1 minute read
Written By: Dr. H. Mary Leonce
An important part of our mental health is to plan ahead. When you plan ahead it leads to less anxiety, frustration, and loss. Planning ahead helps create the life you want. It helps you do a new thing, reach your goals, and possibly obtain your purpose in life. According to Oprah “luck is preparation meeting opportunity.” Preparation is a big staple in Hope. Without hope, we fall into despair. Despair leads to a dark tunnel and you don’t want to go there. There is a saying that if you do the same thing over and over you can’t expect different results. If you want to see a change in your life you ’ re going to have to do something different.
Let this year be your year. Do that thing you ’ ve always wanted to do, take that trip, and step out of your comfort zone. One way to start is by doing a vision board. Put everything and anything you can think of that you want on this board. Don’t think about how it’s going to happen just jot it down. Having the most basic belief that it’s a possibility and it can happen; is your first step in getting there. Do something different this year and change your life. You have to believe, according to Bennie Man, a reggae icon, “You’re Unstoppable, Stay Strong.”
Set clear realistic goals.
Start small, pick one thing, and stick with it.
Live within your means.
One step at a time is better than no step.
Declutter your life, declutter your home.
Fight for what you want.
Missing your mark is not failure just another chance to try again.
Don’t give up!
Write it down, check on yourself every so often.
Praise Yourself for every little accomplishment after all you ’ re worth it!