Open letter april

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CONTENTS ‘Raise GER to 30%’ 6 CONVOCATION ADDRESS: Enrollment in higher education should expand to 40-45 mn from the mere 13 mn today, says Union HRD Minister Shri Kapil Sibal

Golden Stars 8

GOLDMEDALLISTS: These meritorious learners stand testimony to the impeccable impact the Open and Distance Learning mode has had on India’s education system





NEWS UPDATES..........14

GYAN DARSHAN..........16

IGNOU OPEN LETTER is Printed by Printek Grafix, 148-D, Pocket-F, GTB Enclave, Delhi-110093 and Published by Ravi Mohan, Chief Public Relations Officer, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi. New Delhi 110068. Ph: +91-11-29571000 (30 lines); +91-11-29535924-29 Fax: +91-11-29535933; E-mail: Managing Editor: Ravi Mohan Photos: Rajesh Sharma/Amlan Paliwal



he 2007 IGNOU scheme of providing University Education opportunities to maximum number of eligible students by making optimal utilisation of the existing infrastructure and intellectual capabilities of the best affiliated and autonomous colleges through the open university and distance education systems proved to be a successful and sustainable inter vention for enhancing the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in higher education in the countr y. The “Convergence Scheme”, as we call it, is a partnership between the nation-wide collegiate education system and the Indira Gandhi National Open University for sharing academic resources, for enhancing the quality and quantity of education deliver y. During the last three years, 20,798 Graduates and 17,080 PostGraduates completed the programmes successfully. The Scheme has an enrollment of over 7,000 learners in the Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme, thus enabling school dropouts to get back into the mainstream of higher education. The 480 colleges that participated in the scheme represent the best in the country. Some of them are Colleges of Excellence identified by the University Grants Commission. The Colleges lent the ser vices of about 5,000 teachers without conflict to their regular work. Classrooms, computer lab, librar y and laborator y facilities were given to these additionally admitted students in extra hours on working days and during weekends and holidays. The students under this scheme get the complete set of study material from IGNOU. The College is given freedom to increase the number of teaching hours depending upon the nature of the course and the requirements of the students. The students also get a campus feel and fair opportunity to interact with the regular students and teachers in the college. They also participate in extra-curricular, social and cultural activities in the college campus. Assessment, evaluation and result declaration are in the IGNOU Semester-Course-Credit pattern. The Convergence Scheme has the advantage of availing the best features of the conventional classroom teaching and the distinct benefits of the Self-learning-centered Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system. In this context, it is worth noting that in the preparation of the Self-Instructional Material for the ODL system, the expertise of a large number of teachers in the conventional, regular mode Universities and colleges is being used. In such a context, it is all the more relevant that these teachers also get an opportunity to deliver these educational material to more aspiring students with appropriate backing of the required classroom teaching, practicals, project work and significant campus presence. This is a clear case of optimal utilisation of the state-of-theart infrastructure and the rich and scarce academic resources for enhancing the quality and reach of higher education in the country. The scheme also gives an opportunity for the large number of teachers in our colleges to get exposed to the Open and Distance Teaching-Learning technologies. When all the Universities and Colleges get broadband connectivity and other educational technology facilities through the flagship schemes of the Government, like the National Mission of Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT) and National Knowledge Network (NKN), this experience with the ODL Technology-Enabled teaching and learning acquired through this innovative Convergence Scheme of IGNOU, adds to the much required ICT capacity-building of teachers. This scheme proposed by IGNOU in the 11th Plan has been accepted by the Planning Commission, even though the implementation details are yet to be finalised. Now this scheme is an exclusive project of the Indira Gandhi National Open University and has been running successfully for the last three years. Recently, a national-level expert committee has reviewed the entire scheme in terms of its impact on the Gross Enrollment Ratio, economic sustainability and quality. The results are really promising. While appreciating the extra efforts taken by the Principals and Teachers of these Colleges in working together with IGNOU for the success of this Scheme, I would request the Planning Commission, MHRD and the State Higher Education Departments to institutionalise this activity as a major quality intervention in higher education.

Advisory Council: Prof P.R. Ramanujam, Dr Latha Pillai

V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai Design and Production: IANS Publishing (


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When the campus was all smiles...


or most learners, convocation means bidding adieu to the institution. But things were different at the 22nd Convocation ceremony of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, held at its Maidan Garhi campus in New Delhi on April 2. Holding their head high in flowing black robes, learners of all hues — middle-aged executives, proud degree-holding mothers and young 20-somethings — remained every bit true to IGNOU’s mantra of Age No Bar, Place No Bar, Pace No Bar and infused great energy into the otherwise quiet campus. For most of them, the Convocation was a step towards acquiring a higher qualification from IGNOU. The University roads, bedecked with flowers and banners, brilliantly complemented the sea of students.

The faces of each and every member of the IGNOU family appropriately reflected the ecstatic as well as proud mood in the University. The mind-boggling numbers notwithstanding, the Convocation was testimony to great planning and execution with an interactive exhibition, tea and snacks stalls, and above all the air-conditioned pandal seating thousands. It made for a great shutterbug moment with the faculty, gold medallists and award winners posing for photographs. The event ended with lunch for the faculty and a warm high tea party for the gold medallists. They say ‘A perfect end to a great start’. But at IGNOU, it was just a sunny beginning leading to an even more brighter future ahead!


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VC Prof. V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai and Guest of Honour Prof. P.T. Manoharan along with Pro-VCs and IGNOU staff at the Convocation Ceremony.


Convocation Day 22nd Convocation 2,15,000 learners received Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates and 78 meritorious students were honoured with gold medals at the 22nd Convocation, organised at the Delhi Headquarters and 51 Regional Centres


n just four years, IGNOU has, in the face of stiff competition from both public and private institutions, almost trebled the number of students on its rolls from 1.1 million to about 3.5 million,” emphasised Vice Chancellor Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai while inaugurating the University’s 22nd Convocation Ceremony on April 2. Addressing a large and diverse gathering at the University’s Headquarters in New Delhi and the 51 Regional Centres that joined the ceremony via videoconferencing, Prof Pillai said that flexibility and innovation are the keystones of IGNOU’s achievements and its emergence as the world’s largest university — a fact confirmed by a Wikipedia listing of 61 top universities in the world by student enrollment.


“The IGNOU success stor y has been made possible due to its huge national and international reach, wide range of academic programmes, flexible entr y qualifications, diverse learner groups, walk-in admissions and examinations, and modular programmes based on a credit system, among others,” he said, while welcoming Chief Guest Shri Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Human Resource Development; Guest of Honour Prof P.T. Manoharan, eminent scientist and the Sir C.V. Raman Chair Professor at IGNOU; Guests of Honour at the 51 Regional Centres across the countr y; Pro-Vice Chancellors; Members of the Board of Management, Academic Council and the Planning Board; Directors of the 21 Schools of Study; gold medallists in their respective fields of study; recipients of

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degrees, diplomas and cer tificates; IGNOU faculty and mediapersons. Over 2.15 lakh learners received Degrees, Diplomas and Cer tificates at the 22nd Convocation, telecast live on Gyan Darshan TV channel and broadcast by over 30 Gyan Vani radio channels. While delivering the Convocation Address via videoconferencing, Sibal said he has set his sights on increasing the countr y’s Gross Enrollment Ratio to global standards by 2020. “I am setting sights to raise it to the global average by 2020, which, by then, will be around 30 percent. It will mean that the enrollment should expand to 40-45 million from the mere 13 million today,” he said. Prof Manoharan delivered the Guest of Honour address and emphasised upon the impor tance of science education. The golden moment came when 78 learners were honoured with gold medals. Apart from this, six gold medals were awarded in special categories like Best Research Paper, Best Service Centre, Best Overseas Partner Institution, etc.; two cash awards of `10,000 each (Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia, or CEMCA, and the Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam award); Prof. Ram Reddy Memorial Gold Medal award and Prof. Grover Award (for the best among the physically-handicapped meritorious students), were presented by Prof Manoharan. Calling the Silver Jubilee Year an opportunity for introspection on the events and experiences of the past 25 years of the existence of IGNOU, the VC said that the objective now is to consolidate the existing

activities and move towards introducing new and innovative projects. “IGNOU’s approach will be to design learning and training modules, courses and programmes through which learners can pay skills providers directly, and make the knowledge and skill acquired bankable through testing and cer tification, conver ting them into diplomas, higher diplomas, associate degrees and degrees,” Prof Pillai said, adding that the University continues to usher in innovative initiatives and combinations such as Expansion in OnCampus Programmes; Major Strides through Community Colleges; Multimodal Education Deliver y; Vocational Education and Training; International Collaborative Programmes in the Disability Sector; Application of ICTs in

IN FIGURES 2,15,000 learners received Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates

44,926 received Bachelor’s Degree 20,775 received Master’s Degree 59,042 received Diplomas 90,618 received Certificates 3 received Doctor of Philosophy Degrees

78 received Gold Medals for topping their respective fields of study

Education and Training; and On-Demand examinations, among others. Prof Pillai also highlighted the activities of the various Schools, Centres, Divisions, Chairs of Study and Units of the University. “In the past four years, IGNOU has been able to reach out to multitudes of learners because of our ability to forge unconventional and rewarding alliances. The University has collaborated with public and private institutions in education at the state and national levels, as well as other sectors such as technology, health, IT, management and science. Fruitful collaborations have been achieved in the social sector as well. Such collaborations have enabled the University to optimally use state-of-thear t facilities available with these institutions that would have other wise remained under-utilised. Collaborations have enabled the University to reach the unreached, and take education to the doorsteps of ever y learner,” Prof Pillai remarked. As par t of the initiatives to promote GER, IGNOU has identified 120 districts with GER between 3.0 and 7.0 (excluding 8 districts having no higher education setup), where the University can tap the prospective learners in the age group of 18-23 (the age group that contributes towards enhancing GER in higher education), he added. In the skill development sector, certain measures have been suggested. These are: access and equity to the stakeholders in general and in the Educationally Backward Districts (EBD) in par ticular; facilitation of an inter face among academicians and faculties and the grassroot-level craftspersons and workers active in EBDs; implementation of the models of integrated education and equipping students to face challenges of the global world, the Vice Chancellor said. “IGNOU has a key role in creating 500 million certified technicians and skilled workers by 2020. In this context, 20102020 has been declared as the ‘Decade of Innovation’ by the Government. IGNOU, with its countr y-wide network of Study Centres, has the greatest potential in the country to address the issue of skill deficit in Indian youth,” Prof Pillai concluded. The University also organised an exhibition representing 21 Schools of Study. The highlights of the exhibition were stalls from various NGOs/par tner institutions.■

HALL OF FAME: Some of the gold medallists at the Convocation ceremony.


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Hon’ble Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Shri Kapil Sibal, delivering the Convocation Address via videoconferencing.


Enrollment in higher education should expand to 40-45 million from the mere 13 million today, says Union HRD Minister Shri Kapil Sibal in his Convocation Address

he Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in higher education is presently hovering at a mere 13 percent in our country, 10 percent below the world average. I’m setting sights to raise it to the global average by 2020, which, by then, will be around 30 percent.” “This means that enrollment in higher education should expand to 40-45 million from the mere 13 million today,” stressed Shri Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Human Resource Development, while delivering the Convocation Address at the 22nd Convocation Ceremony held at the IGNOU Headquarters in New Delhi on April 2. How to achieve this mammoth yet achievable task of 30 percent GER?


“Via ‘Distance Education’. It’s becoming increasingly popular as economic forces encourage, and new technologies facilitate, its spread. The convergence of communications and computing technologies is rewriting the possibilities for distance education, both in terms of capabilities and cost.” “Distance education has become popular because it offers people from rural, working class communities access to higher education. We are targeting an enrollment of at least seven million students, with a majority from the disadvantaged sections and locations, in the next few years,” the Union Minister added. The “new” demand for higher education

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Gold Medallists

in India has come mainly from two groups — a “rising” lower-middle class and women. These sections will continue to fuel demand for higher education and will be fighting for more places to provide quality education, he added. “Open and Distance Learning must, apart from access, also provide quality education, not only in the matter of

academic material, but also in the field of skill development. Education is not just the absorption of knowledge. It is important to create an environment and a framework through which acquisition of knowledge and skills go hand in hand, thus empowering our young men and women to use that knowledge for productive activities.” “If we allow Distance Education to be used as an effective and alternative tool to formal education, the horizons of Distance Education and Open Educational Resources will expand exponentially,” he added. On the use of new technologies in the ODL system, he said: “We need to invest much more in these technologies and develop new teaching methodologies, which will enable us access to complex Educational Resources necessar y for enhancing excellence in the field of Distance Education. The absence of adequate faculty, both at the tertiary level can well be compensated not only through Distance Learning Programmes, but also through interactive teaching, where technology is an appropriate enabler.” Congratulating the graduating class of the year 2011, Shri Sibal concluded: “Young minds like you have a great responsibility on your shoulders. I would like all of you to see yourself as agents of change for a New India. The goal of capturing ‘knowledge leadership’ for India is realisable in your lifetime. You are graduating at the most appropriate time for shaping such a knowledge-driven India. You can make this dream a reality. To achieve this, you have to follow a few simple, but profound principles. That is, never compromise on excellence. Never give up. And convert every adversity into opportunity.”

Sibal launches OpenLetter website Shri Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Human Resource Development (HRD), launching the newlydesigned OpenLetter website ( as Vice Chancellor Prof. V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai looks on. Open Letter, IGNOU’s monthly newsletter, is the medium through which the University communicates with all its stakeholders — from faculty, students and administrative staff, to officials of the HRD Ministry and other academics and experts who contribute to IGNOU’s initiatives, both in India and abroad.

1. Bansant Kumar, SOSS, Patna 2. Shiv Kumar Jha, SOE, Patna 3. Sandeep Kumar Pathak, SOCE, Ranchi 4. Shyam Sundar Yadav, SOMS, Delhi 1 5. Puja Sharma, SOMS, Khanna 6. Sucharita Parija, SOCIS, Bhubaneswar 7. Rajkumar, SOMS, Delhi 1 8. Alia Hamed Ali, SOH, International 9. Wondwosen Dejene Amare, SOSS, International 10. Pushpa Kumari, SOH, Ranchi 11. Har Singh, SOSS, Delhi 2 12. Sheetu Raina, SOSS, Jammu 13. Beshir Shemsu Mohammed, SOSS, International 14. Mandakini Kumari, SOSS, Ranchi 15. Syed Shakeel Ul Rehman, SOSW, Srinagar 16. Satnam Singh, SOSS, Jammu 17. Mr. Arvind Balasubramanian, SOTHSM, International 18. Ramesh Kumar, SOITS, Lucknow 19. Amina Nooriya Vayal Parambath, SOH, International 20. Monika Gupta, SOCIS, Delhi 2 21. Ravpreet Singh, SOMS, Khanna 22. Divyadevi, SOE, Hyderabad 23. Ujjwal Grover, SOE, Lucknow 24. Ruchi Mehta, SOE, Delhi 1 25. Akansha Gupta, SOTHSSM, Delhi 1 26. Smriti Sinha, SOSS, Patna 27. Vidya Vijay Kadam, SOHS, Pune 28. Kalpana Tehlan, SOS, Delhi 1 29. Shaila Ali, SOSW, Srinagar 30. K. Gouri, SOET, Bhubaneswar 31. Veera Gloria, SOTHSSM, International 32. Khushboo Kapoor, SOJNMS, Jaipur 33. S. Harish Kumar, SOEDS, Trivandrum 34. Mohamed Fajer B., SOCIS, Cochin 35. Shashank Bhushan Singh, SOHS, Bhopal 36. Kiran, SOE, Delhi 1 37. Ishwar Mahadeo Bharti, SOSS, Pune 38. Kriti Shrivastava, SOS, Bhopal 39. Bishwa Raj Bajracharya, SOMS, International 40. Shefalika Ghosh Samaddar, SOITS, Delhi 2 41. Vishnuchand Zampani, SOHS, Hyderabad 42. Dr. Veena Doda, SOHS, Delhi 2 43. Thilakavathi R., SOMS, Chennai 44. Sneha Sayani, SOMS, Hyderabad 45. S. Raghavan, SOMS, Bangalore 46. Saurabh Aggarwal, SOL, Khanna 47. Sanjeev Saxena, SOET, Bhopal 48. Rashmi Mishra, SOHS, Delhi 2 49. B. Pallavi, SOMS, Hyderabad 50. Samta Sharma, SOMS, Jaipur 51. Gourav Sharma, SOVET, Delhi 1 52. Pratibha Kumari, SOCE, Darbhanga 53. Latha S., SOE, Cochin 54. Ajay Prasad, SOVET, Delhi 1 55. Sarvanand Tukaram, SOSW, Panaji 56. Rama Aggarwal, SOTST, Delhi 1 57. Rakkeeb K., SOJNMS, Cochin 58. Nitha K. Thomas, SOVET, Cochin 59. Maneesh Venugopal, SOVET, Cochin 60. Bhavika Mahendrabhai, SOET, Ahmedabad 61. R. Rajasekar, SOET, Delhi 1 62. Uma Shankar Sharma, SOSW, Aligarh 63. Hema V., SOVET, Bangalore 64. Narayanan V., SOET, Cochin 65. Sandipkumar B. Turakhiya, SOA, Ahmedabad 66. Ashok Kumar, SOET, Dehradun 67. Dhanalakshmi T., SOCE, Chennai 68. Subhash Chand Sharma, SOET, Bangalore 69. Vinay S., SOVET, Delhi 1 70. Rakesh Singh, SOMS, Army 71. Shreya Khatri, SOMS, Convergence Unit 72. Akshay Kumar, SOA, Aligarh 73. Anjli Kaushal, SOHS, Delhi 2 74. Chanchal Jaggi, SOCE, Khanna 75. Raju Saw, SOE, Ranchi 76. Dinesh Kumar, SOVET, Delhi 1 77. Lokesh Kumar Dewangan, SOTHSM, Raipur 78. Hari Pal Singh, SOA, Lucknow





1: Alia Hamed Ali of Jeddah receiving the Gold Medal for topping the Master of Arts (English) programme. 2: Amina Nooriya from Riyadh receiving the Gold Medal for topping the B.A. (English) programme. 3: Arvind Balasubramanian of Dubai receiving the Gold Medal for topping the M.A. in Tourism Management programme.



midst the sea of successful students who received Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates at IGNOU’s 22nd Convocation, there were some faces which stood out. They were easily distinguishable by the glittering gold medals that adorned their necks. We bring you some meritorious learners who stand testimony to the impeccable impact the Open and Distance Learning mode has had on India’s education system. It’s not new for Alia Hamed Ali of Jeddah. The mother of two has been a recipient of IGNOU’s gold medal in Bachelor of Arts (English) programme in 2008. This year, she was rewarded the honour for Master of Arts (English) programme. “After receiving two gold medals, I am motivated to get a third one. IGNOU has provided immense support to education, particularly girl education, in Jeddah. Once you have the will and determination, everything else seems easy,” says Alia. Amina Nooriya of Riyadh is speechless after being awarded the gold medal for B.A. (English). “IGNOU’s education is ageless. Anybody can fulfill their dream of completing higher education at this university,” says Amina. When Ashok Kumar, a clerk in the Indian Army, marched to the podium to receive his medal for Diploma in Civil Engineering, he knew that his life has changed. “After doing this course, I have been promoted to the post of Junior Engineer (Civil) in the Indian Army. I want to pursue more programmes from IGNOU,” says the 31-year-old. The success of these students will surely go a long way in conveying to others that Open Distance Learning has the potential to produce future leaders.


Army personnel Ashok Kumar receiving the Gold Medal for topping the Diploma in Civil Engineering programme.

Armyman Subhash Chand Sharma receiving the Gold Medal for topping the Diploma in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering programme.





n April 2, the University’s Convocation Day, 2,15,000 students received Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates at the University Headquarters in New Delhi and 51 Regional Centres (RC) across the country, which joined the ceremony via video-conferencing. Guest of Honour Prof P.T. Manoharan presented the Best Regional Centre Award to representatives from RC Cochin and RC Shillong. RC Madurai held the ceremony at KLN College of Engineering. Around 300 learners who secured distinction were awarded degrees by the Guest of Honour Prof S. Sudalaimuthu, Vice Chancellor, Alagappa University. In his address, Prof Sudalaimuthu emphasised on the need for quality distance education to increase the present enrollment in the Higher Education sector from 12 percent to 20 percent by the year 2020. He fur ther informed that IGNOU has an edge over other institutions by way of providing technology enabled learning through various means of Information and Communication technology. Dr P.S. Krishnan, Director, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Defence R&D Organisation (DRDO) Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India, was the Guest of Honour at RC Bangalore. Over 700 learners collected their Degrees/Diplomas/ Certificates at the convocation, held at Kovempu Kalakshetra, BIT Campus, Bangalore. RC Srinagar organised the convocation ceremony at the Government College for Women, Srinagar. Chief Guest Prof Abdul Wahid Qureshi, Vice Chancellor, Central University, Kashmir, said that IGNOU has provided learners a chance to explore a diverse range of subjects. He also congratulated Shaila Ali and Syed Shakeel-ul-Rehaman of Srinagar, who received Gold Medals at IGNOU Headquarters in New Delhi. RC Srinagar awarded Degrees/Diplomas/ Certificates to 1,904 eligible students. Abdul Gani Malik, Minister for Higher Education, Labour and Employment, Govt. of


J&K, graced the occasion at RC Jammu. He lauded the initiative of IGNOU to reach the rural and tribal areas, low literacy areas, physically challenged, jail inmates and government and non-government sectors where education through conventional system was not possible for many reasons. A total of 1,167 students were eligible for the award of Degrees/Diplomas/ Certificates at RC Jammu. While addressing the gathering at RC Nagpur, Chief Guest Dr Vilas Sapkal, Vice Chancellor, Nagpur University, said, “Distance education has made a great impact in our education system. Internationalisation of education is an important consideration for ever y country.” In his Convocation Address, Jnanpith award-winning poet O.N.V. Kurup, who was the Chief Guest at RC Thiruvananthapuram, said, “An IGNOU degree holds greater value, as the University caters to learners from each and every part of the country. The purpose of education is to make one a better human being. So those who win IGNOU degrees in science, technology or humanities, must pose better human values”. Congratulating the graduating students at RC Kohima, Chief Guest R. Tohanba, Parliamentary Secretary for Information & Public Relations and Economics & Statistics, Nagaland, lauded the efforts of the IGNOU fraternity for the achievements made in the field of Distance Education in the country. “Your success will convey to others that Open Distance Learning has successfully equipped you to face the future,” he told the learners.






t was a golden opportunity for students who wanted a genuine career counselling. The Directors of various schools of IGNOU were present at the stalls of their schools, answering students’ queries about career progression. Each school, from Humanities to Health Sciences and Foreign Languages, displayed its various programmes, and ensured full faculty presence. Not just the schools, but some Regional Centres too participated, and were there to answer questions. The various Divisions and Centres were also present in full force. Also on display were products made by students at various centres under special initiatives. Another counter displayed handicrafts work produced by inmates of Tihar Jail.


1: A learner receiving a degree from Prof. S. Sudalaimuthu, Vice Chancellor, Alagappa University, at the Convocation Ceremony held at RC Madurai. 2: A learner receiving a degree from Prof. A. Lakshminath, Vice Chancellor, Chanakya National Law University, Patna, at the Convocation Ceremony held at RC Patna. 3: Learners watching the Convocation Address by Chief Guest Shri Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Human Resource Development, at RC Madurai. 4: Abdul Gani Malik, Minister for Higher Education, Labour and Employment, Govt. of J&K, with learners at Regional Centre Jammu. 5: Prof. Devang V. Khakhar, Director, IIT-Mumbai, delivering the keynote address at the Convocation Ceremony at RC Mumbai.



ar Singh, a student of Master’s in Library and Information Science from School of Social Sciences (SOSS), who received a gold medal, is working as a Semi-Professional Assistant (SPA) at IGNOU’s Chandigarh Regional Centre. “Joining IGNOU completely changed my life. I earned Certificate in ICT from School of Computer and Information Sciences before joining the Bachelor’s Programme in Library and Information Science from SOSS. IGNOU course material also helped me clear UGC-NET exam in the first attempt.” Singh told OpenLetter.


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THE ACHIEVERS Where there is a will, there is a way. Five learners proved this saying by winning the most prestigious awards at the Convocation Ceremony, thus proving that IGNOU, with its unique blend of ODL and On-Campus modes of education, is quenching the thirst of knowledge of thousands of students across the country, as well as abroad

Mohammad Saderuddin (left), an M.Com. student from Kolkata, and Love Ashish Sharma from Delhi, receiving the ‘Prof. Grover Cash Award for the Best Among the Differently-Abled Meritorious Students.’ “IGNOU has made life so much simpler for someone like me, who cannot attend regular classes. I can now consider myself a part of the mainstream of society,” says Saderuddin, who now plans to pursue a Ph.D. from IGNOU.

Sucharita Parija from Bhubaneswar receiving the CEMCA Cash Award of `10,000 for the ‘Best Female Student in any Degree Programme Related to Information and Communication Technology.’

Shaila Ali from Srinagar receiving the Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Cash Award of `10,000 for the ‘Best Student in Bachelor's in Social Work Programme.’

Satnam Singh from Jammu receiving the ‘Prof Ram Reddy Memorial Medal Award’ for highest aggregate marks in any Master's Degree Programme in Social Sciences.


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‘Make bleeding Himalayas green’


he School of Extension and Development Studies (SOEDS) and Chair for Sustainable Development (CSD), IGNOU, have launched an online Leadership Programme on Himalayan Ecosystems (LPHECO) for scientists and policymakers working in the areas of agriculture, rural development, environmental science and sustainable development. While launching the programme, Dr Karan Singh, Member of Parliament, emphasised on the spiritual, ecological and environmental aspects of the Himalayas. “Unless there is involvement from Nepal, Bhutan, China, state governments of the Indian Himalayan region and Panchayati Raj institutions, there will be no concrete step taken towards the conservation of the Himalayas,” he said. Vice Chancellor Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai said, “These programmes should aim at advancing scientific knowledge, evolving integrated management strategies, demonstrating their efficacy for

VC Prof. Pillai, Dr. Karan Singh and Prof. M.S. Swaminathan at the launch of the programme.

conservation of natural resources and ensuring environmentally-sound development in the entire Indian Himalayan Region.” Noted agricultural scientist and CSD Chair Professor at IGNOU, Prof M.S. Swaminathan, underlined the key role that leadership from young scholars could play in

saving the Himalayas and subsequently transforming them from ‘Bleeding Himalayas’ to ‘Greening Himalayas’. The duration of the programme is minimum one month and maximum six months. Admissions will be available throughout the year.

CSD Programme on resurrecting Ganges


n out-of-the-box thinking, like redirecting city sewer lines to a treatment plant first and then let it mix with the river water, can save the Ganges from extensive pollution. These concerned words came from Dr D. Purandeswari, Minister of State for Human Resource Development, while launching the online ‘Appreciation Programme on Sustainable Management of Ganga — A Scientific Approach’ at the University campus in New Delhi on April 1. “Sustainability of the Ganga is something that not even a single citizen is unaware of. We are fortunate to contribute in the government’s activity of Ganga Action Plan and launch this online programme for increasing the awareness,” said VC Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai. “The industrial waste, waste water emanating from slums, religious mass bathings and an indiscriminate use of fertilisers are behind the pollution rise in Ganga river,” Dr Purandeswari added. “The Appreciation Programme would help develop major, inter-disciplinary activities of national relevance. This programme would strengthen the ongoing government

Dr. D. Purandeswari, MoS for Human Resource Development, launching the Appreciation Programme.

supported research programmes, activities of NGOs, industry and professional societies and the implementing agencies,” said Dr Manju Sharma, former secretary, Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India. “We should take services of NSS volunteers and universities situated along the banks of the river for its ecological development. The ‘Sustainability Audit’ Programme aims to teach the learners an audit system to maintain the green,” emphasised Prof M.S. Swaminathan, eminent agricultural scientist.



he CSD has entered into a pact with the Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural Histor y (SACON), an organisation under the Ministr y of Environment and Forests, to offer programmes in Environmental Impact Assessment and Ornithology. For more details about the CSD programmes, log on to


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‘Empowering Educators to Innovate’


hri Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Human Resource Development, launched IGNOU-Intel online Teach Programme titled ‘Empowering Educators to Innovate’ at the University’s 22nd Convocation Ceremony on April 2. The Programme is an initiative of the Sir C.V. Raman Chair for Science Education, headed by Prof. P.T. Manoharan. “This IGNOU-Intel collaboration will create new models of teaching and learning in areas other than science and maths, and help upgrade our capabilities,” said VC Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai. The objectives of the programme are to create student interest and enhance science learning in secondary schools by sharing innovative ICT integration usage models under Intel Teach; conduct capacity-building workshops for principals and teachers using relevant technology tools; support science and maths teachers in integrating ICT into teaching strategies using various Intel Teach curriculum assets; and promote and nurture an aptitude for scientific research amongst the students of selected schools by guiding them to create innovative science

Prof. P.T. Manoharan, Sir C.V. Raman Chair Professor, and VC Prof. Pillai releasing the IGNOU-Intel brochure at the 22nd Convocation.

projects and providing them with a platform to compete at national and international events, like IRIS National Fair and the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF).

IT Mass Literacy Programme website launched


he Department of Information Technology (DIT), Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Govt. of India, has constituted a Working Group on IT Mass Literacy Programme under the chairmanship of Vice Chancellor Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai. The Group has commenced its work by launching a website on IT Mass Literacy Programme. A link to the website has been provided on the IGNOU website. This website is envisaged to come out as a complete portal on the Programme for certification and feedback, and even to ascertain if a person is an e-literate. The objective of the website is to bring together all institutes/universities/ corporates/colleges offering IT programmes on one platform in order to generate statistics about IT literates. As per the Letter No. 1(7)/2010-HRD from the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Department of Information Technology (Human Resource Development Division), Government of India and the recommendations of the Standing Committee of Parliament for Department of IT, the website on IT Mass Literacy has been launched to maintain the data with

Learners during a STRIDE workshop on e-literacy at IGNOU.

regard to literacy rate in computers. There are many individuals who probably do not have a certification, but know how to work with the IT facilities at basic level for information interchange or for their knowledge enhancement. Hence, there is a need to define standards, so that a person bearing specific knowledge with some experience in IT applications can be called a certified IT professional for basic level. IGNOU offers a number of programmes related to IT such as Certificate in


Information Technology (CIT), Computer Literacy Programme (CLP), Certificate in PC Hardware and Networking (CPHN). The University also offers digital learning activities at, a one stop window catering to the learning needs of IGNOU learner community. eGyanKosh is the digital repository of programme-based learning content available in text and video formats. The EDUSAT Virtual Class provides links to all the online programmes of the University.

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‘Community Colleges convert students into believers’

‘A dream come true’


palliative care service in the hospital. ith an extremely poor family “Here I am! I received my cer tificate background and a tag of a with tears in my eyes. I am wor thy now school dropout, Tamil Selvi, and can support my family with an 18-year-old my salar y. Thanks to RMD girl, was forced to become a IGNOU Community College’s housemaid. Tamil, whose Palliative Care training, I feel mother works as a maid and unique. It is a dream come true brother is a coolie, never for me,” says an ecstatic Tamil. thought of a life beyond the “My confidence has gone up regular domestic chores, until as I have a job in hand now. I feel her employer spotted an special being a Palliative adver tisement in a Care Health Assistant. newspaper — ‘RMD “My confidence has IGNOU has provided me IGNOU COMMUNITY with the satisfaction of COLLEGE’. gone up and I feel helping the people who The RMD IGNOU worthy now. Most have gone beyond curative Community College importantly, I have stages such as patients provides flexible training gained respect, suffering from cancer and programmes in Palliative knowledge and other advanced diseases Care Health Assistant. and terminal illness. Most Despite her monitor y earning in spite of importantly, I have gained challenges and poor being a school dropout respect, knowledge and background, the and belonging to a earning in spite of being a Principal agreed to find poor family. ” school dropout and sponsors and Tamil got — Tamil Selvi, a learner belonging to a poor enrolled in the family,” she adds. programme. IGNOU runs the RMD IGNOU She successfully completed programme Community College in collaboration with and got a job in a tertiary hospital. Today, the RMD Pain & Palliative Care Trust in Tamil’s joy knows no boundaries as she Chennai. has been chosen as the team leader for


hile working in England aboard a Cruise liner a decade ago, I used to meet a lot of people who had completed their studies from Community Colleges and would wonder what exactly it was, as at that time, the concept was almost unheard of in India. On returning to India and working in the hospitality sector, I found that most hotels and restaurants in our country suffered from a dearth of skilled manpower, primarily because youngsters from the lower strata of society were unable to afford the prohibitive costs of a mainstream hotel management education. It was then that I began to seriously wonder how we could launch the community college concept in India and so, it was a definite delight when I found out that IGNOU had launched the Community College Scheme. Having been fortunate enough to partner our college with IGNOU in this venture, my personal experience has been that when I explain the details and benefits of the Community Colleges to prospective students and their parents, there is a great acceptance of it. They too realise that the students are a lucky lot and within no time, are converted into ‘believers’, so to speak, in this system of education. It is indeed a privilege for us at St. Mary’s Community College, Bangalore, to be associated with IGNOU. — GREGORY LOBO, CHAIRMAN, ST. MARY’S COMMUNITY COLLEGE, BANGALORE

63rd Regional Centre opens in Visakhapatnam


GNOU launched its 63rd Regional Centre in Visakhapatnam on March 29. The new RC was inaugurated by Minister of State for Human Resource Development Dr D. Purandeswari in the presence of Vice Chancellor Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai. “The distance mode of education would help the poor to acquire skills and also increase the overall literacy rate in the country,” Dr Purandeswari said. The Minister also requested Prof Pillai to set up a zonal office of IGNOU at Hyderabad. Others present at the event included Vizag Mayor Pulusu Janardhana Rao; Dr B.S. Sudhindra, Director, Regional Ser vices Division; Dr M. Krishnaiah, Regional Director, RC Vijayawada; and Ward Corporator P. Vijay Chander.

MoS for HRD Dr. D. Purandeswari inaugurating the Visakhapatnam Regional Centre on March 29.


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IGNOU celebrates Ambedkar Jayanti

Niyazi brothers and their group performing at the IGNOU Convention Centre on April 13.


r B.R. Ambedkar Chair on Social Change and Development, IGNOU, marked Babasaheb Ambedkar’s bir th anniversar y on April 13 with a special lecture by Planning Commission member Dr Syeda Hameed and a sufi qawwali per formance by Niyazi brothers. In her lecture, held at the IGNOU Convention Centre, Dr Hameed threw light on Dr Ambedkar’s observation about “equality in political life and inequality in social and economic life.” The Sufi qawwali performance paid tribute to Dr Ambedkar’s ideals of secularism and community.


M. Damodaran appointed BSE Chair Professor

Nautical Sciences


February, 2004: IGNOU inks MoU with the Directorate General of Shipping for launching Bachelor’s Programme in Nautical Sciences.

ndependent management consultant Meleveetil Damodaran has been appointed the Honorary Chair Professor of BSE Chair at IGNOU. He will be guiding the University’s Advanced Research in Finan- M. Damodaran. cial Markets. An IAS officer from the Manipur-Tripura cadre, Damodaran headed the Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) from Februar y 18, 2005 to Februar y 18, 2008. Damodaran worked as Joint Secretar y in the Ministr y of Finance, Banking Division, for five years, dealing with Government’s ownership functions of Public Sector Banks and being its inter face with Reser ve Bank of India (RBI). He also headed the Unit Trust of India and IDBI Bank. Both at IDBI Bank and UTI AMC, Damodaran won accolades for successfully bringing out the organisations from the brink of collapse.


SAF Scholarships

IGNOU collaborates with the National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities. March, 2004: IGNOU signs MoC with Tamil Virtual University for the establishment of a virtual university and further dissemination of knowledge. April, 2004: The South Asia Foundation (SAF)Madanjeet Singh Scholarships are launched. SAF allocates 6,000 scholarships in total, of which 3,000 scholarships are for IGNOU students. July, 2004: IGNOU partners with the World Intellectual Property Rights Organisation for studies in the area of Intellectual Property Rights.

Upcoming Events 1. IGNITE 2011 -- May 10 and May 12, Chandigarh and Jammu: Indira Gandhi National Open University will organise IGNITE 2011, a multi-city, inter-school quiz contest, in Chandigarh on May 10 and Jammu on May 12.


The Process of Photosynthesis

Thangka: The Holy Art of Tibet

Stress Management: Sinusitis

Estuaries - As Marine Ecosystem

Ek mulaqat: Iqbal Ahmed Khan Se

Photosynthesis is a process that converts carbon dioxide into organic compounds, especially sugars, using the energy from sunlight. Photosynthesis occurs in plants, algae, and many species of bacteria.

A Thangka is a Tibetan silk painting with embroidery, usually depicting a Buddhist deity, famous scene, or mandala of some sort. To Buddhists these Tibetan religious paintings offer a beautiful manifest.

Stress Management is the amelioration of stress and chronic stress often for the purpose of improving everyday functioning. Stress produces symptoms which vary according to persons, situations, and severity.

An estuary is a partly enclosed coastal body of water with one or more rivers flowing into it. They are a dynamic ecosystem with a connection to the open sea through which the water enters accordingly to the rhythm of the tides.

Ustad Iqbal Ahmed Khan is an advocate of Hazrat Amir Khusro’s tradition of Indian music. A custodian of the Delhi gharana, he is well known for his versatile singing ability, and is also regarded as a champion of Indian music.

The Sarus Crane

Floriculture: Ornamental Plants

The Sarus Crane is a non-migratory crane found in parts of the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia and Australia. The tallest of the flying birds, standing at a height of up to 1.8 m they are conspicuous and iconic species of open wetlands.

Floriculture, or flower farming, is a discipline of horticulture concerned with the cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants for gardens and for floristry. The development of new varieties is a major occupation of floriculturists

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