7 minute read
by seanLI
This is a daily dystopia in a city on the border between China and North Korea. The design is a watchhouse, a border market, a square, residences, and children's playgrounds.
Here, the legacy of communism and the prosperity of the market economy, juxtaposition, tittytainment and propaganda coexist, and monuments and daily life interact.
Here provide dark corners for defectors
Here provides a bright tower for the army
This is where Mao Zedong is an icon and also a consumed icon, and so is Kim.
Life itself is dispelling huge in this dystopia, and building this dystopia is resisting idols. This is a hodgepodge of semantic metaphor and iconic symbolization, the exploding gesture of architecture from the perspective of daily life.

It is no longer a spectacle, but like the signboards of cafes and supermarket advertisements, the routine of this dystopia.
It is a challenging narrative, not about war, ideology, God's perspective, Western theory, and rationalism here. These single narratives become the background, and people are the protagonists.
Where are the people?

Task:Stadium design location:Kuming, Yunan province
Date: April-May,2018,8 weeks
Tutor: Wei Guo
Group work :Concept generation, Diagram Drawing, Rendering, Model making SPECIFICATION:
This design comes from the in-depth exploration of the typology of gymnasiums and proposes that gymnasiums should be designed as a public building to stimulate the vitality of places and for people's activities, while traditional Chinese gardens are handled adequately based on the relationship between site and people's movements. Therefore, this design is proposed based on understanding the artistic conception of Chinese gardens, which is " mountain-like, water-like, earth-like" in form and " playable, watchable, walkable" in function. Based on satisfying the existing tasks of gymnasiums, it follows the ancient laws and promotes humanity..

Task: Museum Design location : Wulong village,Kunming, Yunan province
Date: March-May. 2016 8 weeks
Partnership: Individual
SPECIFICATION: the building USES the relationship between the village's nolli map and the boundary to form the volume, sorting out the original negative space of the town. Then, the column is used as a medium to play a transitional role between the entity and space and can bring the corresponding sense of ruins and sanctity to the site. Finally, the repetition, the divinity and transparency of pillar elements are used to build a landscape along the dianchi lake. The regeneration of village texture, the creation of deity, and commemoration are the critical points of this design.
The design is a purely conceptual proposal. Facing the problem of the considerable scale difference between the villages on the edge of the urban area and the newly developed areas around it, I conceptualized a part of the existing town as the museum itself, to preserve the rarely seen texture and space in the city.

Another Sectional Highrise
Task: high rise
Design location: KUNMING, Yunnan province
Date: 2018, 8 weeks
This design hopes to add a more hierarchical public space to the conventional high-rise design. Through the adjustment of the structure, I set aside an exclusive public space in the space, and created a split-level public space in a conventional high-rise building in the spatial language of floor height, section, scale, column type, and stairs.

Back To Kunming
Task: Residential Area
Design location: KUNMING, Yunnan province
Date: MAY-JUNE. 2018, 8 weeks
Partnership: leader of two, concept design, model, rendering SPECIFICATION:
The design aims to propose a new approach to the development of large blocks of land frequently seen in urban planning in China these days. In terms of planning ideas, under the guidance of new urbanism and city image in traditional Chinese cities, an atmosphere of old neighbourhoods and narrow paths that seems back to Kunming will be created. Within the planned residential area, the combination of people aims to create a united living state among families of different ages and compositions. The ground floor is open to the community, becoming a place where public space, commercial space and other communities interact.

Finally, in terms of the design of apartment types, in the face of Kunming's actual and future development, I designed different apartment types for other groups of people. However, due to the soaring housing prices in contemporary China, many families are faced with the dilemma of "having money to buy a house without money to decorate."
Then I developed the expandable apartment types aimed at different families and crowds. When the prospective economic condition is mature, after adding a new member to the home, they can decorate the store content space that did not decorate to become a new door model.
It is hoped that through this design, the quality of an entire block will be improved from the micro-level of each people's family type, the expanding family, to the middle level, the arrangement between different families and different family types, and finally, to the macro level, to create a neighbourhood relationship and life-bearing the traditional Chinese lifestyle.


This project emerged from a supposedly poetic wandering in Amager.
We were looking for the earth in the ruins of industry, looking for nature on the basis of artificial, fantasizing about ourselves in the artificial wilderness, and projecting our shallow cognition of nature, green, sustainable, romanticized nature.
Grass : We inevitably found the grass, specifically, the weed, the unwanted grass. We measured the weed, sorted the weed, picked names, collected them, and pulled them out of the earth.
Then we consciously picked them, weaved them, we weaved weeds into the fabric. Weeds weave us into the material in the name of aesthetics and sustainability they become ropes, knots, nets, coasters, and later the structure, our dissatisfaction with the artificial world.

Earth/ soil/ terra: We touch the soil, pick the soil, measure the soil, smell the soil, and barefooted stand on the soil; the soil is not soil. Air, water, rotten vegetation, sand, silly, and clay are all soil. Colour from the minerals and water, smells from the organic matter, texture from human s perception eventually, we rammed the soil together, revealing the agenda. We try to turn them into walls. the wall: To be a wall, the soil is flesh, and grass should be bone. We rammed the earth dried the soil weaved a net of grass, and tied the grass net in the soil, organic, natural, raw, and fragrant. the teahouse : We propose a teahouse. We promise to use wood, earth, grass, natural wind, and human hands. Wood, earth, grass, wind, and human hands promise us a coarse, organic, natural, primitive, fragrant, more prone to collapse, uncomfortable, premature the houses of the first folk.

Housing Factory Is Housing
Date: 2020-2021
Tutor: Beata hemer

Partnership: Individual
The proposal is a housing factory which produces walls, rooms, plugins.

The people who produce the products are the owners of the products, the process of production will be staged, like the middle class’ obsession with craftsmanship, streamline workers, the room producers deserve the recognition.
Also, the factory itself would become the site of people’s new house. The more rooms and houses the factory produces, the sooner the factory will die and become housing itself.
Housing crisis
Urban myth in the Faroe Islands states that the emergence of a housing association is responsible for the soaring divorce rate in the Faroe Islands.

A decade ago, Faroese people would not get divorced. Since the housing association introduced a renting system in the Faroe Islands, Faroese people have started getting divorced. The Faroese government's focus on renting was prompted a decade ago when several Danish teachers left the country because they could not find a place to rent near the capital.
There will be a shortage of nearly 3 000 homes on the rental market for the foreseeable future, which includes roughly a fifth of a country's population of just 50 000
Asian Bride
More than 300 women from Thailand and the Philippines live in the Faroes. It doesn't sound like a lot, but in a population of just 50,000 people, they now make up the most significant ethnic minority in these 18 islands. In new millennia, the Faroes have experienced population decline, with young people leaving, often searching for education, and not returning. Women have proved more likely to settle abroad. According to Prime Minister Axel Johannesen, the Faroes have a "gender deficit" with approximately 2,000 fewer women than men. This, in turn, has led Faroese men to look beyond the islands for romance. Many, though not all, Asian women, met their husbands online, some through commercial dating websites. Others have made connections through social media networks or existing Asian-Faroese couples. For new arrivals, the culture shock can be dramatic.

Task:Culture Complex Design

Date: MAY.- JUN. 2019,8 weeks
Partnership: Individual SPECIFICATION:
In this design, I want to explore the use of some primary architectural languages in the context of traditional architecture in contrast to the traditional Chinese aesthetic concepts learned in the previous design. The site of the building is in vast farmland, and its site spirit is the basis of all architectural means. The vastness of the site and the simplicity of the basic form also make it possible to design abundant architectural Spaces within. The combination of arch, wall, the column, also became a design highlight. Here, the autonomy of architecture, self-evident, proportion and scale, massiness, become the keywords in the design. This is an exercise of original architectural style, Beaux-Art aesthetics.This is a design that learns from history, and this is a design that goes back to the primary architectural language.

location:Architacture Studio
Date: May.2015 (6 weeks)
Property: Group work (leader of 3

Date: JUN.2017 (2 weeks)
Property: Group work (leader of 3)

Vernacular Architecture Survev And Jiama

Date: JULE, 2017 (2 WEEKS)
Property: Group work (leader of 4)
China-Japan Urban Renewal Workshop 2018
• Collaborated with four graduate students from Waseda University and Hunan university to develop solutions for the regeneration of an ancient city -- quality improvement design of public space in Phoenix Town, Hunan Province.

• Analysed site conditions and problems, Conceptualised the instalments and Introduced a project to activate the local community.

Bio-Architecture Formasana
Architectural Intern Taipei, Taiwan
• Revised facade design and modified the solar system of the roof in Taoyuan Waste to Energy Plant BOT Project, Taiwan

• Developed facade modifications, Calculated and collected dates for LEED in Taipei Nanmen Market, Taiwan
• Coordinated with the senior architects with the plan arrangement and Revised material of the renewal project of Multipurpose Gongguan Distribution Pond, Taiwan
• Model making and PPT sorting for the Elderly hospital of national Chengkong university
• Assessed preliminary research and drafted the proposal for the project in the Taipei YWCA building project, Taiwan

Kungong Fanya Design Group 2018
Architectural Intern Kunming, China
• Participated in the site analysis, designed each block in the key area urban design in Baoshan, Yunnan province
• Participate in the urban concept design, drafted several facades for the market in urban design and market design of a hot spring town, Anning, Yunnan province

• Organised for the Christiania Mapping Workshop

• Helped to set up the floating community project