Matching the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award AmeriCorps is a network of local, state, and national service programs that connect more than 70,000 Americans each year in intensive service to meet our country’s critical needs in education, public safety, health, and the environment. AmeriCorps in Iowa: 1) NCCC Campus in Vinton with more than 150 members between the ages of 18-24 serving 10 months of service. 2) AmeriCorps State and National has more than 1,000 AmeriCorps members exiting service in Iowa in 2010 serving part-time and full-time positions. 3) AmeriCorps VISTA has more than 150 members exiting service in Iowa in 2010 in fulltime and summer positions. 4) In 2008, members in the Iowa AmeriCorps State and National programs were eligible to use more than $11 million in AmeriCorps Education Awards. Education Award: Full-time AmeriCorps members that successfully complete their terms of service are eligible to receive up to $5,350 to be used to repay qualified student loans or to pursue post-secondary educational opportunities. Approximately 50 percent of Iowa’s members are part-time and receive a partial (pro-rated) education award. Benefits of participation: 1) Incentives for AmeriCorps alumni will attract more students to participating institutions. 2) High-quality and civic minded students come to your institution with additional training, knowledge of community needs, leadership skills, the ability to work in teams, and a commitment to service and civic engagement. 3) As a national program, there is a possibility of attracting out-of-state students. 4) Institution will be retaining younger people in the state, impacting Iowa’s brain drain and addressing a community need. 5) Your institution will be listed on a national Web site of institution’s matching the education award on 6) Provide access to students who have served their country, and those who potentially are in greater need of financial assistance. 7) Iowa is only one of two states that does not tax the use of the education award, possibly increasing student’s interest in attending college in Iowa, maximizing their benefit and use of the award for tuition. Institutional Matching of Segal AmeriCorps Education Award: Match can be provided in a variety of forms from a complete, partial or double match. Additional examples of matching programs include: Waive enrollment fee Tuition reimbursement Class credit for service Scholarships Housing credit Discount tuition With questions and for access to an informational PowerPoint contact Iowa Campus Compact Executive Director, Rachel Manuel at or (515) 720-5892.