Inform as Many People as You Can Before You Publish Your eBook Try and let as many people as possible know that you are about to publish your first eBook. Here are some ways you can inform people effectively. Social Media Platforms Social media platforms are arguably one of the before it is published. You should make posts Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram. You Instagram along with the title of the book in the
best places to market your eBook about it on various platforms like could tease the book cover on caption.
Create Countdown Promotional Posts You could make countdown posts each day before the launch. Try to restrict your countdown posts to 5 to 7 days at most. People will lose interest if you don’t post so post daily for 2 to 3 weeks. The purpose of countdown posts is to remind people that you are releasing a book soon. There’s a lot of information present on social media platforms and the internet in general, so people tend to forget about a lot of things. It should be your goal to remind them. Write Giveaway Posts There is no doubt about the fact that most people like free things. So, the best way to get people interested in your book is to give away copies of your book for free. You could write a post which informs your followers that they will get a copy of your eBook for free if they like your original post, write a comment that is more than 15 words, and share the original post on their timelines on Facebook. Limit the Number of Winners You should limit the number of free copies to the first few shares of your post. If you have a lot of followers, it may be difficult to discern who shared the post first. This is because the exact time of posting is never given for social media posts. In that case, you can select the limited number of lucky users at random. Determine how many winners you can afford to have before you write a post. Estimate how much it will cost you to give away each book and multiply that with the number of winners. You should also keep in mind the number of followers you have when you’re deciding how many free copies to give away. You could give away about 2.5 percent of the number of followers you have. For example, if you have 500 followers, 2.5 percent of that is 12.5. So, give free copies to 13 of your followers, or round it off to the nearest multiple of 5 – which is 15.