Welcome To ekso BIONICS
About Ekso Bionics
Ekso Bionics is the only exoskeleton company to offer technologies that range from helping those with paralysis to stand up and walk, to enhancing human capabilities on job sites across the globe, to providing research for the advancement of R&D projects intended to benefit U.S. defense capabilities.
Our Patient Stories Sasha’s Story Sasha describes her experiences using the EksoGT in her rehab for her spinal cord injury Dan’s story Dan’s therapist suggested using the Ekso exoskeleton to help get him walking as early as possible.
EksoGT At Ekso Bionics we believe together we can change the standard of care by supporting patients hopes of early mobility and independence with exoskeleton technology.
Exoskeleton Technologies
National Stroke Association The National Stroke Association’s mission is to reduce the incidence and impact of stroke through education and programs focused on prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and support that addresses the needs of stroke survivors, caregivers and healthcare professionals in the stroke community nationwide.
Latest Research
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