Division 32 September Newsletter

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September Newsletter September Newsletter Region 9 | Division 32 Texas-Oklahoma District September 2023-vol1-issue 5 LTG: Ian Kowalczyk
Table Of Table Of Contents Contents KK-Family -Family 117 7 Service Partners and Preferred Charities Service Partners and Preferred Charities 118 8 IIV. V. CONTACTS CONTACTS District Staff District Staff 119 9 20 20 Additional Contacts Additional Contacts ||. . IINTRODUCTION NTRODUCTION Table of Contents Table of Contents Key Club Pledge Key Club Pledge 2 2 33 44 55 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 110 0 111 1 112 2 113 3 114 4 115 5 116 6 |||. |. IMPORTANT INFO IMPORTANT INFO Division 32 | 02 ||||. ||. FRIENDS OF THE KEY CLUB FRIENDS OF THE KEY CLUB Updates and Reminders Updates and Reminders What is the YOF? (Flyer #1) What is the YOF? (Flyer #1) YOF (Flyer #2) YOF (Flyer #2) Dues Dues Fund Raising Guides Fund Raising Guides Recruitment Tips Recruitment Tips EEvents vents Governor’s Project Governor’s Project Governor’s Project Monthly Challenges Governor’s Project Monthly Challenges District Project District Project District Project Monthly Challenges District Project Monthly Challenges District Documents and Amendments District Documents and Amendments Parliamentary Procedure Parliamentary Procedure

Key Club Key Club PPledge ledge

I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club

International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all

Division 32 | 03

Updates & Updates & RReminders eminders

Treasurers Treasurers

It is crucial to inform It is crucial to inform new members about new members about club dues as early as club dues as early as possible. Dues are $14 possible. Dues are $14 for T-O the 2023-24 for T-O the 2023-24 yyear. ear.

Below is a link to a Below is a link to a folder with treasurer folder with treasurer iinformation. nformation.

Editor and Secretary Newsletters
and Secretary Newsletters due 5th of each month due 5th of each month
Treasures! Apply for the Youth Treasures! Apply for the Youth Opportunities Funds (YOF) Grant Opportunities Funds (YOF) Grant before October 15th! before October 15th! Inform me of new officer Inform me of new officer elections and officer contacts elections and officer contacts Push out the Governor’s/District Push out the Governor’s/District Project to your clubs Project to your clubs Division 32 | 04
Promote Committee Promote Committee Representative Application Representative Application QR Code Below: QR Code Below:
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FundraisingGuide KeyC bnenatona 209-20D tc Teas e KaherneChao Thank you for ead ng! Need more deas? Reach out to t easure @ okeyc ub com Club Fundraising Guide 1 Club Fundraising Guide 2 FUNDRAISING GUIDES Reach with Ria Update #1 Division 32 | 08








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01 02 03 04

District Training Conference

The Regional Training Conference is a meeting held by the Executive District Staff to inform club officers of their duties and responsibilities. Furthermore, there are numerous workshops such as international updates. This meeting will be online, and I highly encourage officers to attend.

Date/Time: October 15th, 2023

Meeting ID: 848 5655 3024 | Passcode: 015935

I will be having monthly president calls. These will take place over the phone; I will send out times for presidents to choose from to communicate over phone call.

During SUMBO, I was fortunate enough to meet numerous foreign volunteer service groups; furthermore, we got to hear updates from our committee chairs!

Presidents Calls SUMBO LEDCON

LEDCON is the annual Leadership Education District Conference. This is the main event for the T-O District, so please inform your clubs early. More details on the T-O website coming soon

Date/Time: April 25th-28th, 2023

1. Division 32 | 10

Uplift through Education


Uplift through Education strives to build the servant leaders of our District to give back to individuals in underprivileged communities through a multitude of community-driven events that focus on the empowerment and importance of education, research, and financial literacy. This project is intended to highlight that our district, as one, is unified as a team to help people from around the world who do not have access to resources and lesson plans to utilize in schools, universities, and beyond. As we rise together, we can uplift the many students, peers, and adults around us. It starts with education - through increasing the culture, teachings, and knowledge - from one person to another.


According to a report studied by the United Nations, over 35% of children and adolescents around the world do not have access to educational resources. Compounding these inequities has created a digital divide which continues to grow, and individuals can face considerable barriers in the future without equal access - over two thirds of the percentage studied faces inaccessible technology usage within their home as well. The importance of uplifting others through education is to provide them with the opportunity to gain experiences and carry on the knowledge they obtain for their future endeavors. Many individuals around the world do not have access to different school-based resources because of differing circumstances.

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Career Counseling Sessions: Offer career guidance and mentorship to students and young adults. This can include resume building and careerdevelopment information

Educational Toy Drive: Gather educational toys and games for children in lowincome neighborhoods

Monthly Challenges


School Supply Drive: Host a school supply drive and donate the items to a nonprofit organization, community center, or school

Book Collection: Donate books to local libraries

Free Tutoring Sessions: Organize tutoring sessions for students in underprivileged communities to provide academic support or work with our Key Club International Service Partner, Schoolhouse

Art and Creativity Sessions: Arrange art and creativity sessions to foster self-expression and imagination

Financial Literacy Workshops: Conduct workshops on budgeting, saving, and managing personal finances for middle and high school students

Digital Literacy Training: Provide classes on basic computer skills and internet usage

Mentorship Circles: Form mentorship circles where individuals can support and learn from each other

Career Awareness Days: Hold career awareness events and invite professionals from various fields to participate in panels and share their experiences

STEM Program: Organize a STEM-themed program or competition that focuses on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects. This program can include hands-on activities, experiments, and projects to make learning fun and engaging for students.

Informational Articles: Create informative articles regarding career professions, schoolcourse materials, and educational resources


Appreciation Gifts: Create a teacher appreciation basket for teachers in school

Technology Donation Drive: Collect and donate computers, tablets, and other technology to schools in need

Multilingual Education Programs: Develop language programs that cater to diverse linguistic backgrounds in the community

Public Speaking Support: Conduct lessons on public speaking and communication skills to help students build confidence and articulate their ideas effectively.

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Nourishing Futures


Nourishing Futures is a project with a global mission to empower underdeveloped communities by providing essential resources such as food and water. The primary goal is to foster positive change and nourish the well-being of these communities worldwide.


Recognizing that these communities often face significant challenges due to economic, social, and environmental factors, Nourishing Futures aims to bridge this gap and support individuals around the world. By delivering sustainable solutions and fostering local empowerment, the project seeks to create a ripple effect of positive change, enabling communities to thrive in the long term. Furthermore, Nourishing Futures aims to serve as a catalyst for broader development efforts in these communities. Improved access to food and water lays the foundation for better health, education, and economic opportunities. By working alongside UNICEF and Thirst Project, Nourishing Futures aims to support individuals around the world with the ability to obtain clean health and water based resources.

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Nutrition and Hydration Education: Conduct educational sessions on the importance of proper nutrition and hydration.

Monthly Challenges


Hygiene Kits: Assemble hygiene kits containing essential items such as soap, toothpaste, and sanitary products for distribution.

Meal Packaging Events: Collaborate with local organizations and/or food pantries that organize meal packaging events to prepare nutritious meals that can be sent to communities in need.

Community-Based Food Banks: Establish small-scale food banks within the community to facilitate easy access to food resources.

Water Bottle Refilling Stations: Set up water bottle refilling stations in public spaces, with approval, to encourage the use of reusable bottles and reduce single-use plastic waste.

Water and Food Security Mapping: Work with communities to map out water and food resources, identifying areas for improvement.

Clean-Up Campaigns: Organize community clean-up events to improve hygiene and sanitation.

Food and Water Drives: Organize local food and water drives to collect non-perishable food items and bottled water.

Seed and Plant Swap: Host a seed and plant swap event where community members can exchange seeds and seedlings to start their own gardens, promoting food self-sufficiency.

School Lunch Support: Collaborate with schools to support their lunch programs by donating funds or providing healthy food items for students.

Nutrition and Hydration Awareness

Booths: Set up informational booths at community events or gatherings to provide education on nutrition and hydration.

Community Health Education Videos: Create and distribute educational videos on health, sanitation, and nutrition.

Mobile Health Clinics: Set up mobile health clinics to reach remote communities and provide medical care and treatment packages.

Informational Website/Blog: Create an educational article or website update relating to resources available to support underdeveloped communities with access to basic necessities.

Community Garden Planting: Assist in establishing community gardens in underdeveloped areas to grow fresh produce locally.

Nutrition and Hydration Posters: Design and distribute posters with simple nutrition tips and hydration reminders.

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REC Committee District Documents and Amendments

Where Can I find Documents?

Go to https://tokeyclub.com /district-bylaws-andcodes or scan the QR code below:

What are the District Documents?

These documents consist of District Bylaws then Code of Elections and House of Delegates. Bylaws coordinate the duties of officers, board staff, and clubs

Code of Elections and House of Delegates gives the structure for electing LTG's and District Staff; it also covers the procedure and rules for House of Delegates.

How are Documents amended?

Step 1: REC Committee proposes the amendments

Step 2: District Board approves the proposed amendments at board meetings (EX: SUMBO)

Step 3: House of Delegates votes on amendments

Amendment Form

The REC Committee has implemented a new amendment form for members in the District to amend documents. Suggestions will grant clubs points for the top 25 clubs!

Code of Elections and HOD T-O District Bylaws
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Simple Procedure

Get recognized by the chair

State your name and position

Address the chair ("Mister/Madame Governor")

State your motion: "I move to" Get a second to your motion

Start discussion (Person who made the motion will speak first) Vote

Parli Pro Example:

1 Ian: Raises hand

2 Nidhi: Recognizes Ian to speak

3. Ian: "Ian Kowalczyk, LTG of Division 32

4 Ian: "Madame Governor"

Interruptions & Amendments

I move to amend (original motion) to (amend motion)

Point of Order: point out someone who isn't following parliamentary procedure

Point of Information: ask for info

Point of Personal Privilege: ask for personal privilege

5 Ian: "I move to recess for 10 minutes."

6. Nidhi: "Do I have a second?"

7 Likith: Raises hand

8 Nidhi: "Likith Kancharlapalli seconds the motion."

9. Discussion

8 Vote

Go to https://tokeyclub com/districtbylaws-and-codes or scan the QR code to the right: https://docs google com/presentation/d/1JckDVn l1ogTyk7olPRjyvaaeMKyIfgkgv X55nPbM/edit#slide=id ge207fd22f2 0 51 Bylaws Parli Pro Guide Division 32 | 16

Service Partners & Preferred Charities Service Partners & Preferred Charities

Erika's Lighthouse is a non-profit organization that advocates for good mental health, especially for teenagers. The organization also provides resources to kickstart conversations around mental health.

Schoolhouse was established by Sal Khan, the founder of Khan Academy. It is an organization that provides free online tutoring to students across the world. Become a tutor or student ambassador today to help out!

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Nidhi Rao

governor@tokeyclub.com | (713) 380-5821

Remind: - @tokeyclub1

Emily Seo

secretary@tokeyclub.com | (918) 927-1419

Remind: - @tosec24

Ria Rana

treasurer@tokeyclub.com | (469) 468-3675

Remind: - @treasu2024

Vivian Lee editor@tokeyclub.com | (580) 574-2829

Remind: - @toeditor24

District Convention Liaison

Caysey Tran

cl@tokeyclub.com | (405) 541-4776

Remind: - @toledcon24

District Tech Producer Sanjana Kavula

District Tech Producer

techpro@tokeyclub.com | (214) 585-8049

D i s t r i c t S t a f
D i s t r i c t S t a
District GovernorDistrict
f f
Secretary District TreasurerDistrict Treasurer District EditorDistrict Editor District Convention Liaison
Remind: - @towebm24 Division 32 | 19
Division 32 LTG Region 9 Advisor Region 9 Advisor Contact Info Contact Info Email:ltg32@tokeyclub.com kowalczykian@gmail.com Phone:(903)-274-6107 Ian Kowalczyk Joe Holland Email:joetrek1700@gmail.com Adrian Thompson Email:adrianthekiwanian@gmail.com tokeyclub.com keyclub.org @tokeyclub @tokeyclub @tokeyclub @tokeyclub @keyclubint @texas-oklahomadistrictkeyclub Division 32 | 20

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