2 minute read

Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, Victoria

$48,775 to the Rare and Threatened Species Collection

Dr Philip Moors, Director www.rbg.vic.gov.au

The Rare and Threatened Species Collection at the Royal Botanic Gardens (RBG) in South Yarra, Melbourne, is a high profile landscape development that highlights the importance of the conservation of plant biodiversity and the roles played by botanic gardens in conservation. Once completed, the collection will display a selection of rare and threatened plant species from the five main vegetation areas of south-eastern Australia. A grant from the Foundation is giving one school from each of the five major vegetation zones the opportunity to engage in a hands-on propagation and planting program around the Rare and Threatened Species display. Each school will visit the RBG in South Yarra and will also be visited by RBG Education Services staff, who will help them implement their own threatened species program at their school. This project provides a wonderful opportunity for students to learn first hand about the role of botanic gardens in not only displaying but protecting our native flora. Students will also learn about the importance of their local community landscape and how to protect it from harm. Equally the project provides an exciting opportunity for teachers to learn first hand from RBG staff about the delivery and implementation of school-based gardens and environmental programs.

Environment and Conservation Grants Paid

Bush Heritage Australia Fund

Kosciusko to Coast Project – a community partnership project to connect high conservation value land between Bungendore and Bredbo in NSW.

(part of a commitment of $100,000 over two years)

Conservation Volunteers Australia

Celebrating 2008 International Year of Planet Earth at the Townsville Town Common – funding to support community events to help celebrate 2008 International Year of Planet Earth.

Karkana Support Services

Finalising the Market Garden Overhaul – a project to help further enhance the productivity of the Karkana Garden Market.

National Trust of South Australia

Wilabalangaloo, You and Our Riverland Environment – the provision of safer visitor facilities and interpretation to allow greater access to this spectacular area of the Riverland in South Australia.

Nature Conservation Council of NSW Inc

Engaging Private Enterprises in Recovering Threatened Species – a program to encourage private business and corporate staff to engage in conservation work.


Oz Green

MYRiver Murray – a program to engage young people and their communities across the Murray–Darling basin to build pathways to sustainable river futures.

Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne

Rare and Threatened Species Collection – a new display at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne of a selection of the rare and threatened plant species of south-eastern Australia. The program also has an educational focus that provides schools with the opportunity to develop their own ‘at school’ displays.

The Earthwatch Institute

Student Challenge Program – a program that allows young high school students from across Australia to work directly with environmental scientists and researchers in the field.





Museum of Tropical Queensland

Archie’s Shipwreck Adventure Exhibition – an educational play space for children which provides an introduction to the marine heritage of northern Queensland.



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