Innovation @ Google (KMWorld webinar)

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Welcome to KMWorld Magazine Sponsored Event

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Andy Moore Publisher KMWorld Magazine

Google Confidential and Proprietary


Innovation @ Google: A Day in the Life

Google Confidential and Proprietary


Naveen Viswanatha Sales Engineer Google Enterprise

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Innovation @ Google

Naveen Viswanatha Sales Engineer Google Enterprise

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Innovation @ Google

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Google’s mission

To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Online content

Billions of web pages

Offline content

Billions of items becoming indexed Google Confidential and Proprietary

Google Overview

Current Index: Employees:

World's largest search engine 16,000+ many of whom are technical / engineering

Search Market Share:

More than 62% of worldwide search page views1

Enterprise Customers:

More than 15,000 customers to date

Office Locations: International:

More than 40 offices worldwide including Mountain View, New York, Boston, London, Tokyo, Hamburg, Paris, and Milan 109 interface languages and 113 international domains

1 MediaMetrix (June 2005)

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Internet Evolution Information

Distribution & Communication

Network & Platform Publish

Talk Trade Buy Read

1994 Users

1998 77M







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Google Has Evolved with the Internet











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Innovation is at the Core of Google’s Competitiveness

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Fostering Innovation @ Google

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Sergey’s Resource Allocation Rule


Search, Ads, Apps Search Quality Crawl/Indexing AdWords / AdSense Google Apps



Strong potential Blogger Picasa News Pack

10 10%

Wild and Crazy Offline Ads Google WiFi Google Transit

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International Collegiate Programming Competitions

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Google’s Engineering Centers

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Flatten management structure

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Google Confidential and Proprietary

Iterative design, constant improvement

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Try new ways of doing things

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Generate, prize & encourage people to act on new ideas

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Google Confidential and Proprietary

Innovation Is a Collaborative Process

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Collaboration Enables Innovation

Google Confidential and Proprietary

My first week’s task



• Just hired into Google Engineering • Top-secret Killer App Product for Google Apps • Design the Authentication Services / Interfaces • Enable partners and customers to integrate into their environments

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••Familiar, Familiar,Google-like Google-likeinterface interface ••First Firstresult resultisishighly highlyrelevant relevant

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Google Confidential and Proprietary

••Attempt Attemptto tofind findan anexpert expertin in the thecompany company

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••Result Resultthat thatlooks lookslike likeaa sponsored sponsoredlink linkin inGoogle Google ••Special Specialsearch searchfor for experts? experts?

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Welcome, naveenv

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Google Confidential and Proprietary

••Resume Resumewith withdetails detailson on all allprojects projects

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••Search Searchas asyou youtype type

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••Take Takenotes notesof of all alllearned learnedso so far far ••Accessing Accessing doc docfrom fromthe the web webbrowser browser ••Edit Edit&&share share with with colleagues colleagues

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Google Confidential and Proprietary

Naveen Viswanatha

••Colleague’s Colleague’s inbox inbox–– invitation invitationto to the thedocument document

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••Determining Determining whether whetherEric Eric Haugh Haughisis online online… … (he’s (he’snot) not)

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••Need Needto toview viewhis his calendar to schedule calendar to schedule meeting meeting ••Still Stillin inbrowser browser… …

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••Each Eachperson’s person’s calendar calendarisisdifferent different color color Google Confidential and Proprietary

••Meeting Meetingscheduled scheduled

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••Need Needto tofind find conference conferenceroom room

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••Cadiz Cadizconference conferenceroom roomisis available available(green) (green)

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••Want Wantto toopen openup upthe thenotes notes doc doc

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••All Alldocuments documentssearchable searchable ••No Noneed needfor for hierarchical hierarchicalfolders folders

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••Search-as-you-type Search-as-you-type

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••Can Cansee seewho whoelse else isisediting editing document document(real(realtime) time)

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••Real-time Real-timeupdate update by bycolleague colleague

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••Pretty Prettyhappy happywith with progress progressso sofar far ••Need Needto tocheck checkemail email

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••Table Tabletennis tennistournament? tournament? ••Cool Cool(!) (!) … …need needto tofind find out outmore more

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••Invitation Invitationlink linkto to spreadsheet spreadsheet

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Tong Liu

••Still Stillin inbrowser browser… … ••10+ 10+people peoplecurrently currently editing spreadsheet editing spreadsheet ••Spotted Spottedfriend friend(Mike (Mike Chiu) currently Chiu) currentlyediting editing

••Shows Showswhich whichcells cellsbeing being edited edited Google Confidential and Proprietary

Tong Liu

••Chat Chatreal realtime timewith withfriend friend ••Make Makedecision decisionto tosign signup up

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Innovation = Discovery + Collaboration (+ Fun!)

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Innovation = discovery + collaboration Web Google Apps Snippets Ideas


Google Search Appliance People Others


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Innovation = discovery + collaboration Databases

Team Edition

Google Search Appliance

••Can Canbe beany anyset setof of repositories repositories Google Confidential and Proprietary

Google Sites: New way to share information

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Google Confidential and Proprietary

Archive This event will be archived for 90 days, go to: Learn more about Google go to: www.

Thank you for participating in today’s web event Just by attending this event you could win this Apple iPod Nano Winner to be announced March 31st

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Thank You!

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