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ERI2023 Pre-Recorded Virtual Presentations
Intercultural Learning
66810 | The Development of Students’ Intercultural Awareness and Understanding Through Adopting an Intercultural Pedagogy in Foreign Language Teaching
Amina Guerriche, University of Constantine, Algeria
The recent trends in foreign language teaching -influenced widely by the process of globalization, interculturalism, global flows, and migration- are leaning toward adopting an intercultural perspective in foreign language teaching aiming at developing students who are global citizens able to effectively function across diverse boundaries (cultural, social, geographical). Researchers call for intercultural learning and teaching perspective that would foster and increase intercultural awareness and understanding (e.g., Guilherme, 2002; Byram et al., 2002). The presentation at this conference is based on research that aims at unfolding whether including the cultural dimension in foreign language instruction can help in developing students’ intercultural understanding and awareness. In doing so, a cultural pedagogical experiment was designed and conducted for the period of one year at the level of the university. Data were collected qualitatively and analyzed thematically. Results help in drawing important implications for educational institutions, foreign language teachers, and syllabus designers about the importance and effectiveness of perceiving foreign language instruction as a social activity that can nurture interculturally competent individuals who adequately respond to the demands of today’s intercultural and globalized societies. The research also contributes to suggesting new and innovative teaching techniques that can be used in intercultural language teaching accommodating both the physical and online environments.
International Education
68001 | Culturally Responsive Approach in STEAM Secondary School: Teachers Perceptions
Emmanuel Ekpu, St. John's University, United States
To effectively teach the increasingly diverse students in United States public schools, educators must be aware, acknowledge, and be sensitive to the skills, culture, interests, and experiences our varied learners bring to the classroom. Furthermore, educators must connect students' cultural knowledge to academic knowledge to relate the concept to students' lives in meeting students' academic expectations. This pilot study explores teachers' experiences engaging in culturally responsive teaching to bridge the gap between cultural and academic knowledge to increase students' conceptual understanding of science topics. This ethnographic case study research examines the issue of race using the lens of Critical Race Theory (Culturally Relevant Teaching) as the theoretical framework to make quality education accessible to all students, irrespective of students' cultural background. This study uses a purposive sampling technique to include two secondary school science teachers in a Northeastern United States of America public school with more than five years of teaching experience. Teachers’ reflective journals and two rounds of semi-structured interviews would be analyzed thematically by categorizing data using similarities and relationships between data into themes. The examination of teachers' experiences incorporating students' diverse cultures into their curriculum will provide insight into strategies they have applied successfully. Also, it will serve as a rubric to inform professional development for pre-service teachers.
69952 | Knowledge Management Enablers and Impacts on Institutional Accreditation Outcomes: An Empirical Study of BGA Accreditation in China
Jing Wang, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Kim Eunyoung, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
In the increasingly competitive and internationalized higher education, institutional accreditation has become a supportive role in higher education institutions' (HEIs) ranking and development. Institutional accreditation is a form of knowledge sharing and transfer in organizational management, research, learning and teaching, and networking. But how can such knowledge sharing be enabled within different higher education organizations? The main objective of this research is to explore the relationship between knowledge sharing enablers and institutional accreditation outcomes. Derived from in knowledge sharing enablers (Hall et al., 2021), this research builds a model of knowledge management (KM) enabler composed of organizational culture, trust, information technology and employee motivation. A cross-sectional scale questionnaire will be developed to dig into the relationship between KM enablers with institutional accreditation. Together these KM enablers, including organizational culture, trust, information technology and employee motivation, were identified to be predictive factors for organizational KM and positively related to institutional accreditation outcomes. This research contributes to the future literature on dimensions of knowledge management and HEIs’ organizational development, as well as KM enablers in higher education. It is also useful in practice to higher education administrators and stakeholders involving in supporting educational internalization and regional accredictation.
70009 | Transformative Internationalization Processes in Ibero-American Higher Education Institutions
Alba Lucy Guerrero Díaz, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Alberto Flórez, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Alejandra Bolivar, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the internationalization of higher education has become a central concern in institutional agendas, due to the geopolitical changes, dynamism and diversity of the global context, which has generated diverse ways of understanding and focusing internationalization processes and actions. In this context, the internationalization dynamics of nineteen Ibero-American higher education institutions (HEIs) are analyzed in terms of their understandings, trajectory, functioning, capacities-needs, interculturality and the impact of COVID-19. This collaborative qualitative research shows that internationalization from a transformative perspective is an emerging perspective implemented in HEIs that helps to consolidate policies and plans that mainstream internationalization. This approach allows to achieve a greater impact of actions at the institutional level and in the educational community in a diverse and asymmetric group of HEIs.