100 Portraits, portrait a week project

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100 Portraits, portrait a week project


ucol funded research 2017 ISBN 978-0-473-4167-8 publisher: palmerston north, nz : ucol 2017 cover design, content, photography ian rotherham layout, desgn, katie whitefield

Dedication This book is dedicated to all my past and current students, to all the photographers and friends, strangers, and most of all family who were part of this project not only as subjects but reflector holders, drivers, lighting assistants. Without your generosity of time and energy and sometime passions, this project wouldn’t have happened,. Thank you.

Contents: Forward Page 7 Project outline Page 8 Project week by week Page 9 Technical approach Page 74


Forward We photograph people to show and tell something about them, their stories, their humanity. We do this with trust, with passion, and with an intent to show an authenticity; a reflection of who they are as a person. This is an integral part of a successful portrait. And it’s during that process we also show a side of ourselves as photographers. Ian has a gentle and relaxed relationship with his subjects, and that is reflected in the diversity and sensitivity of the approaches he’s employed to tell their stories. The additional bonus is that Ian has a vast technical knowledge and loads of experience, and this means he’s able to provide a sound body of technical information also that he can share with us, and this is information that I’ve no doubt will prove to be a valuable asset to anyone interested in learning the ‘how to’s’ of portraiture. The personal photographic project concept is a considerable challenge for a photographer, but I believe they are such a necessary way to grow and develop our craft and our vision. The challenge and dedication to ‘produce’ a body work for a final outcome is not only fulfilling and rewarding, but is also everything that challenges us as a ‘creative’ - the incredible ‘ups’ and the ‘downs’. Ian commented to me that, on occasion, the portrait session was the highlight of his week, and reaffirmed his faith in his work and photography in general. We all need these pick-me-ups in life, and it can be especially true of the creative. I marvel at Ian’s dedication in creating a portrait a week, for 100 weeks. His intention was to provide a wide range of diverse people, and style of imagery, based around his subjects. There’s no doubt he succeeded, while keeping the project real and focussed. Ian can take enormous pride in his achievement in producing this exceptional book “100 Portraits”. Esther Bunning | Portrait Artist GMNZIPP (Double Grand Master) Nikon Ambassador NZ -


Who am I

Project planning

I have been working in the photographic industry since 1988 when I started out as a photographer in Wellington, New Zealand. I have had interesting career and have always enjoyed photographing people, whether weddings, fashion, portraits, creative work, PR etc. Currently, I am a Senior lecturer in photography at UCOL in Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Project planning is important; the type of project governs the level of detail required. Academic research has to have ‘every ‘i’ dotted and ‘t’ crossed’ whereas personal projects I feel, are better with loose parameters that you feel comfortable with and have room to evolve but still have enough pressure to get it done and make progress within the project. But firstly, it is important to define ‘why are you doing the project?’ Exhibition, personal growth, research output; the main thing is to have an idea/concept to go back to and use as a constant guide and what I have referred to as my project mantra.

Why I started this project

After working on formal academic research for a number of years, I decided to do a personal project with variety and simple parameters. I wanted a project with many different techniques, concepts and to work with people, so I thought a portrait a week. My personal approach to portraits is to show as much respect and strength as possible. I think a confident look is better than a fake smile. There were no plans for how long this project would last; the only rule was that I would do it until it was no longer fun. Having creative freedom over the images was important too. Facebook appeared to be an ideal platform for the project as it was quick and easy to present work and getting feedback was helpful. The pattern of posting each week kept my enthusiasm up for the project so there was a balance of pressure to post each week but not so much that it would become rushed.

Stats Females in project 65 male 40 Family 10 currant or past student from the past 15 years 34 Other photographers 8 Strangers or people I don’t have a direct or past relationship 30 friends 10

What it turned in to What this turned into was quite a large personal project. As it developed, I needed to contain it as I was managing other projects too. So I decided a hundred weeks was round number and it was quite measurable. The project took on a life of it’s own to a certain degree as people asked to be involved.


Date of post 30/07/2015


Adele Kendall

My relationship with subject Student at the time

Base technical info

Canon 6D 24-105, f4, 5000 ISO, LED rig


This lighting is from another research project on low end LED lighting that is cheap but has it’s limitations. Go to my Issuu online book for more information. https://issuu.com/ianrotherhamucol/docs/high_low_magazine_all


Date of post 7/08/2015


Ned Moess

My relationship with subject Student at the time

Base technical info

Canon 5D 3, 100ISO, 24-105, f6.3, one light 1980’s old school Visatec 300watt, 4 ploy boards


Have always like making the most out of very little, so making a four light looking set up is always rewarding and keeping it simple is a good idea sometimes

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12/08/2015 Me

My relationship with subject Myself

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Shot on my own trusty Canon 5D 1, 800ISO f8 28-105 (fave vertical grip and Slik 88m tripod that I brought form Bruce Watts in 1984)


I felt it was important to understand what it is like to be captured and be put out there before I asked other people to do so. A self-portrait in my laundry as I love the mirror and the light is great there in the morning.

18/08/2015 Jason

My relationship with subject Trolley boy at Countdown

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Bit of a change up Canon G16 with a 600EX on TTL cable walking backwards (didn’t get hit by cars luckily) 100ISO f8 8mm= to around 28mm 1/60 sec, only had time for 6 frames and the all the grey car was good luck/cropping than any photoshop.


This weeks portrait, Jason the “trolly boy” happy guy always says “hi” whatever the weather.


Date of post 24/08/2015


Sophie Douglas

My relationship with subject Current student

Base technical info

Hasselblad HD 50, 50-110 lens, f4.5 100ISO 1/200 sec


I was keen to try out this location which was just a field in an industrial area that has these small silver-birch trees. I wanted to have depth in the image with foreground branches and similar background, for a forest feel and line that worked with the lines of Sophies arms and hair.


Date of post 2/09/2015


Paul Hoelen

My relationship with subject Photographer

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 24-105 @ 24mm, 400ISO f4 1/60sec, lighting LED with variable colour temp


This was shot have a few light refreshments after Paul had presented a great workshop on his work.

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Miriam Tuohy

My relationship with subject Wife

Base technical info

Shot on a Canon 5D lll, shot in day light studio, 1250 ISO, f3.2 1/200, 100mm 2.8 lens


This portrait was a commission for the President of the NZ School Library Association (SLANZA) Miriam Tuohy. She is a fabulous person, intelligent, funny, hard working, attractive, with a great taste in men, you may say I’m biased just because I’ve been married to her for 26 years but who can say.


Kahli Waghorn

My relationship with subject Student shot in class

Base technical info

Canon 6D f7.1 1/60 sec, 100ISO, 105mm (24-105)


This was shot in class to show a range of light examples. A low key image and high key version using bare bulb studio lights for a fashion look.


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Natalya Jeffcoat

My relationship with subject Student at time

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 70-200mm 2.8 @ 110mm, Ć’3.5, 1/60 400 ISO


This was shot in a nail boutique, as it had great light and the walls were a lovely shade of green. It also had a cool old couch but it didn’t make the final cut.



Damion Thorp

My relationship with subject Stranger at time

Base technical info

Canon 5D 3, 70-200 2.8 @ 70mm, f3.5, 1/200, 2000 ISO available light


Damion at work at Barista in George St. I was there having dinner a fews weeks ago and spotted Daion and thought he would be great for this project and so shot him right where he works during service. Took about 5mins to do the shoot

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Preeti (Shalini Narayan)

My relationship with subject Music student

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 8.5 1.2, f 3.2, 200ISO, 1/800th


Shot in daylight studio with diffused light through good old $6 frost cloth and a poly.


Louise Franklin

My relationship with subject Photographer

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Metered f5.6 shot at f11, 200ISO Canon 5D III, 24-105 @105.


This was shoot as part of a workshop I ran for NZIPP in Auckland. I used one flash (old Bowens 500) bare bulb behind the black poly’s


Date of post 29/10/2015

Date of post 22/10/2015


Preeti (Shalini Narayan)

Olivia Greenfield

My relationship with subject Past student/photographer

My relationship with subject

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Music student

Canon 5D lll, 85mm 1.2 lens @ f2, 3200 ISO, 1/160th , shot with 6 LEDS


This was shot at “The Fish� cocktail bar, with this shoot I was looking to give a more jazz/ nightclub mood to go with her music style. Had help from Kylie Love for the make up and assistance Mikala Galvin 14


Shot on a Canon 5Dlll, 85mm 1.2 @ 3.5, 320 ISO, 1/80sec, shot in day light studio, . Really love this image as it is what I had in my head from the start. The shoot with Olivia Greenfield and Fleur was lots of fun, with lots of fur/fluff left behind. Later I entered the image into the NZIPP Iris awards and got a Bronze in the Classic Portrait category.

Date of post 05/11/2015


Emma Carter

My relationship with subject Fab student (fashion and beauty)

Base technical info

Canon 5Dlll 24-105mm lens at 105, f 14, 100ISO, Jenbi portable pack with a ring flash


A quick shoot with Emma being fab and cheeky, Emma was being a model for hair competition. Do love the effect on the hair so shiny, ring flash isn’t for everyone.


Date of post 14/11/2015


Emily Adamson

My relationship with subject Photographer and friend

Base technical info

5D lll, 70-200 2.8, 320 ISO, 1/ 2000sec, F2.8, soft light care of rain shot on D’Urville Island — with Emily Adamson Photography


Shot at “A bit more Soul”, enjoyed spending time with a range of different photographers and artists. This image reflects how I see Emily. She’s calm reflective and happy. The other images were shot over the weekend including a small book of Polaroids, great location. D’Urville in the Marlborough Sounds.


Date of post 18/11/2015


Stacey Hambling

My relationship with subject Past student and photographer

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 70-200mm 2.8 @ 95mm, F2.8, 1/400, 1250 ISO, Daylight studio with diffuser and Omega reflector.


Stacey was in town briefly and had called in to catch up. She’s a photographer in Australia and was a first year student when I satrted lecturing.


Date of post 25/11/2015


Johnny Robert

My relationship with subject Past student

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 85mm 1.2, ƒ1.6, 1/320, 800ISO, daylight studio with Omega reflector.


Johnny is a photogenic guy with a great beard so I wanted a classic 50’s-60’s feel to the image with a refierance to film with the Mamiya RB67.


Date of post 03/12/2015



My relationship with subject Stranger

Base technical info

Canon 6D 24-105 @ 105, f4, 1/60 sec, 160ISO found light


This was a gab shot of Natalya who I thought was a staff member of the place we were staying at (as she was sweeping out side one of the lodges) but when we were leaving and I went to leave a USB with images of her on it, I was told no one worked here by that name or description (German woman with dark hair), so not to sure who she is :) “mystery woman shoot�


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10/12/2015 Api Cox

My relationship with subject Barista

Base technical info

Shot on 5D lll, 320 ISO, 1/640sec, f2 on a 85mm 1.4 lens, no reflectors.


This is Api, we have a special relationship. I try to see him as often as I can as he makes me feel so much better after I see him. We don’t even have to speak sometimes; I just slide my cup across and he fills it with black coffee goodness. This is the image really sums Api up; he is a very laid back calm guy.



James (the painter)

My relationship with subject

Stranger then, but now I see him all the time

Base technical info

Canon 6D 24-105 @ 45, f4, 1/125sec 3200 ISO, just a quick poly under the chin to get a little light in to the eye as I wanted to keep his personality in tack


When life throws you lemon make lemonade or cut it up and shove it in a Corona. I turned upto shoot here but found the painters had also come, so James became the subject instead of who I had planned to shoot that day.

Date of post 24/12/2015


Maddie Sefton

My relationship with subject Anu’s daughter (past student)

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 24-105mm @ 24mm, 1/320sec, ƒ9, 200ISO


The concept for this image came from Maddie being a dancer and I saw this odd graphic background (car park at back of Pack’ n’ Save). I like to collect elements such as place or clothes, people, props or techniques and connect them over time.


Date of post 05/01/2016

Name Bria

My relationship with subject Family

Base technical info

Canon 5D 50mm 1.4 @ f1.4 16000 ISO, 1/60sec


This is my cousin’s daughter Bria who came out with Helen (my daughter and assistant) and I to do balls of light. Lighting was with two $3 LED torches with a film canister over it , and so took the opportunity for a associated styled portrait. 22

Date of post 07/01/2016


Nina Rotherham

My relationship with subject Niece

Base technical info

Tech Canon 5D lll, 320ISO, f4, 1/320 sec, 105mm, Omega reflector


This is my niece Nina who had been visiting from the US. This was shot for her Mum’s birthday and worked for my portrait of the week, it took hours to create plant background (aka a day’s weeding). Background can be so simple. 23

Date of post 14/01/2016


Che Grove

My relationship with subject Past student

Base technical info Canon 5D lll, 24-105mm @ 80mm, 1/60 sec, Ć’4, 125 ISO, Omega reflector. Comment

The very photogenic Che Grove made this shoot a little easier, working at water level (very cold water) was challenging but I wanted the reflections to be part of the image.


Date of post 21/01/2016


Ashley Hodges

My relationship with subject

Student at the time, photographer now

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 16-35mm, Ć’6.3, 1/640sec, 800ISO


Ashley a great dancer and great sport for totally covering herself in talc. I wanted the energy of dance with the talc to add to the movement, in other words DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA. Had to preshoot location, test how talc worked and have Helen to cover Ashley with talc so I didn’t get in on the gear. 25

Date of post 04/02/2016

Date of post 29/01/2016


Helen Rotherham

My relationship with subject Daughter/ unpaid assistant

Base technical info

5D lll, 50mm 1.4 @1.4 100ISO 1/2000sec, and just great light at dusk.


This portrait is very special to me, because it’s of my fab girl (and assistant) Helen on her 13th birthday when we were away on holiday at the beach, and again out and about doing balls of light for quality dad daughter time.



Birnie Tuohy

My relationship with subject Father ‘n law

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 50mm 1.4 @ 1.4, 5000 ISO, 1/250 sec


My father in-law Bernie Tuohy, ex english teacher and avid reader, so captured in his natural state you could say

Date of post 11/02/2016


Annie Gummer

My relationship with subject Fellow lecturer’s daughter

Base technical info

Hasselblad HD50, 80mm @ 2.8, 30sec, 400ISO


With this portrait of Annie, I wanted a painting feel, soft but strong at the same time, trying to work with the slow shutter speed to get the soft hair movement (thanks to Trina with hair dryer on cold) was a the big challenge in shoot. The image went on to win a Silver with Distinction at the NZIPP Iris Awards 27

Date of post 18/02/2016


Hannah Mills

My relationship with subject Past student

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Canon 5Dlll, 2000ISO (shot at 6.30) in day light studio, 1/50sec, f2.2, Omega reflector and black flags to add shadow


Hannah has a great style, she acts and over the time I was her lecturer she had many styles and colours of hair. I wanted to show a crispness and simplicity to her look with out to much distraction and make her strong eye connect with the viewer.


Date of post 03/03/2016


Indigo Maya

My relationship with subject Artist

Date of post 25/02/2016


June Rotherham

My relationship with subject Mother

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The week I posted this I had shot a few portraits BUT the were jobs and weren’t for public yet, so I did another shoot but it wasn’t ready. I posted this image which I hadn’t used and was for the “11” group exhibition which was about to hang. I put in, it’s a kind self portrait, without me in it. It’s all very deep.

Canon 5D l, 28-105mm @ 105mm, 800ISO, f4.5, 1/250 sec


This is another special one. This is June Rothertham my Mum, who’s 79 years young


Date of post 17/03/2016

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Toxic Tina


My relationship with subject

Chelsea Hideki

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My relationship with subject Student at the time

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Canon 5D lll, 85mm 1.2 @ f2.8, shot with Bowens 1000 with beauty dish, a bare bulb behind background to give edge light.


Wanted to work with the juxtaposition of the black boxes and the way they frame the subjects; wanted a limited colour palette so face would stand out. 30


Friend of model and makeup artist Canon 5D lll, 800ISO, f2.8, 1/250 sec, 85mm 1.2 lens, LED fairy lights, Omega reflector/LED panel with colour control.


Toxic Tina is a fantastic make up artist and brave model who went along with my idea for this shoot, combining a pool, LEDs. This is my original concept; a strong icy water goddess and Tina has that calm collected style, even when dumped into cold water. It wasn’t until she started shivering that it dawned on me it was so cold as we could she her blue lips.

Date of post 24/03/2016

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Tash Falkner



My relationship with subject Daughter of fellow lecturer

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Laura Harrington

My relationship with subject 3rd year at the time

Canon 5D lll, 85mm 1.2 @ f2.8, ISO 320, 160 sec, Omega reflector

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This is Tash, she very kind. was a subject in six classes for me. She was great, and put up with a lots of going back and forth and some crazy scenarios.



5D lll, 70-200 f2.8 @ 115mm @ 2.8, 400 ISO, 1/400 sec, no reflectors just fab light This is Laura (3rd yr student) who was part of a evening class shoot with my students, I’m sure she would say she was in the wrong place but the light was amazing and she looked just right in the location.


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02/04/2016 Toni Larsen

My relationship with subject

Past student/photographer/ friend

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 85mmm 1.2 @ 1.4, 1/1000sec, 160 ISO, daylight studio, one poly


Again past student darkens my door and becomes my subject. By this time in the project it had hit me that shooting portraits of past students was a great way to reconnect and honestly quite honoured that they trusted me to photograph them, plus it was always fun and talked about things from the past.



Konrad & Terri

My relationship with subject Student at the time and Partner

Base technical info

5D lll, 24-105 @ 105mm, f5, 125th, 100ISO


This image was part of a class on how to photograph couples and for me the main thing is to get the connection and love of the couple the rest is just lighting

Date of post 21/04/2016


Julie Davidson

My relationship with subject Past student/ artist

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 50mm 1.4, Ć’ 1.4, 1/800sec, 100 ISO


While out looking around in an artsupplies shop I bumped in to Julie and chatted and ended up talking about project,I had a camera in my bag so just went up in to the stair well of the building and found some light.


Date of post 01/05/2016


Rhys Robertson, Alexander Fails, Joaquim AdriĂ Pujol

My relationship with subject Brook Institute students, USA


Myself and two other lecturers worked with US students from the Brookes Institute, and so went out and about in Wellington at dusk and night doing a range of shoots, and of course, the odd environmental portrait. 34

Date of post 05/05/2016


Gembol Farrell, Mikal Carter

My relationship with subject Past students

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 100ISO, 1/800sec, Sigma 1.4 Art @f1.6


These guys are very talented artist; Gembol Farrell and Mikal Carter, shot while they worked on a very large mural across form where I work. Mikal also did my tattoo which was great to have that connection with the artist and he totally understood what I wanted.


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James Vernon

My relationship with subject Current student

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Canon 5Dlll Sigma 50mm 1.4 @ 1.4, 1/250sec, 100 ISO


This environmental portrait of James a first year student out and about on the street doing his thing. Good example of just seeing colour and shapes that go with the person, and all very quickly.


19/05/2016 Joyce Chen

My relationship with subject Brook Inst. Student

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, f4, 400ISO, 1/125 sec, 24-105mm lens @ 100mm


Joyce Chen is video documentary student from the Brookes Institute USA. Joyce hits me as a strong young documentary maker with something to say see was really into audio so I kept her headphones in as she had them on more times than not.

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Corinne Garner

My relationship with subject Fab student in class

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 24-105 @ 105mm, f5 MAR f8, 100ISO, 125th, 150cm octobox, poly fill, back light.


Corinne was shot in a class I did for a group of make up students around lighting. One of the students added a random shower curtain which was at hand ,boom done.


Jack MacKenzie

My relationship with subject Current Student

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 24-105mm @105mm, 150cm Octobox.


This week I shot 28 portraits, head shots of lots of students for NZIPP. While I was at it Jack Mackenzie came along for his head shot so took some time and changed the lighting to do a portrait, it was nice to do something spur of the moment. We were both in good moods and I think it shows.


Date of post 23/06/2016

Name Date of post 09/06/2016

My relationship with subject Photographer


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My relationship with subject



Cosplayer at Armagedon

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Canon G6, 3200ISO, f2.2 1/160th sec, 12.1mm


This weeks portrait is very different, shot at Armageddon in Wellington. Have no idea who this is, I was Cosplaying with my kids so getting pic of others was easy and fun (got photographed about 12 times myself). 38

Mandi Lynn

Canon 5D, 1600 ISO, 125 sec, f4.5, 24-105 @ 105mm. As a photographer you are always looking at the light and I found this little spot at shed 6 while a the NZIPP Iris Awards and Mandi just seemed the right person for that light.

Date of post 23/06/2016


Genevive Senekal

My relationship with subject Photographer and past student

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Canon 5D lll, 1600 ISO, f4, 1/200sec, 24-105 lens @105mm This weeks portrait of the week, was also shot at NZIPP on the Wellington waterfront at 5pm full of commuters. I wanted to show a calm moody feel to the portrait using the reflective light from the sky and the lines of the trees to flow with the pattern of Gen’s arms and hair. Again, put two element that I knew together as I knew Gen, then found the tree at that time of day and put them together.


Tiffany Shone

My relationship with subject Student at the time

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Polaroid 600SE, 300ISO peal-apart film


Tiffany turned up with her dog so just too much of a good chance to do a portrait. I have always loved Polaroid 39

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Grant “Buzz” Mathew

Dean Webster

My relationship with subject Past student, press photographer

Base technical info

Polaroid 600SE, 300ISO peal-apart film


Buzz came in for a chat and as it seemed to be the new thing to do I did a portrait of him, The Polaroid 600SE is called a press camera and as a photojournalist I thought is was the right camera to shoot him with, I wanted the camera to look equal with Buzz as it is a extension of him.


My relationship with subject Long term friend from way back

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Canon 5Dlll, 24-105 @ 70mm, f 4, 1/200sec, 400ISO, Omega reflector


This portrait I’d been want to do for a while regardless off the project, Dean is a interesting guy and I know this spot in his lounge well where the light crosses softly from the side in the morning but there is light created but gaps in the trees to give a back/hair light to give the image depth.

Date of post 28/07/2016

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Barry McGoldrick


My relationship with subject

Bridget Schaumann

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My relationship with subject Friend

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Canon 5D lll, 24-105 @ 105mm, f4, 1/100sec, 2500 ISO, lighting is 2 Lume cubes one in the book and one reflected of a Omega reflector with a little lamp light behind.

Long term friend & collegue

Polaroid 600se with 3000ISO Fuji film then second image is Canon 5Dlll with a Sigma 35mm Art lens a f4. 1/100sec, 2500ISO


My colleague Barry isn’t a fan of have his photo being taken so this very much portrays what he’s like, good guy and very talented artist. The inspection concept of images inside images is something I’d like to look into more.


This is my fab friend Bridget who is a librarian in Dunedin who was up for a visit and a few lite refreshments (no one said this project couldn’t be fun). 41

Date of post 04/08/2016


Eskdar Admasu

My relationship with subject Model

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Canon 5D lll, 85mm @ Ć’1.2, 1/500sec, 2000ISO


This is Eskadar who at the time was just new to Palmy and a photography friend connected us as she is keen to get in to modelling, and from this she has gone on to work with a wide range of people. The lighting is LED, front light is a small video styled light with venerable colour temperature so when I have added the other Lumecube lights I could vary the colour like gels , warm on face then cooler back lights and hair light. 42

Date of post 11/08/2016


Kame Parsons

My relationship with subject Music Lecturer & colleagueBase technical info

Canon 5D lll, 24-105mm @ 35mm, Ć’5, 1/60sec, 12800 ISO, four Lumecubes (inside piano as well)


Shot at the Globe Theatre for promo images for Kane’s one man musical comedy show. 43

Date of post 18/08/2016


Phil Andrews

My relationship with subject Stranger

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Canon 5Dlll, 100 ISO, 1/50000sec, sigma 50mm art lens at Ć’1.4


This is the awesome Phil, 80 years young, came across her while on a class field trip to Himatangi. She parked her beloved Viva across the parking area outside the local shop (trapped us in) as she had to check her mail box. Got to love small town NZ, had a good laugh. The other images are part of the days shooting around visual journalism and a action shot of me thanks to my students.


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Paige Holton

My relationship with subject Past student

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Canon 5D lll 24-105 @ 105, ƒ4.5, 800ISO, 1/125 sec


This shoot was interesting, had the ever lovely Paige Holton as my subject and stuck her up 3m to the celling of a cafe all because the light looked interesting up there. Paige was a great sport and balanced nicely on top of the ladder with style and grace, the owners of the cafe thought it was a bit odd.


Mackenzie Fabish

My relationship with subject Current Student

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Canon 700D, 50mm ƒ1.8 @ ƒ2.8, 100ISO, two light set up Bowens 1000, main light gridded modifier , back light with barn-door, ploy for fill.


Mackenzie was a first year degree student who bravely sat in a first year Diploma lighting class as the subject. I like the soft drama of the pose.


Date of post 08/09/2016


Vern Hughes

My relationship with subject Neighbour

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Canon 700D, ƒ3.5, 60th sec, 800 ISO, 18mm lens


My neighbour Vern, as he said “I’m not old yet, I’m not 90 till October” he is a awesome guy, lives alone but still works in his shed (he was a engineer) and gardens, and still drives (in his new car). The colour image is Vern to a tee, the B&W show how a small change can alter the communication of a image and what you think of the person. This image went on the win a silver at the NZIPP Iris Awards. 46

Date of post 15/09/2016


Samantha Matthews

My relationship with subject Past student/Photographer

Base technical info

Canon 5D III, 240105 @ 105mm, 2000ISO, 1/125sec, Ć’5.6


Sam Matthews kindly was my subject this week, shot at her photographic exhibition opening at Space Gallery in Wanganui. Sam does really interesting work http://samanthamatthews.co.nz/works, Sam works in a visual anthropological approach (retro). While driving back I took the opportunity to to do some documentary styled landscapes. 47

Date of post 29/09/2016


Orianna Bismark

Date of post 22/09/2016


Iain Scott

My relationship with subject Past student/Photographer

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Canon 5D lll, 85mm ƒ1.2 @ ƒ3.2, 1/200sec, 250ISO


Iain asked to be part of the project, and I’d just seen the light in the furniture design daylight studio so I thoght it would a good match as the light in the late afternoon come in in shafts and the far wall acts as a giant reflector. It was a hard decision what other element to add either his beloved Diana camera or banjo. 48

My relationship with subject Current Student

Base technical info

Tec Canon 5D IV, 85mm 1.2 @ 1.2, 320 ISO, 1/500 sec , AV, light is just diffused window light and a poly.


Ori very kindly stepped in to be portrait of the week as I must admit I stuffed up my other subject by confusing them with someone else (OK, senior moment ). I tried low key studio shot and then this high key which I think really works for Ori, it makes her eyes stand out. This was shot on a Canon 5D IV which had just been released so I had one from Canon to trial, shot with a 85mm 1.2 it is crazy sharp and the tonal range is awesome which for this kind of image is what it needs as I didn’t want too much contrast but still wanted it high key and the dark areas are lovely and smooth I didn’t have to “mess” with it to hold the tones.

Date of post 14/10/2016

Name Date of post 06/10/2016


Conal Tuohy & Sam Searle

My relationship with subject Brother in law and partner

Base technical info

Canon 5D IV, 24-105 lens @ 73mm, ƒ4, 1/800sec, 640 ISO

Leah Meacheam

My relationship with subject Past student and photographer

Base technical info

Canon 5D IV, 24-105mm @ 105mm, 6400 ISO, ƒ4, 1/60sec


This was shot in George Street at night market of Leah Meacheam who helped to start and run the night market. Shot a bunch of doco styled images as well.


This was totally unplanned, it’s my brother in-law Conal with his partner Sam. We were out and about and I just spotted a location and the light was just right so it was just a matter of “walk this way”.


Date of post

Date of post



20/10/2016 Ruben Parr

My relationship with subject

Staff member/short course student

Base technical info

Canon 700D, 50mm 1.8 @ Ć’2.8, 400 ISO, 1/160sec.


Ruben was my subject as this was shot in a class on daylight lighting for the intro to photography short course, had lots of fun. I really like the textures that relate between hoody and beard.



Owen Svensson, Lee Simons

My relationship with subject Staff

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 24-105mm @ 65mm, Ć’5, 1/640sec, 4000ISO


This was shot for promotional images for these guys training group called the Pebodies The main image is lit with Lumecubes in their hands to give that master of the universe look and contrasted nicely with the floaties.

Date of post 10/11/2016

Date of post


Olivia Thompson


My relationship with subject

Alex Tweedy

Base technical info

Past student



My relationship with subject Base technical info

Canon 5D III, Ć’5, 1/125sec, 1000 ISO, 8-15mm @15mm daylight and poly boards


I must admit I had no idea what I could do this particular week until Alex Tweedy walked in with his over sized cap. So rocked out the 8-15mm lens and had a hilarious little shoot.

Staff member, short course student Canon 5D lll, 85mm 1.2 lens @ 2.2, 1/400sec, 1000 ISO. Another crazy week at work with marking full on BUT I was able to take time out and so glad I did. Doing this project is so often just tonic I need in the week. So this week the very stylish and charming Olivia Thompson was my subject (at very short notice, and her colleague James may have shoved her under the bus a bit) . Daylight studio with double diffusers, one black poly left and back to darken background a little and one 45 degree as a fill light. 51

Date of post 17/11/2016


Susanna Chow

My relationship with subject Student at the time


Canon 5D lll, 100mm 2.8 @ Ć’2.8, 1/400, 640iso

Emma Snoxell

Base technical info



My relationship with subject

Shot while sitting around talking about end of year stuff at UCOL and as in so many other occasions the light was right and it was that time of the week, the location is a corner of a class and I just moved the black table to give depth and shape to the background.


Date of post


Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 85mm 1.2 @ 2.8, 1/400sec, 640 ISO.


Emma of Stage Door Cafe the home of my coffee addiction. She always has a smile and chat for everyone so it was impossible to resist doing a portrait. Daylight studio with poly reflectors and some white twigs just to add a foreground

Date of post

Date of post



My relationship with subject

My relationship with subject


Jason Naylor


Base technical info

Canon G16, ƒ4 15th sec 4000 ISO, fill flash, 6.1mm lens


Took a totally different tack this week while in Wellington being one of the 10 for NZIPP’S 1010-10 I took this image (and a little help from Nik) of Jason Naylor in one of his fave positions. Going for the post apocalyptic/ alien abduction vibe very Jason


Jeremy Hocquard Past student

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, ISO 640, 1/320sec, 70-200mm 2.8 @ 135, ƒ2.8


Was out and about at the food trucks thinking what will we have for dinner and I came across Jeremy Hocquard doing his thing with his wood fire pizzas (they are awesome). 53

Date of post 22/12/2016


Cindy McLaren

My relationship with subject Past student, past staff, friend

Base technical info

Canon 5D, 85mm 1.2, 200ISO, 1/320 sec, Ć’2.2


My friend Cindy who a few months ago gave me the challenge to photograph her, so this is the result. We had so much fun and tried a range of lighting techniques. 54

Date of post 29/12/2016


Mark Kenyon

My relationship with subject Neighbour

Base technical info

Canon 5Dll, Sigma 35mm lens @ Ć’1.6, 100 ISO, 1/1000 sec


This is Mark my neighbour with his new toy, the shoot started as a study of the car but quickly turned into a portrait shoot.


Date of post

Date of post




Kyla Kenyon

My relationship with subject Neighbour and wife of Mark

Base technical info

5D lll, 160 ISO, 1/400sec, ƒ1.6 Sigma ƒ1.2.


This Portrait of the Week was the first for 2017, now in the third year of shooting. This week, not to be out done the lovely Kyla kindly sat for me (wife Mark from previous week, keeping it in the family) fun shoot in the car again. Spot metering and reflector to fill in shadows.


12/01/2017 Lish Koretz

My relationship with subject Past student

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 85mm 1.2 @ ƒ2m 1/320sec, 200ISO


With this shoot I had organised clothes and makeup. The location was chosen to match the colour pellete. The other elements were taken into consideration, the gate so it lead the eye to path but it’s so out of focus its only a suggestion, the basic concept was to be quite filmic in it’s style.

Date of post 20/01/2017


Lindy Harrison

Date of post

Long term friend


My relationship with subject Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, Sigma 50mm art lens @ ƒ1.4, 400 ISO, 1/800sec.


This is my long term friend (won’t say old friend) Lindy who I have photographed for over 28 years. This shoot is very Lindy outside with a horse. Having only a few colours makes you look at shapes so when it’s people you see eyes and so connect with them.

26/01/2017 Angeelique

My relationship with subject Model

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 24-105 @ 88mm, 100ISO, 1/125sec, ƒ8, large Octobox Bowens 1000.


A different take this week for portrait of the week, the FAB Angélique Lurie needed some pic’s in a hurry which in turn turned in to this shoot as well. I have known Angélique for a year or two but this is the first shoot we have managed to time when we are both free.


Date of post

Date of post



31/01/2017 Anu Sefton

My relationship with subject Past student and photographer

Base technical info

Canon 5D ll, 85mm ƒ1.2 @ 1.2, 320 ISO, 1/500 sec.


After a false start and quick action on her part, I photographed a photographer Anu, who started by offering here daughter (who I photographed a year ago as part of this project) then kindly “put” her hand up. We had a great fun shoot. Anu has a very artistic soul and while shooting a feeling of “Girl with pearl earring” (one of my favourite paintings) kind of thing happened.


09/02/2017 Hugh

My relationship with subject Stranger

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 24-105 @ 24mm, 800 ISO 1/40 sec, ƒ4


This week portrait was Hugh. He is a staff member at Wellington City Gallery with whom I had a great conversation about Cindy Sherman. Thought it was appropriate to photograph him in the gallery where he had to stand, did debate about having an edge of the images in the gallery but thought the little details like the white on white door and just a label said enough.

Date of post

Date of post




Stacey Strawbridge

My relationship with subject Past student

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 70-200 Ć’2.8 @ 2.8 & 200mm (to pull the background in) 640 ISO, 1/250 sec


Stacey (partner of an old family friend Benny) and I shot a dusk, who knew the side road in Longbern was such a great location. Sometime a much longer lens can change backgrounds by bring them close and out of focus. No reflectors but facing into the dusk light of the sunset.


Katherine van Bysterveldt

My relationship with subject Niece

Base technical info

Total available light, tec Canon 5D lll, ISO 6400, Ć’4, 30th sec with IS.


While in Auckland for work I had dinner with my niece Katherine , so while out and about we did a quick shoot on the step off K Road outside a jazz bar.


Date of post 02/03/2017


Alexander Hallag

My relationship with subject Photographer & friend

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 85mm 1.2 @ ƒ 1.2, 320 ISO, 1/400 sec.


Zoomed around town in the evening with Alex was fun, as doing this project is like going to the gym, don’t always have the energy to do it but once you do you feel so much better for it. So Alexander Hallag is a awesome photographer and all round good guy, you must check out his page and if you are lucky his book “The music is talking” https://www.facebook.com/themusicistalking?__mref=message_bubble


Date of post 09/03/2017


Date of post 16/03/2017


Wayne Baker

My relationship with subject

My relationship with subject

Base technical info

Base technical info

Coffee Dude Stranger

Canon 5D lll, 24-105 @ 24, 1250 ISO, 1/125 sec, ƒ4


In Auckland again, shot while getting coffee in New Market (good coffee) it’s a really small place with a lot of energy, I wanted to work the smallness of the place by making the cups look big.

Current student

Hasselblad HD50, ƒ4.8, 1/125, 100ISO, 50-100mm @ 100mm


Wayne is one of our students and the cool thing is this style he’s wearing he wears all the time. I always admire people with strong fashion as I’ve never been that bold. The look requires a classic Rembrandt styled lighting, I used a mirror to bounce light from a soft box to get soft but very narrow light. 61

Date of post 23/03/2017


Brittany Adams

My relationship with subject Past student

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 85mm @ ƒ 1.4, 1/250 sec, 100 ISO .



This is a great example of a simple background looking amazing, this is a wall is on the drive way in to the racecourse, trucks were driving pat about 3m’s away. I knew I’d get a great smile out of Brittany as she is such a positive person, it was more containing the laughter than anything else.

Date of post

Date of post




Skater dude

My relationship with subject Random stranger

Base technical info

Canon 5D l (yes rocking it old school) 28-105mm @ 28mm, 2000 ISO, ƒ4, shoot it kind of blind as the diopter was set for Jen’s my daughter eyes and so just rattled off 10 frame


A little different as it wasn’t planned at all, I was out with my daughters at the skate park in the CBD Wellington so Jen could shoot her school assignments on the skate culture. She very bravely approached these guys to see if she could photograph them staking (she only 16 and quiet) so they were all cool with it and she got some great shots. So I just had to sneak in there at the end note and shoot this guy, didn’t get his name as he skated off as soon as I had shot.


Kara Gresham

My relationship with subject Current Student

Base technical info

Canon 6D, 100mm ƒ2.8 @ ƒ 2.8, 1/125sec, 640 ISO, and finished on with Nik silver effects.


Kara very kindly posed for my second year class on day light shooting on location using 5-in-1 reflectors, Omegas, and fill flash. This is just window light that is bouncing off a building across the road give a very diffused and big light, a little fill with a reflector.


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Date of post




Dieter Satimann

My relationship with subject Photographer

Base technical info

Canon 6D 24-105 @ 50mm, ƒ11, 1/40sec (slow sync to get dusk sky to show up) 640 IS, lighting portable studio flash with shoot through brolly.


Dieter was shoot as part of a evening shot workshop, we got some cool results and good chance for students to have a play with mixed lighting and shoot at the golden hour (just as the sun goes down)



Emmylou Maybey

My relationship with subject Friend of student

Base technical info

Canon 6D, 100mm lens @ ƒ 3.2, 1/320 sec, 640 ISO


Emmylou very kindly steeped in to being our model in a shoot (she got “charmed’ into it). This is a good example of golden hour light where the sun has just gone down, the colour temperature is still warm, the volume of light is good. Having higher ISO ranges has add time on to this period of shooting time.

Date of post 04/05/2017


Craig Walte

My relationship with subject Partner of friend

Base technical info

Polaroid Automatic 320 Land camera, Fuji HP100 film

Comment Date of post 27/04/2017


Rosie Duxfield

Was out on Sunday with my trusty Polaroid 320 with the last of my Fuji FP100 (4 frames) and while having a catch up the Craig Waite I thought what a great opportunity to do a portrait. Rocking the old school vibe

My relationship with subject Past student

Base technical info

Canon 5D l, 28-105mm @ 90mm, Ć’5.6, 1/125sec, 100ISO


The lighting is a speedlight flash with a trigger from behind aimed into reflector in-front , the low ISO mean that the background goes darker even though it was a bright lit gym. Rosie is a very good Thai kickboxer. 65

Date of post 18/05/2017

Name Date of post 11/05/2017


Aidan Pedley

My relationship with subject Partner of friend

Base technical info

Canon M5 (mirrorless) 100ISO, ƒ6.3, 1/60 sec, 45mm, with 600EX with TTL cable


Aidan was taken a little by surprise as he was being photographed by a friend of mine that I also was also one subjects. His style stood out so and with a little off-camera flash to create contrast in the image. 66

Destiny Cameron

My relationship with subject Model of student

Base technical info

Canon 6D, 24-105 @ 105mm, ƒ7.1, 100 ISO, two three Bowen 1000 two on background and one with a large Octobox


This shoot I kind of high-jacked a student model while I was helping her with her shoot, pre make up and with different light, I did a 5min shoot of Destiny Cameron who very kindly played along. The foreground white is perspex so light would still pass through a little, Destiny’s top was moved around to look more drape like. The base exposure was over exposed by 1.5 stop but due to the softness of the light it doesn’t look blown out

Date of post 25/05/2017


Emily Moore, Rob Walker

My relationship with subject Students

Base technical info

Canon 5D III, 24-105 @ 82mm, ƒ4 1/100 sec, 1600 ISO (was a thunder storm at the time of shoot)


This shoot was a group effort, in other words I got my students to help, we like to call that “class” :) Thanks to Emily Rob for their starring rolls, Oak and Evan with lighting. I was two storeys up quite a few people didn’t know what was going with these people standing around still. I call this miniature love. I promised if it went well I’d enter it in NZIPP Irs Awards so I did and it received at silver award.


Date of post 01/06/2017


Date of post

My relationship with subject


Amy Fowler

Past student and photographer

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 85mm @ Ć’3.2, 100 ISO, Bowens 1000 with a 150cm Octobox.



This shoot was awesome, not just because Amy was a great and willing subject, who understood the whole concept, it was the simplicity of the whole thing. From working in a simple location, one light and a reflector and the concept of just simple elegance in body language.


Morgan Michael

My relationship with subject Follower of Project

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 24-105 @ 80mm, Ć’7.1, 1/125sec, 100ISO, three light set up Octobox at front, back light, and light inside lampshade.


Morgan approached me about being part of the project so I took a which was great. We meet and I thought a supper soft high key image would work well for her

Date of post 14/06/2017


Summer Hunt

My relationship with subject Past student and photographer

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 85.mm, F1.8, 1/125, 100ISO, one light bare bulb behind poly so light was super diffused and almost non directional.


Summer had been posting on facebook some lovely selfies and I had been giving her cheek about that. She was practicing for a shoot with me, so it finally happened. With her 2yr old bundle of energy Vi being my assistant we shot and laughed, I ended up shooting Vi by lying on the floor making lion roars fortunately didn’t have to do that for Summer. 69

Date of post Date of post 22/06/2017


Mike Hill

My relationship with subject Friend and photographer

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 100ISO, ƒ2.8, 70-200 2.8 @ 70mm, 1/800 sec


My Pal Mike who I don’t get to see so much but is always fun and and he is a very inspiring person. With Mike you get what you see so I knew I had to be direct but I still wanted an image that was aesthetically interesting. Limited colour pallete and I reduce the amount of elements in the image so he stands out. In return, he did a portrait of me, great photographer and all round good bloke. 70



Jase Blair

My relationship with subject

Past student, friend, photographer

Base technical info

Canon G16, 2000ISO, ƒ2.5 1/125 sec, 20mm lens


This week was a totally random opportunity at the NZIPP Iris Awards dinner, this is my friend Jase. The light was crazy, so I decided to engage and take an art deco approach to it with an old-school photographic motif. This isn’t Jase in his natural environment, but a capture of that moment which was influenced by days of judging and a wine or two. The colour and contrast are from powerful stage LED lights which we had to stand in odd place to get but in context of being surrounded by a hundred photographers, but no one cared.

Date of post 06/07/2017


Amy Abrams

My relationship with subject

Stranger, daughter of woman who runs shop I shot in

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 85mm, Ć’ 2.5, 1/125sec, 100ISO


Lighting was a large softbox firing through a large scrim and shot through two Polys in front over exposed by a stop to keep it light. Amy was interesting to shoot as talking to her before the shoot, she showed two sides to her personality, one a little quite but then confident. So I feed of this to create these portraits which I couldn’t pick just one.


Date of post 13/07/2017


Jen Rotherham

My relationship with subject Daughter

Base technical info

Canon 5D lll, 85mm, ƒ2.2, 1/320sec, 320ISO


This is the last portrait in the project and one of the special ones as this is my eldest daughter Jen who I’d hadn’t photographed for a while. We both wanted to show here maturity and confidence. The lighting was so simple, non-directional light coming through the garage window with the car acting as a reflector 72

Technical approach The overall plan was not to have a pre-determined plan, so each week was something different. But, for all of that, I do have some ‘go-to’ gear and technical styles I like and that are my personal taste but based on years of shooting commercial and creative portraits:

Short DOF (depth-of-field or how much is in focus); the range that I think works best is from the nose to just before the ears (the f-stop isn’t important but the result is, and the lens length and distance to the subject will vary but in a range from ƒ1.2-ƒ5.6) so the face is sharp but the background is just blurred of shape or colour. ƒ1.4 at a distance

The other is a mid-range DOF (person sharp and background soft but distinguishable) EXAMPLE 2 having a sharpish background means that the background says something within the image or gives context to the person and what they are doing.

ƒ1.4 at a distance


ƒ 1.2 close


For portraits, I prefer a lens around 70mm-105mm. Too much longer and I can’t talk comfortably with the subject to much shorter and it can distort the face

85mm lens


I do use a wider lens (28mm-full frame) it’s to add a sense of space and or context one of my all time favourite lenses

In post-production, I adopt two approaches. Firstly, the ‘50/50 Rule’ (industry standard kind of approch) which means that ‘it could have been like that’. For example, if a shirt is sticking out in a odd way, I will reshape it. To lessen a scar on the face as if it had make-up on it, but not remove it completely as then it would not be that person. I want the best version of the person but still looking realistically like them so, not removing anything that is permanent

RAW file out of camera no adjustments a little cool colour form using diffuser.

RAW adjusted like colour tone, contrast, a little evening of skin.

Photo-shopped, tone downed a few marks, cloned out a few fairs, darken the edges to draw your eye to face


Secondly, when I have used post-production in a dramatic or stylistic way to portray a person in a way that enhances their character.

I shoot in RAW and so I do as much as I feel comfortable in Adobe Camera RAW before going into Photoshop. I like to do as much as I can in camera as there are no guarantees you will be able to fix it in post-production. I don’t like to be a slave to Photoshop to get good results. I often shoot with techniques in mind, not unlike when I was working with film.


Backgrounds and locations can be very simple. Frequently, people get frustrated as they can’t find ‘locations’ to shoot, but with portraiture in general, the background should be sympathetic to the subject either in its context or colour palette. Backgrounds don’t have to be large or glamorous, on location inside or outside, a small area of soft shape can look great when out of focus. Moving away from the background can help too. It is worth testing or ‘collecting’ backgrounds by taking out-of-focus shots to see the shapes and colours. In the studio, you have total control. For me, a studio is a space that I can control the light. I have used garages with just a block wall as background and over-exposed it so it is white; and also lounges, cafes, shops, offices, cars etc.


Light should be appropriate for the communication, which is a roundabout way of saying that the lighting should work for the person. Regarding for what to use, it doesn’t really matter. I like studio lights, speed lights (on-camera flash) and reflectors as I like to control the light,

They don’t have to be expensive; simple white core flute and diffusers made from frost cloth.

Overall, my technical thought is to use as high-end gear as you can as it offers more options. But fundamentally a good knowledge of how light, lens and exposure work in context to people, along with an interest in people is the key to producing good portraiture. 78



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