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You can't have missed the buzz about Vermeer (until 4 June), the most extensive exhibition of the Dutch painter's work brought together for the first time. Tickets for this blockbuster sold out fast, but there is still plenty to enjoy this season at the Rijksmuseum. Our tip: the garden exhibition, where one of the most important land artists in the world, Richard Long, will be exhibiting subtle sculptural works (24 May-29 October).
Amsterdam houses many more museums than can fit on these pages. Head to iamsterdam.com to find them all.
Travel through 10,000 years of cultural history at Allard Pierson, the archaeology institute for heritage collections from the University of Amsterdam. In the permanent exhibition, From the Nile to the Amstel, encounter everything from Egyptian mummies, Greek pottery and Roman glass to Medieval bibles, Multatuli's manuscripts, and plaster casts of famous classical statues.