Aurora Oral Reading Assessment Rubric Grade 4
Not Yet NY
Approaching A
Meeting M
Excelling E
Minimal performance and understanding
Inconsistent performance and understanding
Consistent performance and understanding
In-depth performance and understanding
Snapshots Conference Prompts
Reading Skills Oral Reading
□ Ask students to read to you.
Reluctant, uncertain Little expression
One word at a time Possible phrasing Some attention to punctuation Some expression
□ What do you do when you come to a challenging word? (select a few difficult words for the conference)
Relies on sounding out May give up on unfamiliar words
Uses phonics and word families to identify new words with support May ask for help
□ Explain what you did to help yourself understand the story. □ What more could you have done?
Does not show awareness of comprehension strategies Does not identify problems or self-correct Does not adjust reading strategies May guess or rely on recall rather than reread or skim for details
If prompted uses some strategies If prompted, identifies problems but has difficulty adjusting strategies May have some difficulty locating specific details in text rereading
Fluency reading at the speed of speech
Working with Words Word Attack strategies Sight Vocabulary Techniques
Reading for Meaning Use of comprehension strategies
Confident in most oral reading activities More fluent as story progresses Attends punctuation Expression reflects some moods Uses phonics, word structure and context clues to identify new words May need some prompting Purposefully use a number of comprehension strategies Checks for understanding Adjusts strategies to deal with specific problems Skims and rereads for details as required
Confident in all oral reading activities Fluency at speed of speech Expression reflects different moods, pace and tension Combines phonics, word structure and context clues efficiently Independently figures out unfamiliar words
Syllable Junctures
Harder Suffixes
Independently uses a wide variety of comprehension strategies May invent new strategies Checks own understanding Efficiently skims and rereads for details as required
WORD WORK STAGES Please highlight student level
Possible Points Baseline November March June
Short Vowels
Long Vowels
Other Vowels
Inflected Endings
Unaccented Final Syllables 5
Bases or Roots