What Questions Should You Ask Your Ghostwriter Before and During Their Writing Process? You and your ghostwriter must be on the same page. That way, you get to save time because there will be fewer errors. It will also ensure that they produce content that you like. That is why you must question them before the start of your project and during the process as well. Here are a few questions you should ask your ghostwriter about their participation in the project. How Are You Dividing the eBook? Try and have your ghostwriters send you a tentative structure along with the first draft. You should know what they plan to include in the book before they start writing. This way, they will have a format to follow. Ask your writer to change the structure of the eBook if you don’t like it. How Many Sections Is the Book Going to Have? An important part of the structure of the eBook is the number of sections it’s going to include. You must ask your writer how many sections they are going to include in the eBook. Also, ask them tentative titles to these sections and the chapters within the sections. The more you know about the book’s structure, the better. This is because you will know if the book is including everything you want it to; if you have a tentative structure for it beforehand. What do You include in Each Chapter? You must ask your ghostwriters what they are going to include in each chapter of the book. Now, you can’t expect them to give you every detail beforehand because there are always numerous changes during the writing process for almost every manuscript. That said, ask them to give you a brief outline of each chapter, with the main things they’re going to cover in each. Try to have your writers send you these outlines after their second or third draft. They will have done significant research by this point. Therefore, they will have a good idea of what they should include in the eBook. How Long Is Each Chapter Going to Be? You must ask your writer how long each chapter is going to be. This means that you should ask them how many pages and words they will dedicate to each chapter. Some chapters will be longer than others because they may require more explanation, and have more content to cover.