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Padi Magazine

Agritalk is activity was presented by IAAS Indonesia that raises issues or other interesting matters for discussion. This discussion is online-based, conducted through Line Square (bit.ly/Agritalk) which is attended by IAAS members. This activity is carried out every month and was hosted by Local Committees from IAAS Indonesia with different themes. The discussion was conducted in English. Before the discussion, each local committee that was the host made an article, so the participants already had an idea of what to discuss. Agritalk was held from April –Desember 2020.

Agritalk in April


The first Agritalk was hosted by Rudi Irvanto (IAAS LC Undip) with theme ‚Agricultur[l [s An Altern[tive for Unrenew[ble Fuels‛ on Frid[y, 24th April 2020 at 19.30 WIB. We discussed how impactful biofuels are and this discussion was to broaden insight about biofuels. Depletion of petroleum-derived fuel and environmental concern has promoted to look over the biofuel as an alternative fuel source. But a complete substitution of petroleum-derived fuels by biofuel is impossible from the production capacity and engine compatibility point of view. Yet, marginal replacement of diesel by biofuel can prolong the depletion of petroleum resources and abate the radical climate change caused by automotive pollutants. Access the video of Press Release Agritalk in April on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w_h_bLhh0U

Agritalk in May

Agritalk in May was hosted by Sahru Setiawan (IAAS LC UB) with theme ‚Why Doesn Sust[in[ble Agriculture Rem[in [ Ch[llenge?‛ on Frid[y, 22th M[y 2020 at 22.00 WIB. We discussed how to overcome several challenges to apply sustainability principal in agriculture and knowledge about a current challenge in sustainable agriculture through this session. The ultimate

goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. Article : http://iaas.or.id/why-does-sustainable-agriculture-remain-a-challenge/ Video Press Release : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPXTNNU3nWY&t=4s

Agritalk in June

In June, Agritalk was hosted by Hasabah Nurul UB (IAAS LC Unp[d) with theme ‚Org[nic F[rming: C[n It be Sust[in[ble [nd Feed the World?‛ on Frid[y, 17th June 2020 at 19.30 WIB. Organic farming is an agricultural system wherein conducting farming activities, synthetic chemicals are not used but the use of organic materials. It is considered much better for the environment. But the question is, "can organic farming being sustainable and feed the world?". We discussed how organic farming can feed the world and exchange insights. Article : http://iaas.or.id/agritalk-organic-farming-can-it-be-sustainable-and-feed-the-world/ Video Press Release : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL7qM0qy76A

Agritalk in July

In July, Agritalk was hosted by IAAS Indonesia with theme ‚Youth’s Role on Rur[l Agricultur[l Development‛ on Thursday, 30th July 2020. This Agritak was different from others because it was held as a webinar The event started at 10.00 WIB until 12.00 WIB. Participants gathered online via Google Meet. The topic was delivered by Diah Widuretno (Mbak Diah) as a speaker who is actively involved in community development program, which is Sekolah Pagesangan. The first session was a presentation by a speaker about youth and rural areas. There is a lot of reasons why the majority of young people prefer urban life to rural life. Those reasons can

be concluded as rural areas could not make them financially reassured. But, we should not feel discouraged because rural areas also need us-young people. We need to know who we are, who and what we are going to face, how to deal with it, how to put ourselves in places. Mbak Diah also shares her experience with Sekolah Pagesangan. Same as another Agritalk series, there was both discussion and challenge in the end.

Agritalk in August

In August, Agritalk was hosted by Ahmad Fathullah A (IAAS LC UGM) with theme ‚An integr[ted mech[nism for inclusive future [griculture‛ on Frid[y, 21st August 2020 at 19.30 WIB. The human population is increasing day by day. Meanwhile, the land area for agriculture is decreased, and there are other factors that obstruct the agricultural system. The discussion was held because of those conditions. We discussed are capable of meeting the needs of a global population that is projected to reach more than nine billion in the mid-century. Article : http://iaas.or.id/an-integrated-mechanism-for-inclusive-future-agriculture/ Video Press Release : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYrJcLUVabI

Agritalk in September

In September, Agritalk was hosted by Firdaus (IAAS LC ULM) with theme ‚Fun to Farm, Exciting to Tour with Agrotourism‛ on Frid[y, 25th September 2020 at 19.30 WIB. Agrotourism is tourism that involves any agriculturally based operation or activity that brings visitors to a farm or ranch. We discussed where can we find and what are the benefits. Article : http://iaas.or.id/fun-to-tour-and-fun-to-farm-withagrotourism/ Video Press Release : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1PEMQJq2N8

Agritalk in October

In October, Agritalk was hosted by IAAS LC IPB with theme ‚C[n Indonesi[n Implement the IoT Technologies to R[ise the Interest of Millenni[ls‛ on Frid[y, 16th October 2020 at 19.30 WIB. Agritalk October Edition was held via Instagram Live with Ari Gunawan as a founder of KerabaTani and Mutia Suha Agitha as moderator. Rewatch this insightful discussion on our Instagram TV: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CGaAUMbp4jZ/?igshid=w 238uhe71dir

Article : http://iaas.or.id/can-indonesian-implement-the-iots-technologies-foragricultural-systems-to-raise-the-interest-of-millenials/ Video Press Release : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ux56U3wWf4Y

Agritalk in November

In November, Agritalk was hosted by Firdaus (IAAS LC UNS) with theme ‚C[n Vertic[l Farming Be the Answer to Sust[in[ble Agriculture?‛ on Frid[y, 26th November 2020 at 19.30 WIB. Vertical farming is one of the solutions to achieve sustainable agriculture. In this edition, we discussed exactly is the meaning of "vertical farming. Article : http://iaas.or.id/can-vertical-farming-be-theanswer-to-sustainable-agriculture/ Video Press Release : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-liBI6ShFTs

Agritalk in Desember

In Desember, Agritalk was hosted by Hastari Anggirnawati (IAAS LC UMY) with theme ‚Future Agriculture Maintenance by Emerging Collective Data and Automation System to Face Up The Climate Ch[nge‛. It w[s held on Frid[y, 18th Desember 2020 at 19.30 WIB. In the future, agriculture maintenance use by Personal Food Computer (PFC), We sdiscessed what is PFC and why they choose that. Video Press Release : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxN1XymugUA


IAAS Talk is an event organized by IAAS Indonesia by inviting internal and external speakers from the IAAS for the general public. IAAS Talk is a discussion to express views as well as get knowledge related to the relevant issues that have been determined so that conclusions c[n be dr[wn l[ter. This is [ showc[se for the spe[kers in presenting ‚well-formed ide[s‛ with [ certain duration or a panel discussion. It raised themes or issues that are currently trendy or being related to students and or agriculture. It was held LIVE on IAAS Indonesi[ [nd LC’s Instagram every month with 11 LCs and a different theme. There are: 1. IAAS LC Undip : ‚Indonesi[’s Food Security During The Covid-19 Pandemic‛ on 09.05.2020\ 2. IAAS LC UNS : ‚Get to know more about IAAS LC UNS and How is it being uns student while Covid-19?‛ on 30.05.2020 3. IAAS LC ULM : ‚Str[tegi us[h[ j[mur p[d[ m[s[ p[ndemic‛ on 20.06.2020 4. IAAS LC Unud : ‚How to Overcome Insecurities in Org[niz[tion‛ on 10.06.2020 5. IAAS LC UB : ‚How Org[niz[tion Cope with COVID-17‛ on 01.08.2020 6. IAAS LC UGM : ‚M[ximize Your life by minim[list lifestyle‛ on 22.08.2020 7. IAAS LC Unpad : ‚Import[nce of communic[tion in org[niz[tion‛ on 13.07.2020 8. IAAS LC Unram : ‚Stress – Why does It H[ppen [nd How to M[n[ge It?‛ on 04.10.2020 9. IAAS LC Unej : ‚M[ximizing spices [nd herb consumption during p[ndemic‛ on 24.10.2020 10. IAAS LC UMY : ‚Zero W[ste Grocery store should be everywhere‛ on 14.11.2020 11. IAAS LC IPB : ‚How to Contribute to Soci[ty during the p[ndemic‛ on 05.12.2020

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