Campus Issue 8

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CAMPUS Issue 8, April 2020

GAF scholars at the Future Leaders Seminar Networking Drinks, February 2020.

CEO's welcome

Isolated, overwhelmed, stressed. These are only a few of the emotions you may be feeling during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Collectively, we are facing daunting and surreal times. The sudden change this global health crisis has brought to many aspects of our lives means it is crucial to prioritise our mental health and wellbeing.

I have personally worried for the wellbeing of my family, felt disoriented adapting to a rapidly transforming work environment and felt anxiety over the long-lasting impact this will have on our community. I have a 26-year-old son living and working in New York, the epicentre of the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States. I don’t know when I will be able to see him next. I have two other adult children working and studying here in Melbourne during genuinely unprecedented times. What does their future hold? What are their prospects? How are they coping with the emotional and personal challenges we are now all experiencing?

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It is of great interest to me that in times of crisis like this, thoughts turn to family and towards those people who you love and care for It is natural for many of us to think and act in this way. What might not be as natural is to ‘check-in’ with yourself and ensure you are coping as best you can. To prioritise your own health and well-being. Now more than ever, it’s important to actively think about your daily routine, your actions and interactions.

We should all pause and take stock of which emotions characterise our everyday experience. If you are feeling overwhelmed and isolated I encourage you to reach out to those around you. Access the health and wellbeing services at your university, practice mindfulness, and in turn, check in with others to make sure they are OK.

Below we have shared Smiling Mind’s new program, Thrive Inside, an app to help you foster healthy mental habits, stay calm and healthy while spending extended periods of time at home.

It is only by looking after ourselves that we can generate the energy to also look after others. We are all as strong as our community. Our actions as individuals now show us more than ever how what we do as individuals can help or hinder the society we live in.

The huge shift in how daily life is conducted has presented us all with new challenges. Within these challenges, there are lessons to be learned about our priorities, our values and our life goals. As someone in their 50s, I encourage you to take time to look at what lessons you can draw from this period of change that you can bring with you into your future.

I would like to welcome the 85 new scholars that have joined the GAF community in 2020. We haven’t been able to visit many scholars this year but want you to know that you are part of the GAF Community now. Our team, Program Manager Mairead Phillips and Communications Officer Nina Beer look forward to meeting you in the virtual scholar events being planned.

Finally, I hope you take some comfort in reading the stories of other GAF community members and hearing about their experiences of working and studying from home in the current climate and the lessons they are taking away from this time.

Take care. Stay safe. Be mindful and supportive of yourself, of those you love and of those in your local community. Please know that the team at The George Alexander Foundation is here for you.

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Future Leaders Seminar Skill up in 2020!

In February earlier this year, The George Alexander Foundation hosted a Future Leaders Seminar to further provide our community with the leadership skills and professional toolkit needed to advance both your studies and career. We were happy to see scholars and alumni from all our Victorian partner institutions there on the day

While the event was held in Melbourne, at RMIT’s Activator Centre, the half-day workshop was recorded and will be available to all GAF scholars, fellows and alumni as an online course. The course will cover empathic leadership, communication, boundary setting and personal management skills which will equip you with the knowledge you need to be a leader in your community Stay tuned for the online course!

Make mindfulness a part of your daily routine

Thrive Inside with Smiling Mind

Smiling Mind, a mindfulness and meditation app, has introduced a new program to help you foster healthy mental habits during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The current global health crisis and the changes it is bringing to everyday life can have a significant impact on our physical and mental wellbeing. Thrive Inside is a free initiative to help you stay calm and healthy while you're spending extended periods of time at home. Learn more and download the app today

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George Alexander biographical video Meet George!

A new video about George Alexander’s life is coming to a screen near you! This biographical video explores George's early life, journey to Australia and how he went on to become a mechanic, a teacher, an entrepreneur and later, a generous philanthropist.

If you are curious, and can't wait for the video, read more about George's extraordinary life in his biography, The Little Brother

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Spotlight on... Checking in with our community


| Bachelor of Social Science and Bachelor of Arts


We caught up with GAF and RMIT alumna Michelle Ginnivan, who talked to us about her role as an Advisor for Safer Community RMIT and her outlook on social distancing.

'While there’s a lot to grieve in this time of change for us all, I’m actually looking


| Bachelor of Paramedicine Andrew

Bachelor of Paramedicine student Andrew McLeod-Warner reflects on the changes COVID-19 has brought to his study, work and home life and gives advice for other scholars and alumni looking after children during social distancing.

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forward to learning a bit more about myself and having a chance to slow down – I suspect I might find that some of my goals may shift and change as I pause to reflect and take stock of what’s important to me amongst all the chaos.'

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Last year Elise Bowen, a Murdoch University and GAF alumna opened up to us about ‘taking risks and embracing uncertainty'.

From working through mental health issues to travelling and working overseas, Elise shares advice and lessons learnt during her career. We think her words will be valuable for our community during this time. Watch the video of her short but inspiring speech at a Murdoch University GAF scholarship ceremony to hear about her journey

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'For anyone with kids, I would say to relax the rules at home. The last thing you need is for your own family space to turn into a battleground. Try and have fun and communicate.'

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GAF and RMIT alumna Paz Pizarski has been busy since graduating, working as a community coordinator at RMIT and following her passion, classical guitar. Paz shares with us how her role at RMIT has transformed during the COVID-19 pandemic, tips for studying and working remotely and how she came to composing classical guitar relaxation music.

“At the moment my future goals seem fairly distant and blurry. I had many plans for 2020, however, I feel as if it’s all been uprooted now. But I’m okay with that. I definitely plan to focus on strengthening my community-building skills and finding new ways to share my relaxation music with the world.”

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Murdoch | Bachelor of Animal Science RMIT | Bachelor of Arts (International Studies)
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GAF on LinkedIn Link up with us!

Are you on LinkedIn or thinking of building your professional profile? Join The George Alexander Foundation Scholars & Alumni Group. You can also tag The GeorgeAlexander Foundation if you list your scholarship or fellowship in your LinkedIn profile. This is a great way to connect with other GAF alumni throughout your career.

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- George Alexander, AM

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'I like the idea of planting seeds in the hope that they might grow into pretty big trees.'
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