about me
[ contacts and curriculum vitae ]
rio de janeiro
[ re-thinking le corbusier ]
buenos aires
[ buenos aires 2100 ] [ learning from villas miseria ]
[ from hospital to “city of food� ]
[ the city of the towers ] [ new university campus ]
[ after emilia’s earthquake ]
architecture models
Iacopo Rosmundi
22th august 1988
Jul. 2013 License to practice architect’s profession
via case sparse 22 52038 Sestino, Italy iacopo.rosmundi@gmail.com tel: (+39) 339 2643457 skype: iacopo.rosmundi linkedin.com/pub/iacopo-rosmundi/72/121/48a issuu.com/iacopo.rosmundi/docs/iacopo_rosmundi_architecture_portfo
Mar. 2013 Master degree in Architecture, equivalent RIBA Part II University of Bologna, School of Architecture, Italy Vote: 110/110 Thesis: “From Villas Miseria to city. A project for Villa 31-31 bis in Buenos Aires” Prof. Matteo Agnoletto Oct. - Nov. 2012 Thesis research Univesity of Buenos Aires (UBA), Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseno y Urbanismo (FADU), Argentina Interviews with Clorindo Testa and Justo Solsona Jul. 2007 Scientific High school diploma
Montefeltro High School Sassocorvaro, Italy Vote: 80/100
Sep. - Dec. 2012 Workshop “Atelier Chandigarh” Critical redraw and realization of architectural models for the exposition “Modern Cities of the Global South: Chandigarh and Casablanca” (nov. 2013 - apr. 2014) at CCA of Montreal, Canada
Feb. 2014 Architect Michele Mosconi Architetto Piandimeleto (PU), Italy
Workshop projects
Languages Italian Mother tongue English •• Spanish ••
Jun. 2011 Workshop “I cortili di Cervia.Lo spazio pubblico nella città storica” Project and exhibition Municipality of Cervia, Italy Jun. 2009 Pantografh modeling course Technical lessons and practice University of Bologna Jun. 2008 Laser modeling course Technical lessons and practice University of Bologna
Oct. - Dec. 2013 Architect Freelancer Competition “Recovery and requalification of Palazzo Costa Giani - Town Hall” San Felice sul Panaro, Italy Jun. - Sep. 2013 Architect Freelancer Competition “Reorganization and reconversion of the ex-hospital” Biella, Italy Sep. 2012 Collaborator Giovanni Chiaramonte’s photos exhibition “L’immanenza del terremoto. Viaggio in Emilia tra le cose perdute” Curator: Matteo Agnoletto Modena, Italy Jun. - Aug. 2012 Internship “Laboratorio Emilia”, research and cataloging after Emilia’s earthquake University of Bologna, Italy
V.Orioli, S.Proli (edited by), I cortili di Cervia. Lo spazio pubblico nella città storica, Alinea Editrice, Firenze 2011 T.Avermaete, M.Casciato, CCA (edited by), Casablanca and Chandigarh. How Architects, Experts, Politicians, International Agencies, and Citizens Negotiate Modern Planning , Park Books, Zurigo 2014
Operating Systems Windows ••• Mac OSx ••• Graphic and Illustration Abobe Photoshop ••• Adobe Illustrator • Adobe Indesign ••
Academic projects
Software CAD Autocad 2D & 3D •••
U.Schröder (edited by), Bologna: Dokumente und Lektionen zur Raumentwurfslehre, Wasmuth 2012
Modelling and Rendering Rhinoceros ••• 3D Studio Max • V-ray •
E.Mucelli (edited by), Architettura 43. Abitare, CLUEB, Bologna 2011
Driving License B permit
LEGENDA advanced ••• good •• basic •
curriculum vitae
[re-thinking le corbusier] rio de janeiro, brasil | 2012
The project is an hypothetical architectural realization of Le Corbusier sketches made for the city of Rio de Janeiro in 1929 during his South American trip and which is contained in the book: “Precisions: On the present State of Architecture and City Planning�. He think that a Megastructural Project could limit the growth of the city and concentrate all the people needs in a new vision of Rio de Janeiro historical city. The project resumes all the elements of Le Corbusier sketches: the pillar structure, the highway on the roof and in the middle the city (residences, public spaces, city business). These elements are re-thinked and based on contemporary life, with personal suggestions and interpretations.
37.000 44.000 177.600
linear development (m) residential units residents
[buenos aires 2100] buenos aires, argentina | 2013
This is an urban research which considers the core of the Argentine capital, 4 million inhabitants, and concentrated between Gran Buenos Aires and Rio de la Plata. Why 2100? This year is a provocation, it is a date that will allow you to open your mind and think. You can plan on a large scale with big but also punctual and focused interventions. The project proposes to increase the density with new clusters connected together and with the historical center through the enhancement of tram lines and subways. Heavy traffic is eliminated from the city through the harbour deployment to the south of the city. Are valued both the city’s relationship with the province, with a new green border, and with the Rio de la Plata with the city development on the current ecological island.
[villas miseria, learning from] villa 31-31bis, buenos aires, argentina | 2013
The Villa 31-31 bis of Retiro is the most famous slum and one of the greatest in Buenos Aires. Has grown from the 30s close to city center as an exception in the urban regular hispanic grid but never be integrated into the policies of the government and today has 27.000 inhabitants. This project propose, rejecting the instrument of tabula rasa, to generate new connections with the city and entering new strategic attraction points such as the engine for the redevelopment of Villa Miseria. The space of greatest interest in the project is under the highway Illia, built in 1997 and today totally saturated with habitations, which becomes from highly critical issues to strong point. Under the highway are placed a series of buildings that, fragmenting and following its curvature, become the heart of the project because of their educational, cultural and sporting functions.
[from hospital to city of food] biella, italia | 2013
Biella is an important district of northern Italy. In the refunctionalization of the ex-hospital area, it was decided to give it a multi-productive character and a offering diversification, based on the theme of food, also inspired by the themes that will be discussed during Expo 2015. The theme of the food includes many activities: cooking school, catering school, food production, stores for sale, workshops for young people and events organization, restaurant, student residences and 4 star hotel. The project fits these functions either by the rehabilitation of existing historic buildings bound by the Superintendency, both through the construction of new volumes as the Market Hall, the Auditorium and the Belvedere.
[the city of the towers] piazza f.d.roosevelt, bologna, italia | 2010
The project is part of historical network, typical of isolates of Bologna and characterized by a series of different episodes in a succession of spaces more or less public and private. The intent is to create a major public space around the buildings, which present public functions on the ground floor, favoring the use of the surrounding spaces. The Portico is the result of the relationship between the new building with preexistences and, along with the various passages, acts as a diaphragm between the public space and the more private court. The courtyard building is fragmented in several places, so as to encourage a gradual perception of space and greater porosity of the building than outside. The tower building, frequent type in the city of Bologna become articulation and connection element between different types of space: the street, the square and the court.
[new university campus] area “ex staveco�, bologna, italia | 2011
The project for a university campus is placed in a particularly interesting area of Bologna, located between the limits of historic town and the feet of the hills of the city. The aim is to propose a system of open university structure, which seeks to establish the conditions capable of ensuring that the university and its spaces become equipments to serve the city. The organism of the campus consists of several buildings which each time are related in a different way with the existing buildings and landscape, with a deliberate alternation of dominance between architecture and nature and assume a special interest in the civic, not only for students but also for the citizens.
art gallery
student residences
[after emilia’s earthquake] accademia nazionale di scienze lettere e arti, modena, italia | 2012
The earthquake that struck the territory of Emilia in May 2012 has irreparably compromised and deleted the precise identity of the cultural landscape, widely sweeping the countryside and villages, reducing the rural houses, monuments, craft and industrial buildings, damaging the antique malls and areas productive, destroying churches. The photographic exhibition of Giovanni Chiaramonte, curated by the “Emilia Research Laboratory� of the Faculty of Architecture at University of Bologna, shows the architecture destroyed and the drama of our earth, but also emphasizing their beauty, and in this beauty we take the hope of a new renaissance. The exhibition is the result of a trip to Emilia taken in the days immediately following the defacement, when things have not yet been removed, moved, and quickly forgotten and when the immanence of life and earthquake comes in all its truth before to vanish forever, changing the original meaning in a irreparably different and remote.
[pierre jeanneret in chandigarh] model built for the exposition “Modern Cities of the Global South: Chandigarh and Casablanca� (nov.2013 - apr. 2014) at CCA of Montreal, Canada processing pantograph numerical control cutting machine laser cutter materials polyvinyl chloride foam (FOREX)
[villas miseria, learning from] thesis model processing pantograph numerical control cutting machine band saw rotary sander materials polyvinyl chloride foam (FOREX) cherry wood
architecture models
[house on the historic walls] processing handmade materials cartonbois plywood
[the city of the towers] processing laser cutter handmade materials cartonbois medium density fiberboard (MDF)
architecture models
[thank you]
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