Open Letter November 2010

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CONTENTS 25th Foundation Day IGNOU 4 INFOCUS: concludes year-long Silver Jubilee Celebrations with Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit distributing Unique Identification Numbers to 12 selected learners

‘Education for All’ 6

FOUNDATION DAY LECTURE: IGNOU has bridged the gap between the haves and the have-nots in the country, says Oscar Fernandes, Rajya Sabha Member, while delivering the Foundation Day Lecture


IGNOU OPEN LETTER is Printed by Printek Grafix, 148-D, Pocket-F, GTB Enclave, Delhi-110093 and Published by Ravi Mohan, Chief Public Relations Officer, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi. New Delhi 110068. Ph: +91-11-29571000 (30 lines); +91-11-29535924-29 Fax: +91-11-29535933; E-mail: Managing Editor: Ravi Mohan Photos: Rajesh Sharma/Amlan Paliwal Advisory Council: Prof P.R. Ramanujam, Dr Latha Pillai Design and Production: IANS Publishing


FROMthe vice chancellor eaching and academic counselling in Open University and Distance Education institutes needs special orientation and training. Knowledge and expertise in the core discipline along with specialised training in the areas of academic counselling, student support activities, Information and Communication Technology, Self-Instructional Pedagogy and in the preparation of self-learning materials are inevitable for effective management of quality distance education programmes. Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system has undergone many changes during the last few decades. Developments in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have contributed to the tremendous growth in Open and Distance Learning worldwide. Training and continuing professional development of ODL functionaries are necessary for success of this system. All Full-Time and Part-Time functionaries, including the academic counsellors, have very significant roles in ensuring quality and maintaining standards. Generally, the open universities and distance learning institutes lend services of conventional teachers from universities, colleges, schools and also personnel attached to the industries, health, agriculture and defence sectors, and other non-government organisations, for purposes of academic counselling. Therefore, there is a need for professional orientation for academic counsellors in the concept, theory and practice of ODL. Academic Counsellor’s Training–Online (ACT-Online) is a programme designed by IGNOU specifically for those who are engaged in or wish to be engaged in the task of providing tutoring/counselling and other technology-mediated support to the distance learners. The ACT-Online is grounded in both the theory and practice of ODL. Some of the important topics covered under this programme are: ODL concept, models, development, student support, tutoring and counselling, importance of assignments, evaluation of assignment responses, development of study skills and self-learning, support to the educational disadvantaged students and the use of new technologies for student support. After this online training programme, the participants will be able to assimilate the concept of ODL, discuss the development of Distance Education (DE) in national and international levels, explain the nature, characteristics and importance of Self-Learning Materials in distance education, discuss importance of learner support in distance education, differentiate between counselling and tutoring, organise student support using various modes, conduct academic counselling sessions in learning centres, write tutor comments on the assignments responses, helps students to develop effective learning skills, organise support for disadvantaged and physically-challenged students, use modern computer operating system and specific powerpoint presentations for student support, interact through Internet and email, and to locate educational resources on the web. The programme trains the academic counsellors in organising their counselling sessions effectively for distance learners and engaging in-built activities to develop skills for tutoring and academic counselling. When the open university and distance education system has to contribute to the requirements for enhancing the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) by providing higher education opportunities for millions of students across the country, it is very necessary that quality teaching material and best student support systems are created. The purpose of this newly introduced Academic Counselors’ Training Programme, for which there is a very good response from the existing and prospective academic counsellors, is one of the capacity development programmes of the Staff Training and Research Institute of Distance Education (STRIDE) at IGNOU. STRIDE is also offering other programmes like PG Diplomas in E-learning (PGDEL), Distance Education (PGDDE) and a Master of Arts in Distance Education (MADE). STRIDE organises regular workshops and short-term training programmes for course writers, programme coordinators and teachers in ODL in the area of online learning, multimedia course materials, programme evaluation, quality assurance and research methodology. The availability of sufficient number of specifically trained teachers, academic counsellors and course writers across the country is crucial for ensuring quality and standards in the Distance Education System.


V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai


A time for CELEBRATION n 1985, it began its journey with a dream to make education an affordable commodity for the masses. Twenty-five years on, IGNOU has bettered expectations and translated that dream into a living reality. The University celebrated its 25th bir thday on November 19, 2010, in grand style. The other wise quiet campus came alive to welcome guests. People of all hues – young, old, children, differentlyabled – added to the energetic atmosphere. The University roads, bedecked with flowers and banners, brilliantly complemented the sea of visitors, donning colour ful attire for the occasion. The faces of each and ever y member of the IGNOU family rightly reflected the proud as well as emotional mood in the University. There was a silver year gift for the campus as well – a grand bronze statue of late Prime Minister Smt Indira Gandhi at the main gate. The day-long celebration ended in a delightful cultural evening, showcasing the heritage, culture and colours of India. The year-long Silver Jubilee celebrations have come to an end, but only to give way to an even more glorious future for IGNOU.n







6 1. The seven-feet-high bronze statue of Late Smt Indira Gandhi, designed by renowned sculptor Ram Sutar, at the entrance of the IGNOU campus in Maidan Garhi. 2. Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit inaugurating the statue. 3. A section of the audience, comprising students and academics, at the IGNOU Convention Centre. 4. University academics, staff and students enjoying high tea after the Foundation Day function. 5. Sheila Dikshit inaugurating IGNOU’s 25th Foundation Day celebrations. 6. A student of the University with his Unique Identification (UID) Number.


Chief Minister of Delhi Sheila Dikshit addressing the gathering at the 25th Foundation Day ceremony of IGNOU on November 19.

Foundation Day INFocus IGNOU concludes year-long Silver Jubilee Celebrations with Chief Minister of Delhi Sheila Dikshit distributing Unique Identification Numbers to 12 selected learners

programmes offered by the he Indira Gandhi National University are not just wide and Open University has not diverse, but also have a quality only completed 25 years that has bettered lives not just but has done so with personally, but also in terms of excellence. This was the thought contributing towards increasing that ruled the hearts and minds the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER). of everyone present at the IGNOU IGNOU has really done human Headquarters at Maidan Garhi, service.” New Delhi, on November 19. “IGNOU has The Chief Minister also Congratulating the University bettered lives not emphasised upon the need to on its 25th Foundation Day, just personally, inculcate skill management in Sheila Dikshit, Chief Minister of Delhi and the Chief Guest at the but also in terms India’s youth. “Our main focus of contributing should not only be to churn out function, said, “In the 25 years of its existence, IGNOU has towards increasing degree holders, but also to provide vocational and skill-based earned a name all over the the Gross world. This is because it has Enrollment Ratio education. India is full of talent, but we need to channelise this been able to achieve the in the country.” — Sheila Dikshit, talent so that people who have mammoth task of bringing light Chief Minister, Delhi the skills are not only able to to three million learners. All the



market their skills, but also generate products and services according to the standards of our fast developing economy, thus contributing towards the National Skills Mission,” she said.

Speaking on the occasion, also the birth anniversary of Late Former Prime Minister Smt Indira Gandhi, Vice Chancellor Professor V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai appreciated and recognised the contributions of the Government as well as international agencies in IGNOU’s journey to success. “IGNOU is a success story in democratising education and training. The vision of Smt Indira Gandhi and Shri Rajiv Gandhi has been embodied in the functions of IGNOU,” Prof Pillai said. While highlighting IGNOU’s objective of providing Education to All, Prof Pillai added that “We believe that deprivation of education is a serious crime. IGNOU has been partnering with several ministries, government departments and agencies to ensure that skill-based education reaches to Below the Poverty Line (BPL) learners. Such dynamic networking is necessary to achieve the goal of Education to All.” Three major initiatives were launched on the Foundation Day — IGNOU became the first educational institution in the country to offer Unique Identification Numbers (UID) to 12 students; a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between IGNOU and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) for starting a PG Diploma Programme in Bio-Ethics; and an MoU was signed between IGNOU and the National Museum Institute for promoting culture repository of museums. “IGNOU has become the first educational institution in the country to offer UID Numbers,” said the Vice Chancellor. Under the MoU with the National

Museum Institute of History of Art, Conservation and Museology (NMI), both the institutions will design and develop Certificate, Diploma and Degree programmes in subjects like Museology, Ancient and Medieval History, Visual and Performing Arts, Earth Sciences and Anthropology. “We have prepared an action plan to transform the National Museum and NMI into the most happening place for culture and heritage studies. This MoU will surely prove beneficial for learners interested in culture and heritage studies,” said Dr C.V. Ananda Bose, VC, NMI. Dr V.M. Katoch, Director General, ICMR, said, “IGNOU has just completed its 25 years, whereas ICMR is a 100-year-old institution. I am sure that this partnership between a 25-year-old and a 100-year-old will go a long way.” Earlier, as part of the Foundation Day celebrations, the Chief Minister unveiled a statue of Smt Indira Gandhi at the entrance of the University and released OpenLetter (Hindi), the monthly newsletter of IGNOU. Dikshit also promised that the Delhi government would build a two-kilometre road to connect the University with the Mehrauli-Badarpur Road. “It is unacceptable that a world-class university remains inaccessible to most owing to connectivity problem,” she said. Others present at the event included Oscar Fernandes, Rajya Sabha member; Freedom Fighter Shri Shashi Bhushan; officials from the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) and staff and students of IGNOU.n

IGNOU signs MoU with Unique Identification Authority of India I

Nandan Nilekani, Chairman, UIDAI and IGNOU Vice Chancellor Prof VN Rajasekharan Pillai, exchanging an MoU in New Delhi. US Tolia, Registrar (Administration), IGNOU, is at right.

GNOU has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) for implementation of the Unique Identification Numbers (UID) project. The MOU was signed between US Tolia, Registrar (Administration), IGNOU and Kim Kipgen, ADG, UIDAI, and exchanged between Nandan Nilekani, Chairman, UIDAI and Vice Chancellor Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai. Under this MoU, IGNOU and UIDAI will conduct Proof of Concept (POC) studies. The University will do a pilot test of the technology and the process of enrollment into the UID database and subsequently, the full roll-out of the UID project. The UID numbers will be linked to IGNOU’s students’ database. This would provide the facility of ‘Anytime, Anywhere, Anyhow’ learning. “IGNOU is planning to use this platform not only to cover rural population but also to distribute the benefits of education to its learners across the country,” said Prof Pillai.


Oscar Fernandes, Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, delivering the Foundation Day Lecture at IGNOU’s Convention Centre on November 19.

‘Education For All’ FOUNDATION DAY LECTURE IGNOU has bridged the gap between the Haves and the Have-nots in the country, says Oscar Fernandes, Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, while delivering the Foundation Day Lecture

a “Happy Bir thday” wish for ducation for All has IGNOU, Fernandes remembered become a reality with the role Smt Indira Gandhi and the enactment of the Shri Rajiv Gandhi played in Right to Education Act reforming education in the that envisages compulsor y countr y. education for children between “Shri Rajiv Gandhi felt that age 6-14. With this, any poor India should be on the top in child can now go on to excel in studies and get gainful “I wish every child the world map. To achieve employment. who has no means this, the first and foremost measure required was This was the crux of the to go to college Foundation Day Lecture should benefit from reforming education. Therefore, the idea of IGNOU delivered by Oscar Fernandes, IGNOU and hope as a distance learning Member of Parliament, that IGNOU’s institution was Rajya Sabha and Chairman, learner strength Committee on Human rises from 3 million conceptualised,” he said. “Today, there is a huge Resources Development, on to 30 million.” gap between those who want November 19. — Oscar Fernandes, MP, Rajya Sabha education, those who can Beginning his lecture with



afford education and the facilities required for education. We can create buildings, install computers and set up the infrastructure, but we don’t have quality teachers. Good teachers are a must for any educational institution to bring about a reform in education,” he added. IGNOU is here to fill this gap – between skill, education, knowledge and infrastructure, Fernandes stressed. “A lot more needs to be done in the area of research and doctoral studies. The technical education in India is suffering with only two percent of our workforce being technically qualified. A mere eight percent have acquired skills during their jobs. In order to increase this number to 50 percent, the

government is planning to open 50,000 vocational centres across the countr y,” he obser ved. Emphasising upon the need to provide education and skill to Below the Pover ty Line learners, Fernandes remarked, “The question is not to merely offer education to poor students, but to provide suppor t to their parents, so that they are able to send their children to school. With the passing of the Right to Education Act, any poor child can excel in studies and secure a bright future for himself/herself.” One of the major factors that makes poor children deprived of education is the constant migration of their parents. To address this issue, the government

has provided employment to around 50 million people in their own villages, thus reducing the migration rate and encouraging parents to send their children to school, he said. Stressing that India is an emerging nation and there is immense talent in our youth, Fernandes wished that there were many more institutions like IGNOU, which could bridge the gap between the Haves and Have-nots in the countr y. Concluding his lecture on an encouraging note, Fernandes said, “I wish ever y child who has no means to go to a college should benefit from an institution like IGNOU and sincerely hope that the IGNOU learner strength rises from 3 million to 30 million ver y soon.”n

Commemorative Envelope Released I GNOU has the ability of being a distance learning institution with a difference, remarked Rameshwari Handa, Chief Post Master General, Department of Post, Govt of India, while releasing a Commemorative Envelope to begin the Foundation Day Celebrations on November 19. The event, held at the Electronic and Media Production Centre (EMPC) and telecast live on Gyan Darshan, marked the beginning of the culmination of IGNOU’s year-long Silver Jubilee celebrations. While releasing the envelope, Handa said, “Setting up of IGNOU was a momentous occasion for India. Despite being a distance learning institution, IGNOU has been able to reduce the distance between learners. This is the hallmark of this University.” Handa also drew attention to the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in IGNOU’s operations through a wellequipped EMPC, 24-hour TV channel Gyan Darshan and radio channel Gyan Vani, and the SMS Alerts Service. While speaking about the various capacitybuilding and skill development programmes undertaken by IGNOU, particularly through collaboration with various government departments and agencies, Handa remarked, “IGNOU is being able to reach almost every body across the country through its tie ups with various ministries like Information Technology, Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Health, Home Affairs, Social Justice and Empowerment, Labour, Defence, External Affairs, Commerce, Women and Child Development, etc.” “This has resulted in a vast variety of learning and training resources, and has doubled the

(Photo top), VC Prof Pillai, Chief Post Master General Rameshwari Handa and Registrar (Administration), U.S. Tolia, after the release of the Commemorative Envelope on November 19; (Photo below), The envelope was released to mark IGNOU’s 25th Foundation Day.

educational and training module repository of the nation,” she added. Delivering his presidential address, VC Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai said, “IGNOU thanks the Department of Post for releasing the

Commemorative Envelope. We have made a request for a commemorative stamp also, and are hopeful that it will be issued in the days to come.” Registrar U.S. Tolia delivered the formal Vote of Thanks.n



COLOUR AND CULTURE From an orchestra by kids to children from the IGNOU creche dancing to the tunes of Wo Kisna Hai, from a yoga performance to a play depicting social problems in our society... the cultural evening was a delightful end to a day-long programme, marking the University’s 25th Foundation Day. On the occasion, VC Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai announced that IGNOU is planning to build a library for children at the campus.

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Children from the IGNOU Cr eche perform ing to the so ng

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12 Ideas for a Silver Year On November 19, 2009, IGNOU decided to start a year-long series of Silver Jubilee Lectures — a monthly event commencing from December 2009. Through this Lecture Series, renowned experts and practitioners from different streams and academic disciplines were invited to deliver talks on topics that broadly fell within the periphery of ‘Inclusion of The Excluded’ and/or ‘Education for the Marginalised’. Come, be a part of the journey pRof G.n. dEvY

‘SavE dYinG dialEctS’

‘dEmocRatiSation of litERatuRE’

‘mEdia out of touch With maSSES’

pRof namWaR SinGh

p. Sainath

EMINENT SCHOLAR Prof G.N. Devy opened the series with the first Silver Jubilee Lecture on ‘Aphasia, Amnesia and Inequalities: Narratives of Marginalisation’. “It is phonocide, with far more damaging effects than genocide,” warned Prof Devy while saying that despite more than 350 universities dotting the Indian education landscape today, the country has failed to stem the loss of regional languages and dialects.

OUR DEMOCRACY may be in danger, but democracy in literature is thriving. This was the thought that ruled the fourth Silver Jubilee Lecture, delivered by noted litterateur Prof Namwar Singh. The lecture, titled ‘The Democracy of Literature: Place of the Marginalised’, presented several examples from the writings of prominent Hindi writers like Nirala.

THE SEVENTH Silver Jubilee Lecture, titled ‘Mass Media: But where are the masses?’, underlined the massive gap existing between the genuine interests of the people and the issues covered by the media. While delivering the lecture, noted journalist P. Sainath said that commercialisation has brought about a drastic change in the priorities of the Indian mass media.

‘lEt SpEcial poWERS act REmain’

RESpEct thE ‘othER’

‘lEt aRt bRidGE thE Gap’

lt. GEn. muKESh SabhaRWal

nandita daS

malliKa SaRabhai

THE SECOND Silver Jubilee Lecture, titled ‘Internal Security in Jammu and Kashmir: Historical Perspective and Emerging Scenario’, focussed on the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act in Jammu and Kashmir. While delivering the lecture, Lt. Gen. Mukesh Sabharwal said, “Any dilution of protective laws for security forces could be damaging.”

DELIVERING THE fifth Silver Jubilee Lecture on ‘Identity and the Notion of the ‘Other’, actor-activist Nandita Das explored the prejudices and identities around the ‘other’ in terms of gender, religion and nationality. “In India, the political exploitation of identities is dangerous because it suppresses multiple identities and creates an artificial homogenous group identity,” Das said.

ROLE OF Arts in society is not just the icing on the cake, but on yeast, said dancerpolitician Dr Mallika Sarabhai while delivering the eighth Silver Jubilee Lecture, titled ‘Bringing Them into the Fold: Using the Arts to Bridge the Gap.’ “Sixty-two years after independence, injustice and gaps still exist in our society. We now need different solutions,” she said.

‘RESEaRch on policE REfoRmS’

Shun ‘ElitiSation’ in Education

‘dalitS EnRich indian litERatuRE’

dR KiRan bEdi

K. SanKaRanaRaYanan

dR u.R. ananthamuRthY

THE THIRD Silver Jubilee Lecture recommended IGNOU to start research on police reforms. While delivering the lecture on ‘Welfare, Preventive Policing and Helping the Helpless,’ former IPS officer Dr Kiran Bedi said, “Who researches policing? Does the research become public? No data is available on the police. IGNOU can play a major role in the field of police research.”

THE IDEA of inclusiveness of education should not be forgotten while aiming for a higher Gross Enrollment Ratio, said Maharashtra Governor K. Sankaranarayanan while delivering the sixth Silver Jubilee Lecture titled ‘Inclusive Education and Sustainable Growth.’ “Vocational education must be an integral part of our higher education strategy,” he said.

DALIT THEMES and narratives have enriched Indian literature to a great extent. This was the defining idea at the ninth Silver Jubilee Lecture, titled ‘Dalit Contribution to Indian Literature’, delivered by renowned Kannada writer Dr U.R. Ananthamurthy. “The spoken word is kept alive by the lowest of the low. Proverbs are like Vedas for the poor,” he said.

‘build an intEGRatEd StatE’ fR. abRaham lotha THE 10TH Silver Jubilee Lecture, delivered by eminent anthropologist Fr. Abraham Lotha, looked at the challenges that multi-ethnic states face to retain national integrity. The lecture was titled ‘Nations within


Nations: Living Dialogues on Governance and Culture.’ “India is a multi-ethnic state, which leads to tensions between ethnic groups and the Centre. The challenge is to realise that there are different ways of being a nation. Ethnic-driven states can co-exist and still not displace the national sovereign model. India must build an integrated state, which consists of strong ethnic identities as well as a strong national identity,” said Fr. Lotha.

iSRo’S futuRE thRuSt aREaS

‘Education vouchER SchEmE’

dR K. RadhaKRiShnan

GuRchaRan daS

EMINENT SCIENTIST and ISRO Chairman Dr K. Radhakrishnan delivered the 11th Silver Jubilee Lecture titled ‘ISRO Saga Forward.’ While elucidating upon ISRO’s vision for the next 20 years, Dr Radhakrishnan said that the organisation will focus on space applications, space exploration, space assets and access to space. “The major future thrust areas for ISRO will be in food and water security, weather and climate, environment and ecosystem, sustainable development, support for informed decision making, education and health care, skill development and rural communications, as well as disaster management. ISRO is working on GSAT 5P and RISAT-1, the satellite Aperture Radar, which enables the satellite to look at the earth even in the presence of cloud cover,” he said.

IN ORDER to make education available to all, the Government should issue ‘Education Vouchers’ to parents when a child is born. The parents should be able to use these vouchers to send their child to a government or private school, said noted author Gurcharan Das while delivering the 12th and concluding Silver Jubilee Lecture titled ‘Prosperity Will Spread But Happiness Will Not, Until We Fix Governance’ on November 16. “At present, there is a desperate need for education for even jobs that require low skills. India’s record in primary education is dismal. The dropout rate in government schools is as high as 90-94 percent. The percentage of students attending private schools in urban and rural areas is 54 percent and 24 percent respectively,” Das said.

Access to digitised information n its Silver Jubilee year, IGNOU also resolved to ensure free access to digitised information and knowledge through a Digital Library Network. The decision came at the Third International Conference of Digital Libraries 2010 (ICDL 2010), jointly convened by IGNOU and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). With the theme ‘Shaping the Information Paradigm,’ ICDL-2010, HRD Minister Kapil Sibal speaking at ICDL 2010, held from February 23-26, provided jointly organised by IGNOU and TERI. IGNOU an opportunity to showcase “The digitisation revolution should the scope and use of ICT and web-based move towards making the revolution userapplications to the entire range of Open friendly. There is already a fair use clause and Distance Learning (ODL) based which allows research institutions, technologies, which include e-learning, elibraries and educational institutions to publishing, open archives initiatives/open access material without violation of the educational resources, Open Distance Open Learning (ODOL), multimedia, virtual Copyright Act. However, what was now needed was a technology revolution akin support and e-resources management for to the mobile phone revolution, which distance learners and much more. changed the communication landscape While inaugurating the conference and the landline phone lost its sessions, HRD Minister Kapil Sibal stated importance,” Sibal said. that the real challenge in the decades to In his welcome address, Dr R.K. come is to develop a software, which Pachauri, Director General, TERI, New enables one to access the kind of Delhi, stressed that those who are in the information one wants.


business of creating and disseminating knowledge must remain abreast with current developments and leverage its potential, especially in an age when Information Archiving and Library Science are deeply influenced by IT. Underlining the role of his institution in promoting e-learning and development of digital libraries, VC Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai said, “IGNOU’s position in the educational scenario of the country is largely due to the systematic emphasis the University has taken over the years in continuous innovation and adoption of media and access technologies.” A total of 41 papers were presented during the conference, apart from Tutorial Sessions, Plenary and Technical Sessions, Panel Discussions, Poster Presentations and Product Presentations. The overall conclusion and recommendation of the Conference was the vital role that digital libraries play in lifelong learning, social inclusion, social networking, and societal development as well as in the overall development of all sectors of national economy.n



IGNOU honours 41 South Asian students

Winners of the ‘IGNOU-UNESCO SCIENCE OLYMPIAD 2010’ at the IGNOU Convention Centre on November 14.

ndira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) felicitated the winners of the ‘IGNOU-UNESCO SCIENCE OLYMPIAD 2010’ during an award function held at the Convention Centre on November 14. Forty-one students from India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives and Sri Lanka received medals, cash prizes and merit certificates for their outstanding performance in the Olympiad. They also received laptops from Intel. Five toppers received Awards of Excellence for their overall per formance.


They are: Md. H. Rahman, Hyderabad (1st rank), Chelvaniththilan Sivabalan, Jaffna (2nd rank), Jeevana Priya, Hyderabad (3rd rank), Govind K., Thiruvananthapuram (4th rank), and Ayush Singhal, Jaipur (5th rank). Apart from this, four students received the A.V. Rama Rao Subject Excellence Awards in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. A total of 4,384 students of the 11th grade participated in the Olympiad in August, of which 41 were selected for their

VC Prof Pillai awarding a merit certificate to a student as UNESCO President Davidson L. Hepburn (left) and A. Parsuramen, UNESCO Director (New Delhi) look on.


outstanding performance. Twenty-nine prize winners were from India and 12 were from other SAARC nations. “This is a first of a kind Olympiad that was held in the University and the response has been overwhelming. We have been actively supported by UNESCO in our effort to nurture young talent and we will make this an annual event,” VC Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai said. The UNESCO President Davidson L. Hepburn added, “This Olympiad is an added milestone to popularise science in South Asia. There is a need to demystify science and technology so that everybody can access it.” “It was a great experience, with so many students from different countries getting together. The test was difficult, but I enjoyed doing it a lot as it challenged and raised my standard of intelligence,” Minhazul Islam, a student from Bangladesh, said. “I prepared on my own and completed the syllabus in one month. It was a good test of my ability and I liked the whole experience,” said Mohammad Agha Arif from Afghanistan. The function coincided with India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s 121st birthday, 25th anniversary of IGNOU and 65th anniversary of UNESCO.n


Navy, Air Force next on IGNOU radar

The Industry-Employers’ Meet, one of the sessions at the National Meet of All IGNOU Community Colleges, in progress at the IGNOU Convention Centre.

he Community College Scheme of IGNOU will soon be extended to the Indian Navy and Indian Air Force for the benefit of the servicemen, ProVice Chancellor Dr Latha Pillai has announced. She was speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the National Meet of All IGNOU Community Colleges and Seminar, titled ‘Community College: Percept and Context with Reference to Tagore’s Concept of Community Development & International Perspectives,’ at the University’s Convention Centre on November 9-10. The event was jointly organised by the


IGNOU Community College Unit (CCU) and the National Centre for Innovations in Distance Education (NCIDE). It provided a forum for all the Community Colleges to interact with IGNOU faculty and members of the national expert committee. Highlighting the tremendous potential of the scheme, Dr Pillai said “The Haryana Government has earmarked a very imposing building on the Delhi-Jaipur Highway for starting a Community College. The Madhya Pradesh Govt has also decided to have Community Colleges in all districts as part of existing government colleges.” The National Meet was divided into five

Business sessions on Planning and Administration of Community Colleges; Academic Matters and Curriculum Design; Admission and Examinations; IndustryEmployers’ Meet; and Special Initiatives. The Industry-Employers’ meet, chaired by Dilip Chenoy, Chairman, National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), was instrumental in providing participants with a good exposure about the job opportunities available to pass-outs of the Community Colleges. The seminar on ‘Community Colleges: Percept and Context with Reference to Tagore’s Concept of Community Development and International Perspectives,’ was chaired by Prof Indranath Chowdhary. Dr Kiran Bedi, former IPS officer and the Chief Guest at the closing ceremony, said, “Every Panchayat in India should have a Community College. It is time that the Community College Movement assumes the form of a revolution.” Dr C.K. Ghosh, Nodal Officer, CCU, said, “The Community College Scheme, launched on July 4, 2009, has grown to include 449 Community Colleges and 1,615 Academic Programmes in one year. The total number of students admitted so far is 40,321. This shows that the concept of Community College is growing.”n

NEWSscan Diabetes training programme PR book translated in Hindi

Dr Hemlata on Govt panel

GNOU’s School of Health Sciences (SOHS) has signed an MoU with Hansa Med Cell of Hansa Vision Pvt. Ltd. to launch a Post-Graduate Diploma Programme in Diabetes Mellitus. The programme, to be launched from January 2011 session, will be open to medical graduates to enhance their knowledge and skills in the area of medical diabetology. SOHS and Hansa Med Cell will design and develop the programme with help from eminent diabetes specialists from across the country.n

r Hemlata, Dy. Director, National Centre for Disability Studies (NCDS) at IGNOU, has been appointed member of the Screening Committee for Dr Hemlata the National Awards for Welfare of Persons with Disabilities, 2010, conferred by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India. The Committee will submit its recommendation for National Awards under various categories.n



he unique guide on Public Relations titled ‘Public Relations: A Practical Guide,’ authored by IGNOU’s Chief PRO Ravi Mohan, has been recently translated into Hindi by Dr Subhash Chander Sharma, Assistant Registrar (Translation), School of Humanities. The original version of the book was released at the Delhi Book Fair in 2006. While releasing the Hindi version of the book on November 11, Arun Maheshwari, CEO, Vani Prakashan, stated that the book is based on unique PR case studies in various leading government organisations.n



IGNOU and Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology (IBAB) have signed an MoU to set up a joint Centre of Excellence in Bangalore and launch M.Sc. Programme in Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology.



Another first for IGNOU

New IGNOU website launched GNOU VC Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai launched the new website of the University at its Headquarters in New Delhi on October 13. The website is more student-friendly and interactive. It is divided into three main gateways: About IGNOU, Student Zone and Bulletin Board. Other unique features of the new website include flexibility for updating content. Respective Schools of IGNOU will be responsible for updating their content on the website. This is made possible through the use of the advanced content management system used in the new website, that is the Drupal Content Management system . Professor Pillai said, “The new website is a dynamic learning system, which will help our students use IGNOU services better.” Prof KR Srivathsan, Pro-VC, IGNOU, said “The new IGNOU website has the capability of a portal, not just a website. I see a future where the course material and other processes can be linked to IGNOU services like Student Registration Division (SRD).”


The induction programme for learners of Certificate in Organic Farming in progress at the Programme Study Centre (PSC), which has been set up by SOA within the University campus, on October 23.

n a first-of-its-kind move, the School of Agriculture (SOA) at the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has established a Programme Study Centre (PSC) for Certificate in Organic Farming (COF) within the School itself. The objective behind setting up the Study Centre is to give learners from Delhi and NCR an opportunity to enroll themselves in this innovative programme. The PSC will function on the lines of other Study Centres of the University. SOA will be responsible for the academic functions of the Study Centre, while Regional Centre Delhi 1 will take care of its administration. “Three part-time counsellors have been


‘Phone-in radio counselling’ for prisoners launched n a unique initiative, IGNOU and the Nagpur Central Jail have joined hands to launch a ‘phone-in radio counselling’ for jail inmates. Special classes in Sociology are already being broadcast at Gyanvani, the radio channel run by IGNOU’s Nagpur Regional Centre. “There are around 25 inmates pursuing Sociology course. Initially, we will be starting with this subject,” Nagpur Regional Director Dr P. Sivaswaroop said. “In case they have a query, they can convey it to the internal teacher in their classroom, who will further communicate it to the studio through telephone. The faculty in Gyanvani studio will instantly provide answers to the question,” he added.


empanelled to undertake theory and practical sessions of the programme. The practical sessions are conducted at the Horticulture Cell of the University. Till now, four theory and six counselling sessions have been conducted,” said Prof B.S. Hansra of SOA. An induction programme was organised for the learners of Certificate in Organic Farming at the IGNOU Headquarters on October 23. This is for the first time that a Study Centre has been set up within IGNOU. Till now, the University has set up over 3,500 Study Centres for its various programmes across the country and abroad.n

ERP for Back Office Automation n Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is an integrated computer-based application managing internal and external resources, including financial, materials, and human resource. ERP for back office automation of IGNOU T.K. Kaul. Headquarters is being accomplished by the ERP cell of Computer Division. The following two main modules of the ERP were selected for Back Office Automation in IGNOU as a first initiative towards introducing efficiency in the back office processes — PeopleSoft Financial & Supply Chain Management and PeopleSoft



Human Capital Management. At present, all Schools, Divisions, Centres and Units are doing their complete accounting transaction through this state-of-the-art technology, as reported by JD (ERP), Wg. Cdr. (Retd.) Arun Verma. Schools/Divisions/Centres/Units of the Headquarters have completed their end to end financial transactions in ERP and are ready to close their accounts electronically. T.K. Kaul, DR (F&A), ERP Nodal Officer for Finance and Accounts Division, says: “Implementation of ERP has made the system much transparent and integrated, and the staff computer savvy. Report generation is easier and quicker.”n

REGIONALroundup GNOU Regional Centre, Cochin and IGNOU Institute for Vocational Education and Training (IIVET), Shillong, jointly organised a National Workshop on the Martial Art Forms of Kerala and North East ‘Malabar meets Manipur’ at the S.K. Pottakkat Cultural Centre in Calicut, Kerala, on November 6-7, 2010. The title of the workshop, ‘Malabar meets Manipur’, was meant to be a cultural exchange programme in which martial art forms native to Manipur and Malabar were presented. The highlight of the workshop were the cultural evenings ‘Fusion’ and ‘Symphony’, which blended the music and dance traditions of the two regions.n


Malabar meets Manipur

(Clockwise from left), Participants demonstrating Kalaripayattu, a traditional form of martial art that originated in Kerala; Meghalaya Governor R.S. Mooshahary inaugurating the workshop; Participants demonstrating Thang-Ta, a martial art form of Manipur.

Evaluation Centre in Lucknow GNOU Vice Chancellor Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai inaugurated a Gyanvani FM Radio Station studio and the University’s Nor th Zone Evaluation Centre building in Lucknow on October 30. The Gyan Vani FM 105.6 MHz channel was dedicated to the nation in 2003 in New Delhi. A variety of programmes are being produced by Gyan Vani, Lucknow, for promotion of education through electronic media. “The new range of programmes will focus on music, culture, medicine, career guidance, educational opportunities in foreign universities, etc,” Prof Pillai said, adding that 90 percent programmes will be in Hindi and the rest in English. Amit Chatur vedi, Regional Director, Lucknow, said, “The Evaluation Centre has been built as par t of the decentralisation of evaluation system. Answer sheets of over two lakh students enrolled with IGNOU’s Nor th Zone would



Orientation programme for madrassa teachers GNOU Institute of Professional Competence and Advancement of Teachers (IIPCAT), Guwahati, organised an orientation programme for madrassa teachers of Nagaon and Morigaon district of Assam at Kampur College in Nagaon recently. The basic objective of the programme was to orient madrassa teachers in modern teaching methods in general curricular areas. A package of 17 modules was effectively implemented in this training programme. Some of the modules were Education-What is it?; Basics of Education; Teacher as facilitator; Madrassa education and its features; Madrassa education in the Indian context; Constructive pedagogy; Quality concerns; Teaching of Arabic, Maths, Science, English, EVS, Assamese; Classroom management; Soft skills; Wellness education and use of corporal punishment. A total of 45 madrassa teachers participated in the five-day orientation programme, coordinated by Prof D.S. Bhattachargee, Officer In-charge, IIPCAT.


VC Prof Pillai inaugurating the Evaluation Centre in Lucknow on October 30.

be evaluated here in Lucknow.” Earlier, the answer sheets were sent to Delhi for evaluation and the declaration of results took almost two months. “Now, as we have an evaluation centre in Lucknow, results of North Zone would be declared in a shorter period,” Chaturvedi said.n

IGNOU and the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) have launched Distance & E-Learning Programmes for Government Employees (DELPGE). One of the programmes being offered is Master’s in Distance and E- Learning.




Pro-VC Dr Choudhary passes away

Virtual Classrooms

r D.K. Choudhar y, Pro-Vice Chancellor of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, passed away on November 13. He was 62. A condolence meeting to mourn the untimely death of Dr Choudhar y was held at the University on November 15. Dr Choudhar y joined IGNOU as an Assistant Director in 1986. Within two years of joining the University, he was appointed Regional Director of the Delhi Regional Centre. Dr Choudhar y was also responsible for creating IGNOU’s basic regional ser vices network when he took over as Director (Regional Ser vices) in 1999. During his tenure of five years, IGNOU expanded its network of Study Centres from 381 to 1,500. Dr Choudhar y was appointed Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University in 2007 and was recently given a second term in the same position. “Dr Choudhar y was a ver y sincere and hardworking employee of the University. With his death, IGNOU has lost a ver y good worker. The University community deeply mourns his sudden and untimely demise and conveys its

April 2002: IGNOU signs MoU with Assam Rifles to provide student support services to the Assam Rifles personnel.




MoU with Assam Rifles

July 2002: Eminent space scientist Dr K. Kasturirangan delivers the Seventh Annual Prof G. Ram Reddy Memorial Lecture. September 2002: Delhi CM Sheila Dikshit inaugurates virtual classrooms in low literacy areas in India under the Women’s Empowerment Project, IGNOU. October 2002: A 12-member delegation from Cameroon University visits IGNOU. lIGNOU collaborates with Indian Council for Agricultural Research for Agriculture Education. lIGNOU signs MoU with the Directorate General

of Supplies & Disposals (DGS&D) for the supply of Paper and Art Card.

Dr D.K. Choudhary joined IGNOU as an Assistant Director in 1986.

hear tfelt condolences to the bereaved family. May his soul rest in peace,” said a condolence resolution adopted at the meeting. Prior to joining IGNOU, Dr Choudhar y worked at the Punjabi University, Patiala; University College, Kurukshetra; and the Directorate of Correspondence Courses, Kurukshetra University.n


November 2002: A high level delegation from the Ministry of Education, Afghanistan, visits IGNOU for exploring possibility of educational collaboration between India and Afghanistan. December 2002: IGNOU organises a two-day conference on ‘Borderless Open and Flexible Learning’ and sets up the SAARC Consortium of Open and Distance Learning (SACODiL).


Umiyam Lake, Shillong

Girl Child Labour – An Unfortunate Reality

Alexander Pope (1688- 1744)

Jatropha: The Generation Green Fuel

Mohiniattam: Dance of the Enchantress

Umiyam Lake, located in Shillong, serves as a major tourist attraction for Meghalaya. Apart from storing water for electricity generation, the lake also provides a large number of ecosystem services.

In most of the Indian industries, girls are recognised as unrecognised labourers because they are seen as Help and Supporters and not workers. Hence, this section remains almost totally unprotected by law.

Alexander Pope was an 18th century English poet, best known for his satirical verse and for his translation of Homer. Pope is famous for his use of the heroic couplet. His most famous works are ‘Essay on Man’ and ‘Essay on Criticism.’

Jatropha is a genus of approximately 175 succulent plants, shrubs and trees from the family Euphorbiaceae. Jatropha curcas is considered as one of the best candidates for future biodiesel production.

Mohiniattam is a traditional dance from Kerala, developed by the great Tamil dance master Vadivelu. The word ‘Mohiniattam’ literally means “dance of the enchantress.”

Rugby - A Barbarous Game

Customer Service Skills

Rugby is a style of football that originated from Rugby School in the United Kingdom. In the UK and Ireland, an old saying goes “Rugby is a game for barbarians played by gentlemen. Football is a game for gentlemen played by barbarians.”

Customer service skills is the collective term for those skills needed to successfully complete any customer interaction. Most jobs available for graduates are customer-centric and require some unique skill-sets.

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