International Alliance of Law Firms New Member Orientation

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Welcome to the International Alliance of Law Firms: A New Member Orientation


Your law firm is a member of The International Alliance of Law Firms, a leading association of independent law firms. The Alliance is one of the world’s most highly regarded legal networks and Alliance member firms are among the leading independent firms in their jurisdiction.

Your firm’s membership provides you

In addition to the referrals you may

What Your Firm’s Membership

with outstanding opportunities for

receive from other Alliance member

in The Alliance Means

accessing global legal resources and

firms, an invaluable benefit of

Membership in the Alliance not

can enhance the value you provide to

membership is the confidence you

only provides your firm with an

your clients.

have in knowing that the clients you

unmatched competitive advantage,

refer to top-tier member firms around

it benefits you through:

As business continues to cross borders at increasing rates and companies extend their footprints around the globe, your clients need legal services

the world will be provided the same level of high-quality service that your firm would provide.

in a growing number of jurisdictions.

You may have already discovered the

The Alliance provides members with

myriad of benefits that the Alliance

a trusted network of premier law firms

offers member firms and their lawyers.

that share similar values and a similar

If not, this guide can introduce you

focus on quality through which they

to the resources of the association

can access top-notch legal resources

and provide an overview of the many

for serving clients’ needs around the

ways that the Alliance can help you

globe. Through the Alliance network,

in your practice. If you have any

you can connect clients to the best

questions about the organization,

local market knowledge and expertise

you can:

in more than 40 countries. Moreover, when your clients need legal services in multiple jurisdictions, you can turn to the Alliance to assemble unparalleled multi-jurisdictional expertise and coordinate seamless solutions for cross-border matters,

• Get in touch with one of your firm’s primary Alliance contacts listed in the Directory of Members or on the Alliance website—see • Contact the Alliance headquarters

transactions or disputes. The ability to

staff at executivedirectors@

offer clients top-notch legal services

practically anywhere on the globe and seamless cross-border solutions are a powerful competitive advantage for you and your firm.



• Extensive global legal resources to complement your service • Opportunities for incoming referrals and a network of top-notch firms to handle your clients’ needs in other jurisdictions • Networking and business development opportunities; and • Continuing education opportunities

Access to Outstanding Global Legal Resources

Membership in the Alliance puts the

Free Advice Policy

Lawyers requesting the temporary use

resources of 60+ full-service law

One of the most important benefits

of office space should state so after

firms, and more than 2200 lawyers

of membership is the access to free

introducing themselves as a lawyer

in 40 countries at your fingertips. In

advice. Any lawyer at an Alliance

at an Alliance member firm. You can

addition, more important than sheer

member firm can contact lawyers at

arrange for office support through the

size, Alliance law firms are excellent

another Alliance member firm free

member firm delegates listed in the

top-tier firms in their jurisdictions.

advice. Free advice includes general

Alliance Directory of Members.

You can seek advice and counsel, share best practices and ideas, and establish rapport with lawyers at these firms in many ways, including:

discussions of the status of law or other issues and should generally take less than 30 minutes. Lawyers requesting free advice should state so after introducing themselves as a lawyer at an Alliance member firm. Requests free advice may be made to a member firm’s delegates listed in the Directory of Members, who would then respond to the request or locate the appropriate person in the firm to respond.

Enhanced Client Service If you have a client with legal needs in another jurisdiction, you can call upon an Alliance member firm with confidence. The Alliance member firms are leaders in their jurisdictions, and you can feel confident that an Alliance member firm will provide your clients with the same level of service that your firm provides. At the same time, there is no requirement to refer a matter to another Alliance firm;

Free Office Policy

you are free to do whatever is in the

Another important benefit of

best interest of the client.

membership is our “Free Office Policy,” which effectively gives you access to over 100 offices worldwide. If you are traveling to another jurisdiction and need the temporary use of an office, a meeting room, or office equipment, you can turn to an Alliance member firm. The “Free Office Policy” states, “Member firms will make available, within reason, to

Our broad international coverage provides you and your clients with access to quality lawyers “on the ground” in most major commercial jurisdictions. All member firms are indigenous, locally-based law firms. As a result, they have developed the expertise and contacts most necessary in their jurisdictions.

all lawyers at member firms: offices, conference rooms, telephones, fax machines, and secretarial support.”


While remaining independent, each member law firm shares a remarkable dedication to client service. Our methods for promoting quality include but are not limited to:

Service Standards

Rigorous Recruiting Procedures

The Alliance holds four conferences

Each Alliance member adheres to

Member firms are admitted only after

annually, including three regional

a general philosophy of providing

substantial due diligence. Potential

meetings and an Annual General

excellent service, as well as to

members are evaluated on quality,

Meeting. In addition, there are

specific Service Standards in serving

responsiveness, ability to provide a

four quarterly conference calls for

both clients and other members.

full range of legal services, reputation,

each region, which provide another

Our Service Standards set forth

technology, management structure,

opportunity for firms to get to know

procedures that member firms put in

ethical standards, conflict-avoidance

one another. There are also several

place to ensure rapid and effective

procedures, size, court admissions

active practice groups, including

responses to requests from clients

and other criteria.

and from members, consistency and

• Employment Group

well-managed handling at matters,

Membership Compliance Review

and effective uses of technology for

Membership in The Alliance is not

delivering client service. Compliance

permanent. The Alliance employs an

• International Tax Group

to the Service Standards is necessary

annual membership review process to

• International Trusts & Estates Group

in order for clients and members to

ensure members remain in compliance

retain confidence in the consistency

with member requirements.

and high level of service of all Alliance member firms. It is imperative that each firm lawyer and firm professional who handles Alliance matters be familiar with and comply

Networking Opportunities Alliance member firms are predisposed to working together and frequently turn to fellow member

• Intellectual Property & Information Technology Group

• Latin America Group • Litigation Group • Real Estate Group • Law Firm Marketing Directors Group

firms for referrals and joint business

These groups may hold stand-alone

development opportunities. By

meetings during the year or meet at

The Alliance Service Standards are

participating in Alliance Practice

industry and professional conferences.

outlined the Alliance website in the

Groups, conferences, events and other

He Alliance calendar of events on

Members-Only section.

networking opportunities, members

the Alliance website provides more

can build trusted relationships with

information on events or group calls.

with the Alliance Service Standards.

member firm lawyers around the world and draw on the Alliance for business development.



Tracking Referrals

To communicate the advantages

Best Practice Programs

Being able to track and measure

of membership to your clients and

Best Practices programs seek to

Alliance referrals is a requirement

prospects, you can incorporate the

actively support Alliance quality

of members in the Alliance. If you

Alliance logo into your marketing

objectives for member firms by

send or receive an Alliance referral,

materials using the resources

developing, in consultation with

be sure to report it to your firm’s

provided in the Members Only

members, best practices on specific

delegates and if applicable, enter the

portion of the Alliance website. These

topics. Available on the Alliance

matter in your referral tracking system

include case studies and examples

website, the following best practices

with the appropriate Alliance referral

of how other members promote their

and case studies have been compiled:

source attribution.

Alliance membership. Examples of

Pitching New Business The access to global legal resources and to international service capabilities through the Alliance network of member firms is a powerful competitive advantage that member firms and their lawyers can market to clients and potential clients. In proposals or discussions with prospective clients, citing your membership enhances the perception of your firm’s international capabilities. Your membership offers

joint client pitch presentations are also available for members when they are developing a multi-jurisdictional

• Best Practices in Referral Tracking • Best Practices for Becoming Ranked in Chambers and Legal 500

pitch with other member firms. Please

• Best Practices for Proposals

visit the Marketing Resources section

• Using Your Alliance Membership to

under Members Only on the Alliance website.

Generate Local Media Attention • Case Study: Winning the Jabil ERISA Contract • Coordinating Legal Counsel in the United States and India • Partnering to Provide Health and Welfare Benefits Counsel

clients access to quality legal services worldwide. In seeking new clients with multi-jurisdictional matters, you can also collaborate with other Alliance member firms in your business development efforts.


The Alliance Resources

The Alliance has many resources to communicate the organization’s initiatives and to promote the association. These include:



Located at,

All members receive our monthly

the Alliance website contains up-to-

e-newsletter. This includes news,

date, comprehensive information

features and tips to connect members

on member firms, publications and

to the many resources and benefits

resources. It can be an excellent

of membership in the Alliance. If you

resource for connecting your clients to

are not receiving the e-bulletin, please

our resources.

contact us at executivedirector@

The Alliance Member Portal The Members Only section on the

Guides to Doing Business

Alliance website provides easy

The Alliance hosts various Guides

access to information and resources

to Doing Business on our website,

for members to learn about and

under “Client Resources” on our

take advantage of the benefits of

website. These are among the most

membership, including:

sought after resources on the Alliance

• Conference and Events • Practice Groups • Marketing and Business Development Resources

website. Compiled by member firms, the guides provide comprehensive overviews of the legal and business environments in many jurisdictions worldwide. If your firm produces

• Publications

a Doing Business Guide for your

• Resources for Alliance delegates,

jurisdiction, please make sure we

Marketing Professionals and more. • Directory of Members and Alliance Brochure These materials are available on the Alliance website and can be printed for easy office reference. The directory provides details for every firm including contact details for each member firm delegate. The brochure is oriented to clients and potential referral sources. It explains the benefits of Alliance firms. 6


have this in soft copy to host on our site.

How You Can Maximize the Benefits of Membership

Consult this summary checklist of

• Collaborate with other member

Accessing the Alliance

opportunities available to you through

firms on business development

Members-Only Portion

the Alliance when developing your


of our Website

personal marketing or professional

• Seek free advice from another

Many online resources described

development plan.

member firm on an issue outside

in this guide are available for

Send the Alliance news of your firm

your jurisdiction.

members on our website. They can

or any publications your firm prepares

• Take advantage of the facilities

so that these can be highlighted on

available at other member firm

the Alliance website.

offices when you travel on business.

Consider using other Alliance member

• Talk to your firm’s delegates about

firms when you have a referral or

participating in:

when you need to call on another firm

– An Alliance practice group

for assistance.

– An Alliance regional meeting – A quarterly regional conference call – Updating your firm’s Guide to Doing Business – An Alliance committee • Participate in meetings of Alliance member firm lawyers when gatherings of members at other legal and industry organizations are announced. • Visit other member firms when you are in their jurisdiction. • Include the Alliance logo on your

be accessed with a user ID and password. If you do not have a user ID and password, please contact us at for more information. Diversity Vision Statement The Alliance and its member firms value diversity. We respect and embrace all people, including those of different ages, cultures, ethnicities, genders, nationalities, physical abilities, races, religious beliefs and sexual orientation. We value the experience, knowledge and talents of all individuals in our firms and in our communities. We support and promote non-discriminatory practices that advance equal treatment of, and opportunity for, all people, and encourage meaningful participation

e-signature block, on your business

by a broad cross-section of people in

cards or on your firm website

our firms and in our communities.


Alliance Headquarters 527 Marquette Avenue South, Suite 1925 Minneapolis, MN 55402 USA Tel. +1 612 454 5242 Email:

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