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New event hall at Tillypark



Author Marike van der Ben, NÜSSLI Group, CH – 8536 Hüttwilen, www.nussli.com Photos Manfred Jahreiss

Sports fans, culture lovers, and visitors to events in Nuremberg, Germany have been looking forward to this for a long time: After construction works lasting around a year, the hall at Tillypark has been available for sports and cultural events with up to 4,000 spectators since August. As a turnkey provider, NUSSLI was responsible for the entire largescale project, including planning services on the 25,000 m² site.

The event hall with a building area of 91 by 55 m and grandstands installed on all sides can accommodate up to 4,000 persons. One of them is a telescopic standing grandstand and can be retracted if required. This creates space that can be used for a stage at a concert or larger gatherings.

Built within 14 months The team from NUSSLI Germany fulfilled the City of Nuremberg‘s requirement for a multifunctional hall that was both functional and suitable for a wide range of sports, yet affordable and quick to build, and constructed it within 14 months. With its „chameleon façade“ made of green and brown slats and the large glass front, the exterior of the hall looks premium and modern. For various cultural and sporting events of all scales, up to Bundesliga level The multifunctional use of the event hall was already the focus during planning. The requirements for the building were correspondingly high, which is why the versatile arena had to be planned and designed with the necessary foresight. A two-story annex building with several functional rooms runs parallel to the event hall. The entire hall with foyer and VIP area is fully air-conditioned in line with the state of the art. A training hall is also located between the professional dressing rooms and the hall.

In addition to the basketball and handball teams, the badminton, futsal, hockey, and volleyball clubs will also have an

ideal playing environment in the new Nuremberg hall. In the future, the competitions of the wrestling and dance clubs, as well as rhythmic gymnastics, will also take place here. A special ventilation system ensures that no draughts disturb the sporting action.

Innovative lighting technology for a wide variety of events To ensure that every event – both sporting and cultural – takes place in the best possible light, NUSSLI‘s partner company Lanz Manufaktur Germany GmbH designed and implemented a high-performance LED lighting system. This innovative lighting technology illuminates the games and competitions with glare- and shadow-free functional light. In addition, the floodlights illuminate the arena in all colours and provide accent and show lighting using a single installation. Hence, this innovative lighting system cuts down on the amount of equipment required for concert organizers, and meets the high requirements for both sports and cultural events.

Rapid realization. From drawing board to inauguration in less than two years Just two years lie between the initial idea for the sports and culture hall and its completion. Contributing to this quick completion of the planning and implementation were in particular the authorities, experts, specialist planners, as well as the client, the City of Nuremberg, represented by WBG KOMMUNAL, who worked on and expedited this important and urgent project in a targeted fashion. Also deserving mention: The budget of around 40 million euros was adhered to. The experience and project management of the turnkey provider NUSSLI Germany as well as the construction method utilizing largely prefabricated components also contributed to allowing the versatile Kia Metropol Arena to be realized within such a short period of time.

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