Primary and Secondary Research for factual wri6ng
Differences between primary and secondary research • Primary • Secondary
Primary • • • • •
Interviews that you personally conduct Ques6onnaires and research that you conduct Images that you take Your own observa6ons Your analysis of informa6on that forms opinion
Secondary reseach • Informa6on you reproduce from published sources • Images you reproduce from other sources
Are these primary or secondary
Your task • • • • • •
Follow the link on tumblr about the Lorry that crashed Upminster . Make notes of the story In groups of three take a voice recorder and a camera. Got to the scene to observe and interview local people about the accident Take images Observe and make notes of your observa6ons
Return to write the story in a InDesign document. The story must have at least one image, a headline, quotes from an interview and your observa6ons. Annotate the ar6cle to show the primary and secondary elements. Upload to issuu then your tumblr
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