Panel Production July-August 09

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July/August Issue 2009 Published by:

EC Media Ltd 23 Uvedale Road Enfield, Middlesex

Biesse are celebrating 40 years as a leading manufacturer of innovative machinery and integrated systems. The introduction of a new generation of ‘lean’ products resulted in productivity gains of over 30% to customers – see page 26.


Telephone/Fax: E-mail: Website: Publisher: Designer:

+44 (0)20 8366 3331


The Magazine Printing Co. plc Ernie Hollister Ian Curtis


Reproduction of articles: All material appearing in Panel Production is strictly copyright, and all rights are reserved. No part of the publication may be copied or transmitted in any form whatsoever, including photocopying, without the prior permission of the publishers. Publishers’ note: The editorial opinions expressed in Panel Production are not necessarily those of the publishers, who shall be under no liability with respect

The Crucial Difference Between One CNC Machine and Another for Dimension 3

to any article published herein. Distribution: Panel Production is published six times a year and circulated to individual purchasers and


specifiers who are manufacturing within the wood-based panel and board industry in the UK and Ireland. Annual subscription is at the following rates, which include postage: UK & Ireland







© Copyright EC Media Ltd

Where to Buy Saws 2009

ISSN 1476-6272

Ligna Review

CONTENTS News The Crucial Difference Between One CNC Machine and Another for Dimension 3 Save On Manpower, Production Time and Space with Holzma Greda CNC for UK and Irish Markets Triplar: Phase 2 by Dustraction Bütfering Sets The Sanding Standards for Entry Level Machines World’s Strongest Robot Dazzles with Agile Lifting Skills A Good Home for Combilift at I-S Manufacturing Morgan Furniture Have Reduced Their Production Time by 30-40% Blum Excites Visitors at Interzum Take A Shine to Egger’s New Gloss MFC Kaurit® Light for Lightweight New Wood Based Material

July/August 2009

2 4–5 6 7 8 12 13 14 26 28 – 29 30 32

SPECIAL FEATURES Woodwaste Processing Handling Where To Buy – SAWS Ligna Review KBB Components Decorative Surfaces Boards & Panels Website Directory

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8 – 10 13 – 14 15 – 18 19 – 26 28 – 29 30 – 31 32 IBC




++news++news++news++ Made in Europe: “Choose The Original – Choose Success!”

New Range of Thicker Panels from Medite

This is the slogan, chosen by VDMA but immediately taken up by many other European associations, that Eumabois has felt its duty to subscribe to and make its own: in fact it will use it around the world in its huge advertising campaign. This powerful slogan perfectly reflects the commitment of European woodworking machinery manufacturers, who have always made sure they Mr Franz-Josef Buetfering (Eumabois come up with top quality solutions to President) right and Mr Gianni help contribute to the success of the Ghizzoni (Eumabois Past President) companies that employ them. This is an important challenge, because designing machinery that can make work better, simpler and more efficient for those that use it, and at the same time making top quality products, means helping improve the quality of life for everyone. What we must do now is protect legitimate intellectual property rights from the many violations they unfortunately have to face every day. Originality is a concept that brings together various important aspects that lead to a company’s success: quality, technology, knowhow, reliability, safety, and technological experience and efficiency. Seven key concepts that will be at the heart of a campaign to protect the originality of European technology, accompanied by a series of contributions that will periodically be sent to specialist press publications, to allow them to look at the themes of this campaign in more detail, to support the cause and highlight its potential.

Coillte Panel Products’ ongoing major programme of investment has led to market leading developments at Medite, and the launch of a new product range of thicker Medite MDF panels. €17 million has recently been invested in Medite’s MDF plant in Clonmel, Ireland. Since the Clonmel facility was built in 1983, the previous maximum thickness of boards produced and available to market was 30mm. The new technology has enabled fully FSC certified Medite MDF panels to be made thicker than ever before, and Medite Premier is now available in thicknesses of 32, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 45mm. Used in furniture components, moulding manufacture, interior design, shopfitting and a huge variety of other applications, the new thicknesses will offer greater design freedom than ever before.

For more information: tel: 0039 02 89210200

DIARY DATES Woodworking Ireland National Show Centre Cloghran Co Dublin October 10th – 12th Tel: 01474 536535 Nelton Exhibitions Ltd Sicam Pordenone Trade Fair Italy October 14th – 17th Tel: 0039 0272194452

ZOW Verona October 21st – 24th Survey Marketing Tel: 0049 521 9653372 Fimma Madaralia Feria Valencia Spain November 3rd – 6th Affema Tel: 0034 963 861 100

Biesse – 40th Anniversary This year Biesse celebrates 40 years of history and technological innovation at the service of clients; a long journey which has allowed the company to position itself amongst the leading global operators in the industry today. Biesse S.p.a is based in Pesaro, Italy and was founded in 1969 by Giancarlo Selci. Revenue reported for the financial year 2008 was €454.3 million with the company boasting an international presence in over 100 countries. Roberto Selci, chairman of Biesse and son of the company’s founder Giancarlo, stated: “Talent, foresight and a professional team are some of the components that have helped to establish the international standing and reputation of the group. We are today an undisputed leader in the world market largely thanks to our ever growing


commitment to researching innovative solutions. We are equally committed to building strong customer relationships and being a 360° partner to our clients.” After sales service, technical assistance, maintenance, spare parts service and training are considered to be a vital part of the Biesse offer. The company offer ranges from modular solutions from design of turnkey plants for large furniture manufacturers, to individual automatic machines and work stations for small and medium enterprises. For more information:

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Tel: 01327 300366 Email:

July/August 2009

From September 2009 Panel Production

will re-launch as:


PRODUCTION industry. n a market leader in the woodworking bee has tion duc Pro el Pan rs yea 12 t For the pas l content. for its informative, wide ranging editoria Published bi-monthly, it is well known the magazine to readers we have decided to re-launch Ever mindful of the requirements of our rmation from the joinery industry. incorporate the growing demand for info e will be tion. From September 2009 the magazin This issue is the last as Panel Produc Panel & Joinery Production. rd and panel ts and services associated with the boa We will continue to feature all produc specific to the joinery industry. industry but with additional features last year, el Production website since its launch Pan the of s ces suc ous end trem the Following ress of: tember it will be found at the new add this will also be re-launched. From Sep e the ery machinery and products will mak join of n ctio odu intr the t tha nt fide We feel con publishing it in informative read and look forward to magazine an even more interesting and September. Regards Ernie Hollister






The Crucial Difference Between One CNC Machine and Another for Dimension 3 igel Bicknell at Dimensions 3 reckons that his new Anderson Stratos Pro from RW Machines has given him the means to negotiate the Credit Crunch and while he would not normally expect to be making what is for him so major an investment in times of a recession, he says: “The business realities are clear: expand or die.” Dimensions 3 is a small bespoke cabinet maker in Gloucestershire and Nigel Bicknell found very little to choose between the specifications of CNC machines at the grass roots level at which he was searching. Yet he knew that the machine he chose would make a fundamental difference to the way his shop floor operates and it was the attention to detail that he found with David Thompson Rowland and his team from RW Machines that tipped the balance in favour of the Anderson Stratos Pro. Dimensions 3 began as a very focussed manufacturer of bespoke kitchens at their 6,000sq ft factory in the pretty village of Churcham, near Gloucester, where the team quickly built a formidable reputation locally for quality and attention to detail. During the past two years those developing standards of craftsmanship have extended that focus into bespoke production also of furniture for the NHS in the region and for schools, colleges, local retail businesses and even for local authorities - everything from toilet cubicles to smart counters for fast food outlets. It was this diversification, and the opportunities that it generated for expansion, that precipitated the search for quick and flexible CNC technology, says Nigel Bicknell: “As a kitchen manufacturer our work was always highly specialised but, of course, that is the nature of bespoke projects at all levels. Unique shapes and dimensions were in the past all cut manually on an old sliding table saw and routered by hand. And he adds: “But with the automation our new Anderson Stratos Pro has given us, we have been able to increase output


Through cutting nested panels on his new Anderson Stratos Pro, Nigel Bicknell has discovered simple answers to maintaining and improving higher quality standards in today’s marketplace.


The screen on the new Anderson Stratos Pro at Dimensions 3 is well positioned and easy to read.

exponentially. We can now do in a day what used to take us a week!” When the technology quest began a year ago, Nigel Bicknell and his fellow directors reviewed the market to see where developments might lead them and they whittled down their choice options to a shortlist of three CNC systems. “Our reputation for quality and attention to detail locally has tended to generate more business than we were realistically able to address,” he says, “so this was an investment that had to be made.” The specification was clear and included, at the top of the wish list, a capability for panels nesting in order to give Dimensions 3 the throughput they needed and their ‘top three’ systems focus highlighted the capabilities they sought. But Nigel Bicknell also has a friend with a senior engineering post at Honda, who ran an expert eye over the details of the short-listed machines side by side and concluded that, in terms of pure technical detail, the Anderson Sratos Pro had to be the premier choice. “But it was David Thompson Rowland,” he says, “among the suppliers who took the trouble to review our business and to reach an in-depth understanding of the fine detail of our needs. We began to realise that it wasn’t just a machine for the production shop floor we were looking for; it was essentially a change of philosophy that would take us forward in difficult times and would affect every part of the Dimensions 3 operation. “David saw that the machine would fit directly into our production process seamlessly and would help us to make the transition from what was essentially a manual production process to a fully automated CNC one,” says Nigel. “He took the trouble to review the shop floor and to recognise that the demolition of a small storage area there would allow the positioning of the new Anderson exactly where it needed to be and that has made a profound difference to the overall benefits of the new machine.” “Nesting was the primary requirement,” says Nigel, “and with

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July/August 2009


RW Machines also supplied a panel lifter and a dust extraction station as part of the deal.


The automatic 10 position tool changer on the Anderson Stratos Pro generates huge flexibility for Dimensions 3.

the designers and fitters at Dimensions 3 to explore new market niches at all levels. Dimensions 3 sells direct to end customers, as well as servicing the needs of independent trade studios on the high street, and also now a growing number of builders and developers. The helical rack and pinion drive of the Stratos Pro system introduces a very high level of flexibility - work tables can be extended in the x-axis brining important advantages for the machining of kitchen end panels and the full height panels of bespoke bedrooms or home office layouts. A set of pop-up location pins in the work table of Stratos pro and its grooved HPL phenolic table combine to promote high levels of accuracy in positioning and clamping, both for single panels or for nested component sets. Sixteen vertical plus two-way horizontal spindles for drilling and an automatic 10 position tool changer generates huge flexibility and a high speed software bus is incorporated to speed and simplify cad-cam programming. Through cutting nested panels on the Anderson Stratos Pro, Nigel Bicknell has discovered simple answers to questions about maintaining and indeed improving the higher quality standards that today’s marketplace demands. In addition to providing him with opportunities to develop new market niches independently, he is also finding RW Machines to be a very flexible and reliable partner in support of this extremely adaptable technology. To add further value to the package that RW supplied is a panel lifter and a dust extraction station, so the whole deal was self-contained and pretty well ready to go. The add ons were a bonus that would have cost Dimensions 3 significantly more money in the normal course of events - so Nigel Bicknell feels he’s bought himself a real bargain! “Taking the decision to invest is never an easy one,” he says; “the first consideration is whether you invest in anticipation of growth or whether you wait until you’re pushed - are you pro-active or reactive? In a recession this judgment is even trickier. But we are now very diversified in skills terms and we have all the tools we need to address the market at every level. “We knew we could generate the volume if we had the right machine for the job. Now everyone here is confident that we have.” For more information: Tel: 01869 244943 Email:

Anderson Stratos Pro from RW Machines - the CNC router that unbiased ‘technical experts’ judge to be the best specified.

David’s help we have been able to able to organise a take off point from the new CNC that can be easily handled by a single operator. With the feed mechanism rigged as it is, the Anderson pushes the cut panels off the table, making way for the next incoming panel on the worktable. The edgebander is no more than a metre from the CNC - it’s a simple progression that, over the course of a working week, is saving us many man hours of time." In addition to exponential increases in output capability, the software and controllability advantages of the Anderson Stratos Pro, and its advanced nesting capabilities, are bringing opportunities for

July/August 2009

Dimensions 3 have been extending their range into smart cabinets, among other panel based components of system furniture at retail level.

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profile 6

Save on manpower, production time and space with Holzma Beam Saws s the market leader and the largest producer of saws Although originally designed for businesses in the plastics processing in the world, Holzma is a known and respected name industry, the P Series can be used by companies working with sheet throughout the industry. The company’s success has substances such as non-ferrous metals and building materials. its foundations in the long-standing commitment to product The TLF410 from Bargstedt is an automatic material handling and innovation and quality excellence. Such credentials have, sorting system providing direct feed to the saw without operator perhaps, disguised the fact that Holzma saws are not just for intervention. Consequently, the TLF410 system saves on manpower, the major players in the market. Their entry level front loading production time and storage space. A safety package for the system saws boast a high technical specification at investment levels includes a protection fence, electronically protected access doors aimed squarely at small and medium sized enterprises (SME). and protected goods-in location areas. “It’s a misconception,” explains Simon Brooks, sales and A world first, the HBV 380 Robotic fully automated system has marketing director for Homag UK, “that Holzma is only interested the potential to revolutionise manufacturing processes. Everything in dealing with the larger companies. The company has gone to from single parts to large-scale production runs can be carried out great lengths to develop a range of products for all types of business. automatically with no human intervention required. The optimum Indeed, their entry level saws benefit The Holzma HPP250 entry level front loading saws are aimed utilisation of materials and time result in totally at both small and medium sized enterprises efficient production; in turn, this delivers considerably from the knowledge and expertise gained in being the significant additional profit to the bottom-line. market leader. As a result, SME Cut Rite is a complete system for can achieve technical and economic design, estimating, quotations, production advantages by tapping in material optimisation, cutting list to the added value that comes with generation, barcode label printing, dealing with such an innovative and edging information and machining successful brand. centre program creation. Available in “Investing in Holzma gives you access to fully three versions, Lite, Practive and Professional, integrated software systems, a superb support it provides a seamless flow of information from network and great finance packages designed to help SME invest quotation through to delivery. in technology that will drive their businesses to the next level. There CADmatic is Holzma’s own software system; it is available in two is no doubt that whichever machine you buy it is a serious versions: Practive for the 2 Series saws and Professional for the larger commitment for the business, but Holzma customers find that panel-sizing saws (from the 3 Series upwards). Both packages enable investing in a solution with a first-class track record gives them peace users to control complex technologies quickly and simply. With clearly of mind and a competitive edge.” structured menus and a cutting pattern always in sight, CADmatic Designed to cut wood, plastic and other non-ferrous materials, has a clearly organised and friendly user interface, making it easy the Holzma high performance range of saws includes front loading, for operators to get the best from the machines. cross cut, rear loading and angular saws; it also offers destacking Summing up Brooks says, “At first sight, choosing the right solution systems, robotic saws and storage and retrieval systems from can seem a daunting prospect, but that’s where a good partner Bargstedt, a sister company in the Homag Group. comes in. Our team of experts at Homag UK can help you to select A powerful, compact and reliable machine, the HPP 230 entry the most suitable machine and software packages for your unique level horizontal beam saw gives small companies the ability to situation. We will work with you to determine your specific needs compete for orders swiftly and efficiently. The state-of-the-art and then help you plan the integration of the solution into your technologies incorporated in the saw mean you get a lot of machine business. for your money. Short cutting cycles free up personnel time and “With finance deals to smooth your cash flow and training courses enable improved delivery performance. to get your people up to speed as fast as possible, we can make Designed for larger companies wanting high performance in a the investment in new Holzma high performance saws a hassle free compact design, the Holzma 3 and 5 series deliver significantly higher and profitable experience for your business. And looking to the future, throughput and short production times, whilst a host of options enable you will have the peace of mind of a nationwide support network the tailoring of each machine to your specific requirements. and a 24 hour spare parts delivery service for orders placed before Holzma’s large 11 series industrial systems provide a panel 12 noon.” For more information: throughput of more than 100m3 per hour. They can be fully integrated Tel: 01332 856500 into a production line with complete storage link-up and intelligent Email: software solutions.


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July/August 2009


talian CNC machinery specialists Greda have signed an exclusive distribution agreement with woodworking machinery specialist suppliers Daltons to promote their equipment throughout the UK and Ireland. Greda who have been manufacturing CNC equipment in Mariano Comense for 28 years now have access to the woodworking industry through Daltons (now in their 108th year) who are providers of distribution, engineering and manufacturing facilities and who for some time have been looking for an exclusive high quality CNC brand. The answer came in the shape of Greda as a result of a visit to Ligna earlier this year by Alex Dalton, Andy Walsh and Sean Taylor. They identified Greda not only as a well established manufacturer of high technology CNC equipment but also recognised an affinity with their own business, both having a long tradition of family ownership and a loyal customer base. Greda machines are installed


worldwide but this is the first time they have been able to operate through a high profile exclusive UK distributor. The Daltons sales and engineering teams will receive product training in Italy and Greda personnel will be available when required to back up or assist with technical or application issues as required. Greda manufacture a complete range of CNC Machining Centres from 3 to 5 axes incorporating a wide variety of capacities and specifications. Machines can also be bespoke, i.e. manufactured specifically to suit an individual customer’s application.


Greda CNC for UK and Irish Markets

For further information: Tel: 0115 986 5201 Email:

Greda 3-axis CNC Machining Centre - just one of the new ranges exclusively available from Daltons

July/August 2009

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woodwaste processing feature

woodwaste processing feature

TRIPLAR: Phase 2 by Dustraction hase 2 of the new wood waste extraction and management system by Dustraction at the also new location of Triplar, one of Britain’s premier names in store design and fit-out, is now complete. At a topping out ceremony at the newly refurbished premises at Finedon Road Industrial Estate in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, on May 21st, MD Mike Rodwell said: “there is great satisfaction in knowing that our flammable waste now becomes a reliable energy resource and a benefit to the company rather than a costly Offcuts lined up for disposal at Dustraction’s new Zerbrik chipper burden for landfill disposal.” The factory Triplar is moving to is smaller because the precision timber joinery work that is central to the image plans of blue-chip customers like Nokia, Levi Strauss and Nike is now more specialised than in the past. Internal ducting and connections to around 16 specialist joinery machines plus a Zerbrik chipper is taking timber and board waste via the Dustrax SRV Series tubular sock filter installation handling almost 20,000m3/hr. A Zerbrik PZ 63/1 chipper will also make a major contribution towards economic disposal by Triplar of waste materials including Ducting by Dustraction includes inspection doors on suction mains and on all machine connections with hardwoods, softwood, particleboard, MDF, blastgate shut-off dampers on droppers to individual cardboard, plastics and other materials regularly machines to allow the system to alternate.

used in the creation of highly image-specific displays for companies whose dedication to point-perfect precision in the representation of their brands is absolute. A fully programmable logic controller and touch screen controls for quick reaction to problems highlighted by the troubleshooting monitor are part of the robust technology of the Zerbrik which will reduce all solid off-cuts to cyclo filter-manageable material, eliminating any further need for waste disposal by other mechanical means. The fully automatic WT15A incinerator is at the leading edge of waste incineration and factory heating technology, having been designed with fewer moving parts and more efficient combustion features to out-perform and out-last incinerators of more traditional type. Dust and off-cut waste is transported to a storage silo and then fed directly into the combustion zone via a temperature controlled screw feed system. As well as being state of the art in combustion technology terms, WT15A incinerators also effectively address issues of noise, safety and power consumption. The new ducting layout by Dustraction includes inspection doors on suction mains and on all machine connections with blastgate shutoff dampers on droppers to individual machines to allow the system to alternate. The extraction function encompasses two 630mm diameter spray booth stacks with jet cowls to exhaust fumes at high level from the paint finishing shop and the system overall is designed for noise and vibration-free operation to fall within Regulation 9 of current HSE COSHH requirements. MD Mike Rodwell and his son Tim, New Business Development Manager at Triplar, jointly acknowledge their role in controlling waste emissions and are determined to avoid any contribution towards global warming. By re-investing profit resources back into their business, the partnership aims to help to build the next climate-conscious generation of management while also ensuring that the standards of their globally powerful client client base are met in full.


For more information: Tel: 0116 271 3212 Email:

Mike Rodwell (right) receives a gift from the staff, via the DJ at the topping out party, to commemorate the completion of works at the new Triplar factory.


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July/August 2009

F O R A C L E A N E R E N V I R O N M E N TA L F U T U R E At Dust Pollution Systems, we have been busy systemizing spot extraction in the industrial working environments. Our systems cover all aspects and working methods from the small, mobile dust extractors to large turnkey stationary industrial installations.



for a

for a







ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEMS SPECIALISTS Dust Pollution Systems Limited Unit 1 & 2, Premacto Works, Queensmead Road, Loudwater, High Wycombe, Bucks. HP10 9XA Telephone: 01494 462333 Fax: 01494 463777



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woodwaste processing

woodwaste processing

Cabinet Maker Saves Money and Reduces Carbon Emissions ased in East Lothian; Scotland, Christopher Howard Cabinet Makers has installed a Talbott T75 wood waste to energy system to provide heat for their Gullane workshop. The T75 is designed for the clean combustion of wood off-cuts, particle board, softwoods and pallets. This provides an output of 85,000 BTU/hour (25 kW/hr), more than sufficient to heat the entire working area within the Christopher Howard Cabinet Makers premises. The system is utilised to provide the company with heating sourced by their wood waste generated on site eliminating an approximate £4,000 per annum in traditional oil fuelled heating bills and waste removal expenses. This ensured an amazingly low pay back period of just 12 months! Christopher Howard comments “After the completion and subsequent operation of the system, we are extremely pleased to eliminate previous costs including £100 per week on bottled gas and £100 per month on skip fees” “Talbotts were extremely professional from start to finish and were continuously on hand to assist


throughout the product selection and installation process. Simply put - it is the best thing I have ever bought for the Workshop.” All of the units offered by Talbotts are exempt from Clean Air Act regulations, allowing for use within smoke controlled areas where such fuels as MDF, MFC and Chipboard are used. For more information: Tel: 01785 213366 Fax: 01785 256418 Email:

All units offered by Talbotts are exempt from Clean Air Regulations



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July/August 2009

what’s new

alibre Tooling are pleased to issue the fourth edition of its distinctive easy to read Router Tooling Catalogue divided into four main areas: Router Cutters, Spiral Tooling, PCD Router Tools and Boring Bits plus a complete new range of "Super Spiral" Cutters in 1, 2 and 3 flute design, these tools were developed to give the best possible finish on plastics, aluminium and alloy based materials. These tools are ideal for machining the new generation of composite materials like ACB (aluminium composite board) to supplement these spirals is a range of solid carbide burrs designed to perform on the toughest GRP materials. Calibre Tooling supply their high quality tools through a network of distributors that are posted on their website. ( Also on the website is a PDF of the new catalogue that can be downloaded once your trade details have been given.


router tooling catalogue 2009

what’s new

Calibre’s Latest Tooling Catalogue Now Available

Calibre Tooling can also be contacted on: Tel: 01255 433886 Email:

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Combilift 4-way sideloader

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July/August 2009

Visit or call for – FREE warehouse design service FREE DVD

Combilift Ltd Co Monaghan Ireland Tel: +353 47 80500 Fax: +353 47 80501 UK Tel: 07815 314990 Email:

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Bütfering Sets The Sanding Standards for Entry Level Machines The Homag Group’s specialist manufacturer of wide belt sanding machines, Bütfering, lives and breathes its motto: ‘The Fascination of Sanding’. With over 60 years experience, the company is well known around the world for producing high quality machines that consistently give first class sanding results.

aul Mosley, Homag UK’s wide belt sanding specialist, takes up the story, “Bütfering has long recognised the requirements of the smaller woodworking companies, offering a product range to suit large and small users alike. In a small shop, a sanding machine must deliver the same high quality sanding results as volume producers. What’s more, it has to do so with a more compact, energy efficient design at a realistic price. Bütfering’s ‘entry level’ sanders do just that. “In many cases the demands placed on a sander in such organisations are greater than those employed in bigger companies due to the bespoke and ‘one off’ nature of the production requirements within the small business. These challenges have been addressed with Bütfering’s SWT 100 Series.” Although the ‘baby’ of the Bütfering offering, the 100 Series is strong and technically advanced. All models feature a welded steel fabricated frame and utilise similar technology to their bigger brothers. Competitively priced, they continue the company’s reputation for high build quality and reliability. When space, and perhaps A view of the Bütfering EPS budget, are at a minimum, the SWT electropneumatic sanding system 113K provides the answer with a single belt and a working width of 950mm. The use of a combination head, where the abrasive belt runs around a 160mm profiled steel contact roller as well as a pad, offers the user both a calibration and fine sanding capability, principally on solid wood. A twin head model, the SWT 124, is available in two versions, both with an 1100mm working width. Although each has the same configuration of roller and combination unit, the difference lies in the type of pad installed. The SWT 124 RK model uses a standard pad suitable mainly for solid wood, whilst the SWT 124RC uses an electronically controlled segmented pad, which is preferred for veneered panel processing.



Segmented pad technology was once the exclusive domain of the larger users, but since the late 80’s Bütfering pioneered its use to great effect in entry level machines. Its advantage lies in its ability to ‘scan’ parts as they are fed into the sander and to then apply sanding pressure to match the part shape. Mosley again, “The use of the segmented pad is ideal for veneer sanding as the system also compensates for panel thickness variations without sanding through. Segmented pad models use a Touchscreen interface where the machine will set completely at the touch of a single button. Machines with the standard pad use conventional push button controls.” Completing the 100 series, the SWT 134 is a triple head machine. This configuration allows for calibration and fine sanding of solid wood or composite materials in one pass using a 3 grit sequence. Two alternative 1100mm models are available, both having a roller, roller and combination unit configuration. The difference again being in the type of pad – electronic segmented (RRC) or standard (RRK). Touchscreen control is factory fitted on segmented pad models. “The Series 100 has been designed to deliver first class performance at a price that enables smaller shops to compete, both technically and quality wise, on a par with larger players in the market,” concludes Mosley. All models feature electronic belt tracking, automatic contact roller positioning, ‘Poly V’ belt drives, DC braking, and all use an abrasive belt length of 1900mm.

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For more information: Tel: 01332 856500 Email:

July/August 2009


UKA has reported keen interest in its new, highperformance palletising robots, which were launched at Europe’s leading forestry exhibition LIGNA. Visitors to KUKA’s stand were also impressed by the exploits of the world’s strongest robot, the Titan, after it single-handedly erected a maypole weighing hundreds of kilos. KUKA’s new KR 1300 is based on the Titan and is designed for heavy-duty palletising tasks as it can lift payloads of up to 1300Kg. KUKA’s other new palletising robots, the KR 300, 470 and 700, are capable of handling payloads from 300Kg-700Kg and offer long reaches of between 3150mm - 3320mm. They also feature new arm and hollow wrist designs for delivering very short cycle times. The 700 variant, which KUKA says offers the fastest throughput time in its payload category, showed off its skills at the event by effortlessly stacking a pile of 700 litre wooden barrels. “The forestry industry showed a great deal of interest in KUKA’s latest robotic solutions and LIGNA proved to be a successful event as it provided a substantial number of high-quality sales leads for a variety of interesting automation projects,” commented Frank Zimmermann, KUKA’s key technology manager for wood sector applications. The new models join KUKA’s popular series of palletising robots, which already include smaller payload versions, such as the nimble KR 40 and 180, for high-speed packing solutions.


Details of the new robots are available online at Email:


World’s Strongest Robot Dazzles with Agile Lifting Skills

The TITAN robot lifts a maypole for positioning

The TITAN robot stacking barrels

July/August 2009

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A Good Home for Combilift at I-S Manufacturing hen I-S Manufacturing set up its new manufacturing facility in Coventry, one of the company’s biggest concerns was how to offload, transport and store extremely large loads of OSB, which are one of the major components in the manufacture of its i-SIP Structural Insulated Panels (SIP). The manoeuvrability and 4-way capability of an eight tonne capacity Combilift forklift came to the rescue, and now handles not only the OSB boards but all other materials around I-S’s production facility. As a subsidiary of Innovaré Systems, I-S Manufacturing supplies bespoke SIP’s for sustainable building systems for contractors and housing associations across the country, and the new facility is capable of an out put of 1,000 houses per annum. The loads of OSB which are delivered from a German supplier can be up to 6m in length, but it was the width of 2.7m which was more problematic. Trying to manoeuvre this through the access doors with anything other than a 4-truck was going to be extremely tricky. “We knew we needed something way beyond a mainstream forklift,” explains MD Andrew Orriss, “so when our factory manager Peter Blunt saw a Combilift at a trade fair we realised that this was the type of specialist truck that could work for us.” A demo of a Combilift by Birmingham based materials handling specialist Abex proved that it would, and Abex’s Paul Raymond advised as to the best model from the Combilift range. Although the loads are not overly heavy at around 1.5t, he recommended the eight tonne capacity truck due to the reach and lift heights involved when storing the OSB panels


Combilift engineers designed the optimum configuration of racking, machinery and aisle widths allowing the best possible use of space for storing SB panels in the racking. He also advised fitting longer than standard forks to support the deep dimensions of the loads. The overall width of the Combilift when carrying the OSB panels is almost as wide as the access doors, and with just a few centimetres of clearance on each side, the C8000 can now manoeuvre the boards into the storage area and lift them onto racking or block stack. I-S also made use of Combilift Ltd’s expertise in facilities design: using initial information on the size of the factory footprint, Combilift engineers at the company HQ in Ireland designed the optimum configuration of racking, machinery and aisle widths. By basing the complete layout on Combilift’s 4-way capability, the best possible use of space has been achieved throughout the premises. Apart from offloading the OSB and reloading finished product, the LPG powered C8000 works mainly inside, managing the internal movement of other products such as expanded polystyrene blocks, packs of timber and adhesives. The Combilift’s excellent 4-way manoeuvrability means that the trucks can precisely position all materials at the automated lines when required. As the Combilift is the only forklift on site, reliable operation is crucial, but Andrew Orriss has no worries on this count: “The Combilift is an impressive piece of kit. It is versatile and dependable, the drivers are very happy operating it, and, crucially, it has solved our OSB maneuverability problem!” Combilift 4-way forklifts are all designed and built in Monaghan Ireland, where the company also has its HQ and R&D facility. The current Combilift range now encompasses at least fifteen base models with capacities ranging from 2.5 – 14 tonnes, with LPG, diesel or AC electric power available. Combilift has won numerous awards for its products since the company was established in 1998, and has over 9,500 units in operation around the world.

Almost as wide as the access doors – the 8 tonne Combilift forklift came to the rescue for I-S Manufacturing


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For more information: Tel UK: 07815 314 990 Email:

July/August 2009

Biesse – Selco WNT750 elco introduces the new WNT 750, equipped with several new features which have been added to produce a Fast and Accurate Panel Sizing Centre. Standard features include a motorized main blade which is raised by ballscrew, a double independent pressure beam structure, central side aligner and moveable dust hood (Patented), and as an option a robotic blade change system with automatic scoring blade adjustment (Patented). Add these features to the existing build quality and reputation of Selco Machines and you have a Panel Sizing Centre which is designed, built and tested to perform at the highest level.

S The Biesse SELCO WNT750 panel sizing centre

Manufacturer: Biesse Spa Agent: Biesse Group UK Lamport Drive Daventry Northampton NN11 5YZ

Tel: 01327 300366 Fax: 01327 705150 Email:

ELCON ‘D’ Type eeping a close eye on the current economic climate Dutch manufacturers Elcon have produced a new Vertical Panel Saw to meet the requirements of the UK and Irish panel, cabinet, shopfitting and joinery industries which for the first time sells at a price which comes close to rivalling the second hand market! The new model, marketed exclusively by UK and Ireland distributors Daltons, provides exceptional value for money without sacrificing the well known Elcon build quality and is available in cutting sizes of 3300 x 1550 mm or 1850 height and 4300 mm by up to 2150 mm. The machines have a maximum cutting depth of 60 mm and incorporate powerful 4 kW motors, repeat stops for strip cutting, moveable back support grid, transport rollers and are space efficient having a minimal size footprint. Daltons Sales Director Andy Walsh commented “This gives UK and Ireland users an opportunity to purchase renowned Elcon quality at a price level previously unknown and accordingly we expect the machine to be attractive to an even wider variety of users in all industries.”


MANUFACTURER: Elcon Machinefabriek AGENT: Daltons Crossgate Drive Queens Drive Ind Est Nottingham NG2 1LW

Tel: 0115 986 5201 Email: Web:

New ELCON ‘D’ Type entry level saw

ELCON - Advance Quadra he ELCON ADVANCE2 QUADRA is the most advanced Vertical Panel Saw in the world. With all the benefits of a vertical machine, the QUADRA offers features only ever before found on a Beam Saw. In automatic mode the machine is capable of cutting a full sized board into panels without the need to remove or rotate the board between cuts. Once programmed via the on-board touch screen or a remote PC the machine can be controlled by the operator using just one button. All these features result in a truly unique machine that will save time, labour and money.


The ELCON ADVANCE QUADRA – a vertical ‘Beam’ saw MANUFACTURER: Elcon Machinefabriek AGENT: Daltons Crossgate Drive Queens Drive Ind Est Nottingham NG2 1LW

Tel: 0115 986 5201 Email:

Giben ith an extremely compact footprint, Giben’s Icon 2 is a revolution in panel sizing. By eliminating the secondary rotational feeding of strips for cross cutting, throughput can be increased by up to 50% with manpower input reduced to a bare minimum. On Giben’s ICON 2, the cross pusher automatically moves strips to the cutting line so that length and cross cuts are made simultaneously. On almost all other single-line panel saws, length trims are moved manually, tying up the operator and slowing down the procedure. This advance from Giben on the Icon 2 halves the manpower input requirement and doubles production in the cross cutting of strips.

W Icon 2

MANUFACTURER – GIBEN INTERNATIONAL SpA UK AGENTS: RW Machines Rowood House Murdock Road Bicester OX26 4PP

Tel: 01869 244943 Email:

Interwood he MJ323 Panel Saw is aimed at the small to medium size company, with a price tag of £4,500 and a high specification. As standard the machine is fitted with power rise and fall, manual tilt to 45°, sliding table of 3200mmx350mm, heavy-duty fence and flipstops along with a rip-to-right of 1300mm. Separate motors drive the main saw (5.5Kw) and the scoring saw (0.55Kw). The MJ323 will take a 350mm blade giving a maximum depth of cut at 90° of 90mm and 60mm at 45°. With easy to use controls, the MJ323 has all scoring adjustments fitted externally so they can be adjusted whilst working. The Aluminium sliding table with re-circulation ball running in a hardened steel vee guide offer reliability, accuracy and one of the most free running


MANUFACTURER – INTERWOOD LTD UK AGENTS: Allwood Machinery Essex Ltd Unit 3 Galliford Road The Causeway Maldon, Essex CM9 4XD

Tel: 01621 859477 Email:

The new MJ323 Sliding Table Panel Saw

Putsch - Meniconi utsch Meniconi have been supplying wallsaws in the UK for many years and have built up a reputation for solid reliable saws. Putsch manufacture a full range of saws from manual cut to fully automatic as well as the unique SVP 145/45 degrees which was the first wallsaw to be able to cut 45 degree mitres. Standard frame sizes give cuts of 3200 x 1900mm, 4200 x 2200mm and 5300 x 2200mm as well as special sizes on request. All machines come as standard with repeat cut device, lift up panel rollers and either a manual moving support frame or fully automatic. Options available for the full range include LED displays, rotary scoring saw unit with split scorer, alucobond cutting as well as fully integrated dust collection systems.



Tel: 01482 840103 Fax: 01482 875052 Email :

All machines come as standard with repeat cut device, lift up panel rollers, manual moving support frame or fully automatic

Schelling FH4 chelling places great emphasis on productivity and precision cutting with our machines. We remain faithful to the philosophy of solid mechanical engineering. This gives the customer many years of reliable operation with continuous accuracy throughout. All Schelling products provide sturdy design which prevents vibrations and increases precision – from our fully automated plants to the small FH4 entry-level beam saw. Unique features - such as the front and rear-loading turntables, auto-labelling, internal turning device and more - distinguish our saws from others in the field, as does the individual attention we pay to customers needs. Indeed, our customer-orientated philosophy ensures that customer requirements are analysed prior to sale to guarantee the best possible panel sizing solution is achieved. All this is backed by our dedicated service team based in Wetherby, supplying parts and service.

S The FH4 Beam Saw


Tel: 01937 586340 Fax: 01937 586866 Email:

Schelling chelling strive to stay at the heart of new innovation. As unveiled at the Ligna 2009 exhibition in Hanover, we are proud to be able to offer the following fantastic features:NEW automatic label printing systems - providing increased output for single line saws and angular saws. NEW automatic third phase cutting applications - allowing third phase cuts with perfect quality and highest size tolerances with no additional handling. NEW area board storage system - giving systemic separation into three product lines. NEW “Clean Up” system – a specially designed pressure beam allowing completely dust free cutting. NEW HPO software – real time software giving simulated production of even the most complex angular saws. Innovative technical solutions to guarantee maximum output of the highest quality.



Tel: 01937 586340 Fax: 01937 586866 Email:

SCM Group – GABBIANI GALAXY ABBIANI’s high-end range aimed at specialists, industrial woodworkers who specify perfect quality panel sizing on both single panels and panel packs. Fast cycle times ensure high throughput rates and a high level of customisation ensures that the same machine model can be tailored to a wide variety of requirements. A strong machine base and reliable components ensure a long, productive life cycle for the GALAXY 3. The machine is based around the modular FLEXCUT system. The system consists of mobile units with grippers which can be excluded individually thus making it possible to handle highly complex cutting patterns in very short cycle times. GABBIANI has also redesigned the major components at the heart of this panel saw. The saw carriage now ensures even greater cutting precision. Carriage movements are even faster thanks to the drive units and the smooth-running recirculating ball screws. The machine bed has a single upright fitted with the THK slideways for the blade carriage. This feature is a characteristic of all GABBIANI machines and has been redesigned to support intensive, heavy duty use on three work shifts. The pusher and pressure units have also been redesigned to ensure smooth movements, precision positioning and optimised sawdust extraction. The PC–PLC control system and control interface have been designed to make life easier for the operator. No special expertise is required. The WINCUT interface is very user-friendly. The interactive diagnostic pages make troubleshooting simple and ensure a rapid return to service. The new version of the OTTIMO optimisation program has a new graphic interface, a new algorithm and new parameters with bitmap association. All features designed to make the system quick and easy to use.


Manufacturer: GABBIANI – SCM Group S.P.A Agent: SCM Group (UK) Ltd Hi-Tech Division Blenheim House, Camberley Road Bulwell, Nottingham NG6 8UW

Tel: 0115 977 7818 Fax: 0115 977 7819 Email:

The Gabbiani Galaxy 3 panel saw

SCM Group - Sigma Impact 107 s a response to specific market requirements, the new Sigma Impact 107 Panel Beam Saw is advanced compared with the most innovative applications currently in use. Optimised sawblade and presser movement, automatic setting for detecting the panel dimensions, rack and pinion drive system for the sawblade carriage, double automatic aligner on THK guides and PC/PLC control system which integrates all the information within the machine, provide this new model panel sizing centre with extremely flexible functions, without any change to the simplicity of using the machine, which is essential for making the right investment. Telesolve (on-line remote diagnostics) system installed on all the machines managed by the PC/PLC control system allows the technical service to intervene “on-line”, interacting directly with the machine controls. Careful analysis of the market has led to the development of software like Cutty or Cutty Plus, for satisfying the requirements of the non-skilled operators, and Optimising software, such as Ottimo Perfect Cut and the TOP version, in addition Easy Cut or Easy Cut Plus for all others.


Sigma Impact 107

MANUFACTURER: SCM GROUP Spa AGENT: SCM GROUP (UK) Ltd Blenheim House Camberley Road Bulwell Nottingham NG6 8UW

Tel: 0115 977 0044 Fax: 0115 977 0946 Email:

Striebig triebig of Switzerland is the world’s leading manufacturer of vertical panel saws. Concentrating on producing just one type of machinery to the highest standards, Striebig have led the way in quality and innovation for over 30 years. From the excellent value Compact model through to the top of the range Control, Striebig machines all come with the same unbeatable levels of accuracy, durability and ease of use. With a large range of standard features and options, Striebig can offer a machine for every application. Sold in the UK through T.M. Machinery Sales Ltd., all Striebig saws are backed up by a dedicated service team; a huge UK spares stock and an unrivalled 2-year warranty package.


The Striebig ‘Control’ MANUFACTURER – STRIEBIG AG MASCHINENBAU AGENT: T.M. MACHINERY SALES LTD 49 Iliffe Ave Oadby Industrial Estate Leicester LE2 5LH

Tel: 0116 271 7155 Fax: 0116 271 5862 Email:



Stephen Ph. Kühne – Deutsche Messe managing board member stated – “the industry has again demonstrated the importance of investing in state-of-the-art technology, particularly during times of crisis, so that one can be ready to take advantage of the recovery when the time comes. Investing today means you will have an advantage over the competition. The slogan ‘Making More Out of Wood – Technology for resource efficiency’ proved to be the perfect choice, with exhibitors incorporating the ‘motto’ into their presentations.


IGNA 2009 once again demonstrated its impressive international appeal, attracting visitors from over 90 different countries. The exhibition was a remarkable success despite the current tough economic climate. Visitor numbers did reflect the strained worldwide economy with many companies forced to drastically cut travel budgets however over the course of the 5 day exhibition the 1,758 exhibitors were able to present their products to over 83,000 visitors which, according to the organisers, were only slightly down on the ‘boom’ year of 2007.

Combilift Puts on a Show at Ligna highlight of this year’s Combilift stand in the outside area was the hourly performance of the Combi-CB “dance”, which attracted large crowds and perfectly demonstrated the unrivalled manoeuvrability of Combilift’s latest model. Combilift drivers Sam Moffett and Philip Condell left onlookers in no doubt of their expertise as they deftly manoeuvered the two Combi-CB’s within inches of each other in a routine set to Irish music. The Combi-CB is a compact, 4-way counterbalance truck, launched in the autumn of 2008, and designed for operations that handle a mixture of longer and shorter loads. All three power options – LP Gas, diesel and the new electric version were on show at Ligna for the first time. “Sales of this model are going very well, in spite of the current economic situation,” says MD Martin McVicar. “We put this down to the excellent value for money it represents, as using just this one truck is an economical solution, particularly when you factor in the extra overheads for maintenance, insurance and training that are incurred when using multiple types of forklifts.” The wide range of the other models on show proved that Combilift has the ideal 4-way solution for the varying requirements of the timber sector – leads are being followed up from visitors from Australia, Brazil, Chile and America as well as those closer to home in Europe. Martin sums up: “There were fewer exhibitors this year from the UK and Ireland, but we established some good new contacts, met up with familiar faces and had some orders signed and sealed at the show. All in all it was a very worthwhile week in Hanover.”


For more information: Tel: 00353 47 80500 Tel UK: 0044 7815 314 990 Tel Germany: 0049 800 000 5764 Email:

The Combi-CB ‘dance’ set to Irish music & performed hourly, attracted large crowds

July/August 2009

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review 20

SCM Stands Very Busy at Ligna 2009 he SCM Group attended the recent Hanover Ligna 2009 Exhibition elements, therefore becoming a fully automated cell. with their stands in two halls covering an area of over 2500 square ECO POWER PACK (EPP). Energy saving is constantly gaining importance meters, showing a comprehensive range of their latest even in industry. This is especially true for medium and large sized enterprises technological machines offering integrated and innovative solutions for using large-scale equipment. SCM and ROUTECH decided to cater for this the woodworking and panel processing industries. growing sensitisation by presenting the EPP or Eco Power Pack, a facility for Sales representatives from SCM UK were in attendance and as usual the everyone who wants to work with very high performance machines that are SCM stands were always busy and well attended. SCM UK’s Managing Director, capable of guaranteeing energy savings. Gabriele De Col commented “In these days of doom and gloom, we were All of the CNC machining centres exhibited at Ligna 2009 featured the pleasantly surprised with the number of UK customers visiting our stand, EPP mark. The Eco Power Pack is available as an option on all new generation obviously preparing themselves for the upturn in the market when it arrives. machines and was free of charge as part of a promotional campaign for We had several visits from key customers planning future investments and machining centres at the exhibition. we will be finalising some sales in the very near future.” Following its great success amongst small and medium-sized door and All of the SCM Group manufacturing brands showed window frame manufacturers, SCM has developed new solutions to make their latest machines with many new features being the WINDOR 1 perform even better than the previous machine. launched at the show. As expected, the SCM name featured WINDOR 1, the compact, ergonomic machining centre for door heavily, and just a few examples were as and window frames, machines tenons with single follows:and double angles, by interpolation, ACCORD 40, is a new range of CNC significantly reducing the machining spaces Machining Centres with a sturdy mobile portal required. structure, the result of the latest SCM research Control is provided by a CONTROL 100 PC with an industrial into the CNC routing machine sector. The ACCORD PLC linked to a personal computer. The machining centre is 40 range is available in various solutions with either a multiintegrated with the “Next Supervisor”, software for the complete function table or a bar and pod table. management of programmable machines and systems with Ligna 2009 featured the unveiling of the ACCORD 40 TVN continuous positioning axes which allows, by means of a standard with bar and pod table for producing frames and joinery The L’Invincible sliding panel network card, connection to external management systems for the saw incorporates the ‘Full components. The machining head has two powerful routing Support’ Frame as a new transmission of machining data. units with on board tool changers to allow a switch from one SCM’s CYFLEX F900 CNC boring machine is now even more option – using a wireless machining operation to another in just a few seconds and a device to connect the control compact and has turned “PRO”. Designed for the small specific function module for carrying out all cutting operations using a blade. woodworking and panel processing workshops, but also useful for prototyping Two additional magazines allow a total of 72 tools to be constantly available. for large companies, it is a true CNC machine, compact and flexible, for Another model in the range is the ACCORD 40 with multi-function table machining with the worktable tilted vertically and is controlled by Xylog software which, having a component passage measurement of up to 330 mm and similar to all SCM CNC machines. machining areas up to 7250 mm long and 2280 mm wide, achieves high levels CYFLEX can produce about one cabinet per minute. Efficient as SCM has of precision and an excellent quality of finish even on large workpieces. designed an internal dust and shavings collection system which allows effective The ACCORD 40 range can also be integrated at various levels with extraction even on the saw blade unit which is well known as a critical point automated equipment for loading full-size materials and unloading machined for shavings extraction. Finally, CYFLEX integrates perfectly in the “Netline” process used to manufacture a piece of furniture starting with the 3D design and going as far as production and “just in time” delivery to the final customer. OLIMPIC K1000 is the new leading model amongst SCM Edge-Banding machines, designed to meet the requirements of small and medium-sized woodworking and panel processing workshops. Derived from SCM’s vast experience with larger, industrial machines, Olimpic K1000 was created to cater for all flexible machining operations and edge banding requirements, and it is available in 10 different configurations with more features included as standard. The trimmer introduces to the K series the possibility of adjusting material removal on the edge of the panel, to deal with cases of incorrect application of edging materials and to achieve the desired dimensions. The optional tracer adds to this device, giving precise operations on even long panels. The gluing unit has been revamped and now perfectly glues solid wood edging strips The Gabbiani Mahros CUBO panel processing machine incorporates a measuring up to 12 mm width. The quick-release feature enables fast loading/unloading system controlled by EASY PLAN software changeover from the hot-melt or even polyurethane glue simply and easily.


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July/August 2009



The new “StarTouch” Electronic Control System off-cuts management, and labelling of each single is the show-piece of all the options available on panel. The innovative software ensures full integration the K1000. of the system into the production process and Complex cuts are made increasingly easy with enables the preparation of cutting lists, the the L’Invincible “Full Support” Frame with wireless optimisation of cutting patterns and the management connection to the controls. SCM circular saws allow of work cycles. the operator to carry out error-free mitre cuts and/or From Morbidelli, the Powerflex The Morbidelli POWERFLEX boring centre assures cuts with a tilted blade, thanks to SCM-patented integrated boring system. Furniture high performance and high rates of productivity software functions which greatly assist the operator. design has today become more than For L’Invincibile machines and those with the Full Support Frame, SCM ever a full-time work for the research of the customers’ needs, on materials, has created a new option which uses a wireless device to connect the control, on the best optimisation of space, on design and ergonomics. Within this the digital display of the Full Support angle and the three digital displays of scenario, our customers requires for their production, with high flexibility and the stops on the squaring fence. productivity, customised batches or single pieces. Morbidelli’s answer to face Basically, every time the operator tilts the Full Support Frame on the this requirement is POWERFLEX, the new integrated boring system. workpiece, the digital displays automatically show the positions of the stops The highest level of electronic automation joined to advanced technologies, on the squaring fence for the actual cuts to be made on the panel. Therefore, makes of the new range of POWERFLEX, the more innovative Morbidelli solution the operator no longer has to use the control for calculations, nor does he able to assure high performance, high rates of productivity of up to 28 need to carry out test cuts to check the exact positions of the stops. components per minute, and set-up of the machine in less then 10 minutes. From the SCM Group’s Hi-Tech Panel Division, Gabbiani Mahros presented POWERFLEX can be equipped with up to 6 upper boring units, up to 6 an innovation for a broad group of customers whose top priority is to improve lower boring units, up to 6 automatic independent pushers, up to 6 disappearing the processing of very small, highly differentiated batches in very automatic working tables and automatic rotation of the boring heads to optimise short cycle times. the set up and working. This need is widely felt throughout the panel processing industry. Large With the introduction of the new IDM GENESIS KS Squaring Edgebander, companies who already have production systems for handling large-size batches straightforward and productive squaring edgebanding technology has come are now looking for ways of improving their efficiency in the processing of within reach of medium-size companies. The Genesis KS series combines small batches. Medium-size companies need to move up to higher levels of excellent quality-price ratio with the reliability and strength that have always technology and automation. been guaranteed by IDM. C.U.B.O. - Cutting Unit Batch One – is a panel sizing-squaring centre with Easy working and flexibility are facilitated by Touch Screen Control and by a fixed worktable and two mobile gantries each with a single machining head. the possibility of automatic change over for up to 6 different edge types along The structure is very compact and strong and the use of two routing units with NC managed production by means of Bar Code Readers and processing achieves high standards of quality, finish, precision and productivity. programs. The Genesis KS can process edges up to 3 mm thickness at 25 The machining units travel on the vertical axis and are driven via a meters/min working speed. recirculating ball screw transmission by brushless motors. A centralised extractor For more information: system removes sawdust and shavings through a single inlet. A differential Tel: 0115 9770044 vacuum system, selected from the PC, ensures perfect vacuum hold-down Fax: 0115 9770946 of the service panel and the panel to be sized on the worktable. Email The CUBO panel sizing centre incorporates a MAHROS loading-unloading HI-Tech Panel Division: system controlled by EASY PLAN supervision software. EASY PLAN enables Tel: 0115 977 7818 automatic control of all work cycle steps including loading the sheet to be Email: processed from the stack, unloading the sized panel to the edge banding line,

SCM - IDM IDM' offer standardised edge banders from the medium sized IDIBASE 100 series through the grades of Level KS/WS and HD. All of the levels can be equipped with top pressure belts instead of wheels for high performance and better finishing quality. The Genesis KS is a standardised Combination edge bander range that can be stand alone or integrated into a production line. LEVEL HD is a range of IDM edgebanders designed for medium companies with intensive and professional use and for big companies as support to processing lines. LEVEL HD range has been developed without compromises to obtain high performance on single-sided edgebanding machines at a competitive price. The solid structure and the high technology working units classify LEVEL HD as an industrial edgebander and are a guarantee of precision and reliability. MANUFACTURER: SCM GROUP Spa Tel: 0115 977 7818 AGENT: SCM GROUP UK (Hi-Tech Division) Fax: 0115 977 7819 Blenheim House Email: Camberley Road Bulwell Nottingham NG6 8UW


July/August 2009

IDM Level HD Automatic Edgebander

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Just Touch and Go with Upgraded Striebig Vertical Panel Saws ajor improvements have been made to the popular Striebig Evolution and Control Series of vertical panel saws, improving their efficiency and making them even more attractive for use in the busiest of production environments. Launched at Ligna, both the upgraded Evolution and Control models now feature as standard Striebig’s innovative “touch and saw” operating system. This delivers easy and convenient machine control through a touch screen panel. A fingertip touch is all that’s needed to operate all of the functions of the machine. The two other new features also available as standard are improved error messaging and a laser-supported display for making totally accurate horizontal cuts, another industry first for Striebig. There are also new additional options to make the saws even more productive. These include an automatic top trimming function, for use in combination with the current 4SB bottom trim; an improved electronic positioning system with control via the touch screen; and automatic positioning of the saw head when making horizontal cuts. A particularly advanced new option is the addition of a cutting list input function via a USB memory stick, with data coming from Striebig panel optimization software developed specifically for vertical panel saws. All possible dimensions are shown on the touch screen with each dimension ready to be selected by the operator. Matt Pearce, sales coordinator at T.M. Machinery Sales, Striebig’s sole UK distributor, said: “The upgraded Evolution and Control machines offer as standard an unbeatable package of advanced features and ergonomic design that makes them unrivalled in today’s market. “With full automation of the sawing operations and the additional


special options available, the Control has been transformed into the world’s very first vertical panel cutting centre. “Because of their more efficient built-in operating functions, both upgraded models deliver the twin benefits of reduced energy use and less material wastage, which in these difficult economic times has to be a good thing.” For almost a decade, the Evolution has been the global market leader in the area of manually operated panel saws, while the Control has led the field in fully automatic machines. These latest improvements will ensure that both models continue to maintain these coveted positions The new models, which are accurate down to 1/10mm, will be available to customers in the UK and Ireland from October. For more information: Tel: 0116 271 7155 Email:

A touch of the fingertip is all that’s needed to operate all the functions of the new Striebig Evolution and Control vertical panel saws

The laser display for horizontal cuts now fitted as standard to the Striebig Evolution and Control


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July/August 2009


igna 2009 saw Kundig with one of their largest displays of wide belt and edge sanding machinery both by Kundig and also at the exhibition itself. Kundig have 2 manufacturing facilities along with a number of wholly owned subsidiaries including in the UK and France. The head office and development centre is based in Wetzikon, Switzerland which caters for all special projects including top and bottom sanding lines along with the manufacture of the 1350 and 1600mm wide machines. The factory in Gotha, Germany produces all the edge sanding machinery and has now expanded to include the production of the 1100mm wide sanding machines. Having been established since 1945, Kundig have always adhered to the original ethos as set out by Armin Kundig and where a number of manufacturers have concentrated on cost cutting measures in the production process by using cheaper components or unskilled labour, Kundig have always dedicated their resources to the innovation and production of sanding machinery of the highest quality to ensure long term accuracy and longevity. “To invest is to create a base for the future. The more solid the foundation, the safer the result. Therefore an increasing number of customers decide on quality and put their faith in Kundig. Their trust commits us." This quote by Mr Hansruedi Kundig gives an insight into how the company is still run and emphasises that when the products are built to such a level where inevitably they will cost a little more from the outset, the long term benefit will far outweigh the initial cost to invest. At Ligna 2009, Kundig had on display 12 wide belt sanding machines all with a fixed bed where the sanding group adjusts to the working height. As standard these machines offer sanding at a fixed level with a standard working thickness from 3 to 200mm and can optionally have a working height of less than 1mm or more than 400mm! Machines having a working width of 650mm being compact and ideal for components, 1100mm being one of the best sellers for joinery, 1350mm again ideal for joinery and panel based production and 1600mm machines are all part of the standard production from Kundig with machines up to 2200mm working width also having been produced. With over half the production now being dedicated to the Brilliant range of machinery also on display were a number of configurations from a single head machine to variants with multiple heads and combining cross


July/August 2009

belts with emphasis on fine finishing, especially on lacquer and high gloss applications where Kundig have excelled and subsequently benefitted from a number of high profile installations. Also on display were the Basiq single sided edge sanding machine for joinery, the Uniq double sided edge sander with stepped tables, adjustable oscillation to ensure full use of the sanding belt and motorised adjustment to the raise, lower and tilting of the sanding head ensuring the work piece stays flat on the cast iron bed for ease of use and accuracy. Complimenting the edge sanders were the flagship Uniq-S with integrated variable speed feed system and the newly launched Uniq-S for lacquered edges with variable speed of the abrasive and action controlled sanding pad.


Kundig – A long term benefit

For more information about the machines manufactured by Kundig and a free cd-rom: Tel: 0845 833 0565 Email:

At Ligna Kundig displayed twelve wide belt sanding machines

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Each Balloon an Innovation! Despite reduced attendee numbers compared to the 2007 show, LIGNA 2009 showed strong customer interest.

ith their all new features displayed Schelling has once again proved to be at the heart of new innovation. Under the motto “Each balloon an innovation!” Schelling presented the first panel saw with automatic label printing prior to cutting. Another highlight at the show was the automatic cutting of third phase cuts during the rip cut process. The visitors were fascinated with the automatic labeling and automatic third phase cutting features. Many national and international guests were enthusiastic about these new and powerful developments. The debut of the new area board storage system also raised a lot of interest. Schelling is the only panel saw manufacturer that can provide a sophisticated system like this, with all of the necessary software solutions, all from under one roof. Most visitors agreed that the extraordinary high quality of this inventory system, developed in co-operation with Meinert and 3Tec, is the best system on the market. A further innovation Schelling showed was the newly developed “Clean up” system. A specially designed pressure beam allows for absolutely dust free cutting of narrow trims measuring approximately half the blade width.


The Schelling stand display the new fh4 panel saw

In the media room, Schelling presented its new real time simulation software. With the aid of this software Schelling will be able to simulate production processes of even the most complex angular saws in real time. This allows Schelling to better optimize a system to the exact customer requirements. Also shown was a promotional video on our newest angular saw ah6 with third phase cutting router. This Schelling innovation was of special interest to customers who are challenged with the industrial manufacturing of orders with small quantity runs. It was no surprise to us that Schelling attracted numerous requests from potential customers interested in both our large systems as well as the flexible manufacturing lines. Considering the general state of the economy, Schelling is delighted to report that it considers Ligna 2009 a success.

For more information: Tel. 01937 586 340 Fax. 01937 586 866

Schelling sales staff attracted numerous requests from potential customers


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July/August 2009


his year’s Ligna exhibition saw the Homag Group premier its new Ambition range of edgebanding machinery. This new portfolio of machines from Brandt and Homag has been developed to bridge the gap between small and medium-sized woodworking businesses and the industrial manufacturers. The range spans the entire spectrum from entry level single sided edgebanders to the most technically sophisticated, highly flexible industrial machines. “The Ambition 1100 and 1200 Series address the issue of increasing price sensitivity,” explains Simon Brooks, sales and marketing director for Homag UK. He continues, “Yet they still provide optimum quality for entry level users. The new flush trimming unit has been made even more user friendly with simple adjustment between radius, chamfer and flat trimming. Three easy steps are enough to swivel the trimming tool and set it to the required profile, ensuring improved profile reproduction accuracy and faster adjustment. The unit comes equipped with the tried and tested DFC (Dust Flow Control) combination trimming tools. These tools generate a suction effect when rotated, improving the extraction of chips and ensuring further improvement of the trimming quality and saving on dust extraction requirements.” “The glue roller guarantees uniform, even glue application and with the glue tank positioned underneath the roller it prevents any leaks or spillages. The Ambition 1100 operates with work piece thicknesses ranging from 10 to 50mm and edging thickness of 0.4 – 2.0mm, whilst the 1200 models have a work piece thickness range of 8mm to 50mm (60mm optional) and an edging thickness of 0.4 to 3mm (6mm optional).” There are two new models in the Ambition 1400 Series – the 1440 F2C and 1440 FGC. “The advantage of the Ambition 1440 FGC model is that it offers a facility for groove processing. The grooving unit includes pneumatic intermittent control, allowing the production of continuous or jump grooves as required. The optional quick melt unit ensures the optimal continuous supply of fresh glue even for high production outputs.” From the Ambition Series 1600 and above feed speeds rise up to an impressive 20m/min and the edge thickness capacity increases to up to 15mm. Pre-milling units are standard on most of the range for perfect edge quality. The standard panel thickness is 60mm with an option to increase this to an 80mm upgrade that allows producers to respond to the latest furnishing trends. A swivel-action grooving unit is also available in three different versions. At the top of the Ambition range, the 2200 Series boasts features such as feed speeds of up to 32m/minute, pre-milling units, automatic profile changeovers, small panel gaps and corner rounding at up to 20m/min. Dependent on the model type, the 2200 Series can apply solid wood edges up to 20mm thickness and


July/August 2009

PVC/Acrylic edges up to 3mm with the highest quality results. Grooving units are also available, if required, making the 2200 Series a versatile option for the higher volume user. The Brandt Browser is an essential tool for comprehensive orderspecific cost determination and is a particularly valuable aid for companies serving a large customer portfolio. The Brandt Browser is available as standard from the Ambition 1400 Series and above in all machines with PC 20+ control. “Order data acquisition permits operational data to be registered and stored on an order-specific basis,” explains Brooks. “The Brandt Browser offers functionality for the registration of hours run, an overview of total work pieces processed and information about the number of edge metres processed.” A new glue joint scraper blade for edge finish processing has also been introduced by Brandt. This provides an excellent edge finish, thanks to the optimised tracing from above and below which guarantees the removal of any remaining glue residues around the glue joint. “In order to increase processing output whilst at the same time reducing energy consumption,” states Brooks, “the engineers from Brandt have developed a new work piece gap optimisation function. This allows a higher output volume within the same time period or, alternatively, allows faster processing of the same number of work pieces. “For example, the new work piece gap optimisation system permits the same number of 19 mm thick shelves to be produced with a time saving of up to 40 per cent, reducing idle running of the machine and resulting in tangible savings in terms of energy, air and extraction. “All this adds up to an impressive new range of edgebanders. The Ambition Series plugs a gap in the market for high performance edgebanders, further enhancing the reputation of Brandt and Homag in this competitive sector,” concludes Brooks.


New Ambition Edgebanding Range from the Homag Group

For more information: Tel: 01332 856500 Email:

The Brandt Ambition 110 and 1200 series edgebander from Homag

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wall saws


Better buy BiesseArtech organ Furniture have reduced their production time by 3040% with the Skill 300 FTK CNC maching centre. Under the watchful eye of the MD Rodney McMahon, Morgan Furniture has grown in recent years from an 8 man operation to 68. This has allowed the company to expand its place in the market to be one of the leading and innovative suppliers of contract furniture from its 4500m2 base in Hampshire. Morgan Furniture design and manufacture premium quality contemporary timber contract chairs, sofas, tables and bespoke furniture. They are members of, The British Contract Furnishing and Design Association, British Furniture Manufacturers and Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers. With blue chip clients such as British Airways, P & O and Fred Olsen Cruise liners and many famous hotel and restaurant chains, their products need to be first class both in terms of design and quality. Faced with ever increasing production demands and a need for a more flexible and easier method of producing their products, and with the company committed to increasing its production by 100% in the next 3 years, along with the move to leaner and one off production methods, Paul Jones their Production Manager knew that something had to be done. With most of the production carried out on manual traditional machinery, it was going to be a struggle. “What we needed was a more flexible and streamline method of producing furniture using CAD programming” said Paul. After going through a list of 10 companies, Paul narrowed the list down to 3 with Biesse being one of them. What Paul was looking for in the machine, was versatility, ease of use (as there was no experienced CNC operators employed), the ability to interface with the company’s existing CAD program and the need to have a small footprint, as space was at a premium. Morgan also wanted the machine to have a pedigree and as Biesse were one of the first companies to produce a CNC drilling


machine, they certainly had one. “In addition to the main points, but just as crucial, was the service and back up, which is just as important as the machine. Morgan Furniture’s philosophy is committed to providing a quality product that we and our customers are proud of and delivered on time. However in the event of a problem we need a quick response and therefore with Biesse’s 14 service engineers, 4 strong spares team, parts availability in the UK to the value of approximately 2 million pounds and with their help desk facility, Biesse were fast becoming the preferred choice. In evaluating the machines, it was Biesse UK area manager, Paul Pickett, that was able to demonstrate to us a clear understanding of our requirements and after visiting several installations with him, it became more obvious that we were looking at the right company to give Morgan Furniture 100% confidence.” Explained Paul. Both the design and production teams from Morgan visited the showroom at Biesse’s 45000 sq ft facility in Daventry, where the BiesseArtech Skill 300FTK equipped with 9 vertical spindles, 10 place tool changer, air conditioned electrical cabinet, self lubrication system and 9 hp HSD router unit, was put through its paces, turning out components in minutes rather than hours. What also struck the team was the modern and compact design. Having this capability in a small space was just what was needed. “Since its installation in January of this year, the benefits have been terrific” Paul informed us,” with many of the mill personnel embracing the new technology after being trained on the machine. We did not have anybody apart from one person who could use a computer let alone a CNC machine. Biesse arranged for us to be trained at their offices and we have benefited from it not being done in the work environment as this can be a distraction and you lose the concentration. Being the first of this type of machine installed at Morgan Furniture, we wanted to iron out any interface problems before the machine was installed. The offsite training programme allowed us to hit the ground running from installation.” “We have reduced our production time by as much as 30-40% giving us more time to work on the new products. Being a major supplier, we exhibit in many other countries as well. Another bonus is the ability to draw a new product in our CAD program and within a short space of time, produce the item using the Biesseworks Advance software to import the DXF files.” In summing up I am very pleased with Biesse as a company and find them very professional and dedicated. The after sales follow up visits from Biesse during the machine installation and follow-up communication have given me the reassurance I require that Biesse is a company we want to build a long-term relationship with. The Skill 300FTK has been a great investment and we believe that we have only scratched the surface of its capabilities which is allowing us to achieve an ever higher standard than before. We are now undertaking on board more complex components that at the time were not included in the specification but as we stated before the machine had to be versatile and the Skill 300FTK certainly is that.”

Paul Jones (2nd from right) and his manufacturing and design team with Paul Pickett of Biesse (1st on the right) alongside the Skill 300FTK .


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For more information: Tel: 01327 300366 Email:

July/August 2009


ovacel of France, a specialist in surface protection, has extended its range of protection solutions for the laminates market by introducing the Novacel 9230 range. This new range reflects the company’s determination to manufacture products that are more environmentally friendly. The Novacel 9230 range is designed for the protection of smooth, shiny laminates. The transparent, colourless polyester film is 25μm thick and has been designed to resist high-temperature postforming. The product’s innovation lies in its new solvent-free adhesive mass, stemming from a more environmentally friendly manufacturing process. At every stage of the transformation process (folding, stamping and forming, as well as during handling, transport and finishing), the film acts as a protective barrier against surface damage, preventing scratches and protecting against dirt. As underlined by the company, Novacel 9230 protects the Finish to the Finish®. The Novacel 9230 film is also an ideal tool for corporate and commercial communication, as it can be printed with a logo, a trademark, or any other advertising (or technical) message. Provided the protective film has not been soiled, it can be incinerated or recycled after use. Similarly, all packaging and cores


are recyclable and reusable. Such initiatives, introduced in order to reduce the environmental impact of Novacel’s products, are an integral part of the company’s sustainable-development policy. Major companies in the laminates sector are already using this new product in industrial quantities, thus helping to reduce solvent discharges into the atmosphere. For more information:


Novacel’s 9230 Keeps Laminates and the Environment Protected

New Website Connects Surface and Component Suppliers with Professional Interior Designers rawing on his nearly 20 years of Busch says Material Intelligence will experience in the furniture industry, operate as “a hybrid of a loose-knit marketing veteran magazine editor Kenn association and a PR agency,” helping Busch has launched Material Intelligence materials suppliers educate the ultimate ( – a users of their products. comprehensive resource on furniture and “One thing we’ve already begun to do is interior surface options for architectural and create press releases and targeted content interior design specifiers. The Website has been designed as a comprehensive for magazines in the interior design and resource on furniture and interior surface options for furniture production markets, including certified “Material Intelligence addresses questions architectural interior design specifiers I've been hearing from professional interior Continuing Education Unit features. designers architects for many years,” says Busch, “which essentially boil “Designers are required to complete a certain number of CEU exercises down to: 'Are there smarter materials choices I could be making for my each year to validate their memberships in professional associations like projects? Where do I find out about them?' And, 'Where can I see the IIDA and ASID. By placing these features in design magazines they examples of these products being used in similar applications? I want to already subscribe to, as well as on the Material Intelligence website, we know they'll work before I specify them.' make it easy for them to get credit while learning about how to use our “The website answers those questions with designer-specific industry's products. definitions and frequently asked questions about a range of materials, “And as we’ve seen with other types of materials, if we educate the including HPL, TFM, 3-D laminates, engineered veneers and decorative design community properly they will pass along our ‘story’ to their clients, metals, as well as laminate flooring, engineered panels and value-added and on to consumers as well – informational ‘trickle-down,’ if you will. components. You'll even find information on matching materials “Material Intelligence is something our industry has been asking for, for programs and laminate design resources. a very long time,” says Busch. “I look forward to partnering with its suppliers, “It also hosts a constantly expanding archive of stories on real-life publishers and associations toward our common goal: raising awareness applications where these materials are used in specific markets – health and specification of our materials and the products made with them.” care, hospitality, retail, office, etcetera – to help promote their specification For more information; by professional designers. We’ve even made them searchable by both the type of project and the materials used.”


July/August 2009

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kbb components

kbb components

Blum Excites Visitors at Interzum How can it get any better?” is the often asked question of the amazing exhibition displays that Blum presents every two years at Interzum. The answer is through meticulous planning, imaginative design and innovative product advancement.”

Clip top BLUMOTION breaks new ground A superb piece of furniture fittings engineering and design was launched by world leaders Blum at the recent international Interzum show. The Clip top BLUMOTION concealed hinge is Blum’s first to include fully integrated BLUMOTION soft close within the hinge itself – the latest advance in Blum’s effort to “perfect motion”. The new hinge achieves new levels of unobtrusive and slim line design with excellent performance characteristics. Previously doors could only be closed softly and silently using a separate damping system that had to be drilled in or clipped on. Now the BLUMOTION feature has been included into the hinge boss itself – a huge challenge


overcome by Blum’s designers in getting a complex piece of engineering into such a small space. And they didn’t stop there – the new hinge has the facility to be quickly and easily de-activated in the case of use with small or light doors. Where thicker doors are concerned, the improved pivot ensures that the doors open without knocking against each other whilst keeping side gaps to a minimum. Manufacturers still have the advantage of tool-free attachment to standard hinge plates and the fat and simple 3-way Blum adjustment system. Clip top Blumotion proved to be an instant success and “must have” advance in technology for all visitors to the show.

Blum’s drawer box family comes of age at Interzum Visitors to Interzum 2009 were able to see demonstrated the complete family of systems and choices for advanced drawer box and pull-out solutions for modern fitted furniture on the superb

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July/August 2009

kbb components

kbb components

Blum’s Tandembox antaro is a new design characterised by triangular rails and a matching material drawer side with balanced proportions

exhibition, Blum’s Servo-Drive Aventos showed how the ultimate in kitchen user comfort can be applied to overhead wall cabinets. Blum’s peerless Servo-Drive electro-mechanical automatic opening system for base unit drawers and pull-outs has now been successfully applied to their effortless Aventos stay systems for overhead cabinets in four different formats – bi-fold lift, up and over lift, lift up and stay lift. A gentle touch to the front of the cabinet door activates the opening cycle and the user has the opportunity to stop the door position at any stage desired. Significantly, with the Aventos lift system, the ServoDrive is also applied to the closing process via a discreet wireless switch located within easy reach of the cabinet interior – the door then closes in a controlled motion with the final part of the cycle using the proven BLUMOTION soft close system. The closing system also means that the open lift door is never out of reach of the user. An anti-collision provision means that the closing process stops immediately in the case of any obstruction. The advent of Blum’s Servo-Drive Aventos means that kitchen designers can now extend the trend for handle-free, clean line frontals

Blum stand. From the tried and tested “Tandembox plus”, Blum went on to from the base units of the kitchen to overhead wall units as well. show the new “Tandembox antaro” and the extremely exciting “Tandembox intivo”. For more information: All three systems are based on solid full extension high-load runners Tel: 01908 285700 Email: with integrated BLUMOTION soft close and the option and Web: convenience of Servo-Drive electro-mechanical opening in response to a gentle touch. The existing Tandembox plus is characterised by the round gallery rails which can be double layered for highfronted pan drawers or accommodate the Boxside solid side height extension with internal positioning for OrgaLine internal organisational and dividing elements. Tandembox intivo offers designers, manufacturers and even users the ability to totally distinguish and individualise kitchen interiors in a number of ways. The smooth side of the Tandembox basic drawer is designed to then accept either a proportionally sized The user has the opportunity to stop the door position at any stage desired ▼ and matching Boxcap or be fitted with the special brackets – Boxcover - to accept inserts of any material – glass, leather, solid surface, laminate, stone, marble…the possibilities are limitless. For instance the manufacturer could choose to replicate the design of the kitchen façade on the interior of the drawer. In the case of internal pull-outs this can also include the front of the drawer as well as the sides. The high-fronted intivo pull-out has 3-dimensional front adjustment and internally, dividing systems can be positioned at any ▲ A gentle touch to the front of the cabinet place in the drawer interior. activates the opening circle Tandembox antaro is a new design characterised by rectangular rails and a matching material drawer side with balanced proportions. Tandembox antaro offers manufacturers yet another practical alternative to distinguish their own product designs.

“Open Sesame” with Blum’s Servo-Drive Aventos Launched to huge acclaim and excitement at this year’s Interzum

July/August 2009

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decorative surfaces

decorative surfaces

Take A Shine To Egger’s New Gloss MFC ith a new Gloss Finish surface texture, EGGER can now offer the UK market, competitively priced, readily available Gloss MFC. With a high gloss surface and a good scratch resistance, this product is perfect for carcasses and end panels in combination with high gloss PVC foil wrapped doors or lacquered MFC doors. It is also suitable for entry level ABS edged doors in kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms. In keeping with the current demand for high gloss within kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms, EGGER has introduced Melamine Faced Boards with a gloss finish – ST 30. As the first manufacturer to produce gloss melamine boards in the UK, customers can be assured of local supply with short lead times and prices which are not subject to exchange rate fluctuations. All boards are supplied with a protective film on both sides to guarantee safe and secure transportation. EGGER can now offer 10 decors from stock, which are all available with matching gloss ABS edging. In addition, all other EGGER colours are available on request. Due to the high quality chipboard core EGGER ST30 gloss boards are high quality and are available ex stock in the UK in the sheet size 2800 x 2070 mm, with a minimum quantity of one sheet for 18mm thick boards.


The Gloss Finish surface texture ST30 is appealing due to its high gloss level and good scratch resistance. Here the decor Premium White (W1000) is shown.

FACTBOX GLOSS FINISH Virtually any decor from the UK Industry Gloss level of 103 provides Collection can be manufactured for optimum possibilities for subject to MOQs application in furniture, shop fitting The boards are supplied in a thickness and exhibition stands of 18 mm and with a protective film as Seven uni colours and three wood standard reproductions are currently available in the UK ex stock All stock decors are available in matching gloss ABS edging

Dark Cordoba Olive (H3031), which was most the popular decor selected by the visitors at recent EGGER exhibitions, is now also available in the Gloss Finish.

For more information: Tel: 01434 613360 Email:

EGGER offers matching gloss ABS edging, 75 lfm 23 x 2 mm, and gloss laminate, 3,050 x 1,300 x 0.8 mm, for all ten stocked decors.


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July/August 2009

decorative surfaces

009 sees IDS celebrates its 10th anniversary as a major force in surface materials distribution. It’s also the year in which the company has pledged to reach a target where 68% of its overall product portfolio will be fully FSC or PEFC certified, making it the most extensive choice available within the industry. Steve Rickers, Supply Chain Director at IDS says: “IDS was one of the first national distributors to offer FSC and PEFC accredited panel products in the UK in 2003 and we have been steadily increasing the ratio of certified products in line with our environmental policy to more than 50%. We have now set a target of 68% by the end of 2009 which through supply chain expertise and the co-operation of our supply partners, we are confident we can achieve.” IDS stocks 12,000 product lines in laminates, panel products, worktops, flooring and Showerwall panelling and is able to offer customers fully certified products in everything but laminates who’s main suppliers are working hard to achieve certification themselves. The commitment to increasing the ratio of certified products is integral to IDS’s environmental policies and those of its parent company Saint – Gobain to trade in goods that are from legal, ethical and sustainable sources. Measures to ensure this include visiting suppliers to witness first hand that they provide working conditions to an acceptable standard and most importantly that there is no child labour involved anywhere in the process. Local inspectors are also employed within the country of origin to ensure these objectives are monitored and continually met. Complying with EC guidelines, IDS has over the last two years held legal affidavits from the CEO's of its main suppliers in the Far East to guarantee that they are supplying legally certified wood. IDS is also proactive in encouraging its suppliers, where they do not already do so, to adopt chain of custody which provides the necessary auditable documentation and tracking for the wood they process. Supply partners who have


July/August 2009

decorative surfaces

IDS pledge to offer the UK’s largest sustainable surface materials portfolio as part of an overall environmental policy recently signed up include Quick-Step flooring and Bushboard worksurfaces, while several of IDS’s panel product suppliers have held certification for years. As a business centred on distribution, IDS also deploys methods to reduce mileage and improve its carbon footprint. Investment in a state of the art vehicle tracking system has yielded significant efficiencies. IDS deploys bulk logistics for its panel product offer, transporting a very high proportion of goods by rail rather than by road from Switzerland. The company has also established three strategically placed railheads that support this approach, allowing the storage of product in bulk in locations close to their customers to feed the large volume customers and regional branches, while drastically reducing road mileage. Says John Bagshaw, managing director at IDS “Caring for our world is a responsibility we collectively share and the power to make a difference is within us all. At IDS, we embrace this sentiment seriously. It enables us to provide our customers with positive product choices and the confidence that they are dealing with a responsible trading partner. We will continue to offer our customers the widest choice in products from legal, ethical and sustainable sources.”

For more information; Tel: 08457 298 298 Email:

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Kaurit® Light for Lightweight New Wood Based Materials t Interzum 2009, BASF presented an innovation in lightweight construction: Kaurit® Light. This new technology makes it possible to manufacture woodbased panels that are 30% lighter than conventional panels. BASF experts joined forces with cooperation partner Nolte Holzwerkstoffe to introduce visitors to the benefits of the innovative material. Wood-based boards made with Kaurit® Light technology consists of wood chips, a plastic (Kaurit® Light) and a binder (Kaurit® glue). Before being added to the wood chips, Kaurit® Light is foamed in a so-called pre-foamer. The addition of the foamed plastic to the middle layer of the board reduces the weight by 30%, yet the material can still be manufactured with the usual equipment. Moreover, the existing machines and materials can be used during further processing. Development work on the lightweight new material began in 2005, in the laboratories at BASF SE. Before long, in 2007, it was possible to start industrial testing with Nolte Holzwerkstoffe GmbH from Germersheim. Just a year later Nolte launched the first panels made with Kaurit® Light under the name Rheinspan® AirMaxx®. BASF anticipates that Kaurit® Light panels have the potential in many applications to replace conventional particle board in the medium term. As kitchen countertops, the new material has already been selling extremely well since its market launch in 2008.


Panels manufactured with Kaurit® Light went through an ecoefficiency analysis. The outcome of this special method, developed by BASF and tested and verified by TÜV, is that the new material is just as eco-efficient as conventional chipboard. The entire lifecycle of the material was analyzed, from production and transport to usage and disposal. The categories under consideration include energy and raw material consumption, emissions, land use, and toxicity and risk potential. The new material harbours great potential for further ecoefficiency enhancements. This will be a key area of interest in further research work on Kaurit® Light.

Chipboard with Kaurit® Light in the middle layer

For more information: Tel: 0049 621 60 92833

Kaurit® Light consists of wood chips, a foamed plastic and a binder


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July/August 2009

Panel Production lists the major manufacturers and suppliers to the UK woodworking industry under easy-to-find product headings. If you think that your company should be included in this list, please contact us immediately.


To book your entry: Tel/Fax: 020 8366 3331 e-mail:

Brackets (Furniture Fittings)

Panel Saws (Sliding Table)

Dudley Tool Presswork & Engineering Co. Ltd

Holz-Her Great Britain Ltd

Spray Booth & Finishing Facilities

Hi-Tec Spray Ltd

SCM Group UK Ltd

CNC Machinery

Holz-Her Great Britain Ltd

O’Meara, J&C Ltd

Spray Paintings & Adhesive Equipment

Panel Saws (Vertical)

Hi-Tec Spray Ltd

SCM Group UK Ltd

Holz-Her Great Britain Ltd

Design & Manufacturing

Classic Joinery Software


Dust Control Systems

Panel Handling

WoodWaste Control Engineering Ltd

Allwood Machinery Essex Ltd (inc Interwood) SCM Group UK Ltd

Edgebanders Allwood Machinery Essex Ltd (inc Interwood)

Timber & Panel Products Distributor James Latham Ltd

Tooling ATA Engineering Process

Throughfeed Drills SCM Group UK Ltd


Holz-Her Great Britain Ltd

Allwood Machinery Ltd (inc Interwood)

Veneering Equipment

PVC & Veneer Edging

Allwood Machinery Essex Ltd (inc Interwood)

SCM Group UK Ltd

Uniwood Ltd T/A Camco

Woodworking Machinery

Routers (CNC)

Biesse Group UK

Uniwood Ltd T/A Camco

Trimbridge Ltd

ATA Engineering Processes

Machining Centres (CNC)

Holz-Her Great Britain Ltd

Holz-Her Great Britain Ltd

SCM Group Ltd

Uniwood Ltd T/A Camco SCM Group UK Ltd

Manufacturing Software 20-20 Technologies

Allwood Machinery Essex Ltd (inc Interwood) Holz-Her Great Britain Ltd Uniwood Ltd T/A Camco SCM Group UK Ltd Schelling UK Ltd

Woodworking Machinery (New & Used) Allwood Machinery Essex Ltd (inc Interwood)

Sanders (Speed) Allwood Machinery Ltd (inc Interwood)

Panel Saws (Beam)

Felder Group UK – FORMAT 4

Sanders (Wide Belt) Boere Machinefabriek Kundig Ltd

Software Space 3D

A.L. Dalton Ltd Uniwood Ltd T/A Camco

Wood Burning Equipment Talbott’s Biomass Energy Systems WoodWaste Control Engineering Ltd

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