Important Personal Characteristics Your Ghostwriter Should Have In addition to important qualities related to the content they produce, your ghostwriter should possess some important personal characteristics that will ensure that they are great to work with. A good work relationship with your ghostwriter is necessary because it will ensure that both of you are on the same page when it comes to your work. Here are a few personal characteristics that your ghostwriter should possess. They Should Accept Their Mistakes It can be difficult dealing with a ghostwriter that is egotistical. This is because they won’t accept their mistakes with ease, which can make it frustrating when you want content rewritten. They Should Be Accepting of Your Input A lot of people who hire ghostwriters don’t want to let the writer come up with all of the content. If you are one of those people, then you must ensure that your writer accepts your input. Get a writer who will work according to your demands because that is what you are paying him for. Your writers should follow the content outline you provided them. They must also use the same title that you created. If there is any need for changes in the information you provided them, your writers should write to you and express their concerns. You must work together to come up with a solution that results in the best work possible. They Should Be Empathetic Your writer should be an empathetic person. Empathy will allow him to think from the perspective of his characters. For example, if a writer from the US is writing about a character from Mexico, the writer should try and place themselves in that character’s shoes. This means that the character's actions and words should be something that a person from that region would say and do. Empathy Allows Writers to Write Believable Characters Culture plays a role in defining how we behave and say in certain situations. Therefore, an empathetic writer will most likely be mindful of cultural differences and the impact it has on the characters he is writing about. This awareness will allow an empathetic writer to write characters that are more realistic and interesting to readers.