Adelaide Chinese iAge Weekly

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Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522. Australian Credit Licence Number 234527. ANZ’s colour blue is a trade mark of ANZ. Item No. 88066 05.2012 W267204

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ ᐊྀ‫࠸!૷ܠ‬ଘૉ!!ᐊྀቅ࣪!ኦዞ੺!!ගၣ‫!૷ܠ‬ኦዞ੺

" Ӯ་ள᫔

" ࣸն

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

" ࣸն

" ࣸն

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

" ࣸն

" ࣸն

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

2013年度澳洲人民形象大使計劃 的提名工作現已開始 澳洲人民形象大使計劃旨在表彰奉行澳洲多元文化政策 的各項原則、積極致力於促進多元文化包容性、社會凝 聚力和全體澳洲人團結行動的人士。澳洲人民形象大使 是社區與政府之間的重要紐帶,在其任期內能夠就相關 問題代表當地社區積極向澳洲多元文化委員會和澳洲政 府提供反饋意見。 歡迎為多元文化和種族社區做出突出貢獻的人士提名, 同時大力支持為青少年和邊遠及鄉村地區的人士提名。 澳洲人民形象大使計劃由澳洲多元文化委員會負責領導 實施。 形象大使任期12個月。 提名方法 查詢有關該計劃及提名方法的更多資訊,請瀏覽 提名人需描述被提名人積極致力於促進多元文化包容性 與社會凝聚力的主要事蹟。 提名截止日期為2013年2月10日星期日。 AG71380

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

" Ӯ་ள᫔

" ࣸն

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

" ࣸն

" Ӯ་ள᫔

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ ᐊྀ‫!૷ܠ‬ცॣ፤!!ᐊྀቅ࣪!ኦዞ੺!!ගၣ‫!૷ܠ‬ኦዞ੺

Ἀ忚ℍ枪⮾⣏⬠䘬㚨⼴ᶨ㫉㨇㚫ġ ⬠昊䈡刚ġ


Certificate IV in Business Diploma of Management Ἀ朆怠旧⽟厲⽟⓮⬠昊䘬䎮䓙:

1.⋿㽛㳚ⓗᶨ塓㚨⣂⣏⬠娵⎗䘬⓮㤕⬠昊 2.⋿㽛㳚ⓗᶨ㍸ὃ㚨檀慹柵䋶⬠慹䘬⓮㤕⬠昊 (攳㓦䓛婳ᷕ) 3.⋿㽛㳚ⓗᶨ㍸ὃ䔊㤕䓇ġ‘忚ℍ⣏⬠’䋶⬠慹䘬⓮㤕⬠昊 4.⋿㽛㳚ⓗᶨ㍸ὃ⃵屣⬠埻劙婆婚䦳䘬⓮㤕⬠昊. 5.⋿㽛㳚ⓗᶨ⋼≑⬠䓇⯙㤕,ㇻⶍ⨺⎰䘬⓮㤕⬠昊. Office: Level 1, 66 King William St. Adelaide. Phone: +61 8 82120990 Website: CRICOS: 03133G/RTO 40312

6.⋿㽛㳚ⓗᶨ㍸ὃẩ㤕⍫奨冯⮎佺㨇㚫䘬⓮㤕⬠昊. 7.⋿㽛㳚ⓗᶨ㍸ὃ䔊㤕䓇⃵屣⣏⬠婚䦳庼⮶䘬⓮㤕⬠昊.

䎦⛐⟙⎵, Ḵ㚰ℍ⬠ġ

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

" Ӯ་ள᫔



Gordon Cheng

Barristers & Solicitors, Notaries & Commissioners

˩Ⲅʑߡ㉐᠑ᙐञ͐㈀⦓⨢༆↲ 30౺ᘍയ⃻㊹ ᣅ෨ဏͧ‫ר‬Β⫯᱿૾ᏈሺՖ


ҝ⨢᠑ᙐᄽ˴ņӛᮝ⨢Ȯ⃌৤⨢Ȯቍ৤⨢ᆙȮᔘ˃⨢Ȯ⢒֬˴ᾀŇ ҝ⨢ʑߡ໼ଥ⫀⫢࿙ᓏএ⥅ሬȮ⊖ᆙሬȮҊὄ૑㇭এ⥅ሬȮ྆ₕ⿁⨢ᾀɺӡ᳈〦༆↲.

߸߽Ř1ST Floor, Pulteney Centre 186 Pulteney St, Adelaide SA 5000

ヅ⥾Ř8359 2526

" ࣸն

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ ᐊྀ‫!૷ܠ‬ცॣ፤!!ᐊྀቅ࣪!ኦዞ੺!!ගၣ‫!૷ܠ‬ኦዞ੺

" ་ฮள᫔

" ་ฮள᫔

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ ᐊྀ‫!૷ܠ‬ცॣ፤!!ᐊྀቅ࣪!ኦዞ੺!!ගၣ‫!૷ܠ‬ኦዞ੺

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ ᐊྀ‫!૷ܠ‬ცॣ፤!!ᐊྀቅ࣪!ኦዞ੺!!ගၣ‫!૷ܠ‬ኦዞ੺

" ་ฮள᫔

" ་ฮள᫔

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ ᐊྀ‫!૷ܠ‬ცॣ፤!!ᐊྀቅ࣪!ኦዞ੺!!ගၣ‫!૷ܠ‬ኦዞ੺

7RS /LIH⢑ࡓҩ


7RS /LIH㏵㗀⋯ ㏣Ԍળ( ᖟⴈ

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ʀᙹʊ֢ሳ‫ڱ‬ɺ᠑ᙐΎϨ‫ᦽٴٴ‬Top Life

᭔᫤ߊߡẌ‫ٴ‬ʑൔ ߸߽Ř122 Gouger St Adelaide (ծሷ㌽㇯㈀‫׿‬⣫10›᭔᫤ᅧ⠗ḽҙ) Tel: (61) 8 8410 8082 Mobile: 0433 330 260

⫀ᑨṠ ӷ᭔᫤

⠿㔰஌ɺᅺȮқᅺ ᧚ъⳤņʑ␿ᄽŇ

⠿㔰஌⎊㉕ⳤह㇯ (ծⱐ᛬Ȯᇓ㔄⿧Ș્ُ̇)

ӕසᅗ⬢ϊɿटқᇄⳤ 㓳⸉ᙹ୮Ȯల⸄ᅗ቏ȮञࡽḘ (ծ⿧ṠȮ્̦Ȯ࿲Ⲷᑨᾀ) ʽटఫं᧚ъߨ Grote Street ㈭ᛸ⬢ఱ

ᡞዻၔᐰ: 8410 8082

᭔᫤ᅧ⠗ḽ ఫߡల⠥㇯㈀


‫ڥ‬ ː ⠞ ᔎ ⠗ ⠞

ോߡቩ+Barossaⶮ⒜ ɺᅺⳤņʑ␿ᄽŇ

ࢡᅗ㈸ଛˁ ⁤ⴆɿᅺⳤ

෕ଛȮࣘᦲ቏ ⁤ⴆɺᅺⳤ


Gouger Street

᧚ъᑨṠ ɺℐ༌Ჵ

⫦⨹᯻㺂⽴ อ➝㲕⻲φ77$ ു䃔Ƚᔙᶧ䂧Ƚр⎭䂧Ƚ㤧䃔 *RXJHU 6W $GHODLGH 6$ ୆Ӱ㺍ऻᴿ冐但佞ੇ㾵 ㊩ 7HO )D[ 0RELOH 061 (PDLO DGHODLGHWUDYHO#KRWPDLO FRP ‫ޣ‬ཟ⠕ᾣ 㩛ѐᰬ䰪 ઞж㠩ઞӊ $0 30 ઞ‫ ޣ‬$0 30

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ ᐊྀ‫!૷ܠ‬ცॣ፤!!ᐊྀቅ࣪!ኦዞ੺!!ගၣ‫!૷ܠ‬ኦዞ੺

" ་ฮள᫔

" ˖‫ڍ‬ள᫔

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ ᐊྀ‫!૷ܠ‬ცॣ፤!!ᐊྀቅ࣪!ኦዞ੺!!ගၣ‫!૷ܠ‬ኦዞ੺

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ ᐊྀ‫!૷ܠ‬ცॣ፤!!ᐊྀቅ࣪!ኦዞ੺!!ගၣ‫!૷ܠ‬ኦዞ੺

" ຠԻள᫔

" ‫ڍ‬ᬄள᫔

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ


ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ


$ ීᢻ

$ ࣸն

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ


‫ځ‬ᄨཊᄨ՗‫ٶڃ‬Δਂੀ ‫כ‬2013α4˂2ˀ*ᗐஶᗘПཋ഼e Balaklava Price Kapunda

Port Victoria

Adelaide Hardwicke Bay

Port Vincent Edithburgh Port Willunga Coomandook

American River

Victor Harbor

ɐֺ྇͐॑޴ϳ‫ؿ‬Δਂੀ‫כ‬2013α4˂2ˀ*ᗐஶᗘПཋ഼‫ڌ‬໔e Ε஛ʨ˞‫܃‬c஛ԒΔਂੀ̋˿˞અνᅕᆦཋ഼‫ڌ‬໔eΣ‫׮‬੬ᑹӀτАΡๅௐc੬గ჏߬‫ݯ‬અνᅕᆦཋ഼Аๅௐe

҈‫܉‬ᅚ‫ك‬༞҈˿˞અνᅕᆦཋ഼ ? Σ‫׮‬੬˿˞ν‫ ޜ‬ABC2, SBS TWO, GO!, 7 TWO ֶ Eleven ፼༞c੬ɰ຤˿˞ν‫ޜ‬ᅕᆦཋ഼cಲ჏ʹ২ͨЄԑੱe

Σ‫҈׮‬ɺॶν‫ޜ‬஛Ԓ፼༞c҈჏߬২Ԓ‫ޅ‬ფ ? ᇼতϾc߬ᘗᙩν‫ޜ‬Л൒ཋ഼ຝ͌c੬჏߬i t ΕҰȹ஫Ԛ͂‫ؿ‬ᗘˈཋ഼ዀ˱உཋ഼௅ଝֶᅕᆦཋ഼፣ᄧዀhֶ t ȹ஫τʑສᅕᆦઅνኂ‫ؿ‬ณཋ഼ዀe ௖ࠇ߬‫ܰؿ‬cΣ‫׮‬੬ɺ෱ᑪൕณཋ഼‫ؿ‬໷c੬ܰಲ჏ᑪൕ‫ؿ‬e Εᔝ౒ϭᅕᆦ‫ڌ‬໔‫܃‬cɣ஫ͫ‫ؿ‬ʨᇃ՗டઅᇃ஭Ꮆ໮˿˞ᘗᙩԚ͂eಳϤcΣ‫ྦྷ׮‬અνʿࠍτͨЄဘਐc੬˿ ˞ϣᄬᇼႏ˿ʨᇃΪ໦Ɂࡗ‫ݯ‬੬Ꮞ݅ʨᇃ՗டઅᇃe Σ‫׮‬੬τͨЄԯˢਐᕀcֶ߬Ғఖగ‫ؿٶ‬ႏ˿ʨᇃΪ໦Ɂࡗcᇼ਄ቇ҈ࠨ‫ؿ‬၉ࠒֶߎཋ¥‫ݯ‬ᅕᆦཋ഼АΡๅௐ¦ ༅঩ਿᇃe၉ࠒɖԮௐ༅঩‫ؿ‬ᘭ̯e

ʌˀ‫ݯڏ‬ᅕᆦཋ഼АΡๅௐe *ᇼ؇෮iτԒ̟ᔪผ༖ξᗐஶ‫ڌ‬໔c஛Ԓ̟ᔪ‫ؿ‬ֈ̵ผᏵ੡τᗐᔝ౒ˀ౨‫ؿ‬஝‫ك‬eτᗐ໯ੱ˿਄ቇ၉ࠒe

ᗐ‫כ‬ΣЄ‫ݯ‬੬‫ؿ‬ΔਂАΡν‫ޜ‬ᅕᆦཋ഼‫ؿ‬ๅௐc Σ჏ఖұԾХֶҡ໯ୀ༅ࢿi

1800 20 10 13 DBCSOM7NP1_Chinese

Authorised by the Australian Government, Capital Hill, Canberra

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

$ ࣸն

CELEBRATE TODAY LIVE IT AGAIN TOMORROW Australia Day isn’t just about celebrating our beautiful beaches and wide-open spaces. It’s not just about celebrating our rich diversity of cultures, or the fact we take our sport more seriously than we take ourselves. And we’re not just celebrating because we have a day off to share with our family and friends. Wherever our personal stories begin, we’re celebrating on January 26, because tomorrow we get to live it all over again. To find out about celebrations near you, visit AUSTRALIADAY.ORG.AU

$ ௐ࠺

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

招財進寶儲蓄好 財源廣進賀新禧 定期存款 春節特惠




7 個月

借助我們為新春佳節特設的定期存款利率增加財富,創建美好未來。本利率在參與本活動的 分行限時提供給開設 BankSA 定期存新款賬戶的客戶,最低存款額 5,000 元,期滿付息。

與 BankSA 銀行共慶農曆新年,商談您的積累財富,創建美好未來大計,請即前往 Gouger Street 和 Magill 分行。 客戶須知 : 在作出決定前,請前往任何一間分行,或致電 13 13 76 索取《條款與條件》並仔細閱讀,考慮本產品是否適合您。本資訊以2013 年 1 月 25 日為準。*本利率提供給賬戶餘額由 $5,000 至 $5,000,000的客戶。僅在參加本活動的分行提供給私人或商業 客戶 (不提供給公司、機構或政府客戶 )。本利率不與獎賞利率或其他特惠利率同時提供,亦不能附加於任何獎賞利率或其他特惠利率之上。利率適用於單個定期存款期。到期續存的定期存款利率可能有所不同。BankSA – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714.

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

$ ௐ࠺

$ Ꮎᮻܸ‫ڠ‬

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

$ ࣸն

$ ࣸն

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

$ ‫ˬޠ‬

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ ᐊྀ‫!૷ܠ‬ცॣ፤!!ᐊྀቅ࣪!ኦዞ੺!!ගၣ‫!૷ܠ‬ኦዞ੺

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

$ ࣸն

$ ॱӯ˃ಜ

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ ᐊྀ‫!૷ܠ‬ცॣ፤!!ᐊྀቅ࣪!ኦዞ੺!!ගၣ‫!૷ܠ‬ኦዞ੺

$ ͳᐱ

$ ӧᐎ͗˃ಜ

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ




110 Crittenden Road, Findon SA 5023 08 8445 7355 - 08 8445 7399 08 8445 7399

Overseas Chinese Association Chinese Ethnic School. Established in 1980, with the aim of expanding the Chinese culture, the Overseas Chinese Association Ethnic Chinese School will continuously make an effort on nurturing new generations of outstanding Chinese children. Our school will set up 30 classes in the new term; we have morning sessions and afternoon sessions. Enrollment will be from reception to year 12, (textbook from 1 to 12). All who are interested in learning Chinese are welcome. School starting date: Saturday 2nd Feb, 2013 Morning session: Saturdays, 9:30am to 12:30pm (with 15 minutes recess in between.) Afternoon session: Saturdays, 1pm to 3:50pm (with 15 minutes recess in between.) School fees: $60 for half year ($30 each term); textbook & exercise books are free. School location: 110 Crittenden Road Findon SA 5023 Tel: (08) 8445 7355- (08) 8445 7399 Fax: (08) 8445 7399 N.B. The school provides a canteen for students to purchase drinks during recess.

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ ᐊྀ‫!૷ܠ‬ცॣ፤!!ᐊྀቅ࣪!ኦዞ੺!!ගၣ‫!૷ܠ‬ኦዞ੺

$ ܷӡˆႌ

$ ͓᫋

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ ᐊྀ‫!૷ܠ‬ცॣ፤!!ᐊྀቅ࣪!ኦዞ੺!!ගၣ‫!૷ܠ‬ኦዞ੺

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ ᐊྀ‫!૷ܠ‬ცॣ፤!!ᐊྀቅ࣪!ኦዞ੺!!ගၣ‫!૷ܠ‬ኦዞ੺

$ ஠ߥ

$ ၶา


ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ ᐊྀ‫!૷ܠ‬ცॣ፤!!ᐊྀቅ࣪!ኦዞ੺!!ගၣ‫!૷ܠ‬ኦዞ੺

‫۾‬ ࢐

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ

$ ႂॕ



$ ϣऔᎾᮻ

ᑈ ᳜ ᮹᯳ᳳѨ ᐊྀ‫!૷ܠ‬ცॣ፤!!ᐊྀቅ࣪!ኦዞ੺!!ගၣ‫!૷ܠ‬ኦዞ੺

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