Book 7

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It MUST Expand project Book


P ro j e c t D e v e l o p m e n t & F i n a l s

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals


Background 202

The main development that was needed in this project was the development of the idea. The concept and how to apply it. As design ethics is a very complex issue, it required a lot of thought and consideration. This is why the vast majority of my research is written and theory based, because what took the most time was developing the idea. My thinking on this topic was first provoked when given the opportunity to choose any question for an essay in the latter part of third year. The question chosen was ‘The power of design; The influence of propaganda’. This interest came from spending time in South Africa and lear ning about the history of the country particularly the Apartheid regime and the effective use of posters and design during the struggles. Coming into fourth year I was very keen to continue much deeper into this area. In my initial research I referred mainly to three books ‘Good: An Introduction to ethics in Graphic Design’ by Lucienne Roberts, ‘Citizen Designer: Perspectives on Design Responsibility’ by Steven Heller & Veronique V ienne

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

and ‘Looking Closer Four: Critical Writings on Graphic Design’ by Michael Bierut, W illiam Drenttel. Another primary inspiration for the project was ‘First Things First Manifesto’ by Ken Garland. These are all challenging, inspiring and thought provoking. These helped me to gain a basis and see how to go forward. Books 3 was the basis, that helped me to gain an understanding that this was an issue. To start grappling with philosophies and theories of society, culture and design. Having referred to a lecture in a previous essay, on the use of methods of communication and how they’ve changed over time, retur ning to this meant much further research behind the lecture. Reading Baudillard’s Simulation and Simulacra and others, brought deeper thought and analysis about the very meaning of communication, society and relationships. Conclusions from this meant a much more serious attitude towards visual communication and it’s power over society. Book 4 was the next step, to look at other responses from the design world

to this situation, to see how some designer s were putting these challenges and theories into practice. There are a few approaches taken from a ‘go and do likewise’ attitude, to a five point pledge detailing to give 10% of your working week to a purely beneficial project. Conclusions taken from this area of research, was to aim for something that had the ability to spread easily, not to confine people to o nly giving 10% a week, to challenge people to change their entire way of thinking. It needs to be much bigger and deeper to actually inspire change, yet simple and compact enough to easily spread; something that’s easy and exciting to pass on. Book 5 was the market research after establishing an idea, there were a lot of practicalites still to iron out and decide upon. I contacted people in two batches the first being more formal, MP’s and national design organisations. The second was to design companies, ethical o rganisations and individual designer s. This helped solidify conclusions and see the next steps forward.

Book 6 was the next step, to look in detail at contemporary examples of design, to examine how the media was communicating to society through advertising, political and advocacy campaigns. Conclusions from this were that campaigns were possible they had definite effect and had mileage. It gave credence to the decisions so far.

Summary: – B o ok 3 wa s th e ph i l o s o phy ba s i s a n d s ta r t i n g p o i n t , re c o g n i s i n g th e i m pa c t o f a v i s u a l c u l t u re . – B o ok 4 wa s l o ok i n g a t o th e r e th i c a l d e s i g n e r s to s e e h ow th e y a p p roa ch th e s e i s s u e s . – B o ok 5 wa s th e m a rke t re s e a rch , c o n ta c t i n g o rg a n i s a t i o n s a n d d e s i g n e r s . T h i s h e l p e d i n s ol i d i f y i n g c o n c e p t s a n d c o n cl u s i o n s e s p e c i a l l y th e i n te r v i e w w i th Kalle Lasn. – B o ok 6 wa s th e n e x t s te p i n l o ok i n g a t th e p ra c i ta l o u t p u t o f a d vo c a cy c a m pa i g n s a n d h ow th e y we re d e s i g n e d .

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals


Initial Development 404

These first pages were the very first pages created, these pages were me simply getting all my ideas down on paper to help get my head around it all. 1st Page: Establishing areas of interest; The power of design – how much does it influence? who/where/when. 2nd Page: Examples to Investigate; Banksy, Propaganda – South Africa, Russian, WWII, contemporary revolutions. Coke, Nestle, Nike, McDonalds, Fairtrade, Obama, Help Japan Poster, Political campaigns, Public Service campaigns. 3rd Page: Inital quotes found, some have been kept, some were left behind. The next page is a mind map, placing all the images/quotes/thoughts/theories and philosophies already thought of. This really helped in understanding all the areas and where the next step should be. I continued to research into all these areas further, which led to all the previous research books.

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals


Book Design Research/ Development 606

The page to the right is the plan of all these books, splitting all my research into the different areas. Dividing it all into appropriate books. As for the design of these, I needed a landscape format to accommodate the A3 pages that I used. I also wanted a very clear structured layout of the pages, to help those reading see a clear path through this process. The three columns gave the structure to use a lot of writing and easily add in images, that could stay within the layout. I could also add in bold interesting headings and summaries to break up the book, but still adhere to a very clear structure.

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

Pack Design Development

All the areas of development are:

The Pack.

The Project Name.

The whole aim of the project to encourage people to think, that the idea is small and easy to pass on, yet very profound.

The Logo/Branding. The Website.

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals


For the project name I retur ned to the

The scope of debate is shrinking; it

‘the scope of debate is shrinking’. It

start looking at the First Things First Manifesto by Ken Garland.

must expand. Consumerism is running uncontested; it must be challenged by other perspectives expressed, in part, through the visual languages and resources of design.”

also reflects the concept of designers not thinking critically and needing to think more about their work and it’s impact. That the whole debate needs to continually grow and develop.

Looking at the conclusion in the last paragraph, “We propose a reversal of priorities in favour of more useful, lasting and democratic forms of communication – a mind shift away from product marketing and toward the exploration and production of a new kind of meaning.


The words that stood out were ‘a new kind of meaning’, ‘it must expand’ and ‘it must be challenged’. I chose ‘It Must Expand’, as it really connects with the project, in saying that

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

The first page was developing other

The second page are the initial

aspects of the concept, of using other adjectives to use in the branding, different graphics could be created for each of the titles.

sketches of the logo, primarily using the visual analogy of expanding, using arrows, this could possibly become a feature.

Expand, Increase, Develop, Advance, Progress, Thrive, Enhance, Build, Spread, Extend, Grow.

I’ve circled the ones to take forward and develop further.

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals


As for the style of the branding, I

even black and white to be as plain as

It also has a thinner sans serif style, as

wanted to establish before starting to apply colour and developing the branding further.


for the second stage, I took the chosen one forward as it has a more compact look with the one arrow – one ‘exit’, one area to expand.

The style must reflect the concept of the project – It should be simple; a simple idea that can expand, so simple colours and font should be used to reflect that. – Maybe a one colour design, maybe

The second page is taken from illustrator where I further developed the logo applying all the concepts mentioned earlier. I began by trying different fonts, I chos e the fourth one down as it had a good style, it has a plain style and isn’t a well known one like some of the others tried here, like Arial, Verdana and Myriad.

The third stage I chose the last one with the thinner arrow as it’s simpler style better reflects the concept. It also forms an almost square shape, forming a very simple geometric shape, as well as the words forming a square shape.

It Must Expand

It Must Expand

It Must Expand

It Must Expand

It Must Expand

It Must Expand

It Must Expand

It Must Expand It Must Expand It Must Expand It Must Expand It Must Expand It Must Expand It Must Expand It Must Expand


Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

It Must Expand

It Must Expand

It Must Expand ItMust Expand

It Must Expand

It Must Expand

It Must Expand

After decided upon the logo, I move d onto developing the brand further by making banners for the website. I used the list of words chosen earlier and applied them to the branding. Though after these, I realised I could take it further, for each of the words I could develop the analogy further by reflecting the specific meaning of each word. So I developed these banners on the right, which I am much happier with, they reflect a much stronger idea, a stronger concept. This style and branding could be utilised much further in the style of the rest of the pack and project including the website. Which I moved onto next.

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals


The next stage was to develop the

This is the second stage of the website,

website, this was the first stage, I h ad to develop and publish the website very quickly so I used a website builder

I’d gradually added pages, developing the pages to include quotes in the landing page, to help introduce the topic further.

Using a developing a template, to fit in with the project’s branding, a developed this site. At first I had 5 pages.


Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

I applied the banners developed earlier,

The third page is for the pack, for

again I added quotes to the side of this page to add interest to the site.

the moment I had added a message saying that the pack wasn’t completed yet and to keep up with the blog in the meantime, to follow the project’s progression.

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals


The fourth page is the blog that now

The fifth page is for the available

has a considerable amount of content, documenting the development of the project.

downloads, I added the completed research books so that anyone following or interested in the project can see the complete process. They can read all the philosophy, ideas and research that led to where the project is.


Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

The sixth page I renamed as examples

The is a simple contact form, so that

instead of links, as I wasn’t affiliated with the other projects. I also wanted it to link in with all the research of the project.

anyone can contact me directly, with questions of comments. I won’t add the capability to order the pack on this page I’ll have another section that is specifically for ordering the pack.

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals


The next stage of the project after

I don’t want it to just look like a letter

The second page has the initial ideas,

developing the logo, branding and website, was the pack. The pack must contain; one pack with the main thought process, one book with workshop templates and promotional items.

of be a normal A4 size, I want it to look different, to stand out. As the whole point of the project is that this is a different idea, a different approach. So it needs to be a different design. Because this pack will be ordered individually, it’s a bespoke item, and will be expected to arrive in the post. It would also be sent to offices during working hours so could be collected and doesn’t need to be able to be posted.

I was inspired when I saw a cd sleeve that I own with a pull out. I thought the idea could be used be show the expanding of the pack in some way.

The pack needs to be postable and not weigh too much, I found the average size of a letter box, which I decided was too small and I didn’t want to confine the pack to being that size.


Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

Maybe if there were trays holding the different items, that would expand out. There could be multiple trays all sitting on top of one another and really make it a feature.

This pag e shows the next stages of

fold up around the trays. These panels

These photos are of the first attempts

the pack, continuing on the idea of the trays expanding out. I could have four trays stacked so that they expand out in every direction. These four trays would also create a cube shape, reflect ing the logo. Further emphasising that simple geometric shape.

could also fold out, again showing the concept of expanding outwards.

at creating the idea so far, I wanted to see if the concept even worked. To see if any problems came up in making it.

I will also need a covering to protect the trays and give the pack a better structure as it wouldn’t be strong enough. There could side panels that

The panels could also act as a covering for the box, to make it appear more simple and plain, more unassuming. On opening the pack it would become more complex and even the detail would expand.

There were no problems in the production of it.

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals


Below are more photos of the first

These photos are the second attempt,

At the same time as all this I was

attempt at producing the box, I found no problems in producing it, though I had more ideas about developing th e design further.

here I tried making four boxes to see if the shape worked, and if the structure could hold the four trays on top of each other. It can.

figuring out how to produce the research books. I’ve decided to bind them myself using the screw post technique, using a card or wooden spine to convey the idea of the project being hand made and personal – to reflect the personal jour ney this has been to reaching these conclusions.

The other point from this was making the top into triangles to neatly join together at the top, also creating four arrows that fold out as it expands.


Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

The next stage was trying to con struct

leafs at the sides were too short and I

graphics would be and what would go

a box wi th proper card, this was very thick card, at 2mm. I wanted to see how well the box would fit together, being made out of thicker card.

had to adjust the score lines. Another problem was when scored, because of the thickness it would tear and expose the yellow filing of the card, which didn’t look too nice.


It gave a very strong structure, though I had problems with the sizes as I didn’t account for the thickness of the card, so the trays didn’t properly fit, and the

I was happy with the graphics I had tried, the next stage was to try thinner card, to see if that could still support the structure.

Overall there weren’t any problems, once it was finished I started sketching on it to try out ideas of where the

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals


In making it out of thinner card it was

When making the trays I was aware the

working much better, there wasn’t the same problems as with the thicker card, it didn’t expose an ugly line when scored. It would also be much easier to account for the thickness.

there was nothing to stop them being pulled right out, and it might be good t o find a way to stop the trays coming all the way out. I simply added string to stop them coming all the way out, I found that one piece worked better as it took up a lot more space having two pieces to


Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

squash behind the box Overall I was much happier with this box, the dimensions working a lot better, as well as the card looking much nicer.

The following stage was to try designing

might tweak some bits, like inside the

My idea for attaching the top leafs to

all the panels, I drew up the sketches I had done in illustrator.

leafs the fold up, I think that typography could be a lot stronger.

the top, is to get adhesive magnets to make it snap together on top.

I printed them to stick on the previous box I had made, to see if the idea worked.

I think I’ll still need to make the leafs a little longer to fit snugly, also the trays will need to made a little shallower to fit nicely into the trays.

The next stage is to put them on and see if it works.

I’m very happy with the way they look I

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals



I ordered adhesive magnetic sheets

time as that should add a thinner layer

enough space for the folds, I’ll cut

online that I can easily cut to size.

of glue.

them back further to make as easy as possible for the magnets to sit together.

I stuck these to the top and the leafs some of the strength of the magnets was lost when paper and glue was added at the end to cover up the magnets. I just used pva to stick it quickly, I’ll use spray mount the next

The sizing was also affected further with the thickness of the magnet, I’ll need to adjust the sizing of the leafs. I’ll also need to adjust the sizes I cut the magnets to, because there wasn’t

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

These photos are of a method of a

This is the initial prototype, I still

These techniques particularly apply to

cyclical folding technique, it is two squares of paper stuck together in the cor ners, folding on certain lines.

needed to fully understand the technique and develop the concept.

steps 3 and 4 in my box. As they are suitable as promotional items, and good and intrigueing and grabbing attention.

This method instantly appealed to me as the cyclical fashion, reflected the theory of the project continueing and developing.

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals


Here are tw o other techniques called

The second is a tetrahexaflexagon

Similar to the last page these appealed


similarly made of two strips, that create and a hexagon cyclical method.

to me with the cyclical patter n. I also need to develop this further and try different patter ns

The first is a tetratetraflexagon and made out of two strips of steps folding together to create a square cyclical method the folds in on itself.


Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

This is the continued development of

The other photos are the first attempt

This method took me much longer to

the first method, here I made it with cardboard to more clearly see how the method worked.

at applying graphics to the method, you can see in the top left image that I made a mistake and the words didn’t match up.

figure out as I was developing concpet myself after seeing the technique somewhere else.

I realised exactly where the folds were and was able to further develop the concept.

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals


I was looking for an interesting idea

The top image in the middle shows the

Likewise I needed to develop this

for step 1, my idea was for it to be a booklet. As it would display the main thought process, it would also act as an introduction to the pack.

booklet folding out, this gave me the opportunity to have a larger image or something else on the reverse.

further and work out all the foldings and paganation.

This idea was developed with a friends help was a way of folding a larger piece of paper down into a booklet.


Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

I also needed to adapt and develoop the text to fill this to fit the pages.

After writing a block of text and figuring

After printing it to how it worked in

out the right paganation, I applied it to the booklet.

more detail I drew on the back poss ible ideas to have to create a kind of poster .

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals



These images are the further

I needed to figure out quite a lot with

The square one was quite awkward as

development of steps 3 and 4. Here I was refining the idea, and working out some hitches like trying many many different paper weights, to see whic h worked the best and which would last the longest.

the square flexagon, (also I decided not to take the hexagon one forward as the square shapes fitted better with the branding of the project)

when folded it often crumpled the paper and the thinkness affected that but it needed to be strong paper given the nature of the folds.

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

Step 3 was the last one left to develop

I designed the zoomed out image to

The cards on the left are cue cards that

this step was to produce a workshop, that could be used in design agencies. The larger image on the right is a screen shot from the presentation software prezi.

be an arrow and each step getting gradually larger (expanding).

will be contained in the box, they would accompany the presentation.

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals


This presentation (with screen shots of some of the stages here) is designed to be used by anyone in a design agency. The presentation has many steps to it, the user is able to jump between sections as desired. If the workshop is done in full it could take a full day, depending on how thoroughly the participants took part in the tasks near the end. This step is the most important in the project’s progression, as this discussion is hopefully where your average designer would start to grapple with these issues. It is in discussion and debate with other designers that change can happen, that is where people will honestly think. I mere poster/booklet isn’t good enough. Campaigns grow and develop in communities encouraging them.


Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

There are a few changes to the website

I also need to update the Issuu books

When the pack is completed I’ll develop

(pages s hown here) i’d like to make, I’d like to amend the wording of the home an d about pages to reflect more a campaign than a website about a student’s project.

embedded, I think I will also add my competition briefs just for the assessment so all my work is contai ned on one site, I’ll remove them for the opening of the degree show.

the page for the pack. It will need to showcase the pack in an intrigueing way in order to entice the individual to ordering one.

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals



I am very happy with how this project

creating ‘situations’ to challenge and

as developed and changed, I’ve found this whole project to be a personal jour ney in struggling with these issues. That’s why it’s so important that others do the same, because that is what has challenged me in a significant way and caused me to seriously question visual communication as a whole.

interupt people’s live with something different can be very effective and this is shown in the public’s response to his work, as he’s had people hugging and thanking him for actually quite a simple act of putting up poetry instead of an advert.

In engaging with the philosophy of Baudrillard, and considering the meaning of images and their influence. The way the media has used images has been detrimental to society, it has caused people to communicate in different ways, that relationships and community have fundamentally changed. The media can be seriously damaging to relationships. This type of effect caused me to question whether my career choice was a good one, could I really benefit society with graphic design? The work of Robert Montgomery had a significant impact on my thinking (featured in Book 6). His approach similar to that of The Situationists in


Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

If we are to counter the negative impact of images, they need to countered and attacked, the system needs to change the debate must grow and expand into new possibilities and ideas. Jan Van Toor n articulates my sentiment well, “If ever an alter native is proposed, it will have to arise from within society of the real subsumption and demonstrate all the contradictions at the heart of it.” It must expand.

The Pack – Box Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals



Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals


The Pack – Step 1 36

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Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals


The Pack – Step 2 38

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Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals


The Pack – Step 3 40

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The Pack – Step 4 42

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Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals


Website 44

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Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals



Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals



Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals



Book 6, It Must Expand Project – Project Development & Finals

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