for three- year, renewable terms. The committee meets as needed to evaluate scholarship applications and award available scholarship appropriately.

The three faculty members serving on this committee should represent different majors at the IAA and should have 12-month appointments since most of the applications are evaluated during the summer.


The Institute of Applied Agriculture (IAA) Scholarship Committee reviews applications for all educational awards the IAA administers. Applications are solicited when funds are available, typically in the spring semester. After the deadline, and usually during the summer, the committee convenes to review applications, noting the following items:

1. Completeness of application, including supporting documents, letters of recommendation, transcripts, etc.

2. Student’s cumulative IAA GPA (or high school or college, if applicant is newly admitted to IAA).

a) Information from the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA), indicating

b) if student has completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

c) if a FAFSA was submitted, the amount of unmet financial need for student

3. Number of credits student has completed at IAA

4. Special circumstances surrounding a student’s financial situation

Each committee member ranks the applications in general, based on the strength of information cited in 1-5 above. The committee confers and selects recipients for each award based on the award’s criteria.

Once the committee makes its decisions, the chairperson completes and files Scholarship

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Request Forms for each award, per university policy, and sends the forms to the Scholarship Coordinator for College of Agriculture and Natural Resources for processing.

The chairperson sends award letters to each student recipient, per university guidelines. IAA requires that recipients sign and return award letters, indicating their willingness to abide by the criteria required for each award, or forfeit the award. The chairperson informs donors, when appropriate, who the recipient is, and acknowledges their gift via letter. In addition, the IAA scholarship committee chairperson files a report with the IAA Director, outlining the awards given and the decision process. Finally, the chairperson sends the list of students and their awards to the IAA newsletter editor.

At the end of each academic term an award is in effect, the chairperson confirms each recipient’s eligibility for the awards. The IAA Business Services Specialist reconciles scholarship accounts for awards where funds must be transferred from University of Maryland Foundation accounts and processes any checks sent to IAA for payment of awards.

When a new award is given to the IAA, the chairperson files Criteria Sheets with the OSFA for each established award. The IAA Director is responsible for negotiating any Memoranda of Understanding for new awards, and for keeping that information on file at IAA.

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Institute of Applied Agriculture

Marketing, Outreach, Recruitment, and Engagement Committee

Description and Procedures

Approved March 7, 2014


The Director will appoint three faculty, the Student Services Coordinator, and two IAA students to serve on the IAA Marketing Outreach Recruitment and Engagement Committee (MORE). One member will be appointed to serve as Chair. The faculty will be appointed for a three- year term and may be reappointed. The IAA MORE committee will work to promote IAA within the University and beyond.


The MORE Committee works to enhance the image, understanding, and position of the Institute of Applied Agriculture among members of the campus community, pertinent industries, peer institutions, partner organizations, recruitment channels, and the greater public.


The MORE Committee creates a marketing strategy and associated guidelines for use by faculty, students, and administrators to enhance and enrich the branding and identity of the Institute, including the creation.


The MORE Committee takes actions which harmonize the Institute’s identity with that of the University of Maryland while promoting its unique programs.


The MORE Committee works to encourage the use of a common message which shares with appropriate stakeholders the value of the Institute and its programs.


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The MORE Committee leverages IAA resources - including students, alumni and supporters - to share these messages.


The MORE Committee facilitates and empowers stakeholders to engage in diverse support activities such as recruitment, public engagement, and donor relations.


The MORE Committee monitors and evaluates progress toward project and initiative goals related to the scope of work of the Committee and is empowered to engage in appropriate activities to achieve this task.


The committee Chair shall schedule meetings as needed monthly, and/or meeting at least twice a semester. The Chair will report committee progress to the Director during monthly faculty meetings.

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Institute of Applied Agriculture

Academic Advising Guidelines

Approved March 7, 2014

Students Served

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The Institute of Applied Agriculture (IAA) advises full and part-time students enrolled in its majors. IAA advisors guide individuals seeking admission to the IAA and IAA students seeking transfer admission into UMCP through Ag Forward.

Advising Structure

Academic Advisors are assigned to students by major. All incoming IAA students are required to attend the IAA’s orientation, where they meet their advisors and select classes. Students also receive an IAA Handbook, which details department and university policies, procedures, academic expectations, and requirements of their majors.

The IAA has mandatory advising, so students must meet with their advisors to receive an electronic stamp that permits them to register. The IAA’s Student Services Coordinator or Director advises in the absence of a student’s assigned advisor.

Students confer with their academic advisors about academic and professional concerns. Advisors provide guidance about improving academic performance. They also assist in locating suitable internship venues and in placing students in jobs upon graduation.

Academic Advisors oversee student internships, set criteria, visit students on the job, and evaluate students’ reports.

For Ag Forward students, IAA Academic Advisors will work jointly with an advisor in the student’s intended transfer department within AGNR. Advisors will develop appropriate advising guides that enable students to receive an IAA Certificate and baccalaureate degree. IAA Academic Advisors will file the student’s signed “Letter of Intent to Transfer” and make Ag Forward students aware of the transfer requirements.

The IAA Director and Student Services Coordinator may assist in solving any problems that may arise with advising or registration.

Students complete a Graduation Application Form when they register for their last semester. Advisors evaluate the students’ academic progress and review graduation requirements. The advisor sends each graduation applicant a letter outlining the findings of their review, along with recommendations to resolve any deficiencies. At the end of the semester in which the student graduates, the IAA Director reviews the students’ files to clear students for graduation.

Advising Procedures

Student Services Coordinator processes transcripts for new transfer students and sends them a letter detailing what courses are transferable and to which IAA courses they are equivalent to. The IAA maintains this, and all other correspondence sent to students, in a file set up for each student. The advisor is also sent a copy of this letter.

Students are sent email reminders to prompt them to check the IAA web site and Testudo for

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course schedules.

Prior to registration, students are reminded to make advising appointments early to discuss their course selection with their advisors.

Students meet with their advisors to discuss academic progress, problems, and other concerns with the students. Once advisor and student determine which courses the students should take, the advisor gives electronic advising stamps to the student, in SIS, which allows the student to register via Testudo.

Students who need special registration stamps do so through the IAA Director.

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using the following

Please provide comments to support or add to your evaluation:

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= Unsatisfactory NA = NotApplicable EVALUATION Actively participates in IAA governance and decision making process (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) NA Works cooperatively and in collaboration with colleagues (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) NA Actively participates in IAA events (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) NA Learns and shares new skills (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) NA Responds effectively to assigned responsibilities (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) NA Demonstrates problem solving skills (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) NA Generates creative ideas and innovative solutions (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) NA Is accessible to students
student clubs/industry conferences/meetings/ workshops/study sessions (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) NA Concerned with the intellectual and career development of IAA students (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) NA
Complete this peer review,
scale: 5 = Exceptional 4 =
3 =
2 =
by way of advising/orientation/



• Meet faculty workload standards set by the university which is 5.5 classes or the equivalent of 16.5 credit hours per year. Faculty members are expected to hold classes as scheduled. Teaching performance will, in part, be assessed by student evaluations, which should average 3.0 to meet expectations.

• Verify rosters

• Post early warning grades on Testudo by the due date

• Submit deficiency grades to the IAA Office by the due date

• Keep courses current and incorporate hands-on learning for the students

• Be accessible to students

• Remain current in academic discipline


• Meet with each advisee at least once each semester and provide advising stamp.

• Use the university SIS system.

• Advise incoming students during Orientation.

• Conduct thorough review of student’s record for preliminary graduation clearance within the schedule adjustment period.

• Nominate and prepare nomination package for at least one of your advisees for the IAA Outstanding Student award. Submit package by the due date.

• Help prepare and participate in student Internship Workshop

• Work with students to select, supervise and conduct follow up with internships.

Program Development

• Participate in activities for the good of the department including, but not limited to faculty meetings and department/college committees.

• Strive to improve the IAA’s performance by identifying and supporting areas in need and initiating improvement plans. Work with the IAA to develop strategies and work plans for accomplishing program goals.

• Serve as a link between the IAA and external groups

• Keep IAA faculty, staff and students informed about issues that affect the program. Provide a minimum of one article per month about your program (students, alumni, courses, research, etc.) to be posted on the IAA home page.

• Help organize, set up, clean up, and develop activities for IAA’s Maryland Day table.

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• Faculty members are expected to be involved with recruitment efforts including, but not limited to, Open Houses and special events.

• Each faculty member should recruit at a minimum of one off campus event per year.

• Faculty members are expected to make a special effort to identify prospective students, be responsive to prospective students, make follow-up telephone calls and emails, and meet with prospective students and their families.

• Review & keep marketing materials updated for their programs

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Approved December 19, 2015; revised September 1, 2017; revised April 12, 2019; revised January 7, 2020; revised October 22, 2021; revised April 8, 2022.

1. Purpose

This Institute of Applied Agriculture (IAA) policy sets the standards and procedures for appointment and promotion of Professional Track Faculty, as defined in the Faculty Organization section of the IAA Plan of Governance. This policy does not apply to Adjunct Faculty, as defined in the Faculty Organization section of the IAA Plan of Governance.

2. Qualification Requirements for Instructional Ranks

The IAA uses three instructional ranks for Professional Track Faculty, as defined in the Faculty Organization section of the IAA Plan of Governance. The qualification requirements for appointment or promotion to each rank are:

1) Lecturer

The rank of Lecturer is used to designate the appointments of faculty members: (a) when they first join the IAA, or (b) who are serving in a part-time teaching capacity when they have salaried appointments greater than or equal to 50% FTE, but less than 100% FTE. The typical qualification is a Master’s degree in the field of instruction (or a related field) or equivalent professional experience in the field of instruction. Appointments to this rank are typically made for one to three years and are renewable.

2) Senior Lecturer

In addition to having the qualifications required of a Lecturer, appointment or promotion to the rank of Senior Lecturer requires an exemplary teaching record over the course of at least five (5) years of full-time instruction (or its equivalent) as a Lecturer (or a similar instructional rank), including at least one (1) year at the IAA or another unit in the University of Maryland, College Park, as well as promise in developing additional skills in the areas of in mentoring/advising, scholarship/creative excellence, and service/outreach. Appointments to this rank are typically made for one to five years and are renewable.

3) Principal Lecturer

In addition to the qualifications required of a Senior Lecturer, appointment or promotion to the rank of Principal Lecturer requires an exemplary teaching record over the course of at least five (5) years of full-time instruction (or its equivalent) as a Senior Lecturer (or similar instructional rank), including at least three (3) years at the IAA or another unit in the University of Maryland, College Park, as well as evidence of excellence in

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mentoring/advising, scholarship/creative excellence, and service/outreach. Appointments to this rank are typically made for five-year contracts. Renewal appointments for additional five- year contracts can be made as early as the third year of the current five- year contract.

3. Appointment, Evaluation, and Promotion Committee

The IAA Appointment, Evaluation, and Promotion (AEP) Committee is the body that evaluates appointment and promotion applications. It is governed by the principles included in the Committees and Representation section of the IAA Plan of Governance.

4. Appointment Process

Initial appointments to the rank of Lecturer or Senior Lecturer originate with the IAA Director and are subsequently reviewed and approved by the Dean’s Office in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR).

Initial appointments to the rank of Principal Lecturer originate with the IAA Director, then proceed through a faculty committee in AGNR, which issues a recommendation to the Dean. The initial appointment dossier (with the Dean’s recommendation) is subsequently forwarded to the campus committee and is ultimately reviewed and approved by the Provost.

Prior to the beginning of their assignments, all IAA Professional Track Faculty shall be provided with written appointment contracts created using the online contract management system of the Office of Faculty Affairs. The IAA Director ensures that contracts contain necessary elements, including a clear description of assignments and expectations associated with the appointment, as well as information on how to access IAA policies and professional resources.

5. Evaluation and Promotion Process

Promotion applications originate with the IAA faculty member. The faculty member must be Professional Track Faculty for consideration. The faculty member may initiate promotion review as early as the academic year before becoming eligible for promotion. To be considered for promotion, the IAA faculty member must:

1) Write a formal letter to the IAA Director requesting consideration for promotion (the “Request for Consideration Letter”) and outlining how the faculty member meets the qualification requirements for the next instructional rank (as outlined in this policy).

2) The IAA Director reviews the candidate’s Request for Consideration Letter and decides whether the candidate meets the qualification requirements for the next instructional rank. Subsequently, the IAA Director informs the candidate in writing whether the candidate’s request for consideration has been approved or not.

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3) If the candidate’s request for consideration has been approved by the IAA Director, the candidate prepares a Rank Advancement Application Package (the “Application Package”) and submits it to the Chair of the IAA AEP Committee.

4) The IAA AEP Committee may contact the candidate for clarification and/or additional information. The IAA AEP Committee evaluates the candidate’s Application Package against the Rank Advancement Evaluation Rubric (the “Evaluation Rubric”) and makes a decision to approve or reject the application. Subsequently, the Chair of the IAA AEP Committee forwards the candidate’s Application Package, as well as the completed Evaluation Rubric, to the IAA Director.

5) The IAA Director reviews the Application Package and Evaluation Rubric and may ask the Promotion Committee for clarification and/or additional information. The IAA Director may also contact the candidate for clarification and/or additional information. Subsequently, the IAA Director makes a decision to approve or reject the application.

6) If both the IAA AEP Committee and the IAA Director reject the application, the candidate is not promoted.

7) If either the IAA AEP Committee or the IAA Director approves the application, the IAA Director submits the Application Package and Evaluation Rubric, alongside a “Chair’s Letter” from the IAA Director, to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR) for college/campus level review.

Applications to the rank of Senior Lecturer are approved or rejected at the college level (i.e., the AGNR AEP Committee makes a recommendation, and the Dean makes a final decision), in accordance with the AGNR Policy on Appointment, Evaluation, and Promotion (AEP) of Professional Track Faculty.

Applications to the rank of Principal Lecturer that are approved at the college level (i.e., the AGNR AEP Committee makes a recommendation, and the Dean makes a final decision) move forward to the campus-level review (i.e., the UMD AEP Committee makes a recommendation, and the Provost makes a final decision).

8) In the event of a negative decision, the candidate shall be notified in writing by the IAA Director (if the decision was reached at the IAA level) or by the Dean (if the decision was reached at the college level or campus level).

9) In the event of a positive decision by the AGNR Dean (for Senior Lecturer applications) or Provost (for Principal Lecturer applications), the candidate shall be notified in writing by the IAA Director. The promotion shall be accompanied by an increase in compensation no less than the minimum increase set annually by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The salary increase must be consistent for all candidates in a given rank in any academic year. Future appointments shall be made to the faculty rank granted through the promotion process.

10) A candidate whose application is rejected is encouraged to meet with the IAA Director to discuss the results. The candidate is free to reapply for promotion after one (1) year of

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additional full-time instruction (or its equivalent) at the IAA. A candidate who reapplies may request (in writing) that a different committee of Professional Track Faculty be involved in the second review. Those “special” committee members are elected by the Professional Track Faculty via anonymous ballot during a Faculty/Staff Meeting.

6. IAA AEP Committee Review Procedure

The IAA AEP Committee review procedure includes several steps:

1) Upon receipt, the IAA AEP Committee Chair forwards the candidate’s Application Package (either electronically or in hard copy) to the other two members of the IAA AEP Committee.

2) All committee members perform individual evaluations of the candidate’s Application Package based on the criteria listed in the Evaluation Rubric.

3) The IAA AEP Committee holds one or more meetings to collectively evaluate the candidate’s application. The outcome is a completed Evaluation Rubric and decision to approve or reject the application.

4) The IAA AEP Committee Chair forwards the Application Package and completed Evaluation Rubric to the IAA Director.

7. Timeline for Review

Professional Track faculty members may initiate promotion review as early as the academic year before becoming eligible for promotion by submitting a Request for Consideration Letter to the IAA Director. The college-level review occurs on a standard schedule, with the following deadlines set annually by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR):

September 15 Request letter due to IAA Director

October 30—Promotion packages due to IAA Promotions Committee (electronic copy and one hard copy)

December 15 Committee’s recommendation & report due to IAA Director

February 1 Packets are due to the College

March 1 Packets due to campus for third-level promotions

Within ten (10) business days of receiving the Request for Consideration Letter from the candidate, the IAA Director informs the candidate in writing whether the request for consideration has been approved or not.

Within 30 calendar days of receiving the Application Package from the candidate, the IAA AEP Committee makes a decision to approve or reject the application and notifies the IAA Director.

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Within ten (10) business days of receiving the Application Package and Evaluation Rubric from the IAA AEP Committee, the IAA Director either (a) sends a letter of explanation to the candidate (for applications rejected by both the IAA AEP Committee and the IAA Director) or (b) submits the Application Package and Evaluation Rubric, alongside a “Chair’s Letter,” to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in AGNR for college/campus level review (for applications approved by either the IAA AEP Committee or the IAA Director).

For cases to be reviewed by the Provost (i.e., applications to the rank of Principal Lecturer), Application Packages must be submitted through the online AEP dossier management application by March 1 of a given academic year promotion cycle in accordance with AGNR and university policy.

8. Grievance Procedure

The candidate can appeal a negative decision based on alleged violations of procedural process that would have had a material effect on the decision. All appeals shall be handled according to the procedures established by the Provost’s Office of Faculty Affairs and shall be initiated within the period defined in those procedures. For Professional Track Faculty appointments that do not have maximum terms, a negative decision regarding an application for promotion does not automatically preclude renewal of the existing appointment.

9. Evaluation Criteria

The criteria for promotion to an instructional rank are included in the Rank Advancement Evaluation Rubric. These criteria shall be reviewed periodically by the IAA Professional Track Faculty, but no less frequently than once every five (5) years.

10. Rank Advancement Application Package

The candidate for rank advancement is expected to put together an Application Package for review by the IAA AEP Committee. Suggested items for inclusion are:

Item Description Category Guidelines

0 Rank Advancement Application Form

Required Use the IAA form

1 Cover Letter Required This should be a personal statement outlining how the candidate meets the qualification requirements for the next rank, how the candidate has performed the duties specified in the appointment contract, and the candidate’s teaching philosophy and significant contributions. Do not exceed four (4) pages of single-spaced text.

2 Curriculum Vitae or Resume Required If submitting a CV, use the approved University of Maryland template provided by the Office of Faculty Affairs.

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3 Teaching, Advising and Mentoring Overview

Required This document could include:

● Summary of courses taught (highlighting any innovations)

● Quantitative summary of student evaluations

● Summary of programs / courses / workshops / labs created or updated (highlighting the candidate’s specific contributions)

● Peer/supervisor assessment of teaching

● Summary of student advising activity

● Summary of mentorship activity

4 Scholarship and Creative Overview

Optional This document could include:

● Summary of participation in professional development opportunities

● Summary of presentations at professional events

● List of publications (e.g., published books or articles in journals / conference proceedings / professional publications, etc.) and/or completed creative works (e.g., blog posts, op-ed articles, videos, etc.) and/or grant writing activity

5 Service and Outreach Overview

Optional This document could include:

● Summary of contributions to department / college / university committees

● Summary of collaborative activities within IAA

● Summary of local / regional / national / international professional engagement and leadership

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11. Rank Advancement Application Form and Evaluation Rubric






Application for Rank Advancement from: (Check one)

☐ Lecturer to Senior Lecturer

☐ Senior Lecturer to Principal Lecturer



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(Check all that apply)

1. Cover Letter

☐ Personal Statement of Teaching Philosophy and Significant Contributions (do not exceed four pages of single-spaced text)

2. Resume or Curriculum Vitae

☐ Current Resume or Curriculum Vitae (using approved template)

3. Teaching, Advising and Mentoring Overview

☐ Summary of Courses Taught (highlight any innovations)

☐ Quantitative Summary of Student Evaluations (do not include individual comments)

☐ Summary of Programs / Courses / Workshops / Labs Created or Updated (highlight your specific contributions)

☐ Peer/Supervisor Assessment of Teaching

☐ Summary of Student Advising Activity

☐ Summary of Mentorship Activity

4. Scholarship and Creative Overview

☐ Summary of Participation in Professional Development Opportunities

☐ Summary of Presentations at Professional Events

☐ List of Publications (e.g., Published Books or Articles in Journals / Conference Proceedings / Professional Publications, etc.) and/or Completed Creative Works (e.g., Blog Posts, Op-Ed Articles, Videos, etc.) and/or Grant Writing Activity

5. Service and Outreach Overview

☐ Summary of Contributions to Department / College / University Committees

☐ Summary of Collaborative Activities within IAA

☐ Summary of Local / Regional / National / International Professional Engagement and Leadership

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Candidate Name:


1. Teaching, Mentoring and Advising Excellence (Weight: 70%)

Version A: for faculty members whose appointments include academic advising responsibilities

Unsatisfactory (0-4 points, in 0.5point increments)

Satisfactory (5-7 points, in 0.5point increments)

Excellent (8-10 points, in 0.5point increments)

Points Earned

Student Evaluations

Teaching Innovations

Average student evaluations below 3

Insufficient evidence of efforts to keep programs / courses and delivery current

Average student evaluations in the 33.25 range

Evidence of satisfactory efforts to keep programs / courses and delivery current

Average student evaluations in the 3.25-4 range

Evidence of exemplary efforts to keep programs / courses and delivery current

Coaching, Mentoring and Advising Students

Insufficient evidence of performance in advising and mentorship

Evidence of satisfactory performance in advising and mentorship

Evidence of exemplary performance in advising and mentorship

Peer / Supervisor Assessment of Teaching

Overall negative feedback

Overall positive feedback

Overall excellent feedback


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Version B: for faculty members whose appointments do not include academic advising responsibilities

Student Feedback and Evaluations

(0-6 points, in 0.5-point increments)

Average student evaluations below 3

(7-10 points, in 0.5-point increments)

Average student evaluations in the 33.25 range

(11-15 points, in 0.5point increments)

Average student evaluations in the 3.25-4 range

Teaching Innovations and Effectiveness

(0-6 points, in 0.5-point increments)

Insufficient evidence of efforts to keep programs / courses and delivery current and effective

(7-10 points, in 0.5point increments)

Evidence of satisfactory efforts to keep programs / courses and delivery current and effective

11-15 points, in 0.5-point increments)

Evidence of exemplary efforts to keep programs / courses and delivery current and effective

Peer / Supervisor Assessment of Teaching

(0-4 points, in 0.5-point increments)

Overall negative feedback

(5-7 points, in 0.5-point increments)

Overall positive feedback

(8-10 points, in 0.5-point increments)

Overall excellent feedback


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Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent

2. Scholarship and Creative Excellence (Weight: 15%)

Unsatisfactory (0-4 points, in 0.5point increments)

Professional Development Insufficient evidence of professional development

Satisfactory (5-7 points, in 0.5point increments)

Evidence of participation in professional development opportunities (e.g., courses, certificates, degrees, etc.)

Excellent (8-10 points, in 0.5point increments)

Evidence that professional development opportunities have been used to improve teaching / scholarship / service

Points Earned

Professional Presentations

Insufficient evidence of presentations at professional events

Three (3) presentations per year which may include local / state / regional / national / international professional events.

More than three (3) presentations per year at local / state / regional / national / international professional events have advanced teaching / scholarship / service

Evidence of published Evidence that Creative Works of publications and books or article(s) in published books or creative works journals / conference article(s) in journals / proceedings / conference professional proceedings / publications, etc. OR professional completed creative publications, etc. OR work(s) such as blog completed creative posts, op-ed articles, work(s) such as blog videos, etc. OR grant posts, op-ed articles, writing activity videos, etc. OR grant writing activity have advanced teaching / scholarship / service

Publications and Insufficient evidence


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3. Service and Outreach Excellence (Weight: 15%)

Unsatisfactory (0-4 points, in 0.5-point increments)

Satisfactory (5-7 points, in 0.5point increments)

Excellent (8-10 points, in 0.5-point increments)

Points Earned

Department / College / University Committee

Attendance and Contributions

Collaborative Activities within IAA

Local / Regional / National / International Professional Engagement & Leadership

Minimum involvement in department / college / university issues and concerns

Minimum collaboration with IAA colleagues

No evidence of engagement in advancing the profession

Evidence of regular participation in department / college / university committees and activities

Evidence of regular collaboration with IAA colleagues

Evidence of engagement in advancing the profession

Calculate the total number of points using the formula:

Evidence of exemplary participation in department / college / university committees and activities

Evidence of exemplary collaboration with IAA colleagues

Evidence of exemplary participation / leadership in advancing the profession


TOTAL = (SUBTOTAL #1 x 0.70) + (SUBTOTAL #2 x 0.15) + (SUBTOTAL #3 x 0.15)

TOTAL = ( x 0.70) + ( x 0.15) + ( x 0.15)

TOTAL = + +

TOTAL = points of out 37 possible points, representing a score of %

A score of at least 80% is required for promotion to the Senior Lecturer rank.

A score of at least 85% is required for promotion to the Principal Lecturer rank.

Decision: ☐ Approve the Application

☐ Reject the Application

IAA AEP Committee Members:

Name: Signature:

Name: Signature:

Name: Signature:


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Institute of Applied Agriculture Awards Committee Description and Procedures

Approved May 22, 2020


The Director will appoint three to five faculty members to serve on the IAA Awards Committee. One member will be voted to serve as Chair by the committee. The faculty will be appointed for a three-year term and may be reappointed. Committee members may be nominated for awards during their term of service on the Awards Committee.


The Award’s Committee promotes the IAA and advances the careers of IAA faculty and staff by nominating faculty and staff for appropriate awards both on campus and off campus. The committee evaluates announcements about awards to determine whether IAA faculty are eligible and whether the committee should submit nominations; chooses appropriate nominees; solicits external letters of support, when needed; develops and submits necessary materials according to deadlines. When nominations require the recommendation of the IAA Director, the Awards Committee requests that the Director provide the necessary materials. When nominations must be submitted by the Director, the Awards Committee notifies the Director and provides all other materials in advance of the award deadline.


The Awards Committee creates and administers IAA Departmental Awards.


The Awards Committee curates a list of awards for which the IAA faculty and staff are eligible.


The committee keeps a record of all nominations and the associated materials; these records are accessible to all members of the committee. Unlike most committee materials, the Awards Committee records should not be maintained in a space that is open to all faculty; rather, these records should be housed in a location accessible only to committee members to protect the confidentiality of items such as letters of recommendation. The chairperson of the committee shall maintain the access to this folder by adding any new committee members and removing any member who has left the committee.


Each year the committee will compile a summary report for the Director to present at the annual State of the IAA Address.

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The committee Chair shall schedule meetings as needed, meeting at least once per semester. The Chair will report committee progress to the Director during monthly faculty meetings.

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Institute of Applied Agriculture

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect Committee (DEIR) Description and Procedures

Approved April 16, 2021


The Director will appoint three to six faculty and staff and request one to two student volunteers to serve on the IAA Diversity, Equity, Inclusions, and Respect (DEIR) Committee. One faculty member or staff member will be voted by the committee to serve as Chair for a three- year term and may be reappointed. The faculty/staff members will be appointed for three- year terms and may be reappointed. Student volunteers will serve one year and may be reappointed.


The DEIR Committee works to enhance the understanding and competency of the IAA faculty, staff, and students in cultivating a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and respectful culture within the IAA, its contingencies, and communities.


To support the efforts of the AGNR and the University at large in strengthening programs and educational experiences to be expanded and more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and respectful.


To create and update an annual plan with targeted initiatives and measurable outcomes aimed at monitoring the IAA’s commitment to creating an educational and work environment that is rich in diversity, equity, inclusivity, and respectful of all students, faculty and staff.


To develop and monitor a qualitative and quantitative sketch of how identified DEIR indicators impact the faculty, staff, and student experience, knowledge, and success as well as impacts on various IAA constituencies and communities.


To assist in the promotion of a vision of the IAA recruitment market that demonstrates an appreciation for diversity, equity, inclusivity, and respectability as core values and an educational benefit to be cultivated as a vital component personal and professional growth.


To identify areas of strength and areas in need of improvement in a quest for cultivating opportunities or challenges that will drive the IAA toward thriving in diverse, equitable, inclusive, and respectful academic unit by modifying goals and strategies or suggesting new ones.

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To guide faculty in the development of learning outcomes involving IAA DEIR priorities and goals that may be assessed in student achievement associated with diversity, equity, inclusion and respect.

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