5. The structure of Singapore’s industrial policy logic Given that Singapore’s industrial policy covers multiple instruments and levels, the analysis of the intervention logic of ITP needs to cover the links of ITP to higher-level industrial and economic policies (into which the ITP is integrated) as well as lower levels of the ITMs and specific pillars – thematic areas of ITMs interventions that should bring about the realisation of the ITP. Therefore, these different levels of the intervention logic can be represented as a pyramid going from more abstract and higher levels of policy formulation to more specific, lower levels of policy implementation. Based on previous analysis it is presumed, that the different layers of policy discourse both historically as well as more recently are based on a similar underlying logical model/mental representation, mostly resembling that of growth accounting framework model. Such interpretation is made due to the use in policy discourse of goals and indicators that resemble elements of this highest-level model and correlates to the discussion in literature as well as broader policy discourse. The rest of lower-level policy initiatives and interventions feed into realising this highest level intervention logic.
Chart 2. The hierarchy of industrial policy concepts in Singapore Underlying theoretical model (item I)
Aggregate productivity growth model (item II)
Industry specific productivity growth model (item III)
Generic industrial policy interventions (item IV)
Industry-specific industrial policy interventions (item V)
Industry Transformation Programme (item VI)
Industry Transformation Map(s) (item VII)
Vertical coordination activities (item VIII)
Horizontal coordination activities (IX)
I. Growth accounting framework (historical-theoretical basis)