Developing Non-permanent Workers In Singapore

Page 36

De Wei also talks about his motivation to keep his living expenses low. This interprets to limiting his interest in getting better paying or permanent work, which he feels will not necessarily last. You make more you have to pay more. … That’s why, because of the rental, make me no confidence to work in permanent job….I doesn’t want CPF. Because once I take my CPF, this job the pay is high. My rent will bounce up, but it won’t come down again. So this is what the difficulty I have, you understand or not?(De Wei) All six lifestylers are stagnating, and those over 50 years old (33%, n=2) were not intending to leave this work arrangement or look for other types of employment, citing age discrimination. The younger lifestylers were thinking about seeking different jobs or qualifications, but were either not actively trying or finding that the paper work for subsidised training is too complex and the Career Development Centres unhelpful. Luqman: I want to take course, for tower crane course. That is my dream. Until now, I never get the course…. Luqman’s spouse: He actually tried to apply through CDC for the crane operator course but they say they already submit but there is no reply from them to say that he is selected for the course and things like that…. Because we no longer under them, we don’t know how to go about it. To actually just enrol on our own, can but it costs a lot. It is 3000 for the course itself. Luqman: it is not under CDC, it is under WDA.” Luqman’s spouse: It is thousand plus, payable a thousand plus only.” For this group, it appears their motivations, stemming largely from socio-economic factors, do not lay a foundation to easily enable integrated practice to grow.

3.4. Lifestage Our lifestagers (n=16) were made up of people who were prioritising non-work circumstances at the time of the interview. Many of these people had caring responsibilities for young children or aging parents (n=7), were semi-retired (n=7), or were interested in travelling (n=2). The amount of work that this group was interested in pursuing depended largely on balancing a need for income and their non-work circumstances. They were not necessarily interested in doing “easy” work.

Developing non-permanent workers in Singapore


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