You Can Create an Advanced Review Copies (ARCs) Street Team Through Book funnel, you can create an Advanced Review Copies (ARCs) street team. This is a team of writers who will have access to your written work and can review it. This is a great way to interact with other writers and receive valuable feedback on your work. Feedback from other writers is very helpful because they will be able to pick up on some issues that you and other readers may not have. Take this as an opportunity to learn and grow as a writer and a reader. Bookfunnel Allows You to Create Reader Magnets You can use Book funnel to create a free reader magnet for potential readers. As mentioned earlier, Book funnel operates through email lists, so they will help you provide your recipients with a free copy of your eBook. Most people don’t look at promotional emails they receive. However, a free copy of your eBook can spark their interest. You just have to make sure that you enable free access before you send out the promotional email. If any of your recipients aren’t able to download a free copy of your eBook, you can count on losing that reader for good. What is the 5 Book Strategy? The 5 Book Strategy is an excellent method for attracting more readers to purchase and read your books. This, in turn, results in you making more money from your eBook series. In the 5 Book Strategy, you keep the prices of each book in the series different from each other. However, some books can have the same price. Make the First Book in the Series Free We recommend that you keep the first book free for all customers on the Kindle store. To make the best use of this strategy, your first book has to be exceptional at drawing in readers. Readers should thoroughly enjoy reading your book so that they will want to read more of what you write. Make Sure Your First Book Will Hook Your Readers Spend as much time as you need to write the first book. You must also make sure that your editor does a great job of polishing your work. Your book has to be almost addictive to readers; therefore, you must ensure that you leave no loose ends. If you feel like something is lacking in your work, take some time to correct it. Try not to worry about delaying the publishing process. Creating a great book should be your focus.