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Youth Agricareture (YACT
Youth Agricareture or YACT is a social project initiated by IAAS Indonesia and aims to increase youth awareness of agriculture. YACT has been held since 2016. This year (2020), YACT collaborated with IAAS Summit, National Workshop, and Graphic Design Competition on an event c[lled ‘Agriphori[’. YACT raised the theme "Good Farm Good Food" which was carried out simultaneously by 11 Local Committees of IAAS Indonesia. Because of the pandemic, Youth Agricareture was held online which is webinar series, social campaign, and snapfarm challenge as an activity. For more info about Youth Agricareture -> iaas.or.id/yact/

Webinar series was held in October in 11 Local Committees of IAAS Indonesia. These webinars were held on 30 October 2020 – 1 November 2020 and accessed via virtual meetings. The speakers came from various sources who are experts in their fields and attended by more than 2000 participants from various universities in Indonesia. Through this series of webinars, we hoped that it could increase knowledge, experience, and raise awareness for young generation to play the role in sustainable agriculture for healthy living. The webinars were series in 11 different topics, there are: Memulai Bisnis Pertanian Ramah Lingkungan by IAAS LC Unud on 23 October 2020 Utilization of Household Waste for Better Agriculture and Sustainable Food by IAAS LC
Undip on 24 October 2020 Microgreens: A New Breakthrough in Urban Farming System by IAAS LC Unpad on 24
October 2020
Strategi Bisnis Pertanian di Masa Pandemi by IAAS LC ULM on 25 October 2020 Eco-Friendly Agriculture Through Vertical Herbs Garden at Home by IAAS LC UNS on 25
October 2020 Pl[net[ri[n Diet: ‚How to Feed Growing Popul[tion Without Destroying The Pl[net‛ by
IAAS LC UB on 27 October 2020 Understanding Agro Entrepreneurship for The Bright Future of Indonesian Agriculture by
IAAS LC IPB on 30 October 2020 Permaculture Principle in Action for Growing Healthy Food by IAAS LC UMY on 31 October 2020 Organic Farming as An Alternative for Sustainable Agriculture by IAAS LC UGM on 31
October 2020 Adding Value of Agricultural Product by Processing by IAAS LC Unram on 01 November 2020 Aquaponik: Budidaya Cerdas Menghasilkan Pangan Berkualitas by IAAS LC Unej on 01
November 2020
IAAS Indonesia had held Social Campaign on 30th October and 1st November. This social campaign attended by 11 local committee members with more than 100 Instagram accounts uploaded

On 30 October 2020, IAAS Indonesia held Social campaign #1. This campaign carried out through social media which contained explanations about Good Farm Good Food for sustainable agriculture to support healthy food production. Healthy life began with what is food that we eat. The food that contains healthy materials (good food) was from a good farm. We had to apply good farm good food from ourself because good farm good food can make not only ourself healthy but also sustainable agriculture too.

On 1 November, IAAS Indonesia held social campaign #2. It was campaign videos about agricultural situation in Indonesia and efforts to improve it through Good Farm Good Food. We definitely want clean and healthy food. Clean here in the sense that it is free from chemical residues. Chemicals in agricultural management are very important because their benefits will affect our health. Healthy food we can call #GoodFood, comes from #GoodFarm. Good agricultural management will make agriculture sustainable for our future. This campaign invited us to start from ourselves by doing environmentally friendly agriculture in our homes. Check the video on IAAS Indonesia Youtube Challenge -> https://youtu.be/In4CwD_jryU
Sn[pf[rm Ch[llenge is one of YACT’s [ctivity which invited the [udience to f[rm in their respective home. This challenge was held on 16 October – 8 November 2020 and the winner was announced on 28 November 2020. We had 3 winners and opened for free. Participant uploaded their own photo of farming activities on their Instagram with an interesting caption.