Publishers Note Spiritual Space Beauty Bar Recap Don for a Day & I AM Empowerment Honorees Poem: Letter to my Queens Relationship Room Hair Haven Poem: Reflections
The Anointed Bread Company Fashion Fitting Room Ask Althema Poem: Black Man Cooking Class Domestic Violence Awareness
SPOTLIGHT: -- Melissa Holmes -
Health Hub Entrepreneur Enclave Just My Two Cents Travel Treasures Thank You
Chris I frane & L yneese Straw Anointed Royalty Beard Co.
Masthead / Impressum Publisher/ Managing Editor: Denise Best Editor: Althema Goodson Editor: Pauline Alleyne Editor: Lady B Straker Feature W riter/ Editor: Aja B Stubbs
Welcome to the first issue of the I AM ME digital magazine, I hope you find it motivating, empowering and informative. This magazine is a labor of love and I believe everything this magazine stands for helping you find and embrace your
Creative Director D Best Cover by: Tyquane Bates Advertising Intern: Alexandria George Marketing Intern: Rebecca Madison Contributing W riters: Ahnya Alleyne Tamykah Anthony-Marston Nicole Burns Mea Ealey Glenise Gomez Akyiia Harrison Melissa Holmes Pastor Deb Jenkins Andrew Levine Tiffany Shawntay Venus Sutton Jessica W ilson
?I AM?. Every issue will be packed with articles written by people just like you. This issue will feature the awesome honorees from the 3rd annual I AM Empowerment Celebration & Brunch as well as the distinctive gentlemen that were honored at the 2016 Don for a Day Event. Our cover is dedicated to the dynamic duo who make up the Anointed Beard Company and we pulled the fabulous Aja B. Stubbs out of retirement for this special issue. Inside you will find the hottest fashion and beauty trends for the Fall, words to inspire you during this tumultuous election period, and the new Ask Althema column. Since October is Domestic Violence Awareness month we have a special article from our own Love Shouldn?t Hurt, Melissa Holmes. Please feel free to contact me with questions, comments, suggestions and request.
Cover Models: Lynesse & Chris Anointed Royalty Beard Co Photographer Photosbykai Make-Up Artists: Akyiia Harrison &
I look forward to hearing from you!
DeniseBest Remember: I AM Beautiful I AM Confident I AM Smart I AM Fabulous I AM ME!!
Let the peace of Chri st rule i n your hearts, si nce as m em bers of one body you w ere called to peace. And be thank ful. Col 3:15
Though we are living in the 21st century and in the year 2016, many of the things that we believed to have been advances all seem to have taken a back seat to progress Civil Rights, Voting Rights and the assumption that our lives, all our lives, are not only valuable to God almighty but to each other.
I?m doing a lot of preaching, encouraging and de-escalating, but who preaches to the preacher? Who encourages me? Who de-escalates my feelings of sorrow, anger and faithlessness? Well, I?ve come to realize that there won?t always be someone, but that?s when my faith is tested. In times of turmoil I must look to the hills from which cometh my help for my help comes from the Lord. I really go through a ritual of maintaining and holding on to my faith by recounting the Scriptures in my mind. The stark reminder given by the Apostle Paul, in the book of Colossians, is what I choose to hold on to when my faith is challenged. In it he reminds me that despite whatever may be going wrong that I must, ?Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.? (Col 3:15)
Beginning with the murder of Trayvon Martin, in 2012, a 17 year old walking home from the store clutching Skittles and a drink, his life ended suddenly by a hateful self-proclaimed Neighborhood Watchman. Since then and even as I pen this, there have been many deaths. The most recently publicized a 23-year old mother killed by police in Baltimore as she held her child. I would be remised if I didn?t mention the countless murders of African-Americans at the very hands of other African-Americans. For me it almost becomes too much! I would like to encourage each of you, in these I?m challenged every Sunday to speak truth to times of uncertainty, to hold on to your peace power to God?s people and to the powers. The through Christ and give thanks even when saints of God sometimes seek vengeance and tragedy strikes. There is power in peaceful I must remind them that God repays. I?m deliberation versus impulsive speech or challenged to continue to support a legalized actions which yield no fruit. I am encouraged system that murders people who look just like today despite it all that through a collective me. I support authentic law enforcement but I peace and a willingness to continue to speak have real problems with the bad apples. I?m truth to power we will overcome the systems challenged to love the people within the of oppression and injustice that have community who perpetrate violence on their beseeched our community. Keep the faith. own and to see beyond their crimes and offer them words of redemption through the Word of God.
Rev. Deborah D. Jenkins is 100% devoted to Jesus Christ, married to Minister Frank J. Jenkins, mother to Jason A. and Jaala A. Jenkins and is Founding Pastor of Faith @ Work Christian Church (FATWCC)
Summer is winding down, which means that you no longer have to worry about sweating your brows and eyeliner off. Fall is the season that beauty trends come alive. Before the holidays consume your life, you are free to spend your coin on all things your heart desires like that cute Valentino Cross body bag at Barneys or those more affordable, adorable grungy lace up booties from Aldo! If you're anything like me, Fall is your season, especially the season to go insane with Fashion Week trends or perhaps dusting off those suede brim hats from 2009 (because nothing is new under the sun). Here are nine of Fall 2016s trendiest beauty trends; 1) Artisnal Eye Liner: An Ode to 1960s Super model Twiggy, eyeliner seems to be taking a twist from simply winged to dramatic liner in the creases of the eye. Many makeup artists like myself, have been using this trick forever, we call it a cut crease, but this trendy look is simply a cut crease without that pesky blending! This look is great for the woman who has deep set eyes or hooded eyelids, because it defines the lid space. Often paired with a lighter lid color. 2) Metallic Shades: The biggest summer trend was Glow! Glow! Glow! Everyone ran out to get highlighter for their cheekbones, then started to use it on their noses, then Cupid's bow...and yup you guessed it eventually ALL OVER! Lucky for us the trend has moved from a simple highlighter to eyeshadow and lipsticks. A nostalgic trip to 1989 and yes metallic is a thing again. Dior showcased this trend in NYs Fashion Week 2016. Like water and air, highlighter and metallics are for everyone. You can add a bit here and there, or like me unnecessarily 3) Foliage Crown: Just when you thought all the hippies put away their flower crowns, in came Foliage Crowns. A rustic take on a flower child's necessary head garment. A foliage crown is great for fall celebrations, especially early warmer days in September and early October. 4) Intense Lashes: Full bold lashes are a timeless trend. Yet, this year women seem to be gearing toward a bolder natural lash. Also, the old "vertical lines on your lower lid" trick has come back to life. For some, clumping your mascara on is taboo, but for those like myself, spider lashes are a must have. Let us rejoice, because our lash clumping time has come (back). The trick is, the thicker the mascara brush, the bolder the application. 5) Fall Nail Varnish: Usually Fall colors consist of eggplants, browns or black for the Cosmopolitan woman. Yet this years trend is taking a turn to a more vibrant array of colors. Opening the door for that lady that loves to spruce up her look with color during every season. Peaches and Cayenne are here to stay for fall, but of course alongside Navy greens and
6)Chunky Glitter: Glitter has been peeking it's head in and out since Fall 2015. Age was a sure concern for many women when it came to how to incorporate glitter into their own personal style. This year however, the gloves must come off ladies. It's your time to get knee deep in Chunky Glitter. From accessories, to eye shadow, to lip gloss...glitter for all this season! everywhere. 7) Textured Hair: For girls like me textured hair is not a choice or a trend. Luckily, textured styles are trending across the board. With beach wavy styles to kinky tapered fro's, everyone wants texture. As a hairstylist I constantly get asked by my clients to give them "the messy beach wave" look. Texture and body is a must have, but yes kinks and coils still reign supreme in that department! Let's share some of that magic with our ladies from the straighter hair persuasions. 8) At-Home Spa Masks: Everyone will be benidit from a good mask. The challenge is knowing what is good for your skin, and considering "Multi-masking". Multi-masking is a trick us beauty experts use to target problem areas with multiple solutions. For example; charcoal based mask in your T-zone and moisturizing green tea base masks everywhere else. Most people think there is a unwritten rule about applying one mask on your face, not true. If you have acne strictly on your jaw line, apply products based on fighting acne on your jawline. Also, blotchy cheeks, apply moisturizing products on your cheeks. Letting each mask do its job. Transition from summer to fall is horrible on the skin. At-home spa treatments can remedy this. Mask sheets can be bought for onetime use at reasonable price. Consider those sheets samples for the real deal in a bigger tube or bottle. You can find these sheets at places like Sephora. 9) Skin Elixers: Protecting your skin from harsh elements is prevalent for any season. Yet the transition into fall from warmer weather is a big issue. Skin Elixers or serums are a lightweight recipe to much needed moisturizing. Elixers are amazing because of its weightless application. Wear it alone or mixed it with your favorite foundation. Akyiia Harrison Brooklyn Licensed Cosmetologist MUA Hairstylist Blowout Specialist
Don for a Day On June 25th, the ?I AM? Empowerment Movement held its first Don for a Day Celebration honoring Men of Distinction in Brooklyn, New York. The ?I AM? Empowerment team set out to show that not all men are doing the wrong thing in 2016. Each of the 11 honorees brought with them their own story of triumph in the face of adversity, and their own level of swag. The stories shared and tips given were invaluable as each the ?Don?s? spoke about the roads that lead them to that very moment. Alpha G DJ Socratez, CEO of King Kaos Entertainment, was an outstanding host. Keynote Speakers Gbenga Omotayo and PK Kearsy were phenomenal, sharing trials, tribulations, and triumphs letting us know the while the road was rough it was well worth it. Our esteemed honorees for the Afternoon shined bright as the diamonds and held their heads high as true pillars of their communities. Congratulations to: Assemblyman Carl E. Heastie; Anthony L. Herbert, Sr.; Derek Phillips; Dennis Davis; Derrick M. Guest; Juan Figueroa; Mark Anthony Jenkins; Tyrone Whitaker; Tyquan Bates; and Donavon M Coney. Attendees ate delicacies from Brooklyn?s own, Annie Mae's Cheesecakes & Moore. They were able to shop at wonderful vendors: Anointed Royalty Beard Company, Griot?s Roll Film Production & Services, Yamon Wear, and Skin Ethiks, who introduced their men?s line skin care line, Bold.
3RD ANNUAL "I AM" EMPOW ERMENT BRUNCH & CEL EBRAT I ON Three Times A Charm for the I Am Empowerment Brunch Saturday April 2nd Brooklyn was the place to be for women of influence in the New York Tri-State area. The I Am Empowerment Movement (Blissful Elegance in Partnership with The Goodson Agency) hosted its 3rd Annual I Am Empowerment Awards Ceremony & Empowerment Brunch from 01:00 p.m. to 05:00 p.m. at the Preparation Church of God Hall in Brooklyn. Guests spent the afternoon with some dynamic and influential women to network, celebrate, education, and empower each other! Hosted by I Am Empowerment?s own Althema Goodson, the afternoon started off with a good Word from Apostle EJ Melvin, Minister of the Gospel, and Workshop Facilitator. Our powerhouse speakers, Apostle EJ Melvin, Tracy Balan, Melissa Holmes, and Lisa Chau, were impeccable and did not disappoint. The Honorees were an amazing group of women whose experiences and dreams go beyond anyone?s imagination. Their contributions to, and initiatives within their communities are not to be taken lightly. Makeba Green, Sheneese Starr, Glenise Gomez, Brooklyn Chef Danielle Moore, Fatima Scipio, Mikki Arlene Ealey (Mae), Dhylles Davis, Andrene Williams, Ivette Attaud, Lytoya Parker and Danalee Elie are truly worthy! Be on the lookout for the 4th Annual I Am Empowerment Brunch honoring some dynamic women in 2017.
Letter to my Queens Dear Queens, These confused and misguided men who disrespect us after we have grown, carried and birthed their seeds are scared It?s Fear It?s the same reason white people try to kill us and destroy us.... they are scared of us Once that nigga sees you take his seed into the micro universe that is your womb and transform life from a pencil dot to an 8 pound being? . creating organs and tissues and nerves inside you .... Once he sees you experiencing pain kin to multiple bones being broken at the same time...and then not die and emerge stronger. He is filled with fear and maybe even a little envy. He realizes he has just met a GOD Selections from Tamykah Anthony-Marston?s upcoming book, Diary of a MisEducated Baby Mama Coming September 2016 Tamykah Anthony-Marston is a passionate scientistpreneur and Founder of Xanthines CafĂŠ, a company that uses science to promote and inspire a more connected lifestyle through education and enrichment by teaching you about YOU.
LET GO AND LET LOVE IN An arti cle about relati onshi ps and how to meet a great partner!!! Trisha and Sammy have been dating for almost three years; things seem to be going pretty well. She was an Account Executive at a popular financial firm and he was a Marketing Media Manager for a publishing company. One day, Sammy called Trisha and said that he had to go away on a new business development trip. That he was going to be away for at least three months. Now Trisha was not pleased about him going away, but was happy for Sammy and the opportunity his company gave him to develop a new office. This was a good look and a great career move for Sammy. Now Trisha was scared because she felt three months was a long time to be away from your mate. This was actually the ultimate test for both of them because they have never been away from each other. They both were from New York, but Sammy had to go all the way to Chicago to assist with the new office. Sammy was super excited but nervous at the same time. Trisha was happy for him but also nervous about the relationship. A few weeks went by; Sammy was elated about the trip. He was sharing all his developmental plans with Trisha about the new office. Trisha is now worried because it seems like he is packing to leave for good. She didn?t want to say anything to him because he was so excited and she could be overreacting. Have you ever felt that love is such a scary or crazy thing, wondering when the right person is going to come along in your life. You never experienced how relationships and intimacy works. How do you really know if that person is for you or just passing time? Here?s the key, we never really know unless we give it a shot. Letting go of past mishaps in order to let love in is something that we all go through at least twice in our lives. WE ARE AFRAID TO LET LOVE IN; I know I use to feel the same way. I understand this very well, having gone though some of my own painful experiences. I am here to help you break the pleasure barriers in your mind. And assist you through a concept that breaks down the fears of intimacy that you leave you empty in relationships. I had to learn to let my guard down and embrace the power of love. As women, we tend to focus on the financial and career status of a man. As men, they tend to focus on the physical image of a woman. I am here to tell you that its bigger than that, we must focus on the individual as a person, because there is tremendous purpose behind a relationship like maintaining a friendship. More so than just having another man or woman who ?gets?you. To see, feel, hear, and touch a person in a way that we sometimes can?t even explain it. ?There was a young lady who was getting involved in relationships that was constantly abandoned her feelings. She was so distraught, that she didn?t realize she was carrying this burden in and out throughout every relationship she had with men. One day, a guy she really liked told her that she was selfish and unlovable. That came as a shock to her, she didn?t see that coming? and it hit her like a ton of bricks. She was speechless, she didn?t know what to say or do to the gentleman she was seeing. She had no idea that everything she was doing was not satisfying to him.
She had to take a good long hard look at herself. She had to figure out a way of what was causing her to damage all of her relationships. Now this young lady said she had to reevaluate who she was as a woman and figure out what she needs to bring to the table in order to have a more fulfilling relationship with a mate. Most men nowadays are seeking a successful, confident woman who they can build with. Most women are looking for an independent, career driven men who they can grow with.
Here are a few keys that we all need to work on in order to have a fulfilling relationship: -
Learn to get to know yourself first Love yourself unconditionally Focus on what you want in a mate, stop settling Date in various circles Ask your family and friends for honest criticism Change your image just a little bit, maybe a new hairdo; shave your beard or hair, or a new outfit Organize your own life Encourage your friends to introduce you to new people
I take small steps everyday to become healthier.
Mikki Arlene Ealey is a proud mother of four beautiful children. She is a hardworking, dedicated, spiritually inclined woman whose goal is to help heal the world. She has been in the literary field for over 15 years. She is an avid book reader of self-help and leadership books. Her favorite quote is ?Make new friends, but keep the old, because one is silver and the other is gold.? Blessings from MAE! Happy New You in 2016!!!
Although I would love to hang on to the sun a little while longer, fall is inevitably upon us. With the change in weather we have to update our hair care to keep our mane healthy. Cooler temperatures have an affect not only on the luster of our skin, but our hair as well and the way to fight it (IN MY DJ KHALED VOICE OF COURSE) *MAJOR KEY ALERT* MOISTURE!! DUH! Here are a few tips to keep your hair fabulous this fall. 1. Trim those ends: I get it, no one wants to lose length; not even a half inch. But split ends are like Pac-Man to your hair and will eat away your remaining length as they work their way up the shafts of your hair. Find a Stylist you can trust or a non-scissor happy friend to clip those ends that need to go! Regular trims will keep your hair looking and growing healthy. 2. Keep it clean! I'm all for a good co-wash but co-washing does not get all the buildup from your scalp. Clean hair is healthy hair but remember to cleanse not strip the hair. Sulfate free shampoos are great for cleaning hair without taking out all moisture and drying it out. They gently lift buildup and clarifies the scalp to leave a great foundation for further moisture. Keep up regular wash days at least every 2 weeks, if not more frequently as needed. 3.Terms and Condition-ers Get it? Ok I'll work on it... When putting together a moisture regimen, you can't go wrong with deep conditioning, an essential to moisture retention, especially after clarifying (not stripping) the hair. Deep conditioning strengthens, moisturizes and improves elasticity. There are many deep conditioning products on the market or search the web for DIY recipes of homemade deep conditioners. Leave on for 30 minutes to an hour; sit under the dryer with your favorite magazine (*Hint, hint*) for deeper penetration. Rinse conditioners out with cooler temperature water to seal cuticles and lock in moisture. 4. Show your style. Before we break out the knit caps and scarves, use this Fall to try out some new protective styles: braids, braid outs, twist outs and even wash and go's (with a little leave in conditioner to keep moist against the elements) Use protein treatments to seal ends and prevent splits. Cooler temperatures can make hair brittle and prone to breakage, so as you change your wardrobe for the season, don't forget to change your hair care regimen to keep those strands growing strong! Until next time, take care of your tresses! Tiffany Shawntay Email your hair questions to: "Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself " - Coco Chanel Tiffany Shawntay is a 30(ish) Brooklyn born, NYC based Hairstylist and Freelance Writer. She is currently working on her first blog. You can keep up with her across social media platforms as TiffanyShawntay.
REFLECT I ONS To have noticed the skin color seen in the mirrors on their dressers, and wonder why me? They continue to be what the masters want them to be Afraid to think, to learn, to succeed Even to breathe free What you see here, Is a strong, young African American woman who is conquering her fears. Your negativity will never feed my soul Where I?ll wind up is yet to be told. My skin color is only one part of my being. So what you think or how you feel Will never have a meaning
Ahnya Alleyne an aspiring writer you see. Helping people is all in me. Majoring in Human Services and devoting my time, makes me happy without collecting a dime. I am ?Empowered?, ?Free Spirited?and ?Strong?. With my faith in God I will never go wrong.
It Takes Two: The Anointed Royalty Beard Co. Dynamic Duo Chris Ifrene and Lyneese Straws hope they have the winning combination that can take their line of grooming products for men of Color to the top. The old adage goes, ?Necessity is the mother of invention.? However, in the case of Chris Ifrene, creator and co-founder of the Anointed Royalty Beard Company, it was necessity, yes, but also neglect. ?It started back in 2015, when my professional and personal life got super hectic simultaneously. I?m used to having a routine where I get a cut and a shave from my barber like at least every two weeks, or attempt to, but my schedule didn?t allow for that to happen. Whenever I did find an opening, either it was too late, or my barber was off that day,? says Chris. ?You only go to one barber so you can?t really let anybody else touch your hair so. Weeks passed by. Weeks turned into months and you know, at that point I just grew a bunch of facial hair.? After having a full beard for a few months, he realized that he actually liked the look. ?It made me feel more distinguished, more mature. So I decided to nurture it.? Once the decision was made to keep his new found distinguished look, the challenge became finding products that would not only keep him well-groomed, but also met his standards for quality. More importantly, Chris was frustrated by not seeing a reflection of him in most, if not all, of the brands offering men?s grooming products.
A recent article in The Independent touted that many popular men?s retailers are reporting immense growth in the sale of men?s skincare and hair products. Globally, the men?s grooming industry is estimated to bring in $21 billion in revenue in 2016. While the segment in the beauty industry is growing, what Chris did not see while looking for products to tend to his own beard was a line specifically aimed at men of Color. ?I tried different things out there and I didn?t like anything,? Chris said. ?So, just like when women are trying to find products for their natural hair, I took the same philosophy and applied it to my beard.? ?In my search, I realized that there wasn?t anything marketed to [Men of Color] or to an audience that has that textured, that coarse, kinky hair. And I realized that segment was neglected, so I decided it?s an opportunity to try to cater to that [demographic] because I needed it.? It only took Chris about a month of researching, testing organic ingredients and mixing different oils, to develop beard oil that met his needs. Once he felt he was sitting on a product that had legitimate potential, he brought the finished product to his friend and business partner, Lyneese Straws. While it took a couple of months to get the formula just right for their signature beard oil, the name for the new company came to Chris almost immediately: Anointed Royalty. And though the name had come to him instantly, at first he hesitated using it. ?I was in shock because he was thinking of other names first,? Lyneese says. He kept coming back with other names, and he would say, ?That doesn?t sit right with me, you know?? It took him a minute before he actually told me, about ?Anointed Royalty?. When he finally told me the name Anointed Royalty, I was like, ?Oh yeah, that?s it.? And I knew there was so much more to it.? ?I felt like royalty is not just a title, it?s a mentality. It?s royal in thinking, royal in action, royal in deed. We as a people came from a line of royalty in legacy, in culture. With anointed, I mean the word itself [anoint] means to rub oil on something, but how we take it, it means you are anointed, you?re favored,? says Chris. This duo is no stranger to the beauty industry. Both have worked with some of the heavy hitters in the industry, including Bobbi Brown, MAC and Clinique. They both credit the experience as being invaluable as they prepared to launch Anointed Royalty. ?Just being able to get a birds eye view to that industry, the behind the scenes, and you get to see how much it takes to actually launch a product, develop a product, see the strategy behind marketing a product. And you kind of soak that up being in that environment. And I felt like seeing that kind of prepared me to market my own product and develop my own product,? says
As they prepare to launch their line, the team knows the importance of not just marketing to men, but targeting women as well. ?The first thing I would do is approach her,? Lyneese says. ?She smells on her man? It?s her boyfriend, her husband. She?s the one who?s got to be in his presence, especially close up on him. So, if he?s hesitant and not sure if he would actually want the product, if it?s going to smell good on him, I try it on the female.? As the cosmetologist for the brand, Lyneese insists that while the aim is at men, women will enjoy the fragrance of the beard oil. ?I let women know that I use [the beard oil] and I love the smell. I use it as a fragrance. I use it as body oil. So when I try it on their skin and then immediately, it hits their senses and they?re like, ?Oh my God, hun, can you try this? And they start rubbing it on their man, and then the next thing you know, they?re buying it.? Anointed Royalty?s initial launch will include three signature products: A premium Beard Oil, a moisturizer & conditioner that softens facial hair, moisturizes the skin underneath and promotes conditions for healthy beard growth; a Beard & Mustache Balm that has the same benefits as Beard Oil that also works as a leave-in conditioner but allows you to style and hold the beard for a well-groomed look; and a Beard Butter that penetrates follicles and skin, sealing in moisture and allowing the beard to remain soft and conditioned. All three products feature organic ingredients, and each batch is made by hand by Chris himself. ?All products red to, are made in house. I make sure that I do everything by hand myself. I just want people to understand that I make sure to put the highest quality ingredients in and they don?t have to worry about any type of synthetics or chemicals.?
Their biggest struggle as entrepreneurs right now? ?Patience!? says Chris with a laugh. ?I get so enthusiastic about the brand, you know? And I get so hyped up about it that I want to see Rome tomorrow. Rome wasn?t built in a day. So, you know, it?s struggling with trying to quell that enthusiasm, and manage my expectations. It?s a process to build an empire. You can?t rush through it.? When there have been moments of doubt, Lyneese has made sure to be the one that keeps momentum going. ?When he would start to slow down, literally I?m in the background, and he doesn't even know I?m in the background, just moving,? she says. ?I?m like ?Okay, let?s get this out there.? I?m into networking. I can network very well. I?m always meeting people. That?s how we wind up getting an event. And, I?m always selling. So, I don't care if I?m on the bus, train, in the gym, I?m coming for you. If you?ve got a beard, I?m going to come and try to sell you some moisture!? Chris chimes in, laughing, ?That?s why I call her The Connect! It?s like 6 degrees of separation; she?s connected to somebody somehow!?
While their focus is on distributing in the New York Tri-State area, their home, they are in the process of connecting with events around the country to introduce their products to a wider audience. They just finished a successful run at New York Black Expo, and hope to connect with some of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) as homecoming season approaches. In five years, the plan is for Anointed Royalty Beard Company to be a household name. With, they hope the help of some celebrity endorsement. ?Omari Hardwick from Power is the first person that comes to mind when I think of a celebrity who could endorse Anointed Royalty,? says Chris as Lyneese shakes her head in agreement. ?I feel like on and off camera he?s always been a classy guy. He?s not flashy, you know? He?s just appears to be an honest guy. I haven?t met him, but just what I?ve been able to perceive of him and his character in interviews and how he carries himself both on and off camera. We?d need someone who can represent the idea that Anointed Royalty is class personified, luxury personified. I feel like he can pull it off.? Both Chris and Lyneese credit their solid friendship in helping them through some of the struggles of entrepreneurship. Both also insist that it is important to have a strong team surrounding you if you want to be a successful entrepreneur, regardless of what industry you decide to venture into. ?Definitely build a strong team around you. Definitely get people around you that support you, which encourage you. Be a goal getter. Get some goal getters, not ?go-getters? but ?goal-getters?,? says Chris emphatically. ?There will be some bumps in the road and sometimes negative things will happen, but at the end of the day, you?ve got to still just go for it.? Says Lyneese. ?When we first met, we talked about being entrepreneurs. And we both had a passion for it. So, when he came to me with this whole idea, it sparked something in me because I already had that spark in me about having my own business. My passion for this brand is that I believe in it. And not only because I use it, but because I believe it is really going to go somewhere. And that?s because Chris is a very intelligent, creative man. Everything he puts his hand to, it flourishes. At the end of the day, he has what it takes to get this done. We both have what it takes to get this brand going. There?s no turning back. And we?re only going to be winners. We?re winners now and we?re going to be winners in the end. We are royalty. King and Queen.? You can find Anointed Royalty Beard Co. at
Aja B. Stubbs is the former Publisher and Editor-In-Chief of Belle-Noir Magazine. She is currently an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, plus size healthy lifestyle blogger, and freelance writer. Follow her at @MsAjaB on social media or
Why don?t men court women anymore? Before making the decision to do this column, I combed through some of my groups and asked questions about relationships, life, love etc. Dating and Issues surrounding dating has come up and seemed to be what many wanted to be spoken about. Men not knowing how to court has come up plenty of times. NOW THIS IS NOT AND WILL NOT A BE A MALE BASHING COLUMN.. Some topics will just be what they are. I posed the question in several groups, different social media accounts, and just called some of my men and women friends and asked the question. ?Why Don?t Men Court Women Anymore?? Believe it or not the answers were pretty much all along the same connotation. I got a few ?Women don?t let men.? ?Men don?t know how to.? I have a few of my ?mental Health? friends who went as far as to bring in the ?single parent home? factor as to why relationships are the way they are. Now while I have a little Oprah and Iyanla in me I try my hardest not to diagnose people even though it gets hard at times. But since opinions are free?.. Here is mine :) I don?t think the answer is as cut and dry as some of my counterparts relayed. I feel like men are not courting but they don?t even understand the concept of what it is. We are living in a different time and people are operating different and moving differently. I went for drinks with friends and one gentleman (nice look, single, no children, and doing well for himself) stated ?I Give to Get.? Now we?re all grown here so we at the table knew exactly what he meant. He then continued. ?I wouldn?t take a woman on more than three dates if nothing is happened.? Another gentleman friend (Who?s married, mid-thirties, no children, doing well for himself) chimed in and said. ?I?m glad I got married when I did because dating now sucks.? There were a few ladies at the table and we put up the best fight could but then all of a sudden an older man who was merely ear-hustling said ?Women are not holding themselves to a higher standard and are not holding these men accountable either!? A silence hit our table and we all looked like DAMN! The silence was deadly, it made me think Did Older Mr. have a point? It led me to thinking if women are in a ?BETTER SPACE? in 2016, how can we not know our worth? The Warrior Princess in me felt differently, I disagree, with women now making more
One of my favorite memes is ?If it?s not that 90s type of R & B love then I don?t want it.? For those of us who know about the good ole days of R& B music and those that perceived them then you know what I mean. Women don?t let men: I don?t think that its women are not letting men court them; I think that its women are no longer waiting on men to do things for them. Is that an issue or problem? Yes and No. Althema Goodson of The Goodson Agency possesses a Master?s Degree in Organizational Leadership, a Bachelor?s Degree in Business Administration with a Concentration in Marketing and an Associate?s Degree in Marketing. Her formal education is just as versatile as her resume. Being that that she lives in a fast paced society and city (New York) she balances many hats such as Social Philanthropist, Creative Director, Consultant Extraordinaire, Multi-Passionate, Facilitator, Developer, Radio Host and Co-Host among others. Due to her impressive work, Althema has been honored and applauded by Real Sisters Rising, The Phenomenal Women Group, New Beginning Dignity Services, and Premier Sisters Network. You can find her writings in the Suavv Magazine, X3 Magazine, and other literary locations.
Summer is breezing by and before you know it Fall will be among us, luckily for some of us who love the Fall this is what we?ve been waiting all year for. The time for scarves, hats, boots, layering OH I CAN?T WAIT!!! While there are styles from summer that you can transition into fall easily there are 10 styles I must have for fall. The most important factor when shopping is keeping in mind versatility is key, always ask yourself how many ways can you wear a style before you buy it, especially if you?re an impulsive buyer. Purchasing styles that create numerous looks are always great, so go out and get more for your buy with these must have fall styles, I am anxiously waiting to pull these out! 1. Leather: This has become THE Fall staple. Whether it?s a jacket or pant or dress leather is a Fall must have style. Get ready for those brisk days. 2. Fur: Fur is also another must have for Fall and Winter but for Fall you can wear your fur vests and light fur jackets or maybe just fur collared jackets. Get fancy in your luxury styles, or try faux fur and get the luxury look for less. 3. Chelsea boots: Boots period are a must for Fall but these semi-formal ankle boots are great for the season. They can be quite versatile and that is always a must for your wardrobe. 4. Jumper dresses: What I love most about jumper dresses is the fact that you can layer them to create so many different looks. These are also great work wear. 5. Scarves: THE BEST accessory for Fall. I say you see a scarf buy it, get as many as you can in various colors and patterns. It?s easy to jazz up your look with a scarf. 6. Cardigans: With cardigans try mixing patterns, texture and lengths into your wardrobe. 7. Capes & Ponchos: Love these throw on pieces, drape them on a cool day over a tank or take them into winter by layering them over a leather jacket. 8. Hats: Floppy, skullies, wool, berets, fedoras? the styles are endless. Not only can they hide a bad hair day but also add a stylish flair to your look. 9. Culottes: Finally another style of pant for the short girls! These loose fit ankle cut pants have become a wardrobe must have for Spring and Summer but can also be worn in early Fall. Be mindful on how they fit, these should hit you around mid calf. Another versatile style with endless looks. 10. Sweater Dresses: The easiest look ever, when you really don?t feel like putting a look together you can always count on a sweater dress to save the day. These 10 must have styles for fall will build your stylish fall wardrobe. Be bold try new patterns and colors. Be inspired by the looks here to create your look: remember when you look good you feel good! Jessica Wilson is a 28 year old new blogger. Born and raised in Brooklyn NY she always had an eye for fashion and style even as a young girl. She learned a great deal about fashion from her grandmothers, her paternal grandmother studied fashion at FIT and her maternal grandmother is a self-taught designer. They both could sew and design clothes. So her fascination with fashion became natural. With a background in fashion marketing and a strong passion for fashion and beauty she began giving family and friends fashion tips who then encouraging her to begin blogging to share her fashion inspiration with others. So she created where she features fashion looks, inspiration, beauty and makeup looks and tips, inspiring stories, history, food and motherhood posts (hence the name Abitofeverythang)
Photos Credit: A Bit of Everything blog
BL ACK MAN He has cursed me Beat me Trampled my name and used my body But yet, I love the Black Man He has left me to raise a daughter alone Left me to teach a son how to be a man Left me with regret and heartache But yet, I love the Black King He has called me Ugly Told me I was too black Ridiculed my stretch marks But yet, I love the Black God He has called me a Bitch with the same mouth that suckled at my nipple for comfort because his Mama never gave it to him The same Bitch's nipple that nourished his son...the extension of his seed and legacy But yet, I love the Black Emperor There is nothing more transformative than the LOVE of a Black Queen. We carry our men on our shoulders even as they suffocate us with their embedded hate... We have suffered and died for His sins Jesus aint got nuthin on us :
Selections from Tamykah Anthony-Marston?s upcoming book, Diary of a MisEducated Baby Mama Coming September 2016
CORN CHOW DER W I T H SHRI MP Serve 4 Hands on-20min Total time 20 min 1 Cup of chopped onion 1/2 cup of chopped celery 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme 1 garlic clove, minced 4 cups fresh or frozen corn kernels, thawed 2 cups fat free, lower sodium chicken broth 3/3 pound of peeled and de-veined medium shrimp 1/3 cup of half and half 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/8 teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon olive oil Directions 1-Heat large pot over medium-high heat 2-place olive oil, and the next 4 ingredients in the pot saute for 3 minutes. Add corn and cook for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally, add broth, bring to a boil, and cook for 4 minutes. 3-Place 2 cups of corn mixture in a blender. Remove center piece of the lid to let the steam escape. secure blender. cover blender with towel to avoid splatter, Blend until smooth. Return mixture to pot. Stir in Shrimp, cook for 2 minutes or until done. Stir in Half N Half, pepper and salt. *suggestions optional. crumble bacon pieces or croutons for a satisfying crunch
Venus Sutton is the co-owner of Everything Sticks and More Catering LLC; a mother and daughter co-enterprise catering company that specializes in appetizers and gourmet desserts on a stick or skewer. Ms. Sutton, who was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY saw the vision of starting her own catering company upon leaving corporate America where she was an Assistant Branch Manager for a large regional bank in South Carolina. Returning to her roots, and being a true Brooklynite with an entrepreneur spirit and 10 years of hospitality and food service experience under her belt, she embarked on the desire to build something of her own, thus creating Venus Food Mart.
The weather is changing and our skin does with it. As we leave warmer months behind to embrace the cooler drier air of Fall our skin also need to adjust to the nuances of change. At Skin Ethiks we have many clients who are referred to us with challenges they endure year after year, season after season and so we have constructed our Skin Ethiks line to ensure skin not only performs at its utmost best but customize regimens to use our Skin Ethiks organic items to benefit your skin and its specific condition. Colder, drier air from Fall weather causes irritation and so that?s the major cause of seasonal conditions that accompany fall weather. Let?s delve into what brings change. 1: Summer took a toll on us. Intense heat caused dehydration and sunburn, so much time immersed in smog and car exhaust cause collagen wrecking free radicals and serious pigmentation issues. Internally we should be consuming lots of water to detox the bodies system and loads of high antioxidant fruits and berries. A Vit C supplement and topical serum should be incorporated into your regimen. We suggest our Lite Citrus Moisturizer that contains therapeutic essential citrus oils that combat free radicals and minimize discoloration by evening the pigment. 2: September and October are the months that are cool and fresh. It's perfect weather for intense exfoliation. A house needs one roof with no leaks and so our skin needs a fresh layer of epidermis that?s not compacted with keratinized cells. Slough rough, dead skin away with a mechanical scrub such as granules or beads. If a chemical peel is used be sure to have it applied by a skin care professional as ph levels need to be monitored on sensitive skin. A chemical peel may cause more exfoliation than necessary. This may cause severe damage such as superficial burns, hyperpigmentation or total loss of pigment. Use a gentle method of exfoliation 2-3 times per week for a soft healthy glow. 3: Eczema flares up in cooler months because drier air dehydrates. Skin is dehydrated and irritated, it does not exfoliate well. Keep skin supple and ultra-hydrated with moisturizing elements such as oat or milk proteins, aloe vera gel and calming lavender. Incorporate omega 3 fatty acids into your diet to maintain elasticity and use products on the skin that are extremely emollient such as nut butters and oils that mimic the skins lipids such as grapeseed, primrose and almond. Honey is also a great antibacterial humectant that relieves eczema and irritation. Simply mix a small batch of honey with coconut oil and a couple drops of lavender and/or chamomile essential oils for a calming treat to stressed skin. Of course there is so much more to adjusting to the new weather. If you have questions or need a new regimen of items that will benefit you then request a lifestyle consultation from Skin Ethiks Clinical Esthetician by calling 516-35S-KIN8 or email Glenise Gomez hails from the Caribbean island of Trinidad and Tobago. She migrated to the US with hopes to commence a nursing career. She soon discovered that it was difficult to emotionally detach herself from the medical elements and so transferred her zeal to study esthetics. For 13 years she has been titled as a NYS Licensed Esthetician and Laser TechnicianSkin Ethiks is her most recent endeavor. It is an all natural skincare line that incorporates Fair Trade supplies from businesses owned by women who strive for empowerment and sustenance, essential oils that are cold compressed in the best graded facilities and love of maintaining a green environment. .
From the Managing Editor It wasn?t my intension to launch the magazine during such a turbulent time - an election year, but I did, and I would be remised not to mention it. If you are African American, it boggles the mind that you would choose not to vote. Do you have any idea the number of people who marched and died so that you could have this privilege? Let me give you some numbers. African Americans were granted the right to vote in 1965. We as a people have only been able to vote for the last 51 years. Amazingly during that time we managed to elect many African Americans into office and help elect a black man to one of the highest positions in the world. So now you want to throw at me ?My vote doesn?t count?, oh but it does for the other side. Please trust and believe that every bigoted, racist, sexist creep will be out in full force to vote for Trump. In the sixties and seventies the Klan used intimidation and fear to stop our ancestors from voting, and guess what they still mustered the courage to get out there and vote. Yes you are upset that Bernie lost, however Bernie?s views are more in line with Hillary?s than Trump. Mark my words you will definitely feel the BURN if Trump wins. Seriously, voting is your right and I hope you exercise it! Just not for Trump (I Kidd? not) JUST VOTE! Sincerely Denise Best,
Truth about Domestic Violence October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, this cause is very dear to the ?I AM? Empowerment Movement because we know quite a few women personally who are not only survivors of domestic violence but also our personal heroes. Melissa Holmes, Isabel Garcia, Ivette Attaud and Dawn Diaz we salute you. What is Domestic violence? The dictionary describes it as violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. However DV is much more than that as we see a rise in abuse by teenagers and the glorification of abuse and disrespect on TV shows and music. In reality Domestic violence is that ?thing? we don?t talk about even though we know or suspect it is going on because it was/ is considered a ?personal or family problem?. However due to the exposure of abusers who are entertainers and athletes this cancer that has ravished our communities is now getting the attention it deserves. Domestic violence isn?t purely physical but in actually it encompasses mental, emotional, and the psychological breakdown of the victim, as well as sexual, economic and violence. Mental: Breaking down your identity and self-worth with comments and deeds Emotional: Belittling comments, emotional roller coaster loving one minute cruel the next Psychological:Violent Temper, unnaturally cruel Sexual:Withholding sex or forcing you to perform demeaning acts Economic: limiting your access to money/ credit cards or bank account Violence: Kicking/ slapping/ pushing, any physical contact that brings you pain and is used as a punishment
True signs of an abuser -
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde; Great person to outsiders,monster at home An overly jealous possessive person (doesn?t see you as a person but as a possession) A person that alienates you from your friends and family (?You don?t need them. I'm all you need?.) A person who monitors your whereabouts, activities or spending (?Let me handle the finances you shop too much?.) Clocks your times (?You only live 45 minutes away why did it take 50 minutes?.) Gets jealous if you spend ?too much? time with others even your own child Belittles you (example; you?re ugly, you?re stupid, no one else wants you,you?re lucky to have me) Keeps you on an emotional rollercoaster (?I love you, I don?t know what I would do without you / you make me sick, I hate you?.) Believes in gender roles male supremacy Violent Temper / cruel
1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will be victims of domestic violence or abuse in their lifetime. According to the FBI, a woman is battered every 15 seconds. 2-4 million American women are abused each year. White, Black, Hispanic & Non-Hispanic women have equivalent rates of violence committed by intimate partners. Nearly 1/2 of men who abuse their female partners, also abuse their children. Up to 50% of homeless women and children in this country are fleeing domestic violence
If you notice these behaviors please know there is help and support when you are ready.
http:// domestic-violence
https:// loveshouldnthurtdomesticviolence Domestic Violence Statistics: IRIS Domestic Violence Center
From Pain to Purpose, On Purpose:
Spotlight on Melissa Holmes, Activist, Survivor, and Entrepreneur Melissa Holmes is a woman who survived domestic violence as a result of being in two abusive. After experiencing a close call with death during an encounter with her abuser while in the second abusive relationship, Melissa, being grateful that her life was spared, chose to use her experiences to not only bring healing to herself but also to others. Melissa, rather than hide in a state of melancholy, sink into an abyss of negativity by allowing herself and/ or others to hold her hostage to her abusive past, chose to grab hold of hope for a better tomorrow. She realized that her life?s mission wasn?t just about her and for her, instead it was for others who would need to hear her life?s experience as a testament of how to overcome the snare and stronghold of domestic violence. Thus, Melissa, who was once a victim of domestic violence is now operating as a Victor as she advocates by creating a platform for other victims of domestic abuse and survivors of domestic violence to be heard. It has been 6 years ago, since she survived her last relationship that almost claimed her life. Who would have thought that after being ?choked within seconds of dying?that her Facebook group in 2010 called: ?Love Shouldn't Hurt NY Inc.,? would evolve into a non-profit organization for domestic violence survivor and victims? The same strength and courage which enabled Melissa to leave her domestic violence situation, was the same feelings that birth her passion to create a safe forum for others who needed help to leave their abusive situation(s). Or, who just needed comfort in knowing that they were not alone. Since 2010 she has been strongly campaigning against domestic violence by paying it forward in the community to try to assist with building healthy relationships with those who were victims of domestic abuse, survivors of domestic violence and their families. Melissa continues to seize opportunities to create platforms to share her knowledge of domestic violence and abuse by welcoming interviews through the use of various vehicles of communication such as: in-person interviews, on television, magazines, radio, and social media as well as through motivational speaking. She continues to encourage and inspire victims and survivors of domestic violence and abuse who feel misunderstood or are afraid to speak out. She guides them in a way that makes them understand that there is nothing to be embarrassed about. That it is not their fault. That there is nothing they did or said to cause someone to abuse them. Melissa?s advocacy efforts have opened doors for many opportunities: she recently launched "From Pain to Purpose, My New Chapter? - a domestic violence seminar/ workshop Oct. 24th, 2015 which expanded to a tour which included: New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, and Maryland to name a few.
Melissa?s latest project is called: ?Invisible Scars of Domestic Violence? - a documentary that deeply explores domestic violence ? an evil which plague many homes. This documentary will highlight each person and their interview in segments, and will be filmed in New York. This documentary goes beneath the surface of the lives of six (6) women of diverse backgrounds, who suffered domestic abuse within the walls of SILENCE. This documentary explores the cries for help that ring aloud in so many homes yet are not always heard. It also provides first-hand accounts which will enable us to see through the lenses of the victims and survivors, while also visiting the deeply ingrained beliefs and misconceptions of society regarding domestic violence, while continually raising awareness and allowing others to heal as they learn the importance of Loving Thyself First. Thank You, for allowing us to share your story. For you are a true testament of how the Lord will turn tragedy into triumph, a test into a testimony, and upgrade us from being a victim to a Victor. Melissa affirms, ?I'm NO longer a victim, I'm a VICTORY! Anyone can leave an abusive relationship it takes courage and strength, help is available.? If you would like to contact Melissa to book her for an interview or a speaking engagement, you can reach her via email at: or via Facebook at: loveshouldnthurtdomesticviolence/ . Check out Melissa Holmes YouTube video: 'From Pain to Purpose/ My New Chapter- Featuring Melissa Holmes- CEO/ Founder of Love Shouldn't Hurt.' Support the Cause and Be the Change: You are invited to be an intricate part of Melissa's mission to reach, teach and educate individuals on domestic abuse and domestic violence as She raise funds to create the documentary: Invisible Scars of Domestic Violence by donating to the Plumb Fund at: http:// ? / invisible-scars-of-domestic-viole? . Remember if you're not part of the solution, You are a part of the problem. If You want to see a change, then be an agent of change and make a donation to the Plumb Fund today! #MelissaHolmes #LoveShouldntHurt #PlumbFund #InvisibleScarsOfDomesticViolence #domesticviolence #domesticabuse #4rmVictim2Victor2! #FromPainToPurposeMyNewChapter #HERStory For more information on Melissa Holmes and Love Shouldn?t Hurt: loveshouldnthurtdomesticviolence
With the end of Summer it?s time to Fall back into Fitness. I can?t speak for anyone else but I know my healthy eating routine took a hiatus for the past three months but it?s time to resume. Time to replace my caramel iced coffee with a delicious protein shake for breakfast (I add Chia and flax seed to keep me full until lunch) Protein shake ½ Cup Vanilla unsweetened Soy Milk (I?m lactose intolerant) 1 teaspoon flaxseed 1 teaspoon chai seed (add more or less) 1 Teaspoon Protein Powder 1 Tablespoon Honey or agave ¼ Teaspoon Vanilla/Almond extract 1 Ripe Banana medium Place all ingredients in a blender/ food processer until smooth. It really is yummy and switch up on the extract and fruit for a different taste. Also add ice if it?s a little too thick for your taste. I tried meditation, to get my body and mind ready for Fall. Meditation is a practice that encourages drawing total focus and awareness to the present moment without judgment. Studies suggest that meditation supports the immune system, lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and stimulates areas in the brain associated with positive feelings. The mind is like a muscle, and meditation is like exercise for the mind. I had a rather stressful weekend and because I want to keep the greys and wrinkles away I decided to meditate. I put on some smoothing music I prefer the sound of rain especially thunderstorms. I sat on a yoga mat with the lights out for deep breathing this helps to calm the heart rate and stress levels, focusing on my inhale and exhale. I visualized sitting on a balcony in Hawaii this created a relaxing and peaceful setting which really helped my breathing. I repeated my meditation mantra: MAMASAY MAMASA MAMAKUSA just because I like saying it. I did this for about 30 minutes and ended it with a long stretch, I must say I felt much better and my problem didn?t seem so tragic. After I get my mind right, a wonderful low-fat snack you can make ahead is Spicy Hummus with all natural pita chips 1 raw Garlic clove 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice 1 Tablespoon of Tahini 1 Teaspoon cumin ¼ Teaspoon salt 1 can Chickpeas/ garbanzo bean 1 Jalapeno Pepper 1 Teaspoon red pepper flakes 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil Preparation *Place garlic in a food processor process until finely chopped. Add lemon juice, tahini, cumin, salt, chickpeas, chopped jalapeno pepper, and crushed red pepper process until smooth add extra olive to make it smoother as needed. Serve with pita chips While this is really good for you the ?recommended serving size is 2 ½ tablespoons and 4 chips
Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Palette I was really excited when I saw a post on Instagram that this palette was being released this summer. I have previously purchased other ABH (Anastasia Beverly Hills) palettes and I love their pigmentation and how blend-able they are. The Modern Renaissance palette has very warm tone shades with both 11 matte and 3 shimmer shades. The colors range from shimmery champagne to a deep matte brown. One of the many reasons I love these palettes is because of how the brands shadows compliment darker skin tones. I don't have one palette that I haven't used every single shade at least once. That is the reason I choose most of the palettes I buy. I have to use at least half the shades repeatedly before I'll consider purchasing. So let's go in more about the infamous palette. Here's a personal pic of the packaging:
Palette with velour "suede" like texture in a light pink color. I personally have a hard time keeping the palette clean because it gets dirty so easily from foundations and other makeup products. Now here's the beauty in all her glory:
As you can see I've used nearly every shade in the palette; some more than others. It may look like some colors are untouched however trust me I've tried them all at least once. I was really excited about the orange, pinks, and red shades for my summer looks. I don't have any other palettes with those types of shades and couldn't wait to create some looks. Here I am wearing some of the orange and pink shades very lightly creating a neutral look. I love to wear shimmer shades on my lids. I'm wearing the shade Vermeer which is sort of a gold tone color. The orange shade (realgar) is a beautiful transition shade for us with deeper skin tones. All of the shades in this palette blend beautifully.
Here's another selfie wearing the love letter pink shade all over and even in my bottom lash line. The looks you can create is unlimited. Anastasia did a wonderful job creating this palette and I personally feel that you can even use this palette to create some awesome fall looks as well. I will surely be trying to create some looks this fall. I got this palette in June and have been using it at least twice a week since then. So if you're on the market for a new palette definitely check this one out!
Note: the above review is not endorsed nor do I have any affiliation with any company. The product was purchased using my own personal funds. If you are a company that wants me to do a review or would like to send me products you may email me at
So You Wanted to Be an Entrepreneur...Now What? How many people do you know have said ?I want to start a business?? Have you ever said to yourself ?When I decided to start a business, I didn?t realize I was going to be so overwhelmed.? Or ?When I decided to start a business, I just knew I would have more time to do what I wanted.? You are not alone. So many people have or are thinking the same thing. Then here comes those who are experienced who will say? So You Wanted to Be an Entrepreneur...Now What? Are your ready? My answer to you is I know you are not ready or rather were not ready for the amount of work that needs to be done before you can actually get your time freedom. Entrepreneurship takes a lot of work and dedication. You will be tested in so many ways to see if you are really passionate about what you are doing. My advice to you is to do what you love and it won?t feel like someone is pulling your teeth out. Oh and once you get out there, your business is no longer about you, it?s about the people who you serve. So are you ready to take on this amazing journey to entrepreneurship along with all the struggles and successes that come with it? I know you can do it. I am going to share a few more tips with you so that when I see your name in lights along my journey I will say ?I?m so glad he/she didn?t give up.? As you read my advice to you, check off each one that you have implemented as you go along in your journey of an entrepreneur.
1. Give your business the same dedication you gave your JOB! 2. Prioritize the important task. I usually handle non people communicating task in the evening. 3. Don?t forget to take time to sleep, eat, exercise, family time, and pamper yourself. 4. Create a schedule. Put each task in blocks of 45-60 minutes and stick to it for 21 days or until it becomes a habit. It?s okay to be flexible in many cases. 5. Get a business coach, life coach, and some cheerleaders. Cheerleaders are friends (old or new) who will keep pushing you when you just don?t want to do this any more. 6. Bonus: You will lose a lot I mean a lot of sleep.
True entrepreneurs do not know how to put their brains on rest. In my 15 + years in business I have had to deal with so many of life's challenges in addition to the business challenges. If I would have given up, I would have been hurting so many people who really need to hear what I have to say to help them move forward in life. My purpose have become bigger than myself. So in my eyes, I know there will be many more days of challenges to come. The biggest challenge is YOU not giving up and doing the work that is needed for you to become successful. ShaChena Gibbs, Business Development Strategist RSR Women Business Association Entrepreneur, Educator, and Association Executive, ShaChena Gibbs is helping women across the world with starting a successful business from home. ShaChena Gibbs is the Founder of Real Sisters Rising Women Business Association an award winning women's network, creator of the movement #KindWordsDay and the Author of The CEO System Book. Facebook: shachengibbs22 Twitter: shachengibbs Youtube: user/ shachenagibbs Instagram: shachenagibbs
F lorida For the end of the summer Labor Day weekend my wife and I decided to take a mini trip to Florida. I have been there a few times, this was her first time. One of the big concerns was that my wife and I are trying to make a baby and just like everyone else, we have seen on the news the Zika Virus! This was a big concern to us, but we are always skeptical about the media and so we figured we would give it a chance. We decided upon Ft. Lauderdale and Boca Raton. We stayed in downtown Ft. Lauderdale right by the ocean. My wife loves the sun and the beach and is very good at beach volleyball (me, I suck). I should also mention that she is Puerto Rican and her naturally tan skin just begs for the sun, me on the other hand I call it ?Dead white man look?. Every time I fall asleep on the sand, I wake up in a body bag, lol. I turn red, I turn white, I turn red? that?s about all, and that is why I wear 100 SPF (although, after 40 SPF it really does nothing). Now, I really don?t like reviews, when everything the reviewer says was ?amazing,? ?so much fun,? ?Fantastic,? ?Life changing.? That is when I say shut-up! - and stop reading. I really think the best way to describe something is 1 ? 10, numbers are universal, and I really like to communicate accurately. I have no loyalty to any location, just my own experience. Starting with Ft. Lauderdale Beach which was a ?8?, - It?s cool, because the sand is soft white, you have lots of stuff to do, on the other side of the beach and you have a lot of free amenities (you know like, free feet wash, chairs, public shade, volleyball, basketball, ..all that stuff). Just so you know I would give Miami Beach a 9. In Ft. Lauderdale there is a Cuban coffee place (Yelp gives it?s a ?9!?) I give it a ?6? it?s called Nuevo Cubanos, very tradition, kind of cool, but nothing amazing, but this is the closest you will get to Cuban coffee. Also, on our trip we also went to the COOLEST PUBLIC POOLS in America it?s cost $4 bucks, it?s in Coral Gables Florida and it?s an old rock quarry that?s been converted into a Pool with waterfalls, secret caves, water bridges, etc. It is called the Venetian Pool and it?s a solid ?9? (that?s BIG for me to give a ?9?). We also decided to go to the ?World?s Largest Flea Market.? It?s called the Swap Shop (8) and it?s huge, huge as in a former airport huge. If you are in Ft. Lauderdale and you are looking for the Disneyland of Flea Markets, I highly recommend going there. We also went a zoo, called Monkey Jungle. Unlike, most Zoos (it?s mostly monkeys, but not all), in this Zoo you are the one who is caged. The entire park is 1 huge cage and you are inside and the Monkeys are free to watch you. Yes, you can feed them all but they are aggressive and bang on the cage, telling you ?Give me more Food.? This is not the place for everyone, so judge for yourself if this is something you are interested in. But 100% it?s a new experience, and for me I give it a ?7.? We also went to a place called the Coral Castle in Miami, yes, it?s a castle made out of Coral, hand built in 1940 by 1 man ? very cool, but just a roadside attraction I give it a ?5.? We then headed up to Boca Raton. Boca Raton is very rich with big houses by the intercostal canal and ocean, for me, I am not a big fan of looking at other people?s money, but my wife loves that stuff. We drive around and looked at the mansions and drove through Mizner outdoor mall, and we settled on Deerfield Beach, right on the border of Boca is Deerfield Beach.
Deerfield Beach is a lot smaller then Ft. Lauderdale Beach, but this is the place where all the young people go, there is a huge surfing culture there, lots of restaurants, bars, nightlife. Basically if you?re a younger person and you are not close to Miami, Ft. Lauderdale beach this is your best option, and close behind with a ?7? is Deerfield Beach. Let?s talk about Casinos, we went to the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino ?in Hollywood, FL. Dude!! This place is NOT only a casino, although the Casino is huge! This place has an outside mall about a mile long filled with Bars, Restaurants, Clubs, Boxing matches, hookah shops, Ice cream shops, marching parades, singers in the streets, concerts going on. This is a must, even if you don?t like casinos, you will be very surprised by what you see. I give it a ?9,? and I do not give ?9??s easily. I have been to all these places in the past, and I knew they were good so that is why I wanted to show my wife, and that?s why they have high scores. I could write 100 more pages of places that sucked too, but life is short, why waste you precious time on place that sucks. FYI, my wife despite tons of bug spray, my wife still got bite by 2 mosquitoes (this might be another article).
My name is Andrew Levin and I am a true weekend warrior. I travel as much as I can including weekend trips. I am close to being a certified (MSD) Master Scuba Diver. I own a German Sheppard and I work at company that deals with information and investments and I am celebrating my 1 year of being married.
To all the ladies in the place with style and grace? kick off your shoes and relax your feet...? Allow me to (re) Introduce myself?
"I A M M E"? Althema.? . The Celebrator-in-Chief (you will quickly learn, we are not traditional here) Greetings and welcome to I AM ME? .. The Magazine. This is the next installment to the "I AM" Empowerment Movement... If you are familiar, thank you for your continuous support. If you are brand new, welcome to the family. The Mission. Vision, and Purpose for I Am Empowerment as a whole is to educate, celebrate, empower, and inspire. We recognize that looks completely different to everyone so here we are with an array of columns, stories, contributions, information, and more from an extraordinary diverse group.. We do aim to EMPOWER. My hope is for you to read this magazine and feel EMPOWERED, INSPIRED, MOTIVATED and Whole! We want you to acquire the ?"I CAN"?, the ?"I WILL"?, and the ?"I AM"? mentality. What you see here will be relatable, and doable. We will be bringing you some of the best stories, spotlights, and columns there is (imaginable). Be on the lookout for new writers, topics, and our own spin on things. Thank you again for reading. To the readers .... Seatbelts and shades on? Let?s Ride! So the next time someone ask you ?WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?? TELL THEM? ..I AM ME REMEMBER YOU ARE ENOUGH? PEACE, LOVE, AND BLESSINGS,