shh!! Institutes of Technology Librarians strategy statement

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Institutes of Technology Librarians Strategic Statement  ⁄ 



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Contents  

Foreword Introduction IoT Librarians Strategic Statement in context: Looking Back Current Trends Twenty Years On – A Reader’s Experience Future Focus – A Librarian’s view

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IoT Librarians Strategic Statement  ⁄  Mission Values Objectives Strategic Goals Contact details

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Introduction  , the Institute of Technology (IoT) Librarians decided to develop a Strategy Statement to guide our energy and direction. The Group invited Mary Kennedy, Partnership Facilitator DkIT and ITB, to facilitate the process over three working sessions. The document we have produced is the culmination of this IoT Librarians Project and expresses the aspirations and goals to which we are committed. It is the latest example of IoT Librarians working together with increasing self confidence as an important grouping within the information professions in Ireland. This Strategy Statement represents our vision for the future of Libraries within the IoT Sector. We believe passionately in this vision and in the services we deliver across the Libraries to our readers. We present this document as our plan for developments for the coming five years and look forward to the ideas we present here being implemented and embedded within our Libraries. It is our hope that this contributes to a cohesive national framework for the IoT Library Sector. We would like to express our thanks to Athlone Institute of Technology for providing the facilities for the Librarians to meet. Jim Foran Secretary IoT Librarians Group



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IoT Librarians Strategy Statement in context   For the first part of their history, many of our institutes operated under the title Regional Technical College (RTC) and were to a much greater extent under the direct control of the local Vocational Education Committee (VEC). In the early days Libraries were staffed by the local Public Library Service. Staffing levels were generally very low but much hard work was carried out developing services for the growing IT sector third level academic institutions. The Regional Technical Colleges Act 1992 heralded major developments within the sector and our Libraries, with the RTCs becoming largely administratively independent of the VECs. Concurrently the IPA carried out a review of administrative and library staffing in the colleges. Posts were upgraded and new grades were introduced. The staffing structure of the institute libraries developed to a new level. The 1990s were a period of huge development. Student numbers increased dramatically and a wide range of new courses were introduced with the degree starting to replace the certificate as the basic qualification. Colleges became more involved in research. The RTCs were given a new title of Institutes of Technology. Two new Institutes were founded: Institute of Technology, Tallaght and Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown. Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology was created from a number of earlier colleges, as was Limerick Institute of Technology. Cork Institute of Technology took responsibility for the Cork School of Music and the Crawford College of Art and Design. Institute libraries continued to expand resources and services. With the advent of Ireland’s economic prosperity, funds became available for a major programme of physical development of IT campuses. Much of the nineties was spent planning for new library buildings and as these were built as part of campus development plans, staff could justifiably be proud of the increased profile of the library service on the IT campus and of the IT library system nationally.



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  In recent years, the Institutes of Technology, and in particular their libraries, have been dynamic centres of great energy and activity. Huge capital investment has resulted in the Institutes of Technology now having a higher profile than ever before. This higher profile is also reflected through the Institute Librarians serving on, being invited to serve on, and being pro-active participants in national committees, councils, working groups and associations. The Internet has fundamentally changed the way people work and learn and the IoT libraries have willingly embraced this change. IoT Libraries are at the forefront, harnessing the latest technologies to deliver a timely and relevant service to our users. Some of these new services include: web access databases, electronic journals, e-books, Virtual Learning Environments, IoT Library Catalogues on the Internet and increased off-site access to library resources. These developments have brought great benefits to library users, although the rate of development has presented its own challenges, not least in terms of budgets, staff training and Information Literacy training. The Department of Education’s MIS project (subsequently renamed An Chéim), was an ambitious scheme to install computing systems for four functions within each Institute including the Library. The early years of the new century saw Innovative's Millennium Library System installed in all institutes. By common consent, the  library management system has been regarded as the most successful implementation of the Department of Education & Science MIS project. It has enhanced the scope for co-operation between Institutes of Technology and permits the more efficient use of resources. This cohesion can also be seen in our consortial purchasing, our Inter-lending scheme and the new Partners module. Staff, however, is the greatest resource that exists in the Institutes. The Chapman Flood Mazaars Review led to a new restructuring of staffing. Many new professionally-qualified and highly motivated people have been recruited. This substantial increase in human resources has laid the foundation for better services, better communication and better customer satisfaction. Libraries also began to have the professional staff available to engage in joint national projects. An annual conference of IT librarians is now held each summer to facilitate exchange of views. Regular meetings ensure issues of common importance are discussed. There is



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increasing cooperation in the area of resource acquisition. Continued investment in this area is anticipated as services develop in response to changing needs. Despite our sophisticated technical infrastructures and our IT focus, the IoT libraries are still commited to being relevant and practical and to having a student friendly focus.




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   ‒  ’  “Since my time as a student in the early eighties, the numbers of students studying and the number, range and levels of programmes being offered at GMIT, has increased substantially. The Institute has grown beyond recognition. We now have a community of almost , students and we are offering programmes at Higher Certificate, Bachelors Degree, Honours Bachelors Degree, Masters and Doctoral levels. When I was a National Diploma in Business Studies student in , specialising in Marketing, there was no final year degree in business in place at GMIT at the time. The facilities available to staff and learners have improved and expanded greatly. Library facilities have improved beyond all recognition. The development of the Learning Resource Centre has been a wonderful achievement, incorporating the new Library and IT centre and has places for almost . This compares to almost  student spaces in the old library when I was a student. The new Learning Resource Centre facilities are helping to provide an environment that is conducive to learning and academic achievement.” Ivan Mc Phillips, BBS, MRD, MMII (Grad) (A graduate of GMIT, the Institute of Public Administration and NUI, Galway, Ivan Mc Phillips is a lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Business Management at GMIT since 1997.)   ‒  ’  “The focus for the future should be on co-operation between Institutes and across the third level sector in general. The IoT Libraries already work closely together across a range of areas. The centralisation of Information Technology systems means that cooperation becomes more important for all Institute Libraries. In this way we can make the most of opportunities presented by initiatives such as the Strategic Innovation Fund and at the same time improve our service to the students and staff in all the Institutes of Technology.” Pat Doherty, BComm. DLIS Librarian IT Tralee



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Institutes of Technology Librarians Strategic Statement  ⁄ 



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Mission “The Libraries of the Institutes of Technology operating at National and Strategic level will foster the development of flexible, accessible learning environments, drawing on international best practice and collective knowledge.”



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Values For our work to progress, clarity on our shared values and principles for action is essential.    :

Belief that it is essential that Libraries deliver quality services and that these services are measured using a common quality framework.

Awareness of the value of the knowledge store in our Institutes and within ourselves and of the potential benefits which result from harnessing that knowledge.

Co-operation for our mutual benefit.

Delivery of a flexible Library service accessible to our learning communities.

Focus on personally meeting the needs of our customers.

Setting of high standards of professionalism in all our business dealings.

Support and respect for our colleagues as individuals and as teams.

Encouragement of innovation and open communication.




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Objectives The following six areas were identified as our high level objectives:

Service Communication Quality Access Knowledge Co-operation




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 -

To deliver and benchmark a quality professional service. To work within our resources to deliver best quality service. To create a people centred environment. To be available at the most appropriate time. To provide services appropriate within Academic setting. To seek new and relevant relationships that enable learning to be enjoyable and life affirming. 

- To utilise ICT to its maximum potential. - To constantly seek and provide feedback on services required, and the use of services in the context of local and national trends.  - To identify appropriate international quality standards for adoption. - To develop and publish a set of National Standards for the Institute of Technology Libraries.




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 -

To provide a common point of access by establishing a library portal. To broaden access to our resources. To provide access to a range of resources both in-house and remotely. To recognise that multiple access modes are required for diverse reader communities. - To accommodate diversity.  - To provide for continuous training in the context of life-wide learning. - To establish a mentoring Programme. - To recognise the value of maintaining free access to knowledge and ensure that this value is reflected in all of our choices. - - To promote reciprocal access. - To network with colleagues in other IoT Libraries. - To identify and explore strategic alliances.




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Specific goals . To embed Information Literacy (IL) in all IoT Programmes. -

Carry out research on the concept of Information Literacy. Examine best practice in IL module delivery. Adopt agreed standards for IL programme delivery. Jointly develop core curriculum with agreed learning outcomes Seek validation for modules. Deliver IL module as a pilot embedded in a small number of courses in each Institute. - Evaluate and customise further. - Rollout to other courses. - Investigate most appropriate staff to deliver programme – library staff or teaching staff. . To ensure that our Libraries are used to full potential for learning conducive to study. -

Carry out system wide survey of use of library resources. Identify and articulate how IoT Libraries can support research. Review the presentation of resources and collections. Prepare our services for the support of PBL (Problem Based Learning) activities. - Develop Library profile on Institute VLEs (Virtual Learning Environments). . To develop, agree and document Standards and Benchmarks for our services. -

Review the range of published standards for library services. Adapt and establish standards for IoT library Sector. Agree performance measurement tools/indicators. Identify best practice. Audit regularly.




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. To enhance IoT Library co-operation. - Continue to develop Partners agreement and services. - Prioritise and establish a national IoT Library service. - Work towards the adoption of Innovative Innreach software to facilitate Universal student access. - Make IoT Card available to all users to enable access to services sector- wide. - Investigate the possibility of a secure document delivery process between Institutes. . To maximise the advantages from Server Centralisation and the An Chéim Project. - Utilise the server centralisation project to get better value in the form of consortium subscription deals. - Establish a national IoT library services brand. - To lobby to ensure that resources of mutual benefit obtain national financial support. - To establish a plan for future application implementation within a strategic context each year. - Continue to maximise the advantages of co-operative cataloguing. . To attract and retain good staff. - Explore introduction of mentoring service for Library staff in the IoT sector. - Encourage and support staff to actively contribute and share knowledge (e.g. papers at conferences etc.). - Embed PMDS so that staff and Library goals can be achieved. - Develop programme of educational study visits. - Prepare ourselves and our staff for new roles. - Develop our own management and leadership. - Optimise staff levels and competencies to ensure delivery of Strategy Statement. - Link competencies and actions to the vision offered in the ‘Workplace of the Future’.




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Currently the IoT Librarians can be contacted at the following email addresses:

Aidin O'Sullivan aidin.o' Ann Cleary Derry Delaney Gillian Kerins Jerald Cavanagh Jim Foran Jo Corkery John Devlin Margaret Waldron Pat Doherty Richard Lennon Ted Lynch Deirdre Judge


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