My Daily Life V2.0

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We first start off in Home Room after arriving from home. The students are checked present and Ian sits at his desk. Usually he can be seen either on his phone or on his school laptop. Although, there are particular instances where he talks to the two students in front of him: Lillian and Phillip Fidell. If he is not doing any of these things he’s watching the morning announcements.

After Ian does his daily warm-ups in Gym he relaxes in Photography class where different opportunities lie. Each day there’s something to make, but it seems photoshop interests him more. Making creatures of good and evil out of the outlines of tree branches and eraser marks. Perhaps he sees things some others do not and makes it his own. In a way the class was a gateway into a new hobbie: drawing.

Next would be english class. Mostly it’s reading novels and doing small activities in between. Ian doesn’t seem to mind. He stays silent and quietly does his work trying to make haste. He listens to the commonly disliked teacher, Ms. Grossmann, though he doesn’t seem to mind. Ian does his work without any problems. He had even made an acquaintance: Branel.

Spend your lunch money quick because it’s time to code! Making our way through lunch is Mr. Seeley’s python programming class. Ian looks eager to start each day. Pulling up his laptop and getting straight to it. Coding seems to interest him. If he wasn’t in the classroom than he would be in the media center around his peers, typing away.

Speed walking through the hallway, Ian goes to public speaking to research, write, and perform his next speech. He rubs his face at the look of multiple pages filled with clippings of research. One thing he enjoys is the opportunity to grow closer to his peers because of the small group of students in his class. With each speech he stands up tall with his shoulders back. Ian may seem confident while walking up to the podium, but his feels his chest before each speech. After he always smiles either out of relief or he’s just that confident in his abilities.

Next he walks to math class eager to work and get everything done. Each period he gets his binder, sits down, and gets to work. Ian does so with the occasional comment to his left where his peers Haden and Dylan sit. Besides the occasional conversation he sits in silence until you unplug his ear buds.

Ian finishes his final class, video tech, then continues past Oak View Elementary on his walk home. He is followed by his step-brothers although they could disagree to that. Nevertheless the walk is filled with talk about whatever comes to mind. And unexpectedly one day, a boy named Joel showed up and started walking with them home. As well as taking rides to school.

Ian enters the house each day with a sigh. Sighing at the rest of the day he has ahead. To him it’s not as fulfilling as he expects it to be. Though he has much to do with that. Still, he finds ways to have fun and enjoy himself. He passes by his step-brothers as he goes to take out the family dog, Lewie.

As the chores of today become tomorrow Ian unravels his mind in a box with four blue painted walls. Calling and texting those close and closest to him. Jessica, a friend since elementary. Emily, who has been more than a family member to him, more like a best friend he never had. Shane, a friend made through his cousin Emily. Finally, as a day comes to an end he says his good nights and climbs into bed. He thinks about tomorrow and what it will bring. About the good mornings he will give. The prayers that will be spoken as he opens his eyes. The life he lives is an easy and not at all bad life.

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