Emo$onal response Film Techniques
Aims and objec$ves of lesson • Recall elements and key terms that create emo$onal responses • Analyse the film techniques of Spielberg • Evaluate the power of film techniques (micro elements) twinned with emo$ve subjects • Plan and respond to a past ques$on
Diary dates • Thursday 19th June 9:00 am • All coursework must be uploaded by the end of this wee
Starter ac$vity • In Pairs – Which spectator can influence a spectators emo$onal response to a film? • Make notes individually, either on your tumblr or a notebook. • Be ready to give an example
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Context of the viewing (screening, $ming and company) Self-‐awareness Cri$cal distance/immersion Spectator preconcep$ons or expecta$ons Mo$va$ons Cultural knowledge Prior knowledge of text Life experiences Catharsis Effec$veness of cinematography Edi$ng choices All micro elements
Spielberg techniques • Task -‐ Watch the video and answer the ques$on sheet. • We will share our responses at the end.
Saving Private Ryan • How does Spielberg use micro elements in the beach landing scene and what response do you have to the sequence? • Discuss as a pair an take your own notes.
Juno • This sequence covers a very emo$ve topic so it is commonplace to assume it is just the subject that emotes a response • What are the techniques employed by Jason Reitman that create an emo$onal response? Make notes on your tumblr.
Cinema of shock • • • •
This is England (2006) Shane Meadows Combo fight scene Racist scene Combo returns American History X (1998) Tony Kaye
• How do the techniques add to an emo$ve subject ma`er? Make notes of each technique
Your research • Go back to the film sequences that you researched for the task in your last lesson. • Revise your analysis as well as the clips and check that you have considered all the technical elements.
Past Ques$on • With reference to the films you have studied for this topic, explore some of the film techniques that are par$cularly powerful in triggering an emo$onal response in the spectator. • Using the notes made today make a plan for this ques$on (10 mins)
Final task • From your plan write a response to the ques$on (20 mins)
Plenary • What specific techniques have you no$ced being used in the clips you have studied today?