One Hundred Dollar 411
1992 Fraser-Cole ZLD (R 613L). Last paper $100 prefix. Also Johnston-Stone (R 608). Creased. (2 notes total). gEF/aUNC
Ten Shillings
$250 - $260
1998 polymer MacFarlane-Evans CF 98 (R 618aL). Last year prefix. Multiple folds. FINE $160 - $180
1954 Coombs-Wilson (R 16m). Million serial numbers AD/21 1000000. Old folds. Rare, especially in this Commonwealth issue. gFINE $4000 - $4200
2011 polymer Stevens-Henry EL 11 (R 621cL). Last signature prefix. Slighest bend on one. Consecutive run of 4. aU/UNC $480 - $500
2011 polymer Stevens-Henry EL 11 (R 621cL). Last signature prefix. Two consecutive trios. (6 notes total). UNC $750 - $850
1961 Coombs-Wilson (R 17m). Million serial numbers AG/34 1000000. Old quarter folds. Rare. FINE $2700 - $280
One Pound
Sets 415
1985-1993 set of 4 Decimal Last Prefix: 2 Dollars Johnston-Fraser LQG (R 89L), 5 Dollars Fraser-Cole QPG (R 213L), 10 Dollars FraserCole MRR (R 313bL), 20 Dollars Fraser-Evans ADK (R 415L). Slight wave, bundle pressure to all, $20 with light handling and paper flaw/ crease. (4 notes total). EF-aUNC $130 - $140
2006 polymer MacFarlane-Henry set of 4 Last Prefix with matching serials; 5 Dollar HB 06, 10 Dollar GL 06, 20 Dollar JC 06, 50 Dollar JC 06. High catalogue value. (4 notes total). UNC
1953 Coombs-Wilson (R 33m). Million serial numbers HC/84 1000000. Flattened of old creases and a hint of oil stains along bottom, a little dirty. Rare. aFINE
$120 - $140 Page 32
International Auction Galleries - Sale 95
$2700 - $2800