1 minute read

The George Alexander Foundation

George Alexander (1910–2008) was a man of vision and generosity. His life story is a tale of achievement in the face of great odds and it exemplifies the ethos that has helped build modern Australia.

A teenage English immigrant, a farm worker, a mechanic, a lecturer and a businessman, George was, in many ways, a lifelong student and teacher. In the words of his biographer Dr Peter Yule, George Alexander was “a self-made man whose life experiences inspired a wish to help others.” His story provides inspiration for anyone who believes that determination and perseverance can overcome adversity.

While his business success brought him considerable wealth, when it came to money and possessions, George Alexander’s attitude was that you do not really own them, ‘you’re just minding them’. He felt that this belief ‘frees up your thinking about how you deal with money’, and it was central to the development of his philanthropy.

George established The George Alexander Foundation in 1972 as a way of sharing his wealth, or as he put it ‘planting seeds and hoping they grow into pretty big trees’. In keeping with George’s great interests, the Foundation’s main focus is supporting access to education for all young people, especially those from rural and regional areas, coupled with investment in environment and conservation issues.

These interests continue to guide the Foundation’s giving to this day.

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