• Introduction • Tips for building a quality deck • Sealed wood • Closing open spaces and using rails • Railing Height and Baluster Spacing • Deck base
INTRODUCTION • A deck improves the appearance of a house and provides the homeowner with sufficient space to enjoy the outdoors during the warmer seasons. • It also increases the financial value of the home. In order to achieve all these benefits of decking, the house owner needs to maintain the quality of build and design to achieve the perfect deck.
Sealed wood • Making use of sealed deck helps to improve the life time of the deck. It won't get damaged or decayed within a short span of time. • The important thing about the sealed wood is it improves the standard of your deck. • It look more attractive than the normal unsealed wooden decks.
Closing open spaces and using rails • The important thing to be considered during the decking process is closing the open spaces. In case of failures, it may result in accidents. • The railing provides the comfort to walk on the sides of the deck or while walking upstairs it helps to maintain the balance. • In the absence of rail, it will be difficult to maintain balance while walking. • This also pretends an immense safety concern that no one could fall.
Railing Height and Baluster Spacing • While constructing the deck one should follow the rules of deck construction rules of your area. The rules are implemented to ensure your safety. • The most important rule you should be aware of measurement of railing heights and baluster spacing. • Another thing to be considered is if the railing height is lower it cause someone to fall and not marinating sufficient spacing makes the children to get stuck while playing and fall off the deck. • If you failed to follow these safety concerns it causes major defects.
Deck base • Deck base is the important part of the deck where all the foundation of the entire deck lies.
• The basement needs to be flat and clear if any crack or issues occur in the foundation leads to shacking of the floor or even get collapsed. • Always ensure to use quality and standard size of decks for the basement.