1 minute read
17:20-18:00 | Room 708 Saturday Onsite Workshop Presentation Session 4
Calm & Clear Workshop
Session Chair: Arthur Giacalone
69152 | Calm and Clear
Arthur Giacalone, Institute of Contemplative Studies, United States
Calm-Abiding (Quiessence) is considered foundational for the arising of mental clarity and as a step toward further training in the practice of Insight Meditation. Through dedicated and consistent practice of cultivating single-focused and stable attention, Calm-Abiding meditation can contribute to the purification of mental afflictions and imbalances, giving rise to a sense of well-being characterized by an open, wakeful presence and the experience of mental and physical pliancy. Participants will be guided through simple, guided instructions for cultivating such an open and wakeful presence by mindfully resting in silence, stillness, and non-conceptual awareness.
Calm & Clear is suitable for anyone who has had little or no experience with meditation. In addition, Calm & Clear meditation instruction can also be appropriate and helpful to individuals with prior meditation experience but whose progress has plateaued due to inconsistent attentional stability and mindfulness in their practice.