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Saturday Onsite Presentation Session 1
International Education
Session Chair: Jovani Castelan
| Erasmus Mundus European Master: Transformative International Learning Through Collaborative Experience
Agnieszka Naumiuk, University of Warsaw, Poland
The aim of the presentation is to show the value of constructivist approach (Vygotsky, Bruner) to the concept of innovation as a learning process, based on the author's analysis of 9-years old European Masters Program: ADVANCED Development in Social Work. The initial idea of introducing innovation as an experiment in the area of joint international study, proposed by five European universities, turned into a long-term transformative learning process (Mezirow), adopting the culture of innovation, with the aim for long-term change in higher education systems. It involves theoretical frameworks of participants' collaborative experience (Dewey) and cultural capital (Bourdieu). The study of this phenomenon, through program documents’ analysis, participatory observation and students' work evaluation, allows to assert that innovation concept incorporated into educational model, in long-term perspective, empowers participants of the process. Program analysis confirms that the role of innovation in transforming higher education should be more closely studied and evaluated, as in the given case, it proved the transformative and pro-innovative learning of participants experiencing its processual modifications. The research identified the following phases’ characteristics: 1) initial phase (planning and implementing innovation), 2) maintaining phase (adaptation to become innovative, yet stable concept), 3) modernization phase (changes necessary to reshape aging innovation). All phases developed gradually, through micro-changes. The presentation will conclude on the educational value of redefining the role of innovation as a collaborative learning process, making us rethink simple replication of business talk, and reflect on it from human development perspective.
69759 | Entrepreneurial Education: Pedagogical and Methodological Innovations in the Brazilian’s Engineering Courses Curriculum
Jovani Castelan, UNISATC, Brazil
The interest of students in engineering courses has been decreasing since 2014 and this downward trend has increased after pandemic, since many students express interest in health area. On the other hand, companies have searched skilled labor's students from universities to compose their staff but they are not able to find. Thus, considering the needs of companeis and universities, a new engineering curriculum model was developed, based on entrepreneurial education, active methodologies, no-linear skill modules, integrating projects and Entrepreneurship Course Conclusion. Besides that, a support program to cover student’s study expenses was designed, funded by companies and university. The objectives are: a) to arise student's interest for engineering; b)provide qualified workers for the professional Market even before their graduated and c) to develop innovation focused on social demands, since beginning of the courses. In short, the innovations based on new curricula are: 1) Engineering Practices subject in the first period of the course; 2) decreasing of Calculus subjects’ studing hours and use mobile platform in these subjects to monitor the execution of projects with real applications; 3) integrative projects that integrate and apply the knowledge developed in the same module’s subjects and 4) Entrepreneurship Course Conclusion (ECC), approaching economic and commercial viability of an idea, replacing the traditional Course Conclusion Work, based on scientific aspects only. In an ECC, it’s possible to join students of different courses, developing an interdisciplinar work. The integrative projects must be developed to an institution or Community, aiming real and applicable solutions to benefit them.
68232 | The Role of Principals’ Emotional Intelligence on School Leadership Effectiveness
Daniel Gebreslassie Mekonnen, Panjab University, India
The study has aimed at investigating the role of principals’ leadership styles and their emotional intelligence (EQ) on the work motivation and job performance of teachers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. As a means, quantitative research approach and descriptive research design were employed to conduct the study. The path goal leadership questionnaire, emotional competence inventory, multidimensional work motivation scale and job performance appraisal scale were used to collect data from the 316 teacher participants. The quantitative data were analyzed by using the statistical techniques of Pearson–product moment correlation analysis, Two-way analysis of variance and the stepwise multiple regression analysis. Major findings of the study have revealed that work motivation and job performance of the teachers were significantly correlated with the perceived participative leadership style, achievement-oriented leadership style and EQ of principals. Moreover, the EQ of the principals was found to be the best predictor of the teachers’ work motivation whereas the achievement-oriented leadership style of the principals was identified as the best predictor of the job performance of the teachers. Furthermore, the interaction effects of all the four path goal leadership styles vis-à-vis the EQ of the principals have shown differential effects on the work motivation and job performance of teachers. Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that EQ is the sine qua non of effective school leadership. Hence, this study would be useful for policy makers and educational leaders to come up with policies that would enhance the role of EQ in the effectiveness of school leadership.
10:45-11:10 (CANCELLED - Moved to Virtual Presentation)
67988 | Research Labs: Cultivating Impact Through Collaboration
Diane Derr, Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar, Qatar
VCUarts Qatar is the branch campus of the School of the Arts at Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond, Virginia), located in Qatar Foundation’s Education City (Doha, Qatar). In 2022 the VCUarts Qatar campus formalized a Research Lab initiative in an effort to cultivate transand multi-disciplinary research for increased impact in the community, the classroom, and wider discourse. The formalization of this initiative was driven by an aligned synergy between faculty interests and stakeholder priorities. The VCUarts Qatar Research Labs comprise collaborative teams of faculty, students, and alumni, pursuing a territory of inquiry through iterative explorations. The Labs are rooted in a broad and diverse spectrum of domains, including Arabic typography, art and law in the Gulf region, cultural preservation and production, emergent technology, graphic publishing, nanotechnology and textile manufacturing, culturally responsive pedagogy, product design, sound design, and statistical analysis. This paper will present an assessment of the Research Lab model, established on the VCUarts Qatar campus, addressing key aims and goals, including partnering with local industry in Qatar for increased community engagement, increasing awareness of societal impacts and contributions of Creative Research, supporting impactful research activities and dissemination through multi-disciplinary collaborations with VCU (home campuses) and Education City Partner Universities, and supporting human capacity development in creative research.