2nd Round Applications LCPs 2016 AIESEC Ecuador

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APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS All applications need to be submit before 23:59 on tuesday October 7th of 2015 to https://podio.com/webforms/13274337/902087 Late submissions will be automatically rejected. The application must be sent in a zip file with a name in the following format: (NAME)_ LCP_Your LC_ Application2016.zip E.g. AlejandraEcheverrĂ­a_LCP_USFQ_Application2016.zip

The zip folder must contain the following documents: 16 Personalities; screenshot test result, PDF file: Link: http://www.16personalities.com Application Questionnaire, PDF file Link of Application video maximum 5 minutes telling us about the following points: a)personal introduction, b) AIESEC Experience, c) motivation to the roles and d) key strategies for your LC; PDF file. Endorsement Letter from someone who led you; PDF file Endorsement Letter from someone who you led; PDF file Endorsement Letter from someone who has worked with you; PDF file


Application Deadline- October 7th 2015 Announcement of applicants- October 8th 2015 Applicant Interviews- October 9th to October 11th 2015 Elections and announcement- October 17th 2015


- Aligns LC along one direction from planning to implementation - Facilitates LC planning and re-planning - Facilitates long- term planning and investments for the LC - Assesses the internal and external environment to guide strategic LC decisions - Aligns LC plans to AIESEC in Ecuador and AIESEC international - Regular and accurate financial statements, and long- term investment plans

Performance Management

- Monitors and divers overall LC performance - Steers LC towards growth, performance, and results - Tracks the Key Result Areas and Measures of Success of the LC - Prepares and publishes consolidated LC status reports - Troubleshoots LC issues and concerns - Absolute performance growth based on previous term (2015) - Relative performance growth based on previous term (2015) - No compendium or XPP violations and no open/ pending cases in the NCB/ ICB

Stakeholder Management

- Represents the LC with internal and external stakeholders (local, national, international) - Maintains and strengthens strategic local partnerships - Engages the LC´s Board of Advisers, AIESEC Alumni, and exchange participants - Ensures a healthy Local Committee brand and stable relationship with all stakeholders - Ensures that Local Committee operations are legally sound - Attendance in local and national conferences - Attendance in international conferences - Representation and presence in internal and external events

Local Committee Management

- Shapes overall LC culture - Ensures that the organizational design in place considers all relevant factors of the LC - Serves as check and balance for he LC finances ensuring long- term sustainability - Ensures proper people management and implementation of the LC Compendium - Ensures and oversees succession planning and proper transition to the next term - Retained Local Committee membership and voting status in AIESEC Ecuador - Updated and implemented LC compendium - Overall alignment of LC members to AIESEC - Overall member activity, retention rate and succession pipeline


EB Team Management

- Drives, manages and tracks EB performance - Facilities EB team meetings and decision- making discussions - Drives Executive Board synergy down to the LC - Facilitates individual team experiences and functional learning of the Executive Board - Develops and coaches Local Committee Vice Presidents personally and professionally - Strong and healthy working relationship within the EB - EB aligned in terms of team purpose, branding, identity and purpose - Regular Executive Board meetings, seminars and reports - Executive Board retention rate and succession pipeline

The above job description encapsulate the major functions that an LCP is expected to perform; however there are multiple additional functions which an LCP may need to perform. Additional roles and mandates will be clarified during the transition process as well. Successful Applicants will need to be familiar with: The AIESEC Way The most recent AIESEC in Ecuador National Compendium

Term Duration: 1 January 2016- 31 December 2016


Personal information Full name: Current role in AIESEC: Date of birth: Telephone: E-mail & AIESEC´s Mail: Skype Account: College/ Current/ Semester: ID Number: Nationality:


AIESEC Experience Please indicate all positions you held in AIESEC. Outline the main key responsibilities from the position and accomplishments you have achieved. Year

Key responsibilities and accomplishments


Personal Values List the top 3 values which matters to you as a person. Please provide your reasons. Values


APPLICATION QUESTIONNAIRE Area of experience Rate your experience in the areas above from 1 to 15. Being 1 the highest qualification and 15 the lowest. Outline also your past experiences as well in the area, and your result achieved during your past experiences. Your experience can be inside AIESEC out of it. Area Partnership and sales management Exchange Management Conference Facilitation Financial Management Strategic planning and execution Team management Member coaching Performance evaluation and results tracking Information and knowledge management Change management Purpose management Project management Control system External and internal communication


Result Achieved



1.What is your biggest motivation to apply for LCP in your LC? Please mention 3 key development areas that offer to you this role? 2.What does AIESEC mean for you as a person? 3.What is the most memorable team experience while you have been in AIESEC? And why you choose this experience? 4.What are your future plans? Describe your future path and tell us how the LCP position will help you achieving your planned goals?


Motivation 1.What is your vision for your LC next year? What legacy would you want to leave? 2.What is your understanding of the term leadership? Describe your leadership style and explain why it is suitable for your LC in its current state. LC Administration 1.Provide a detailed SWOT analysis of your LC. 2.What should be the focus areas of the LC for next year and what are the main strategies proposed to make them work? 3.Mention the strategies you are going to use to get the areas working in synergy between the operational and strategic ones. Exchange 1.What are the proposed targets for the programmes the LC offer during next year. Please justify the pertinence of each one, taking into account the following points: a) Membership volume & experience, b) Logistical Management, c) Stakeholders experience delivery, d) Supply and demand 2.What is missing in the exchange departments in your LC in order to generate more volume? Non- Exchange 1.Financial Management a.Define a financially sustainable LC. How do you envision your LC in your term respect to financial sustainability? 2.Talent Management a.How can your LC deliver relevant and impactful leadership experiences through our exchange programs and TXP? Please correlate it to the Leadership Development Model and inner- outer journey 3.Communications & Marketing a.Define the processes where Marketing plays a huge role. Is it marketing relevant in your entity now? How can it becomes relevant within the LC? b.What are the marketing strategies you propose for AIESEC to become the first choice youth organization in the city?

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