Base Ltd. Newsletter 2011

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Management Team


• Ian Kelly BSc (Hons) AM IMech E— Managing Director

Corporate Details of Technology Capabilities


Ian Kelly‟s background in the Aerospace sector spans almost three decades as a stress engineer. He brings an expertise in traditional analysis of lightweight structures, finite element analysis and advanced composites structures and is a founder member and joint owner of the company.

• Peter Hinds BEng (Hons) C Eng (MIEI)—Business Development Director Peter Hinds has a career beginning in the stress office in Shorts over two decades ago and leading him into consultancy roles in many Aero-


space design organisation around UK and Europe. His expertise is in the field of advanced finite element analysis particularly in relation to composite structures and includes an in depth knowledge of composite repair technology. Peter is a founder member and joint owner of the company

• David Raymond MSc C Eng—Chairman David Raymond has an engineering career of over 40 years beginning in the world famous Harland and Wolff shipyard and leading into the

Functional Capabilities P.1 Analysis Experience P.2

Structural and Dynamic Analysis

Design Experience P.3 Management Team P.4

role of Technical Director in BP and ultimately running his own business development organisation in 1996. David‟s expertise is in addition to engineering is business development , focussing specifically on business performance improvement in small and medium sized organisations.

Finite Element Analysis MSC.Nastran

• Paula Kelly BSc(Hons) MIoD—Commercial Director Paula Kelly brings a career spanning more than two decades in industries as diverse as Real Estate, Finance, Aerospace and Conservation.

MSC.Patran. Analytical problem solving

Paula held a previous role in the Business Jet Sales Department of British Aerospace in Hatfield and has an expertise in communications having

Traditional engineering methods.

graduated from the Ulster University in Linguistics and Human Communications.

Durability & Damage Tolerance

• Keith Dunlop BEng—Business Development Manager Keith Dunlop began his career more than two decades ago in the research and development departments of Shorts as a stress engineer. Prior to joining BASE in 2008, Keith held the position of Business Development manager in MSC.

• Andrew Wallace BSc (Hons)—Chief Stress Engineer

Functional Capabilities we have to offer. Base is a technical engineering services pro-

BASE has the technical excellence and management

vider established in Belfast and serving the

processes to work effectively with your engineers to

Vibration and Flutter analysis

European and American Aerospace market.

Composites analysis

With a background in successfully solving

Acoustic Fatigue

problems for some of the world‟s leading en-

Impact analysis

gineering firms, BASE are recognised as aer-

Certification documentation

ospace sector specialists.

Andrew Wallace has a career as a stress engineer for over two decades. He came to BASE in 2007 and was quickly promoted to the role of Chief Stress Engineer in recognition of his leadership ability

Product Design Structural and Systems design

• David Burrell—Chief Design Engineer David Burrell has worked in the Aerospace industriy more than three decades and took the position of Chief Design Engineer in BASE in 2007.

The Legacy Building, Northern Ireland Science Park, Queen‟s Road, Queen‟s Island, Belfast, BT3 9DT E-mail Phone : +44 2890 9046 3920 Web:

David‟s expertise lies in light weight structures design, tolerancing and composites.

using CATIA V4/V5 Concept, Preliminary structural layouts and detailing Metallic design

• Trevor Cochrane—Chief Project Manager Trevor Cochrane‟s career in Aerospace Engineering spans 30 years. He came to BASE from his role as Concessions Manager in an Aerospace Engineering company in England. Mr Cochrane‟s expertise is in Project Management.

• Jonathan McCluggage BA ACA—Financial Controller Jonathan McCluggage came to BASE in 2006 from one of the worlds leading finance and accounting organisations.

• Janine Andrews—Office Manager Janine Andrew‟s came to BASE in 2004 and manages office logistics, HR and Quality

Composites Design Tool Design

understand your requirements. Working together we can find the best solution. BASE can manage projects from our offices in Belfast or co-ordinate with your team to define the work packages and support you onsite.

BASE is committed to providing engineering services BASE has specialist knowledge in composite materi-

to the highest professional standards with our practi-

als, aircraft engine nacelle design and analysis, vibra-

cal design and analytical expertise. The quality of our

tion, crash analysis, fatigue and damage tolerance and

work is assured through the AS9100 Quality Standard

aircraft structures. We pride ourselves in our flexible

and we proactively manage our Projects and Customer

approach which allows us to work within your time

Interfaces with PRINCE2 based project management

frames to provide effective solutions. Our clients value

process. At the core of our business, our engineers

BASE‟s unique ability to provide a personal, profes-

and management team are the essence of BASE. By

sional service which is entirely specific to their needs.

continuing focus on their professional development, we

Design Automation

demonstrate our commitment to the people in the Since 2000, BASE has provided 3D CAD based De-

organisation. We value their skills and dedication, and

sign and complementary Stress Analysis consultancy

recognise the importance of providing an environment

on metallic and composite structures to a Global cus-

that encourages continual development both technical-

tomer base. Benefiting from the strong aerospace

ly and personally.

tradition which has grown up around Belfast, the company has attracted highly trained engineers focusing on stress engineering, structural design and systems.

Principles for Project Management Success

EYE ON IT Current and recent projects in BASE

What design build team leads really need to know.

Prince 2 principles have been at the heart of deliver-

We asked 2 engineering managers the things they found most useful about engaging our services...

ing the 70+ projects on time, on budget and to the quality expected by our customers over the past 10 years. It is a de facto standard used extensively by the UK govern-

Recently BASE has won a number of engineering contracts in both the Aerospace and other sectors. The Certification Check

Technology Solutions for Optimised Designs

Stress for the A400M rear fuse-

BASE. We were recognised as

ment and is widely recog-

We all hate being asked for

challenging, but with your regular

tion of transport vehicles using ad-

Optimisation is a well under-

has not been the case in the projects

Imize the technological advantage of

nised and used in the private

feedback and to begin with we

project review process working with

vanced composite material systems

stood requirement in aero-



the CAD tools at their disposal allows

sector, both in the UK and

also hated the idea of asking

BASE presented no such problems.

and state of the art digital manufac-

space design but one which is

teams for. Having an average experi-

cost, quality and delivery efficiencies


for feedback. Fear of the un-

“He went on to say “BASE staff com-

turing methods. Mark recognised our

seldom achieved. The main

ence level exceeding fifteen years

to provide competitive advantage in

known has a powerful effect.

pleted the work packages in a timely

experience in the field of design of

hurdle to overcome in success-


the face of the low cost competition

But if you have been involved in

But when we grasped the net-

and efficient manner and made posi-

composite aircraft structures and

fully optimising designs in to-

enough to enjoy an un-paralleled

we increasingly encounter.

the development of engineering

tle and started to ask our cus-

tive technical contributions to the

contracted us to engage with their

day‟s complex product devel-

level of successful project delivery.

Put into perspective, BASE has suc-

project management and quality


improvement of the methodologies

team of research assistants in a

opment environment is in the

processes you will already know

thought of us we began to


process of knowledge transfer. The

size and experience of the

Obviously having world class and

to 23 internationally based aerospace

that such systems have to be

warm to the task and had a

main focus was our experience of the

engineering teams involved.

experienced engineers is not enough

companies in the 10 years of its

adapted and tailored to efficiently

few surprises along the way.

to ensure project success in todays

trading totalling in excess of 350,000




meet the requirements of the

industries‟ approach to this type of

We had often won-


dered how effective







cessfully delivered over 70 projects


Too often large teams of inexperi-

technology driven engineering envi-

hours of work. In that time we have

developing organisation. The

Marshalls of Cambridge have been a

a remote engineer-

“Managing a supplier

After project com-

enced engineers managed by one or

ronment; the engineering toolkit we

not failed to deliver a single project to

project management process

longstanding customer of ours over

ing team can be and

of technical analysis

pletion we asked

two senior engineers are hopelessly

use is also critical in its delivery.

agreed time and cost targets! That is

devloped in BASE as a result of

many years and previous discussions

our feeling was that

Mark how he felt

overwhelmed by the objectives they

Further than having the tools to do

a record we are proud of and have

recognising this is lean in its pro-

around how our performance on the

remotely can be very

with the standard of

things had gone.

are expected to meet. Happily this

the job, our team‟s ability to max-

every intention of continuing.

cesses, easy in its application and

projects completed were positive. We

current communica-

perceptive in its metrics. The re-

felt that our customer relationship


sults of managing over 350,000

with this client was good and took

web conferencing and so on, the age

us and I would consider BASE as a

hours of engineering activity suc-



of geographically separated engi-

supplier of engineering resource for

Q: Why do we value our links with the

development and promotion of the engineering indus-

cessfully are a testament to the

business we were enjoying. Our

neering teams was now here. It was

further projects. We would have no

local universities so highly?

try in Northern Ireland. This has manifested itself in a

effectiveness of the underlying

latest project involved the analysis of

good to have our feelings confirmed.

hesitation in recommending BASE to

A: BASE has established strong links with

number of collaborative initiatives including R&D

principles when pragmatically

repair solutions for a fleet of RAF Tri-


Star Tankers. Colin Binks, Marshalls

Professor Mark Price, Director of

competent and professional.” Natu-

Principal Stress Engineer and veter-

Research at


rally receiving such feedback was

When the project management

an of many highly demanding project

launched their „All Ireland Demon-

very encouraging and confirmed

process is embedded into the

environments, when asked what he

strator‟ research and development

what we felt our contribution had

BASE quality management system

felt had been most useful about en-

programme in June 2010. The prima-

been in the course of this project.

meeting the stringent aerospace



ry aim of this work was to improve

What it also pointed out was the

AS9100 standard you know your

“Managing a supplier of technical

the sustainability of the next genera-

value of the asset we have at our

quality will be assured.

analysis remotely can be technically






anyone and we found the staff both



having the ability to complete a project of this complexity and were awarded the contract in partnership with Peters Engineering in Munich. Work in the power generation sector began this year with an investigative R&D project to develop a composite demonstrator structure.

SOFTWARE Tools of the trade To provide an engineering service to the worlds leading aeropsace

“The project was very successful for


lage has been significant to

Working closely with the Universities

the Aeronautical Engineering Dep-

design and manufacturing companies we have the capabilities to use the

programmes in composites, automated design, crash

artment at Queen‟s University Belfast

simulation and 3D animated assembly. Currently

and Ulster University through placement

we are actively involved in a new Advanced Manu-

of graduate and undergraduate engineers

facturing Centre of Excellence being developed in

in research based initiatives. Staying at the

the Harbour Estate due for completion this year and

forefront of technology and supporting new

have begun a composites R&D project with UU and a

talent coming into the industry is very important

major global player and world leader in the provision of

to the company and we are committed to the continual

power generation solutions

necessary tools for the job: MSC NASTRAN MSC PATRAN MSC DYTRAN & MARC Altair Hyperworks AFGROW & NASGROW MathCAD CATIA V4 & V5 3DVIA FiberSIM Dassualt Knowledgeware ……...and more

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